2017-18 Course Catalog

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Course Catalog 2017-18


ACADEMICS Vermont Academy’s Mission Statement challenges us to develop “confident and active learners.” Our goal is to provide an academic program that inspires each student to meet this challenge. A confident and active learner:


• pursues learning beyond limits set by the teacher, • sets an effective schedule for accomplishing tasks, • keeps track of and manages all tasks associated with learning, • gathers, processes, and communicates ideas and information effectively, • demonstrates self-discipline, • seeks opportunities to share talents and ideas with others, • portrays a willingness to take risks in pursuit of learning, • possesses an excitement and joy in learning itself, • demonstrates an awareness of ability and performs to that ability.

1. Students must satisfactorily complete at least 17 college preparatory course units to meet Vermont Academy’s diploma requirements. For the best college placement, 20 or more units are preferable. The record is expected to include: SUBJECT: MINIMUM CREDIT: English 4 credits (Eng 9, Eng 10, Eng 11 and 1/3 credit each trimester in Grade 12.) Mathematics 3 credits (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry.) History (US History required.)

3 credits

Science 3 credits (One biological science (B) and one physical science (P) required.) World Languages (2 years of one language.)

2 credits

Arts 1 credit (Music, Art, or Theater. Does not include 9th-Grade Arts. Electives 1 credit (Any credit from one of the departments above.)



2. Year-long courses receive 1/3 credit each trimester. If the student fails the first trimester, continuation of and credit for the course are at the discretion of the teacher, the department chair, and the academic dean. 3. All students are expected to enroll in at least five courses each term. However, in some instances, the academic dean, the director of learning skills, and the director of college counseling may approve a minimum of four courses. The final decision rests with the academic dean. 4. In order to graduate from Vermont Academy, seniors must successfully complete at least four courses each trimester or their equivalent during their senior year. In addition, seniors must have earned appropriate course credits and have been matriculated and in attendance at the Academy for three trimesters in the senior year (an exception may be made if the senior wishes to take part in the fall, winter, or spring term in our China, Spain, and Chile programs). A committee will review the standing of each senior prior to graduation to determine if a diploma should be awarded. A recommendation will then be made to the academic dean.

Grading System Performance grades are reported as follows: 97-100 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72

= = = = = = = =


A+ 4.33 A 4.00 A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 B 3.00 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C 2.00 C- 1.67

67-69 = D+ 1.33 63-66 = D 1.00 60-62 = D- 0.67 0-59 = F 0.00

5. In extremely rare circumstances, a Vermont Academy student, having left in good standing before graduation, may petition to be granted a diploma. Information regarding this process is available in the studies office. 6. Courses may be taken over the summer only with the approval of the academic chair of the given department and the academic dean to make up failed classes or accelerate a course of study. Students must obtain such approval prior to taking the course.



ENGLISH Year-Long Courses Grade 9 The Quest: no prerequisite. Grade 10 The Individual in Society: no prerequisite. The Individual in Society – Honors: application and departmental approval necessary. Grade 11 American Literature: no prerequisite, graduation requirement. AP – English Literature and Composition: application and departmental approval necessary. Grade 12 World Literature – Honors: application and departmental approval necessary. International students: Note: New students – assigned after placement test. Returning students – placed by department recommendation. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): no prerequisite. English for International Students (EIS): no prerequisite. New students – assigned after placement test. American Studies for International Students: New students – assigned after placement test.Returning students – placed by department recommendation.

Junior and Senior Trimester-Long Electives Note: Not every elective will be offered from the following list. Student interest will determine which electives are offered. No prerequisites. Senior Writing Seminar is required unless a student is enrolled in Grade 12 World Literature – Honors Seniors must take one literature based course during a trimester of their senior year Journalism is a one-trimester course and may be taken only once. Fall Electives Journalism Senior Writing Seminar Winter Electives Journalism Science Fiction and Fantasy Graphic Novel Survival Literature Detective Fiction Gothic Literature from Poe to King Creative Writing Spring Electives Journalism Dante & Dystopia Madness & Monsters in Literature The Pursuit of Happiness Dark Realities Public Speaking for Confidence and College Writing About Art, Art About Writing Blogging


HISTORY Year-Long Courses Grade 9 Foundations in History Foundations in History for International Students Grade 10 Modern Comparative Cultures Modern Comparative Cultures for International Students European History – Honors (Fall/ Winter) AP – United States History (Spring) Grade 11 United States History AP – United States History American Studies for International Students Grade 12 Note: May include juniors who have satisfied United States History requirements or want to double up. Year-Long Courses AP – Psychology AP -- Comparative Government and Politics Introduction to Economics AP -- Economics Fall Electives The Holocaust Sociology of Race Winter Electives Contemporary Issues: Global Perspective Sociology of Gender


Spring Electives Contemporary Issues: US Perspective Sociology of Crime MATHEMATICS Year-Long Courses Algebra I Geometry Geometry – Honors Algebra II Algebra II – Honors Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus – Honors AP – Statistics AP – Calculus AB AP – Calculus BC Advanced Topics in Mathematics SCIENCE Year-Long Courses except where indicated Physics courses: Conceptual Physics Physics Physics – Honors AP Physics 1 Chemistry courses: Chemistry Chemistry – Honors AP Chemistry Biology courses: Biology Biology – Honors Biotechnology/Bioethics Kinesiology AP Biology Environmental Science and Sustainability courses: Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science Sustainability Engineering courses: Robotics: Design and Engineering Robotics: Advanced Topics in Java Programming Robotics: Advanced Topics in Control System Design Robotics: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Systems Design Robotics: Advanced Topics in Electrical System Design Computer Science courses: AP Computer Science Principles Digital Life Studio (Winter) Computer Graphics - Visual Design (Spring) WORLD LANGUAGES Note: Language Waiver – With approval Year-Long Courses Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Chinese 3 Chinese 4 French 1 French 2 French 3/4 French 4 French 4/5 AP – French Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 AP – Spanish Beginning Russian Advanced Russian 5 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG

Global Programs Hangzhou, China (Fall) Santiago, Chile (Winter) Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Spring) PERFORMING ARTS Note: All 9th Graders participate in 9th Grade Arts, Rotating through Visual, Musical, Theatrical, Writing, and Science Arts. Vermont Academy Performing Arts presents three main stage theater productions per school year, which rehearse in the evenings and during after-school hours. Independent Study in both Theater and Music are available by special arrangement. Music courses Fall Electives Introduction to Electronic Music Winter Electives Music Appreciation Electronic Instrument Building and Design Spring Electives Music Theory and Composition Recording Studio Available All Trimesters Music Lessons Ensembles Offerings – H Period: Note: Ensembles are year-long courses, with open enrollment at trimesters. Jazz Ensemble Vocal Ensemble Chamber Music Ensemble The V-8s


VISUAL ARTS Year-Long Courses Pottery AP – Studio Art (2D Design) Advanced Art (includes Art Studio, Computer Arts, Photography, and Pottery) Fall Electives B & W Photography I Digital Photography 1 Filmmaking 1 Filmmaking: The Art of Television Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Winter Electives B & W Photography II Documentary Photography Digital Life Studio Digital Photography II Documentary Filmmaking Introduction to 3D Spring Electives Computer Graphics - Visual Design Digital Photography I Painting I Painting II Visual Storytelling



ENGLISH DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS We have two primary goals in English: To help our students become better writers and readers and to help them sharpen their critical thinking skills. At the same time, we want to convey to them the excitement, power, freedom, and versatility of language through their own experience with writing and exposure to a wide variety of literary works. Through literature and in their own writing, our students confront the ideas and issues that complete and enrich life. English courses at all levels are based on individualized and small-group instruction that challenge students to take responsibility for their own learning and to think conceptually. Regular writing and reading assignments, frequent classroom discussions, group workshops, individual student/teacher conferences and special projects are all part of the challenge. The English Department believes that critical thinking requires an open mind and a safe environment in which to use it. Therefore, we stress a comfortable setting for free exchange of ideas, and we encourage all members of classes to respect the natural variety of opinions and points of view that inevitably flow in class discussion. Grade 9 Year-Long Courses The Quest In this year long course, students will explore archetypes and how they recur in the literature of different cultures throughout the ages. They will examine mythology, fairy tales, fables, novels, and films to investigate this idea throughout the course. By studying this premise, students will develop a firm understanding of how archetypes mirror the human experience. They will also solidify their knowledge of basic grammar, strengthen their reflective, analytical, and creative writing skills, and expand their vocabulary throughout the course of the year. Grade 10 The Individual in Society No prerequisites This year long course focuses on how individuals function within the context of the family and in society at large. Students refine skills acquired in the 9th grade. They continue to work on the writing process, analytical writing, vocabulary, grammar, and reading skills. Readings may include: Fahrenheit 451, Othello, A Long Way Gone, Huckleberry Finn, and short stories. The Individual in Society – Honors Students must complete an application process and receive departmental approval. This year long class focuses on how individuals function within the context of the family and in society at large. Students work on developing the writing and reading skills they will refine in junior AP English. Titles may include, but are not limited to: A Doll’s House, Night, Fahrenheit 451, Othello, A Long Way Gone, Huckleberry Finn, Oedipus Rex, short stories, and poetry.



