Vermont Academy Annual Report 2021-2022

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“All of our evolving programs are designed to create integrated learning experiences that combine skills, hands-on learning, close observation, problem-solving and collaboration, as well as independent experiences.”

Students and faculty experience

Dear Vermont Academy Community,

Vermont Academy has experienced a great start to the 2022-23 school year, and we have been able to embrace our traditions with the Wildcat Games and a celebratory Mountain Day at Townshend Dam. Students and faculty experience The Vermont Academy Way of teaching and learning every day, and the close connections between faculty and students represent the heartbeat of what makes our education so outstanding. I want to offer a special thank you to all who have supported us financially and through volunteering. In so many ways, your gifts and time impact the lives of our students.

The Four Pillars, outlined in our Strategic Plan, have directly led to new educational experiences for our students, and for our faculty, who have collaborated with each other to embrace the tenets of the school’s 21st century vision.

When we constructed the Strategic Plan, the Pillars drew on the school’s strength and history— Vermont as an outdoor classroom—and on the needs of students in a rapidly changing world. The Four Pillars are: Ingenuity, Independence, Community, and The Land. All of our evolving programs are designed to create integrated learning experiences that combine skills, hands-on learning, close observation, problem-solving and collaboration, as well as independent experiences. I think you are going to be inspired by the quotes you read from our students discussing how The Four Pillars are resonating with them. The Board of Trustees, faculty, students, and administrators contributed to the shaping and support of this plan. Our collective work continues to unfold in terms of courses offered, interdisciplinary lesson plans, place-based education, and independent projects.

I am also very pleased to announce that Tonia Fleming P’18, MBA, CFRE, was promoted from Director of Annual Giving to Director of Advancement in November. Tonia has done an outstanding job in the three years that she has been at VA. She understands relationship-building with our graduates and families, and has established wonderful rapport with parents, alumni, and her colleagues on the faculty and staff. This, coupled with the generosity of each of the names in this report, has enabled us to grow our annual giving from $750,000 in 2019 to more than $1.3 million in the recently completed 2021-2022 fiscal year. We are grateful to all who made this possible.

We continue to embrace our location and our heritage while enabling Vermont Academy students to practice what it means to be innovative and creative in a rapidly changing and exciting world.

With warm regards,

The Vermont Academy Way of teaching and learning every day, and the close connections between faculty and students represent the heartbeat of what makes our education so outstanding.”
—DR. JENNIFER L. ZACCARA, Head of School

Celebrating our Long Walk Legends

Vermont Academy has eight core beliefs which guide our students as they navigate the world. While all are important, when I reflect on consecutive giving, the first belief rings particularly true:

Considers the impact of their actions, on both the immediate and world community, for the benefit of present and future generations.

Vermont Academy’s consecutive annual donors, our Long Walk Legends, take this core belief to heart as they are the bedrock of our philanthropic program. By providing support year-in and year-out, they allow VA to plan with confidence for the benefit of ‘present and future generations.’

As you reflect upon your own giving to Vermont Academy, I hope you will consider becoming a Long Walk Legend. To do so, simply make an annual gift to Vermont Academy for five or more consecutive years. In grateful acknowledgement of this commitment, we will recognize you as a Long Walk Legend in future annual reports and count you among those who make a significant impact on our community through steadfast generosity to Vermont Academy.

Thank you.

Andrew Griswold ‘82

Charlie Gunn ‘73

Larry Hale ‘53

Nick Harvey ‘66

Charles E. Hardwood Trust

Mary Hepburn P ‘81, ‘83

Michael Horowitz P ‘98

Bill Hosley ‘73

Donn Hutchins ‘67

Dave and Andrea Johnson

P ‘91, ‘94

Art Kelton ‘57

Amy Lanterman P ‘94, ‘97

Samuel MacAusland ‘83

Andy MacKechnie ‘57

Mary Jane Mackenzie

P ‘82, ‘83

Dick Matheson ‘63

Maryann McArdle P ‘96, ‘94, ‘02, ‘06

Don McInnes ‘59

Glenn Morgan ‘68

Cedric Nash ‘77

Marv Neuman P ‘03

David Newton

Lorrie Nichols ‘51†

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Rich Patterson ‘70

Steve Perelman ‘64

Lee Person ‘65

Larry Power ‘65

10-19 Years

Kate Aldrich

John Anderson ‘61

Jim Aram ‘69

Richard Aulisi ‘60

Herminio Aviles ‘77

Norberto Aviles ‘72

Stuart Bell ‘80

Andy Bernhard ‘77

Bryce and Kathi Blair P ‘06

Rich Bohman ‘63

Lon and Deborah Bouknight P ‘04

Clark Burrows ‘63

Sean ‘70 and Joan Campbell P ‘99

Silas Campbell ‘99

Darren Candello ‘07

Mike and Sally Candello P ‘07

Virginia Canfield

Tom and Jeanne Capasse P ‘16

John Chane ‘63

Bill ‘61 and Lura Clark P ‘87

Michael Collard and Megan Prior-Collard P ‘08

Richard Compson ‘60

Win Crannell ‘57

Clark Dalrymple ‘66

Matt Davis ‘03

Kip Dole ‘78

Brad and Bev Dunbar P ‘86, ‘91, GP ‘07, ‘24

Denny Emerson ‘59

20+ Years

Bob Anderson ‘51

Dex Andrews ‘63

Sean Bersell ‘77

Tom Bridge ‘69

Dan Brown ‘60

Gary Brown ‘67

Fred Burgess ‘68

Dick Burton ‘54

Ewing Buta ‘80

Bob Chase ‘62

Mike Choukas ‘46, P’73, GP’94

Mike Choukas ‘73, P ‘94

Larry Cole ‘51, GP ‘93

William Corliss ‘58

Doug Cranshaw ‘66

Mark Culkin ‘84

Sarah Culkin P ‘84

Mary and Dan Davis P ‘99, ‘00, ‘06

Davis Dimock ‘63

Karl Dornish ‘50

Don Durkee ‘43

Herb Ellis ‘53

Whitney Gay ‘67

Tom Griffiths ‘68

Dave ‘65 and Eric Robinson

P ‘00, ‘02

Bill Rose ‘61

Gordon Russell ‘51

Rick Stark ‘74

Richard Swan ‘78

Ty Tregellas

Win Tremaine ‘51

Terry Tuthill ‘65

Dick van Riper ‘53

Rayner Weir ‘49

Barry Wetherbee ‘71

Bob Wright ‘53

Howard Wright ‘72

Don Zinn ‘60

John Fitzgerald ‘69

Kevin and Betsy Foley P ‘04

Chick Geilich ‘47

Alan Gould ‘51

Rick Hadley ‘63

Daniel Hall ‘57

Mark Herko

David Holton ‘68

Steve Homer ‘53

Pete Hoopes ‘68

Toby Hoopes ‘64

Amy Howard ‘91

Peter and Jan Howe P ‘07, ‘10

Cris Ingraham ‘51†

Zach Jandl ‘06

Ward Jones ‘68

Peter Katzenbach ‘64

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 3 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Thornton Klaren ‘53

