The Year Ahead 2017-2018

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The Year Ahead


7000 Ferris Street • Bellaire, TX 77401 •


The Year Ahead

Contents 4

Mission and Core Values


Administration and Departing Faculty & Staff


New Faculty & Staff; Familiar Faces, New Places


Faculty Focus

10 Community Event Dates 12 Support Veritas 13 Outdoor Space Update: “The Green� 14 Campus Map - Aerial View 16 Campus Map - Floorplan 18 New at Veritas 20 2017-2018 Competitions 21 Athletics 22 Fine Arts 25 Cultural Expeditions Program 26 Chapel 27 2017-2018 School Calendar

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Twitter veritashouston

The Year Ahead

Welcome back from Mr. Sewell Greetings from Veritas! I hope your family is enjoying the remaining weeks of the summer break. As the end of the break approaches, I look forward to welcoming our students back on campus, hearing the chatter in the hallways that we miss during the summer months, and seeing their eager faces ready to learn. Also, I am excited to see our new students and families joining the school and becoming part of the Veritas community. At the start of another academic year, I feel as though we are at the beginning of a new journey. When embarking on any journey, it is helpful to have a roadmap. We hope that The Year Ahead: 2017-18 will be a roadmap for the upcoming year for you. You will find in these pages details about all kinds of programs, events, important dates, faculty information, and campus improvements. We welcome several new faculty members to campus this year, each of whom is excited to share their expertise in our students’ development. We know that each individual will become integral to the success of our students. I invite you to take time to read through these pages to familiarize yourself with the upcoming year. In addition, our administration and faculty are happy to talk with you individually if you need additional details. Earlier this summer, I attended The Institute for Strategic Leadership at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. School heads, principals, and administrators from across the country gathered to discuss strategy and reflect on their school’s values, distinctives, and strategic mission. Metaphorically, it was a time to walk the fence-line of our schools and return to the most fundamental philosophical question of why we exist. It was a worthwhile time to reflect again on the noble mission Veritas serves. Our school exists to prepare students for lives of service and learning through biblical literacy, academic excellence, character formation, and intentional engagement opportunities. I walked away from the Institute reinvigorated by our mission and eager to see our core values cultivated in our students again this year in the classrooms, the playing field, through field trips, and service learning opportunities. Lastly, when you next step on campus I hope you will take time to visit our newly completed outdoor space behind the gymnasium. Because of your generosity at last year’s auction, our students will benefit from more outdoor learning experiences on campus in a more expansive area. I look forward to seeing you all on campus soon! Brad Sewell Head of School



The Year Ahead


Veritas is an independent Christian school in the classical tradition that prepares students for lives of service and learning through biblical literacy, academic excellence, character development, and intentional engagement opportunities.

Core Values

In pursuit of its mission, the Veritas community is guided by five core values. Our core values represent the philosophical commitments of our community; these values are reflected in our past and guide our commitment to the future. The core values of Veritas embody the promises made for our students’ development.

Classical Foundation

Veritas is committed to a classical pedagogy to develop our students’ intellectual abilities and acquire the skills of good scholarship. The principles of classical thought inform and guide the school in its curricular aims to prepare our students for success beyond Veritas.

Biblical Literacy

Veritas seeks to shape our students’ thinking through scripture both by understanding biblical content and through a deeper awareness of its meaning and ethical application. We believe that our students’ minds are informed and fashioned through Christian studies and by mastering core competencies of the Bible.

Academic Excellence

Veritas embraces a history of excellence in academic achievement. We are committed to challenging our students to their highest potential in academics and stretching their intellectual boundaries, seeking to model and impart the virtues of inquiry, preparation, and discipline, in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Character Formation

At Veritas, to educate holistically means educating one’s character and mind. Moral formation and mature behavior are of equal value with the acquisition of knowledge. We are committed to developing students’ hearts and minds, seeking to instill in them both knowledge and Christian values.

Intentional Engagement

Veritas values providing a variety of engagement opportunities both curricular and co-curricular for the development of each student. The classroom, the playing field, travel exposure, fine arts integration, and community service are all part of the laboratory of learning experiences for Veritas students.