Grade 11 American Literature This is a graduation requirement. No prerequisites. This year long course concentrates on American writers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Students will read a selection of short stories, nonfiction, poetry, and novels covering a variety of literary styles and themes. Students will continue to refine their writing skills in research, analytical, and creative writing assignments. In conjunction with course material and in preparation for standardized tests, this course continues to emphasize vocabulary building and grammar. Texts will include The Crucible, The Great Gatsby, Fences, Orphan Train and The Glass Castle. AP – English Literature and Composition Students must complete an application process and receive departmental approval. This year long course for juniors will prepare students to take the Advanced Placement exam in English. Centered on American literature, the course is designed to introduce students to a variety of rhetorical styles and to increase students’ repertoire of literary works. Emphasis is placed upon written exercises through which students explore how authors work to convey their meanings, and through which students learn to articulate ideas concisely. Titles may include, but are not limited to: The Great Gatsby, Invisible Man, The Sound and the Fury, The Scarlet Letter, Beloved, Middlesex, short stories by Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemingway, Joyce Carol Oates, Jhumpa Lahiri, Alice Walker, Tim O’Brien, Flannery O’Connor, and poetry from the 16th century to the present. One trimester will focus on British and World Literature in preparation for the AP exam, including: King Lear and Heart of Darkness. Grade 12 World Literature – Honors Students must complete an application process and receive departmental approval. Focusing on world literature, this year long course is designed to introduce students to a variety of rhetorical styles and to increase students’ repertoire of literary works. Emphasis is placed upon written exercises through which students explore how authors work to convey their meanings, and through which students learn to articulate ideas concisely. Titles may include, but are not limited to: Hamlet, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Mrs. Dalloway, Cry, the Beloved Country; Things Fall Apart; Russian Short Stories, and Persepolis. International students For the three classes below, returning students will be placed based on teacher recommendation, and new students will be assigned after a placement test. No prerequisites. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) This is a year-long credit course which concentrates on teaching English as a secondary language. Students acquire listening and speaking skills and study grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing.



English for International Students (EIS) This course cannot be taken concurrently with ESOL. Current ESOL students will usually be placed in EIS. This course is designed as the final transition to mainstream English classes. This year long credit course is designed to give students an opportunity to practice the skills needed in mainstream English classes, such as analytical and personal writing, reading, and how to discuss literature. American Studies for International Students American Studies for International Students is a combined history and English course that will fulfill the graduation requirements in United States History and American Literature at Vermont Academy. This course will have a greater emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking in English and offers opportunities to practice the skills necessary for college readiness. These skills include critically reading many types of source materials, engaging in the research process, and expressing ideas persuasively in both written and verbal form. In addition to skills development, this course will offer international students exposure to concepts and themes of American political, economic, social, and cultural history that are critical to taking full advantage of the study abroad experience. Note: Enrollment in this class will take precedence over all other course selections as a nonwaivable graduation requirement, and it will count for a credit in both the History and English Departments. Students identified as having a language proficiency level that lends itself to enrollment in this course will be required to enroll in both the history and literature sections simultaneously. Junior and Senior Trimester-Long Electives Not every elective will be offered from the following list. Student interest will determine which electives are offered. No prerequisites. Senior Writing Seminar is required unless a student is enrolled in Grade 12 World Literature – Honors Seniors must take one literature based course during a trimester of their senior year Journalism is a one-trimester course and may be taken only once. Fall electives Journalism This course explores the history and tenets of American journalism and provides students with an opportunity to research and write articles and editorials for publication. The focus of the class will be producing a student run school newspaper the VA Voice. Senior Writing Seminar No prerequisite and required for seniors unless enrolled in World Literature – Honors Using essays and short stories as models, this course offers an intensive preparation for college level expository writing emphasizing the process approach. Students examine and practice the rules and principles that underpin good writing. Time will be set aside for work on the personal college essay. Winter electives Journalism This course explores the history and tenets of American journalism and provides students with an opportunity to research and write articles and editorials for publication. The focus of the class will be producing a student run school newspaper the VA Voice. 9 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Science Fiction and Fantasy Want to spend some time in an alternate reality? Sometimes an imagined world helps us to understand our own just a bit better. We will read selections by some of the big names in this genre such as Tolkien, Heinlein, and Card, and students will be responsible for selecting and presenting fantasy and science fiction short stories as well. Writing assignments will include analytical and reflective essays as well as creative writing based on the literature studied. Graphic Novel What, we’re reading comic books? The graphic novel is a medium in which a complete story is told by combining words and images. This format allows readers access to varied insights and approaches as to how meaning is communicated and interpreted. In this course we will use graphic novels to explore the following genres: superheroes, manga, non-fiction, adaptations of great literature, satire, fantasy, and personal narrative. Texts may include, Understanding Comics, The Watchmen, Maus, Persepolis, The Last Knight, American Born Chinese, Bone, and How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom. In addition to reading and writing about graphic novels, students will create one of their own. Survival Literature This course will focus on three books in which humans are faced with extreme experiences surviving in the wilderness. We will look at these texts both as studies of human character as well as historical documents that consider the time and place in which they were written. Each book is quite different, and with each book, we will consider the way in which the unpredictability of the wilderness influences the specific nature of the character’s trial. Texts will include either Call of the WIld or Sea Wolf by Jack London, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, and one more text, still to be determined Detective Fiction While providing a historical overview of the genre, this course will introduce three main categories of detective fiction: the amateur detective, the private detective, and the police detective. Students will consider the conventions of the genre and what makes it so popular. Works by authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Sue Grafton, Ed McBain, and Tony Hillerman will make up the reading for the course. Students will read critical essays and critical commentary by authors of detective fiction. Students will be asked to write reflectively and analytically about their reading. Gothic Stories from Poe to King In this course, students will survey the Gothic tradition in American literature from Edgar Allan Poe to Stephen King. In Gothic literature the main character leaves the familiar for the unknown to approach the fantastic, demonic, and eccentric. Paranoia, jealousy, violence, and compulsion in the human psyche are territory of Gothic tales. Students will see how issues within society are reflected in Gothic stories and how those issues change over time. Writing assignments in this course will be reflective, analytical, and creative. Creative Writing This course focuses on building and refining skills involved in writing creative fiction, including short story poetry, and drama through the writing workshop model. Students are invited to experiment as they find their own unique voice and writing interests. We will read and discuss works in a variety of genres with the emphasis on writing as a way to both reflect upon and communicate one’s experiences. Students will also learn about formatting and editing for publication. All students are required to contribute to the student-run literary magazine PAW Print: Poetry, Art, Writing. Texts include: The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century Poetry and New Sudden Fiction, supplemental handouts and students’ own work. 10 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Spring electives Journalism This course explores the history and tenets of American journalism and provides students with an opportunity to research and write articles and editorials for publication. The focus of the class will be producing a student run school newspaper the VA Voice. Dante & Dystopia Texts and films often imagine darker realities meant to reflect contemporary society. These dark worlds, much like our own, are called dystopias. One of the oldest examples is Dante’s Inferno, the first section of The Divine Comedy. Although it was written in Italy in the Middle Ages, many contemporary films and books allude to Dante’s work or offer alternative versions of “living Hell.” This course will explore the dystopian realities presented in various texts and films, including but not limited to Dante’s Inferno from The Divine Comedy and possibly Chuck Palahniuk’s Damned (author of Fight Club). We’ll examine the ways in which these texts and films reflect our present society and identify various themes in dystopian narratives, including politics, the environment, corporations, technology, the apocalypse, violence, and aliens. Students will be expected to write regularly, including critical reflection and analysis, and have the opportunity to write a critical analysis of a dystopian film or text not otherwise covered in class. Madness & Monsters in Literature In many provocative literary works, characters are viewed as mad by those around them. This course will explore social norms and the reasons why characters are often deemed mad. We will also look at literary monsters and the societies that create them. Students will explore the responses to mad characters and monsters– ostracizing, imprisoning, and reforming – and the effect of those actions. Students will be expected to write regularly, most often in response to a section of the reading. As the course proceeds, essay topics will ask students to link texts together. Some reading could include Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Shelley’s Frankenstein, Stoker’s Dracula, Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”, Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Swifts’ A Modest Proposal, Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The Pursuit of Happiness According to John Milton’s Satan, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” Is this true that happiness can be both created and destroyed in our own minds? Or, as our forefathers suggested in defining our right to the pursuit of happiness, is there more of a quest involved in being happy? Let me state what this course will NOT do... I will not teach you how to be happy; I will not even attempt to tell you what happiness is, nor how to pursue it. In this course, students will read a variety of world literature and through discussions, writing, and a guided examination of their priorities and beliefs, attempt to answer the essential question for themselves -- What is happiness?



Dark Realities Texts and films often imagine dark realities meant to reflect contemporary society. These dark worlds, much like our own, are called dystopias. This course will explore the dystopian realities presented in various texts and films, including but not limited to Oryx and Crake (novel), Feed (novel), 1984 (film), Bladerunner (film), The Matrix (film), Minority Report (film), episodes of The Twilight Zone, and short stories by Philip K Dick, Ray Bradbury, and EM Foster. We’ll examine the ways in which these texts and films reflect our present society and identify various themes in dystopian narratives, including politics, the environment, corporations, technology, the apocalypse, violence and aliens. Students will be expected to write regularly, including critical reflection and analysis. Students will have the opportunity to complete one independent project in which they write a critical analysis of a dystopian film not otherwise covered in class. Public Speaking for Confidence and College This course is an introduction to the basic skills, techniques, and terminology involved in making oral presentations and speeches, not only in academic settings, but also for other occasions and situations. This course focuses on effective speech writing, preparation, and delivery skills using topics of student choice for speaking exercises and writing assignments. Students will develop poise, presence, and articulation skills through repeated practice and speech delivery in front of an audience. Writing About Art, Art About Writing There is a minimal course fee for art supplies (but no book purchases) for this class. This course is an interdisciplinary course that spends equal time on creative/reflective writing and visual activities. We will be learning about literature and art through creative projects that emphasize making connections between the two. We will begin with a series of short projects and visit museums and/or galleries and write about art. We will end with a self-directed project that incorporates both written and visual elements. While content for the final project will be chosen individually, possibilities include self-portraiture, work with fairy tales, illustration of favorite books/music, or creating a short graphic novel. Technical proficiency in art is not required but will be an asset. Blogging This course will look at the format of blogs as a creative and social medium. The course will begin with students reading a range of different types of blogs in order to look at how they are structured. We will consider how people use them as a form of self-expression and as a way to disperse information and ideas. A major component of this course will be the creation of personal blogs by each student. Each student will choose an area of personal interest and decide how to design their digital space, how to create content, and how to attract followers.



