Vermont Academy Daily Planner 2016 17

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Education for Life—One Student at a Time

Daily Planner 2016-2017

Vermont Academy Mission

y providing a supportive community and close personal attention to B its students, Vermont Academy develops confident, active learners and respectful citizens.


Vermont Academy is a small secondary school—primarily boarding in nature—that sees the potential and value of every student and prepares them to thrive in college and life.


Using our Core Beliefs as a guide, Vermont Academy prepares its graduates to engage in the world as critical thinkers and make a positive difference in the global community.

Core Beliefs

Each member of the Vermont Academy community: ✧✧ Is important, has worth and dignity, and is viewed as an asset; ✧✧ Acts with the highest level of honesty and integrity; ✧✧ Will grow and develop and is given every opportunity to do so here; ✧✧ Seeks and gives help when appropriate; ✧✧ Strives to achieve higher standards in the pursuit of personal excellence; ✧✧ Cultivates strengths and seeks to overcome challenges; ✧✧ Embraces personal and direct interaction to address issues and resolve differences; ✧✧ Considers the impact of their actions, on both the immediate and world community, for the benefit of present and future generations.

Key Dates for 2016 - 2017 2016 August 26

Friday New International students arrive for Jumpstart Orientation.



Student Proctors arrive for leadership training.

September 1

Thursday Preseason Varsity athletes arrive. Registration from 9:00 am – noon.


Friday All international students on campus by 2:00 pm.


Saturday All other students arrive. Registration from 9:00 am – noon.


Sunday Formal dinner @ 6:00 pm. Convocation @ 7:00 pm.



Fall trimester classes begin. 9th Grade class trip departs.



9th Grade class trip returns by 5:30 pm.



Global Programs – China departs.



Trustee and Reunion Weekend.



Parents Weekend. Parent/teacher conferences.



Parents Weekend. Cabaret.



Fall Long Weekend begins after last commitment.



Fall Long Weekend ends, 8:00 pm.



Classes resume. PSAT for all sophomores and juniors.



Admissions Open House.



Campus Weekend. Fall musical production.



Thanksgiving Break begins, 11:00 am.



Thanksgiving Break ends, 8:00 pm.



Winter trimester begins. Classes resume.



Campus Weekend. Candlelight.



Winter Break begins, 11:00 am.




2017 January 3


Winter Break ends, 8:00 pm.



Classes resume. Global Programs – Chile departs.



24-Hour Play Festival.



Admissions Open House.

26-28 Thurs.-Sat.

Trustee Weekend.

February 4

Saturday Winter Long Weekend begins after last commitment.



Winter Long Weekend ends, 8:00 pm.



Classes resume.



Campus Weekend. Winter Carnival.



Black Box drama production.



March Break begins after last commitment.



March Break ends, 8:00 pm.


28 Tuesday Spring trimester begins. Classes resume. Global Program – Spain departs. 31


Accepted Student Day #1.



Accepted Student Day #2.



Earth Day.



Trustee Weekend.



Spring Play and Arts Festival.



Last day of classes for Class of 2017.



Baccalaureate and Commencement.



Campus Weekend for underclassmen.



June 1

Thursday Last day of classes for underclassmen.



M O N DAY 8 / 2 2

T U ES DAY 8 / 2 3

W E D N ES DAY 8 / 2 4

Faculty meetings begin 9:00-3:00 Administrative Meeting 12:00-1:00 Lunch 3:30-5:30 Curriculum Committee (off-site)

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-12:00 New Faculty Orientation Part 1

9:00-12:00 Full Faculty Meeting Part 1

12:00-1:00 Lunch

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-3:00 New Faculty Orientation Part 2

1:00-3:00 Full Faculty Meeting Part 2

6:00-8:00 New Faculty BBQ with Department Chairs and Class Deans (Leavitt House)

6:00-7:00 Dinner

T H U R S DAY 8 / 2 5

F R I DAY 8 / 2 6

S AT U R DAY 8 / 27

New International students arrive for Jumpstart

Jumpstart Orientation

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

9:00-12:00 Full Faculty Meeting Professional Development with Jennifer Stanchfield Part 1

