Campaign Objectives
The eCampusOntario fall 2017 marketing campaign is developed to promote one of the essential benefits of the Open Textbook Library (OTL). Free. It is also meant to increase student demand for OER by encouraging them to ask faculty to adopt open textbooks.
Promote OER as free and accessible alternatives to publisher resources
Increase student demand for OER Encourage faculty adoption and adaptation of OER
About the Open Textbook Library
The Open Textbook Library is a virtual hub that contains over 200 textbooks that are available to students at no cost. The majority of the library’s resources are aligned with the highest enrollment courses and anyone in Ontario may use the library to fulfill a required reading, find a research material, or support a personal interest.
Materials in the Open Textbook Library are available in a variety of digital-friendly formats, allowing students the freedom to access the resources using their preferred device and/or platform. It’s an easy way for students to locate faculty-reviewed OER, required texts, and more.
Educators may also use the Open Textbook Library to publish unique research and course content under an open license. Publishing within the library allows educators to ensure that their course materials are always cost effective, up to date, and easily adapted to suit the needs of every class and/or student.
We understand that the long-term viability of the OTL depends on faculty adoption of the texts and the call to action that we are employing in this campaign calls for students to “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Open Textbook Today”.
Public Relations
The marketing team will draft a press release detailing the launch of the Open Textbook Library and our new marketing campaign with links back to the Open Textbook Library website and our Cineplex commercial on the eCampusOntario website. Via Canada News Wire, the release will be distributed across Ontario using the Ontario comprehensive media list, with additional targeting to Education publications and Marketing trade publications, in both French and English.
Collaborating between the social media, graphic design and copywriting teams, a series of 11 tweets will be published on the eCampusOntario Twitter account aligned with the notion of “things that should not be opened”. This concept is riffing off the theme of our “Pandora’s Box” Cineplex commercial. Traffic will be linked to our Cineplex commercial on the eCampusOntario website. The campaign will run from September 4 to November 20 aligned with our stint in Cineplex theatres throughout Ontario.
11-week Tweet campaign - Things that shouldn’t be opened:
Do you want ten years of bad luck? Don’t open the email.
When your ex contacts you out of the blue, pour some rosé, run a bath, and DO NOT open the text.#KeepItClosed
Late night reading is fine and all, but next time keep the plastic on your roommate’s cherished comic.
Stealing from the lunchroom fridge is an entertaining pastime, but this container of pork dumplings belongs to the CEO. #KeepItClosed
We don’t care if you’re too tired to cook dinner—this takeout container is three weeks old.
#RaiseYourStandards #KeepItClosed
Pop Culture References:
Eat all the garlic you want! Just please don’t use your mouth to talk to the person next to you.
Find an unlabeled box in the closet? Don’t spoil the surprise.
The world would be a calmer place if Harry hadn’t opened up a chamber of evil.
If the wardrobe had just remained shut, we would have had to deal with a lot less drama and Turkish delight.
Many people would be alive today if no one had opened this poorly constructed door.
If it’s not the pizza man knocking on the door, you probably shouldn’t open
Student Government Relations
Our goal is to work with the major student alliances in Ontario provide them with social media assets, featuring our campaign call to action
“Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”. All traffic will be driven to the Open Textbook website. We can also provide postcards and posters for them to deliver to their member network.
Student Alliances include:
Media Relations
In an effort to capture the attention of media and cut through the press release clutter, we propose to develop a custom media package including a view finder loaded with still images that present a compelling story about the benefits of the Open Textbook Library. Our student and faculty brochures and select press releases that demonstrate how eCampusOntario is working in Ontario to empower educators and impact students. This package is to be delivered to our targeted list of 20 key journalists covering print and broadcast media in Ontario in an effort to generate coverage.