Dave Koepf ‘64

Penn Lardner ‘60

Charles ‘55 and Sue Long P ‘84

David Mackenzie ‘83

Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ‘79, P ‘14

Joe Meigs ‘69

Jon Metzger ‘55

Bill and Meg Morton P ‘84

Fred ‘56 and Kris Nichols

Denis ‘60 and April Noonan P’ 90

Bob Cary ‘56 and Janet

Nussmann P ‘86

Ned and Liz Olmsted P ‘15

Rob Outtrim ‘03

Pete Powers ‘53

Joseph Prior GP ‘08

Alan and Diane Raines P ‘06

Larry ‘61 and Sara Rice P ‘88

Stu ‘45 and Pegge Robinson P ‘71

Kim Russell ‘63

Falko and Lorna Schilling P ‘03, ‘05, ‘11

Paul Scoville ‘64

Dick Shanaman ‘53

Doug Sluiter ‘67

Rob Sollmann ‘70

Stevenson Brown Porter Fund

Jim Thomas ‘90

Andy Tyson ‘99

George Welles ‘53

Steve Weston ‘67

Barbara Whitcomb

The Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation

Bob Winslow ‘66

Sandy Witherell ‘57

Willis Wood ‘66

Stew Wooden ‘67

Dave Young ‘64

5-9 Years

Bold represents our newest Long Walk Legends

Lesley Allen P ‘06

Henry Ammons ‘89

Brook Anderson ‘77

Todd Areson ‘61

Alexi Arvanitidis ‘99

Mike and Anne Atkins P ‘15

George Atkins ‘15

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Whitney Barrett

Bruce Beagley ‘64

James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Jim Bernstein ‘81

Lawrence Biondo

Reg Blauvelt ‘61

Russ Bone ‘63

Peter Brightman ‘56

Clinton Brown and Andrea Zacher

P ‘14

Jim Bunce ‘66

Albert and Anne Burgunder P ‘15

Robert Burton ‘53

John and Nicole Buser

Steve Cady

Bob Campbell ‘65 P ‘90, ‘92

Sarah Campbell ‘80

Keith Canning ‘83

Alan Carpenter ‘55

Phillip Carter ‘52

Ann Castagnola P ‘01

Bill Chapman ‘67

Charlie Clark ‘57

Stan and Judi Colla

Jeff Crocker ‘71

Bill Cullen ‘55

Tom Cunningham ‘05

Jon Davis ‘00

Andrew Davis ‘99

Dominick and Katherine Dawes ‘99

Austin DeLonge ‘06

John ‘77 and Jennifer Densmore P ‘15

Bob Derrenbacker ‘55

Peter Dorman ‘66

Daniel Duff ‘89

Joe ‘79 and Carole Echanis P ‘08, ‘11, ‘18

Richard Ellery ‘58

Stephen and Susan Elliott P ‘84

Tracy Emerson ‘81

Dawson Farber ‘66

Tonia Fleming P ‘18

Jim ‘66 and Laura Frey P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08

Ithiel and Jo Fuller P ‘19

Joe Giar ‘00

Mark Goldie ‘77

Stuart Grande ‘95

Erika Gustafson ‘95

James Harris ‘06

William Heeks ‘56, P ‘91

Vaughan and Marty Hennum P ‘20, ‘22

Jeremy Herbert ‘99

Ava Hill ‘18

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda

Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Melanie Hoffmann

Carolyn Hogan

Caitlin Consula Holton ‘96 P ‘26

Tom Huntsman P ‘10

Mark and Mary Iamonaco P ‘16

Tom ‘72 and Melinda Inglehart

P ‘03

Ron and Janne Jacobelli P ‘19

Steve Jeton ‘69

Whitney Joyce-Fairbrother ‘93

John Kelly and Jen Jones Kelly

P ‘15, ‘18

Marvin Kendrick and Robin Patch

P ‘19

Steven Kett ‘80

Betsy Long ‘93

Chip Mainelli ‘76

Russell Mayhew

Conor McArdle ‘06

Eli McArdle ‘96

Ollie McArdle ‘94

Caitlyn McDermott ‘18

Cathy McDermott P ‘18

Don Megathlin ‘54

John Meyer ‘62

Kathy Michie

Brad Miller ‘67

Eddie Miller ‘15

Don Minshall ‘53

Marshall Moore ‘67

Dave Moore ‘71 and Carol Perley

P ‘99

Bob Morse ‘54

Bill Morton ‘57

Rick Moulton ‘67

Nick Nash ‘67

Larry Niles ‘62

Claire Ninde ‘82

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Jim Ober ‘53

Jane Ogden ‘79

Patrick Ogden ‘19

Mimi O’Leary P ‘19

Wyeth Olmsted ‘15

Josh and Sue Orlinsky P ‘21

Sushma Palmer

John Patterson ‘63

John and Rebecca Peloso P ‘19, ‘20

Jack and Susie Peters P ‘85, ‘88

Ashley Potofsky ‘13

Sandy Preston ‘65

Bussey Quackenbush ‘91

Mark Ragonese

Fred Ranney ‘47

Bill Reid ‘74

Tom Richardson ‘59

Rose Rodgers ‘91

John and Martha Ross P ‘08

Mark Russell ‘69

John Russell ‘56

David Saville ‘80

Don ‘55 and Peggy Scholl P ‘81, ‘85

Jeff Scholl ‘76

Justin Sherburne ‘99

Patrick Shinoda ‘01

David Simon and Susan Galvin P ‘20

Bryant Taggart ‘53

Doc Taylor ‘66

Kristin Terkelsen ‘91

Gary Thompson ‘72

Thomas Upson ‘53

Ion Urion ‘45

Rick Wackernagel ‘68

Lamont Walker ‘81

Tom and Mary Walsh P ‘04

Andrew Ward ‘93

Brad Weilbrenner ‘99

Dan Weinger ‘02

Diane Wilder ‘79

Jeff Wilkinson ‘68

Bud Wilkinson ‘71

Francis Willett ‘86 and Alicia Fonash-Willett P ‘21, ‘25

Jim and Holly Wilson P ‘20

Jennifer Zaccara

Jed and Eebie Zobitz P ‘19

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 4 † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

2021 – 2022: By the Numbers

Fiscal Year 2022*

Note from CFO Matt Emsley

Vermont Academy had a transformative fiscal year 2022 as the school refreshed our post-pandemic strategy. Anchored to making a difference in the lives of our students, VA is connecting more deeply with our Pillars of Independence, Ingenuity, Community and The Land. A strong foundation is critical to maintain our financial health and accelerate future growth. We appreciate the support of our generous donors as well as the hardiness and resilience inherent in our Vermont mindset. The entirety of the Vermont Academy community is excited about the future and working hard to reduce the revenue/expense gap.

63% 22% 15% REVENUE = $7,923k Tuition, Dining & Fees Annual & Restricted Giving Events, Rentals, Other 57% 26% 17% EXPENSES = $8,466k Salaries & Benefits Student Activities, Dining & Support Services Facilities Operating & Maintenance *unaudited
= $7.9m
= $8.4m

Our Four Pillars

Vermont Academy’s educational philosophy is based on four historic values of Independence, Ingenuity, Community, and The Land. These values create the underpinnings of an early bound book called The Vermont Academy Way, and

they represent the framework shaping the development of today’s curriculum. Shared in this Annual Report are quotes from VA students that are reflections of a Pillar as they relate to each student’s respective journey.

Students learn their strengths and challenges, and with mentoring from caring adults, strive to build on these strengths and overcome challenges. By cultivating self-awareness, students become more resilient and advocate for themselves. They are encouraged to maximize their individual growth as students, athletes, artists, and citizens in individual and team settings.

The diamond in the rough at VA is you really learn how to advocate for yourself and be accountable for everything you do here, whether that’s school work, sports, or participating in school activities. It applies to everything you want to do. Learning to advocate for ourselves and to be held accountable makes all the difference. I know I’m ready for my next chapter.”

Vermont Academy students are problemsolvers through work in the classroom, the community, independently, and through team projects. VA’s program is student-focused and growth-oriented, emphasizing learning by doing. Creativity and problem-solving run through all programs allowing students to be curious and to contribute solutions to academic and community challenges

I am taking microeconomics with Mr. Herring P ‘24, and it is my favorite class I’ve taken in four years. Right now, we are learning about supply and demand; it keeps me focused while being really difficult, which makes it that much more rewarding.”


Students at Vermont Academy feel a sense of belonging in a close knit community while also understanding the impact of their actions in school and in a wider, global community. Adults in the Vermont Academy community know students well from close mentoring relationships, which allow students to thrive. Based on the belief that all members of the Vermont Academy community are viewed as assets worthy of respect and where tolerance and good citizenship are nurtured. Exposure to diverse and global perspectives expands cultural understanding. Leadership and community service opportunities provide avenues for students to contribute to the welfare of others.

I was looking for a community, a new home. I had toured a bunch of schools and when I looked at VA, it was a surreal moment. I could see myself here and felt there were so many new things I could learn, such as crew, which I had never done before. Coach Burnham was so encouraging. He told me I had a lot of potential, so I worked really hard and made it on the varsity eight boat. I feel that VA gives students a chance to try many things, and even if I don’t continue the activity or class in the future, I still have all these core values that I picked up along the way.”

VA students come to understand and appreciate the rural Vermont environment, while also learning the importance of sustainability, preservation, and appreciation of “place.” Tucked in the safety of a small Vermont village on a 450-acre campus, students are never far from the natural environment around them. From ski hills, rivers, and hiking trails, to local farms and the sugar bush, students are exposed to the serenity of the rural Vermont experience. Most of Vermont Academy’s longest-held traditions celebrate Vermont’s resources and encourage students to understand and enjoy the importance of nature in their well-being and for the preservation of our Earth.

We take some of the Thoreau philosophies with us regarding the land. We are part of it and use it for educational purposes. It does enrich our education. I frequently go down to the river and explore it. I see it as a metaphor for life. My friends and I just sit there without saying a word to each other. We’ll just watch the current run. There’s something magical about how the Saxtons River moves; it’s so strong. If you are outside, you are directly interacting with the natural world in a different kind of way than a lot of other art forms.”



Vermont Academy Giving Societies

were established to recognize donors who have made a leadership financial contribution to Vermont Academy. Giving societies named to celebrate individuals, traditions, and aspects of Vermont Academy history allow donors to join with gifts ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 and above.

The Head of School’s Society: $50,000+. Recognizes the contributions, dedication and commitment of the past 16 Principals, Headmasters, and Heads of School who have served since 1876.

The 1876 Society: $25,000–$49,999. Recognizes Vermont Academy’s first year of operation.

The Hilltop Society: $10,000–$24,999. Recognizes the founding location of Vermont Academy, “a plateau known as Burke’s Hill overlooking the Village of Saxtons River.”

The Olin D. Gay Society: $5,000–$9,999. Recognizes Olin D. Gay’s 76 years of service to Vermont Academy, beginning with his matriculation as a

student in 1901 and continuing through his service on the Board of Trustees from 1921–1977.

The Fuller Society: $2,500–$4,999. Recognizes the late Governor Levi K. Fuller, former member and president of the Vermont Academy board of trustees.

The Horace Mann Willard Society: $1,000–$2,499. Recognizes the contribution of Dr. Horace Mann Willard, first principal of Vermont Academy.

The Long Walk Legends: A society of our most faithful supporters. Indicated by an asterisk (*), these members have given consecutively for 5+ years.

Vermont Academy Giving Societies

The Head of School’s Society


Anonymous (2)

Tom and Jeanne Capasse P ‘16*

The Charles E. Harwood Trust*

Greg Chase ‘61, P ‘94†

Mike Choukas ‘73, P ‘94*

Todd and Robin Copeland P ‘20

Don Durkee ‘43*

Herb ‘53 and Annmarie Ellis*

Michael Horowitz P ‘98*

John P. Wait Fund

Peter and Ann Lambertus

Peter and Ann Lambertus Family Foundation Inc.

The Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation*

Rick Stark ‘74*

John P. Wait ‘50†

Richard ‘55† and Barbara Whitcomb*

Tidewater Jewish Foundation

The 1876 Society


Larry Cole ‘51, GP ‘93*

Rusty Davis and Linda Saarnijoki

Mary and Steven Libutti P ‘21*

Fred ‘56 and Kris Nichols*

Chris Sinclair ‘67

Stevenson Brown Porter Fund*

Waterfall Asset Management

The Hilltop Society


Carolyn Boday*

Bob Cary ‘56 and Janet Nussmann

P ‘86*

Cheesecake Brook Fund


Deslauriers Family Trust

Rob DesLauriers ‘83

The Estate of Winston E. Wood ‘51

Keenan Fisher ‘13

Linda Fisher P ‘13

John Fitzgerald ‘69*

Dwain Ford ‘62

Anne Herbert P ‘99

Jeremy Herbert ‘99*

John Hoder ‘69

David Holton ‘68*

Peter and Jan Howe P ‘07, ‘10*

Steve ‘72 and Michelle Karol*

Charles ‘55 and Sue Long P ‘84*

Andy MacKechnie ‘57*

Cathy McDermott P ‘18*

Kathy Michie

Allison and Steve Shapiro P ‘22

Steven and Michelle Karol Charitable Foundation

Larry Viola ‘78 and Bridget Storm

The Olin D. Gay Society


Reg ‘61 and Barbara Blauvelt, GP ‘25*

Maude Walker Brandeberry

Camp-Younts Foundation

Keith Canning ‘83*

Charles R. and Nancy L. von Maur Charitable Foundation

Denny Emerson ‘59*

Endeavors Employee Gifting Benefits Program

Garcia-Canning Family Foundation

Amy Howard ‘91*

Jeep Macnichol P ‘19

Jim Mennel ‘65

Hugh Pearson ‘54

The Pearson Family Charitable Foundation

Alan and Diane Raines P ‘06*

Chesaco Motors

Casey Cota ‘89, P ‘14,’18 *

Cota & Cota Oil

Daniel E. Ford Fund

Tom Richardson ‘59*

Alan Roberts ‘70

Kristin Terkelsen ‘91*

Jim Thomas ‘90*

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 8 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
Teachers guide students at VA, but you have to push yourself forward. Students have a good amount of freedom and options to pursue their interests, but you have to take the opportunity and do it.”

