Channel Islands Harbor 50th Anniversary

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Special Commemorative Issue



hours set foot on an island where there were no hotels,

landslide in November of 1969.

restaurants, autos, or other features of metropolitan life, a place where nature remained dominant. Until 1965, the Connally family lived in Granada

Over time, Island Packers acquir

On December 7, 1969 the Island Packer, returning from Santa Cruz

In the spring of 1970 the company for

Island, lost power and drifted for hours while the crew waited to be

Vernand, owner of the Paisano, and b

rescued by the Coast Guard. Eventually the crew was forced to abandon

Before It Was a NatIoNal Park... Hills. They were an active, outdoors family who spent

ship. The Island Packer broke apart on the rocks near East Anacapa Island

many days backpacking in the High Sierras and Los

and sank. No paying passengers were onboard, so the loss of the boat

Padres National Forest. They also sailed around the Santa Barbara

Prisoners Harbor for the Santa Cruz Is time Bill created a variety of trips for

Years later Glen Galbraith, a long time

was not covered by insurance.

whale watching cruises for Island Pac

Channel. In 1967 Bill and his three sons chartered a forty-foot boat that

By Catherine French

and harbor cruises and special trips to which Cueva Vanguard was put into service Valdez on mid-Santa Cruz Island. Channel Islands.

dropped them off at Anacapa Island for a week of exploration. When they

IslaNd Packers

returned from their adventure, Bill was more determined than ever to start

has been taking visitors to the Channel Islands since 1968. With the help of friends, the family purchased the Verna F, a Nearly 48 years later, the company is still fifty-two-foot World War II–vintage converted Navy launch. It took going strong has been the fish concessionaire many hours of workand scraping layers of old paint, scales, and dirty tobilges thebefore Channel Islands National Park upon the craft was considered seaworthy. On Mother’s Day its designation in 1980. Visitors from near and far in 1968, the first Island Packer was christened and launched. comeTheto the were National Park National firstvisit trips offered a half day trip and aand camping trip, both Marine Sanctuary from Island. Ventura or Channel landing at Frenchy’s Cove on Anacapa Initially, there were few Islands HarborbutintheOxnard. paying passengers, boat was full anyway, mostly with friends

Bill’s dream was to find the perfe

a business that would enable him to transport people to the islands.

to all five of the northern Channel Isla Island Packers is proud to serve the National Park eventually paid off; and Marine Sanctuary and enjoy a good workingtoday, the compa part of its extended family. Some of th relationship with their staff and volunteers.

the company nearly twenty-five years

Between 2001 and 2003, Keith Brovol

Mark Connally to build two customize

provide better service to the Channel

Bill invited. There was no money for advertising, so Bill had to rely on word-of-mouth promotion. For the first two years they had no outboard

Christening and launch of the “Island Packer” May 12, 1968. Family portrait with Bill’s wife Lillian Mae, sons Mark, Kirk, and Brad, and daughter, Cherryl, with the family dog Maggie.

“We believe it’s important to keep the island experience on a small scale—a family outing rather than a corporate resort destination,” stated Mark Connally, operations manager for the company. In 1968, with help from family and friends, Bill purchased Bill Connally passed away on November 22, 1987, and his ashes were Over time, Island an Packersold acquired more experience and equipment. fishing vessel “Verna F”, this became the first scattered on a mountain peak in Los Padres National Forest where the In the spring of 1970 the company formed a partnership with Lawrence commercial passenger vessel renamed “Island Packer” family hiked when the children were young. Today, Kirk is a merchant Vernand, owner of the Paisano, and began transporting bow hunters to (for backpacking to the Channel Islands). seaman who travels the world; he also operates a nonprofit organization Prisoners Harbor for the Santa Cruz Island Hunt Club. About the same time Bill created a variety of trips for campers, youth groups, and schools.

called Terra Marine Research. Brad is a commercial fisherman in Alaska.

It began with one man’s dream that became Lillian, Mark, and Cherryl continue to manage and operate Island Packers, with the help of grandson Jason Wendel, a full¬time captain whale watching cruises for Island Packers, built the sixty-four foot reality—the opportunity for people to step onto on the Vanguard. Vanguard which was put into service transporting passengers to the the remote islands—a placeIsland soPackers near yetto grow farandfrom continues flourish. The friendly crew and Channel Islands. office staff happily share their love of the islands with customers who cue Bill’s dream was to find the perfect boat to transport passengers the hustle and bustle of Southern California. up every day to cross the channel on one of their boats to reach these to all five of the northern Channel Islands. Bill’s stubborn resolve Years later Glen Galbraith, a long time boat captain who enjoyed running

Photo by Laurie Van Stee

Humpback & blue wHale watcH trips All day excursion to Santa Rosa Island to search for whales with a visit to Painted Cave on Santa Cruz Islands north shore.