Media and outlets to be targeted include:
Andrea Gordon Education Reporter
Brian Kelly Reporter
Dakshana Bascarmurty Reporter
Don Fraser Education + Business Reporter
Doug Lederman Editor
Elizabeth Redden Contributor
General Email
Jason Field Contributor and CEO of BrainStation
Josh O’Kane Reporter
Julia McKay Education Reporter
Toronto Star
Sault Star
The Globe and Mail
St. Chatherine Standard
Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed
OER Digest
Huffington Post
The Globe and Mail
Kingston Whig Standard
Julienne Bay Multimedia Journalist Ottawa Sun
Kate Dubinski
Education + General Assignment Reporter
Léo Charbonneau Editor
Linda White
Michelle DaSilva
Freelance Education Writer
Writer and Editorial Editor
Michelle McQuigge Reporter
Moira MacDonald Education Columnist
Nam Kiwanuk
Writer, Editor, TV Personality
London Free Press
University Affairs
Toronto Star
NOW Toronto
Canadian Press
Toronto Sun
Star; Globe and Mail
Nora Young Technology Journalist + Host CBC
Simona Choise
Post-secondary Education Reporter
The Globe and Mail
Association Relations:
Through the relationships that eCampusOntario has developed with our member organizations, in the education community we aim to widen the dissemination of the marketing campaign surrounding the launch and benefits of the Open Textbook Library. We will work with these groups to disseminate our messaging through their networks.
Associations include:
WCET CO OERu OntarioLearn
Educause Contact North CNIE ONCAT
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education OCUL COU OCLS
Campus Manitoba BCcampus
Ministry Relations:
Working in collaboration with the communications department of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD), we will establish a mirroring tactic where the ministry’s social media accounts will retweet content our content to their social media network. They have also promised to create their own original content promoting the Open Textbook Library.
Social Media vehicles to be used include: Twitter LinkedInFacebook
On the Go Magazine:
In addition to a full-page ad that we’ve purchased in On The Go magazine, eCampusOntario will also receive one page of editorial in the October issue. We plan on drafting content that highlights how students are benefiting from OER and the Open Ten Book Library in Ontario. Windsor case study.
Vendor Program Channel Ad Unit Start Date End Date Rate Reach /1000 CPM Net Media Cost Additional Cost Total
Canada News Wire Press Release News Wire 1 page 09-19-2017 09-19-2017 $2,300.00 11,092,136 11092.136 $0.21 $2,300.00 $ 222.00 $ 2,522.00
Twitter Targeted Tweets Social Media 12 -140 character Tweets 09-04-2017 11-20-2017 $- 1,072 1.072 $- $- $ 1,566.00 $ 1,566.00
Student Government Relations Online/ In Person 08-22-2007 09-19-2017 $- 0 0 $- $- $ - $ -
Media Relations Online/ In Person Various 09-04-2017 10-19-2017 $- 0 0 $- $2,539.00 $ 800.00 $ 3,339.00
(WCET, Educause etc.) Relations Online/ In Person Various 09-04-2017 10-19-2017 $- 0 0 $- $- $ - $ -
On the Go Magazine Public Relations Print 1 page 10-01-2017 10-31-2017 $- 324,000 324 $- $- $ - $ -
Total $4,839.00 $ 2,588.00 $ 7,427.00
Cineplex Pre-Show
“Pandora’s Box” our Cineplex pre-show ad, will be running in alternating theatres over an eight-week period in all 79 Cineplex and affiliate theatre locations across Ontario. By alternating theatre locations each week, we benefit from extending the life of the campaign and potentially increasing reach and repetition among |our key demographic.
The campaign will begin September 22nd, for the opening of the;
• Kingsman 2, staring Taron Egerton, Halle Berry, and Colin Firth, and will continue running through the opening of;
• Thor: Ragnarok staring, Chris Hemsworth, Idris Elba and Cate Blanchett. We expect that both of these films will generate significant response from our target demographic, providing us with an engaged audience.
The 30-second ad creative is the linchpin of our Open Textbook Library marketing campaign, around which all other activity in this media plan is based.
Cineplex Digital Backlits
As a part of our Cineplex marketing campaign, we will be displaying 84” digital backlit posters from our “Pandora’s Box” commercial in the concession areas of all 79 Cineplex and affiliate theatre locations across Ontario in alternating theatres over an eight-week period. These posters are being developed internally with our copywriting and design teams.
