Corrubedo natural park

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Aerial photo oof the area taken t by pllane.

Introdu uction The Corruubedo Sand-Dunes and d Carregal and Vixán lagoons Natural N Parkk was given n protectedd status on 5th June 19992. This nattural park i s located in n the Barbanza Peninsuula and belongs to thee municipaliity of Ribeira (A Coruña provincee, Galicia. Spain). S It iss one of thee most remaarkable andd interesting sites in Galician naturre. A nature reserve is an a area of a territory, nnot very tran nsformed orr spoilt by hhuman activvities and haabitation, annd due to th he beauty of its landsc ape, the uniqueness off its ecosysteems, fauna, flora and geology, g hass ecologicall, aesthetic, educationaal and scienttific values,, its protectiion deservess special ateention. In thhat way thaat was writteen down inn the Law 9//2001 (21thh August 20001), related to nature preservationn in Galicia. 1 1

Physicaal envirronmen nt The coast along the Corrubedo C bay is low w, with widee areas of sandy beacches. The wind-related w d movemnt oof this sanddy deposits make posssible the development of seashoree belts of dunes, d oftenn more or leess colonizeed by halop phitic vegetaation. The wind-relate w d movemennt of seasho ore belts off dunes, ofteen more or less l colonized by halopphitic vegetaation. This strongg wind activvity formed a mobile du dune, the big ggest in Norrthwestern IIberia, moree than 1 km m long and between 2000-300 m wid de, with 12--15 m at its highest Norrtheast. The dunar belt damm med up the waters, w so w we have Caarregal lagoon, that is fflooted and d drained inn relation to tidal movem ments, so we w have a maarsh here. Vixán lagooon, more properly a laake, was creeated by a siimilar proceess. Nowadaays is connected to thee sea only inn equinoctiaal periods. The T freshwaater charactter of this laake gives itt a differentt ecologicall background comparedd with the brrackish Carrregal marsh h.

The river r netwoork of the Corrubedo C Park. 2 2

Flora We can find in the natural park a wide representation of the botanic communities belongning to the marshes, lagoons and beaches in the galician shore. Here we have a noteworthy place to watch this unique and interesting flora. Its variaety is the characteristic that makes this place different. In the dunes, sandy grasslands and in the nearby wtlands we can find 237 plant species (23 of them legally protected, because of their status of rarities or endemics). We also can find pinewoods, mixed with common oak, alder, willos and cultures, due to the human activities in the area.

Fauna The complex and diverse habitats of the nature reserve make possible the ocurrence of a great number of animal species. In 14 amphibian species recorded in Galicia, 10 are known to be resident in the natural park. We can find 14 different reptile species, in 20 recorded in the whole of Galicia, and also a huge representation of mammals and marine and coastal species. Its ornithological value is plain to see because this nature reserve was included in the International Important Wetlands Convention (Ramsar, 2th February 1971). We can distinguish three areas for birds:  Carregal marshes: they gather a great number of gulls and plovers.  Vixán lake: with a surrounding reed belt has the main species of ducks and rallidae.  The sea: we can find there divers, scoters and shags. As breeding species we can find the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), coot (Fulica atra) and the kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus). The latest show an important number of breeding pairs in the entire Galician population.

Historical and archaeological heritage The park and its surroundings show different samples of archaeological and ethnographic heritage.  Pipín burial mound. It's a burial chamber ("mámoa" in Galician language), normally circular in shape, formed by several large stones belonging to the Neolithic culture characteristic northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. It is more than 5,000 years old. Another megalithic monument from this period and near Corrubedo is the Axeitos dolmen.  Castro of Baixo Porto. A Celtic “castro” is a fortified pre-Roman town usually, although there are examples below that lasted until the Middle Ages, present especially in the northwest and in parts of the plateau of the Iberian Peninsula. Its are small fortified settlements formed by circular buildings and located predominantly on the coast and in strategic places on inland. Castros and mámoas are two of the most notable of which is now known as the ancient Celtic culture, which extends around Ireland, southern England and the west coast of France. The Porto de Baixo castro is 3000 years old and it is situated near the sea.  Amendo mills. Despite the small gap that must navigate the rivers of the park, in the area there were several water mills, of which these two are preserved and arranged today.  The area has many other signs of this rich etnographic heritage such as tile furnaces, granaries named “hórreos” in Galician language (high rectangular building on a stone base to store grain or agricultural products), stone fences, stone circular dovecotes...  In this guide scientific species names are in italics, in English they are in black, red in Spanish and green in Galician.