The family affair continues with matriarch Lil Connally, son Mark, daughter Cherryl and her son Jason Wendel—a full-time captain on the Vanguard, working and growing the business. Kirk Connally is a merchant seaman who travels the world and runs a nonprofit called Terra Marine Research. And, brother Brad is a sea captain fisherman in Alaska.

Bill M. Connally’s Grand Scheme

fascinating offshore islands. Over the years, the company has formed a

eventually paid off; today, the company has nearly fifty employees as

Photo by Kevin Bailey Alex Brodie, Fleet Manager and 25 year employee The Connallys lived in Granada Hills where Bill National Marine Sanctuary. Island Packers is proud to be a part of the ongoing appreciation beauty and significance of the Channel partnered with Mark Connally (along with Keith Between 2001 and 2003, Keith Brovold Alex Brodie partnered withweekends and sonsandbackpacked andof theholidays One of three power catamarans in the modern fleet, the Islander Islands and looks forward to being a part of that development for Mark Connally to build two customized sixty-four-foot catamarans to (launched 2001) is shown here with a rare viewing of false killer ret.) to sobuild andand design the three 64’ in the mountains. Island Packers was founded by Bill M. Connally, who a long time to come. motor to bring guestsBrovold, ashore on the islands, Mark, Kirk, Brad took provide better service to the Channel Islands. whales offshore the islands during a whale watch tour. Other customized catamarans in service today. Originally, Bill planned wanted a means for people to venture out catamarans, turns rowing passengers back and forth. Cherryl was the onboard hostess, boatstoinprovide the fleet are the Vanguard (1992), Island to develop a backpack Island Explorer (2013). toAdventure the Channel (2003), Islands. and His wife, Lillian Mae, sons Mark, serving hot cocoa and popcorn. Packers tributes their continued growth station in the High Kirk, and Brad, and daughter, Cherryl, worked hard to In the 1960s Bill Island became good friends with the owner of Santa Cruz withIn 1968, theirDr.friendly and office Tohimmeet demand, there are specially Sierras to share his love help fulfill hisgrowing dream. For Bill, the islands were a Island, Dr. Carey Stanton. Stanton andcrew the Santa Cruz Island staff. They designed forwith youth groups, hikers, of the great outdoors special place; hetrips fell in love the clear waters andschools, Hunt Club built a Polynesian-style dive camp on the south side of Santa campers, birders and kayakers. There are nonwith the public. rich marine life and kelp beds surrounding the islands, Cruz Island at Albert’s Anchorage. Eight grass huts with all the amenities landing wildlife cruises, whale watch were excursions and he yearned to share that passion with the public. offered, including a skiff and an outboard for the occupants of each He was intrigued by the fact that a person could board hut to use for scuba diving. The cost was fifty dollars per person for When the family a boat in a busy port such as Ventura and in a few a weekend. This unique getaway spot was shut down because of a moved to Oxnard hours set foot on an island where there were no hotels, landslide in November of 1969. Shores in 1965, they restaurants, autos, or other features of metropolitan On December 7, 1969 the Island Packer, returning from Santa Cruz started sailing the life, a place where nature remained dominant. Island, lost power and drifted for hours while the crew waited to be Santa Barbara Channel Until 1965, the Connally family lived in Granada rescued by the Coast Guard. Eventually the crew was forced to abandon with local sailors. Bill Hills. They were an active, outdoors family who spent ship. The Island Packer broke apart on the rocks near East Anacapa Island with sons explored Bill M. Connally, many days backpacking in the High Sierras and Los and sank. No paying passengers were onboard, the loss of the boat Christmas 2014soIsland Packers Extended Family Anacapa and Santa founder of Island Packers. Padres National Forest. They also sailed around the Santa Barbara was not covered by insurance. Cruz and a dream was Passed away Nov. 22, 1987 Channel. In 1967 Bill and his three sons chartered a forty-foot boat that know if they provide excellent customer service born to provide boat dropped them off at Anacapa Island for a week of exploration. When they the people will share their experience with others trips out to the Channel Islands. returned from their adventure, Bill was more determined than ever to start by Tim Hauf Photo and return for more excursions. a business that would enable him to transport people to the islands. As the authorized boat concessionaire, Island Cueva Valdez and the Painted Cave Day Trip. With the help ofCruise friends,north the family purchased the Verna a shore of Santa Cruz F,Island, land in small boat Packers provides transportation to Anacapa, fifty-two-foot World ashore War II–vintage converted Navy launch. It took approximately 2 hours Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and Santa Barbara Island. positive working relationship with The National Park Service and The

part of its extended family. Some of the employees who first joined

the company nearly twenty-five years ago are still part of Island Packers.

many hours of work scraping layers of old paint, fish scales, and dirty bilges before the craft was considered seaworthy. On Mother’s Day

Island in 1968, the first Island Packer was christened and launched.