Chuck ‘48 and Nancy von Maur

Gifford Walker

Jennifer Zaccara*

The Fuller Society


Bank of America

Bank of America Charitable Foundation*

Mike Choukas ‘46, P ‘73, GP ‘94*

Chris ‘66 and Sue Cota P ‘90, ‘92*

Bob Derrenbacker ‘55*

Peter Flatow ‘62

Tom Griffiths ‘68*

Vaughan and Marty Hennum P ‘20, ‘22*

Bill Hosley ‘73

Art Kelton ‘57*

Ruey Brodine Morelli†

David Newton*

Lorrie Nichols ‘51*†

Robert O’Hara GP ‘21, ‘24

Gordon Russell ‘51*

Torrey Family Foundation

Will and Deborah Torrey P ‘13

Ty Tregellas*

Terry Tuthill ‘65*

Karen Callahan

Sean ‘70 and Joan Campbell P ‘99*

Bob Campbell ‘65 P ‘90, ‘92*

Michael Campbell ‘68*

Charities Aid Foundation of America

George Cheney ‘48*

Bill ‘61 and Lura Clark P ‘87*

Seamus Crotty ‘82

John and Beth Crutcher

Andrew Davis ‘99*

Austin DeLonge ‘06*

Rick Dobson ‘63

Peter Dorman ‘66*

Jayson ‘86 and Marcie Dunbar P ‘07, ‘24

Richard Ellery ‘58*

Lars Ellison ‘82

Rich Farnham ‘65

Rich Farrell ‘82

Russell Fellows ‘62

Fidelity Foundation

Bill Garfield ‘66



Ada Mosher Fund

Linda Adrian P ‘91

Bob Anderson ‘51*

John Anderson ‘61*

Todd Areson ‘61*

Richard Aulisi ‘60*

Craig Baab ‘65

Gig Babson

Bruce Beagley ‘64

Stuart Bell ‘80*

Andy Bernhard ‘77*

Sean Bersell ‘77*

Blair Family Foundation

Bryce and Kathi Blair P ‘06*

Russ Bone ‘63*

Lon and Deborah Bouknight P ‘04*

Bradford P. Miller Real Estate

Tom Bridge ‘69*

Bill and Nootsie Brooks GP ‘24

Dan Brown ‘60*

Scott Buckley ‘02

Jim Bunce ‘66*

Ewing Buta ‘80*

One of the many things that makes VA special is the faculty and student relationships. Last year, I took kinesiology and it really resonated with me. I decided I was going to widen my knowledge of the subject, so I spoke with Ms. Heath, VA’s Athletic Trainer, and she recently gave me the opportunity to assist her, so I would see the practice and put it all together: sports, athletes, injuries, and how

them. This

Alan Gould ‘51*

Andrew Griswold ‘82*

Andrew Guard ‘01 and Alex Walsh Guard ‘01

Charlie Gunn ‘73*

Leita and William Hamill P ‘02

Mary Hepburn P ‘81, ‘83*

Fred Hibberd ‘57

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25*

Ken and Judy Holzscheiter P ‘87, ‘89

Cris Ingraham ‘51*†

James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation*

Jancewicz & Son

Ward Jones ‘68*

Peter Katzenbach ‘64*

Paul and Diane Kelly P ‘84

Robert Kessler

Samuel Lambert and Marie Sheffield P ‘25

John Lane ‘54

Joy Walker Lane

Linda Leary

Leita & William Hamill Family Foundation, Inc.

The Losam Fund

Todd McDonagh ‘82

Don McInnes ‘59*

Scott ‘83 and Carole McKeon P ‘16

Foster McKeon ‘81

Brad Miller ‘67*

Jennifer Morelock P ‘22

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Jane Ogden ‘79*

Tom Oxholm ‘82*

Seth and Kathleen Pajcic P ‘24

Sushma Palmer*

Daniel Partel ‘62

Don Poole ‘83

John Redington ‘72

Robert A. Derrenbacker, C.L.U, CHFC Agency

Russell Robinson ‘48

Ruey Brodine Morelli Declaration of Trust

John Scholl ‘81

Paul Scoville ‘64*

Seattle Foundation

Rob Sollmann ‘70*

Richard Swan ‘78*

Ken Tensen ‘70

Samuel Tong ‘24

Joe Valle ‘64

Vermont Academy Parents’ Association

Eric Wakin

Bill Walker ‘64

Webster Walker Jr. Foundation

Bill Widdoes ‘81

Diane Wilder ‘79*

Jim and Holly Wilson P ‘20*

Kenneth Wright ‘91

H.S. Wright III ‘72*

Dave Young ‘64

Horace Mann Willard Society
VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 9 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
to fix
is so exciting for me.”

Alumni Giving |

1950 14% participation

Karl Dornish*

1951 36% participation

Bob Anderson*

Class Representative

Larry Cole*

Alan Gould*

Cris Ingraham*†

Lorrie Nichols*†

Gordon Russell*

Win Tremaine*

1952 36% participation

Phillip Carter

1943 50% participation

Don Durkee*

1945 57% participation

Frank Jackson*

Class Representative

Stu Robinson*

Ion Urion*

Kenneth Williams

1946 40% participation

Barry Barker

Mike Choukas*

1947 25% participation

Chick Geilich*

Fred Ranney

1948 38% participation

Paul Bidwell

George Cheney*

Russell Robinson

Bob Taft

Chuck von Maur

1949 33% participation

David Butterfield

Les Smith

Class Representative

Rayner Weir*

Darrel Clowes

Class Representative

Dick Sanders

Kennedy Snow

1953 100% participation

Robert Burton*

Virginia Canfield (David)*

Herb Ellis*

Larry Hale*

Steve Homer*

Thornton Klaren*

Don Minshall

Jim Ober*

Pete Powers*

Dick Shanaman*

Bryant Taggart*

Thomas Upson*

Dick van Riper*

George Welles*

Class Representative

Bob Wright*†

1954 30% participation

Dick Burton*

Bob Carr*

John Lane

Don Megathlin*

Class Representative

Daniel Miller

Bob Morse

Hugh Pearson

1955 27% participation

Alan Carpenter*

Bill Cullen

Bob Derrenbacker*

Charles Long*

Jon Metzger*

Don Scholl*

Class Representative

Dick Whitcomb*†

1956 29% participation

Peter Brightman

Bob Cary*

Marty Hall*

William Heeks

Fred Nichols*

Class Representative

John Russell

1957 36% participation

Charlie Clark

Daniel Hall

Fred Hibberd

Art Kelton*

Andy MacKechnie*

Wayne Marsh

Bill Morton

Class Representative

Jack Shroder

Sandy Witherell*

1958 24% participation

William Corliss*

Robert Eames

Richard Ellery*

Newton Gardner

Mac George

David Morse

Class Representative

Harvey Peterson

1959 17% participation

John Arthur ‘59†

Denny Emerson*

John McCall

Don McInnes*

Class Representative

Sushma Palmer (Robie)*

Tom Richardson*

1960 21% participation

Richard Aulisi*

Dan Brown*

Class Representative

Richard Compson*

Penn Lardner

Class Representative

Denis Noonan*

Bob Seeley

Don Zinn*

1961 25% participation

John Anderson*

Todd Areson*

Reg Blauvelt*

Class Representative

Bill Clark*

Clarence Linder

Keith Nightingale

Class Representative

Larry Rice*

Bill Rose*

1962 24% participation

Bob Chase*

Russell Fellows

Peter Flatow

Dwain Ford

John Meyer*

Larry Niles*

Daniel Partel

Paul Peterson

Steve Ruddell

Dick Weeks

1963 35% participation

Dex Andrews*

Rich Bohman*

Russ Bone*

Harry Brown

Clark Burrows*

John Chane*

Davis Dimock*

Rick Dobson

Bill Dunn

Rick Hadley*

Douglas Kibbe

Dick Matheson*

Frederick Ober

John Patterson*

Kim Russell*

Russ Vogel

Class Representative

Lawrence Wholley

1964 31% participation

Bruce Beagley*

Richard Doyle

Toby Hoopes*

Class Representative

Peter Katzenbach*

Dave Koepf*

Steve Perelman*

Paul Scoville*

Brooke Tyler

Joe Valle

Bill Walker

Dave Young*

1965 27% participation

Craig Baab

Class Representative

Jeffrey Brunel

5 Classes for Participation Class Participation 1953 100% 1945 57% 1943 50% 1946 40% 1967 40% 1952 36%
VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 10 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Bob Campbell*

Peter Cinelli

Bruce Coulter

Rick Farnham

Phil Kerr

Jim Mennel

Lee Person*

Larry Power*

Sandy Preston*

Dave Robinson*

Terry Tuthill*

1966 31% participation

Bill Aldrich

Jim Bunce*

Chris Cota

Doug Cranshaw*

Clark Dalrymple*

Peter Dorman*

Dawson Farber*

Jim Frey*

Bill Garfield

Nick Harvey*

Chris Holden

Hugh Stone

Doc Taylor*

Bob Winslow*

Willis Wood*

1967 40% participation

Gary Brown*

Bill Chapman*

Ed English

Larry Frey

Mark Gabriel

Whitney Gay*

Class Representative

Crandy Grant

Donn Hutchins*

Jack Kartez

Thomas Laughton

Daulton Mann

Brad Miller*

Marshall Moore*

Rick Moulton*

Class Representative

Nick Nash*

Chris Sinclair

Doug Sluiter*

Tom Smedley

Andy Webster

Bob Weimont

Steve Weston*

Stew Wooden*

1968 19% participation

Fred Burgess*

Michael Campbell

Tom Griffiths*

David Holton*

Pete Hoopes*

Ward Jones*

Glenn Morgan*

Rick Sacknoff

Class Representative

Rick Wackernagel*

Jeff Wilkinson*

1969 14% participation


Tom Bridge*

David Brown

John Hoder

Class Representative

Steve Jeton*

Joe Meigs*

Tom O’Connor

Bruce Pratt

Mark Russell*

Class Representative

1970 19% participation

Sean Campbell*

Dick Ellsworth

Bernard Hoyes

Class Representative

Bob Karol

Michael Marcoulier

Dean Miltimore

Rich Patterson*

Class Representative

Rob Sollmann*

Ken Tensen

1971 15% participation

Jeff Crocker*

Bill Keating

Ridge Lincoln

Dave Moore*

Bill Stedman

Barry Wetherbee*

Bud Wilkinson*

Class Representative

1972 13% participation

Norberto Aviles*

James Derrenbacker

Thom Inglehart*

Class Representative

John Redington

Gary Thompson*

Howard Wright

1973 9% participation

Mike Choukas*

Charlie Gunn*

Class Representative

Bill Hosley*

James Stewart

1974 5% participation

Bill Reid*

Rick Stark

1975 9.7% participation

Tod Eberle

Reese Harris

John Killoy

Jim Wright

1976 9% participation

James Kenny

Chip Mainelli*

Jeff Scholl*

1977 18% participation

Brook Anderson*

Herminio Aviles*

Andy Bernhard*

Sean Bersell*

Class Representative

John Densmore

Mark Goldie*

Cedric Nash*

1978 12% participation

Kip Dole*

Paul Fenton

David Kohl

Peter Sawyer

Class Representative

Richard Swan*

Larry Viola

1979 16% participation

Thomas Bascom

Robert Black

Tim Burr

Alison Hussey Cummings

Class Representative

Joe Echanis*

Jim Lyman

Lisa Eckardt McNealus*

Jane Ogden*

Class Representative

Diane Wilder*

1980 10% participation

Stuart Bell*

Ewing Buta*

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 11 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
VA students are expected to lead the education and decide what to do and how to do it. I am a first-year senior, and I’ve never had a teacher like Mr. Mayhew. He makes learning fun and easier! It’s nice to have a relaxed environment while knowing that he’s there to answer questions as well. I am also taking honors physics with Mr. Frey ’66 P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08. I love that class! The problem-solving and process is really interesting. It’s a similar type of learning between calculus and physics.”

