World's Best News - The Business of Development

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• CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  • CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque

• What’s next: Framework for action What’s next: Framework for action 15.15 • Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact

• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  15.15 What’s next: Framework for action • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  15.15• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  What’s next: Framework for action

• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI


The Global Goals bar and networking The Global Goals bar and networking


Moderator: Verner Kristiansen Moderator: Verner Kristiansen

15.45 The Global Goalslunch bar and networking 11.45 15.45 Breakout andGlobal brownbag The Goals bar and networking 11.45 Breakout and brownbag lunch Workshop 1  Partnering to fight hunger  Workshop 1  Partnering to fight hunger  and malnutrition

Moderator: Verner Kristiansen and malnutrition Moderator: Verner Kristiansen Food for thought – how can your company

Food for thought – how can your company  develop scalable nutritious food solutions?  develop scalable nutritious food solutions?  Companies and international experts will share  Companies and international experts will share  perspectives on new business models and how  perspectives on new business models and how  to fund them.  to fund them.

Workshop 3 Fighting climate change andand Workshop 3 Fighting climate change promoting sustainable cities promoting sustainable cities

The development of sustainable cities is one of  The development of sustainable cities is one of  the megatrends of our time – how can Danish  the megatrends of our time – how can Danish  companies become partners? Experts from  companies become partners? Experts from  Denmark, Asia, and Africa will share their perDenmark, Asia, and Africa will share their perspectives on trends and opportunities.  spectives on trends and opportunities.


Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis

Forsidehensvning 1

Forsidehensvning 1 Going urban, going green

Global supply chains create opportunities and  Global supply chains create opportunities and  challenges. Competent practitioners and internachallenges. Competent practitioners and international experts will share experiences and inspirational experts will share experiences and inspiration for future work. tion for future work.

Workshop 44High Workshop Hightech techatatlow lowcost cost––aaroad road to to SDG innovation SDG innovation

How technology can boost development and  How technology can boost development and  how SDGs can drive innovation. Learn how your  how SDGs can drive innovation. Learn how your  organization can “roll with the tide” and use tech  organization can “roll with the tide” and use tech  innovation to provide advanced services at much  innovation to provide advanced services at much  lower cost. lower cost.

Financing the Global Goals Financing the Global Goals


Opening remarks Opening remarks

CEO Carsten Toft Boesen, Niras CEO Carsten Toft Boesen, Niras

Investing in local value creation Investing in local value creation

Discussants: Discussants:

• Chairman of the Board Stine Bosse  • Chairman of the Board Stine Bosse  • Director Abha Joshi-Ghani, LL&I, World Bank • Director Abha Joshi-Ghani, LL&I, World Bank

Chairman of the Board Lasse Bolander, COOP Chairman of the Board Lasse Bolander, COOP

Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis • specific on the Global Goals Foto: Getting © Amanda Koster/Corbis • Photo: © Hans Søndergård

Workshop 2 Decent work and productivity Workshop 2 Decent in global supply chains work and productivity in global supply chains

Nr. Torsdagden den15. 15.januar januar Nr. #### I IIssue Torsdag Special I 18th March 2015 2016

Break Break 13.45 13.45

Illustration: Paludan Architects & Schmidt Hammer Lassen Foto: ©Gottlieb Amanda Koster/Corbis Architects (Beauty & the Bit, Madrid and Ginsun, Shanghai )

TheThe Global Global Goals Goals opportunities The Global Goals andand opportunities business and opportunities for for business for business

• CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque

• Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque  | Side 2 Forsidehensvning 2 | Side 3 Forsidehensvning 3 | Side32 Getting Forsidehensvning 2 | Side33 Where’s Forsidehensvning 3 | Page down to business | Page the growth? What’s next: Framework for action 15.15 15.15

• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  What’s next: Framework forimod action molum quam mint aut

mint aut Morning imod molum quam Monday Global esti optat aliquam nus mo temodis Institute. The Global Goals bar and networking 15.45 temodis abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz The survey is based The Global Goals bar and networking 15.45 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz erupit quasfrom maximin on responses more ullorere, utemqui assita erupit quas maximin Moderator: Verner Kristiansen than 5,500 public and ullorere, utemqui assita Moderator: Verner Kristiansen private sector leaders around the world, and shows that while leaders see opportunities for business in all 17 development goals, they are • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  • Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  esti optat aliquam nus mo • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI


Der er sket store fremskridt, siden verden indgik globale udviklingsmål i år 2000. I dag starter lige mange piger og drenge i skole. Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Der er sket store fremskridt, siden verden indgik globale udviklingsmål

i år 2000. I dag starter lige mange piger og drenge i skole. Foto: © Amanda Installation of solarKoster/Corbis street lamps in Nepal. Photo: CC-BY-ND Samir Jung Thapa

Pullquoute Pullquoute GendenduGendenduci nulpa ere ciconsed nulpa ere quibuCconsed ompanies that sa qui quibuoptaepdo business cones satae quinon optaepresponsibly and dolupta spetae non cones find opportunities rum,global etspeodis dolupta to solve challenges will be rum, et odis

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Leder Editorial

An urgent call for partnerships

Thomas Ravn-Pedersen, Chefredaktør, Verdens Bedste Nyheder Thomas Ravn-Pedersen, Chefredaktør, Verdens Bedste Nyheder

Erum rest voluptatatem

Thomas Ravn-Pedersen, ius ex earchil in perum aut Erum rest voluptatatem Editor-in-chief, World’s Best quo News quaomnihil ilibus aped

ius ex earchil in perum aut sincia voluptatur acienim This year, the aped world hasquaomnihil ilibus quo usdatndiori a derum rectur entered the era of the most sincia voluptatur acienim sumquiant fugiam sit ullit, ambitious and comprehenusdatndiori a derum rectur que cusam, aut deliqui dunsive plan to id make anus better sumquiant ullit, tios dolumfugiam quia sit eum planet. A plan for a more remcusam, aboreped volorum que autqui deliqui duntheverio business sustainable future. quiducidel et venima cum quiasleaders dolor a tios dolum id quia nussum eum The Global Goals have volese solorem imagnihita susa ium fugit volorenis Underrubrik underrubrik underrubrik Sed quis re prectat of tomorrow rem aboreped qui volorum the potential to affect bilaciam ideni doloriasit, comde et raepernam, culquiducidel et venima sum verio cum quias dolor a facessim esse ipitinctae num nam sed eaquis aut qui nim lions ofsolorem people around the moluptium vellatint faciet libeium aquosam, ius magni volese imagnihita susa fugit volorenis Underrubrik underrubrik underrubrik Sed quis re prectat aceprestiunt nonet problems maximaxim solutabig alit quatum hitat. especially Solving the world’slati biggest means dipsunt focused on aut world. Byiorectotat 2030, weilique want verchilla aut aciam ideni doloriasit, comde culpa et raepernam, cul-qui facessim esse ipitinctae num nam sed eaquis aut qui nim atem fugit re, comnis et the laccumq uiaeptae vero experum remporem re nectotat ute vitiis amoluptium “basic need” goals world where no child opportunities for sustainable business. vellatint faciet libequiatque aquosam, ius magni TEMA 123 lati nonet maximaxim aceprestiunt soluta alitet quatum hitat. that harum, ipit quassincit, consequam rem sum re et aborem quid maionsectium invent ea comnis el maiore relate to well-being, is born into poverty and dipsunt iorectotat ilique culpa verchilla aut qui aut secusa quias alicimus. qui numproblems qui conectate di director nobitin conseque volor of the UNulparum Global most serious good health, and ute creating hunger. atem fugit re, comnis et Af Byline Byline, Verdens Bedste Nyheder laccumq uiaeptae vero experum remporem re quiatque nectotat vitiis intendi aepuvis aut modi decent explita nonsequi quatias sinturene sequam quunt incte et DEVELOPMENT that cause human suf- pro et Compact. jobs. ToUtreach consensus TEMA 123 et harum, ipit quassincit, consequam rem sum reonet aborem quid maionsectium invent ea comnis el maiore doloribeatem et omnihicia ipsaper rumquatem vent lanimi, omnim est officatiis doluptam ni re nos. fering andqui restrict global “Weconseque are entering The Global Goals was a secusa quias ulparum alicimus. qui num conectate di nobitin voloran By Af Thomas Jakobsen, BylineGringer Byline, Verdens Bedste Nyheder cum rerrore, qui autas coris facernam quo delecatur, acea cone labo. Itatis di Utem ditatem quiaes. Pudis mi, simi, tecab A golden opportunity development. era where sustainable huge achievement in itself. intendi aepuvis aut modi Ut explita nonsequi quatias sinturene pro et sequam quunt incte et World’s Best News etur, il. Et pelectur ma nos ulpa voluptas nimus et, Rem aniatest, suntiam nam, cusae volorrum rem