Ventura County Gift Guide 2016

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EST. 2013

EST. 2013 EST. 2013





1st Month
















MAY 12


The Lens of Adventure A Photographer’s Life of Love & War




Welcome to our annual Gift Guide for Ventura County Welcome to the holiday season! Let this annual guide help you find unique and thoughtful gifts at many of our local stores. We encourage you to shop local, which helps local businesses and keeps your dollars working in our community. The Guide is available online at under Special Issues. Happy Holidays!

Gifts Ideas Downtown Ventura Section Midtown Ventura Ventura Harbor Santa Paula


PROJECT EDITOR Michael Sullivan ART DIRECTOR T Christian Gapen GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Bret Hooper Tim Twaddle CIRCULATION Teresa Wann-Davis

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Warren Barrett Barbara Kroon Diane Newman Kelly Spargur Dave Stephens PUBLISHER David Comden

PHONE 805.648.2244 FAX 805.648.2245 MAILING ADDRESS 700 East Main Street Ventura, CA 93001



800.745.3000 4 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

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VCReporter/Ventana Monthly



Gift Guide 2016



©2016 Southland Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 5

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

Ad Proof Client: Massage Place

Ad Executive: Warren Barrett

(805) 648-2244

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after the DC 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run$125 As is. If this proofChristmas meets your Elf, approval Lamps, $36-46 Bombshells: Killer Frost, 1950s $28 on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

Choose from a delightful butterfly lamp nestled

DC comics’ Killer Frost statue would make an

lamp or a miniature stained glass one to create an interesting display for your home. 805 Gift Emporium specializes in eclectic art, decorative and seasonal items as well as unique gifts for any occasion. 805 Gift Emporium, Dove Community Center at 3875 Telegraph Road, Ventura, 658-0805 or

collector this holiday season. Arsenal Comics and Games specializes in comics and video games. Arsenal Comic and Games is located at 2333 Michael Drive, Newbury Park; 4996197 or www.arsenalcomicsandgames. com.

Embrace holiday nostalgia with this IssuE: GIft on GuIdE 2016 Christmas elf sitting your mantel. Attic Trunk is a vintage store that specializes in authentic clothes and accessories. Attic Trunk is located at 433 E. Main Street #12, Ventura; 208-6306.

notice: FAx this PRooF 648-2245 up against aPleAse bucket of silk lavender, a turtle to (805) excellent addition toAsAP the shelf for the Batman


Gift CertifiCateS fOr a One HOur MaSSaGe $47

3 Pak - $126

3 one hour massages

3 Pak - $186 3 ninety minute massages

30 min. $37 • 60 min. $47 • 75 min. $57 • 90 min. $67 • Swedish • Sports • Chair

• Deep Tissue • Reflexology • Pregnancy

no Memberships!

Ventura - eaSt 4255 E. Main St.

Ventura - dOwntOwn 652 E. Main St

(Telephone Rd. exit to E. Main)

(2 blocks east of California)




• Acupressure • Couples Massage* *Downtown Ventura & Oxnard Locations Only

$115 per couple

no Contracts!


2100 Outlet Center Drive In The Palms Center

(101 exit Rose south to Gonzales)

805•485•0568 OPen 7 daYS, 10am – 9pm

no Obligations!

5 Pak - $320 5 ninety minute massages

Santa BarBara 28 East Victoria (1/2 block east of State)


Serving Ventura County for More Than 13 Years all therapists are state certified, licensed, and insured.

Opportunities for Licensed Therapists available. Call Bonnie at (714) 742-3220. 6 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

5 Pak - $220

5 one hour massages

Help save lives! While You shop For less Great Selection of Merchandise • Jewelry • Clothing

• Furniture • Books

• DVDs • CDs

Client: Rubicon Theater

Ad Proof Ad Executive: Diane Newman

(805) 648-2244

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval second store on the 1st proof,s.P.a.R.C. check off “FInal ProoFChance (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. Monday-Thursday 10-6 Friday-Sunday 10-7

IssuE: GIfT GuIDE 2016

notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

374 e. Main st., Ventura, Ca 93002 805-648-8915

santa Paula animal Rescue Center

Pet AdoPtions

705 e. santa Barbara st. santa Paula, Ca 93060 805-525-8609

saturday 12 - 5pm second Chance store downtown

Give the gift of theatre! A wonderful gift for the whole family!

“CRITIC’S CHOICE”~Los Angeles Times check list: p phone number is correct Please Note:

“Amazing, astounding, awe-inspiring”~Ventura Breeze

| lead a stellar cast of 25 actors!

Peter Van Norden Joe Spano p address is correct date isand correct p spelling is correct Dec. 7~24 p expiration

deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues ReleAse.

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ificate Cert







Great Gift Ideas!


8O5.667.29OO | Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 7

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

Ad Proof Limited Birkenstock $24.95Diane Custom Gift Pack, starting at $20 Client:Edition Channel Islands HarborShaving Soap Kit Ad(No.17), Executive: Newman (805) 648-2244 Sandal, $145 The “Topa Topa Blend” with 13 essential oils Red Hot Foods and the Santa Paula Salsa Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and Arizona withnoa proof cork after andthe rhassoul a great starter for aRun guy As is. Company tasty variety treats for “Finalshearling-lined Proof”. If wesandal receive 1st orclay 2ndis Proofs, Ad Will If thisoffers proofa meets your of approval footbed moldcheck to the off individual foot on thethat 1stwill proof, “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, andand sign at the bottom. who wants to shave withdate a brush lather, every set of taste buds, including a custom fornotice: ample comfort, support and this warmth. grapefruit and other astringent oils gift pack of salsas, jams, marinades IssuE: GIft GuIDEand 2016 PleAse FAx PRooF with to lime, (805) 648-2245 AsAP Available in mink, black and mocha. for wiry beards. rubs. Or grab a bottle of salsa or sauce for Birkenstock Footprints of Ventura Bogue Milk Soap is located at 226 W. Ojai a unique hostess gift. is located at 518 E. Santa Clara St., Ave., #101-440, Ojai; www.boguemilksoap. Red Hot Foods and the Santa Paula Ventura; 643-7043 or www.birkenstock. com/store-locator/. Salsa Company is located at 820 com E. Railroad Ave.; 258-3650 and

Think Out of the Box Great gifts often arrive outside the box. Say a fishing trip for Dad, a spa day for Mom or a whale watching adventure for the whole family. Channel Islands Harbor has something for everyone, especially those who have everything: gift certificates for fine dining and hundreds of unique items to discover in our shops. So this holiday season, give yourself a break from the usual. Come to Channel Islands Harbor. 8 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

Ad Proof Client: Ventura Harley Davidson

Ad Executive: Dave Stephens

(805) 648-2244

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

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p address is correct

ISSuE: GIft GuIDE 2016

p expiration date is correct

p spelling is correct

deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues ReleAse.