The first trips offered were a half day trip and a camping trip, both

landing at Frenchy’s Cove on Anacapa Island. Initially, there were few

2 — Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015

paying passengers, but the boat was full anyway, mostly with friends Bill invited. There was no money for advertising, so Bill had to rely on word-of-mouth promotion. For the first two years they had no outboard


by Lyn Krieger

CHA N 1965

2 015







Channel Islands Harbor turns 50

he official opening of Channel Islands Harbor occurred in 1965. What started as a sand collection point to solve erosion problems to the south became a harbor hosting thousands of boaters, residents and visitors. In 1939 the Port of Hueneme in western Ventura County opened with a great celebration, offering opportunities for trade and jobs. What was not known at the time was that the northern jetty at the port redirected the sand that flowed naturally along the coast into a submarine canyon. With this sand no longer replenishing the beaches south of Port Hueneme, erosion occurred quickly. The city of Port Hueneme and the adjacent naval base experienced flooding and even loss of structures. By this time the federal government had taken over the port as part of the World War II Pacific front. In order to address the erosion issue, Congress requested a study from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with the goal of identifying a solution. The report from the Chief of Engineers recommended a sand trap be located at what is now the entrance to Channel Islands Harbor. The development of the breakwater and jetty structure required to build the sand trap created a perfect opportunity for a harbor along this section of Group watching the start of construction on the penninsula including Harbor Director Tim Volk at left, former California Governer Earl Warren, center and developer Martin the coast. A deal was V. Smith at right. struck between the county and two longtime Photo taken from the book “Shifting Sands. The Early Years of Channel Islands Harbor 1960-1965. landowners, the McGrath and Bard families, for a combination donation and purchase of land where the harbor now sits. The federal government built the entrance structure for the sand trap beginning in 1959, while the county funded the construction of the initial harbor area. From that point forward, every two years the Army Corps of Engineers moved sand from the sand trap at the southern end of Hollywood Beach to Hueneme Beach. The sand then began its natural progression south, enriching the navy base, Ormond Beach and Mugu Naval Air Station.




a look



In order to accomplish the scale of construction work required, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved a public/private partnership structure to fund harbor development. Although owned and operated by the County of Ventura, the majority of the harbor is operated by businesses that have been granted long-term ground leases by the Board of Supervisors. Development in the harbor, such as hotels, restaurants, shops, etc., is done by investors, not the County of Ventura. The investors fund improvements, operate the businesses and pay rent to the county. As a result of this unique system, the Harbor Department is a self-sufficient entity, using the rents received to fund public amenities in the harbor and does not receive any property or sales tax revenue. After initial buildout in the ’60s, harbor development moved forward in phases, with construction of the peninsula and the west side from Marine Emporium Landing to Harbor Landing through the ’70s. Harbor development continued with the first phase of Fisherman’s Wharf, opening on the east side in the late ’70s and additional phases of construction followed through the early ’90s. Around 2005, 40 years after initial construction, major renovation began on the first projects constructed — starting with a complete rebuild of Channel Islands Harbor Marina, which was the first marina in service in 1963. Rebuilding and redevelopment over the last 10 years has included Anacapa Isle Marina clubhouse, complete refurbishment of the former Casa Sirena summer annex building into a new waterfront Hampton Inn, renovation of the Paz Mar apartments in 2005 and again in 2015, replacement and expansion at Marine Emporium Landing, the addition of Toppers Pizza in a long-vacant building, relocation of the Maritime Museum to a fully remodeled facility, replacement of Channel Islands Landing boatyard and docks along with a new public promenade, the new Channel Islands Boating Center, and complete replacement of the public boat launch facility. Redevelopment to improve public facilities and services will continue. Today, the harbor area encompasses 310 acres of land and water, with approximately 2,200 boat slips, as well as 10 boat marinas, three yacht clubs, restaurants, sport fishing facilities, boat yards, fuel dock, shops, yacht sales, marine supply, law enforcement (harbor patrol), harbor administration, a U.S. Coast Guard facility, search and rescue and a boating center operated by Cal State Channel Islands University. Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015 — 3


The Channel Islands Harbor build out in the late 1960s.