HISTORY DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS The History Department offers a variety of courses that will leave students with a wide knowledge of history across time and geographical space after their four years at Vermont Academy. Beginning in the 9th-grade year, students gain a firm foundation in key historical themes and develop essential reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. Subsequent courses in Modern Comparative Cultures, U.S. History, and senior-level electives build upon these skills and historical approaches throughout a student’s years at VA. In each course, there is an emphasis on historical research and writing. Across the history curriculum, we also place a high premium on learning history by doing history: students read primary sources to listen in on the voices of the past, evaluate those sources, and synthesize them into historical arguments. Students are also given ample opportunities to speak and engage with their peers in class through interactive classroom activities and presentations. Students are required to complete a minimum of three credits in social studies, including U.S. History, which is typically taken during the junior year. Students must take history in grades 9, 10, and 11, but may choose whether or not to take a history elective in their senior year. Designated honors/AP sections are available for grades 10 through 12. Students electing to take honors courses will need to achieve cumulative average benchmarks and secure the approval of their teacher and department head. Grade 9 Year-Long Courses Foundations in History Foundations in History is a year-long course in which students learn not only basic study skills – note-taking, test-taking, and organizing – but also the essential skills of history: reading, writing, speaking, and thinking critically about the world. Students will spend the fall trimester exploring the development of early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and India. During the winter, the course will examine the spread of civilization and the first major empires. Students will finish the year considering the artistic and intellectual achievements of the Classical Era. Topics will be organized thematically, with an emphasis on understanding the roles that geography, economics, power, and belief systems played in shaping the course of human history from the Agricultural Revolution through the decline of the Roman Empire. This approach will prepare students to consider how those same forces operate in the modern era. Foundations in History for International Students For new International students in grades 9 and 10. This year-long course is designed for students who are new to VA and whose first language is not English. The goal of the course is for students to develop their English communication and historical thinking skills through papers, projects, and presentations. As they develop these skills, students will learn about the development of early civilizations and their connections to the modern world. Topics will be organized thematically, with an emphasis on understanding the roles that geography, economics, power, and belief systems played in shaping the course of human history in ancient times and in the modern United States. Class participation will also be a major part of the course and each student’s evaluation. The course does not fulfill the American history requirement; students enrolled in this course will be expected to take United States history in their junior year. Instead, this course is meant to provide them with the foundation, in terms of both skills and familiarity with American culture, that they will need in order to succeed in mainstream history classes in the 11th and 12-grade years.



Garde 10 Modern Comparative Cultures This course is an introduction to the cultures and events that have shaped our world from 1500 through the present. However, instead of a traditional survey course, this class will examine the process of nation building in the modern world by engaging in an in-depth study of eight regions of the world. We will begin the year with a discussion of an ascendant Europe’s political, economic and cultural dominance in the modern world through colonization in Africa, Brazil, and Iran. During the winter term, students will study the struggles that characterized the post-colonial world with explorations of revolutions in Russia, China, and Cuba. Finally, the spring term will include an investigation of the two global “hotspots,” including Afghanistan and Mexico, to help students understand modern conflicts have shaped the world in which they currently live. Students will be expected to arrive to class prepared, ready to participate in class in both discussions and in-class writings. Additionally, students will write response papers, formal essays, research papers and presentations. Modern Comparative Cultures for International Students This course does not fulfill the United States History requirement. This course is designed for students who are either new or returning to VA, and whose first language is not English. Returning students who need one more year of focused English communication study will move into this course from the Foundations in History for International Students course before moving into US History their junior or senior year. This course does not fulfill the American history requirement. As is the case with Foundations in History for International Students, the goal of the course is for students to develop their English communication and historical thinking skills through papers, projects, and presentations. Students will improve their vocabulary, and reading, writing, and speaking skills while learning about the making of the modern world. The content of the course will focus on modern revolutions in France, Haiti, Russia, Germany, China, Iran, and Afghanistan. Structured, well-supported, and appropriately-cited essays will be the mainstay of students’ evaluation. Finally, class participation, especially in debates, will also be a major part of the course and each student’s evaluation. European History – Honors Fall and winter trimester. Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and department chair approval; cumulative average of B+ in history courses. Offered to sophomores who have achieved a high level of success in freshman history, this two-trimester course covers the history of Europe from the Renaissance through the French Revolution. Topics will include the flowering of art, culture, and new ideas in Renaissance Italy; diversification of Christianity that accompanied the Protestant Reformation; expansion of Europeans’ worldview in the Age of Exploration; rise of secular and scientific ideas during the Enlightenment; and challenges to absolutist monarchy that characterized the French Revolution. Students will learn to assess and interpret both primary and secondary sources and will develop their writing skills. Debates, discussions, and research exercises will also help students hone critical thinking skills that will be important as they transition to AP – United States History in the spring of their sophomore year.



AP – United States History Spring trimester. Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and department chair approval; successful completion of European History – Honors. Interested students who excel in Modern Comparative Cultures may be selected by their teacher to enroll in AP – US History in the spring of their sophomore year. Sophomores who would like to continue taking history at the Honors level may enroll in the four-trimester AP – US History series, which begins in the spring trimester of the sophomore year and continues through the junior year. In the sophomore year, we will cover the earliest phase of United States history, spanning from the history of pre-Columbian American Indians through the beginnings of the Early Republic. Topics will include the colonization of North America by competing European empires, the development of English colonies in New England and the Chesapeake, the history of colonial slavery, the American Revolution, and the development of nation’s government through the Constitution. Throughout the course, students will gain experience with the format of the AP exam. The class will not focus solely on test preparation, however, and will continue to emphasize work on critical thinking and writing skills. Grade 11 United States History This course surveys American history from the mid-15th century to the present. We will study the major social, political, and economic transformations that have characterized the past five centuries in what is now the United States. Emphasis will be placed not only on learning the important people and places of the past, but also on developing critical reading and writing skills to better prepare the students for study in college. Assignments include response papers, projects, presentations, and several research assignments. AP – United States History Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation and Department Chair approval; successful completion of the first trimester of AP -- US History. All students in the course are required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. Juniors who completed the spring trimester of AP – US History in their sophomore year must enroll in this course in their junior year. We’ll continue to prepare for the AP exam as we study the history of the United States from its infancy as a nation to the present. Throughout the year, we will study the major social, cultural, political, and economic transformations that have characterized American history. In addition, students will hone their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, culminating in the AP exam in May. American Studies for International Students American Studies for International Students is a combined history and English course that will fulfill the graduation requirements in United States History and American Literature at Vermont Academy. This course will have a greater emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking in English and offers opportunities to practice the skills necessary for college readiness. These skills include critically reading many types of source materials, engaging in the research process, and expressing ideas persuasively in both written and verbal form. In addition to skills development, this course will offer international students exposure to concepts and themes of American political, economic, social, and cultural history that are critical to taking full advantage of the study abroad experience. Note: Enrollment in this class will take precedence over all other course selections as a non-waivable graduation requirement, and it will count for a credit in both the History and English Departments. Students identified as having a language proficiency level that lends itself to enrollment in this course will be required to enroll in both the history and literature sections simultaneously. 15 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Grade 12 Electives Year-Long Courses AP – Psychology Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and department chair approval; cumulative average of B+ in history courses and a B+ in Biology. Students must purchase the textbook before arriving in class and complete required summer readings. All students enrolled in the course will be required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. This course is meant to prepare students for the AP – Psychology exam, introducing students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students will study psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with the major subfields within psychology. In addition, students will explore how psychologists use research methods and critical analysis to explore human behavior. In particular, students will learn about ethical considerations for and methods of psychological research and will learn how to plan for and conduct their own research. This is fast-paced course that will require a significant amount of memorization. AP – Comparative Government and Politics Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and department chair approval; cumulative average of B+ in history courses. All students enrolled in the course will be required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. This is a year-long advanced placement course that is equivalent to an introductory college course in comparative government and politics. Comparative politics is a sub-discipline within the field of political science that helps students to better understand how government and politics work in different countries around the world. It draws from particular themes and concepts to compare, contrast, and analyze political systems, institutions, politics and policies in multiple counties. In this course, we will utilize a case-study approach to examine six countries and the European Union. The countries include the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Mexico, Iran, and Nigeria. Against these case studies, we will focus on the following key themes in comparative politics: sovereignty, authority, and power; political institutions; citizens, state and society; political and economic change; and public policy. Students will spend much of the spring trimester preparing for the required AP Exam. Global Responsibility in a Changing World Offered in Three Trimesters This class will study the people, events, and trends—social, economic, and political—that have changed the world over the past century. To that end, the course will begin with an in-depth investigation of the Holocaust. Students will explore the historical and sociological factors that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Additionally, students will track the world’s response (or lack thereof ) to Hitler’s racist ideology as a means to more deeply understand the challenges inherent in creating a unified international response to human rights violations. Naturally, the course will move from the Holocaust to a broader study of continued violence and genocide in the world even after the creation of the United Nations with the intent to better understand the complexities inherent in securing rights for all people around the world. As the course progresses into the twenty-first century, students will examine the challenges we face as a global community and ways that individuals, NGOs, national governments, and the United Nations are working to address these challenges and move towards a more sustainable future. Some key topics to be discussed are: climate change, terrorism, refugees and migration, poverty, and cultural and religious conflict. Throughout the year, students will be asked to analyze various news sources and to stay informed with current events. 16 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Students will be assessed on daily preparation and participation, response papers, and one research paper and presentation per trimester. This course is offered as 3 trimester courses and students may take all of them or just one: The Holocaust (Fall), Contemporary Issues: Global Perspective (Winter), and Contemporary Issues: US Perspective (Spring) Sociology Offered in Three Trimesters Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior. Sociology stresses the external factors on an individual to determine what influences people. Sociologists primarily focus on how people communicate with one another, their belief systems, group structure, and how all of these factors affect the society we live in. In this class, we will be examining how groups operate, how and why people make decisions, and what goes on behind the scenes of our society. Some of the topics we will be covering are: Culture, Crime and Deviance, The Family in Society, Race and Ethnicity, Gender Inequalities, The Media and its influence, and Collective Behavior and Social Movements. This course is offered as 3 trimester courses and students may take all of them or just one: Sociology of Race (Fall), Sociology of Gender (Winter), and Sociology of Crime (Spring). Introduction to Economics This is a full-year course that introduces the fundamental concepts of both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Students will begin the year by exploring the economic principles that apply to individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, acting within a market. This micro-level approach will explore concepts such as scarcity, opportunity cost, and the law of diminishing marginal returns, among others. These topics, along with thorough analysis of the role of government within these markets, will be discussed in order to develop a sense of the economy as it applies to individuals on a daily basis. In the second half of the course, many of these concepts will be revisited on a more aggregate, or Macroeconomic, level. Topics include the study of national income and price-level determination, as well as an exploration of broad economic indicators such as gross domestic product, unemployment, and inflation. These topics will be explored and enriched by discussion of government regulation in the economy through investigation of current events as well as historical case studies. AP -- Economics Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and department chair approval; cumulative average of B+ in history courses and B+ in math courses. All students enrolled in the course will be required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. This is a full-year course that introduces the fundamental concepts of both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Students will begin the year by exploring the economic principles that apply to individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, acting within a market. This micro-level approach will explore concepts such as scarcity, opportunity cost, and the law of diminishing marginal returns, among others. These topics, along with thorough analysis of the role of government within these markets, will be discussed in order to develop a sense of the economy as it applies to individuals on a daily basis. In the second half of the course, many of these concepts will be revisited on a more aggregate, or Macroeconomic, level. Topics include the study of national income and price-level determination, as well as an exploration of broad economic indicators such as gross domestic product, unemployment, and inflation. These topics will be explored and enriched by discussion of government regulation in the economy through investigation of current events as well as historical case studies. Students will be expected to take both the AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics exam at the conclusion of this course.