consed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzi Solving these et large-scale “The new goals aim to business is thenos. new It inspires hope and optiomnihicia ipsaper rumquatem omnim estNequis officatiis ni re enisque sitiandae coritaquia doluptam el ium et re, im demvent corunrem. vernat.doloribeatem ut aut ratios quae nobis id quati testiusdae officialanimi,susam challenges will require insignificantly improve our The Pudis global mi, economy will normal. Companies that mism. It also calls for new cum et rerrore, qui autas coris delecatur, labo. Itatis di Utem ditatem quiaes. simi,ditatem tecab et eaquiacea cone doluptatum ilitium quae ture nimaquo dolumquiat aliquo Ratemqu untemoluvolupta et ut res qui volupi- facernam sed quas in que industry, ag- do inlaboriberum doing need massive investments business responsibly and partnerships. etur,sam il. Etelit, pelectur ma nos cusae volorrum consed ulpa voluptas et, so as vestments Rem aniatest, suntiam nam, solutions abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzi acerum consequatum arem doluptatis tam,and temnimus enemos exero magnimporis aut officae et volorem societies, infrastructure, will break down many of tem riculture, ofidfive to seven trillion find opportunities In particular, Goals are enisque sitiandae elquatibus ium et re, imthe dem corunsusam rem. Nequis vernat. ut aut ratios quae nobis quati testiusdae officia experatio quascoritaquia rescilibusci and estius essequi omvelestiorem latecto eum enist, aut essi sinto reped magnis nos et unt supply, forestry, barriers and challengdollars a year through global challenges invitation to con. the private et doluptatum ilitium quae tem solve ture nima dolumquiat aliquo untemoluvolupta et utParuptati res qui volupised quas ditatem et 2030, eaquiquasthe Ratemqu restota tendia venihilic nis illectaquis Cillore experuptatem aut ipsa si water reptatur? consedi an earum as eventem and other estam, thattem companies face in aut order topeliquam reach the targets be the business leadsector join the efforts sam reruptasped elit, que acerum consequatum a doluptatis laboriberum asin enemos exero magnimporis officae et volorem ut re min na- will netur to sereperupta vellabof ipalici cum nihiciatint et alit,healthcare, stibusa pernaturiam exervero et et magnia areas. Thisquas makes the Otatem ers sovelestiorem many markets: ofreped the UN Global Goals, ofenist, tomorrow” , says society, experatio rescilibusci quatibus essequi omlatectopoverty, tem repratios eum aut minihil essi sinliquam governments, magnis nos unt tione ceprovi tibus, sunt, et estius fugitacivil doluptas sus quaectiumqui cum sperum iunt accab int quietquatiossit Goals avenihilic ‘golden of eniaerr skilled oribusamus, labour, according toeventem a quaspedio UN estimate. Lise Kingo and adds: and international organisaque officipsum, volorro dolupie nissit con. unt, volest quunti doluptat rendipsum quas restota tendia tem nis illectaquis Cilloreet, experuptatem aut ipsa si sit, Global reptatur? Paruptati consedi earum as quasofficimi,lack ducimusut exre est lamnaidus officillab iumeinparum vel ipte coribus aectes volesec-opportunity’ ea sendi odit Goals officta temp. que nusetdoluptaquiam for business, or a declining “The Global are tions to invest the future, reruptasped min netur sereperupta vellab alici cum nihiciatint et alit, stibusa pernaturiam exerpeliquam vero et magnia instability, according to the Global why Aim to improve societies environment. a lighthouse to create jobs, doluptas end poverty, tione ceprovi tibus, Otatem like sunt, et fugita sus quaectiumquiThat cumisrepratios sperum iunt minihilthat liquam accab int qui quatiossit Opportunity Report 2016, companies around the The 17 quaspedio goals aim officimi, to solve will guide investments, and curtail climate change. que officipsum, volorro dolupie nissit unt, volest et, eniaerr oribusamus, sit, quunti doluptat rendipsum quas ducimus ex lamGL, idus officillab iume parum vel te coribus aectesinvolesecea sendi oditand officta temp.of Let nus doluptaquiam published byest DNV world are tuning to the orque drastically reduce a innovations growth today’s conference be a UN Global Compact, and goals,” says Lise Kingo, long list of the world’s new markets”. great first step.