9:00-2:00 Department Meetings

8:30-5:00 Bus Driver Clinic

12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Full Faculty Meeting Professional Development with Jennifer Stanchfield Part 2 6:00-9:00 Faculty/Staff BBQ (Leavitt House)

12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Health Team Meeting (Health Team members only) 2:00-4:00 New International students arrive (see Jason Wang for schedule) 2:00-5:00 Individual teacher prep 5:30-7:00 Dinner

S U N DAY 8 / 2 8 Off – Enjoy the day! Jumpstart Orientation 7:30-8:30 Breakfast 12:00-1:00 Lunch 5:30-7:00 Dinner

M O N DAY 8 / 2 9

T U ES DAY 8 / 3 0

W E D N ES DAY 8 / 31

Proctors arrive at 2:00 pm Jumpstart Orientation

Jumpstart Orientation

Jumpstart Orientation

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

9:00-3:00 MAPS Presentation and Prep (Amanda Hodgson and Class Deans)

9:00-12:00 Full Faculty Meeting Residential Life Training (Dave Hodgson and Class Deans)

8:30-5:00 Proctor Training @ High Five

3:00-4:00 Group finger printing trip 5:30-7:00 Dinner 6:00-8:00 Mentoring Meeting (Chivers with dinner)

12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Full Faculty Meeting Professional Development Sharing 2:00-5:00 Proctor Training (Dave Hodgson and Brian Gilloran) 5:30-7:00 Dinner 7:00-9:00 Proctor Training (all Residential Faculty)

9:00-10:30 Required Coaches meeting (all seasons) 10:30-12:00 CPR/AED Training if needed 10:30-3:00 Individual Teacher Prep 12:00-1:00 Lunch 5:30-7:00 Dinner 7:00-8:00 Proctor Training 8:00-9:30 Proctor Training (all Residential Faculty)

T H U R S DAY 9/1

F R I DAY 9/ 2

S AT U R DAY 9/ 3

START REGULAR DUTY SCHEDULE Preseason athletes arrive and register 9:00 am - noon

ALL International students arrive by 2:00 pm

Registration 9:00 am - noon

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

9:00-12:00 Registration #1 for Preseason athletes (Williams Gymnasium)

9:00-11:00 Preseason practice #3 12:00-1:00 Lunch

9:00-11:00 Preseason practice #5 (student leaders and some coaches will be excused)

2:00-4:00 Preseason practice #4

9:00-12:00 Registration #2 for all other students

12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:00 Required Meeting for All Parents/Students registering on 9/1

4:00-5:00 Required Meeting for all new International Students who did not attend Jumpstart

12:00-1:00 Lunch

2:00-3:00 Parent Farewells

3:00-5:00 Preseason practice #1

5:30-6:30 International Student Dinner (Parents welcome. Leavitt House.)

5:30-7:00 Dinner

5:30-7:00 Dinner

7:00-8:30 Preseason practice #2 Start Regular Duty Schedule

6:30 VAPA Potluck (Chivers)

7:00-8:00 All-School Meeting (Day Students required to attend)

2:00-3:00 Parent Farewells

8:30-9:00 Required Meeting for All Students 9:00-10:00 Ice Cream Social (Wildcat CafĂŠ) 10:00 Dorm Check-in 10:30 Lights Out

7:00-8:30 Preseason practice #4 7:00-9:00 Keene Shopping trip for all new international students who did not attend Jumpstart 8:30-10:00 Outdoor movie (weather permitting) 10:00 Dorm Check-in 10:30 Lights Out

1:00-2:00 Required Meeting for All Parents and students registering Saturday 9/3 3:00-5:00 Practice for All Teams 5:30-7:00 Dinner

8:00-9:00 Dorm Meetings 9:00-10:00 Pizza (Wildcat CafĂŠ) 10:00 Dorm Check-in 10:30 Lights Out

S U N DAY 9/4 Formal Dinner and Convocation 7:30-8:30 Breakfast 9:00-11:00 Orientation Session #1 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Orientation Session #2 6:00-7:00 All-School Formal Meal Sit by Advisory (Buffet Style) 7:00-8:00 Convocation 8:00-9:00 Dorm Activities 10:30 Lights Out