MATH DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS The Mathematics Department offers a range of courses designed to teach the mathematics required for admission to colleges and universities. The goal of the department is to provide our students with the ideas, skills, concepts, and attitudes that are essential for further study in mathematics and related fields and to foster an appreciation for the power and beauty of mathematics. The Mathematics Department recommends that all students take four years of mathematics. Successful completion of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II is required for a Vermont Academy diploma. All mathematics courses require that students have a TI-83+ or TI-84 graphing calculator. Year-Long Courses Algebra I Prerequisites: This course is open to all entering 9th graders and others by recommendation of the department. This course emphasizes such topics as the properties of the real number system, solving first degree equations for one variable, fundamental operations involving exponents, graphing, and interpreting linear equations, factoring, proportions, basic properties of quadratic equations and their graphs, and problem solving strategies. Geometry Students hoping to take Algebra 2 and Geometry simultaneously must have earned at least a B+ in Algebra 1. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra I or by recommendation of the department. Students learn to recognize and work with geometric concepts in various contexts. They develop an understanding of Euclidean plane and solid geometry through inductive and deductive reasoning, logic, and problem solving. Students use visualizations, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to develop formulas and solve problems. Topics of study include points, lines, and angles, the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons, circles, coordinate geometry, three-dimensional solids, geometric constructions, proportions, symmetry, the use of transformations, and an introduction to trigonometry. Throughout the course, students will make important connections between geometry concepts and those previously mastered in Algebra 1. Geometry – Honors Prerequisites: successful completion of Algebra I or by recommendation of the department. This course follows the description of the traditional course at a more rapid pace, in more depth, and with more connections made to algebra topics. A greater emphasis will be placed on developing ideas collaboratively through the problem solving process, oftentimes before any formal postulates or theorems are presented. Students will devise, present, and defend rigorous geometric proofs. Algebra II Students hoping to take Algebra 2 and Geometry simultaneously must have earned at least a B+ in Algebra 1. Prerequisites: successful completion of Algebra I. This delves more deeply into all of the topics covered in Algebra I. There is strong emphasis on algebraic and transcendental functions, trigonometry, analysis of both the real and complex number systems, arithmetic and geometric sequences, and probability.



Algebra II – Honors Prerequisites: Students applying for the Honors section must have earned at least a B+ in Geometry and obtain the permission of the department. This course has all of the content of Algebra II and more. Students will primarily use the ALEKS web-based educational environment for course materials, supplemented by in-class lectures and problem-based projects. Each student will have a learning profile through ALEKS which tracks progress and facilitates individualized programs within the course. The goal of the course is to develop problem-solving skills with emphasis on creating connections between concepts and communicating mathematical ideas. Areas of study include a variety of functions and their applications, as well as inquiry into the process of mathematical reasoning. Students should expect homework assignments to include reading and learning new material independently prior to attending class. Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II. This course develops students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills that they will apply for the rest of their lives. It makes a connection between the theory of mathematics taught in the classroom and real world situations, integrating real life problems from science, business, and other applications, while reinforcing and expanding on the student’s existing skills. The course completes the study of the elementary functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric) and includes topics from finite mathematics, including basic probability and statistics. This class is designed to review topics from previous courses, while introducing material that will be given emphasis in Pre-calculus. Pre-Calculus Prerequisites: Successful completion of Functions with a B average or higher, Algebra II – Honors with a B- average or higher, or by recommendation of the department. This course is designed for the mathematics/science student preparing for AP or college-level Calculus and/ or advanced science classes. Students will explore algebraic and transcendental functions (with an emphasis on trigonometric functions) in terms of tables, formulas, graphs, and their application. Students will strengthen their ability to communicate mathematical ideas clearly and effectively, and will employ a variety of technologies to develop and demonstrate their ideas. Successful completion of this class will prepare students to take AP – Calculus AB. Pre-Calculus – Honors Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II – Honors. This accelerated course is designed for students interested in pursuing a math related curriculum in college. Topics include functions, series, sequences, matrices, complex numbers, conic sections, polar and parametric equations, linear regression, vectors, applications of trigonometry, and an introduction to Calculus. Successful completion of this class will prepare students to take AP – Calculus BC.



AP – Statistics Prerequisites: Successful completion Algebra II and with permission of the department. Students must be prepared to complete college level work. This course follows the Advanced Placement Statistics course requirements. In statistics, students learn the art of distilling truth from data. Students will collect and analyze data from the surrounding community and pre-prepared scenarios, test hypotheses, and make appropriate conclusions. Students will learn how to properly display and discuss statistics and their implications. AP – Calculus (AB) Prerequisites: Successful completion Pre-calculus with permission of the department. Students must be prepared to complete college level work. This course follows the Advanced Placement Calculus AB course requirements. Students are introduced to the derivative and the integral with emphasis on their applications. AP – Calculus (BC) Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP – Calculus (AB) with permission of the department. Students must be prepared to complete college level work. This course follows the Advanced Placement Calculus BC course requirements. It covers the same material as AP – Calculus AB, plus other topics listed in the Advanced Placement Calculus BC course requirements. Advanced Topics in Mathematics Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP – Calculus AB, AP – Calculus BC, and AP – Statistics with the permission of the department. Students must be prepared to complete independent college level work. This course is occasionally offered as an independent exploration into further topics within Mathematics. It is currently incorporated under the umbrella of “Senior Seminar,” which is a student initiated and guided research format that requires department approval.



SCIENCE DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS All science courses require departmental approval to ensure appropriate placement. Waiver of prerequisites requires the approval of the Science Department Chair and Academic Dean. PHYSICS COURSES Conceptual Physics (P) Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Algebra I or Geometry. Science is a way of knowing and understanding the universe that we live in. A conceptual understanding of physics provides the foundation for the study of chemistry and biology through learning about the interactions of matter and energy. Students in this inquiry-based class will learn science process skills such as experimental design, data collection, and scientific communication as they investigate the world on a human scale and at an atomic scale. Students will be evaluated using homework assignments, laboratory investigation procedure and technique, laboratory reports, and a complement of papers, quizzes, tests, participation, and final assessment. Physics: (P) Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Algebra II or higher. This introductory physics course is equivalent to conceptual physics but uses more mathematical reasoning and modeling. Physics – Honors (P) Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Pre-calculus or higher. Honors Physics is a full year laboratory science focused on fundamental topics from mechanics. The program starts covering Linear Mechanics to include: fundamental concepts of one and two dimensional linear motion, the Newtonian Laws of Motion and Gravitation. Then the student progresses to Rotational Mechanics including: fundamental topics of rotational mechanics, work, mechanical energy and momentum, simple harmonic motion, wave mechanics and sound. Also, during the year, each student will research a topic of their choice, write a major paper concerning their research, and make a presentation of their findings to their peers during the final weeks of classes in May. It is recommended that the student demonstrate to the class an example of an experiment that supports the topic if at all possible.