Pipín n mámoa

Castro of Baix ixo Porto

Sights in n the Corrrubedo Na atural Paark (in Ga alician lan nguage)

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STUDEN NTS AND D TEACH HERS IN THE CORRUBED DO NATIO ONAL PA ARK TH 25 OC CTOBER, 2014 Visitorr reception ceentre in Corrrubedo Park

Towards the park inteerpretation classroom

Inside I the paark interpretaation classroo om

Differentt fishing geaar

Towards the Viilar beach thr hrough Pinus pinaster forrest

Gaateway to acccess the Vilar beach

Pipín Celtic C tomb, covered by lichens l

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on in the pastt Pinus raadiata, a pinee reforestatio

Pinus pinaster, widespreadd pine on the Galician coaast

A big specimeen of Pinus pinaster

"Hórreo", Galiccian storehouuse for agricu ultural produucts

Phrragmites austtralis (comm mon reed)

Mendo o river passinng near a watter mill

Laurus nobbilis and Callitriiche stagnalis in n the Mendo rivver

Laurrel (Laurus nnobilis) in bloom

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mmon willow w (Salix atrocinerea) Com

Fireplace and stone w wheel in the water w mill

L Line of wickeer (Salix vimiinalis)

Common hawthorn (C Crataegus monogyna)

Vixxán lagoon suurrounded by y reed (Phraggmites austrralis). At the bottom, the Corrubedo village v

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Tent bird watching

Teacherr and studentts watching birds b

n the Vixán laagoon Duccks and otherr Anatidae in

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Group photo at the end off the tour, rig ght next to th he Vixán lagooon


Flora of Vixán lagoon and surrounding area The Amendo River flows into the Vixán lake. This lake and its biodiversity the main object of study of this work. The biodiversity of the area presented in three tables: one on the flora, another on birds and one on the other vertebrates including some relevant species of invertebrates. The lagoon and marshes species The lagoon, with fresh water preferably, many common reeds (Phragmites australis) accompanied by Branched bur-reed (Sparganium erectum), lake sedge (Scirpus lacustris), sea rush (Scirpus maritimus), common plantain (Plantago major), wolf mint (Lycopus europaeus) and Oenanthe fistulosa. The long-bracted sedge (Carex extensa) dominates the nearest ocean margin. Lotus maritimus, petticoat daffodil (Narcissus bulbocodium), purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea), changing forget-me-not (Miosotis discolor), Panicum repens, Paspalum vaginatum, Ranunculus bulbosus, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and greater creeping spearwort (Ranunculus flammula) appears in wet meadow, the latter two poisonous to livestock. As aquatic plants include algae Chara vulgaris, Nitella tenuissima, Najas marina, Najas marina and Ruppia maritima, the latter in the muddy bottoms. Among the aquatic plants there are floating pondweed (Potamogeton natans and Potamogeton pectinatus) and pond water crowfoot (Ranunculus omiophyllus and R. peltatus). Besides these, in pools of sweet and calm water there are: pond waterstarwort (Callitriche stagnalis) and carnivorous common bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) (this remains under water except his yellow flowers). In areas of more freshwater lagoon Carregal, are frequent common duckweed (Lemna minor) tapestries forming on the surface of the water appears. The tree and shrub vegetation The tree vegetation surrounding this space is represented by maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) with poor understory largely of western brackenfern (Pteridium aquilinum). There are also sweet bay (Laurus nobilis) and shrub vegetation composed of heather (Erica spp., and Calluna vulgaris), broom (Cytisus spp.), common gorse (Ulex europaeus), besides blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) spurge flax (Daphne gnidium), butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus), etc., as well as other typical ruderal species like nettles (Urtica spp.) and stramonium (Datura stramonium). In the past, tamarind (Tamarix gallica) there been planted in the border of Carregal lake, an area in which there are alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash gray willow (Salix atrocinerea) and white willow (Salix salvifolia).


The lago oon and marshes s specie es Phrragmites ausstralis (comm mon reed, carrizzo, carrizo)

Sparganium m erectum (B Branched burr-reed, pllatanaria, espparganio)

Scirpus lacuustris (lake sedge, s juunco de lacusstre, xunco de d lagoa)

Scirpus S (Bolb boschoenus) maritimus (ssea rush, ju uncia marina,, escirpo)

11 1Â Â

p Plaantago major (common plantain, llantén mayor, m chantáán)

Lycopus europaeus us (wolf mintt, menta de d lobo, marrrubio acuáticco)

Carexx extensa (lonng-bracted seedge, buño)

Narcissus bu ulbocodium (petticoat daaffodil, narciso acampan nado o campaanilla, flor dee san Xosé)

12 2

Molinia caeruleea (purple moor grass, moliniia,, molinea))

Myosotis disscolor (changging forget-m me-not, no omeolvides, m miosotis)

Ranunculuus flammula (greater creeeping spearw wort, fllámula, herbaa de ouro, bu ugallón)

Potamogetton natans (fl floating pond dweed, espigaa de agua, esppiga de augaa)

13 3

Calllitriche staggnalis (water-starwort, bricio, eestrella de prrimavera, herrba lameiriĂąaa)

Utricularia vulgaris (coommon bladd derwort, lentibulaaria)

Eleochaaris palustriss (marsh spik ke-rush, juncco palustrre, eleocaris))

Lemna L minorr (also presennt in Carregaal lagoon) (common duuckweed, lentejaa de agua, lenntella de aug ga)

14 4Â Â

The tree e and shrrub vege etation Pinus pinaster (maritime pine pino marítim mo, piñeiro bravo) b

Pinus P pinasteer (fruit)

Pinus raddiata (Monteerey pine, pin no insigne o de Moonterrey, piññeiro de repoboación)

Pinus P radiata ta (fruit)

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Erica sppp. (this photoo is Erica tettralix) (heathher, brezoo, queiruga)

Callluna vulgariis (heather, brezo, queiiruga)

Cyytisus spp (C C. scoparius) (broom, retama dee escobas, xesta)

Ulex europaeus (coommon gorse. tojo, toxxo)

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Rubbus spp (R.fruuticosus) (bllackberry, zarzam mora, silva)

Daph hne gnidium (spurge flax, torvisco, troovisco)

Ruuscus aculeattus (butcher’s broom, rusco, xilbarbeira)

Urtica a spp. (U. diooica) (nettless, ortigas, estr trugas)

D Datura stramoonium (stram monium, estramonio, herba do deemo)

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Tamarrix gallica (taamarind, tam marindo, tamaarxeira)

Alnus glutinossa (alder, alisso, ameneiroo)

Salix sa alvifolia (= SS. atrocinerea a) (white willow, baardaguera blaanca, salgueiro nodoso)

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Fauna of Vixán lagoon area (excluding birds) Amphibia In Corrubedo Park there are 10 species of anphibia: marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus), palmate newt (Triturus helveticus), Bosca's newt (Triturus boscai), fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans), Spanish spadefoot toad (Pelobates cultripes), common toad (Bufo bufo), natterjack toad (Bufo calamita), Iberian green frog (Rana perezi) and European tree frog (Hyla arborea formerly Rana arborea). Reptiles The reptiles are well represented in this area with the following species: ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida), Iberian emerald lizard or Schreiber's green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi), Bocage's wall lizard (Podarcis bocagei), Iberian Wall Lizard (Lacerta hispanica), Large Psammodromus (Psammodromus algirus), three-toed skink (Chalcides chalcides), slowworm (Anguis fragilis), smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), southern smooth snake (Coronella girondica), ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris), grass snake (Natrix natrix), viperine water snake (Natrix maura), Iberian cross adder (Vipera seoanei) and European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Mammals (including two marine cetacean mammals) Among the most importante mammals to quote are: European badger (Meles meles), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), European otter (Lutra lutra), short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Insects We highlight only as something special the beautiful Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), which today lies within the category of protected species, being one of the most amazing butterfly in Europe.


Amphib bians Triturrus marmora atus (marbledd newt, tritón n jaspeado, pintafontes p vverde)

Trriturus helvetticus (palmatte newt, tritóón palmeado, pintafontes palmado)

Triturrus boscai (B Bosca's newt,, tritón ib bérico, pintaffontes común n)

mandra salam mandra (firee salamanderr, salamandraa común, pínntega) Salam

20 0

Alytes obstetricanss (common midwife m toadd, sapoo partero com mún, sapiño comadrón) c

Pelobates cultripes (Spaanish spadefo oot toad, sapo dee espuelas, saapo de esporó óns)

Bufo bufoo (common to oad, sapo comúún, sapo com mún)

Bubo calamita (na natterjack toaad, sapo corredor, c sappo corriqueirro)

R Rana perezi (Iberian greeen frog, rana com mún, rá verd de)

Hyla arborea (Euroopean tree frrog, ranitaa de san Anttonio, estrozaa)