M O N DAY 9/5

T U ES DAY 9/6

W E D N ES DAY 9/ 7

Fall trimester classes begin Abbreviated class schedule

Abbreviated class schedule

9th-Grade trip departs noon

9th-Grade trip returns 6:00 pm

A 8:15-8:35

A 8:15-8:35

B 8:40-9:00

B 8:40-9:00

C 9:05-9:25

C 9:05-9:25

D 9:30-9:50

D 9:30-9:50

E 9:55-10:15

E 9:55-10:15

F 10:20-10:40

F 10:20-10:40

G 10:45-11:05

G 10:45-11:05

H 11:10-11:40

H 11:10-11:40

Lunch 11:45-1:00

Lunch 11:45-1:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30







Athletics 4:00-6:00

Athletics 4:00-6:00

Wildcat Games 4:00-6:00

Dinner 6:00-7:00

Dinner 6:00-7:00

Study Hours 8:00-10:00

Study Hours 8:00-10:00

All-School BBQ 6:00-7:00

10:30 Lights Out

10:30 Lights Out

A 8:00-8:50

B 8:55-9:45

C 9:50-10:40

D 10:45-11:35

Study Hours 8:00-10:00 Lights Out 10:30

T H U R S DAY 9/8

F R I DAY 9/9

Fall musical auditions 6:30 pm D 8:00-8:50

S AT U R DAY 9/10

ACT @ Brattleboro Ensemble/ Faculty Meeting

E 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

F 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

G 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 9/11

M O N DAY 9/12

T U ES DAY 9/13

W E D N ES DAY 9/14

Formal meal 6:30 pm

Drop/Add period ends at noon

B 8:00-8:50

D 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

E 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

F 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

G 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20

Department Meeting 8:00-8:40


X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 9/15

F R I DAY 9/16

S AT U R DAY 9/17

T1-1 effort marks D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 9/18

M O N DAY 9/19

T U ES DAY 9/ 2 0

W E D N ES DAY 9/ 21

Global Program – China departs Residential Life night Formal meal 6:30 pm Faculty Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

G 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

D 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

E 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

F 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 9/ 2 2

F R I DAY 9/ 2 3

S AT U R DAY 9/ 2 4

Trustee Weekend

Trustee/Reunion Weekend

Trustee/Reunion Weekend

D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

A 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

B 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

C 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00

S U N DAY 9/ 2 5

Z2 7:05-7:55

Reunion Weekend Alumni Soccer 11:00 am

M O N DAY 9/ 2 6

T U ES DAY 9/ 27

W E D N ES DAY 9/ 2 8

Formal meal 6:30 pm Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:55-9:45

Speaker Series


D 8:45-9:35


C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

A 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20


X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 9/ 2 9

F R I DAY 9/ 3 0

S AT U R DAY 10/1

SAT @ Bellows Falls D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 10/ 2 Rosh Hashanah

M O N DAY 10/ 3

T U ES DAY 10/4

W E D N ES DAY 10/5

Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah

Formal meal 6:30 pm

Committee Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

B 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

D 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 10/6

F R I DAY 10/ 7

S AT U R DAY 10/8

T1-2 effort marks D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

E 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

F 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

G 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 10/9

M O N DAY 10/10

T U ES DAY 10/11

W E D N ES DAY 10/12

Formal meal 6:30 pm Columbus Day

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

D 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

E 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

F 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

G 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 10/13

F R I DAY 10/14

S AT U R DAY 10/15

Parents Weekend

Parents Weekend

Parents Weekend

Night conferences

Fall Cabaret 9:00 pm

Fall Long Weekend

D 8:00-8:50

A 8:15-8:35


B 8:40-9:00

Parent/Student Teacher Conferences

F 8:55-9:45

C 9:05-9:25


D 9:30-9:50

A 9:50-10:40

E 9:55-10:15 F 10:20-10:40

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

G 10:45-11:05 H 11:10-11:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25


Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Parent/Student Teacher Conferences