AP Physics 1 (P) Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry; concurrent enrollment in Pre-calculus or higher. AP Physics 1 is a laboratory science focused on fundamental topics from mechanics with an introduction into electrostatics and circuits and follows the AP – Physics 1 curriculum. Students in this class are required to take the AP Physics 1 exam. Fall Trimester: Linear Mechanics: Fundamental concepts of one and two dimensional linear motion, the Newtonian Laws of Motion and Gravitation. Winter Trimester: Rotational Mechanics: Fundamental topics of rotational mechanics, work mechanical energy and momentum, simple harmonic motion, wave mechanics, and sound. Spring Trimester: Electrostatics and Circuits: Fundamental topics of the mechanics of electrostatics, electrical potential, current, and DC resistive circuits. During the year, each student will research a topic of their choice, write a major paper concerning their research, and make a presentation of their findings to their peers during the final weeks of classes in May. It is recommended that the student demonstrate to the class an example of an experiment that supports the topic if at all possible. CHEMISTRY COURSES Chemistry (P) Prerequisites: Completion of Conceptual Physics or higher; concurrent enrollment in Geometry or higher. Chemistry is a laboratory science course in which students investigate the composition of matter and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes. Students use science process skills to study the fundamental structure of atoms, the way atoms combine to form compounds, and the interactions between matter and energy. Students explore chemistry concepts through an inquiry-based approach. This course offers a solid understanding of the fundamentals concepts of chemistry. Students in this inquiry-based class will practice science process skills such as experimental design, data collection, and scientific communication as they investigate the world at the atomic scale. Students who plan on taking AP Chemistry should consider taking Chemistry – Honors. Students who wish to take AP Chemistry with a Chemistry prerequisite will have to complete extra summer work to make sure they are ready for the APlevel class. Chemistry – Honors (P) Prerequisites: Completion of Conceptual Physics or higher; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II or higher. Chemistry is the study of matter: the “stuff” that makes up the world in which we live. Students in Chemistry – Honors will explore some big ideas in chemistry: atoms and elements; structure and properties of matter; and chemical reactions at a level that prepares students for AP – Chemistry and college general chemistry. Chemical concepts are introduced in the lab and explored in depth during lecture, discussion, and problem-solving sessions. Students learn how to maintain a proper laboratory notebook as evidence of their investigations and communicate their findings in a variety of formats. Chemistry – Honors includes some of the big ideas from AP Chemistry, most notably atomic structure and periodicity. One evening a week is scheduled for extra class time in fall and spring. This evening time takes precedence over other non-academic commitments. 22 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


AP Chemistry (P) Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry – Honors and Algebra II. The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course and further develops conceptual understanding of chemistry from Chemistry – Honors. The big ideas in AP – Chemistry include thermodynamics (relationship between matter and energy), kinetics (factors that affect reaction rates), and equilibrium (determining the balance of reactants and products in a chemical reaction). This course follows the AP curriculum guidelines to prepare students to take the AP exam in the spring. Students will develop the needed content background, laboratory exposure, and science process skill development to be prepared for entrance into science in college. One evening a week has a required double class period in the fall and spring. This evening time takes precedence over other non-academic commitments. BIOLOGY COURSES Biology – Honors (B) Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II. Biology – Honors is a lab course designed to introduce students to basic concepts of scientific study, research and experimentation, as well as provide a survey of major themes in biology. This course addresses the major themes of Biology through the lens of nutrition, medicine, health and fitness. The course will cover the units of chemistry, biochemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, and the human body systems. Class time will be utilized with a combination of discussions, lectures, group and individual work. The course will meet for one lab block approximately once per week, providing the opportunity for supplementary lab and field experimentation. The combination of these methods is designed to encourage observation, critical thinking, attention to detail, and understanding of the scientific method. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and a final exam. Biology – Honors includes some of the big ideas from AP Biology, most notably evolution, diversity, and the unity of life. Students who plan on taking AP Biology must take Biology – Honors. If students have already had a different introductory biology course, they must complete a summer module to ensure they have the conceptual knowledge and practical skills to be successful in AP Biology. Biotechnology/Bioethics (B) Prerequisites: Biology – Honors; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II; two years of reading and writing in English is also required. This lab course is an introduction for non-specialists to important concepts in modern DNA and protein science with an emphasis on real world applications and their implications to the global society. The course will begin with a review of the Central Dogma of molecular biology and a survey of different ethical constructs. Focus will be on major laboratory investigations that embody many of the fundamental techniques and concepts of modern molecular biology, from basic micropipetting to recombinant DNA technology and gene amplification by PCR. Human reproductive technologies will also be discussed and studied. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and projects. Students will be expected to write small formal lab reports after each new biotech concept and they will be expected to write formal and informal (in the form of reaction papers) papers that explore student and teacher generated issues that relate to each technology. Final exams will include a lab practical and a written project. 23 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Kinesiology (B) Prerequisites: Completion of Biology; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II or higher. Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement. This full year course is designed as an introduction to this area of study covering many of the fundamental concepts of anatomical structure and function and physiology that determine how we move and maintain stability during stationary and moving activities. The course is a discussion/ laboratory class that leads the student to understand and measure the healthy range of movement of some of the body segments during normal and sport related activity. Additionally, there will be discussions and activities about the recognition of the mechanics of injuries, how injuries impact the musculoskeletal system, prevention strategies, and interventions that improve conditions.Basic anatomy and muscle physiology, bone growth and maturity, and nutrition are included as topics of discussion as well. AP Biology (B) Prerequisites: Completion of Biology – Honors and Algebra II. Demonstrated mastery of reading and writing in English is advised. This lab course is designed to introduce students to content and laboratory procedures comparable to college-level biology. The course will cover the units of biochemistry, cells, genetics, DNA technology, evolution/classification and organ systems. Ecology and botany are covered independently by the students. Class time will be utilized with a combination of discussions, lectures, group and individual work. The combination of these methods is designed to encourage observation, critical thinking, attention to detail and process, and understanding the scientific method. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, projects, and a final exam. Students are required to take the AP Exam in order to have AP printed on their transcripts. Students taking the AP Exam are responsible for reviewing any topic that is not covered in class. One evening a week is scheduled for extra class time in fall and spring. This evening time takes precedence over other nonacademic commitments. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY COURSES Environmental Science (B) Prerequisites: Completion of Biology; completion of Geometry or higher. Environmental Science is a course that will help students to deepen their understanding of ecology, earth systems, and human impacts on the environment on which we all depend. Students will explore the forests, fields, rivers, streams and ponds on and around Vermont Academy’s campus as our learning laboratory. We will ask research questions and collect and analyze data to help us better understand the ecological diversity in our own backyard. We will also explore environmental systems on a more global scale. Each student will be given an opportunity to research and present information on an environmental problem that is of particular interest to them. Most importantly, we will work together to identify solutions to these problems using scientific research and ways of getting involved through local environmental action groups that are already working towards positive change.



AP Environmental Science (B) Prerequisites: Biology; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II. The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary, embracing a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. Major themes include: science as a process, our planet as an interconnected living system, human population and its influence on the Earth’s biodiversity, societal dependence on nonrenewable energy sources and the search for alternatives, and managing and sustaining common resources. Students will spend a considerable amount of time doing field work around Vermont and the Academy’s greater campus. An additional objective of this course is to prepare the student for the AP Environmental Science examination given each May. Sustainability (B/P) Fall trimester. Prerequisites: Completion of Biology and Geometry. This is a full year science course designed to help students better understand how human communities can thrive without diminishing the beauty and integrity of the natural world. In the fall we will focus on food systems. We will visit local farms, work with Saxtons River Elementary School students in the community garden, learn to cook and preserve fresh, locally grown food, and host a number of food inspired educational events. In the winter trimester, we will begin to examine how we harness energy in the form of heat, electricity and transportation. We will learn about the rise of fossil fuel use, its environmental consequences—including climate change, air and water pollution, and the exciting transition that many countries are making towards renewable energy. In the spring trimester, students will begin to look more closely at the materials they use on a day to day basis and how we have unconsciously become a “throw-away society.” We will explore efforts to redesign products using principles of biomimicry and “cradle to grave” materials analysis. Students will finish the year by helping to organize our annual Earth Day celebration and designing projects to help make Vermont Academy a more sustainable campus. EARTH SCIENCE COURSES These courses will be offered after the 2017-2018 academic year. Geology (P) Fall trimester. Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry and Geometry. Geology is a trimester lab elective that will immerse the students in a study of the local land and its natural history. We will begin the trimester at the beginning, when the Earth was a hot, liquid sphere of rock and metal, and move through time until the present where we will explore the local bedrock of the area. By the end of the course students will be able to explain what the geology of Vermont is, and how it came about. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and a trimester project.