Kiss FM
We will be developing 30 spots for air on Kiss 92.5 FM beginning September 29 and running until October 13. A second series of co-branded 60-second spots produced in collaboration with Maclean’s Magazine. These radio ads will be aligned with the messaging of our Pandora’s Box
Open Textbook Library Cineplex advertisements. Kiss 92.5 FM has been selected as the channel of choice as it will allow us to best connect with the 18-24-year-old demographic with a 55-45 female – male split. Featuring our campaign call to action “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”, all traffic will be driven to the Open Textbook Library website.
Radio Format
6 different spots
:05 sec intro bumper “What you need to know about online education from Maclean’s” (working title) brought to you eCampusOntario. :25 sec content from Maclean’s :30 sec brandsell from eCampusOntario featuring the Free Textbook Library messaging Total :60 sec commercial time all produced turnkey by Maclean’s and Rogers radio
Campus Newspaper Ads
We will be pursuing Campus Newspaper ads during this campaign as the cost per thousand ($100.76) and dubious readership numbers may not justify initial spend of $20,000+.
Maclean’s Magazine University Rankings Issue
As a leading education publication, a full-page advertorial spread in the Maclean’s University Rankings Issue will ensure that messaging surrounding the Open Textbook Library will connect with the intended audience – future students who will now be armed with the necessary knowledge to demand the adoption of Open Texts in their future classrooms.
The ad creative will feature our main character from the Cineplex commercial “Jack” opening Pandora’s box. Copy will be featuring our campaign call to action “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”, all traffic will be driven to the eCampusOntario website.
Maclean’s Magazine 2017 College and Programs Guide
Maclean’s prints 50,000 College and Programs Guide which remain on newsstands throughout the province until depletion (approximately 6-8 months). As a leading education publication, our full-page advertorial spread will ensure over one million individuals become privy to our messaging on the Open Textbook Library.
The ad creative will feature our main character from the Cineplex commercial “Jack” opening Pandora’s box. Copy will feature our campaign call to action “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”, all traffic will be driven to the eCampusOntario website.
Campus Posters with Tower Litho
Through Tower Litho, eCampusOntario will print 225 posters (5 per college and university campus) to be hung in major student centres (excluding libraries) across each college and university campus in Ontario. The purpose of this tactic is to ensure that current post-secondary students are provided with knowledge on how and where they can access Open Textbooks and how they can advocate for adoption in their classrooms.
Our goal to get these posters hung:
Coordinate with student alliances to distribute posters to their institution associates
On the Go Magazine Print Ad
eCampusOntario’s “Pandora’s Box” ad will receive a full-page advertorial spread in the October issue of the On the Go magazine. This feature will allow us to connect with 324,000 readers across Ontario.
The ad creative will feature our main character from the Cineplex commercial “Jack” opening Pandora’s box. Copy will feature our campaign call to action “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting
a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”, all traffic will be driven to the eCampusOntario website.
On the Go PATH Screens
As a part of our advertising program with On the Go Magazine, a 5-second video from our “Pandora’s Box” ad campaign will be developed to be featured on PATH screens throughout the downtown core. This addition to our marketing campaign will ensure some additional 3-million impressions on our Open Textbook Library campaign.
The :05 spot will likely feature of central character from our Cineplex commercial opening Pandora’s box with the accompanying call to action “Ask Your Faculty about Adopting a Free Textbooks from the eCampusOntario’s Open Textbook Library”, all traffic will be driven to the eCampusOntario website.