Athletic Contests

1:30 G Lab 1:15-2:25

C 2:30-3:20

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 10/16 Fall Long Weekend

M O N DAY 10/17

Fall Long Weekend

T U ES DAY 10/18

W E D N ES DAY 10/19

Fall Long Weekend ends

Classes resume

Boarders back in dorms by 8:00 pm

PSAT for all sophomores and juniors 7:45 am - noon G 8:00-8:50

D 8:55-9:45

E 9:50-10:40

F 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 10/ 2 0

F R I DAY 10/ 21

S AT U R DAY 10/ 2 2

ACT @ Vermont Academy D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Lunch 12:00-1:00

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 10/ 2 3

M O N DAY 10/ 2 4

T U ES DAY 10/ 2 5

W E D N ES DAY 10/ 2 6

Residential Life night Pumpkin Run 3:45 pm

Formal meal 6:30 pm

Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:55-9:45

Speaker Series


D 8:45-9:35


C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

A 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20


X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 10/ 27

F R I DAY 10/ 2 8

S AT U R DAY 10/ 2 9

Admissions Open House T1-3 effort marks D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting

A 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

B 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

C 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 10/ 3 0

M O N DAY 10/ 31

T U ES DAY 11/1

W E D N ES DAY 11/ 2


Formal meal 6:30 pm

Faculty Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

B 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

D 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 11/ 3

F R I DAY 11/4

S AT U R DAY 11/5

SAT @ Bellows Falls D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

E 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

F 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

G 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 11/6 Daylight Saving Time

M O N DAY 11/ 7

T U ES DAY 11/8

W E D N ES DAY 11/9

Formal meal 6:30 pm Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

D 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

E 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

F 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

G 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 11/10

F R I DAY 11/11

S AT U R DAY 11/12

Veteran’s Day

D 8:00-8:50

Fall musical 7:30 pm

Fall musical 7:30 pm

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 11/13 Fall musical 2:00 pm

M O N DAY 11/14

T U ES DAY 11/15

W E D N ES DAY 11/16

Fall Music Lesson Recital 3:30 pm

Fall Sports Awards Dinner 6:30 pm

Committee Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

G 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

D 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

E 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

F 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 11/17

F R I DAY 11/18

Fall trimester ends Thanksgiving break begins D 8:00-8:50

A 8:45-9:25

F 8:55-9:45

C 9:30-10:10

A 9:50-10:40

E 10:15-10:55

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

Lunch 11:45-12:30

S AT U R DAY 11/19

Student Review

Lunch 11:45-12:25

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

G Lab 1:15-2:25

C 2:30-3:20

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 11/ 2 0

M O N DAY 11/ 21

T U ES DAY 11/ 2 2

W E D N ES DAY 11/ 2 3

T H U R S DAY 11/ 2 4

F R I DAY 11/ 2 5

S AT U R DAY 11/ 2 6


S U N DAY 11/ 27

M O N DAY 11/ 2 8

T U ES DAY 11/ 2 9

W E D N ES DAY 11/ 3 0

Faculty In-Service Day Thanksgiving break ends All boarders must be back in dorms by 8:00 pm

Winter trimester classes begin Abbreviated schedule A 8:15-8:35

A Lab 8:00-9:00

B 8:40-9:00

C 9:05-9:25

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

Community Meeting 9:30-9:50 D 9:55-10:15

B Lab 9:55-10:55

E 10:20-10:40

F 10:45-11:05

D Lab 11:00-12:00

G 11:10-11:40

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30 Curriculum Committee

H/MAPS 1:00-3:00

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 12 /1

F R I DAY 12 / 2

S AT U R DAY 12 / 3

SAT @ Bellows Falls E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

C 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

D 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

E 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

F 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 12 /4

M O N DAY 12 /5

T U ES DAY 12 /6

W E D N ES DAY 12 / 7

Global Program – Chile departs

Residential Life night

Drop/Add period ends at noon

Department Meeting

E 8:00-8:45

D Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

A Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

B Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

T H U R S DAY 12 /8

F R I DAY 12 /9

Candlelight Dress Rehearsal 6:00 pm

S AT U R DAY 12 /10

ACT @ Brattleboro

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

F 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

C 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

D 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

E 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 12 /11 Candlelight at 4:00 pm