All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. Any use other than the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. p ok to run date:_______________________________

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Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 9

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

Ad Proof Client: Tatul Ad Executive: Diane Newman (805) 648-2244 Fishingalland Whale-Watching PleaseFavor checkTreat this proof over carefully and indicate corrections clearly. YouGift will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, Party Boxes, $25-32.50 Carved Metal Bird, $10and “Final Proof”. receivefilled no proof 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. IfThis thisdecorative proof meets your approval Certificates, $25-1,000 Including a set of If 10we miniboxes with after the 6-inch piece goes

on treat the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” datefavorite and sign at the bottom.perfectly in your living room or outside The perfect giftbox, for your fisherman/ the of your choice, including popcorn, IssuE:Meadow GIfT GuIDE notice: PleAse this PRooF tofisherwoman, (805) 648-2245 AsAP to introduce someone new to toffee, caramels or nuts.FAx Dottie’s Sweet in your garden. Clothing2016 and the sport or to be used toward ticket fares or Delights is known for its roasted almond Jewelry is a clothing, jewelry and the fully stocked tackle shop. Channel Islands toffee and offers many handcrafted treats at accessory store that also has unique Sportfishing offers various luxury scenic trips, its online store or in-store at Spice-Topia. gifts for the home as well as Fair Trade whale watching and fishing. Spice-Topia is located at 576 E. items. Channel Islands Sportfishing is located at Main St., Ventura; 607-9495 or www. Meadow Clothing and Jewelry is 4151 Victoria Ave., Oxnard; 382-1612 or located at 309 E. Main St., Ventura; Tatul-XmasHalfPg-VR-Vntna-1116-v2.pdf 1 11/17/16 1:57 PM 648-3474.





Keep Your Tattoos Merry & Bright




Get 20% off your purchase use promo code: InkedSanta


Subscribe to Our Newsletter 805.477.2400 /tatulusa 10 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

the Perfect Gift for Any Collector



Shop, stroll and dine in our eclectic Downtown. One of a kind shops to find exactly what you need.

Holiday Shopping in Downtown Ventura PLUM GIFT BOUTIQUE + MIDIQUEEN HANDBAGS The Eva Clare handbag $128; The Logan travel cosmetic bag $38; The Girl Friday phone carrier $44; Large Weathered Wood Heart $50; Whale Folk Art Mug $20; Chavez for Charity Bracelets $11 each; Bubble Glass Hurricane Candle in Lemon Sugar $72. 420 E. MAIN ST., 805-641-0113 WWW.SHOPPLUMGIFTS.COM WWW.MIDIQUEENHANDBAGS.COM

ATTIC TRUNK Bob Mackie Negligee $138; Italian Mardi Gras Mask $35; Maribou trim hat $65; Hong Kong evening bag $89; Cameos $50 & up. 433 E. MAIN ST., #12 (IN ZANDER ALLEY) 805-208-6306

Downtown Ventura Gift Guide — 2016

MEADOW CLOTHING & JEWELRY Plum sweater with embroidery front & back $139; Blu long cami/crochet trim $29; Amazonite necklace $52; Crystal bead necklace $34; Straw hat $27; Book/frame holder $28; Book ‘Live Good’ $15. 309 E. MAIN ST., 805-648-3474

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American Vintage 384 E. Main St. (805) 643-7676 Times Remembered 467 E. Main St. (805) 643-3137 Ventura Antique Market 457 E. Thompson Blvd. (805) 653-0239 Bank Of Books 748 E. Main St. (805) 643-3154 Calico Cat Bookshop 495 E. Main St. (805) 643-7849 Aphrodite’s Lingerie 477 E. Main St. (805) 652-0082 Attic Trunk 433 E. Main St. (805) 208-6306 Beautiful Disaster Handsome Devil Boutique 518 E. Main St. (805) 641-2343 Blue Moon 600 E. Main St. (805) 643-2553

Buffalo Exchange 532 E. Main St. (805) 648-6873 California & Main 542 E. Main St. (805) 643-6200 Delightful Diva 433 E. Main St. (310) 291-6349 Goldie’s on Main 210 E. Main St. (805) 643-3100 Got Style 40 S. California St. (805) 448-9526 Heavenly Couture 379 E. Main St. (805) 641-1909 Iron and Resin 324 E. Main St. (805) 643-0737 Kariella 451 E. Main St. #9 (805) 641-0079 Lady Vagabond Vintage 474 E. Santa Clara St. (805) 901-2632 Le Monde Emporium 481 E. Main St. (805) 648-7463

Trystology 451 E. Main St. #3 (805) 585-2114 M. Fredric 378 E. Main St. (805) 643-6300 Meadow Clothing & Jewelry 309 E. Main St. (805) 648-3474 Parts Unknown 394 E. Main St. B (805) 648-4654 Red Fashion Fusion Exchange 433 E. Main St. #8 (805) 667-8295 Sew What Tailoring & Design 427 E. Main St. (805) 653-1920 Tiki Girl Boutique Wear 434 E. Main St. (805) 643-4800 Urban Outfitters 327 E. Main St. (805) 652-0133 Fleur de Rye 77 S. California St (310) 801-8268 The Open Blossom 428 Poli Street 2D (805) 648-3333 Labyrinth Winery 607 E. Main St. D (805) 585-2238 Paradise Pantry 218 E. Main St. (805) 641-9440 Rocket Fizz 315 E. Main St. (805) 641-1222 Rosie Lee Imports 673 E. Main St. (805) 643-5832 Spice-Topia 576 E. Main St. (805) 628-3267 Vom Fass 451 E. Main St. (805) 641-1900