Sarah Campbell*

Steven Kett*

David Saville*

1981 17% participation

Jim Bernstein*

Nate Burke

Greg Eckhardt

Tracy Emerson*

Jeremiah Evarts

Foster McKeon

Carl Reintsema

Lamont Walker*

1982 24% participation

Timothy Brennwald

Matt Campbell

Lee Carroll

Mike Chen

Seamus Crotty

Matthew Fontaine

Nicole Goguen

Andrew Griswold*

Carl Longshore

Claire Murray Ninde*

Tom Oxholm*

Class Representative

Mark Pearson

Vivian Smith

Brooks Stewart

David Wilder

Sheri Woolbert

1983 14% participation

Heidi Wehner Buck

Keith Canning*

Class Representative

Rob DesLauriers

Dan Dougherty

Class Representative

Mark Foster

Samuel MacAusland*

David Mackenzie*

Scott McKeon

1984 12% participation

Grant Back

Mark Culkin*

Class Representative

Joe Dodi

Annie Guerrero

Jodie Brace James

Sarah Ballou Philippon

Steve Rockafellow

Mark Saville

1985 13% participation

Andy Bigelow

Class Representative

Chris Cassell

Mark Gebhardt

Bob Keeshan

Gwen Meyer

Andrew Pierce

George Scholl

Chris Stevens

Class Representative

1986 8% participation

Jayson Dunbar

Jonathan Gottsegen

Scott Love

Gretchen Sprafke Piasecki

Francis Willett*

Class Representative

1987 2% participation

Scott Ansevin-Allen

1988 2% participation

Richard Kearns

1989 10% participation

Henry Ammons*

Class Representative

Casey Cota

Daniel Duff*

Dave Hodgson*

Taryn McCarthy

Class Representative

Howie Rice

1990 7% participation

Timothy Henricks

Beth Donnelley King

Jim Thomas*

Jesse Thompson

1991 13% participation

Kate Marshuetz Double

Troy Eigner

Amy Howard*

Class Representative

Bussey Quackenbush*

Rose Rodgers*

Kristin Terkelsen*

Kenneth Wright

1992 6% participation

Matthew Cota

Mark Engelke

Rannie Ibrahim

1993 11% participation

Noel Chipman

Class Representative

Hillary Ellis

Whitney Joyce-Fairbrother*

Betsy Long*

Andrew Pennell

Noah Shanok

Andrew Ward*

1994 13% participation

Richard Flynn

Neil Handwerger

Andrew Johnson

Lindsey Reinheimer Loss

Ollie McArdle*

Ryan McNamara

Michael Salmon

Megan Pennell Seidner

1995 5% participation

Matt Eddy

Stuart Grande*

Erika Gustafson*

Class Representative

1996 8% participation

Caitlin Holton*

Eli McArdle*

Kirk Vaughan

Class Representative

1997 8% participation

Bob Gustafson

Ramsey Hoehn

Sarah Weilbrenner Viteri

Class Representative

1998 5% participation

Jeff Gibson

Kate Abernethy Turner

Class Representative

1999 31% participation

Alexi Arvanitidis*

Mike Baum

Sam Bryar

Silas Campbell*

Andrew Davis*

Dominick Dawes*

Katherine Farkas Dawes*

Class Representative

Jeremy Herbert*

Demere Kasper Hess

Alex Jewett

Christopher Lancaster

Sarah Ramian Murrow

Class Representative

Justin Sherburne*

Andy Tyson*

Class Representative

Andy Weber

Brad Weilbrenner*

2000 17% participation

Drew Casey

Caleb Chase

Jon Davis*

Joe Giar*

Mario Hernandez-Kenyon

Nate Hibler

Matt Howarth

Class Representative

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 12 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
Mr. Echanis ’79, P ’08, ‘11, ’18 challenged us to reorient the motors in an Advanced Robotics class. As part of the team, I had a problem to solve and I solved it. When something goes wrong, you need to take it all apart and that’s a minute process. This is a year-long project that involves reducing space, which is a great challenge.”

Dr. Jae Sanchez

Class Representative

2001 11% participation

Travis Beebe-Woodard

Kenneth Brown

Andrew Guard

Class Representative

Alex Walsh Guard

Class Representative

Patrick Shinoda*

2002 20% participation

Scott Buckley

Amber Smith DiPasquale

Class Representative

Kelly Fahner

Stephanie Saunders Kaebnick

Christian Lee

Rosie McArdle DeCamp

John Penney

Johanna Kasper Snider

Dan Weinger*

2003 9% participation

Matt Davis*

Matt Neuman

Rob Outtrim*

Andrew Robinson

Class Representative

2004 3% participation

Ed Duess

Class Representative

2005 7% participation

Andrew Chardain

Tom Cunningham*

Erik Frost

Class Representative

2006 17% participation

Pat Cutrona

Austin DeLonge*

Class Representative

Shannon Harlow

Topher Harris

James Harris*

Zach Jandl*

Class Representative

Andrew Kilduff

Conor McArdle*

2007 6% participation

Darren Candello*

Kait Schiro-Ferreira

Class Representative

Tucker Watts

2008 2% participation

Ian Tovell

2010 2% participation

Cam Scully-Ramirez

Class Representative

2011 6% participation

Adam Hennick

Brian Schilling

Chase Vaughan

Class Representative

2012 4% participation

Shelby Johnson

Class Representative

Thomas Savoca

Class Representative

2013 7% participation

Keenan Fisher

Mikaela Paluszek

Ashley Potofsky*

Bobby Ronacher

2014 7% participation

Brian Allen

Leyte McNealus

Class Representative

Leslie Botey Myers

Erik Nielsen

Class Representative

2015 13% participation

George Atkins*

Class Representative

Matt Gendron

Abby Hart

Jamie Lumley

Eddie Miller*

Class Representative

Rachel Montesano

Wyeth Olmsted*

Julian Stolper

2016 1% participation

Chris Iamonaco

2017 2% participation

Henry Hochschild

2018 5% participation

Jeremy Fleming

Ava Hill*

Class Representative

Caitlyn McDermott*

2019 4% participation

Addie Doherty

Miranda Fuller

Patrick Ogden*

Class Representative

Hannah Sethi

2020 4% participation

Jeffrey Simon

2021 5% participation

Maggie Hodgson

Class Representative

Myles Robinson

Eva Wu

2022 16% participation

Jordan Bernstein

Liam Lucas

Casey Marchese

Emma Morel

Wolfgang Morlock

Misha Mshar

Ian Robinson

Jason Shapiro

Sylvia White

FY22 Current Grandparents

Reg Blauvelt ‘61, GP ‘25*

Bill and Nootsie Brooks GP ‘24

Denis and Sharon Crockett GP ‘25

James and Peggy Gilbert GP ‘21, ‘25

Paul Love and Hollie Bowen GP ‘21, ‘23

Judy Nadal GP ‘19, ‘24

Robert O’Hara GP ‘21, ‘24

Susan Pajcic GP ‘24

Hugh and Nancy Pennell P ‘93, ‘94, GP ‘23, ‘24, ‘26

FY22 Faculty + Staff

Peter Ahlfeld

Kate Aldrich*

Jenn Aldrich

Brian Allen ‘14

Sean Allen P ‘22, ‘24

Christine Armiger

Whitney Barrett*

Dan Burmester

John Buser*

Charles Butler

Kashanie Butler

Steve Cady*

Drew Choos

Beth Crutcher

Talia Dell Angelo

Nora Dock P ‘22, ‘24

Joe Echanis ‘79 P ‘08, ‘11, ‘18*

Tonia Fleming P ‘18*

Jim Frey ‘66 , P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08*

Laura Frey P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08*

Jeff Gaudet

Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25*

Brian Gilloran

Jonathan Gottsegen ‘86

Caitlin Consula Holton ‘96, P ‘26*

Bill Kearney

John Kelly*

Jeremy Kurzyniec

Karen Langston P ‘03, ‘05

Amy Lanterman P ‘94, ‘97*

Nicole Losavio

Greg Martin

Russell Mayhew*

Maryann McArdle P ‘96, ‘94, ‘02, ‘06*

Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ‘79, P ‘14*

Amy Nachajski

Liz Olmsted P ‘15*

Mikaela Paluszek ‘13

Robin Patch P ‘19*

David Petrie

Wenping Xu Quinn

Lorna Schilling P ‘03, ‘05, ‘11*

Brian Schilling ‘11

Maya Shulman-Ment

Ashley Storrow

Burleigh Sunflower

Tim Velsor

Petar Vujicic

Jennifer Zaccara*

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 13 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

FY22 Current Parents

Class of 2022

27.6% participation

Sean Allen and Nora Dock P ‘22

Jonathan Bernstein P ‘22

Timothy and Zenobia Brown P ‘22

John and Jacqueline Burgess P ‘22

Alexsandro and Eva Dos Santos P ‘22

Erik and Tania Dube P ‘22

John Geraghty and Debbie Penning P ‘22

Graham and Jennifer Green P ‘22

Stefan Gunther and Lisa Goldberg P ‘22

Vaughan and Marty Hennum P ‘20, ‘22

Jason and Jaime Higgins P ‘22

Family of Alumni


Clare Adams P ‘17, ‘20

Linda Adrian P ‘91

Linda Aitken P ‘11

Lesley Allen P ‘06*

William and Sally Allen

Mark and Theresa Allen P ‘14

Joan Arms P ‘78

Mike and Anne Atkins P ‘15*

John and Amy Bannon P ‘21

Caroline Beebe P ‘89

Jonathan Bernstein P ‘22

Jeffrey and Lisa Bianconi P ‘08, ‘08, ‘11, ‘11, ‘24

Byron and Maureen Boardman P ‘22

Carolyn Boday

Lon and Deborah Bouknight P ‘04*

Tony Broh and Jennifer Hochschild P ‘17

Clinton Brown and Andrea Zacher P ‘14*

Harry ‘63 and Susan Brown P ‘92 (2)