M O N DAY 12 /12

Committee Meeting

T U ES DAY 12 /13

W E D N ES DAY 12 /14

E 8:00-8:45

B Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

D Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

A Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30


Curriculum Committee


Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 12 /15

F R I DAY 12 /16

S AT U R DAY 12 /17

Winter break begins

T2-1 effort marks

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45


B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

Community Lunch

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:00-1:00


A 12:40-1:25

Athletic Contests

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 12 /18

M O N DAY 12 /19

T U ES DAY 12 / 2 0

W E D N ES DAY 12 / 21

T H U R S DAY 12 / 2 2

F R I DAY 12 / 2 3

S AT U R DAY 12 / 2 4

Hanukkah begins

S U N DAY 12 / 2 5 Christmas Day

M O N DAY 12 / 2 6

T U ES DAY 12 / 27

W E D N ES DAY 12 / 2 8

T H U R S DAY 12 / 2 9

F R I DAY 12 / 3 0

S AT U R DAY 12 / 31

S U N DAY 1/1 New Year’s Day Hanukkah ends

M O N DAY 1/ 2

T U ES DAY 1/ 3

W E D N ES DAY 1/4

Winter break ends All boarders must be back in dorms by 8:00 pm

Classes resume B Lab 8:00-9:00

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

D Lab 9:55-10:55

A Lab 11:00-12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 1/5

F R I DAY 1/6

S AT U R DAY 1/ 7

24-Hour Play Festival 7:00 pm kickoff E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

E 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

F 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

C 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

D 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 1/8 24-Hour Play Festival 7:00 pm production

M O N DAY 1/9

Department Meeting

T U ES DAY 1/10

W E D N ES DAY 1/11

E 8:00-8:45

A Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

B Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

D Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30


Curriculum Committee


Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 1/12

F R I DAY 1/13

S AT U R DAY 1/14

Admissions Open House E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

C 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

D 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

E 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

F 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 1/15

M O N DAY 1/16

T U ES DAY 1/17

W E D N ES DAY 1/18

Martin Luther King Day

Residential Life night

Faculty Meeting

E 8:00-8:45

D Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

A Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

B Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

T H U R S DAY 1/19

F R I DAY 1/ 2 0

S AT U R DAY 1/ 21

T2-2 effort marks SAT @ Bellows Falls E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

F 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

C 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

D 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

E 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 1/ 2 2

M O N DAY 1/ 2 3

Department Meeting

T U ES DAY 1/ 2 4

W E D N ES DAY 1/ 2 5

E 8:00-8:45

B Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

D Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

A Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30


Curriculum Committee


Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 1/ 2 6

F R I DAY 1/ 27

S AT U R DAY 1/ 2 8

Chinese New Year Trustee Weekend

Trustee Weekend

Trustee Weekend

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

E 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

F 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

C 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

D 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 1/ 2 9

M O N DAY 1/ 3 0

T U ES DAY 1/ 31

W E D N ES DAY 2 /1

Residential Life night Committee Meeting

E 8:00-8:45

A Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

B Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

D Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

T H U R S DAY 2 / 2

F R I DAY 2 / 3

S AT U R DAY 2 /4

Winter Long Weekend E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

C 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

D 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

E 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

F 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 2 /5 Winter Long Weekend

M O N DAY 2 /6

T U ES DAY 2 / 7

W E D N ES DAY 2 /8

Winter Long Weekend ends Winter Long Weekend

All boarders must be back in dorms by 8:00 pm

Classes resume D Lab 8:00-9:00

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

A Lab 9:55-10:55

B Lab 11:00-12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30 Curriculum Committee