The Year Ahead

2017-2018 School Year Veritas Administration Director of Early Childhood

Head of School

(Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten) Kim Hering

Brad Sewell

Lower School Principal

Middle School Principal

(First-Fourth Grades) Amy Leonard

(Fifth-Eighth Grades) Lina Delgado

Dean of Academics

Director of Finance

Allicia Tillman

Marilyn Hughes

Director of Admissions & Communication

Office Manager Demetria Jackson

Zachary Villafuerte

Thank you to those who are moving beyond Veritas!

Bruce Horn Head of Middle School

Sarah Gibson PreK Teacher

Jasmine Harris PreK Assistant

Christine Reilly PreK Teacher

Debbie Slagle PreK Teacher

Christina Bailey School Nurse

Rush Hughes P.E. Teacher



The Year Ahead

New Faculty and Staff Tracy Neal

Discover Class (PreK-3 Junior) Teacher Tracy Neal worked for 5 years with HISD as a Pre-K Teaching Assistant and Special Education Teaching Assistant. She also worked for 3 years as a 3’s Teacher at Bertha Alyce Preschool. Prior to joining Veritas she taught for 4 years at St. Martin’s Episcopal Preschool as the Lead/Mentor Teacher of the 2’s class. Ms. Neal holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, and an A.A. in Early Childhood Education, both degrees are from Ashworth College. Ms. Neal is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Management. In her spare time, she likes to spend quality time with her son, family, and friends.

Laura Brown

PreK-4 A Teacher Laura Brown is a native of Maryland. She graduated from Washington College with a Bachelor’s Degree in History and completed graduate coursework in early childhood studies at Trinity College in Washington D.C. Laura is starting her 32nd year teaching, having served in a variety of roles from teaching across the elementary level to being Vice Principal. We are delighted that she is joining the Veritas team and bringing a breadth of experience to the Early Childhood Department.

Debbie Engle

PreK-4 B Teacher Debbie Engle’s love for teaching began early in life. Her teaching career started after graduating from Illinois State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education. Debbie has taught students from early childhood to the collegiate level in a variety of settings including various conferences regarding the inclusion of special needs students. Debbie loves traveling, photography, hiking, reading, and spending time with family. Her desire is to create an environment where students can grow in their relationship with Christ, each other, and the world. She looks forward to joining Veritas and the wonderful things God has in store for her class!

Stephanie Villafuerte

PreK Teacher’s Assistant Stephanie Villafuerte is a native Californian. From a young age her desire was to become a teacher and impact young lives for eternity. She attended Washington Bible College in Maryland and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies and Elementary Education. Immediately after graduating, she taught 4th grade at a private Christian school in Maryland for 5 years before making the decision to become a stay-at-home mom. Her passion has always been to help children discover and learn the world around them with a biblical perspective. She is very excited to join Veritas in assisting the preschoolers this school year.

The Year Ahead Alexis Ingram

2nd & 3rd Grade Teacher Alexis Ingram is a Michigan native. She graduated from Calvin College with a double major in Spanish and Elementary Education. She spent a semester abroad in Spain and has a passion for travel and other cultures. She holds a Texas certificate for EC-6 as well as English as a Second Language. In her free time she enjoys fitness, music, and spending time with her husband, friends and family. Alexis will be co-teaching with Mrs. Hering and Mrs. Leonard as they increase their ressponsiblities and duties serving in adminstration. Alexis is very excited to be part of Veritas and to meet her 2nd and 3rd graders!

Hailey Bunnell

Physical Education and Athletic Director Hailey Bunnell started her teaching career in 2010 as a 2nd grade and Middle School Photography Teacher. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A&M University in Interdisciplinary Studies. During her free time, Mrs. Bunnell enjoys traveling, exercising, spending time with her English Bulldog and playing tennis. She’s an active member and small group leader of Grace Bible Church in the Heights. She is thrilled to be part of the Physical Education and Athletic Program at Veritas and looks forward to encouraging all students to enjoy being active, while modeling the love of Christ both on and off the playing field.

Michael Chace

Middle School Math Michael Chace is a native of Pennsylvania. He has an Master’s Degree in Science Education and a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Science with a minor in Mathematics. He has taught middle school math, high school and college anatomy/physiology and human biology. His studies in these various areas have only strengthened his faith in God the Creator. He is delighted that God has opened this opportunity to teach and share his passion for math with middle school students at Veritas.