We Olive 294 E. Main St. B (805) 648-6166 For Your Home 443 E. Main St. (805) 641-1919 House 466 466 E. Main St. (805) 766-8340 Melange 294 E. Main St. A (805) 641-1010 Rug Gallery 484 E. Main St. (805) 653-2557 TLC Housewares 369 E. Main St. (805) 643-3377 Buenaventura Gallery 700 E. Santa Clara St. (805) 648-1235 Latitudes Fine Art Gallery 401 E. Main St. (805) 642-5257

Arroyo’s Fine Jewelry 254 E. Main St. (805) 648-1737 Carlson Jewelers 437 E. Main St. (805) 643-6770 Fox Fine Jewelry 560 E. Main St. (805) 652-1800 Ormachea Jewelry 451 E. Main St. #1 (805) 652-0484 Silver Trends 493 E. Main St. (805) 428-8070 Threshold of Dreams 26 N. Fir St. (805) 648-4645 Van Gundy Jewelers 588 E. Main St. (805) 643-9132

Hot Yoga Ventura 34 N. Palm St. #200 (805) 667-9340 Ema’s Herbs 695 E. Main St. (805) 648-6426 Fit Buddha 424 E. Main St. (805) 901-3440 Hollywood Fitness 410 E. Main St. (805) 641-3399 KO Gym 20 N. Oak St. (805) 419-0009 Ventura Pop Up Yoga 83 S. Palm St. @venturapopupyoga Yoga Jones 105 S. Oak St. #200 (805) 643-5669

Birkenstock Footprints of Ventura 518 E. Santa Clara St. (805) 643-7043

AK Fine Jewelry, Inc. 607 E. Main St. C (805) 652-2296

Revolution Surf Co. 819 E. Thompson Blvd. (805) 667-8822

Jockamo Records 522 E. Santa Clara St. (805) 667-8178 Parsons Guitar Shop 620 E. Main St. (805) 835-9322

Rip Curl 227 S. California St. (805) 648-6145 Ventura Surf Shop 88 E. Thompson Blvd. (805) 643-1062 Wave Front Surf Shop 154 E.Thompson Blvd. (805) 652-2201 CAAN Thrift Store 340 E. Main St. (805) 643-5956

Coalition Against Household Violence Thrift Store 270 E. Main St. (805) 643-4411 Goodwill On Main 404 E. Main St. (805) 641-1101 Olde Towne Jewelry & Loan 97 S. Oak St. (805) 641-2274 SPARC Second Chance Store 374 E. Main St. (805) 648-8915 The Arc Foundation Of Ventura County Thrift Store 265 E. Main St. (805) 653-1756 A Beautiful Day 208 E. Main St. (805) 667-9252

American Flags & Cutlery 305 E. Main St. (805) 641-1941 American Home & Garden LLC 64 S. Oak St. (805) 648-6818 B. On Main 446 E. Main St. (805) 643-9309 Betty B. 12 N. Fir St. (805) 648-6997

Cherie Amour 63 S. California St. (805) 653-5482 Copperfield’s 242 E. Main St. (805) 667-8198 Hearts Delight Too 522 E. Main St. (805) 643-1313 Heaven’s Gallery Art & Fine Gifts 365 E. Main St. (805) 648-5689 Lavender Blue 64 S.Oak St. (805) 339-0253 Midi Queen Handbags and Greyson Company 420 E. Main St. (805) 641-0113 Mission San Buenaventura Gift Shop 225 E. Main St. (805) 648-4496

Museum of Ventura County Museum Store 100 E. Main St. (805) 653-0323 Palermo 321 E. Main St. (805) 643-3070 Plum Accessory Gift Boutique 420 E. Main St. (805) 641-0113 Sea Things 500 E. Santa Clara St. (805) 648-1954 Seniors Craft Shoppe 429 E. Main St. (805) 643-3059 T and A Leather 8 N. Fir St. (805) 585-5804 The Garden Boutique 28 S. California St. (805) 653-5804 The Glitter Spider Boutique 433 E. Main St. #6 (805) 824-2048 The Refill Shoppe 363 E. Main St. (805) 765-9135

Three Star Book & News 359 E. Main St. (805) 653-9068 Treasures ‘N’ Things 79 S. Oak St. (805) 643-2556 Two Ladies on a Mission 231 E. Main St. (805) 275-1065 VenTiki Island Gift Shoppe 705 E. Main St. (805) 667-8887 Ventura Leather 353 E. Main St. (805) 643-9493

Ventura Little Shop of Horrors 433 E. Main St. #5 (805) 758-2812 Ventura Visitors & Convention Bureau 101 S. California St. (805) 648-2075 Very Ventura 540 E. Main St. (805) 628-3540 Wild Side Smoke Shop 608 E. Main St. (805) 652-0882

Holiday Shopping in Downtown Ventura HEARTS DELIGHT Steampunk Fairy $165; Dragon Musical Baby Toy $75; Satin Brocade Corset $189; Evening Gown $289; ABC Blocks in Spanish and Hebrew $48.75; ‘Just Imagine’ book $16.95; April Cornel Pillow $29. 522 E. MAIN ST., 805-643-1313 HEARTSDELIGHTCLOTHIERS.COM

VENTURA VISITOR CENTER Put more Ventura in your holidays! We have your perfect gift… Ventura, California T $20.95; Mermaid $200; Waves by Steve Hawk $29.95; Seaside Napkins $8.99 & $9.99; Pure Sea Glass Identification Deck $15.99; Set Yourself Free Sign $24. Free canvas tote with every $25 purchase! 101 S. CALIFORNIA ST., 805-648-2075 VISITVENTURACA.COM

VOM FASS Palazzo Bottle w/Vinagre Viejo de Montillo Spanish Vinegar $27.95; Esprit Bottle w/Truffle Extra Virgin Olive Oil $24.27; Libertine French Absinthe $35.99; Star Bottle w/Aceto Balsamico Maletti Vinegar $21.98; Star Bottle w/ Madonia Extra Virgin Olive Oil $28.50; Triangle Bottle w/Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil $13.65; American Bourbon Whiskey $56.99; Guilia Bottle w/ Calamansi Balsamic Vinegar $21.25. 451 E. MAIN ST., 805-641-1900 WWW.VOMFASSVENTURA.COM

Downtown Ventura Gift Guide — 2016

Big Selection + Big Savings! Empowering people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, The Arc Foundation of Ventura County operates two thrift stores with all profits benefitting The Arc and being put to work here in Ventura County.