Astronomy (P) Winter trimester. Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry and Geometry. Astronomy is a trimester lab elective that introduces students to the composition and structure of the universe. We will learn about the development of astronomy from its roots in the ancient Middle East to the present. We may make our own astronomical instruments and will use the telescopes to view celestial objects. We will consider our place in the solar system, galaxy, and universe. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and a trimester project. River Systems (P/B) Spring trimester. Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry, Biology, and Geometry. Water is the most important currently active agent of erosion and weathering in Vermont. Human communities live in, or are trying to live in harmony with water, depending on it for many reasons. In this lab elective students will learn how flowing water interacts with the natural environment, and how human communities interact with it. We will spend what time we can outside in our local rivers and watersheds, as well as inside in lecture and discussion. Evaluation is based on participation and attendance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and a trimester project. ENGINEERING COURSES Robotics: Design and Engineering: (T/E) Prerequisites: Completion of Conceptual Physics; concurrent enrollment in Algebra II. This year long engineering course covers a wide range of entry level electrical, mechanical, software design topics. The student will work with an experienced project leader and learn how to function as part of a team working together with common goals and timelines. Topics may include electrical and hardware design, Robot C programming software, the basics of troubleshooting hardware and software malfunctions. The student will maintain an engineering design notebook, create simple proof of principle experiments, collect, examine, and use electronic data to find patterns and quantify results. In addition, the student will plan long term projects, maintain a schedule, create and write technical documents based on the information gathered. In this way, the students are discovering physics of machines and engineering design using a hands-on STEM approach. Robotics: Advanced Topics in Java Programming (T/E) Prerequisites: Completion of Robotics: Design and Engineering and Algebra II. This year-long engineering course covers JAVA programming in greater detail. They will be the project leader for this area on the First Tech Challenge (FTC) team. All of the programming will be implemented in JAVA through either Android Studio or App Inventor 2 as an application on an Android phone. The course will examine all aspects of programming from creating algorithms, various loop constructs, implementing mathematical models using JAVA code and creating Android Phone applications that could be used to operate robotics systems both autonomously and remotely. The student will maintain an engineering design notebook, create simple proof of principle experiments, collect, examine, and use electronic data. In addition, the student will plan long term projects, maintain a schedule, create and write technical documents based on the information gathered. In this way, the students are discovering physics and engineering design using a hands-on STEM approach. 26 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Robotics: Advanced Topics in Control System Design (T/E) Prerequisites: Completion of Robotics: Design and Engineering and Algebra II. This year-long engineering course covers automated control system theories and its application in greater detail. They will be the project leader for this area on the First Tech Challenge (FTC) team. The control system will be implemented in JAVA through either Android Studio or App Inventor 2. The focus will be on implementing Proportional Controllers (P), Proportional Integral Controllers (PI) and Proportional Integral Differential (PID) in JAVA to stabilize robotics systems. The student will also maintain an engineering design notebook, create simple proof of principle experimentation, collect, examine, and use electronic data. In addition, the student will plan long term projects, maintain a schedule, create and write technical documents based on the information gathered. In this way, the students are discovering physics and engineering design using a hands-on STEM approach. Robotics: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Systems Design (T/E) Prerequisites: Completion of Robotics: Design and Engineering and Algebra II. This year-long engineering course covers the Mechanical System Design and Simulation in much greater detail. They will be the project leader for this area on the First Tech Challenge (FTC) team. The mechanical design process will include using computer aided design (CAD) software to design and simulate mechanical systems in AutoDesk Fusion 360. Custom parts will also be fabricated using 3-D printing to prototype custom parts. The student will also maintain an engineering design notebook, create simple proof of principle experiments, collect, examine, and use electronic data. In addition, the student will plan long term projects, maintain a schedule, create and write technical documents based on the information gathered. In this way, the students are discovering physics and engineering design using a hands-on STEM approach. Robotics: Advanced Topics in Electrical System Design (T/E) Prerequisites: Completion of Robotics: Design and Engineering and Algebra II. This year-long engineering course covers Electrical System Design in greater detail. They will be the project leader for this area on the First Tech Challenge (FTC) team. The student will focus on applying circuit design and analysis techniques to create custom sensors and other robotic electrical devices. The student will maintain an engineering design notebook, create simple proof of principle experiments, collect, examine, and use electronic data. In addition, the student plan long term projects, maintain a schedule, create and write technical documents based on the information gathered. In this way, the students are discovering physics and engineering design using a hands-on STEM approach. Robotics Winter Term Activity Vermont Academy competes in the annual First Tech Challenge (FTC) competition. This competition changes every year and the students run entire enterprise from creating a business plan and fundraising, to website design and maintenance, marketing, and includes mechanical design, electrical design, software design, systems design, fabrication and testing of their solution. The Advanced Topics in Robotics classes are the primary engineering arm of the process because the new season always begins in September. Anyone is welcome to learn through play in this activity/competition. To learn more about the FTC competition, go to www.firstinspires.org/robotics/ftc.



COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES AP Computer Science Principles (T) Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in Geometry or higher. AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. AP Computer Science Principles also gives students the opportunity to use current technologies to create computational artifacts for both self-expression and problem solving. Together, these aspects of the course make up a rigorous and rich curriculum that aims to broaden participation in computer science. Students will complete two performance tasks during the course and a multiple choice AP Exam in the spring. Digital Life Studio (T) Winter trimester. Digital Life Studio is an introduction to the design, creation and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students will explore the issues in relation to online social responsibility, discover the world of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to develop necessary techniques in creating user friendly websites. Throughout the course students will progress from introductory work on web design to a culminating project in which students design and develop a functional multi-page website. Upon successful completion of this course students will develop a good foundation in web design using HTML and CSS. Computer Graphics - Visual Design (T) Spring trimester. Computer Graphic Visual Design is a foundations course of design and print production. This hands-on project-based course is intended to further students’ knowledge in the field of visual design, develops career and communication skills in graphic design, illustration and print and digital media production, using Adobe tools. Visual Design develops four key skill areas: project management and collaboration; design; research and communication; professional digital photography, illustration, and page layout using Adobe tools.



WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS The World Language Department prepares students to become culturally sensitive and communicatively competent in a second language. Through spoken languages it offers students an invaluable point of reference into their native language and global vision of the world. A five-year sequence is offered in French, Spanish, and Chinese; a beginning course and advanced course (when appropriate) are offered in Russian. The emphasis of the department is on the spoken word, and to that end, the classes are taught with an immersion approach and are constantly filled with music, film, media, and the latest available technology and tools to support this philosophy. Advanced and Honors levels in Spanish and French require a C+ average during the second term of the previous level and a strong commitment to the language as they are taught in the target language. The transition from level 1 to level 2 requires a C- average during the second semester. French 5 – Honors, AP – French, Spanish 5 – Honors, and AP – Spanish (requiring departmental approval) are courses for the motivated linguists and tailored to fit the need and interest of each candidate. All World Language Courses are a Year Long Chinese 1 This beginner level Mandarin Chinese class is designed for learners who have limited or no prior knowledge in Chinese. The class focuses on the basic skills of language acquisition: listening, speaking, writing and reading. In particular, students will be linguistically immersed into the Chinese phonetic system (Hanyu Pinyin Romanization), simple grammatical structures, the simplified Chinese writing characters and daily conversation through drills, songs and Chinese social media. Teacher support and individual attention are given to every student. The teacher will assess each student’s learning style and language level and then work closely with individual student to achieve his/ her learning goal. Upon successful completion of this course, students are able to: Learn approximately 200 Chinese words Self-- introductions, greetings and family members Count numbers from zero to one thousand Write brief compositions about topics discussed in class Narrate daily lives Order food and drinks Express time and date Ask and answer where people live Engage in simple conversations Sing one Chinese song Understand more in Chinese culture, history, philosophy and customs Chinese 2 This second year Chinese class builds on the fundamentals of Chinese acquired in the first year Chinese. Students continue to develop their proficiency in communication skills as they discuss everyday topics. The class will also engage students in the basic skills of language acquisition: listening, speaking, writing and reading. By the end of this year, students are able to: Learn 250 Chinese words Order Chinese food learn Chinese dining etiquette Describe daily life and pastimes Understand more in Chinese culture, history, philosophy and customs Sing two Chinese songs Go shopping and learn to bargain in the Chinese way 29 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Chinese 3 This third year Mandarin Chinese class builds on the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese acquired in the first and second year. Students continue to develop their proficiency in communication skills as they discuss everyday topics. The class will also engage students in interactive and integrated language practice that is intertwined with the 5 Cs of foreign language learning: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Highlights of Mandarin Chinese III includes: Be able to recognize and write 400 additional Chinese characters Write 200-word essays Conduct a 5-minute conversation with a native Chinese speaker Academic topics include weather and season, health, sports, professions, vacation, holidays and celebrations, Chinese slang and social issues Chinese 4 This fourth year Mandarin Chinese class builds on the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese acquired in the first three years. Students continue to develop their proficiency in communication skills as they discuss everyday topics. The class will also engage students in interactive and integrated language practice that is intertwined with the 5 Cs of foreign language learning: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities. Highlights of Mandarin Chinese IV includes: Be able to recognize and write 400 additional Chinese characters Write 300-word essays Conduct a chit-chat conversation with a native Chinese speaker Academic topics include seeing a doctor, dating, renting an apartment, travel and Chinese slangs and social issues Read ten Chinese short stories (800 words each) Practice some AP – Chinese workbook questions French 1 This course introduces the language through all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The main goal is to develop the student’s confidence in using French as a means of communication. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. The Espaces text and Supersite are used to promote interpretive communication presentational communication and interpersonal communication. The presentational focus for beginning students is to be able to communicate autobiographical information in written and spoken formats. French 2 Intended for students who have acquired a basic knowledge in French, this course offers an equal emphasis on written and oral skills. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. Espaces text and Supersite are used to promote interpretive communication presentational communication and interpersonal communication. The presentational focus for the students is to be able to communicate in dialogues using the present, preterit, imperfect, and future tenses.