Familiar Faces; New Places Anna Richardson

New 3rd Grade Teacher (formerly Kindergarten) Mrs. Richardson will be embarking on a new journey in Lower School as the teacher of Veritas’ new 3rd grade class! She is beginning her 4th year teaching at Veritas. Mrs. Richardson is a graduate of Texas State University in San Marcos with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. We are excited to have Mrs. Richardson’s enthusiasm, care, and dedication to our students’ development now at the 3rd grade level.

Alecia Gallegos

New Kindergarten Teacher (formerly 3rd/4th grade Science/Spelling) Ms. Gallegos is a familiar face to the Veritas community . She formerly taught at the Lower School level at Veritas for several years. Last year, Ms. Gallegos served part-time as the 3rd and 4th grade Science and Spelling Teacher. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Houston in Interdisciplinary Studies and begins her 13th year of teaching. We are elated to have Ms. Gallegos as the new Kindergarten teacher at Veritas!



The Year Ahead

Faculty Focus Missions & Professional Development Edmund Burke once said, “Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.” This summer several members of our faculty reflected the words of Burke by being examples in giving back and Kingdom builidng as well as professional development to model the behavior that learning is a lifetime activity.

Allicia Tillman Albania

Allicia Tillman and her husband Zach went to Albania with their church, Grace Bible Church, who partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ. They worked along side Albanian college students to teach them English and build relationships to share the gospel. On a daily basis, Mrs. Tillman taught an English class, read through and discussed parables, and had lots of free time to converse with students on a personal level. There was also a large scale presentation of the gospel at the end of the week. Mrs. Tillman had a remarkable time serving in Albania!

Anna Richardson Honduras

Anna Richardson and her husband Dalton went to Tocoa, Honduras as part of a group with Living Water International, an organization that drills water wells in impoverished areas around the world. The group was successful in drilling a well and having an opportunity to converse with locals about the gospel. Mrs. Richardson also had the opportunity to teach Bible stories to about 20 children.

Kim Hering, Elizabeth Campbell, Tracy Neal, and Debbie Engle Frog Street SPLASH Conference

Elizabeth Campbell, Debbie Engle, Tracy Neal, and Kim Hering traveled to Grapevine, Texas to attend Frog Street’s SPLASH Conference in July. This conference was a unique professional learning experience for early childhood educators. Internationally recognized keynote speakers, professional consultants, expert classroom teachers, musicians and entertainers from around the world led the event. Conference sessions and professional trainings were designed to present cutting-edge strategies and the latest research-based educational trends to enhance the classroom and improve student performance. This opportunity gave these teachers the time to collaborate, share ideas, and get recharged for the upcoming school year!

The Year Ahead

Save the Date

2017-18 School Year



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The Year Ahead

Community Events

7:30 am at the flag pole in the Courtyard for a student-led corporate prayer time

Saturday, October 28, 2017 starting at 4 pm

School-wide event featuring a chili competition, festival-style games, and an Adults vs. Students Flag Football Game!

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.

Friday, November 17, 2017 at 8:15 am

~ C.S. Lewis

Go Texan Day: Friday, February 23, 2018

The Year Ahead


Jeans Day

Thursday, August 31 Thursday, September 28th Thursday, October 26th Thursday, November 30th Thursday, December 14th st

2018 Thursday, January 25th Thursday, February 22nd Thursday, March 29th Wednesday, April 25th Wednesday, May 23rd

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 26, 2018, starting at 5:15 pm

No School Days

Labor Day - Monday, September 4, 2017 Fall Break - Thursday, October 12, 2017 - Friday, October 13, 2017 Thanksgiving Break - Monday, November 20, 2017 - Friday, November 24, 2017 Christmas Break - Monday, December 18, 2017 - Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Monday, January 15, 2018 President’s Day - Monday, February 19, 2018 Spring Break - Monday, March 12, 2018 - Friday, March 16, 2018 Easter Break - Friday, March 30, 2018 - Monday, April 2, 2018

Early Dismissal Days

On days with early dismissal, please ensure that your child is picked up by 11:30 am. No After School Care is available on early dismissal days.