Give something... Get something!

• Facials • Chemical Peels • Massage • Microdermabrasion TWO LOCATIONS! • Eyebrow Design Ventura Location • Waxing • Make-up 265 E. Main Street, Ventura • Microcurrent Oxnard Location • Microchanneling 625 N. Oxnard Blvd., Oxnard • Radiofrequency Ad Proof • Ultrasonic Cavitation To learn more about • CryoStem Biological Client: On Main Ad Executive: Warren Barrett (805) 648-2244 TheBArc Foundation Cellular Therapy Please check over at carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and please visitthis ourproof website “Final Proof”. If we receive no Rungift As card is. If for this a proof meets your approval BuyWill a $100 friend www.arcfoundationvc.orgproof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. or loved one and receive an or call us at (800) 228-1413. IssuE: GIft GuIdE 2016 additional $10 gift card FREE notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP Voted 2015 #1 Medi Spa #1 Facial #1 Eyebrow Wax #1 Bikini Wax #2 Day Spa


Please ask about our estate services. Thank you for your ongoing support!

428 Poli St. Suite 2C Ventura |

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visit us at our new location • 446 e. Main St. • ventura, Ca 93001 • 805.643.9309 Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 17

Holiday Shopping in Downtown Ventura

THE WHARF Shoulder bag $319; Ugg shoes $225; Red Orosi Boots $165; Ben Stu shoes $149.00; (On Mannequin) Cowgirl jacket $229; Shirt $39.00; Jswift jeans $109; (On Mannequin) Burr lined jacket $149; Shirt $39.95; Jeans $47.95. 980 E. FRONT ST., 805-648-5037 THEWHARFONLINE.COM

BIRKENSTOCK FOOTPRINTS OF VENTURA Mayari in leather $125 (also available in non-leather for $99); Arizona shearling-lined $145 (also available in black and mocha); Harris in both black and brown $199. 518 E. SANTA CLARA ST., 805-643-7043

Downtown Ventura Gift Guide — 2016

The Best Flag & Cutlery Store!

Great deals on new arrivals from

• U.S., California, Armed Forces Flags • Flagpoles & Accessories • Armed Forces Windsocks Kitchen Knives & Tools from • Messermeister • Wusthof • Victorinox • Kyocera • Epicurean & More


Client:Kelly YogaSpargur Jones Ad Executive:

Ad Proof (805) 648-2244

Ad Executive: Dave Stephens

Please check proof over carefully indicate over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You willthis have a “1st Proof”, “2ndand Proof”, andall corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, weIfreceive no proof 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof m Hunting Pocket Knives from Ad“Final ceive no proof after&the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Will Proof”. Run AsIfis. this proof meetsafter yourthe approval on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date andsleeping sign at thebags, bottom. Gear up on tents, backpacks, off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. • Benchmade • Spyderco ISSu • Kershaw • Buck notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP footwear and more ISSuE: GIfT GuIdE 2016 Ax this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP • CRKT • Swiss Army Ventura’s Outdoor Store • Ka-Bar, and more


Flags & Cutlery

305 E. Main Street, Ventura 805-641-1941 Call for Store Hours

36 West Santa Clara St., Ventura (805) 648-3803

downtown ventura

Offering Over 15 Styles

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Holiday Gift Special

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gift certificates Available in all sizes starting at $16. (offer good until January 1, 2017)

(805) 643-JONZ

105 S. Oak St., Ste #200 • Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 19

Holiday Shopping in Something for Everyone on your list….


Even the Pets! Client: KnJ Antiques

Ad Executive: Kelly Spargar

open 9am-6pm

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof Mon-sat ADthePROOF “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proo on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.


Ad Executive: Spargur

(805) 648-2244

notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP oof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and e receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, AD WILL RUN AS IS. If this proof meets your approval heck off “FINAL PROOF (APPROVED)” box, date and sign at the bottom. FAX THIS PROOF TO (805) 648-2245 ASAP




Grand opening Fri & sat Nov 25 & 26 Dove Community Center 3875 Telegraph Road 805-658-0805

Ventura’s premier connection to all things vintage! Offering one of the largest selections of vintage and antique items, from furniture and lamps, horse figurines, Beautiful craftsmanship, brass collectibles and more. Rare and handmade in Canada from retired pieces from Lladro, 600 check year old list: fallen trees. Kelly isJr.,correct p address is correct ppphone expiration date is correct Emmett spelling is correct p expiration date is correct number pp address The high quality sound is correct and Ron Lee. gets even better as the 1/2 OFF

Perfect tone

s correct


deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to FoR thAtAd issues ReleAse. deAdline chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy Please Note: Second Item of equal PRioR to thA instrument ages. d by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing.

or lesser All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is value. the copyrighted property Expires Dec. 31, 2016 placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s is prohibited without the express consent ofPublishing’s Great selection ofthan Norton Any use otherpublications the placement of advertising in any of Southland publications is prohibited witho plus any applicable fees. Southland&Publishing, and Simon Patrickplus any applicable fees. p ok to run p ok to run date:__________________ starting at date:_______________________________ $349. or accuracy and is p ok to run This proof is to check for accuracy and is p ok to run Signature: __________________________ Guitar – atogreat quality of reproduction. with correction notlessons intended showgift quality of reproduction. with correction Signature: _____________

for your music lover.

Private Lessons available!!