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 2 /9

F R I DAY 2 /10

S AT U R DAY 2 /11

Closed Campus Weekend

T2-3 effort marks Winter Carnival Closed Campus Weekend ACT @ Brattleboro

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45


B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 12:00-1:00

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests

Winter Carnival


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 2 /12 Winter Carnival

M O N DAY 2 /13

T U ES DAY 2 /14

W E D N ES DAY 2 /15

Valentine’s Day Faculty Meeting

E 8:00-8:45

B Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

D Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

A Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

T H U R S DAY 2 /16

F R I DAY 2 /17

S AT U R DAY 2 /18

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

E 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

F 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

C 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

D 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 2 /19

M O N DAY 2 / 2 0

T U ES DAY 2 / 21

W E D N ES DAY 2 / 2 2

Presidents Day Department Meeting

E 8:00-8:45

A Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

B Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

D Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30


Curriculum Committee


Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 2 / 2 3

F R I DAY 2 / 2 4

S AT U R DAY 2 / 2 5

Black Box Drama 7:30 pm

Black Box Drama 7:30 pm

Black Box Drama 7:30 pm

E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

C 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

D 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

E 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

F 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 2 / 2 6

M O N DAY 2 / 27

Committee Meeting

T U ES DAY 2 / 2 8

W E D N ES DAY 3/1

E 8:00-8:45

D Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

H/MAPS 9:05-9:50

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

A Lab 9:55-10:55

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

B Lab 11:00-12:00

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

T H U R S DAY 3/ 2

F R I DAY 3/ 3

S AT U R DAY 3/4

Winter Cabaret 8:00 pm E Lab 8:00-9:00

F 8:00-8:45

F 8:30-9:15

B 9:05-9:50

G 8:50-9:35

C 9:20-10:05

F Lab 9:55-10:55

A 9:40-10:25

D 10:10-10:55

G 11:00-11:45

B 10:30-11:15

E 11:00-11:45

Community Lunch

C 11:20-12:05

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 12:10-1:00

Athletic Contests


A 12:40-1:25

H/MAPS 1:30-2:10

C 2:15-3:00

D 3:05-3:50

S U N DAY 3/5

M O N DAY 3/6

T U ES DAY 3/ 7

W E D N ES DAY 3/8

Winter Music Lesson Recital 3:30 pm Winter trimester ends

Winter Sports Awards Dinner 6:30 pm Department Meeting

Spring break begins E 8:00-8:45

B Lab 8:00-9:00

C Lab 8:45-9:45

H/MAPS 8:50-9:30

D Lab 9:05- 10:05

H/MAPS 9:50-10:30

F 9:35-10:20

A Lab 10:10-11:10

A 10:35-11:20

G 10:25-11:10

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Community Meeting

D 11:15 -12:00

Athletic Contests



Lunch 11:45-12:40

B 12:45-1:30

G Lab 1:35-2:35

E 2:40-3:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

T H U R S DAY 3/9

F R I DAY 3/10

Student Review

Student Review

Faculty Grading Day

Student Review 9:00

S AT U R DAY 3/11

SAT @ test center near home

Student Review 1:00

S U N DAY 3/12 Daylight Saving Time

M O N DAY 3/13

T U ES DAY 3/14

W E D N ES DAY 3/15

T H U R S DAY 3/16

F R I DAY 3/17

S AT U R DAY 3/18

S U N DAY 3/19

M O N DAY 3/ 2 0

T U ES DAY 3/ 21

W E D N ES DAY 3/ 2 2

T H U R S DAY 3/ 2 3

F R I DAY 3/ 2 4

S AT U R DAY 3/ 2 5

S U N DAY 3/ 2 6

M O N DAY 3/ 27 Faculty In-Service Day March break ends All boarders back in dorms by 8:00 pm

T U ES DAY 3/ 2 8

W E D N ES DAY 3/ 2 9

Spring trimester classes begin Abbreviated schedule Global Program – Spain departs Formal meal 6:30 pm A 8:15-8:35

A 8:00-8:50

B 8:40-9:00

C 9:05-9:25

B 8:55-9:45

Community Meeting 9:30-9:50 D 9:55-10:15

C 9:50-10:40

E 10:20-10:40

F 10:45-11:05

D 10:45-11:35

G 11:10-11:40

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:30

H/MAPS 1:00-3:00

Athletic Contests

T H U R S DAY 3/ 3 0

F R I DAY 3/ 31

S AT U R DAY 4 /1

Admissions Revisit Day #1 D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

E 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

F 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

G 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25


Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 4 / 2

M O N DAY 4 / 3

T U ES DAY 4 /4

W E D N ES DAY 4 /5

Drop/add period ends at noon Admissions Revisit Day #2

Formal meal 6:30 pm

Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

D 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

E 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

F 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

G 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 4 /6

F R I DAY 4 / 7

Graduation Kickoff Dinner D 8:00-8:50

S AT U R DAY 4 /8

ACT @ Vermont Academy Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 4 /9

M O N DAY 4 /10

T U ES DAY 4 /11

W E D N ES DAY 4 /12

Residential Life night Formal meal 6:30 pm Committee Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