The Marine Emporium Landing as it stands today. 1939 – Port Hueneme constructed 1945 – Army Corps of Engineers works on plan to control coastal erosion 1953 – Congress approves coastal sand trap north of Port Hueneme to mitigate erosion 1953 – Ventura County Board of Supervisors approves public/ private partnership structure to fund harbor development 1959 – Outer breakwater and entrance jetties are constructed by Army Corps of Engineers to create sand trap 1960 – Dredging begins to create harbor entrance 1963 – First slips open at CI Marina and CI Landing 1963 – Annexation Agreement with City of Oxnard regarding infrastructure 1965 – Harbor grand opening: 500 boat slips, Channel Islands Yacht Club, chandlery, launch ramp, small harbor patrol office 1966 – Harbor Department offices built (housing Patrol only) 1965 – Villa Sirena first phase constructed (Now Paz Mar Reserve) 1968-1970 – Channel Islands Yacht Club building constructed 1971 – Bahia Cabrillo Apartments (now Paz Mar Select) 1971 – Dredging of Phase III waterway 1972 – Construction of Casa Sirena Hotel Phase I and 4 — Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015

Lobster Trap restaurant 1973 – 74 Marine Emporium Landing constructed; chandlery relocates from Bluefin Circle 1974 – Anacapa Isle Marina 1975 – Anacapa Isle apartments/ later converted to condominiums in 2001 1974 – Whales Tail Restaurant ISSUE WITH THIS. 1975 – Boat launch ramp relocated and expanded 1977 – Casa Sirena Annex opens to accommodate seasonal demand 1977 – 1989 Harbor Landing shopping center construction 1978 – Fisherman’s Wharf shopping center opens 1979 – Port Royal Restaurant opens 1983 – Restaurant at Peninsula Road and Porpoise Way: Hilltop Restaurant, Harbor Lights, Golden Dolphin open 1984 – Vintage Marina constructed – opens 1985 1984 – Pacific Corinthian Marina and Yacht Club construction, open January 1985 1989 – Completion of construction of additional phases at Fisherman’s Wharf 1991 – Maritime Museum opens at Fisherman’s Wharf location 2001 – Conversion of Anacapa Isle Apartments to Waterfront Condominiums with complete reinvestment

2002 – Replacement Kiddie Beach Restroom 2006 – Anacapa Isle Marina Renovation 2006 – After complete remodel, Hampton Inn opens at former Casa Sirena Annex site 2006 – Renovation of Paz Mar Apartments 2007 – Reconstruction of Channel Islands Harbor Marina replaces docks originally built in 1964 2008 – New Marine Emporium Landing building replaces original construction lost to fire in 2004 2009 – Marine Emporium Landing adds new building to accommodate a day spa and restaurant/wine bar 2010 – After more than a decade of closure, restaurant at Porpoise Way is completely renovated and reopens as Toppers Pizza 2011 – Remodel of Harbor Department Maintenance facility 2013 – Maritime Museum relocates to expanded facility at former Port Royal restaurant 2013 – Channel Islands Boating Center opens 2013 – Channel Islands Landing & Catalina Yacht Anchorage Rebuilt, with new waterside public walkway 2014 – Reconstruction completed of boat launch facility 2015 – Second renovation of Paz Mar Apartments

The Channel Islands Maritime Museum in its originial location at Fisherman’s Wharf.

New docks at Channel Islands Harbor.

The swampy marshes of the harbor pre-development in 1974.

IssuE: 6/25/15

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Activities will be on the West side of the Harbor around Harborview Park near Cabezone Circle and Harbor Blvd. Friday, July 3rd • 11:00 am – 9:00 pm: Arts & Crafts Vendors ~ Live Entertainment ~ Children’s Activities

Saturday, July 4th • 11:00 am – 9:00 pm: Arts & Crafts Vendors ~ Live Entertainment ~ Children’s Activities

Sgt. PePPer

Annual 4th of July Channel Islands Harbor 10K Race & 5K Fun Run/Walk 7:00 am Registration & Check-In 10K & 5K Races start together at 8:00 am

Beatles, British Invasion Artists 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Harborview Park

Sgt. Pepper

Sunday, July 5th Expanded Farmers’ Market, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

the UnUSUal SUSPectS Party music; 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Annual Channel Islands Harbor 4th of July Children’s Parade Parade starts at 10:30 a.m.