Guitar Planet

Rocking Ventura since 1989 1822 E. Main St. , Ventura 805.648.4633

HourS: Tues. - Sat. 11am - 7pm

2434 E. Main St., Ventura • 805-667-9165 20 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016


Midtown Ventura

Treasure! Shop for Rare Coins, Gold & Silver Bullion

P acific c oast c oin

Antique & estate jewelry, collectibles, art, unique and rare items for holiday gift giving

Ad Proof Client: Open Air Bicycles Ad Executive: Dave Stephens (80 Ad Executive: Kelly Spargur 648-2244 Please check this proof over carefully(805) and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd

We pay Cash for Gold & Coins to help

er carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You willIfhave a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets yourbox, Holiday ve no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Run As check is. If off this“FInal proof meets approval on Will the 1st proof, ProoFyour (aPProved)” date and Budget! sign at the bottom. f “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date n and sign at the bottom. ISSuE: GI otice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

2555 e. 2016 Main street ISSuE: GIft GuIdE

this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP



Just west of loma Vista, next to chevron

Located next to Pacific Coast Coin 2545 E. Main Street • (805) 667-8192

805-648-2556 houRs: Mon. - Fri. 10am - 5pm | sat. 10am - 4pm

Make The Dream A Reality!

p address is correct

check list: phone number correct ppexpiration date isis correct

p spelling address is correct p

p expiration date is correct


OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/16 FoRissues Ad chAnges deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00Please noon Note: the tuesdAy deAdline PRioR to thAt ReleAse. is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thA All advertising produced by theproperty production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property by the production Southlandmassage, Publishing, is the copyrighted of Southland Publishing. Givedepartment the gift ofofrelaxing and you’ll be

making spirits bright!

cement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications prohibitedofwithout the express of Publishing’s publications is prohibited with Any use other than theisplacement advertising in any ofconsent Southland s any applicable fees. Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. p ok to run p ok to run date:_______________________________ date:__________________

onok 3-packs Gift Certificates accuracy and is SAVE p This proof is to check for accuracy and is to run of p ok to run Signature: __________________________ ality of reproduction. not intended toSAVE show quality of reproduction. with correction with correction $30! 3-pack of 60 min. = $180 ($60 ea.) 3-pack of 90 min. = $252

Signature: _____________

($84 ea.) SAVE $33!

805-217-3307 or in-office 3897 Market St. Ventura

PLUS Don’t miss the 4th Annual Embody Wellness

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 12PM—5PM More info:

We have the right bikes, the right gear & the right advice to put a smile on your face!

Open Air Bicycles 2386 E. Main St., Ventura (Corner of Main & Arcade)


Open: Mon. - Sat. 9am - 6pm

Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 21

over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and ceive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval Client: Ad Executive: Warren Barrett k off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign atAndria’s the bottom. Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, ISSuE: GIft GuIdE 2016 Ax this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof m on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

Open Thanksgiving & Christmas Day


Noon - 5:00pm ~ Regular Dinner Menu Expanded menu with several fresh fish selections daily. Give the gift of Greece with gift cards in any denomination. Gift Cards purchased prior to December 25th totaling $50 or more, receive a free $10 card.


805-658-8267 1567 S pinnaker Dr. #103, V entura , Ca • O pen 7 DayS

Breakfast - Sat. & Sun. 8:30 - 11am Lunch Daily 11am - 4pm Dinner Daily from 4pm

Happy Hour Mon - Fri 2 - 9pm

Ventura Harbor Village • 805-650-5350 1583 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura

Ad Proof

Client: Ventura Harbor Village Ad Executive: Warren Barrett (805) 648-2244 G ift CYou ards vailable f or “2nd t he Proof”, h olidays ·W omen & Jand r. AppArel Please check this proof over carefully indicate all corrections clearly. will a have a “1st Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval · Hno AndbAgs & Accessories on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. · locAl, HAndmAde, ArtisAn JeWelry IssuE: GIft GuIdE 2016

notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

gift certificAtes purcHAse

$45 And recieve $50

mention tHis Ad to sAve 10% (special offers expire 12/24/16)


VentuRA hARboR VillAge



1575 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura • (805) 798-2029

open for lunch & dinner 7 dAys A Week

shop seaside

Barefoot Boutique Beach Break Surf Shop

check list: Casa de Regalos p phone number is correct p address is correct p expiration date is correct p Harbor Village Gallery & Gifts is correct p address is correct p expiration date is correct p spelling is correct Market Liquor deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 Harbor noon the&tuesdAy PRioR to thA Please Note: deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues ReleAse. Hats Unlimited

All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property ed by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. Island Creations Boutique Any use other than the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited with placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. Island Packers Gift Shop plus any applicable fees. p ok to run Lostdate:_________________ in Socks p ok to run date:_______________________________ This proof is to check for accuracy and is p ok to run Mermaid Gallery for accuracy and is p ok to run not intended to show quality of reproduction. with correction Signature: ____________ Signature: __________________________ quality of reproduction. with correction Silhouettes by the Beach Salon


The December Store & More Treasure Cove

p address is correct

p expiration date is correct

p spelling is correct

deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00check noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues ReleAse. list: by the production department of Southland Publishing, the copyrighted property of Publishing. p phone isnumber is correct p Southland address is correct

Ventura County Potters’ Guild Ventura Dive & Sport Ventura Swimwear

p expiration date is correct


acement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to th us any applicable fees. Please Note: p ok to run date:_______________________________ All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted propert r accuracy and is p ok to run Any use other than the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited wit Signature: __________________________ uality of reproduction. with correction Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. p ok to run date:_________________ 22 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

This proof is to check for accuracy and is not intended to show quality of reproduction.

p ok to run with correction

Signature: ____________

LOST IN SOCKS Lost In Socks is a unique boutique with fun gifts for all ages. Everyone from babies and teens to adults and seniors can make a statement with socks! Support your favorite team or pet, show off your favorite character, or just go wild! Great brands like Hotsox, Sole Mate, Sock it to Me, and many more. LOCATED IN THE VENTURA HARBOR (805) 850-0102 WWW,LOSTINSOCKS.COM

ISLAND CREATIONS A laid-back seaside boutique offering a collection of stylish, hard to find Tropical and Afro-Caribbean inspired clothing and accessories. We have a unique selection of Caribbean islandwear, including beach blankets, hemp backpacks, ‘up-cycled’ handmade sandals, sundresses, rasta hats, tie-dye apparel, bohemian and reggae bracelets, sarongs, dashikis, Bob Marley - Zion Rootswear and much more... LOCATED IN THE VENTURA HARBOR (805) 850-0485 WWW.ISLANDCREATIONSVHV.COM