G 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

D 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

E 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

F 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 4 /13

D 8:00-8:50

F R I DAY 4 /14

S AT U R DAY 4 /15

Good Friday

T3-1 effort marks

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

A 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

B 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

C 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 4 /16 Easter

M O N DAY 4 /17

T U ES DAY 4 /18

W E D N ES DAY 4 /19

Formal meal 6:30 pm Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:55-9:45

Speaker Series


D 8:45-9:35


C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

A 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20


X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 4 / 2 0

F R I DAY 4 / 21

S AT U R DAY 4 / 2 2

Lakes Region College Fair @ Colby Sawyer for all juniors D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 4 / 2 3

M O N DAY 4 / 2 4

T U ES DAY 4 / 2 5

W E D N ES DAY 4 / 2 6

Formal meal 6:30 pm Faculty Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

B 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

D 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 4 / 27

F R I DAY 4 / 2 8

S AT U R DAY 4 / 2 9


Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

E 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 A Lab 8:45-9:55

F 9:25-10:15

C 10:00-10:50

G 10:20-11:10

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests


B Lab 12:40-1:50

F 1:55-2:45

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

S U N DAY 4 / 3 0

M O N DAY 5/1

T U ES DAY 5/ 2

W E D N ES DAY 5/ 3

Formal meal 6:30 pm Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

D 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

E 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

F 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

G 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 5/4

F R I DAY 5/5

S AT U R DAY 5/6 T3-2 effort marks SAT @ Bellows Falls

Trustee Weekend

Trustee Weekend

Trustee Weekend

D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 5/ 7

M O N DAY 5/8

T U ES DAY 5/9

W E D N ES DAY 5/10

Formal meal 6:30 pm Committee Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