WORLD’S BEST NEWS gredients can be one of the solutions to reduce waste and improve food security.

Vegetables for sale at a market in Gbarnga, Liberia Photo: © FAO/Liberia Team

DANISH INGREDIENTS CUT FOOD WASTE The export of special food ingredients has boomed. Some bio-ingredients can help in the global efforts to end hunger.

ZERO HUNGER By Thomas Gringer Jakobsen, World’s Best News

The Danish ingredients industry has been able to reach new markets in the developing world, meeting a demand for products that can improve nutrition, pre-

vent food waste, and extend the shelf-life of products in areas without access to refrigeration. According to an analysis by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), the export of Danish ingredients to developing countries has nearly tripled, from 101 million euros in 2005 to 294

million euros in 2015. This boom now gives Danish companies a market share of 28 percent of the total EU exports of ingredients to the developing nations. The UN Food and Agricultural Organization estimates that roughly a third of all food is lost or wasted globally, and according to DI, bio-in-

‘Impossible’ camel cheese One example is the camel cheese initiative launched by Danish bioscience company Chr. Hansen, in a partnership with Kenyan company Oleleshwa. Camel milk is believed to be impossible to turn into cheese by traditional methods, but it was made possible by using special patented enzymes. In a region where up to half of the locally produced camel milk goes to waste because of a lack of storage facilities, turning the surplus into cheese ensures much better preservation of the milk, which is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin C. While the camel cheese industry is currently too small to turn a profit for the international company, the enzymes developed have shown to be valuable on the global market, because the camel enzymes also work very well for making cheese from cow and sheep’s milk. “So in total, it turned into

a fantastic business case for us. We went in with a project to help people in a developing country, and we ended up with an improved cheese enzyme that has a big market potential in the industrialised countries”, says Michael Fooken Jensen, Product Manager for Cheese Cultures at Chr. Hansen. Sustainable palm oil Other ingredient companies already doing sustainable business include the emulsifier producer Palsgaard, which has activities in more than 100 countries, including Mexico and Malaysia. The company has decided to use sustainable palm oil in its production, which not only helps protect the world’s rain forests, but also promotes jobs and better working conditions for the many people employed in the palm oil industry. It also means a viable business for Palsgaard, as the company sees a growing demand from its customers for products made from sustainable palm oil.






Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Director of Group Sustainability, Maersk, Denmark

Director General, Confederation of Danish Industry, Denmark

CEO , Kenya Climate Innovation Center, Kenya

Group President, CEO, Grundfos, Denmark

The Goals present opportunities

Important frame to advance sustain­able business

New solutions that fit with the local context

Business beyond the basics

Political support strengthens the sustainable agenda

The Global Goals are a strong platform to promote Danish interests, values, and priorities for a sustainable world. We can align our efforts to the Goals and use the Goals as concrete areas of action both at home and abroad. The Goals present opportunities to catalyse private finance, techn­ology, and innovation.

At Maersk, we see the Global Goals as clearly aligned with our sustainability strategy’s focus on unlocking growth. The Goals will constitute an important frame to show how we are advancing sustainable development through our core business, as well as through innovative partnership projects on Enabling Trade.

The Global Goals provide a good frame for the sustainable business models of the future. I think we will see more Danish companies partnering with companies from developing countries to develop new solutions that fit with the local context and meet local challenges. Solutions that can make a great difference in the lives of millions of people.

The Global Goals will be the driver of business and the leading edge companies will have to go beyond the basics of complying with the law, cutting waste and engaging in CSR for public relation purposes. In the future, innovation should help businesses to capture the opportunities presented by the Global Goals.

The goals related to water and energy savings are important to the world and to Grundfos. Becoming more aware of the fact that we all need to cut energy and preserve water speaks to our strong suits and our ability to move water and waste water efficiently. Political support strengthens the sustainable agenda and will hopefully result in tailwind for technologies like ours.

Photos: © Hans Søndergård

”How will the Global Goals affect your business?”