MERMAID GALLERY Mermaid Print on Canvas by local artist Tina Obrien $180; Metal garden signs $24.99; Mermaid greeting cards $5; Framed print $18; Souvenir mugs $12; 2017 Ventura Seaside Calendar art by Tina Obrien $22.50. LOCATED IN THE VENTURA HARBOR (805) 746-2566 WWW.TINAOBRIENFINEART.COM

Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 23

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

Ad Proof Client: Hozys

Ad Executive: Barbara Kroon

(805) 648-2244

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and “Final Proof”. If we receive no proof the 1st 2nd Proofs, Ad Run If this meets your approval Soxproof — The Museum Collection Salted Caramels 8-ounce Gift Box, $18 after Pride oforHeritage Valley giftWill pack, $30As is.Hot on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

A rich and flavorful treat in 28 to 30 pieces of This gift of fresh, quality fruits includes four notice: PleAse FAxLethis PRooF topremium (805)large 648-2245 AsAP sweet salty caramel delights. Bon Garçon Hass avocados, four oranges Candy Company specializes in handmade and four lemons directly from the Limoneira gourmet caramels crafted by French-trained orchards. Limoneira is one of the largest lemon chef Justin Chao. and avocado producers in North America. Le Bon Garçon Candy Company is located Limoneira is located at 1141 Cummings at 481 E. High St., Moorpark; 424-272-6677 Road, Santa Paula; 525-5541 or www. or

Give the gift of really great food & wine

1760 E. Lemonwood Drive One block South of Hwy 126 & Hallock Dr., Santa Paula


24 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

gift box of four pair, $30

GuIdE 2016 A great gift IssuE: for those GIft who love fun fashion — for their feet. Lost in Socks offers an assortment of quality brand socks to appeal to the taste of a wide range of people. Lost in Socks is located at 1575 Spinnaker Drive, #107A, Ventura; 8500102 or

Friendly Service, Racing Atmosphere, Pacific Rim Specialties, USDA Prime Meats Fresh Fish Breakfast: Monday - Friday 7:00 am-11:00 am Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am - 2:30 pm Lunch: Everyday 11:00 am - 2:30 pm Dinner: Wednesday - Saturday 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for having one of the most outstanding wine lists in the world

Ventura’s Best Aquarium Shop Ventura’s Largest Selection of: • Saltwater Fish • Coral • Freshwater Fish • Live Plants • Saltwater and Freshwater Invertebrates.

Ad Proof

• Aquarium Supplies

t House

Ad Executive: Warren Barrett

(805) 648-2244

f over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and Schedule an Appointment for an Aquarium Service Today! eceive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval k off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

Extreme Marine

ISSuE: GIft GuIdE 2016

Ax this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

Tropical Fish and Koi

Open Monday-Friday 12-7

Saturday 11-7

Sunday 11-6

1495 Palma Drive, Ventura • 644-FISH (3474)


ST: number is correct

Gift Packs

p expiration date is correct spelling is correct Choose pour 30 Day Full Access Pass (only $100) , 3 Month Trial Membership, DEADLINE FOR AD CHANGES IS 12:00 NOON THE TUESDAY PRIOR TO THAT ISSUES RELEASE. OTE: Personal Training, or Tennis & Swim ng produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. Lessons - the Pierpont Racquet Club er than the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of has great options! ublishing, plus any applicable fees. p OK to run Enjoyed by locals for over 54 years!!! Gift Certificates are available for all Date:_______________________________ Client Gifts | Corporate | Birthdays ys s to check for accuracy and is Gifts | Holidays your Holiday Gift Giving! p OK to run 2013

p address is correct

Signature: __________________________ with correction PERFECT for ANY occasion Gift Baskets & WWW.PIERPONTRC.COM ~ 805-648-5161

Teachersof Gifts | Hostess Gifts d to show quality reproduction.

We Ship Anywhere in the US! Nuts Dried Fruits Much more!!!

Somis Nut House




4475 E. Los Angeles Ave., Somis CA 93066

Design, Customize and Build your own Gift Pack Choose from over HUNDREDS of Delicious items



HWY 118 To Ventura


To Simi


Mon. - Fri.: 8am-5:30pm • Sat. & Sun. 9:30am - 5:30pm

1/2lb bag Butter Toffee 4475 E. Los Angeles Ave., Somis, CA Peanuts with a $15.00 min purchase.


Mon. - Fri. 8am-5:30pm • Sat. & Sun. 9:30am - 5:30pm 1 per customer valid in-store only with ad not valid with any other coupons or discounts exp 7/31/13

Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 25

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

Ad Proof


Ad Executive: Dave Stephens

(805) 648-2244

ver carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and Client: Dottie’s Sweet Delights Ad Executive: Diane Newman Hand-Painted Mermaid Sand Dollar Happy Buddha, aka Hotoi Buddha, ive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval Vintage Victrola, price varies Ornaments, $10-$15 $129 Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. willwould have a “1st Proof”, “ ff “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. A victrola that ThomasYou Edison “Final Proof”. If we receive noa proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof m A perfect gift for those who love the ocean This Happy Buddha is cast river stone and another from the ’30s are ISSuE: ProoF GIft GuIDE 2016recognize this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP on the 1st piece proof, check (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. and fantastical sea creatures. The Mermaid and greatoff for “FInal outdoors! Buddha’s

Gallery is owned and operated by Tina notice: O’Brien, sketching and showcasing the beaches of Ventura, capturing the dreamy blues and greens of the ocean. The Mermaid Gallery is located at 1575 Spinnaker Drive, #107B, Ventura; 644-6088 or

treasures you’ll find among the gold and PleAse this to (805) 648-2245 AsAP Garden is aFAx boutique withPRooF a wide selection silver. Pacific Coast Coin specializes in of Far East-themed, hand-carved pieces for buying and selling collectibles including rare the home and garden. coins and precious metals, antique items Buddha’s Garden is located at 1642 E. and more. Main St., Ventura; 427-1500 or www. Pacific Coast Coin is located at 2555 Main St., Ventura; 648-2556 or www.

Golf ‘n Stuff Makes Gift Giving Fun!! Great Stocking Stuffers Gift Certificates (only $10 each)

The Mini Park Pass (only $13 each)

& The All Park Pass T

Finest he

n Fami ly

(only $20 each) Fu nP arks!

Make Great Holiday Gifts. No Minimum Required

644-7131 ext. 211 All Park Pass & Mini Park Pass can not be used on the date of purchase.