Timothy and Zenobia Brown P ‘22

Tony Broh and Jennifer Hochschild P ‘17

John and Jacqueline Burgess P ‘22

Albert and Anne Burgunder P ‘15*

Jason and Shayne Hill P ‘18, ‘22

Shawne Robinson and Michellana Jester P ‘21, ‘22, ‘25

Robert and Leigh Miles P ‘22

Jennifer Morelock P ‘22

Jorge Spindola and Gabriela Cabuto P ‘22

Class of 2023

37.7% participation

Jennifer Berry P ‘23

Andrew and Erin Boxer P ‘23, ‘26

Andrew and Annette Dey P ‘23

Kate Marshuetz Double ‘91, P ‘23

Mindy Fitzpatrick P ‘23

Betsy Hart P ‘15, ‘18, ‘23

Bobby and Amber Hawkins P ‘23

Karl and Jenn Hofmeister P ‘23

Kirk and Kimberly Holmes P ‘23

Herbert and Julie Johnson P ‘23

Gregg and Sarah Noble P ‘23

Michael Ormont P ‘23

Robert and Regina Pattison P ‘23

Andrew ‘93 and Ellie Pennell P ‘23, ‘24, ‘26

Timothy Ragle and Susan Heimer P ‘23

Rob and Janice Starkey P ‘23

Jeffrey and Lesa Trowt P ‘23

Joseph and Sarah Turner P ‘23

John Watkins and Claudia Jones P ‘23

Jingliang Zhu and Lin Liu P ‘23

Class of 2024

17.6% participation

Jeffrey and Lisa Bianconi P ‘08, ‘08, ‘11, ‘11, ‘24

Patrick Duffy and Darralyn Wenske P ‘24

Matthew Hoffman P ‘24

Ana Hoffman P ‘24

Nicholas and Tamasin Kekic P ‘24

Aaron Norton P ‘24

Mai Norton P ‘24

Seth and Kathleen Pajcic P ‘24

Jack Rasmussen and Jillian Morrison P ‘24

Samuel Tong P ‘24

Class of 2025

21.4% participation

Mike and Lee Darcy P ‘25

Mario Hernandez-Kenyon ‘00 and Krystal Hernandez P ‘25, ‘26

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25 *

James and Kirstin Spielman P ‘25

Yingying Tan and Xiang Feng P ‘25

Eric and Deborah Velto P ‘25

Cameron and Alison Burns P ‘17

Jorge Spindola and Gabriela Cabuto P ‘22

Gretchen Calvert

Sean ‘70 and Joan Campbell P ‘99*

Debra Campbell

Bob Campbell ‘65 P ‘90, ‘92*

Mike and Sally Candello P ‘07*

Virginia Canfield*

Tom and Jeanne Capasse P ‘16*

Patricia Capron

Christopher and Kerri Caputo P ‘22

James and Betty Carpentier P ‘87

Lee Carroll ‘82, P ‘95

Bob Cary ‘56 and Janet Nussmann P ‘86*

Ann Castagnola P ‘01*

Christy Charman P ‘13

Mike Choukas ‘46, P’73, GP ‘94*

Mike Choukas ‘73, P ‘94*

Bill ‘61 and Lura Clark P ‘87*

Frank and Bonnie Codey P ‘17

Larry Cole ‘51, GP ‘93*

LJ and Larissa Combe P ‘25

Joe and Marina Coneeny P ‘06, ‘10

Chris ‘66 and Sue Cota P ‘90, ‘92

Sarah Culkin P ‘84*

Scott and Christine Curtis P ‘16, ‘19

Dan and Mary Davis P ‘99, ‘00, ‘06*

Chayla Deitz P ‘23

John ‘77 and Jennifer Densmore P ‘15*

Kevin and Lisa DiMichele-Stokes P ‘17

Alexsandro and Eva Dos Santos P ‘22

Brad and Bev Dunbar P ‘86, ‘91, GP ‘07, ‘24*

Jayson ‘86 and Marcie Dunbar P ‘07, ‘24

Joe ‘79 and Carole Echanis P ‘08, ‘11, ‘18*

John and Charla Eisele P ‘04

Stephen and Susan Elliott P ‘84*

Anamy Engle P ‘16, ‘19

Todd and Leanne Erickson P ‘06

David and Linda Fink P ‘12

Linda Fisher P ‘13

John and Susan Fitzgibbon P ‘24

Hannah Fleming

Tonia Fleming P ‘18*

Kevin and Betsy Foley P ‘04*

Jim ‘66 and Laura Frey P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08 *

Ithiel and Jo Fuller P ‘19*

Charles and Maryanne Garbowsky

GP ‘18

Guyer and Cheryl Goodnow P ‘21

William and Helen Gordon P ‘03

Graham and Jennifer Green P ‘22

Margaret Grisczenkow P ‘18

Stefan Gunther and Lisa Goldberg

P ‘22

Bob and Marti Harrington P ‘87, ‘91, GP ‘18, ‘21

Betsy Hart P ‘15, ‘18, ‘23

Fanning Hearon and Christy Coyne

P ‘15

William Heeks ‘56, P ‘91*

Vaughan and Marty Hennum P ‘20, ‘22*

Mary Hepburn P ‘81, ‘83*

Anne Herbert P ‘99

Al and Cindy Hibler P ‘96, ‘00,’04

Jason and Jaime Higgins P ‘22

Jason and Shayne Hill P ‘18, ‘21

Catherine Hodgson P ‘89, GP ‘21, ‘25

Howard and Jane Holloway P ‘95

Ken and Judy Holzscheiter P ‘87, ‘89

Michael Horowitz P ‘98*

David Howard P ‘91

Peter and Jan Howe P ‘07, ‘10*

Tom Huntsman P ‘10*

Mark and Mary Iamonaco P ‘16*

Tom ‘72 and Melinda Inglehart P ‘03*

Harry and Barbara Ives P ‘86, ‘87

Ron and Janne Jacobelli P ‘19*

Susan Jewett P ‘91, ‘94, ‘99

Dave and Andrea Johnson P ‘91, ‘94*

Paul and Diane Kelly P ‘84

Marvin Kendrick and Robin Patch P ‘19*

Thomas and Randi Land P ‘05

Chris and Karen Langston P ‘03, ‘05

Amy Lanterman P ‘94, ‘97*

Margaret Lanzetta P ‘93, ‘95

Carolyn Lathrop P ‘76, ‘85

Linda Leary

Robert LeFevre P ‘84, ‘87

Frank and Michele Leonardo P ‘10

Steven and Mary Libutti P ‘21

Karen List

Charles ‘55 and Sue Long P ‘84*

Richard Low and Anne Almond P ‘08

Jim Lyman ‘79, P ‘14

Mary Jane Mackenzie P ‘82, ‘83*

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 14 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Jeep Macnichol P ‘19

Marilyn Mahusky P ‘15, ‘18

Carol Martin P ‘91

Maryann McArdle P ‘96, ‘94, ‘02, ‘06*

John McCall ‘59

Cathy McDermott P ‘18*

Scott ‘83 and Carole McKeon P ‘16

Dan and Dawn McKinley P ‘09

Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ‘79, P ‘14*

Barbara Meyer P ‘84, ‘85

Kathy Michie*

Robert and Leigh Miles P ‘22

Devon Miller

Reed and Karen Miller P ‘15

Jim and Tamra Mooney P ‘11, ‘14

Dave Moore ‘71 and Carol Perley P ‘99*

Jennifer Morelock P ‘22


Kelly Ahlfeld

Jane Ahlfeld

David Ahlfeld

Gig Babson

Christina Baddar

Bob and Patricia Barr

Lawrence Biondo*

David Morse ‘58

Bill and Meg Morton P ‘84*

Daniel Muse and Ann McLean-Muse P ‘01

Judy Nadal GP ‘19, ‘24

Denis ‘60 and April Noonan P’90*

Jeremiah and Mary O’Connor P ‘91

Kevin and Roberta O’Donnell P ‘04, ‘07

Mimi O’Leary P ‘19*

Duncan and Sally Ogden P ‘79, ‘82

Ned and Liz Olmsted P ‘15*

Josh and Sue Orlinsky P ‘21

Claire Outerbridge P ‘88

Bob and Mary Outtrim P ‘03

Sushma Palmer*

John and Rebecca Peloso P ‘19, ‘20*

Nancy and Hugh Pennell P ‘93, ‘94, GP ‘23, ‘24, ‘26

John Geraghty and Debbie Penning P ‘22

Kathi Perkins GP ‘13, ‘14

Susie and Jack Peters P ‘85, ‘88

Harvey ‘58 and Nancy Peterson P ‘81

Bruce ‘69 and Jan Pratt P ‘99

Joseph Prior GP ‘08*

Megan Prior-Collard and Michael Collard*

Wenping Xu Quinn

Keefe Rafferty

Mark Ragonese*

Alan and Diane Raines P ‘06*

Jennipher Ray and Joseph Feloney P ‘20

Albert and Virginia Ray

Tim and Karen Reynolds P ‘02, ‘04

Larry ‘61 and Sara Rice P ‘88*

Dave ‘65 and Eric Robinson P ‘00, ‘02*

Stu ‘45 and Pegge Robinson P ‘71*

John and Martha Ross P ‘08*

Mark and Jane Rudolph P ‘01, ‘04

Dick Sanders ‘52

Falco and Lorna Schilling P ‘03, ‘05, ‘11*

Don ‘55 and Peggy Scholl P ‘81, ‘85*

Harneet and Becky Sethi P ‘20

David Simon and Susan Galvin P ‘20*

Ronald and Patricia Stempien P ‘95

Bridget Storm

Pamela Strain P ‘94

Bob Taft ‘48

Brooke ‘64 and Riitta Tyler P ‘92

Jess Tyson

Bill and Jody Vanderputten P ‘97

Wheaton Vaughan P ‘96

Adrienne and Heather Walker P ‘24

Jane Walsh P ‘97, ‘01

Tom and Mary Walsh P ‘04*

Ronald and Katie Weinger ‘02

Mimi West GP ‘96

Todd and Carla West P ‘06

Jim and Holly Wilson P ‘20*

Kay Wood P ‘84

Scott Wunderle

Tuck Wunderle

Nicholas Yang and Winnie Yang Yung P ‘12

Richard and Carolyn Ziegler P ‘12

Jed and Eebie Zobitz P ‘19*

Jack Zorman P ‘20

Carolyn Boday

Sorrel Brae

Charlie and Hillary Cahn

Karen Callahan

Gretchen Calvert

Virginia Canfield

Stan and Judi Colla*

Kira Crutcher

Marta Deyrup

Jay Gundy

Donna Hamilton

Robert Hannon

Fanning Hearon and Christy Coyne

Mark Herko*

FY22 Businesses, Corporations, and Foundations

Ada Mosher Fund

AmazonSmile Foundation

Bank of America

Bank of America Charitable Foundation*

The Benevity Community Impact Fund*

Blair Family Foundation

Bradford P. Miller Real Estate

Camp-Younts Foundation

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Gifts In Kind

The Charles E. Harwood Trust*

Charles R. and Nancy L. von Maur Charitable Foundation

Cheesecake Brook Fund

Chesaco Motors

Cota & Cota Oil*

Daniel E. Ford Fund

Deslauriers Family Trust

Endeavors Employee Gifting Benefits Program

Fidelity Foundation

Garcia-Canning Family Foundation

Hill Construction Group, Inc.

