CCNP ROUTE 300-101 Practice Tests Many IT professionals are struggling to pass and get rank high in the certification exams. Taking the practice test is essential to your success in any IT certification exam. By doing the practice, you can identify your strong areas, as well as your weak areas too. This allows you to figure out where to put more time during your preparation and will help you to know how they are set up and the possible twists in the test formats. These days people are showing interest to find the best source for their CCNP Route Certification exam But most of them do not choose the right one for their exam preparation. So the key to your success is to choose a source that can provide quality training materials for the preparation of the CCNP Route 330–101 exams. Certexams is the right source that gives you validated training materials and CCNP Route 300-101 Exam Questions. These are made by certified professionals and answers are written by their certified experts to the highest standards of technical accuracy. It will have 300+ ccnp route exam sample questions with detailed answers that help the candidate to understand the answer quickly. This includes Multiple Choice, Drag-and-Drop, True/False, and Testlets type questions. Here are the areas of CCNP route test questions covered in the practice exams and help the candidates to understand the latest scenario of the CCNP route exam. • • • • • •
Network Principles 10% Layer 2 Technologies 10% Layer 3 Technologies 40% VPN Technologies 10% Infrastructure Security 10% Infrastructure Services 20%
About CCNP Route Certification Exam: Cisco CCNP Route 300–101 exam is one of the three exams that need to pass to get CCNP Certification. It tests one's ability to use advanced IP addressing and routing to implement scalable and highly secure Cisco routers connected to LANs, WANs, and Ipv6. It is a 120-minute long exam contains that 45–65 questions. You’ll face question types that may include multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, simlet, testlet, and Performance-based questions. Note: Cisco announced that ccnp certification exams are going change after 24 Feb 2020, If you started to study for any current ccnp certification exam and want to take the certification in that make sure to complete it on or before 23 feb 2020. The new certification exams will go live on 24 feb 2020. For more about to know the details Go through the cisco cert official website.
About CertExams: Certexams is the leading provider of practice tests and network simulators for IT certifications like Cisco, CompTIA, Juniper and few more. Network simulators offers lab exercises and practice test includes Multiple Choice, Drag-and-Drop, True/False, Simlets and Testlets type questions. Disclaimer: is neither associated nor affiliated with Cisco® or any other company. CCNA™, CCNP™, CCDA™, CCNA Security™ are trademarks of Cisco® and duly acknowledged.