French 3/4 Conducted entirely in French, this course is rigorous and is for students who want to push themselves in all areas of learning a foreign language: speaking, listening, writing, and speaking. This course requires the approval of the department chair as well as B or higher in French 2. Students will learn all verb tenses and moods and are asked to speak often and frequently in the target language, French. Students must acquire new vocabulary and understand new grammatical structures in order to become more sophisticated speakers, and as they do so, they become more confident and competent in all areas of communication. The course emphasizes interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational communication. The Espaces text and Supersite, as well as several poems and Le Petit Prince are all utilized in this course. The primary presentational communication goal is to begin to discuss and debate everyday topics as well as current events with classmates. French 4/5 Conducted entirely in French, this class stresses the effective communication of thought and ideas through debate and discussion of contemporary topics. The course also includes an in-depth study of the subjunctive mood, the study of culture, in particular Quebecois culture, through, current events, literature and film from the francophone world as well as an intense focus on sophisticated presentational communication including cultural comparisons in oral and written forms. This class also uses the Espaces text and Supersite but takes advantage of additional authentic sources to begin to prepare the students for AP – French in the spring trimester. The primary presentational communicational goal is a final oral cultural comparison. AP – French The AP exam is required for all students at the end of the year. This course requires the approval of the department chair as well as B or higher in French 4. This course follows an AP syllabus that is approved by the College Board and prepares students for the AP exam. For advanced students who want to pursue the AP curriculum, students in this course use Thèmes, a book and website designed to prepare students for the AP exam. The students study six major themes including personal identity, contemporary life, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, world challenges, and family and community. It is conducted entirely in French and requires a high level of motivation and a strong interest in culture and ideas. The students are expected to study for the AP exam and must work at every level and type of foreign language acquisition with rigorous effort. Spanish 1 This course introduces the language through all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The main goal is to develop the student’s confidence in using Spanish as a means of communication. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. The Vistas text and Supersite are used to promote interpretive communication presentational communication and interpersonal communication. The presentational focus for beginning students is to be able to communicate autobiographical information in written and spoken formats.



Spanish 2 Intended for students who have acquired a basic knowledge in Spanish, this course offers an equal emphasis on written and oral skills. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. Vistas text and Supersite are used to promote interpretive communication presentational communication and interpersonal communication. The presentational focus for the students is to be able to communicate in dialogues using the present, preterit, and imperfect tenses. Spanish 3 This course requires the approval of the department chair as well as B or higher in Spanish 2. Conducted entirely in Spanish, this course is rigorous and for students who want to push themselves in all areas of learning a foreign language: speaking, listening, writing, and speaking. Students will learn all verb tenses and moods and are asked to speak often and frequently in the target language, Spanish. Students must acquire new vocabulary and understand new grammatical structures in order to become more sophisticated speakers, and as they do so, they become more confident and competent in all areas of communication. The course emphasizes interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational communication. The Vistas text and Supersite are utilized in this course, and the primary presentational communication goal is to begin to discuss and debate everyday topics as well as current events with classmates. Spanish 4 Stressing the effective communication of thought and ideas through debate and discussion of political and literary topics, this course includes an in-depth study of the subjunctive mood, the study of culture through literature and film from Spain and Latin America as well as an intense focus on sophisticated presentational communication including cultural comparisons in oral and written forms. Conducted entirely in Spanish, this class also uses the Vistas text and Supersite and takes advantage of utilizing other authentic sources as well as beginning to prepare the students for AP – Spanish in the spring trimester. The primary presentational communicational goal is a final oral cultural comparison. AP – Spanish The AP exam is required for all students at the end of the year. This course requires the approval of the department chair as well as B or higher in Spanish 4. This course follows an AP syllabus that is approved by the College Board and prepares students for the AP exam. For advanced students who want to pursue the AP curriculum, students in this course use Temas, a book and website designed to prepare students for the AP exam. The students study six major themes including personal identity, contemporary life, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, world challenges, and family and community. It is conducted entirely in Spanish and requires a high level of motivation and a strong interest in culture and ideas. The students are expected to study for the AP exam and must work at every level and type of foreign language acquisition with rigorous effort. Beginning & Advanced Russian This course introduces the language through all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The main goal is to develop the student’s confidence in using Russian as a means of communication. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. Instructor is using many different approaches – songs, games, dialogues, and movies to enhance learning. 32 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS Open enrollment for 10 – 12 grades in all theater and music electives. Music ensembles and lesson are available beginning in grade 9. Vermont Academy Performing Arts presents three main stage theater productions per school year, which rehearse in the evenings and during after-school hours. Independent Study in both Theater and Music are available by special arrangement. Music Courses Fall elective Introduction to Electronic Music It is preferred that the 3 electronic music electives be taken consecutively during the fall, winter, and spring trimesters, though not required. Serving as a foundation for winter and spring electives, students enrolled in this course discover a broad scope of concepts related to electronic music, sound recording, and music technology. Students in this course will work through a diverse set of music and technology related activities, where they have the opportunity to learn about the audio sound systems on campus, learn how to record themselves or a student band, compose an original piece of music, repair a broken instrument or amp, or unlock the secrets of wireless transmission. This is an excellent course for a student interested in pursuing any field of music technology, electronics, or musical experimentation Winter electives Music Appreciation Music Appreciation is a course designed to teach listening skills with the intention of providing historical and culturally relevant information about music throughout history. The course begins with an overview of the basic elements of music with a focus on active listening, and continues with units covering many musical styles and periods including music from antiquity through the 20th century, including contemporary pop, rock, and jazz music. Students will participate in ‘music sharing’ days where they will prepare and share information about their personal interests in music, as well as attend numerous live music events throughout the term. This course offers students the opportunity to share and explore music from all genres, with an emphasis on listening techniques, diverse musical exposure, and many cultural influences in music. Electronic Instrument Building and Design It is preferred that the 3 electronic music electives be taken consecutively during the fall, winter, and spring trimesters, though not required. This course provides discussion, application, construction and hands-on experience with musical instruments of an electronic nature. This course begins with the basic properties of sound and electricity as a foundation for basic understanding of instrument design and construction. Major projects include constructing a tone generating circuit, constructing a pitch controller, modifying a ‘found instrument’, circuit bending, and basic sound processing techniques. This lab-based, hands-on course is an excellent offering for a student who is interested in music, electronics, or sound production.



Spring electives Music Theory and Composition The goal of this class is to provide students with a comprehensive foundation in general musicianship. Major areas of study include basic musical theory, ear training, analysis, piano skills, and composition. PC based musical notation software is used to aid in associating concepts with sounds. Students learn to compose and harmonize melodies, which serve as the foundation for a large-scale composition project that serves as the final evaluative tool for each student’s success. This is an excellent course for any student studying instrumental technique, playing in ensembles, or considering a study of music in college. Recording Studio It is desired that the 3 electronic music electives be taken consecutively during the fall, winter, and spring trimesters, though not required. This class offers its students exposure to all of the materials and principles related to sound recording. Actual recording processes will be explored on many types of historical devices, including LP, cassette, reel to reel, wax cylinder, and all forms of digital media. This course presents the opportunity for students to learn about the physical nature of sound recording in an environment that encourages thoughtful and creative composition. Each student will produce their own creative music compositions using varying recording devices. Recording Studio is a single trimester elective with open enrollment for any sophomore, junior, or senior. Available all trimesters Music Lessons Vermont Academy’s music lesson program offers students with an interest in performance a chance to study their instrument as part of their academic regiment. This popular aspect of the music offerings allows students to take a lesson once a week, during the academic day with a private teacher. Lesson students earn academic credit for their lessons, and earn the privilege of access to practice rooms, lockers, and listening resources. Lesson students benefit from the outstanding teaching and musicianship brought to Vermont Academy by our staff of adjunct lesson teachers. Ensemble Offerings – H Period Ensembles are full-year courses with open enrollment at winter and spring trimesters. No prerequisite Jazz Ensemble Through ensemble rehearsal, this class will provide members with the knowledge of and ability to perform music from the jazz, funk, latin, and contemporary literature. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ class an easy addition to a musician’s academic schedule. The group focuses on ensemble playing of music of all styles, as well as improvisational and instrumental technique. The ensemble presents upwards of 6 concerts each year to enthusiastic audiences. All instrumental students are welcome to enroll, with occasional limitations based on instrumentation.



Vocal Ensemble Through ensemble rehearsal, this class will provide members with the knowledge of and ability to perform music from many genres, including jazz, classical, madrigal, musical theater, spiritual, and contemporary literature. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ class an easy addition to a musician’s academic schedule. The group also works on vocal techniques. The ensemble presents upwards of 6 concerts each year. In addition, students are also eligible for off campus festivals, such as the All-New England Choral Festival, Vermont All-State, and District Festivals. Chamber Music Ensemble This ensemble caters to the musicians at VA who are more interested in the classical repertoire. Our group usually carries 10-15 members including strings, winds, brass, and other instruments where appropriate. Our literature includes arrangements of well-known classical pieces as well as examples of music from film and popular culture. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ class an easy addition to a musician’s academic schedule. This ensemble presents numerous concerts throughout the school year, adding balance to concert programs featuring Jazz and Vocal Ensembles. The V-8s Through ensemble rehearsal, this choral class will provide members with the knowledge of and ability to perform music from the barbershop, a cappella, and accompanied male vocal library, as well as contemporary forms of choral and group singing. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ class an easy addition to a musician’s academic schedule. This ensemble performs both in traditional concert settings and for varying events on campus and in our community. In addition, student participants are also eligible for off campus festivals, such as the All-New England Choral Festival, Vermont All-State, and District Festivals.



VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS Year-Long Courses Advanced Art (includes Studio Art, Media Arts, Photography, and Pottery) Prerequisites: Open to seniors, with approval by the instructor and permission of the department chair. At least two visual arts courses completed with grades of B+ or better. This honors level class has a focus on portfolio development and gallery presentations. Students who plan to focus on the visual arts in college would benefit from this course. Students meet as a group one class each week for critiques and general assignments. During the course of the first trimester, projects are created that address Art History and can also be used in an application portfolio for college. In the second trimester students continue to develop their portfolios and more closely study an artist of their choice. The third semester allows for a more independent study according to the student’s goals, with the expectation of a year-end show. This class can be taken as an Advanced Pottery, Computer Arts or Photography course with the same expectations of the student in terms of trimester development AP – Studio Art (2D Design) Prerequisites: Open to juniors and seniors. At least two visual arts courses completed with grades of B+ or better or by permission of the Department Chair. SUMMER WORK REQUIRED. This class is governed by the expectations of the College Board and culminates in the creation of an Advanced Placement Portfolio, which is submitted to the College Board in May. This class is designed for the technically advanced student who has a passion for making art. Students are able to submit work in a variety of mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking, digital work, and film photography. Pottery Students learn the basic hand-building techniques with which they are expected to produce a required number of pieces. When hand-building proficiency has been demonstrated, the students may choose to learn to use the wheel or work in sculpture. All work is done in stoneware—a high-fire clay of great durability and finished with cone 9 reduction glazes that are mixed in our studio. Motivated students are able to take more than one year of pottery, with the permission of the instructor additionally; students with some previous experience may be able to join the class in the winter or spring trimesters. 9th-Grade Arts Program Required for all 9th graders. All 9th graders will rotate through Visual, Performing, and Theater Arts studios, one each trimester. In this way students will gain experience in a variety of arts classes and come to an understanding of how the arts function at Vermont Academy.



Fall electives Art of Television In this introductory elective, we will explore the role of television as a modern and contemporary art form. The class will start with identifying the show that pioneered its genre and led the way for contemporary television. We will focus in-class discussions and screenings on the pilot episodes of many famous and influential shows (eg. The Sopranos, The X - Files, Survivor, Seinfeld, The Wire). Students will spend the trimester on an ongoing independent project, through which they will create, write, and produce a pilot episode of their own show. As a class, we will film our own versions of reality shows and news shows. Through these experiences students will learn the full creative and artistic process involved in making the shows they watch on a daily basis. B&W Photography I This class is designed for those new to traditional black-and-white silver gelatin photography. Students will learn the mechanics of operating a manual 35 mm SLR camera and the process of developing film and printing negatives in a darkroom. They will complete weekly shooting and writing assignments, with the goal of recognizing successful image making from technical, composition and content perspectives. Discussion of the process, exposure to work of significant photographers and discussion of student work provide tools for visual literacy and personal expression. During the first half of the trimester students will concentrate on developing competency with camera functions, photographing, developing film and printing photographs. In the second half of the trimester students will be encouraged to use those skills to explore their personal vision and creative process. Digital Photography I CAMERA REQUIRED (preferably a DSLR with manual aperture and shutter controls). See instructor with questions. This course is an introduction to digital photography. We will learn the arts of composition and photo manipulation while exploring the difference between a snapshot and a work of art. We will create and manipulate photographic imagery to produce a portfolio of digitally enhanced photographs. The class will cover basic digital camera controls, formatting, lighting and Photoshop enhancing tools. There will be a strong emphasis on the Elements and Principles of Design in Photography. Drawing I Students will explore a variety of drawing techniques and media. The focus will be on working towards improved observational drawing. Studio I is a basic class that is recommended for all students (except 9th graders — see Grade 9 Arts Program) who wish to take a general art class or for sophomores interested in pursuing an arts intensive path of study culminating in participation in Advanced Art. Basic techniques along with art historical studies and the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are stressed. Each student will make a Creativity Journal that emphasizes imagination and independence in the studio. Drawing II Prerequisites: Drawing I or teacher approval through portfolio submissions. Drawing and design projects are created using pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, and pastels. This class builds on the Studio I experience and allows further investigation of the history, techniques and ideas that inform the visual arts. Hands-on studio exploration and learning-through-looking at major artists are important aspects of the classes. Students are required to keep a sketchbook/journal throughout the trimester. 37 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Filmmaking I This basic film course emphasizes camera operation, frame composition, cinematography, and digital editing techniques, as well as storyboarding, script preparation and even acting (when and if necessary). We will use Canon cameras, lights and Adobe Premiere editing software. Additionally, we will analyze famous scenes from classic films and attempt to incorporate the lessons we can learn from the masters of Hollywood and world cinema into our own work. All films created have the potential to be submitted to the Williston Northampton School Film Festival in the spring. Winter electives Documentary Photography (B&W) Documentary Photography explores the tradition of this genre while helping you to create your own Documentary Project. Students will learn about the camera, developing film, printing photographs. Digital Life Studio Digital Life Studio is an introduction to the design, creation and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students will explore the issues in relation to online social responsibility; discover the world of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to develop necessary techniques in creating user friendly websites. Throughout the course students will progress from introductory work on web design to a culminating project in which students design and develop a functional multi-page website. Upon successful completion of this course students will develop a good foundation in web design using HTML and CSS. Digital Photography II Students who have taken Digital Photography I, are welcome in this class. It is imperative to have a solid foundation in Adobe Photoshop and a strong working knowledge of your camera in order to participate fully as we explore more complicated and nuanced aspects of Digital Photography. This class provides the opportunity for students to explore more ambitious independent projects and to work to develop a personal photographic style. Documentary Filmmaking This introductory film course will explore documentary filmmaking by focusing on context and tone. This elective will combine the active watching of multiple award-winning documentary films and the production of our nonfiction films. In class, we will be looking at the “creative treatment of actuality”, specifically how directors use the cinematic language to aid in the recording reality. We will also do lessons covering how parody critiques reality, how reality television changed fiction, and how documentary films have the power to change the world. Students should be prepared to show their growing knowledge of cinema through quizzes, podcasts, informative videos, and their own documentary film. Filmmaking II This is a continuation and a next step in learning how to craft a film. Students will expand their ideas as they create longer and more technically proficient films for viewing. The first half the trimester will be geared towards learning more complicated editing and camera techniques. The second half the trimester students will spend time working on a series of independent films that showcase their knowledge of screenwriting, producing, filming, and editing. Introduction to 3D Students will create several different sculptures based on a range of modern sculptor’s work. Students will work with cardboard, wire, wood, and found objects. 38 | VERMONTACADEMY.ORG


Spring electives Computer Graphics – Visual Design Computer Graphic Visual Design is a foundations course of design and print production. This hands-on project-based course is intended to further students’ knowledge in the field of visual design, develops career and communication skills in graphic design, illustration and print and digital media production, using Adobe tools. Visual Design develops four key skill areas: project management and collaboration; design; research and communication; professional digital photography, illustration, and page layout using Adobe tools. Digital Photography I CAMERA REQUIRED (preferably a DSLR with manual aperture and shutter controls). See instructor with questions. This course is an introduction to digital photography. We will learn the arts of composition and photo manipulation while exploring the difference between a snapshot and a work of art. We will create and manipulate photographic imagery to produce a portfolio of digitally enhanced photographs. The class will cover basic digital camera controls, formatting, lighting and Photoshop enhancing tools. There will be a strong emphasis on the Elements and Principles of Design in Photography. Painting I It is recommended that students have taken Drawing I before taking painting as the skills developed in that class will aid in better understanding of learning to work with paint. Students will work with acrylic, watercolor, and pastel to make paintings that are based on both observation and fantasy. There will also be an introduction to a range of artists working in those mediums. The elements of art and principles of design will continue to be strongly referenced as we work. Painting II Building from Painting I, this is a deeper exploration of acrylic and watercolor painting. Students will also learn several printmaking techniques such as: collograph, monoprint, and linocut. Students who have a base in drawing will be more able to understand concepts and create work with better understanding. Students will spend more time developing their work by using sketchbooks and looking at great works of art. Visual Storytelling This introductory film course will explore the visual tone of contemporary and modern cinema. This elective will combine the active watching of multiple award-winning films and the production of our own films. In class, we will be looking at how a director creates story through visuals (eg. costume, coloring, lighting, makeup, environment) and how important tone is to the audience. We will also be acting out a screenplay in class to further understand how important the visual aspect of cinema is. Students should be prepared to show their growing knowledge of cinema through class activities, screenplays, and their own final film.



KEY DATES 2017-18 ACADEMIC YEAR Wed. Aug. 30

Proctors arrive by noon

Fri. Sept. 1

Registration from 9:00am - 12:00pm

Preseason Varsity Athletes Arrive Sun. Sept. 3

Registration from 9:00 - 12:00pm

Mon. Sept. 4

Fall Trimester Classes begin at Vermont Academy

Fri. Sept. 22 - Sun. Sept. 24

Alumni Weekend

Thurs. Oct. 12 - Sat. Oct. 14

Parents Weekend (Thurs. pm - Sat. pm)

Sat. Oct. 14 - Tues. Oct 17

Fall Long Weekend (back in dorms by 8:00pm 10/17)

Wed. Oct 18 Classes Resume Fri. Nov. 17 - Mon. Nov. 27

Thanksgiving Break Starts at 11:00am (in dorms by 8pm on 11/27)

Tues. Nov. 28

Winter Trimester Classes begin at Vermont Academy

Fri. Dec. 15

Winter Vacation begins at 11:00 am

2018 Tues. Jan. 2

Winter Vacation ends (back in dorm by 8:00pm)

Wed. Jan. 3 Classes Resume Sat. Feb. 3 - Tues. Feb. 6

Winter Long Weekend (back in dorm by 8:00pm on 2/6)

Wed. Feb. 7 Classes Resume Fri. Mar. 2 - Sun. Mar. 25

Spring Break (back in dorm by 8:00pm on 3/25)

Mon. Mar. 26

Spring Trimester Classes begin at Vermont Academy

Fri. May 25

Last Day of Classes

Sat. May 26

Commencement (11:00am South Lawn, weather permitting)


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