Vendor Program Product Channel Ad Unit Start Date End Date Rate Reach CPM
Net Media Cost Additional Cost Total
Cineplex Cinema PreShow :45 Spot Television/ Out of Home :45 09/22/2017 11/16/2017 $184,811.26 3,195,158 $57.84 $ 184,811.26 $ 45,000.00 $ 229,811.26
Cineplex Digital Backlit Poster Out of Home 84” 09/22/2017 11/16/2017 $23,000.00 9,585,474 $2.40 $ 35,000.00 $ 1,392.00 $ 36,392.00
Kiss FM Radio Spot :30 & :60 Spots Radio :30 & :60 09-29-2017 10-13-2017 $35,000.00 6,500,000 $5.38 $ 28,000.00 $ - $ 28,000.00
Various Campus Newspaper Ads Half Page Ad Print Various/ 3 insertions 09-01-2017 11-30-2017 $20,000.00 443,000 $45.15 $29,003.56 $ 3,654.00 $ 32,657.56
Maclean’s Magazine
University RankingsNovember Issue
Full Page National Ad Print 8.125” x 10.75” 10-12-2017 10-12-2018 $21,120.00 50,000 $422.40 $ 21,120.00 $ 261.00 $ 21,381.00
Maclean’s Magazine 2017 College and Universi ty Guide Full Page National Ad Print 8.125” x 10.75” 11-27-2017 11-27-2018 $15,420.00 138,000 $111.74 $ 15,420.00 $ 261.00 $ 15,681.00
Tower Litho Campus Posters 300 Posters Out of Home 24x48 in 09-04-2017 12-24-2017 $750.00 300000 $2.50 $ 750.00 $ - $ 750.00
On the Go Magazine Print Ad Full Page Regional Ad Print 8x5 in 10-01-2017 10-31-2017 $6,500.00 324,000 $20.06 $ 6,500.00 $ 261.00 $ 6,761.00
On the Go Magazine PATH Screens :05 Spots Out of Home :05 10-01-2017 10-31-2017 $- 3,875,000 $- $ - $ 300.00 $ 300.00
Total $ 320,604.82 $ 51,129.00 $ 371,733.82
Special Events
Postcards with Tower Litho
Through Tower Litho, eCampusOntario will print double sided postcards. The first side will provide the reader with information on the Open Textbook Library and the second side will be information on eCampusOntario’s Portal. These postcards will be distributed at conferences attended throughout the fall to ensure that the individuals we interact at these conferences are able to remain informed on our programs after they leave our preference.
Copy, Side OER
The Open Textbook Library is a virtual hub that contains nearly 200 textbooks that are available to students at no cost. The majority of the library’s resources are aligned with the high enrollment courses, and anyone in Ontario may use the library to fulfill a required reading, find a research material, or support a personal interest.
Materials in the Open Textbook Library are available in a variety of digital-friendly formats, allowing students the freedom to access the resources using their preferred device and/or platform. It’s an easy way for students to locate peer-reviewed research materials, required texts, and more.
Copy, Side Portal
eCampusOntario’s web portal is designed to facilitate the discovery of Ontario’s unparalleled online learning opportunities. The portal features over 16,690 online courses and programs from the province’s 45 publicly funded colleges and universities.
Ontario University Information Fair
The Ontario Universities Fair occurring in Toronto from September 22-24 is attended by each of our 23 university partners in the province. This is a seminal opportunity for us to connect with future university students and ensure they leave the fair well informed on the purpose and value of the Open Textbook Library and eCampusOntario.
Ontario College Information Fair
The Colleges Fair occurring in Toronto October 24 and 25 is attended by each of our college partners in the province. This is a seminal opportunity for us to connect with future college students and ensure they leave the fair well informed on the purpose and value of the Open Textbook Library and eCampusOntario.
Vendor Product Channel Ad Unit Start Date End Date Rate Reach CPM Net Media Cost Additional Cost Total
Tower Litho 25,000 Post Cards Print 5x7 double sided 09-22-2017 11-21-2017 $1,170.00 25,000 $46.80 $1,000.00 $204.00 $1,204.00
Ontario Universities Fair Sponsorship In Person 10x10 space 09-22-2017 09-24-2017 $15,000.00 3,000 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $2,000.00 $12,000.00
Colleges Fair Sponsorship In Person 10x10 space 10-24-2017 10-25-2017 $2,500.00 15,000 $166.67 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $4,500.00
Total $13,500.00 $4,204.00 $17,704.00
Program Managers
Targeted Tweets
Program Managers will be tasked with retweeting 12 targeted messages (based around “things that shouldn’t be opened” and aligning with the Cineplex commercial) originally published on the eCampusOntario Twitter account over the course of the campaign. Traffic will be linked to our Cineplex commercial on the eCampusOntario website. The campaign will run from September 4 to November 20 aligned with our stint in Cineplex theatres throughout Ontario.