Friday, December 15, 2017 Friday, May 25, 2018



The Year Ahead

Support Veritas

In 2017, The Veritas Fund was established to give donors more options for contributions to Veritas. It is administered by the National Christian Foundation (NCF), a non-profit organization that helps donors give more wisely and tax-efficiently. NCF accepts non-cash gifts (for example: stocks, real estate, and business interests) and is the nation’s largest provider of donor-advised funds. These funds allow donors to time their giving more systemtically and then respond to the school’s campaigns. Donations play an invaluable role in providing opportunities for our students because tuition alone does not cover all costs of operations.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. ~ Benjamin Franklin

The Year Ahead

Outdoor Space Update: “The Green” Before Construction

How will “The Green” be used by students? • Outdoor dining area

will be utilized during lunch hours

• Expanded students’ learning space • Quick draining artificial turf will allow for use on days when there may be a quick shower • Added use of roughly 3,800 ft2 of previously unusable space • Provides an updated and beautified space on campus “The Green” Completed



The Year Ahead




13 3


C Wing




Art Room


B Wing & School Offices


Teachers’ Lounge


A Wing

10 Playground



11 The Green

5 Auditorium 6

D Wing

12 Blacktop 13 Playing Field

The Year Ahead Map rendering created by Ramy Hanna of Tiltpixel To learn more, visit





2 10 1



The Year Ahead






Courtyard A9 A8

A6 Restrooms


Teachers' Courtyard


A5 A3


Conference Room

A6 A5 A2 A4

A1 Restrooms


Teachers' Lounge

School Office




School Office



Veritas Christian Veritas Christian Academy of Houston Academy of Houston Campus Map


Conference Room

Campus Map


Parking Lot


Parking Lot





R ro

A1 - Mrs. Campbell, Explore (PreK 3) A9 - Mrs. Hering, 3rd A A2 - Mrs. Brown, PreK 4A B1 - Mrs. Heuer, Computer Lab A3 - Ms. Neal, Discover (PreK 3 Jr.) B2 - Ms. Moton, Latin Mrs. Campbell, Explore (PreK 3) A94B- Mrs. Hering,B3 3rd A Jones, MS Science D1 - Mr A4 - Ms. Engle, PreK - Ms. Mrs. Brown, PreK 4A A5 - Mrs. Poage, Kinder B1 -AMrs. Heuer, C1 Computer Lab D2 - Mrs. Leonard, 2nd A - Mr A6 Mrs. Whitman, 1st A Ms. Neal, Discover (PreK 3 Jr.) C2 - Mr. Chace, MS Math B2 - Ms. Moton, Latin D3 - Mr - Ms. Gallegos, Kinder B Ms. Engle, PreK 4B A7 D4 - Mr A8 - Ms. Fox, 1st B B3 - Ms. Jones, MS Science

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 - Mrs. Poage, Kinder A A6 - Mrs. Whitman, 1st A A7 - Ms. Gallegos, Kinder B

C1 - Mrs. Leonard, 2nd A C2 - Mr. Chace, MS Math

D5 - Mr D6 - Mr D7 - Mr

The Year Ahead




First Floor D Wing



Second Floor D Wing




First Floor D Wing



D7 D5



Art Room


C1 Restrooms



C2 C2

Art Room






TheThe Green Green




D1 - Mrs. Prestera, 2nd B D2 - Mrs. Berger, 4th D3 - Mrs. Ingram, 2nd & 3rd rs.D4 Prestera, 2nd B 3rd B - Mrs. Richardson, rs.D5 Berger, 4th - Mrs. Olmos, MS History - Mrs. Arrazolo, rs.D6 Ingram, 2nd &MS 3rdEnglish D7 - Mrs. El-Issa, MS Bible rs.D8 Richardson, 3rd B - Mrs. Tillman, MS English


rs. Olmos, MS History rs. Arrazolo, MS English rs. El-Issa, MS Bible

A Wing B Wing

A Wing

C Wing

B Wing

D Wing

C Wing


Second Floor D Wing











The Year Ahead

New at Veritas School Pictures

School photography this year will be provided by Wink Schools Photography. Partnering with Wink will enhance our school picture offerings with the following new options: • Proofs prior to ordering • Web accessibility for viewing and ordering • Varying packages available, including a la carte • Percentage of all total sales is donated back to Veritas Also, individual pictures this year will alllow students to be dressed in non-school attire. Individual pictures will be taken in the Fall and yearbook photos will be taken in the Spring.