26 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016


Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

AD PROOF Client: CIBarbara Sportfishing ay Orchids Ad Executive: kroon (805) 648-2244Ad Executive: Warren Barrett Please check this proof over carefully and corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “ oof over carefully and indicate all corrections You will have a “1st Proof”, “2ndindicate Proof”, all and Art Glass Blue Whale Glow-in-clearly.Proof”. Standard Tatul Kit, $250 Snack Pack Five-Item Gift Box, $26.50 IfAS weIS. receive no proof afteryour the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof m receive no the-Dark, proof after$19.95 the 1st or 2nd Proofs,“Final AD WILLThe RUN If this proof meets approval Tatul process safely and painlessly A 3-pound varietyand boxsign containing toffee on the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date at thebutter bottom.

eck off “FINAL (APPROVED)” box,are date and sign at the the bottom. GlassPROOF glow-in-the-dark figurines fit for removes top layer of dead skin and peanuts, salted cashews, salted deluxe mixed notice: PleAse FAx this ISSUE: PRooF GIFT to (805) 648-2245 AsAP 2016 FAX THISany PROOF TO (805) 648-2245 ASAP setting or occasion. Salzer’s Records allows new, rejuvenated skin to grow and GUIDEnuts, salted natural pistachios and smoked

is a local counterculture haven with an extensive selection of new and used CDS, DVDs, games, videos and lifestyle accoutrements. Salzer’s Records is located at 5777 Valentine Road, Ventura; 639-2160 or

take its place. This is done with the Tatul handpiece and its diamond-coated tip (Yes, actual diamonds, the hardest surface known to man.) Step two is to apply the Tatul brightening skin serum. For more information, visit, based in Ventura.

A family owned nursery in Carpinteria since 1978

almonds. Somis Nut House is a family-owned and -operated packing house offering an extensive selection of candies, dried fruits, nuts, goodies and gift boxes/baskets. Somis Nut House is located at 4475 E. Los Angeles Ave., Somis; 386-1211 or

Gift Certificates

~ The Perfect Gift for Any Occasion ~ Phalaenopsis • Cymbidiums • All the “Trimmings” ~ Custom Arrangements Creatively Crafted ~ Select from an array of orchids, succulents, foliage plants and Tillandsias.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Visit our Retail Showroom Monday -Friday 9 - 4:30 • Saturday 10 - 4 3504 Via Real • Carpinteria CA • 93013 from the 101 freeway ~ exit at Santa Claus Lane • 805.684.5411 ext. 2

Whale Watch Season Starts December 26th

Photo: Liz Vernand

Inspiration for your home ~ Locally grown

Channel Islands Sportfishing & Whale Watching 4151 S. Victoria Ave., Channel Islands Harbor

805.382.1612 • Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 27


& Western

Ad Executive: Diane Newman

(805) 648-2244

of over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval eck off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

Heritage Valley Holidays IssuE: GIFt GuIDE 2016

FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

Give the sweetest Gift!

Find Homespun Gifts from Ventura County Inside the Museum Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Wednesday - sunday Admission is Free 926 railroad Avenue

Ad Proof

Next to the Depot & railroad tracks in Historic Downtown santa Paula


ot Foods

Ad Executive: Barbara Kroon

(805) 648-2244

proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom.

Paula Theater Center Ad Executive: Kroon IssuE: GIFt GuIdE 2016 s e F A x t h i s P R o o F t o ( 8 0 5 ) 6 4 8Ho - 2 2Ho 4Client: 5 Ho, AsA P Santa Merry Christmas! Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “ 2016 Holiday Trains “Final Dinner Proof”. If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, AD WILL RUN AS IS. If this proof m Murder Mystery train - 6:30pm on Boy the 1st• Dec. proof, Dec. 3 Bugle 1942 17 Thecheck Holiday off “FINAL PROOF (APPROVED)” box, date and sign at the bottom. Home of “THe movie Trains”

Christmas N O T I C Etree : P Ltrains EASE FAX THIS PROOF TO (805) 648-2245 ASAP

Now thru December 11 10am & 2pm

North Pole express

Now thru December 26 6pm & 7:30pm

Dinner with santa

December 19, 20, & 23 5:30pm Reservations Required On These Trains

Book online or call for available excursions - • 805-524-2546

Season Santa Paula Season Roasting Theater Center 2017 Red PePPeR Comingis Up in the New Year!!! s correct ap address is correct p expiration date is correct p spelling correct Romas check list: dFoR Rift deAdline Ad chAnges is 12:00 noonnumber the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues is ReleAse. p phone is correct p address correct p expiration date is correct p ed by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. thRough deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to th Please Note: placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted propert t he a iR plus any applicable fees.

or accuracy and is quality of reproduction.

other than the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited wit p ok to run Any use date:_______________________________ Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. p ok to run p ok to run FEBRUARY 10 APRIL 21 date:_________________ JUNE 23

Signature: __________________________ with correction - MAY 28 This proof is to check for accuracy and is- MARCH 19 p ok to run

e b tao nced nnou

not intended to show quality of reproduction.

chRistMAs bAskets noW AvA i l A b l e !

s correct

Excitement in salsas, p address correctBBQ sauces, p expiration date is correct Hotissauces, Jams & Pepper

with correction


p spelling is correct

AUGUST 25ReleAse.NOVEMBER 17 deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon issues Accessories and Local the BlingtuesdAy PRioR to thAt - OCTOBER 1

- JULY 30

Signature: ____________


2017 Season Tickets Available Soon!

d by the production Monday - department Friday 10 tilof 4 Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. the gate placement ofWhen advertising in anyisofopen, Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of we’re open plus any applicable fees. 820 Railroad Ave., p ok to run date:_______________________________

805-258-3650 or accuracy and is p ok to run

— Ventura County Gift correction Guide — 2016 quality of28reproduction. with

santa Paula

Box Office 805-525-4645

Signature: __________________________ • 805-933-0076 santa Paula, CA • 1001 E. Main street Wednesday - sunday • 10 am to 4 pm

Client: CI Kayak Ad Executive: Dave Stephens


Create The Perfect Gift!