12-week Tweet campaign .
A campaign-based graphic, will be provided to program managers hosting webinars using Zoom (a platform our organization is already subscribed to). A promotional image/graphic needs to be provided for use in the presentation.
Vendor Program Product Channel Ad Unit Start Date End Date Method Reach /1000 Additional Cost Total
Twitter Targetted Tweets Tweets Online 12 Tweets 09-04-2017 11-20-2017
NILS 1,872 1.872 $ - $ -
Zoom Webinars Video Webinar Online Webinar graphic 09-04-2017 11-21-2017 MONTHLY 100 0.1 $ 204.00 $ 204.00
Total $ 204.00 $ 204.00
TrueView Ads:
TrueView YouTube ads are video ads that we only pay for if someone watches or engages with.
Other benefits of TrueView ads?
• They’re not constricted by length. That means that we can experiment with longer ads for more in-depth experiences of our brand, and in the case of this campaign, the Open Textbook Library.
• Viewers are only seeing ads they’re curious about, and they have the option not to watch.
• It’s win-win. We’re not annoying our audience, and we get to choose what we want to pay per view. This means reaching the right audience at the right price.
• Wide net. We’ll have an extremely broad reach with TrueView ads, since they can appear on both YouTube and other publisher sites in the display network.
With TrueView in-stream YouTube ads, video ads are shown before or during another video. Viewers see five seconds of an ad and then have the choice to keep watching or skip it. We only pay when a viewer watches to the end of the video or for 30 seconds (whichever is shorter), or clicks on a card or other interactive elements of our in-stream video creative.
We are planning for a :50-second advertisement (with 5 mandatory seconds at the beginning intended for encouraging the viewer to watch the full ad) will feature the original content played in Cineplex theatres.
Google Display Ads:
The Google Display network (GDN) is very powerful because it gives the advertisers numerous options to target and reach a particular target market.
• Contextual or Keyword: it is possible to target websites with a list of keywords related to the products or services. This is likely the most common targeting option.
• Affinity: this is based on the users’ browser history. As users search the web, cookies are installed on their computer. If some users regularly search and go on website about a distinctive subject (affinity), then those users would enter a certain affinity. (example: users who read movie critics, and regularly consult movie time etc.… would fit into the Movie Lovers category)
• In-Market: In-Market targeting is slightly different to Interest targeting. This category is based on the users’ browser history as well, but also on their social shares and reviews. This is why the In-Market segment is more about users who are further down the buying funnel: they are ready to buy.
• Placement: advertisers can choose the websites where they want their ads to be appearing on. Therefore, they have the control of choosing and knowing who is going to see their ads. It is an opportunity to target users who have a specific interest. (example: you sell eco-friendly bamboo products and you target websites related to environment and eco-friendly lifestyle)
Why are we using the Display network?
• Branding: this is by far – to my opinion, the top benefit of Display advertising. Just by being present and visible on the web can create trust and knowledge of the eCampusOntario brand. By putting our brand out there, with ads that scream: “Look at us, eCampusOntario is great!”, and half of the work is done! On a long-term basis, the goal is to become a top of mind brand.
• Create demand: by being visible on the Google Display network, we aim to create the demand for the Open Textbook Library. It is not a surprise that today, people are so influenced by what they see (on TV, in the street, social media etc.…), we want what we see. Lucky for you, the GDN offers great exposure and visibility of ads.
• Specific targeting: as said above, the multiple targeting options offered by the GDN is a big bonus! Needless to say, we can also combine those options to be as targeted as possible. By using several targeting options, we will certainly decrease the audience universe for our ads BUT the audience is so targeted, that the users are the ones who are the most interested in what we have to say.