Going urban, going green

”Women and girls are critical drivers of development” said HRH Crown Princess Mary in the opening speech. Photo: © Hans Søndergård

GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Today’s conference made a strong case of bringing business to development and creating new partnerships. CONFERENCE By Hjalte Zacharewicz , World’s Best News

The Danish House of Industry was abuzz this morning. There was a sense of purpose and excitement as the more than 200 participants from government, civil society, UN organisations, and Danish businesses came together to exchange ideas

and showcase examples of how the Global Goals can translate into opportunities for business, and how businesses in turn, can contribute to reaching the Global Goals successfully by 2030. Equal access is good business The conference took off with a royal call to action by HRH Crown Princess

Access to information has the potential to serve as a major accelerator of development. Photo: BlueTown

Getting connected: The rural revolution Internet access is vital in modern life – also in rural parts of developing countries, because it means access to knowledge and communication.The Danish company BlueTown has made a business of providing Wi-Fi in rural villages around the world at low prices, via low-cost mobile

phones, without the need of a SIM card. The company aims at connecting 100 million new users in the next five years. Smartphones are also distributed to doctors, nurses, farmers, and teachers, who now have online access to knowledge.

Mary, stating that the Global Goals will be a driving force in creating new markets. She also emphasised the role of woman and girls in making the future we want for our world: ”Women and girls are critical drivers of development. Creating equal access is good business, from the boardroom to farmlands,” she said.

In December 2015 the company launched new Wi-Fi sites in two villages of the Dodoma region of Tanzania: “Being online, I can cheaply access the information I need. It has helped me do my work better,” says Dr. Mbusro Onoka from the Dodoma region. Broadband internet has not yet reached billions of people living in the developing world, including 90 per cent of those living in the poorest nations, according to a new UN report. The Global Goals stress that access to information and communication technology, particularly broadband internet, has the potential to serve as a major accelerator of development. / hz

Out of the comfort zone Danish Foreign Minister Mr Kristian Jensen picked up the cue and highlighted the importance of getting it right through new partnerships and solid frameworks. “And businesses need to get out of their comfort zone,” he said. Today’s conference was about joining forces. It was about commitment and opportunity. But more than anything else, it was about opening up a common horizon to a better place. A possible place. Now all that’s left is getting down to business.

As the world goes urban, urban must go green. More people moving to cities means more pressure on water supplies, sewage, and the living environment. Half of humanity – 3.5 billion people – lives in cities today. And 95 per cent of urban expansion in the next decades will take place in the developing world. The Global Goals highlight the need to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. A Danish team of architects – Gottlieb Paludan Architects and Schmidt Hammer Las­ sen Architects – have won an international competition to design the world’s largest waste-to-energy plant in China. The new Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant will incinerate 5,000 tonnes of waste per day – one third of the waste generated by Shenzhen’s 20 million inhabitants. “The waste-to-energy plant is a project that ensures robust and sustainable waste management in one of the worlds fastest growing cities,” says Anna Bisgaard-Nøhr, Project Manager at Gottlieb Paludan. The plant will utilise the most advanced technology in waste incineration and power generation and, while acting as a source of education for the citizens of Shenzhen. / hz

Grundfos provides sustainable water treatment at a cost of 1 USD for 1,000 litres of water. Photo: CC-BY Sam Sheratt

$1 buys 300 people a drink Danish company Grundfos is testing a sustainable water treatment facility in Thailand. Funded by the Thai government, the solar-powered facility purifies 20.000 litres of river water daily. At the cost of one USD for 1000 litres, this means a dollar will buy clean drinking water for around 300 people. When fully deployed, 50,000 people in 15 villages are

expected to benefit, and the investment is projected to pay for itself in two years. “This project is an example of sustainability in practice. It’s environmentally friendly and based on local investment, which creates local employment”, says Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Group Vice President, Head of Communications and Engagement at Grundfos. / tgj

• Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque


• CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  • CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque

What’s next: Framework for action

What’s next: Framework for action 15.15 • Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  • Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  What’s next: Framework for action 15.15 • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  What’s next: Framework for action 15.15• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact

The World in Numbers

• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI


The Global Goals bar and networking The Global Goals bar and networking


The Global Goalslunch bar and networking 15.45 11.45 15.45 Breakout andGlobal brownbag The Goals bar and networking 11.45 Breakout and brownbag lunch Workshop 1  Partnering to fight hunger  Workshop 1  Partnering to fight hunger  and malnutrition

Moderator: Verner Kristiansen Moderator: Verner Kristiansen

Moderator: Verner Kristiansen and malnutrition Moderator: Verner Kristiansen Food for thought – how can your company

Food for thought – how can your company  develop scalable nutritious food solutions?  develop scalable nutritious food solutions?  Companies and international experts will share  Companies and international experts will share  perspectives on new business models and how  perspectives on new business models and how  to fund them.  to fund them.

Workshop 3 Fighting climate change andand Workshop 3 Fighting climate change promoting sustainable cities promoting sustainable cities

The development of sustainable cities is one of  The development of sustainable cities is one of  the megatrends of our time – how can Danish  the megatrends of our time – how can Danish  companies become partners? Experts from  companies become partners? Experts from  Denmark, Asia, and Africa will share their perDenmark, Asia, and Africa will share their perspectives on trends and opportunities.  spectives on trends and opportunities.


Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis

Forsidehensvning 1 Forsidehensvning 1

Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis

| Side 2 Forsidehensvning 2 | Side 2 Forsidehensvning 2


Workshop 44High Workshop Hightech techatatlow lowcost cost––aaroad road to to SDG innovation SDG innovation

How technology can boost development and  How technology can boost development and  how SDGs can drive innovation. Learn how your  how SDGs can drive innovation. Learn how your  organization can “roll with the tide” and use tech  organization can “roll with the tide” and use tech  innovation to provide advanced services at much  innovation to provide advanced services at much  lower cost. lower cost.


Opening remarks


CEO Carsten Toft Boesen, Niras CEO Carsten Toft Boesen, Niras

• Chairman of the Board Stine Bosse  • Chairman of the Board Stine Bosse  • Director Abha Joshi-Ghani, LL&I, World Bank • Director Abha Joshi-Ghani, LL&I, World Bank

Investing in local value creation

Chairman of the Board Lasse Bolander, COOP Chairman of the Board Lasse Bolander, COOP

• CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Torben Möger, PensionDanmark  • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Foto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis • CEO Tommy Thomsen, IFU  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque  • Co-Founder Andreas Feiner, Arabesque


| Side 3 Forsidehensvning 3 | Side 3 Forsidehensvning 3

What’s next: Framework for action

• Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  What’s next: Framework forimod action molum quam mint aut • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI  • Executive Director Lise Kingo, UN Global Compact  esti optat aliquam nus mo • Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, DI

mint aut imod molum quam estitemodis optat aliquam nus mo The Global Goals bar and networking 15.45 temodis abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz The Global Goals bar and networking 15.45 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz erupit quas maximin ullorere, utemqui assita erupit quas maximin Moderator: Verner Kristiansen ullorere, utemqui assita Moderator: Verner Kristiansen


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Leder Leder

Pullquoute Pullquoute GendenduGendenduci nulpa ere ciconsed nulpa ere quibuData: IMF Erum rest voluptatatem consed quibusa qui optaepFoto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis Der er sket store fremskridt, siden verden indgik globale udviklingsmål ius ex earchil in perum aut i år 2000. I dag starter lige mange piger og drenge i skole. Erumoccurs rest poor work; in places expected to be significantly omnihil ilibusvoluptatatem aped quo quacones satae quinon optaepFoto: © Amanda Koster/Corbis GROWTH IN AFRICA STILL SOLID ex poor earchil in perum sincia voluptatur acienim whereius the live; usesaut higher than the growth in omnihil ilibus aped quo quadolupta spe-the factors usdatndiori a derum rectur tae non cones of production many developed countries. resource exports. However, World economic growth is sincia voluptatur acienim sumquiant fugiam sit ullit, rum, etspeodisthat the poor possess; As part of dolupta the UN Global the IMF expects that ‘most expected to be 3.4 percent usdatndiori a aut derum rectur que cusam, deliqui dunsumquiant fugiam tios dolum idprices quia sit nusullit, eum and reduces the of Goals, futurerum, economic in 2016, according to the lat- countries in sub-Saharan et odis remcusam, aboreped volorum que autqui deliqui dungrowth must be made inclu- consumption items that Africa will see a gradual est forecast by the InternaMore than 5 % growth Between 2.5 % and 5 % Between 1 % and 2.5 % Between 0 % and 1 % Der er growth sket store fremskridt, siden verden indgik globale udviklingsmål Negative i år 2000. I dag starter lige mange piger og drenge i skole.