Big adventUre

Acoustic, Electric pop, Rock, 60s to today 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Harborview Park Ad Proof

Ad Display Executive: (805) 648-2244 Extended Fireworks • 9:00Diane pm Newman Please proof over2:00 carefully a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Fairy check Talesthis in the Park, pmand indicate all corrections clearly. You will haveVisible throughout the Harbor Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. Big Adventure

Client: Channel Islands Harbor 50th

The Unusual Suspects

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IssuE: 6/25/15

Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015 — 5

the past, present and future The future of Channel Islands Harbor lies at the sites of the former Lobster Trap, Casa Sirena Hotel and Fisherman’s Wharf by Michael Sullivan The past

Carmen Guerrero was a teenager born to Mexican farmworkers living in Oxnard in the late 1960s when the Lobster Trap at Channel Islands Harbor started to gain traction in the community as the next big thing. Guerrero recalled when she would flip on the radio, there would be Englishman Victor Maserati, the self-proclaimed “Prime Minister of the Peninsula,” referring to the center strip of land dividing the harbor, hyping up the latest additions to the harbor, the fine dining Lobster Trap and neighboring Casa Sirena Hotel. Maserati was the spokesman for Martin V. “Bud” Smith, Oxnard’s visionary responsible for developing much of Oxnard from the 1960s through the 1990s, from harbor hotels,

the anchor tenant, Castagnola’s Restaurant, failed, so did just about everything else with the exception of Spudnuts and a few other businesses.

The present

Great blue herons guard over the old Lobster Trap and Casa Sirena, which look reminiscent of what the scene might look like at Three Mile Island or Chernobyl after nuclear disasters. The herons’ cackles and calls fill the eerily quiet air while this deserted urban jungle tells stories of better times. The empty pool and adjacent pool house conjure up images of kids in inflatables with moms in relatively modest bathing suits while dads fetch fruity drinks with little umbrellas. Dim lights in dirty casings still light the once-glamorous overhang where valets would earn cash to

The Fisherman’s Wharf stands as an iconic landmark of the work of Martin V. “Bud” Smith, the developer of much of Channel Islands Harbor project from the 1970s to the 1990s.

“I do remember the first I went to the Lobster Trap. It was in the late 1980s and I was in awe.” — Carmen Guerrero restaurants and apartments to the highrise towers and the Wagon Wheel Motel by the 101. (In fact, by 1995, he had over 200 properties between Santa Maria and Calabasas worth more than $150 million.) “I loved his distinguished accent,” Guerrero said, recalling Maserati on the radio as she delved in the memory bank of times long past. “I always wanted to go to the Lobster Trap but it was beyond my means. I used to think that only the wealthy could afford to dine there. I dreamed of the day I could afford it. I do remember the first I went to the Lobster Trap. It was in the late 1980s and I was in awe.” After years of anticipation, when she finally did go, though she can’t remember what she ordered, she has held on to the memories of it being special and unique. And that’s the way it goes for many; though the memories aren’t exactly vivid, unique experiences such as listening to author Ray Bradbury at a college district conference at the hotel or going to brunch at the Lobster Trap with what was apparently Ventura County’s first big seafood spread, or being seated next to Bud Smith and Hans Weeren, captain of Smith’s boat, the Dry Martini. The Fisherman’s Wharf on the corner of Channel Islands Boulevard and Victoria Avenue also used to draw decent crowd, with a fresh seafood market and restaurant, seashell and novelty stores, and the famous Castagnola’s restaurant — its whole design was kitschy but fun, akin to something you would see at Disneyland. Built in stages from the 1970s to the 1990s, the Fisherman’s Wharf, however, never gained as much popularity as the Lobster Trap and when 6 — Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015

park cars and deliver luggage to rooms. In a conference room, ceiling tiles lie broken on the floor with chairs and mini-fridges scattered about. Over at the Lobster Trap, closure was apparently made post-haste. A full bottle of Tabasco with its contents now separated sits on a linen covered table next to fallen salt and pepper shakers. Linens and napkins are thrown haphazardly on tables. Seat cushions are worn and dirty. At the server station, cups and glasses remain in their trays from the dishwasher. In a meeting room, the words “Beers and Titties” are written in large letters in blue market with chairs askew. At the Fisherman’s Wharf, a few tenants are making it work. There are Missy’s Cupcakes and a private investigator. Spudnuts remains tried and true. The Elite Theatre Company has taken up the space where the Channel Islands Maritime Museum was born and operated in for years. (The museum is now located operates across the harbor in the former Port Royal space at 3900 Bluefin Circle.) The Channel Islands Psychic has made it her home away from home, plus a gallery or two. But the Fisherman’s Wharf is quite an oddity, with some life stirring about surrounded by shells of buildings. Inside many of the abandoned buildings, it’s as if an immediate exodus happened, with half drunk sodas left on window sills and postcards still sitting on their racks. It looks like whoever had once been there had washed their hands of whatever they were attempting to do and ran.