5th Grade Parent Orientation Wednesday, August 16 (9 am - 10 am)

This orientation time will provide parents of incoming 5th graders understanding of the transition into Middle School. The orientation will also provide the level of expectation for students, understanding of the departmental nature of Middle School, and provide parents with information to help their students transition into the middle years at Veritas.

Middle School Orientation Retreat Wednesday, August 30 - Friday, September 1 5th - 8th grades

The purpose of Middle School Orientation Retreat is to kick off the year with goals, traditions, team building, and life skills. This will be the time when key leadership roles are defined; Student Council speeches and elections will take place; FCA will choose a leadership team and advisors will begin working with their House leaders.

carolina creek christian camps

There will still be some of the traditional Carolina Creek ropes course activities as these are great for team building and personal growth. We will have a spiritual development component with an emphasis on relationship skills and conflict resolution. Students will hear from both the Veritas Middle School Team as well as the camp staff. The Middle School Orientation Retreat is a vital component to the year’s success and these days are required school days.

The Year Ahead

Dining at Veritas Lety’s Kitchen

School lunch can be purchased for the entire 2017-2018 School Year or day-to-day. All orders are completed online via RenWeb and will be charged monthly through FACTS.

Lunch Fees

Division Daily Entire School Year Early Childhood (PreK-K) $ 5.00 $ 800.00 Lower School (1st-4th grade) $ 5.25 $ 845.00 Middle School (5th-8th grade) $ 5.75 $ 910.00

After School Care

Available after school daily from 3:45 - 6:00 pm After School Care is provided for all Veritas students. It encompasses both time for play and homework.

Daily drop-in rates are $15/day ($4/day after athletics and pertains only to middle school students) or $175/month. There is also a $1/minute fee assessed for students who are picked up after 6:00 pm. Monthly fees are paid in advance; daily/weekly rates are billed monthly. All After School Care fees are paid through FACTS.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~ Nelson Mandela

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) Volunteering Opportunities for Parents

Room Parents • Annual Auction • Chili Cook Off • Family Day Book Fair • History & Science Fair • Fine Arts Night Teacher Appreciation • School & Class Celebrations • Field Trips

visit > parents > parent-teacher-fellowship to learn more or sign up to volunteer!



The Year Ahead

2017-2018 Competitions Spelling Bee

Saturday, January 20, 2018 hosted at Fort Bend Christian Academy - Sugar Land 3rd-8th grade

Speech Meets

Friday, March 2, 2018 hosted at Alpha Omega Academy - Huntsville 1st-5th grade Friday, March 9, 2018 hosted at Rosehill Christian School - Tomball 6th-7th grade

Creative Writing Mail-in Event 5th-8th grade

Math Olympics

Date and location - TBD 3rd-8th grade

Math League Mail-in Event 7th & 8th grade

Music Festival - Choir

Friday, March 23, 2018 hosted at Covenant Christian School - Conroe 2nd - 8th grade (Choir Members)

Art Festival

Friday, April 6, 2018 hosted at Faith Academy of Bellville - Bellville 3rd - 8th grade

The Year Ahead

Athletics Veritas welcomes new Athletic Director! Hailey Bunnell

Hailey Bunnell joins Veritas as the new Physical Education teacher for Kindergarten - 8th grade. In conjuction with her new role as P.E. teacher, she will also serve as the new Athletic Director for Veritas. We are excited to welcome her into the Veritas community and look foward to her leadership in our Middle School Interscholastic Sports program.

Thank You Miss Jones

After serving 13 years as Athletic Director and overseeing our teams through multiple winning seasons and championships, Miss Jones is transitioning away from Athletic Director. We are very grateful for her leadership over the past years. She served with dedication and developed the athletic program to the success it is today.

Veritas Competitor Schools include:

Veritas athletes compete in two separate conferences: The West Houston Christian Athletic Conference (WHCAC) and The Greater Houston Athletic Conference (GHAC). Schools that Veritas play against include St. Thomas Episcopal, Logos Prep, Emery Weiner, St. Mark’s Episcopal, Grace School, Wesley Academy, Cornerstone Christian, and Southwest Christian. Visit the Athletics section of the Veritas website to learn more and to find a schedule of games!