• Traffic on the website: it is so easy to click on an ad just as when we click the ‘Like’ button on Facebook. Because the number of impressions of our ads increases a LOT when running a Display campaign.
Our Google Display Ad campaign will feature a promotional banner advertisement with an image/photo pulled from the original Cineplex video content with overlaying copy (copy to be delivered by Kira).
Facebook Video Ads
Facebook - Still Ads:
Facebook ads can be seen more than once. Ads on Facebook can be seen a number of times by a user, which increases the likelihood of them having an impact and being remembered by users. With many Facebook users logging in at various points of the day, this is a great way to increase the likelihood of connecting with customers. Also, due to the highly focused nature of Facebook advertising, advertisers don’t need to spend a lot of money to reach the people they want to reach. This offers great value for money and justification for all businesses.
We will test a number of imagery and ad formats including a still image/photo pulled from the Cineplex commercial (copy to be delivered by Kira).
A Facebook video ad campaign will feature a 30-second clip of the Cineplex commercial.
Google AdWords
To be successful with Google AdWords, you absolutely must have a compelling offer and a strong call to action. The promise of Free textbooks is that strong compelling offer. One of Google AdWords’ primary benefits is that it’s extremely cost-effective. We will only pay when someone clicks on our ads (i.e. pay per click).
With Google AdWords, every single aspect of our marketing campaign is measurable, right down to the number of clicks, number of impressions, click through rate (CTR), number of conversions, conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), etc. It’s very easy to measure return on investment (ROI).
Google AdWords allows us to target specific geographic locations. In the case of the Pandora campaign, we are running an Ontario-wide program.
The following are the 12 ad variations that we are running for this campaign.
Download Open Textbooks - From eCampusOntario
Choose from over 200 Open Textbooks!
Download Open Textbooks - From eCampusOntario
Save your money for food, download an open textbook today!
Get Free Textbooks Today- From eCampusOntario
Why spend hundreds on a publisher’s version when you can get a textbook for free?
Get Free Textbooks Today- From eCampusOntario
No excuses on the first day of class. Download free textbooks.
Free Open Textbooks- For all of Your Subjects
From Accounting to Nursing textbooks, download books for all your subjects today
Free Open Textbooks- For all of Your Subjects
Textbooks available for free download for the most popular subjects in Ontario.
Open Textbook Library Ontario - eCampusOntario
Download or print free open textbooks at the Open Textbook Library!
Open Textbook Library Ontario - eCampusOntario
Download free open textbooks at the Open Textbook Library for many of your courses!
Adopt or Adapt an OER - Open Source Textbooks Adopt, or Adapt an OER to add localized content to your teaching materials!
Consider Adopting OER- For Your Lectures Support your students learning by adopting an OER Today!
Ask your faculty about-adopting a free open textbook. Download free open textbooks at the Open Textbook Library for your courses!
Free Open Textbooks-From eCampusOntario Textbooks available for free download for the most popular subjects in Ontario.
Vendor Program Ad Unit Start Date End Date Rate Method Reach CPM Net Media Cost Additional Cost Total
YouTube TrueView Ads :45 + :05 Spot 09-15-2017 11-30-2017 $2,250.00
Google AdWords Copy 08-28-2017 11-30-2017 $1,860.00
Google Display Ads Various 09-15-2017 11-30-2017 $1,000.00
PPV 81,000 $27.78 $ 2,250.00 $ 750.00 $ 3,000.00
PPC 1,000,000 $1.86 $ 1,860.00 $ - $ 1,860.00
PPC 250000 4 $ 1,000.00 $ 219.00 $ 1,219.00
Facebook Video Ads :30 09-22-2017 11-16-2017 $2,500.00 PPC 300,000 $8.33 $ 2,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 3,000.00
Facebook Still Ads Image/Photo 09-04-2017 11-21-2017 $2,500.00 PPC 300,000 $8.33 $ 2,500.00 $ - $ 2,500.00
Total $ 10,110.00 $ 1,469.00 $ 11,579.00
211 Yonge St. 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON, M5B 1M4
Funded By: