The Chronicum, Volume 1

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The Socratic Style of Teaching

A view into the method of classical teaching

Volume I, January 2018

Veritas during the snowfall in Houston, December 2017. Photo courtesy of Becky Cauwels.

Volume I January 2018


4 Mission and Core Values 5 Message from the Head

New Educational Membership


Veritas is now a member of the Southern Association of Independent Schools

Brad Sewell

6 7

Academic Update Accelerated Reader,


Renaissance Learning’s AR Update

Cover Story

The Socratic Style of Teaching A view into the method of classical teaching Laura Arrazolo

Anna Richardson


Standardized Testing,

Veritas is moving from TerraNova to IOWA Assessments Allicia Tillman

10 Cultural Expeditions Program


Eighth Grade


(Fine Arts)

16 Re-enrollment Information

17 17 20

Nurse’s Clinic Update School Pictures Guest Speakers

A list of upcoming guests


Upcoming Events in


A recap of Fall sports and rosters

Production Announcement

15 Broadway Up Close 15 ACSI Student Activities

Athletic Update

19 The Veritas Fund Annual Campaign Update




23 2018-2019 Calendar On The Cover

Remaining 2017-2018

Graduation Announcement

Save the Date

Mrs. Laura Arrazolo teaching a class on The Green. The Chronicum 3

Mission Veritas is an independent Christian school in the classical tradition that prepares students for lives of service and learning through biblical literacy, academic excellence, character development, and intentional engagement opportunities.

Core Values

In pursuit of its mission, the Veritas community is guided by five core values. Our core values represent the philosophical commitments of our community; these values are reflected in our past and guide our commitment to the future. The core values of Veritas embody the promises made for our students’ development.

Classical Foundation

Veritas is committed to a classical pedagogy to develop our students’ intellectual abilities and acquire the skills of good scholarship. The principles of classical thought inform and guide the school in its curricular aims to prepare our students for success beyond Veritas.

Biblical Literacy

Veritas seeks to shape our students’ thinking through scripture both by understanding biblical content and through a deeper awareness of its meaning and ethical application. We believe that our students’ minds are informed and fashioned through Christian studies and by mastering core competencies of the Bible.

Academic Excellence

Veritas embraces a history of excellence in academic achievement. We are committed to challenging our students to their highest potential in academics and stretching their intellectual boundaries, seeking to model and impart the virtues of inquiry, preparation, and discipline, in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Character Formation

At Veritas, to educate holistically means educating one’s character and mind. Moral formation and mature behavior are of equal value with the acquisition of knowledge. We are committed to developing students’ hearts and minds, seeking to instill in them both knowledge and Christian values.

Intentional Engagement

Veritas values providing a variety of engagement opportunities both curricular and cocurricular for the development of each student. The classroom, the playing field, travel exposure, fine arts integration, and community service are all part of the laboratory of learning experiences for Veritas students.

4 The Chronicum

MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD Dear Veritas Community, Happy New Year! We are delighted to be together again as a community after a remarkable first semester. We hope your family had a restful winter break. As we are now fully engaged in second semester activities, we hope this first publication of The Chronicum will help guide you through the many upcoming events and offerings in the months ahead at Veritas. You will find an update from our Dean of Academics, Mrs. Allicia Tillman, on our recent transition to the IOWA assessment as well as other information reflecting on our first semester and looking onward to the summer. During the first semester, Veritas took another step forward to raise the bar on our educational standards by becoming members of the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS). As educators firmly committed to offering a robust academic program we have partnered with SAIS. SAIS membership and accreditation are known for representing the finest in academic standards. We are very excited to be members. In Fall 2019, we will begin a dual accreditation process through SAIS and ACSI. We see this as a great challenge, and approach this process with a growth mindset, always looking to improve our school’s educational experience. Veritas is a missional school, devoted to a set of core values that guide our educational decisions and reflect the core identity of the school. As proponents of a classical pedagogy, one of our values is that we are committed to providing a ‘classical foundation’. Please take time to read the excellent feature article by Mrs. Laura Arrazolo. For parents of middle schoolers or for those soon beginning their middle school experience, Mrs. Arrazolo’s article will describe the importance of the Socratic method in classical learning. Happy reading! Lastly, we would like to thank you for your generosity in contributing to this year’s Annual Campaign, “I Am Veritas”. It’s because of your gifts that we are able to provide a full academic program, which tuition alone does not cover. The Annual Campaign helps us offer the most well-rounded education possible to have the greatest impact on our students. As always thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide our students with an exceptional educational experience that shapes both heart and mind. God bless, Brad Sewell

The Chronicum 5

Update Academic

DUKE TIP Approximately seventy percent qualified for the third consecutive year For the third consecutive year, approximately seventy percent of third through eighth grade Veritas students have qualified for Duke University’s Talent Identification Program (TIP).

means that students who qualified are in the top five percent in that particular subject area in comparison to their student peers. Duke TIP offers qualifying students the opportunity to take advanced gradelevel testing, academic publications, book clubs, and other enrichment and educational programs. They also provide various resources to parents of qualifying students.

In order to qualify for the program students must score in the ninetyfifth percentile in a core subject on a standardized test. This percentile rating

BLUE RIBBON Three consecutive years of National Blue Ribbon qualifying scores In addition to the Duke TIP numbers, Veritas Christian Academy also has qualifying scores for the U.S. Department of Education’s National Blue Ribbon Schools Program for the third consecutive year. In order to qualify, non-public schools must meet minimum requirements set forth by the Department of Education, namely that the most recent standardized test places the school in the top fifteenth percent in reading (or English language arts) and mathematics. In order to actually receive National Blue Ribbon Schools status, non-public

6 The Chronicum

schools must apply through the Council for American Private Education (CAPE), who in turn nominates schools to the Department of Education.

NEW EDUCATIONAL MEMBERSHIP Veritas is now a member of the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) We are excited to be new members of the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS). The mission of SAIS is to strengthen member schools by providing high quality accreditation processes, comprehensive professional growth opportunities, and visionary leadership development programs. Veritas will begin a dual accreditation process through SAIS and ACSI in Fall 2019. As an independent school, Veritas seeks to maintain accreditation standards of the highest level. We look forward to partnering with SAIS.

Old vs. New: The oldest member school was founded in 1728; the newest school was founded in 2013. Enrollment Numbers: The smallest school with SAIS membership has 26 students enrolled; the largest has over 2,700 students. Total enrollment in SAIS member schools is over 210,000 students. Day vs. Boarding: 92% of SAIS members are day schools; 7% offer day and boarding; and <1% are boarding-only schools.

As of June 1, 2017, SAIS has 377 member schools from 13 U.S. states, the Caribbean, and Latin America, making SAIS one of the largest regional independent school associations in the country. SAIS represents over 200,000 students.

ACCELERATED READER Renaissance Learning’s AR Update Anna Richardson, Third Grade Teacher and AR Coordinator Reading is important because it develops the mind. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. With a solid foundation in reading, Veritas students accelerate in many other academic areas. Veritas student’s have read over 1,605 books and over 24,943,186 words so far this year. Early elementary students are reading books starting at level 0.5 and students at the middle school level are reading books up to level 9.0. Veritas students have done a tremendous job! Keep reading and keep up the great work! The Chronicum 7

STANDARDIZED TESTING Veritas is moving from TerraNova to the IOWA Assessments Allicia Tillman, Dean of Academics This year we are implementing a shift in our school wide standardized testing. Students will now be taking the Iowa Assessments in place of TerraNova. This shift is occurring for several reasons, but ultimately because we want to do what is best for the students on our campus.

most updated norms of any standardized test; the version we will be using was updated just last year. Having this up-to-date test means that the results we will receive will be the most accurate reflection of our students’ abilities and will help Veritas faculty assess where we compare on a curricular level to schools across the nation. Additionally, the reporting system used will allow Veritas to track the growth progress of individual students as they move from grade to grade. Much like TerraNova, the Iowa Assessments can be used to determine students who qualify for the Duke TIP Talent Search.

The Iowa Assessments are a nationally known series of exams that, like TerraNova, are normreferenced, meaning the test compares our students against a sample of average students nationwide. The Iowa Assessments have the

8 The Chronicum

The Iowa Assessments are used by many Houston area private schools and are even required for admittance into many HISD magnet programs. We are confident that using this test will help equip our students as they journey through Veritas and ultimately prepare to leave its walls.

Updat e At h l e tic

FALL SPORTS Flag Football and Volleyball This school year, Fall sports were very successful with two of three teams winning championships.

fashion, ending the season with a 6-0 record. The girls varsity volleyball team, posting an 11-2 record, was crowned the GHAC champions. The Rams dominated the court, losing only to one school throughout the season. Their JV counterparts finished the year with a 4-7 record as they continued to progress toward next season. The undefeated boys flag football team reached the WHCAC championship for the fourth consecutive year. They were able to secure the championship in commanding

With the Winter athletic season well underway, basketball teams currently hold balanced or wining records* - boys varsity (5-3), boys JV (3-2), girls varsity (7-0), and girls JV (3-3).

Flag Football (6-0 record) Coaches: Ted Raad and Zachary Villafuerte 8th grade: Jack Campbell, Jacob Mueller, and Luke Mueller 7th grade: Dylan Goodman, Caleb Kelly, Andrew Neath, and Ravi Oosterwijk 6th grade: Luke Johnson, Garrison Smith, and William Streett 5th grade: Andrew Campbell, Shelton Henderson, and Jonathan Jacoby

7th grade: Ellie Arrazolo, Alyssa Landry, and Ellarie Newman 6th grade: Ava Farris, Tiara Gordon, Kate Mueller, Kara Thomas, and Ellie Veeningen

r o s t e r s

Varsity Volleyball (11-2 record) Coach: Allicia Tillman 8th grade: Julia Cleveland, Kennedy Smith, and Eva Veeningen

JV Volleyball (4-7 record) Coach: Allicia Tillman 6th grade: Helena Arnold, Virginia Fairfield, Brooke Kern, and Zoe Olan 5th grade: Sarah Dewhurst, Eden Droog, Andrea Irias Banegas, Sara Kate Steinbach, Adeline Streett, Emma Tanner, and Mikayla Villafuerte *Records are accurate as of 1/10/2018 The Chronicum 9

CULTURAL EXPEDITIONS PROGRAM A look back at 2017 and a look ahead to 2018 The Cultural Expeditions Program (CEP) at Veritas is a unique program that combines educational experiences for its middle school students. Though field trips and excursions are nothing new in the educational field, the CEP’s marriage of history, arts, and exposure to higher educational institutions creates a distinct experience for our students. Though there is a fun element to the CEP students consistently look forward to their yearly trips - its over-arching purpose is to provide a “living history” experience, complementing the educational experience the students receive in the classroom.

Washington DC (7th grade) - For a week that bridged October and November, our seventh grade students took an in depth historical tour of our nation’s capitol. With a tour guide leading the way, they were immersed in a distinctive view of various historical destinations, visiting the Capitol Building, George Washington’s home of Mount Vernon, Thomas Jefferson’s home of Monticello, and the other monuments that pepper the District of Columbia. Four students also had the experience of participating in a

10 The Chronicum

wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington Cemetery.

Texas History (5th/6th grades) - Our fifth and sixth graders took their first overnight CEP trip and were immersed in Texas history as they toured the Hill Country visiting Austin, San Antonio, and Fredericksburg. The Alamo, the State Capitol Building, Mission San Jose, and the National Museum of the Pacific War were a few of the stops. The students were even able to experience a rare Texas snowfall as they spent the day in historic Fredericksburg, and had an encounter with veterans who survived Pearl Harbor at the National Museum of the Pacific War. London & Oxford (8th grade) - The capstone to the CEP is the eighth grade London/ Oxford trip. This week-long excursion “across the pond” features stops at the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the West End, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Oxford University, and a plethora of other castles and historical destinations. This school year’s London/Oxford Trip will be the week before Spring Break.

The Chronicum 11

THE SOCRATIC STYLE OF TEACHING Cover Story: A view into the method of classical teaching Laura Arrazolo, Seventh and Eighth Grade Language Arts “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 As we teach in the Classical model, we focus on the Logic stage of the Trivium in middle school. Starting in sixth and increasing in the seventh and eighth grades, we work to help students develop their critical thinking skills in reading, writing, and discussion – the kind of thinking skills, we trust, that will equip them to wisely sift through the many messages they are bombarded with by the media and their peers. One key method we use in the Logic stage is the Socratic Seminar. In this sort of a discussion, students are invited to answer a question and defend their answer – without immediate feedback of “Yes, that’s right” or “No, that’s wrong.” Instead, they must listen to alternative views, also supported with evidence or reasoning, and decide if this new information changes their opinion. Students gain confidence in presenting their views and sharpen their argumentation skills, realizing

that to stand up in discussion, a viewpoint must be clearly expressed and well-defended. They also learn that a statement accepted on face value by the majority may fall if it is based on misinterpreted evidence or weak reasoning. Mr. Sewell uses this method regularly in his Logic course. Mrs. El-Issa models this in her Bible classes, presenting archeological, scientific, and historical evidence for the Bible, Creation, and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And thanks to a Great Books workshop held in Dallas this summer, Mrs. Tillman, Mrs. Arrazolo, and Mrs. Olmos are applying this Socratic method in new ways in their

12 The Chronicum

America should be preserved or removed, and whether gun ownership should be restricted or expanded. This semester, Mrs. El-Issa’s eighth graders will use apologetics to defend their Christian worldview with persuasive evidence and reasoning.

English and History classes. The classroom layout of a circle or semicircle helps facilitate these discussions. Students understand that everyone has something important to say and deserves to be heard. Students have explored fascinating topics this past semester. After Hurricane Harvey, students in all four of Mrs. Olmos’ classes read newspaper articles and discussed hardships as both negative and positive experiences. Later, sixth graders in History debated whether the Trojan War was a myth or a military reality. Mrs. Tillman’s sixth graders, after reading “The Gift of the Magi” in English class, explored what giving really means, how we measure the impact of a gift, and the effect of irony in literature. Mrs. Arrazolo’s seventh graders connected their trip to Washington, D.C. with English class by discussing which aspects of democracy could best have prevented the pigs’ dictatorship in Animal Farm. Her eighth graders, as part of their study of To Kill a Mockingbird, debated the courage of the unlikeable Mrs. Dubose and held a Mock Trial based on contradicting testimonies.

As students learn to read closely, think and communicate clearly, and listen humbly, they gain multiple skills which will serve them well in the future. Graduates of Veritas have gone on to high school debate teams, leadership roles in school organizations and ministry opportunities, and success in AP courses, thanks in great part to the rigorous training of their minds at Veritas. In doing so, we are helping each student “present themselves to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Stage of Rhetoric (9th-12th) Pinnacle of Expression

Stage of Logic (7th-8th) Columns of Support

Grammar (K-6th) Foundation of Knowledge

In Mr. Sewell’s Logic class, eighth graders argued whether Confederate monuments in The Chronicum 13

The Veritas Fine Arts Department presents this year’s 8th Grade Production of

Showing Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 6 pm Tickets go on sale April 1st for $5.00 14 The Chronicum

BROADWAY UP CLOSE The second year of the program will send students to “Hamilton” The Broadway Up Close program launched at Veritas in 2016-17. In its second year, students will have the treat of learning from the directors, choreographers, crew, and cast of the Tony Award winning show - Hamilton. This three day workshop in April will transport a handful of seventh and eighth grade students to New York City’s Broadway to be engulfed in the theatre industry. Students learn the ins and outs of putting together a successful Broadway show.

The first-hand experience even includes an opportunity for the students to perform a mock audition for the casting director! To cap off the trip, Veritas students get the opportunity to watch the show in all of its glitz, glamor, and glory!

These workshops include learning the intricate choreography and vocals of the production. Students learn from the actual cast members and choreographers as they dance and sing to the show’s score.

Fine Arts

Music Festival - Choir

Friday, March 23, 2018 hosted at Covenant Christian School - Conroe Lower School Choir (2nd-4th grades) Middle School Choir (5th-8th grades)

Art Festival

Friday, April 6, 2018 hosted at Faith Academy of Bellville - Bellville 3rd - 8th grades The Chronicum 15

2018-2019 School Year

re-enrollment January 17th - 31st

Re-enrollment emails will be sent on January 17th Priority re-enrollment fee of $150/student and $300/family if re-enrolled by January 31st Re-enrollment fees will increase February 1st $250/student and $500/family

Spelling Bee

Friday, January 12, 2018

hosted at Alpha Omega Academy - Huntsville (3rd-8th grades)

Speech Meets

Friday, March 2, 2018

hosted at Alpha Omega Academy - Huntsville (1st-5th grades)

Friday, March 9, 2018

hosted at Rosehill Christian School - Tomball (6th & 7th grades)

Math Olympics - Area Saturday, March 3, 2018

hosted at Christ Community School - The Woodlands (3rd-8th grades) 16 The Chronicum

NURSE’S CLINIC UPDATE Results from an immunization audit by the Houston Health Department Veritas was selected in the process of a citywide immunization audit for public and private schools. We received 100% compliance! Every students’ immunization record was reviewed by the school and was checked for compliance with the Texas State Heath Board and the U.S. Department of Health. A representative from the Texas State Health Board visited the school in December to review our clinical record keeping, stating that the school is very competent in our approach to the keeping of health records and screening capabilities for our students. Thank you for assisting us through this process!

SCHOOL PICTURES Individual and class yearbook pictures will be taken in February Wink Schools Photography will be taking individual and class pictures for the yearbook. The following list will outline when your child’s pictures will be taken: • Wednesday, February 7 for Early Education and Lower School individual pictures • Wednesday, February 14 for Middle School individual pictures • Wednesday, February 28 for class pictures and individual make up pictures All pictures taken are available for purchase

The Chronicum 17

s a t i r e V w e ! n n o e h so t g r n o i f h k c o Lo laun GRADUATION Veritas Class of 2018 Thursday, May 24, 2018 6:00 pm

18 The Chronicum

e t i s b we

2017-2018 Thank you for your generosity!

I am Over $138,000 raised! An average of 76% participation per classroom!

The Chronicum 19

S p e a k e r s G u e s t

Dr. Bill Clarkson will join us on Friday, February 23rd. A graduate of St. Mark’s School of Texas, Bill earned his B.A. from Duke University, his Master of Divinity from The General Theological Seminary, and his Doctor of Ministry from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He joined the consulting team at Carney, Sandoe & Associates after serving as Head of The Westminster Schools in Atlanta for 23 years. Before joining Westminster, he was Head of the Potomac School in McLean, Virginia. Bill has also worked in parish ministry and pastoral counseling. Bill serves on several Boards, including the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, The Westminster Schools of Atlanta, the Rabun Gap Nacoochee School, the R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation, and the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation. He also serves as a Head of School mentor for Mr. Sewell.

Debbie Engle

who currently serves as the PreK 4B teacher at Veritas will hold another interest meeting for “Love and Logic” on Tuesday, March 6th. The workshops will begin on Tuesday, March 20th and will run for eight consecutive weeks until Tuesday, May 8th. They will be from 4 - 6 pm. Debbie is a graduate of Illinois State University, earning a B.S. in Special Education. She has extensive experience in education including teaching students ranging from early childhood to collegiate levels. She has also spoken at various conferences and churches regarding the inclusion of special needs students. Debbie is an independent facilitator of ‘Love and Logic’ and loves to equip parents to help their children become respectful and responsible young people and adults.

PARENT EDUCATION SEMINAR Guest speakers will come on Friday, January 26th at 8 am This seminar will help parents of middle school students navigate the social environment that their children face each day.

Dr. Teandra Gordon, a Veritas parent and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, will focus on social development and parenting through social relationships.

Alessia F. Madkins, M.A., LPC is from Julianna Poor Memorial Counseling Center and will focus on friendship dynamics during the middle school years.

This seminar is geared toward parenting students in middle school. Parents of students in our current 4th grade are also invited to attend since your children will soon be in middle school.

20 The Chronicum

The Chronicum 21

Upcoming Events in 2018

JEANS DAY Thursday, January 25th Thursday, February 22nd Thursday, March 29th Wednesday, April 25th Wednesday, May 23rd

Go Texan Day: Friday, February 23rd

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 26, 2018, starting at 5:15 pm

No School Days

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Monday, January 15th President’s Day - Monday, February 19th Spring Break - Monday, March 12th - Friday, March 16th Easter Break - Friday, March 30th - Monday, April 2th

22 The Chronicum

2018-2019 School Calendar 2018-2019 School Calendar - Initial Draft August S M T W T 5



September F







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October S


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November F











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January F 7












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March F






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No School

First/ Last Day of School

No School - Prof Dev

Beginning of Marking Period

End of Marking Period

Veritas Important Dates and Events August 10 New Parent Orientation 13 Back to School Night 15 First Day of School 29-31 Middle School Orientation

November 3

Chili Cook Off (Rain Date)

12-16 Book Fair 16 Family Day

January 4

Teacher In-Service

21 No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


No School - Labor Day

December 5-7 5th Grade Texas History Trip


Yearbook Photos

18 School Portraits

12 Early Education (Explore-K)

22 Annual Auction Event

Christmas Producation 13 Lower School Christmas Production

26 History & Science Fair


Middle School Midterms 20-4 No School - Christmas Break

27 Chili Cook Off

10 Shakespeare Day (Combined Chapel) 19-22 No School - Easter Break 26 Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

18 No School - President's Day

26 See You At The Pole

11-12 No School - Fall Break

2-12 Standardized Testing Window

18 Fine Arts Night

19-23 No School - Thanksgiving Break February



March 4-8 8th Grade London Trip 11-15 No School - Spring Break

29-3 6th & 7th Washington DC Trip

May 2

Athletic Awards Ceremony


8th Grade Production

23 End of Year Chapel 23 8th Grade Gradution 24 Last Day of School (11:30 Dismissal) 27 Memorial Day

Grading Periods

Progress Reports

Report Cards

Q1 August 15 - October 10

Q1 September 4 & September 25

Q1 October 16

Q2 October 15 - December 19 Q3 January 7 - March 8

Q2 November 6 & November 27 Q3 January 23 & February 12

Q2 January 8 Q3 March 19

Q4 March 18 - May 24

Q4 April 9 & April 30

Q4 May 29

7000 Ferris Street Bellaire, TX 77401 713-773-9605

The Chronicum 23

7000 Ferris Street • Bellaire, TX 77401 • 713.773.9605

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