Ad Proof (805) 648-2244

Ad Executive: Warren Barrett

Please check this proof over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof” f over carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. will have “1st Proof”, “2ndafter Proof”, “FinalYou Proof”. If wea receive no proof the and 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof eceive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Adon Will Run As is. If this proof meets your approval the 1st proof, check off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. k off “FInal ProoF (aPProved)” box, date and sign at the bottom. Issu notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP ISSuE: GIft GuIDE 2016 Ax this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP

Classes • Community • Fun!

4572 Telephone Rd. #909, Ventura • 805-654-9500

Experience Channel islands National park s correct p address is correct p expiration date is correct and marine sanctuary


2907 Palma Drive, Ventura

It’s Our

HAPPy Hobie HolidAy SeASon! T C o Ho, Ho Ho!

HeCk HiS uT!

p spelling is correct

deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon the tuesdAy PRioR to thAt issues ReleAse.

CHECK LIST: ed by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted property of Southland Publishing. p phone numberis is correctwithout p the address correct p expiration date is correct placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications prohibited expressisconsent of plus any applicable fees. DEADLINE FOR AD CHANGES IS 12:00 NOON THE TUESDAY PRIOR T PLEASE NOTE: p ok to run

for accuracy and Giftis quality of reproduction. tes



All advertising produced by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted pro Any use other than__________________________ the placement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibite Signature: with correction Southland Publishing, plus any applicable fees. p OK to run Date:______________

p ok to run

This proof is to check for accuracy and is not intended to show quality of reproduction.

p OK to run with correction

Signature: _________

p expiration date isHike correct p Cspelling is correct C fREE Intro stand up Paddle Lesson with o o Camp All s.u.P. demos or new 2017 Hobie Eclipse U U deAdline FoR Ad chAnges is 12:00 noon mthe tuesdAy PRioR to thAtP issues ReleAse. kayak P fREE try Out demos on the New u o o 2017 Hobie Pedal drive Kayaks! (Any model in stock!) ng a n Southland Publishing. WHale WatCH property of n d by the production department of Southland Publishing, is the copyrighted gM ou D lacement of advertising in any of Southland Publishing’s publications is prohibited without the express consent of : Wildlife Cruises AWesome holidAy PAckAges! o ot Ph Come on Down - Have Some Fun - See Ya Soon! us any applicable fees. Holiday Cruises p ok to run 805-642-1393 In The Marine 805 date:_______________________________ Channel Islands KayaK Center Emporium or and is Since 1968 3600 s. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard 984-5995 Landing! p ok to run correct

p address is correct

uality of reproduction.

with correction

Signature: __________________________

Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016 — 29

Holiday Gift Guide

Ventura County

AD PROOF Ad Executive: Kelly Spargur

(805) 648-2244

Client: Halla Racing Ad Executive: Dave Stephens (8 er carefully and indicate all corrections clearly. You Jim will have “1st Proof”, “2nd Proof”, and ve no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, ADPlease WILL check RUN AS If this proof meetsand your approval thisIS. proof over carefully indicate all corrections clearly. You will have a “1st Proof”, “2n Beeswax Candles,box, $0.75-$20 Decorative Umbrella, $30 DNA CryoStem Therapy Facial, $195 f “FINAL PROOF (APPROVED)” date and signProof”. at the bottom. “Final If we receive no proof after the 1st or 2nd Proofs, Ad Will Run As is. If this proof mee A selection of pure beeswax candles,on the 1st proof, Perfectcheck for creative and sassy types who love This specialized is unlike any other off “FInal date and serum sign at the bottom. ISSUE:ProoF GIFT (aPProved)” GUIDE 2016 box, THIS PROOF TO (805) 648-2245 ASAP courtesy of local bees. From charming a splash of color and vibrant art gifts. Island product and has the ability to influence aging ISSuE: notice: PleAse FAx this PRooF to (805) 648-2245 AsAP tealights (perfect for stocking stuffers!) to Creations is a laid-back seaside boutique cells to promote stronger, younger, healthier impressively carved pillars, these handsome offering a collection of stylish, hard-to-find skin. Coastal Skin Care and Medi Spa candles will burn longer, brighter and tropical- and Afro-Caribbean-inspired clothing specializes in skin and body care, offering cleaner, with less dripping. and accessories. a variety of services, including facials, Find these as well as local honey and Island Creations is located in the massage, Botox, cosmetic fillers and more. honey-made products at Bennett’s Honey Ventura Harbor at 1591 Spinnaker Coastal Skin Care and Medi Spa is Farm, 3176 Honey Lane, Fillmore, CA; Drive,. #113, Ventura; 850-0485 or www. located at 428 Poli St., #2C, Ventura; 521-1375 or 641-2345 or

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NEW LOCATION! • 805-643-7059 2907 Palma Drive, Ventura •

30 — Ventura County Gift Guide — 2016

Ad must be mentioned at time of purchase, no exceptions. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. No Refunds available. Business is closing. Last class available on 12-30-16

2600 Challenger Pl., Oxnard, CA 93030

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Christmas Tree Farm

A Family Christmas Tradition

Open Day After Thanksgiving!

An Adventure for the Whole Family! Come Find Your Perfect Tree!

Family Farm Weekends November 25, 26 & 27 • December 3 & 4 December 10 & 11 • December 17 & 18 Pictures with Santa, Hayrides, Farm Animals, Pony Rides, Snack Shack, Pet Friendly Bring This Ad For



Any Tree Minimum 5 ft.

One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other discounts.

h gle Christmas Tree Farm

Fresh Cut Noble Fir Trees from Washington and Monterey Pines

Wreaths, Garland, Mistletoe, Netting, Tree Stands, Delivery Available

Monday - Friday 12pm - Dark Saturday & Sunday 9am - Dark

3100 Somis Road • Somis • (805) 630-4580

ONCE A YEAR SALE! Starting on November 15th, Lynn’s will have its annual inventory sale. It happens only once a year that you can buy from our in-stock inventory at these prices. Discounts from 25% to 60% off of the retail price. Act now for Christmas!

For more information, please see “This Month in Ventana” on our website

4572 Telephone Road, #906 Ventura, CA 93003


All of our custom designs have been made from 100% recycled gold for more than 40 years. Respect for the Earth is not a new idea at Lynn’s.

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