Sports by Season Fall Volleyball (Girls) Flag Football (Boys)


Basketball (Boys and Girls)


Tennis (Co-ed) Track and Field (Co-ed)



The Year Ahead

Fine Arts


Concert Choir is an auditioned group for 2nd-8th grade students. They will compete in the ACSI Music Festival in the Spring. Last year the choir was awarded the highest marks of the whole competition and received an overall Superior rating. A partnership with The Houston Symphony Orchestra provides Veritas student an opportunity to learn from current members of the orchestra. Students receive musical and practical training and experience live performances. All City Band is an ensemble for those in 5th-8th grade where they can particapte with students from other schools throughout Houston. The end of year concert is usually hosted at Strake Jesuit High School. Important Band Dates: • Optional Band Solo Contest: Saturday, February 24, 2018 at St. Edward School, Spring • All City Concert Rehearsal: Thursday, May 3, 2018 at St. Thomas More, Houston • All City Concert Rehearsal: Saturday, April 28, 2018 at Veritas Christian Academy, Bellaire • All City Band Spring Concert: Friday, May 4, 2018 at Strake Jesuit High School at 6:30pm


School Productions occur throughout the school year and spans each division: Early Childhood, Lower School, and Middle School. Past productions have included “Peter Pan”, “Once Upon a Mattress”, and “Fiddler on the Roof”. This year’s productions are to be determined in the Fall. International Thespian Society (ITS) is for students 6th grade and above. Students are inducted based on achievements within the Veritas Fine Arts Program. Inductees continue to earn merit by

The Year Ahead participating in any Fine Arts programs or productions, through set design, creation, and being stage workers. Students are also encouraged to partcipate in programs or events outside of Veritas. ITS officers will be elected at the Middle School Orientation Retreat. The Broadway Up Close Program is designed to connect theatre students with the Broadway community - and with each other - through a series of workshops, master classes, and an unforgettable experience at a hit Broadway musical. This school year’s Broadway Up Close Program will be from Friday, April 6 - Monday, April 9, 2018 and will feature the Tony Awardwinning show “Hamilton”. The program spans 2 days and includes an orchestra ticket to “Hamilton” and 6 workshops in acting, voice, dance, and a variety of arts disciplines with cast and creative team members from “Hamilton”. Students work directly with Broadway’s best and brightest performers, choreographers, music directors, and teaching artists.

Visual Arts

Students’ portfolio of artwork is displayed in the Spring during Fine Arts Night where family and friends are invited to appreciate the many talents of the students in Veritas. Students in 3rd-8th grades also have an opportunity to participate in the ACSI Fine Arts Festival where their artwork is judged and awarded alongside peers at other participating schools. It also encourages our students to appreciate various pieces of artwork. • Fine Arts Night: Thursday, April 26, 2018, starting at 5:15 pm • ACSI Fine Arts Festival: Friday, April 6, 2018 at Faith Academy of Bellville





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The Year Ahead



f o ry • o

The Veritas Christian Academy of Houston Conservatory of Music, which launched in January 2017, seeks to bring each of its students to an intellectual understanding of the theoretical, historical, and stylistic aspects of musical practice; to relate each of these to the vast literature of music, and to demand the highest level possible of technical and artistic achievement in performance. The Conservatory’s instructors are accomplished musicians in their fields, having achieved the highest levels of musical training. Our students choose violin, viola, or cello and they receive one private class and two ensemble classes per week as part of the program.

Registration Open for the 2017-2018 School Year


The Year Ahead

Cultural Expeditions Program

Texas History (Austin/San Antonio) • 5th & 6th grade • December 6-8, 2017 Washington D.C. • 7th grade • October 30-November 4, 2017 London/Oxford • 8th grade • March 2-8, 2018



The Year Ahead


The theme for Chapel this school year comes from Matthew 5:1-11. This beginning section of Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’ is better known to us as ‘the beatitudes’. The term is derived from the Latin word ‘beatus’, meaning “happy, fortunate, and prosperous”, and corresponds with the term “blessed are those...” found in the beginning of each particular characteristic that Jesus highlights. Each month of Chapel, we will delve into these characteristics and how we can have the same attitudes that Jesus describes. We invite parents to participate in this journey of biblical knowledge and character formation alongside your child! Below you will find the Chapel schedule corresponding to each Academic Division Early Childhood, Lower School, and Middle School.

Chapel Schedule Weekly on Wednesday Mornings

Middle School Lower School 8:15 - 8:45 am 8:45 - 9:15 am August Introduction to the Beatitudes September Beatitude 1: The Poor in Spirit October Beatitude 2: Those who Mourn November Beatitude 3: The Meek

December Christmas productions January Beatitude 4: The Hungry & Thirsty for Righteousness February Beatitude 5: The Merciful

Early Childhood 9:15 - 9:45 am

March Beatitude 6: The Pure in Heart April Beatitude 7: The Peacemakers May Beatitude 8/9: The Persecuted

Combined Chapels for Lower and Middle School August 23, 2017 • September 27, 2017 • October 25, 2017 January 24, 2018 • March 28, 2018 Family Day Practices (with Early Childhood) November 8, 2017 • November 15, 2017 Christmas Productions (with Early Childhood) Lower School Dress Rehearsal - December 6, 2017 Preschool Program - December 13, 2017 Special Days Presidents Day: February 21, 2018 • Shakespeare: April 11, 2018 • End of Year: May 24, 2018

The Year Ahead

2017-2018 School Calendar

7000 Ferris Street - Bellaire TX 77401- 713-773-9605

AUGUST 14 15 17 30-1

New Parents' Orientation

MS Orientation Retreat


2017-18 School Calendar

4 19 27

Labor Day See You at the Pole

Chili Cook Off 7th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Chili Cook Off (Rain Date) Family Day Thanksgiving Break 5th & 6th Grade Texas History Trip PreK-Kinder Christmas Program Grades 1-4 Christmas Musical 7th & 8th Grade Midterms Christmas Break

2 15 20

Teachers' In Service

16 19 21 23 27

Annual Auction

MLK Jr. Day ACSI Spelling Bee (3-8) - Sugar Land


3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26




6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30


7 14 21 28



4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

2 9 16 23 30



4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27






1 8 15 22 29

7 14 21 28

2 9 16 23 30


10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22

2 9 16 23

3 10 17 24



1 8 15 22 29


2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27


7 14 21 28


4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30


3 10 17 24 31



5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

Presidents' Day (Combined Chapel)

2 9 16 23 30


3 10 17 24


4 11 18 25

Go Texan Day



ACSI Speech Meet (1-5) - Huntsville 8th Grade London & Oxford Trip ACSI Speech Meet (6-7) - Tomball Spring Break

4 11 18 25

1 8 15 22

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25



5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


History/Science Fair

3 10 17 24 31




5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28






1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

1 8 15 22 29

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31


ACSI Music Festival (Choir) - Conroe


Easter Break

First & Last Day

Progress Reports

No school but Teachers' Prof Development

ACSI Art Festival (3-8) - Bellville

6-9 11

Shakespeare Day (Combined Chapel)


Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

MAY (con't)


Fine Arts Night / Business Meeting


8th Grade Finals


7th Grade Finals

MAY Athletic Awards Ceremony 6pm


8th Grade Drama

25 28

End of Year Chapel 8th Grade Graduation Last Day Of School

Report Cards

Q1 September 5, 26

October 17

Q2 November 7, 28

January 3

No School

Q3 Jan 23, Feb 13

March 20

Early Dismissal

Q4 April 10, May 1

May 30


Standardized Testing Window

Broadway Up Close



FEBRUARY 1 8 15 22 29

3 10 17 24




Presidents' Day


3-13 6


Early (11:30) Dismissal


2 2-8 9 12-16 23 30-2


Book Fair

DECEMBER 6-8 13 14 11-15 15 18-2



Fall Break

NOVEMBER 4 13-17 17 20-24


School Pictures

OCTOBER 12-13 28 30-4


Back to School Night First Day of School

As of January 2017

Grading Periods Denoted by [ ] on calendar

Q1 Aug 17 - Oct 11 Q2 Oct 16 - Dec 15

(11:30 early dismissal)

Q3 Jan 3 - Mar 9

Memorial Day

Q4 Mar 19 - May 25


7000 Ferris Street • Bellaire, TX 77401 • 713.773.9605

“Education is the movement from darkness to light.” ~ Allan Bloom

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