21 1

Reptiles s L Lacerta lepida (ocellatedd lizard, lagaarto ocelado, lagarto arnaal)

Lacerta scchreiberi (Iberian emeraald lizard, lagarto verdineegro, lagartoo das silvas)

Podaarcis bocageei (Bocage's wall lizard,

Podarcis hispanica h (Ibberian Wall Lizard,

laagartija gallegga, lagartixa galega)

lagartija ib bĂŠrico, lagarrtixa dos pen nedos)

22 2Â Â

Psammoddromus algirrus (Large Pssammodromuus, laggartija colilarrga, lagartixaa rabuda)

Chalcidess chalcides (t (three-toed sk kink, eslizón n común, esggonzo común n)

Anguis fraggilis (slowwo orm, lución, esscáncer comú ún)

Coronellla austriaca (smooth snaake, culebra c lisa europea, e cobrra lagarteira común)

Coronella girondicaa (southern smooth s snakee, culebra lisaa meridional, cobra lagarrteira meridioonal)

Elaph he scalaris (lladder snake, culebraa de escalera,, serpe riscad da)

23 3

Natrix natriix (grass snakke, culebra de d collar, cob bra de colar)

Natrrix maura (viiperine waterr snake, culeebra viperina, cobra viperrina)

Vipera seoannei (Iberian cross c adder, vvíbora de Seeoane o cantaabrica, víboraa de Seoane))

Emys orbiicularis (Eurropean pond turtle, galápago europeo, sapo-conchho común)

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Mamma als (including two o marine cetacea an mamm mals) Meles melles (Europeann badger, tejón común, porco teixo)

Vulpes vulpees (red fox, zorro, z raposo)

Lutra lutra (Euuropean otterr, nutria, lond dra)

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Delphinuss delphis (short-beaked ccommon dolp phin, delfín común, c golfiñño común)

Tursioops truncatuss (common bbottlenose do olphin, delfín n mular, arroaaz real)

Insects P Papilio macchaon (Old W World Swalllowtail, macaón, macaónn)

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Birds of Vixán lagoon area The largest number of gulls and waders are found in the marsh and in the lagoon. Gulls (Laridae and Sternidae) Among Laridae we can highlight these species: yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis, Laus cachinnans), black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus or Chroicocephalus ridibundus), little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus or Larus minutus), Sandwich tern (Sterna sandivicensis or Thalasseus sandvicensis), common tern (Sterna hirundo), great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and common shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis). Mud-living (wading) birds As most representative wadings we can cite the following species: oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta), Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), common ringed plover or ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula), ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus), Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata), bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica), black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa), European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria), grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola), northern lapwing or peewit (Vanellus vanellus), red knot (Calidris canutus), sanderling (Calidris alba), little stint (Calidris minuta), long-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), dunlin (Calidris alpina), common snipe (Gallinago gallinago), common redshank or simply redshank (Tringa totanus), common greenshank (Tringa nebularia), green sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) and Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos).

Wading birds that feed on the marsh vegetation There are four of these species living in this area: grey heron (Ardea cinerea), Eurasian spoonbill or common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), little egret (Egretta garzetta) and little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).

Ducks and other Anatidae There are many species in this area, being the most notable the folowing: mute swan (Cygnus olor), whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus), wild duck or mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), pintail or northern pintail (Anas acuta), widgeon or Eurasian widgeon (Anas penelope), gadwall (Anas strepera), northern shoveler (Anas clypeata), barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis), common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), greylag goose (Anser anser), garganey (Anas querquedula), common teal (Anas crecca), common pochard (Aythya ferina), tufted duck (Aythya fuligula), Eurasian coot (Fulica atra), The common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (also known as the “swamp chicken”), water rail (Rallus aquaticus)...


Gulls (L Laridae and a Stern nidae) laruss michahelliss (yellow-leg gged gull, gaviotta patiamarillla, gaivota patiamarela)

Larus rid dibundus (blaack-headed gull, g gaviotaa reidora, gaiivota chorona)

Larus minutus (little gu ull, gaviota enanaa, gaivota peq quena)

Sterna sa andivicensis (Sandwich tern, charrán patinegro, ccarrán cristad do)

Sterna a hirundo (coommon tern, charráán común, caarrán carrán))

Phalaacrocorax caarbo (great cormorant, c corm morán grandde, corvo marriño real)

Phalacroco orax aristotellis (common n shag, cormorán moñudo, m corvvo mariño criistado)