G 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

D 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

E 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

F 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 5/11

D 8:00-8:50

F R I DAY 5/12

S AT U R DAY 5/13

Spring Play 7:30 pm

Spring Play 7:30 pm

Spring Arts Festival

Spring Arts Festival

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting

A 8:30-9:20

8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

B 9:25-10:15

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

C 10:20-11:10

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:30

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Athletic Contests

Curriculum Committee


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00

S U N DAY 5/14

Z2 7:05-7:55

Mother’s Day Spring Play 2:00 pm Spring Arts Festival

M O N DAY 5/15

T U ES DAY 5/16

W E D N ES DAY 5/17

Spring Music Lesson Recital

Formal meal 6:15 pm

3:30 pm

Spring Concert 7:15 pm

Department Meeting

B 8:00-8:50

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:55-9:45

Speaker Series


D 8:45-9:35


C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

A 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20


X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 5/18

D 8:00-8:50

F R I DAY 5/19

Ensemble/ Class Dean Meeting

S AT U R DAY 5/ 2 0


8:00-8:40 F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch

Lunch 12:00-1:00


H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

Athletic Contests

S U N DAY 5/ 21 Alumni Lacrosse Game

M O N DAY 5/ 2 2

T U ES DAY 5/ 2 3

W E D N ES DAY 5/ 2 4 Long Walk Sprint

Spring Sports Awards Dinner 6:30 pm

Senior/Faculty Softball Game

B 8:00-8:50

A 8:00-8:50

D 8:45-9:35

A 8:55-9:45

B 8:55-9:45

C Lab 9:40-10:50

G 9:50-10:40

C 9:50-10:40

Community Meeting

D Lab 10:45-11:55

D 10:45-11:35

Lunch 11:45-12:40

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Lunch 11:45-12:30

B 12:45-1:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

Athletic Contests

G 1:40-2:30

F Lab 1:15-2:25

H/MAPS 2:35-3:15

E 2:30-3:20

Faculty Meeting

Senior Barbeque



X1 6:15-7:00 X2 7:05-7:55

T H U R S DAY 5/ 2 5

F R I DAY 5/ 2 6

S AT U R DAY 5/ 27

T3-3 effort marks

Closed Campus Weekend for underclassmen

Laying of the Bricks

Baccalaureate 6:15 pm

Closed Campus Weekend for underclassmen

Graduation Rehearsal

Senior Banquet 7:30 pm

Commencement 11:00 am

D 8:00-8:50

Ensemble/ Residential Life Meeting 8:00-8:40

F 8:55-9:45

A Lab 8:45-9:55

A 9:50-10:40

C 10:00-10:50

E Lab 10:45- 11:55

E 10:55-11:45

Lunch 11:45-12:25

Community Lunch 11:50-12:35

H/MAPS 12:30-1:10

B Lab 12:40-1:50

G Lab 1:15-2:25

F 1:55-2:45

C 2:30-3:20

H/MAPS 2:50-3:25

Z1 6:15-7:00 Z2 7:05-7:55

S U N DAY 5/ 2 8

M O N DAY 5/ 2 9

T U ES DAY 5/ 3 0

W E D N ES DAY 5/ 31

Memorial Day Course registration for 2017-2018 Final Assessment

Final Assessment

Final Assessment






Lunch 12:00-1:00

Lunch 12:00-1:00

Lunch 12:00-1:00

Final Assessment

Final Assessment

Final Assessment






T H U R S DAY 6/1

Spring trimester ends Last day of classes!

F R I DAY 6/ 2

Student Review 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

S AT U R DAY 6/ 3

Returning Faculty Meeting 10:00 am - noon

Final Assessment 8:00-11:00

G Lunch 11:45-1:00

S U N DAY 6/4

M O N DAY 6/5 Administrative Meeting 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Student Review

T U ES DAY 6/6

W E D N ES DAY 6/ 7

T H U R S DAY 6/8

F R I DAY 6/9

S AT U R DAY 6/10

Have a nice summer!

S U N DAY 6/11

Writing and Style Guide At A Glance Web Printing 1. Connect to the Vermont Academy wireless (VTACAD) 2. Go to http://ariel:9191/user — PaperCut at the top 3. Login with username and password 4. Choose Web Print 5. Choose Submit a Job 6. Xerox_Print_Student 7. Choose Print Options and Account Selections on lower right 8. Document upload MUST BE A PDF. “Save as” a PDF. 9. Choose Upload and Complete on the lower right 10. At copier/printer enter the PIN code you received from in your VA email. Don’t know your PIN code? Email IT for a speedy reply! They know who you are! Standard Heading & Formatting (MLA) For every typed assignment: ✔ Heading ✔ Double spaced ✔ 12 point font ✔ 1 inch margins ✔ Arial or Times ✔ Page Numbers (with last name)

Caitlin 1 Beth Catlin Professor Elaine Bassett English 106 12 April 2016

Andrew Carnegie: The Father of Middle-Class America

For decades Americans couldn't help but love the red-bearded, fun-loving Little Orphan

Annie. The image of the little girl moving so quickly from poverty to wealth provided hope for

Sample Parenthetical Citations One Author When quoting a text “use page numbers and the author’s last name in parenthetical citations and put the end punctuation after the citation” (Schilling 24). No Author Many global warming hotspots exist in North America because this region has “comprehensive programs to monitor the environment” (“Impact of Global Warming” 6). Internet One online film critic stated that Fitzcarraldo is “…a scary obsession” (Garcia, “Herzog: a Life”). Sample Works Cited Works Cited “Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action.” Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May 2007. Web. 24 May 2009. Dean, Cornelia. “Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet.” New York Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2009. Need More Help? ✧✧ Bring your assignment to the Writing Center. Our tutors are trained to help with all of the above and more! ✧✧ Visit OWL: Online Writing Lab at Purdue University ✧✧ Use Easy Bib AND be sure to read all directions for manual entry of information. It’s not THAT easy. ✧✧ Access the Vermont Academy Writing and Style Guide.



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