The siren statue remains after the Lobster Trap on the peninsula closed its doors 2010.

The future

Lyn Krieger has watched over the Channel Islands as its director for the last 20 years. She has seen the Marine Emporium vibrant, burned down, completely gone and then built back up and running again — it’s now at full occupancy. She has overseen the move of the Channel Islands Maritime museum. She was there when the Lobster Trap and Casa Sirena Hotel closed in 2010 but was also there when the Casa Sirena annex, which was built for summer overflow, was sold to an investor group, rebuilt and then reopened as a Hampton Inn in 2007. She has seen many development cycles in the Channel Islands Harbor and with the economy finally viable, she says, the future of the harbor is at Casa Sirena, Lobster Trap and Fisherman’s Wharf. While the hotel and restaurant have been sold and resold over the last decade or so, Kreiger said the latest investor group, Brighton Management, which also owns the nearby Hampton Inn, plans to tear down the structures and replace them with another hotel of approximately the same number of rooms, 200, but to go up one level. Also, she emphasized a need for a walkway around the property close to the waterfront, which it

has not had. “The investor group approached the county to look at the replacement of the hotel and will be coming forward to the board with a completed lease in July,” Krieger said, noting that the county owns the land. “We were hoping it would be [this month], but if it turns out it is July, we will be doing public outreach then.” Krieger said that it could be about a year to get approvals from the county as well as the Coastal Commission to start construction. The Fisherman’s Wharf project is a bit more complicated as the plan is to change zoning from retail to mixed use with residential units. The idea, the need to have housing instead of just retail, is that the residents would essentially support the retail. Both projects are still in conceptual phases, but the wharf project is about six months, if not longer, behind the hotel. Because of the complexity of the wharf project, Krieger could not give any firm dates for progress and neither project had renderings. Krieger said that those were the only two major developments underway at the harbor, with the exception of a new building for administration.

trade up! ThInkIng oF SellIng Your boaT?

Channel Islands

pers Pizza

Fine Art Festival

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SeaCoaStyaChtS.Com SaleS.Ci@SeaCoaStyaChtS.Com | 805.200.3161 3615 S viCtoria ave, oXnarD, Ca 93035

July 11-12, 2015 ~Saturday & Sunday ~10 am - 5 pm 14th Annual Channel Islands Harbor Fine Art Festival 2800 Harbor Blvd at Channel Islands Blvd Oxnard West Coast Artists ~ 818-813-4478~

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opportunities not intended to show qualityrecreational of reproduction. with correction sailing, kayaking and for students of CSU stand-up paddle boarding Channel Islands and Ventura County residents. Conference and meeting While the main focus of the spaces available CIBC is to teach boating skills and support boaters, Marine education it also provides outreach to components available the community about our in the center's lobby CHANNEL ISLANDS HARBOR • 2701 Peninsula Rd. marine environment. free of charge. Additional Locations: THOUSAND OAKS OXNARD 1416 N. Moorpark Rd. 2100 S. Saviers Rd. SIMI VALLEY 111 E. Gonzales Rd. 2408 Erringer Rd. VENTURA 3940 E. Main St. SANTA CLARITA CAMARILLO 23710 Valencia Blvd. 18417 Soledad Cyn Rd. - Coming Soon 520 Arneill Rd.

Pizza with a harbor view!

Toppers is locally owned & is not a franchise. We are proud to be a part of the community we serve.

VOTED # 1 PIZZA: Ventura County Star Readers Poll 2000 - 2015 “Best Of” Ventura County Reporter 2008 - 2014 “Best of SCV” Santa Clarita Signal 2014

Contact us: 805-437-BOAT (2628) | Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015 — 7

channel islands harbor businesses Shops/hotels Fisherman’s Wharf, 2711 Victoria Ave., Oxnard, 985-4852 Hampton Inn, 3231 Peninsula Road, Oxnard, 985-1100 Harbor Landing, 2800-2860 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard (800) 630-4888 Marine Emporium Landing, 3600 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard. 985-5828 Smuggler’s Cove Souvenir & Gift Store, 3600 S. Harbor Blvd., #2, Oxnard, 204-0977