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Mud-liviing (wad ding) bird ds Haeemotopus osttralegus (oysstercatcher, ostrrero, gabita)

Recurviirostra avoceetta (pied avocet, av voceta comúún, avoceta)

Burhinus oedicnem mus (Eurasian n stone-curlew w, alcaraván común, c perniileiro)

Charadriu us alexandrinnus (Kentish plover, chorliteejo patinegroo, píllara papuda)

Charaddrius hiaticula (common ringed ploveer, chorlitejo grande, g píllarra real)

Arenariia interpres ((ruddy turnsttone, vuelvepiedras común ún, píllara risccada)

29 9

N Numenius phaaeopus (whim mbrel, zaraapito trinadoor, mazarico galego)

Numeniuss arquata (E Eurasian curleew, zarap pito real, mazzarico curlí)

Limoosa lapponicca (bar-tailed d godwit, agujja colipinta, rmazarico r raabipinto)

Limosa limosa (blackk-tailed godw wit, aguja colinegra, mazaarico rabineg gro)

Pluvialiss apricaria (European ( go olden plover,, chorlitejo dorado comúún, píllara do ourada grandde)

Pluvialiis squatarolaa (grey ploveer, chorliito gris, píllaara cincenta)

30 0

Vaneellus vanelluus (northern lapwing, l avefríaa, avefría)

Calidris canutuss (red knot, correliimos gordo, pilro groso)

Calidris albba (sanderlin ng, corrrelimos tridácctilo, pilro bu ulebule)

Calid dris minuta ((little stint, correlimo os chico, pilrriño patimouro)

Calidris alpina a (dunlin n, corrrelimos com mún, pirlo currlibico)

Limnodromus sccolopaceus (llong-billed dowitcher, d aguja escolo opácea, becaacina escolop pácea)

Galllinago gallinnago (comm mon snipe, agaachadiza com mún, becacin na cabra)

Tringa nebularia (com mmon greensshank, archibeb be claro, biluurico pativerrde)

31 1

Trinnga totanus (common ( red dshank, archhibebe comúún, bilurico común) c

Tringa ochropus o (greeen sandpipeer, archibebee grande, biluurico alinegrro)

Actitiis hypoleucoss (common S Sandpiper, an ndarríos chicco, bilurico bbailón)

Wading birds th hat feed on o the m marsh veg getation Ardea cinnerea (grey heron, h garza real, r garza real)

Platalea leucorodia ((Eurasian spo oonbill, esp pátula comúnn, cullereiro))

Egretta gaarzetta (little egret, garceta común, garzota)

Isobryychus minutuus (little bitteern, avetorrillo común, garza pequeena)

32 2

and other Anatida ae in the e lagoon and marrsh Ducks a Cygnus olor (mute sw wan, cisne vullgar, cisne reeal)

Cygnu us cygnus (w whooper swan n, cisn ne cantor, cissne grande)

A Anas platyrhy hynchos (wild d duck, ánade real, alavanco real) r

anass acuta (nortthern pintail,, ánade rabudo, paato rabilongo o)

Annas penelopee (Eurasian widgeon, w silbón europpeo, pato asu ubión)

An nas streperaa (gadwall, ánaade friso, patto cincento)

Anas clypeataa (northern sh hoveler, pato cucharra, pato culleerete)

Branta a leucopsis (bbarnacle goo ose, barnaclaa cariblanca,, ganso sangaano)

33 3

Tadorrna tadorna (common sh helduck, tarro blanco, pato branco o)

Ansser anser (grreylag goose, ánsaar común, annsar cincento o)

Annas querquedula (gargan ney, cerceta carretonaa, cerceta do estío)

Anas crecca (coommon teal,, cerceta común, cerceta real))

Ayth thya ferina (ccommon pocchard, porrrón europeo, parrulo chu upón)

Ayth hya fuligula (tufted duck k, porrón mo oñudo, parruulo cristado común) c

Fulica atrra (Eurasiann coot, focha com mún, galiñola negra)

Gallinula cchloropus (common moo orhen, gallinneta común, galiña g de río))

Raallus aquaticus (water raiil, rasccón común, rascón r de augga)

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Pelagic and forest birds related Vixán lagoon Pelagic birds pelagic birds at sea near the Vixán lagoon In this area we can see pelagic birds as Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica), razorbill (Alca torda), common murre or common guillemot (Uria aalge), common scoter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca), common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), common eider (Somateria mollissima) and long-tailed duck or oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis).