James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation*

Jancewicz & Son

Jewish Community FoundationLos Angeles

John P. Wait Fund

Keystone Productions, LLC

Leita & William Hamill Family Foundation, Inc.

Melanie Hoffmann*

Brittani-Lee JL King

Susan Leary

Joe and Bonnie Losavio

Rebecca Losavio

Kathy Michie

David Newton*

Sushma Palmer*

Lauren Ramos

Bill Thomas

Donald Tinney

Lindy Toczko

Eric Wakin

Roger Westine

Lincoln Financial Group

The Losam Fund

The Pearson Family Charitable Foundation

Peter and Ann Lambertus Family Foundation Inc.

R W Morse Company LLC

The Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation*

Robert A. Derrenbacker, C.L.U., CHFC Agency

Ruey Brodine Morelli Declaration of Trust

Seattle Foundation

Steven and Michelle Karol Charitable Foundation

Stevenson Brown Porter Fund*

Tidewater Jewish Foundation

Torrey Family Foundation

Waterfall Asset Management

Webster U. Walker, Jr. Foundation Inc.

Jayson ‘86 and Marcie Dunbar P ‘07, ‘24 Casey Cota ‘89, P ‘14,’18 Chris ‘66 and Sue Cota P ‘90, ‘92
VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 15 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
Cota & Cota Oil* Jancewicz & Son

In Honor Of

Lizzie Adams ‘17 and Maggie Adams ‘20

Clare Adams P ‘17, ‘20

Peter Ahlfeld

Sorrel Brae

Marta Deyrup

Jack Aitken ‘11 and Daphne

Cebek Aitken ‘08

Linda Aitken P ‘11

Amalia Allen ‘22 and Cole Allen ‘24

Sean Allen and Nora Dock P ‘22, ‘24

Bob Anderson ‘51

Alan Gould ‘51

Brian Anderson ‘18 and Mary Anderson ‘15

Marilyn Mahusky P ‘15, ‘18

Tadgh Bannon ‘21

John and Amy Bannon P ‘21

Brynna Bartholomew ‘23

Mindy Fitzpatrick P ‘23

Sofia Bianconi ‘24, Julia Bianconi ‘11, Brendan Long ‘11, Kristopher Bianconi ‘08, Kathryn Long Frames ‘08

Jeffrey and Lisa Bianconi P ‘08 (2), ‘11 (2), ‘24

Sofia Bianconi ‘24

Kathryn Long Frames ‘08

Cameron Boardman ‘22

Byron and Maureen Boardman P ‘22

George Boday ‘51

Fred ‘56 and Kris Nichols

Jack Burgess ‘22

John and Jacqueline Burgess P ‘22

Fred & Winifred Burton

Dick Burton ‘54

Steve Cady

Dan Burmester

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Nolan Caruso ‘22

Bill and Jody Vanderputten P ‘97, GP ‘22

Mike Choukas ‘46

John Anderson ‘61

Mac George ‘58

Penn Lardner ‘60

Keith Nightingale ‘61

Cody Collard ‘08

Joseph Prior GP ‘08

Jakob Curtis ‘19

Scott and Christine Curtis P ‘19

Andy Darcy ‘25

Denis and Sharon Crockett GP ‘25

Mike and Lee Darcy P ‘25

Grace Duffy ‘24

Nikolas and Jessica

Reid, Reynolds and Reese

Carrie Berggren Dunn ‘91

Linda Adrian P ‘91

Sam Franz ‘19 and Lexi Filler ‘21

Mimi O’Leary P ‘19, ‘21

Jeremy Fleming ‘18

Hannah Fleming

Tonia Fleming P ‘18

Charles and Maryanne Garbowsky GP ‘18

Tonia Fleming P ‘18

Jeremy Fleming ‘18

Laura and Jim ‘66 Frey P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08

Betty Johnson GP ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08, ‘19

Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Greg Martin

Patrick Ogden ‘19

Roberta and Franklin Geist P ‘84

Barry Wetherbee ‘71

Hale Goodnow ‘21

Guyer and Cheryl Goodnow P ‘21

Abby Hawkins ‘23

Christine Armiger

Robert Hannon

Bobby and Amber Hawkins P ‘23

Mia Hennum ‘22 and Taylor Hennum ‘20

Vaughan and Marty Hennum P ‘20, ‘22

Ava Hill ‘18 and Rex Hill ‘22

Jason and Shayne Hill P ‘18, ‘22

Charlie Hodgson ‘25

James and Peggy Gilbert GP ‘21, ‘25

Lucas Hoffman ‘24

Ana Hoffman P ‘24

Caitlin Holton ‘96, P ‘26

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Henry Horchschild ‘17

Tony Broh and Jennifer Hochschild P ‘17

Chris Iamonaco ‘16

Mark and Mary Iamonaco P ‘16

Ryan Jacobelli ‘19

Ron and Janne Jacobelli P ‘19

Gilbert Jones ‘41

Ward Jones ‘68

Bill Kearney

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Jen Kelly P ‘15, ‘18

John Kelly

Ginger Low ‘08

Richard Low and Anne Almond P ‘08

Maryann McArdle P ‘96, ‘94, ‘02, ‘06

Ramsey Hoehn ‘97

Conor McArdle ‘06

Rosie McArdle DeCamp ‘02

Eddie Miller ‘15

Devon Miller

Wolfgang Morlock ‘22

Jennifer Morelock P ‘22

Sarah Murrow

Sarah Ramian Murrow ‘99

Bill Newman

Whitney Joyce-Fairbrother ‘93

Liz Olmsted P ‘15

Kate Aldrich

Melanie Hoffmann

Sydney Palmiotto ‘24

Robert O’Hara GP ‘21, ‘24

Robin Patch P ‘19

Frank and Bonnie Codey P ‘17

Susannah Pennell ‘23 and Henry Pennell ‘24

Andrew ‘93 and Ellie Pennell P ‘23, ‘24

Pinky Rasmussen ‘24

Jack Rasmussen and Jillian Morrison P ‘24

Ally Reynolds ‘04 and Griffin Reynolds ‘02

Tim and Karen Reynolds P ‘02, ‘04

Peter Sargent ‘63

Harry ‘63 and Susan Brown P ‘92 (2)

Brian Schilling ‘11, Nilsen Schilling ‘05, Falko E. Schilling “03, Falko A. Schilling, Skylar Schilling

Lorna Schilling P ‘03, ‘05, ‘11

Bobbie Schilling and Cedar Schilling

Brian Schilling ‘11

Alton Sherrod ‘82

Matthew Fontaine ‘82

Jeffry Simon ‘20

David Simon and Susan Galvin P ‘20

Erik Sorensen ‘21 and Matthew Sorensen ‘23

Paul Love and Hollie Bowen GP ‘21, ‘23

Rick Stark ‘74

Jay Gundy

Jonathan Stempien ‘95

Ronald and Patricia Stempien P ‘95

Ashley Storrow

Dan Burmester

Andy Tyson ‘99

Karen List

Carolyn Ufford ‘83

Vivian Smith ‘82

Kirk P. Vaughan ‘96

Wheaton Vaughan P ‘96

Aaron Walsh ‘97 and Alex Walsh Guard ‘01

Jane Walsh P ‘97, ‘01

Nicholas B. Wilbur ‘06

Lesley Allen P ‘06

Joe Zobitz ‘19

Jed and Eebie Zobitz P ‘19

Arts at VA

Steve Cady

Advancement Office

Karen Callahan

Jennifer Zaccara

Center for Learning

Peter Ahlfeld

Class of 1979

Tim Burr ‘79

Diane Wilder ‘79

Class of 1991

Bussey Quackenbush ‘91

Class of 1999

Jeremy Herbert ‘99

Jess Tyson

Class of 2002

Christian Lee ‘02

Class of 2004

George Ladd ‘04

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 16 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Class of 2024

Jack Rasmussen and Jillian Morrison P ‘24

In Memory Of

Theodore Andrae ‘82

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Richard Barrett ‘82

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Jerry Barry ‘96

Kirk Vaughan ‘96

Angus C. Black Jr ‘41, P ‘79

John Anderson ‘61

Bob Chase ‘62

Jean Black P ‘79

Robert Black ‘79

Don Brodine

Willis Wood ‘66

Don and Jane Brodine

Ruey Brodine Morelli

Larrie Calvert ‘53

Gretchen Calvert

Bob Campbell ‘37

Jennifer Zaccara

David Canfield ‘53

Virginia Canfield

Arnold Castagner

Chris Holden ‘66

Warren Chivers P ’68, GP ‘03

John Anderson ‘61

Dean Miltimore ‘70

Nita Choukas P ’73, GP ’94

Mike Choukas ‘46, P ’73, GP ’94

Cameron Collins ‘00

Nate Hibler ‘00

Matt Howarth ‘00

VA Faculty

Jo and Ithiel Fuller P ‘19

Liz Olmsted P ‘15

VA Performing and Visual Arts

Miranda Fuller ‘19

VA Science Department

Joe ‘79 and Carole Echanis P ‘08, ‘11, ‘18

Our five children/grandchildren who have been, are, and will be students at VA.

