How To Prepare For CCNA Exam At Home
Before we begin our main topic of discussion we will remember the changes taking place in the CCNA 200-125 routng and switching exam afer 23 February 2020. If you have just started working for the current CCNA certicatonn go ahead. You have untl February 23n 2020 to complete your current CCNA. The new CCNA 200-301 will go live on 24 February 2020 on-wards and the new CCNA exam will give you the foundaton you need to take your career in any directon. CCNA certicaton covers the topicsn including: •Network Fundamentals •Network Access •IP Connectvity •IP Services •Security Fundamentals •Automaton and Programmability Let's get start discussion on our topicn Preparing for CCNA certicaton through selflearning depends on how you are spending your tmen efort and most importantly how much you practced. If you are working in the networking domain or having experience and currently preparing for ccna is not that difcultn if you are a fresher or beginner need to keep your career in networking then you have to put more concentraton to get certied. As of my knowledgen I'll share some tps for preparaton success. Tips for making your ccna exam success: Firstlyn know the challenges you are going to face to get success in CCNA and try to overcome it. Once you started your preparaton never give it up. Know and collect the materials for all ccna topics that help you in the preparaton. Create your own study plan: Without planning getng success is not possible every tme son create a study plan as per your convenience based on the exam Find the best preparaton methods that suit you: Use your past learning experiences to help you choose the method that will help you prepare beter. Prepare each topic: Prepare every small topic clearly and put a bit of interest in the topics which you felt difcult. revise the topics once the completon of the study.
Take the help of the CCNA Practce Tests: Writng practce exams before writng the actual test are the best way to test yourselfn It helps you to know how much you are ready to take the real test. This is not only about having a good grasp on the subject but also knowing how structured the questons are and how real exam surroundings simulates. Certexams is a well-known site that is ofering ccna certification practice test and lab simulators. The practce tests will have more than 500 ccna routng and switching test questons with detailed answers. The CCNA test simulator is the best in its classn considering the following features of ccna exam simulator: •Multple Choice single/mmultple answers •Simlets •Testlets •Router Simulatons About Certexams: As I said earlier certexams is the famous website that ofers network simulatorsn lab simulators and exam simulators for IT certicatons like ciscon comptan junipern pmpn and others. Each product in certexams designed based on the new objectves of the relevant examn tested and veriied by the experts in the ield. Disclaimer: is neither associated nor afliated with Cisco® Systems, Inc. or any other company. CCNA™ is trademarks of Cisco® Systems and duly acknowledged. The cheatsheets and practce tests material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respectve certfying bodies.