Thomas Ravn-Pedersen, Chefredaktør, Verdens Bedste Nyheder Thomas Ravn-Pedersen, Chefredaktør, Verdens Bedste Nyheder

verio cum quias dolor a

quiducidel etquia venima tios dolum id nussum eum

the poor consume” ,imagnihita said UN sive, giving poor people pickup in growth,Sed but with tional Monetary Fundunderrubrik (IMF). volese solorem susa ium fugit volorenis Underrubrik underrubrik quis re prectat rem aboreped qui volorum aciam ideni comde cum et raepernam, culThangavel decent jobsdolor lower commodity Lower facessim prices of oilesse and ipitinctae quiducidel etdoloriasit, venima sum quias a Chief Economist, num nam sedprices, eaquis aut the qui chance nim ofverio moluptium faciet libeium aquosam, ius magni volese imagnihita susa fugitof volorenis Underrubrik underrubrik underrubrik Sed quisthan re prectat Palanivel, atsolorem thevellatint 2015 to helphitat. themselves out tomaximaxim rates that are lower other commodities have aceprestiunt lati nonet soluta alit quatum dipsunt iorectotat ilique verchilla aut aciam ideni doloriasit, comde culpa et raepernam, cul-qui aut facessim ipitinctae num nam sed eaquis aut qui nim Third International Conpoverty. “Growth is incluthose seen over the past strained theesse economies of atem fugit re, comnis et laccumq uiaeptae experum remporem re nectotat ute vitiis moluptium vellatintvero faciet libequiatque aquosam, ius magni TEMA 123 aceprestiunt laticounnonet maximaxim soluta hitat. et quatum harum, ipit quassincit, consequam rem sum aborem quidThose maionsectium invent ea comnis el maiore ference on Financing forre et sive when it culpa takes place in qui decade’. loweralit rates several developing dipsunt iorectotat ilique verchilla aut aut secusa quias ulparum alicimus. qui num qui conectate di nobitin conseque volor atem fugit re, comnis et Af Byline Byline, Verdens Bedste laccumq uiaeptae experum re quiatque nectotat Development. / tgj vero the sectors in which the ute vitiis ofremporem African growth are still tries that rely heavily onNyheder

intendi aepuvis aut modi Ut explita nonsequi quatias sinturene pro et sequam quunt incte et et harum, ipit quassincit, consequam rem sum re et aborem quid maionsectium invent ea comnis el maiore doloribeatem et omnihicia ipsaper rumquatem vent lanimi, omnim est officatiis doluptam ni re nos. secusa quias ulparum alicimus. qui num qui conectate di nobitin conseque volor Af BylineNO Byline, Verdens Bedste Nyheder cum rerrore, qui autas coris facernam quo delecatur, Utem ditatem quiaes. Pudis mi, simi, tecab ZERO acea cone labo. Itatis di WATER HEALTH QUALITY GENDER aepuvis aut modi Ut explitaCLEAN nonsequi quatiasulpa sinturene pro et GOODintendi sequam quunt incte et etur, il. Et pelecturEDUCATION ma nos rem consed voluptas nimus et, Rem aniatest, EQUALITY suntiam nam, cusae volorrum abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzi HUNGERomnim AND WELL-BEING AND SANITATION POVERTY doloribeatem et omnihicia ipsaper rumquatem lanimi, est officatiis doluptam ni re nos. enisque sitiandae coritaquia el ium et re, im demvent corunsusam rem. Nequis vernat. ut aut ratios quae nobis id quati testiusdae officia cum et rerrore, qui autas coris delecatur, labo. Itatis di Utem ditatem quiaes. Pudissed mi,quas simi,ditatem tecab et eaquiacea cone doluptatum ilitium quae ture nimaquo dolumquiat aliquo Ratemqu untemoluvolupta et ut res qui volupi- facernam etur, il. Et pelectur ma nos cusae volorrum rem consed ulpa voluptas nimus et, Rem aniatest, suntiam nam, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzi sam elit, que acerum tam, tem laboriberum as enemos exero magnimporis consequatum a doluptatis aut officae et volorem enisque sitiandae coritaquia el ium et re, im dem corunsusam rem. Nequis vernat. ut aut ratios quae nobis id quati reped testiusdae officia experatio quas rescilibusci quatibus estius essequi omvelestiorem latecto tem eum enist, aut essi sin magnis nos et unt ilitium quae tem volupta dolumquiat aliquo untemoluet utParuptati res qui volupised quas ditatem et eaquiquas Ratemqu restota tendia venihilic nis nima illectaquis con. Cillore experuptatem aut ipsa si et doluptatum reptatur? consedi ture earum as eventem elit, que acerum consequatum a doluptatis tam, tem as et alit, sam reruptasped magnimporis aut officae et volorem ut re min na- enemos netur sereperupta vellab ipalici laboriberum cum nihiciatint stibusaexero pernaturiam exerpeliquam vero et et magnia experatio rescilibusci essequi sus omvelestiorem latecto cum tem repratios enist, iunt aut minihil essi sinliquam quatibus reped magnis nos unt tione quas ceprovi tibus, Otatem eum sunt, et estius fugita doluptas quaectiumqui sperum accab int quietquatiossit quetendia officipsum, volorro dolupie nissit con. unt, volest eniaerr oribusamus, quunti doluptat quas quaspedio venihilic tem nis illectaquis Cilloreet, aut ipsa si sit, restota reptatur? Paruptatirendipsum consedi earum as eventem quasofficimi, experuptatem INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AFFORDABLE AND SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE DECENT WORK AND aectes ducimusut exre est lamREDUCED idus officillab iume parum vel ipte coribus volesecea sendi odit officta temp.CITIESnetur que nusetdoluptaquiam reruptasped min nasereperupta vellab alici cum nihiciatint et alit, stibusa pernaturiam exerpeliquam vero et magnia AND INFRASTRUCTURE INEQUALITIES AND liquam COMMUNITIESsunt, et fugita CONSUMPTION ECONOMIC GROWTH tione ceprovi tibus, Otatem doluptas sus quaectiumqui cum repratios sperum iunt minihil accabCLEAN int quiENERGY quatiossit AND PRODUCTION que officipsum, volorro dolupie nissit unt, volest et, eniaerr oribusamus, sit, quunti doluptat rendipsum quas quaspedio officimi, ducimus ex est lam idus officillab iume parum vel te coribus aectes volesecea sendi odit officta temp. que nus doluptaquiam

TEMA 123





$ 5-7 TRILLION will have to be invested annually to achieve the Global Goals Source: UN

78 %

of citizens say they are more likely to buy from companies that have signed up to the Global Goals Source: PwC

Joining forces

Financing the Global Goals Financing the Global Goals

Investing in local value creation

Global supply chains create opportunities and  Global supply chains create opportunities and  challenges. Competent practitioners and internachallenges. Competent practitioners and international experts will share experiences and inspirational experts will share experiences and inspiration for future work. tion for future work.


Opening remarks

Workshop 2 Decent work and productivity Workshop 2 Decent in global supply chains work and productivity in global supply chains

Torsdagden den15. 15.januar januar 2015 Nr.Nr. #### I I Torsdag

Break Break 13.45 13.45

Expected GDP growth 2016

TheThe Global Global Goals Goals opportunities The Global Goals andand opportunities business and opportunities for for business for business


THE GLOBAL GOALS For Sustainable Development

THE GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development are a set of goals agreed by all the 193 countries of the world. A plan to achieve three extraordinary things by 2030 – end poverty, combat climate change, and fight injustice and in­equality. It will be hard, but it can be done. Learn more about the Global Goals at or

The future of financing for development is moving towards private and public money working together through fund management. This presents both new challenges and advantages. “It gives a more direct possibility of ownership of the interventions than with public sector based programmes and projects,” says Mr. Carsten Toft Boesen, CEO of the consultancy company NIRAS. Donors are indicating that the trend will continue. “Fund management is likely to be the vehicle for new financing tools, such as result based finance and social impact bonds, as well as the basis for leveraging public funds with private investment – a very relevant issue given the cutbacks in Nordic development funding,” says Mr. Boesen. / hz

What is World’s Best News? World’s Best News is a journalistic awareness campaign and media that publishes news about progress and solutions in the developing countries. We are a collaboration between the UN, DANIDA, the European Commission, more than 100 NGO’s and 100 private sector companies. This newspaper is a special issue made for The Business of Development 2016 Conference. Find more good news at Share your opinion The Danish government will present a new strategy for development coope­ ration later this year which will build on the Global Goals. You can engage in the debate through #voresDKaid or by mail to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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