Hugh and Nancy Pennell P ‘93, ‘94, GP ‘23, ‘24, ‘26

Our G, our GG, and our G princess Patrick Duffy and Darralyn Wenske P ‘24

Daniel J. Culkin

Sarah Culkin P ‘84

Jon Curry ‘93

Whitney Joyce-Fairbrother ‘93

Andrew Ward ‘93

John Davies ‘91

Rannie Ibrahim ‘92

Marion S (Hoopes) Ducey P ‘64, ‘68

Pete Hoopes ‘68

Lynn Farber

Dawson Farber ‘66

Maggie Mae Fenney ‘13

Matt ‘95 and Lindsay Eddy

Bridget Grady ‘85

Gwen Meyer ‘85

Nick Grout ‘03

Bob and Patricia Barr

Jim and Colleen Grout P ‘00, ‘03

Corey Grout ‘00

Nate Hibler ‘00

Karen and Chris Langston P ‘03, ‘05

A. Reed Hayes ‘64

Tucker Watts ‘07

Trip Heeks ‘91

Bussey Quackenbush ‘91

Todd Allen Holloway ‘95

Howard and Jane Holloway P ‘95

Melissa Hochschild

Jennifer Hochschild and Tony Broh P ‘17

Pam Howard P ‘91

David Howard P ‘91

Marc Johnson ‘92

Andrew Ward ‘93

Leyeyo Lashuan Kipamba ‘16

Anamy Engle P ‘16, ‘19

Amy Lanterman P ‘94, ‘97

Dick Leary ‘50

Linda Leary

Susan Leary

Laurence Leavitt P ‘49

Larry Cole ‘51, GP ‘93

Edward Longshore ‘38

Carl Longshore ‘82

John Lucy P’68

John Anderson ‘61

Henry Michie ‘72

Kathy Michie

Dan Moore ‘99

Nate Hibler ‘00

Mark “Robie” Palmer ‘59

Sushma Palmer

Anne Parkman

Peter Sawyer ‘78

Dr. David H. Reid ‘35

Bill Reid ‘74

Woodrow Rice ‘37, P ‘61, ‘67, GP ‘88

Larry ‘61 and Sara Rice P ‘88

Wes Roussel ‘82

Timothy Brennwald ‘82

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Claire Ninde ‘82

Rick Beckwith ‘82

Lee Carroll ‘82, P ‘95

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Rob DesLauriers ‘83

Lars Ellison ‘82

Matthew Fontaine ‘82

Andrew Griswold ‘82

Todd McDonagh ‘82

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Mark Pearson ‘82

Jon Scholl ‘81

Keith Wheeler ‘82

Bill Widdoes ‘82

John Russell ‘67

Daulton Mann ‘67

Grace Saville P ‘80, ‘84, ‘89

Mark Saville ‘84

Alice Gay Seeley ‘28

Bob Seeley ‘60

Raymond Sherrod ‘82

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Bob Smith ‘53

Robert Burton ‘53

Pete Powers ‘53

Bryant Taggart ‘53

George Welles ‘53

Gretchen Smith P ‘02

Amber Smith DiPasquale ‘02

Colin Spence ‘88

Claire Outerbridge P ‘88

Bryan Stout ‘82

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Edmund “Beano” Tripp

John Anderson ‘61

Penn Lardner ‘60

Ted Truslow

Nate Burke ‘81

Steve Rockafellow ‘84

Lara Vincent ‘91

Bussey Quackenbush ‘91

Peter Weir ‘51

Rayner Weir ‘49

Ralph O. West ‘42, GP ‘96

Mimi West GP ‘96

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 17 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Endowed Funds

The Vermont Academy Endowment is made up of more than 50 individual funds, most of which are designated to provide perpetual financial support for scholarships, faculty, academic programs, and other endowed programs. Those who have provided gifts to the endowment of Vermont Academy form a strong foundation for our future and are forever a part of the Academy’s history. The following individual endowments represent the legacy of benevolent donors who’ve invested in the long-term growth of Vermont Academy as of June 30, 2022.

George I. Alden Scholarship Fund –

Established in 1990 by the George I. Alden Trust, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Michael Joseph Arato ’09 Scholarship Fund – Established in 2007 in memory of Michael Arato ’09, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students, with a preference for snowboarders who demonstrate high promise for success.

Dr. Azel P. Barney ’14 Scholarship Fund

Established in 1964 through the estate of Dr. Azel P. Barney ’14, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Herbert F. Barry 1895 Fund – Established in 1971 through the will of Herbert F. Barry ’95, this fund supports the activities of the Vermont Academy Alumni Association and the school’s general operations.

George Boday Jr. ’51 Scholarship Fund –

Established in 2000 by the family and friends of George Boday ’51, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Edward C. ’22 and Arthur W. ’14 Bower Scholarship Fund – Established in 1997 through a bequest from Edward C. Bower ’22, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Bob ’37 and Beth Campbell Endowment for the Arts and Lecture Series –

Established in 2006 by Robert M. Campbell ’37, this fund supports Vermont Academy’s arts programs, an annual lecture series, and a scholarship.

Edward R. Cheney ’44 Memorial Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1976 in memory of Edward R. Cheney ’44 (husband of Sally Leavitt Bell), this fund provides scholarship support to qualified students with high academic promise.

Class of 1942 Endowment Fund

– Established in 1992 by Vermont Academy’s Class of 1942 in recognition of their 50th reunion, this fund supports professional growth opportunities for VA’s faculty and staff.

Class of 1956 Endowment Fund –

Established in 2000 through a bequest from J. Michael Harding ’56 in honor of Vermont Academy’s Class of 1956, this fund supports the school’s general operations.

Susan Norton Coleman Scholarship Fund – Established in 2001, this fund provides scholarship support to qualified students with a preference to those from the southwestern United States or to Native American students.

Laura Soule Crane ’29 Scholarship Fund –

Established in 1999 through a bequest from Laura Soule Crane ’29, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Alfred Dixon ’30 Family Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1985 by Dr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Dixon in honor of their family’s tradition of enrollment at Vermont Academy (Dr. Alfred B. Dixon ’30, Alfred Dixon ’61, John Dixon ’62, and John S. Dixon ’90), this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Colleen Donahue ’13 Fund – Established in 2013 by Julia Morrison and her granddaughter Colleen Donahue ’13 in recognition of the invaluable work of Vermont Academy’s Learning Skills faculty, this fund provides support for the Learning Skills Center and its faculty.

Barbara Duboc Scholarship Fund

– Established in 2009 by Charles A. Duboc to honor Elizabeth Duboc’s ’01 grandmother Barbara, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

E.E. Ford Foundation Faculty

Development Fund – Established in 1989 by the Edward E. Ford Foundation, this fund supports professional growth opportunities for VA’s faculty and staff.

Paul W. Glynn ’11 Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1987 by the Glynn estate, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Nicholas M. Grout ’03 Scholarship Fund – Established in 2007 in loving memory of Nick Grout ’03 by his friends and family, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified day students.

Hayes Environmental and Outdoor Fund – Established in 1994 by A. Reed Hayes III ’64, this fund supports environmental and/or outdoor activities as decided by the Head of School.

John W. Hoder ’69 Fly-Fishing Endowment

– Established in 2021, this fund supports tthe School’s fly-fishing program.

Henry Hom Memorial Scholarship Fund

– Established in 2000 by Chi Chiang and Chiu Hom in memory of their son Henry, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified day students who possess good character and high promise for success.

Japha Family Scholarship Fund –

Established in 2001 by Dan, Barb, and Yael ’01 Japha, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified returning students who are positive role models and show a commitment to the Vermont Academy community.

Steven E. Karol ’72 Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1995 by Steve Karol ’72, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Peter Klein ’97 Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 2001 in honor of Peter’s indomitable spirit, inquisitive mind, keen sense of humor, and devotion to the best interest of Vermont Academy, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students who possess good character and high promise for success.

Richard T. Leary ‘50 and Loys Lindgren

Leary Endowed Scholarship Fund –

Established in 2019, this fund provides assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need with a preference for boys’ hockey players. If, in a given year, there is not a qualified student who is a boys’ hockey player, then the award will be given to any student with demonstrated financial need.


Leavitt House Maintenance Fund –

Established in 1982 by Laurence and Dorothy Leavitt, this fund supports the maintenance requirements of Leavitt House, the Head of School’s residence.

Dorothy Hall Leavitt Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1994 by Laurence G. Leavitt and the Vermont Academy Board of Trustees, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Robert L. Long Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund – Established in 1992 by Bruce Foerster, this fund provides discretionary support for the Head of School.

Charles R. Luker ’49 Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 1985 upon the death of Charles R. Luker III ’49, then president of the Vermont Academy Board of Trustees, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified minority students.

McCord Family Scholarship Fund –

Established in 2004 by John McCord ’63 and his parents, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Mooney Family Scholarship Fund –

Established in 2009 in recognition of Jim and Tamra Mooney’s loyalty and commitment to Vermont Academy during their 16 years leading the school, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Susan Johnson Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 1991 by the family of Susan Johnson Murphy (mother of Jennifer Caulfield ’88), this fund provides scholarship support for qualified female boarding students.

William J. Newman Scholarship Fund

– Established in 2007 by Margaret, John, John Jr., Billy ’93 and Allison ’95 Lanzetta in honor of Bill Newman’s 20 years of service to Vermont Academy, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Frederic H. Nichols ‘56 Scholarship Fund – Established in 2020 by Fred Nichols ‘56, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Nutting Family Endowed Scholarship

Fund – Established in 1999 by Edward W. Nutting in honor of his father, William E. Nutting 1898, and the many descendants of Abraham Nutting, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students who display academic potential, determination, and good character.

Samuel B. Pettengill ’04 Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1992 through the estate of Samuel B. Pettengill 1904 and Helen M. Pettengill, this fund provides college scholarship support for qualified VA seniors from Vermont middle-income families.

Reader’s Digest Endowed Scholarship

Fund – Established in 1974, this fund provides partial scholarship support for qualified students from middle-income families after they have completed one year at Vermont Academy.

Thomas O. Richardson ’59 Scholarship

Fund – Established in 1989 by Thomas O. Richardson ’59, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

David Robinson III Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1995 by the family and friends of David Robinson III and from his estate, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Anna A. Russell 1896 Scholarship Fund – Established in 2010 through the bequest of Marianna P. Burke in honor of Anna A. Russell 1896, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students who are Vermont residents.

Robert Hargest Scholl and Katherine Parker Scholl Scholarship Fund –

Established in 1991 by Robert and Katherine Scholl (parents of Bob ’50 and Don ’55 and grandparents of Jeff ’76, Greg ’78,

Jon ’81, and Randy ’84), this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Sheehan Family Scholarship Fund –Established in 2005 by John L. Sheehan ’57, his family, and his friends in memory of his mother, Blanche Osgood Sheehan ’34, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students from Rockingham, VT.

H. Wayne Smith ’67 Memorial Scholarship Fund – Established in 1985 by Claribel Morris Smith ’30 and Dr. H. Wayne Smith in memory of their son, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students whose potential for academic and social achievement at VA and in later life is deemed noteworthy.

William J. Stanton ’31 Fund – Established in 2007 through the estate of Bill Stanton ’31, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

Theodore Karl Tischler Scholarship Fund

– Established in 2001 by David L. White ’52 OBE, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified VA seniors who excel in music or theater, the two fields Ted Tischler brought to life at Vermont Academy.

H. Edmund and Mary E. Tripp Scholarship Fund – Established in 1995 through the estates of Edmund “Beano” Tripp and his sister Mary Tripp, and through gifts by Herbert S. Ellis ’53 and many friends, in honor of Beano’s 35 years of service to Vermont Academy, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified student athletes.