Spudnuts, 3810 W. Channel Islands Blvd., Oxnard, 984-7664 Toppers Pizza, 2701 Peninsula Road, Oxnard, 385-4444 The Waterside Restaurant & Wine Bar, 3500 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 9854677 Whale’s Tail , 3950 Bluefin Circle, Oxnard, 985-2511

S. Harbor Blvd., suite 2-108, Oxnard, Channel Islands Harbor Marina, 3850 200-3161 984-5995 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 984-7780 Services Channel Islands Marine Floating Channel Islands Landing, 3615 Anacapa Chiropractic, 3600 Harbor Lab, 4151 Victoria Ave., Oxnard, 382Victoria Ave., 985-6269 Blvd., 201-0500 4563 Pacific Corinthian Marina, 2610 Bella Mar Day Spa & Salon, 3500 S. Edge Fitness Club, 2860 Harbor Blvd., Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 984-2847 Harbor Blvd., 204-0979 Oxnard, 815-4222 Peninsula Yacht Marina, 3700 Channel Islands Harbor Fuel Dock, Hollywood Beach Fitness, 3600 S. Peninsula Road, Oxnard, 985-6400 3855 Pelican Way, 984-1081 Harbor Blvd., #111, Oxnard, 815-4520 The Boatyard–Channel Islands, 3615 Channel Islands National Marine Hopper Boat Rentals, 2741 Victoria Victoria Ave., Oxnard, 985-6800 Galleries/Museums Sanctuary, 805-966-7101 Ave., Oxnard, 382-1100 V.C. Commercial Fishing Marina, Points of Interest Channel Islands Psychic, 485-2822 Island Packers Corp., 3600 Harbor 382-3007 Channel Islands Boating Center, David Gerber Law Offices, 2741 Blvd., 382-1779 V.C. Small Boat Marina, 2911 Victoria 3880 Bluefin Circle, Oxnard, 437-2628 Restaurants Victoria Ave., 382-8760 Marina Sailing–Instruction & Ave., Oxnard, 382-3007 Channel Islands Maritime Museum, Fisherman’s House, 2810 Harbor Fred Vance Farmers Insurance Rentals, 3600 S. Harbor Blvd., #112a, Vintage Marina, 3150 Harbor Blvd., 3900 Bluefin Cir, Oxnard, 984-6260 Blvd., Oxnard, 984-3443 Agents, 3810 W. Channel Islands Blvd., Oxnard , 985-5219 Oxnard, 984-3366 Elite Theatre Company, 2731 Victoria Fisherman’s House Sushi, 2810 suite 1, 985-8643 Pilates Infl uence, 3150 S. Harbor Ave, Oxnard, 483-5118 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, 985-3306 Yacht Clubs/Yacht Sales Harbor Nails, 2840 Harbor Blvd., 766Blvd.., Oxnard, 479-1066 Farmers’/Fishermen’s Market, 3350 Harbor Mart Deli & Wines, Harbor Anacapa Yacht Club, 2810 S. Harbor 9319 Scarlett Belle, 3600 S. Harbor Blvd., S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, (818) 591Landing, 2810 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard. Blvd., B-6, 984-0211 Mariners Mail Stop, 3600 S. Harbor Oxnard, 204-0977 8161 984-9488 Channel Islands Yacht Brokerage, Blvd., #110, 984-3677 Southern California Jet Skis & Oxnard College Marine Education H.C. Seafood & Co., 3920 W. Channel 2950 Harbor Blvd., 985-6299 Owen & Associates CPAs, 3600 S. Electric Boat Rentals, 3600 S. Harbor Center, 2741 S. Victoria Ave., Oxnard, Islands Blvd., Oxnard (805) 382-8171 Channel Islands Yacht Club, 4100 Harbor Blvd., 382-8800 Blvd., Oxnard, 910-7257 985-9801 Honey Cup, 500 S. Harbor Blvd., Harbor Blvd., 985-2492 Rare Earth Real Estate, 3600 S. Sunfish Dive Boat, 3600 Harbor Blvd., My Studio Gallery, 2741 Victoria Ave., Ad Proof Ad Oxnard. 204-0008 Corinthian Yacht & Ship Brokers, Harbor Blvd., #123, 985-9911 #219, Oxnard, 204-0977 #N, Oxnard, 985-1546 The Italian Job Café, Harbor Landing, 3600 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 113, 382Re/Max Gold Coast, 3550 S. Harbor oqueca2810 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 832-4945 Ad shing Executive: WarrenClient: Barrett Cup 648-2244 6050 Ad Executive: Warren Barrett (805) HarborHoney(805) Sportfi Blvd., 2-104, 832-4075 Patrol Desk, 3900 Pelican Channel Islands Sportfi shing Center this proof over carefully indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a Harbor “1stcheck Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and Please this proof over carefully and indicate corrections YouD’Marbella, will have3810 a “1st Proof”, “2nd Pro The Lookout Bar & and Grill, 2800 Harbor Executive Yachtall & Ship Brokers, clearly.Salon W. Channel Oxnard, Oxnard, 4151Ad S. Victoria Oxnard, . If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Will Ave, Run As is. IfWay, this proof973-5959 meets your approval “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof 3205 afterVictoria the 1st or984-1004 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets you Blvd., Oxnard, 985-9300 Ave., Islands Blvd., 985-3400 United Coast Guard, oof, check off “FInal (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. 382-1612 on the 1stStates proof, check off4202 “FInal ProoF box,Ave., date and sign theSalon, bottom. Missy’s CupcakeProoF Creations, 3900 W. NAOS (aPProved)” Yachts, 3141 Victoria 985ShearatView 3900 Pelican Way, Victoria Ave., Oxnard, 985-9822 Hook’s Landing, 3600 Cabezone Channel Islands Blvd., Oxnard, 382- 648-2245 0900to (805) 648-2245 AsAP 2840 S. Harbor Blvd., suite C1, 984IssuE: eAse FAx this PRooF to (805) AsAP IssuE: notice: PleAse FAx 6/25/15 this PRooF Circle, suite 115, Oxnard, 382-6233 4852 0100 Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club, 2600 Marinas/boatyards/dry storage Moqueca Brazilian Cuisine, 3550 S. Sotheby’s International Realty, 116 Harbor Blvd., 985-7292 Anacapa Isle Marina, 3001 Peninsula Kayaking/Sailing/Diving Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 204-0970 W. Channel Islands Blvd., 382-8200 Peninsula Yacht Sales, 3005 Road, Oxnard, 985-6035 A&M Boat Charters & Cruises, 3600 Sea Fresh Channel Islands, 3550 S. Wheel Fun Bicycle Rentals, 3600 S. Bahia Marina Office, 4220 Harbor Peninsula Road, 984-8550 S. Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, 204-0977 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard, 204-0974 Channel Islands Kayak Center, 3600 Blvd., Oxnard, 985-6400 Harbor Blvd., 382-6233 Seacoast Yachts, 3615 Victoria Ave.,