Birds of the forest near the Vixán lagoon In the wooded area that contacts the Vixán lagoon the following birds of prey can be observed: common buzzard (Buteo buteo), common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), although the last three are very few. Besides, we can add two more birds of prey but in this case of nocturnal habits: little owl (Athene noctua) and barn owl (Tyto alba).

Finally, in this area may be more common birds that live in both forested areas and habitats with human presence. Among the most common are: common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis), woodlark or wood lark (Lullula arborea), common reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) and common linnet (Carduelis cannabina), great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), European robin (Erithacus rubecula) and Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes).


Pelagic birds related Vix xán lagoo on Puffinnus puffinus (Manx ( shearw water, pardelaa pichoneta, pardela p furab buchos)

Fraterrcula arctica (Atlantic pu uffin, frailecillo atlánticoo, arao papag gaio)

Alca tordaa (razorbill, aalca común, arao a romeiro o)

Uria aalge (com mmon murree, araao común, arrao dos cons))

Melaanitta nigra (common ( scoter, negrón coomún, parrullo pentumeiro o común)

Melanitta fusca (velvet scoteer, negrón especulado, parrulo mou urelo)

Bucephala cclangula (goldeneye, porrón osculaado, parrulo ollodouro) o

a (common Somaterria mollisima eider,, éider comú ún, éider)

Clangulaa hyemalis (llong-tailed duuck, pato ccola larga, paarrulo rabudoo)

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est near the Vixán t n lagoon Birds off the fore Buteo buteoo (common buzzard, rratonero com mún, miñato común)

Falco tinnunculus ((common kesstrel, cernícalo o vulgar, lagaarteiro peneiireiro)

Circus cyaaneus (hen haarrier, aguilucho pálido, p gatafo ornela)

Circus Pygargus P (M Montagu's harrier, aguilucho cenizo, rrapina cincen nta)

Circus aeruginosuus (western marsh m harrierr, aguiluccho laguneroo occidental, rapina arpellla)

Atthene noctuaa (little owl, mochu uelo común, m moucho com mún)

Tyto alb ba (barn owll, lechuza com mún, curuxa común)

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Alceedo atthis (common king gfisher, marrtín pescadorr, martiño peeixeiro)

Alauda arvensis a (Eurrasian skylarrk, alon ndra común,, laverca)

Lullula arboorea (woodlaark, aloondra totovíaa, cotovía peq quena)

Em mberiza scho oeniclus (com mmon reed bunting, b esscribano palu ustre, escribeenta das canaaveiras)

Cardduelis cannabbina (commo on linnet, parrdillo comúnn, liñaceiro co omún)

Deendrocopos major m (great sspotted wood dpecker, pico o picapinos, ppeto real)

Erithhacus rubecuula (Europeaan robin, petirrojo,, paporrubio))

Troglodytess troglodytess (Eurasian wren, w carrrizo comun, chochín)

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Bibliography  Arnold, E. N. and J. A. burton: “Guía de campo de los reptiles y anfibios de España y de Europa. Ed. Omega, 1978.  Caramelo Rego, Carlos: “Espacios naturais de galicia”. 1. A provincia da Coruña. Ed. Bahia, 1995.  Cem, S. Coop. Galega: “Caminos naturales del Parque Natural do complexo dunar de de Corrubedo e lagoas de Carregal e Vixán”. Ed. Xunta de Galicia, 2010.  Díaz Vizcaíno, E., e al.: “Termos esenciais de Botánica”. Ed. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2004.  Domínguez Conde, Jesús, e al.: “Guía de las aves”. Ed. Xunta de Galicia, 2006.  García, Xosé Ramón: “Guía das plantas de Galicia”. Ed. Edición Xerais de Galicia, 2013.  Garms, H. and W. Eigener: “Plantas y Animales de España y Europa”. Ed. EUNSA, 1977.  Penas Patiño, Xosé M. e al.: “Guía das aves de Galicia”. Ed. Bahía, 1991.  Silva, José Antonio: “Aeroguía del litoral de Galicia”. Ed. Planeta, 1996.

Sources of information on the Internet kjas_Keilas.jpg[IMG_3443].jpg 9809&h=0&w=0&tbnid=93tsYPxLD4Np0M&zoom=1&tbnh=263&tbnw=192&docid=qWh11_hvYStEM&hl=es&tbm=isch&ei=UKj2U_rbD8O-0QWx6YCgAw&ved=0CAIQsCUoAA 2Bvulgaris%2B2.jpg =true&height=600&width=550,%20Sain-bois_(01.JPG

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