A Truly Unique Dining Experience

Nourish Your Body at Honey Cup Coffee and Bistro

B reakfast • L unch • s moothies G ourmet c offee • G eLato

dancers on saturdays! Call 805-204-0970 For Reservations Brazilian Cuisine 8 — Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015

3550 s. Harbor Blvd., #201, Oxnard, Marine Emporium Landing

Kyle and Kat Owners

(805) 204-0008 • 3500 S Harbor Blvd, Channel Islands Harbor (in the Marine Emporium Landing)

ChaNNel IslaNd harbor

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Client: Whale’s Tail

Ad Executive: Warren Barrett

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3950 Bluefin Circle, Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard • 805.985.2511 Channel Islands Harbor 1965-2015 — 9

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Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Channel Islands Harbor!

Our members join you in celebration as the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club approaches its 40th year of friendship, family, and on-the-water fun in this exquisite setting.

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VENTURA | Faria Coastal Ranch web: 0113776 | $11,000,000 Montecito - Coast Village Road Brokerage Suzanne Perkins 805.895.2138, Janet Caminite 805.896.7767

PACIFIC PALISADES | Prime Huntington Estates Parcel 11 & 10 web: 0343705 | $10,298,000 Pacific Palisades Brokerage Enzo Ricciardelli 310.255.5467

VENTURA | Solimar Beach Resort Living web: 0113861 | $8,500,000 Montecito - Coast Village Road Brokerage Janet Caminite 805.896.7767

CARPINTERIA | Oceanfront Villa web: 0113850 | $7,990,000 Montecito - Coast Village Road Brokerage Janet Caminite 805.896.7767

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OXNARD | 329 Cahuenga Drive web: 0423579 | $695,000 Channel Islands Brokerage Damian Bourguet 805.844.4949

CHANNEL ISLANDS | Fantastic Water View From Every Room web: 0423607 | $295,000 Channel Islands Brokerage Susan O’Brien 805.207.9579

CHANNEL ISLANDS | Beautiful Marina View web: 0423620 | $260,000 Channel Islands Brokerage Susan O’Brien 805.207.9579

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