Lou Gilbert Utley 1895 Fund – Established in 1969 through the estate of Lou Gilbert Utley 1895, this fund provides support for general operating expenses.

Peter E. and Elizabeth Blaisdell Van de Water Scholarship Fund – Established in 1985 by more than 300 of the Van de Waters’ friends and associates at St. Lawrence University in honor of their 22 years of

service to that institution, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students.

May Camp and Webster U. Walker Fund

– Established in 2005 by Webster U. Walker Jr. ’51, this fund provides discretionary funds to be used for unanticipated personal needs of the employees and retirees of Vermont Academy.

George Werntz Scholarship Fund

– Established in 1999 by Laurence G. Leavitt to honor his friend and long-time VA trustee George Werntz, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students with a preference to support students of Native American descent.

Winston-Gooding Scholarship Fund –

Established in 1991 by John ’41 and Ethel Gooding in honor of their parents, this fund provides scholarship support for qualified students who possess academic potential, determination, good character, and a genuine love of athletics and the outdoors.

The following funds are managed within the Academy’s endowment but have yet to reach the $50,000 minimum necessary for discrete tracking. These funds may be added to at any time; if you are interested please contact the Advancement Office.

Anne Curtis Barrows Scholarship Fund

Donald T. Brodine Memorial Fund

Brown Family Scholarship

Warren and Jean Chivers

Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of 1991 Scholarship Fund

Class of 1955 Faculty Fund

Clement/Doughty Family Scholarship Fund

Michael Choukas Scholarship Fund

Dwight Cowan Memorial Scholarship

Robert C. Howe ’53 Memorial Fund

Charles Jackson ’42 Award Fund

George T. Leoniak Fund

William S. Luring Support Staff Award Fund

The Jim & Tamra Mooney Scholarship Fund

Sheehan Family Memorial Scholarship Fund

Robert R. & Margaret S. West Memorial Library Fund


FY22 Gifts to Endowed Funds

Donald Brodine Memorial Fund

Ruey Brodine Morelli

Frederic H. Nichols ‘56

Scholarship Fund

Fred ‘56 and Kris Nichols*

George Boday Jr. ‘51 Scholarship Fund

Alan Gould ‘51*

John W. Hoder ‘69 Fly-Fishing Endowment

John Hoder ‘69

May Camp and Webster U. Walker Jr. Fund

Joy Walker Lane

Webster Walker Jr. Foundation

Nicholas M. Grout ‘03

Scholarship Fund

Mark and Margie Curran P ’03

Jim, Colleen, and Corey ’00 Grout

Restricted and Other Gifts

Fuller Hall Classroom Renovation

Betty Johnson GP ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08, ‘19

Leavitt Memorial Patio

Chris ‘66 and Sue Cota P ‘90, ‘92

Herb and Annmarie Ellis ‘53

Observatory Improvements

Robert Kesler

Science Department Improvements

Greg Chase ‘61†

Lincoln Financial Group

VA Futures Fund

Todd and Robin Copeland P ‘20

Tidewater Jewish Foundation

Vermont Academy Parents’ Association

Rebecca Best-Besson P ‘25

Jeffrey and Lisa Bianconi P ‘08, ‘08, ‘11, ‘11, ‘24

Charles Butler

Mike Choukas ‘73, P ‘94

Andrew and Annette Dey P ‘23

Erik and Tania Dube P ‘22

Jayson ‘86 and Marcie Dunbar

P ‘07, ‘24

Lynn Eckhardt P ‘79, ‘81, GP ‘14

Dave Hodgson ‘89 and Amanda Gilbert-Hodgson P ‘21, ‘25

Keefe and Ryan Harrison P ‘24

Bobby and Amber Hawkins

P ‘23

Vaughan and Marty Hennum

P ‘20, ‘22

Jason and Jaime Higgins P ‘22

Amy Howard ‘91

Peter Jagoda ‘65

Nicholas and Tamasin Kekic P ‘24

Nicole Losavio

Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ‘79, P ‘14

Peter and Jennifer Palmiotto

P ‘21, ‘24

Wenping Xu Quinn

Rick Stark ‘74

Francis Willett ‘86 and Alicia Fonash-Willett P ‘21, ‘25

Jennifer Zaccara

Wes Roussel ‘82 Memorial Disc Golf Project

Rick Beckwith ‘82

Lee Carroll ‘82, P ‘95

Seamus Crotty ‘82

Rob DesLauriers ‘83

Lars Ellison ‘82

Rich Farrell ‘82

Matthew Fontaine ‘82

Andrew Griswold ‘82

Todd McDonagh ‘82

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Mark Pearson ‘82

Donald Poole ‘83

Jon Scholl ‘81

Keith Wheeler ‘82

Bill Widdoes ‘82

I came to VA mid-year as a sophomore and my dormmates immediately brought me under their wing. We are a very tight knit community, very welcoming and open. As a tour guide, I constantly tell prospective students that your teachers aren’t just your teachers. They play multiple roles on the campus and off-campus. A dorm parent may also be an advisor, a history teacher and a coach, which is very cool. They don’t just see you as a kid; they really care deeply for you as an individual and a person with many interests. I’ve had some of my deepest conversations with Mr. Velsor, Ms. Holton ’96, P ’26, and Ms. McNealus ’79, P ’14. I love them all. I’ve visited a few liberal arts colleges and realized that VA has a small liberal arts way about it.”

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 20 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.
I am having a really good year because I recognize how much is required to succeed academically, and I give Ms. Lanterman in the Center for Learning a lot of credit for this. She helps me with preparation and knowing myself well, whether it’s about my interests or capabilities. It’s just the right balance to help me learn and succeed.”

Leavitt Society

The Laurence and Dorothy Leavitt Society was established in 1998 to honor and recognize alumni and friends of Vermont Academy who support the future of the Academy by making a bequest provision, life income gift, or other planned gift commitment to the Academy.

Vermont Academy thanks all those listed below for their generosity to the school by including VA in their estate plans. For more information about how to include VA in your plans, please contact the Advancement Office at (802) 869-6260 or


Samuel B. Pettengill †


C. P. Bowles †


Edward Bower †

Lindley Robinson †


Louise Thompson †


Thelma Carroll †

Ralph Rowley †


Laura Crane †


William French †


William Stanton †


Kenneth Allen †

Robert Wetherby †


Bob Campbell †

George Thompson †


Bruce George †


J. Whitney Brown †

Gene Kinney †

Henry Mears †


Angus Black †

John Gooding †

John McMaster †

Edmund Platt †


George Bentley †


Bill Jordan †


Chad Smith †


Stan Billings †

Angus Hebb †

John Luce †


Edward Clark †

Charles Hoffer

David Maysilles †


Roger Evans †

George Sperry †

Bob Taft


Richard Leavitt †

Rayner Weir


Ted Everett †

Charles Harwood †

Skip Howard

Bob Ley †

Alastair MacDonald †

Bob Scholl †

Jack Wait †


Bob Anderson

Larry Cole

Alan Gould

Edward Janeway †

Dwight Kahlo †

Web Walker †

Win Wood †


Phillip Carter

David White †


Robert Burton

Larrie Calvert †

David Canfield †

Herb Ellis

Herbert Kaplan †


Don Megathlin


Bob Derrenbacker

John Naramore †

Bob O’Brien


Bob Cary

Mike Harding †

Fred Nichols

Ridler Page


Art Kelton

Andrew MacKechnie

Jack Sheehan †


William Corliss

Alan Danovitch

Newton Gardner

Harvey Peterson

Stevenson Porter †


Tom Richardson

Paul Slosberg †


Dan Brown


Greg Chase †


Don Hubert

Russell Fellows

Peter Flatow

Fred Flavin


John McCord


William Cooper

Reed Hayes †

Dave Koepf


Pete Lane


Bill Aldrich

Nick Harvey

Rob Lord †


Brad Miller


David Holton


John Hoder


Dean Miltimore


H.S. Wright III


Stu Eisenkraft


Betsy Parks

VA Family Members

Gig Babson

Azel Barney †

Betsy Bentley

Homer Bogart †

Marge Carr †

Arnold Castagner †

Gail Chase †

Crawford Coombes †

Gail Craddock

Bobby Crockett

Charles Crockett

Rosalie Cutter

Karen Elting

Ruth Fuller

Karen Hebb

Mary Hepburn

Bill Herbert †

Anne Herbert

Linda Leary

Larry Leavitt †

Monica Ley

William Luring †

Francis Lussier †

Ruth MacKechnie †

Craig Miller

Nancy Miller

Ed Nutting †

Ryan Ostebo †

Anita Williams Peck †

Frances Macartney Porter †

June Prue†

John F. Rice

Josefina Rice

Bob Scholl †

Betty Smith †

Toby Sprague †

Betty Sullivan †

Lawrence Sullivan

Harriette Wood †

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 21 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

FY22 Volunteers

We are so grateful to the scores of volunteers who help us engage our community and reach our goals each year.


Tom Capasse P ‘16

Mike Choukas ‘73, P ‘94

Chris Cota ‘66, P ‘90, ‘92 Chair

Jayson Dunbar ‘86, P ‘07, ‘24

Matt Galanes Treasurer

Vaughan Hennum P ‘20, ‘22

What I love so much about this school is learning outside of the classroom with more hands-on learning than just opening a textbook. We go outside and see this land in its natural habitat rather than just talking about it and looking at pictures. Last year, we used to go up to the sugar bush for class, and I would just completely isolate myself and look at the trees and nature and be by myself up there. We marked different trees, and throughout the course of the year, we kept checking up on them to see how they changed in the environment. If we went up right now, I could probably still pick out my tree. It was definitely something cool to do.”

Jeremy Herbert ‘99 Treasurer

David Holton ‘68

Bill Hosley ‘73

Amy Howard ‘91 Secretary

Mary Libutti P ‘21

Cathy McDermott P ‘18

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Dia Parker-McWhorter Riegler ‘02

Linda Saarnijoki Vice-Chair

Jeannlis Sanchez ‘00

Ty Tregellas

Deborah Wijnhoven ‘86

Diane Wilder ‘79

Trustee Emeritus

Gene Hays ‘55

Hugh Pearson ‘54

Vermont Academy Alumni Council

George Atkins ‘15 Secretary

Sean Bersell ‘77 Executive Committee Member at Large

Pat Cutrona ‘06

Amber Smith DiPasquale ‘02


Joe Dodi ‘84

Kate Marshuetz Double ‘91, P ‘23

Executive Committee Member at Large

Keenan Fisher ‘13

Corey Grout ‘00

James Harris ‘06

Nate Hibler ‘00

Dave Hodgson ‘89, P ‘21, ‘25

Caitlyn McDermott ‘18

Eddie Miller ‘15

Tom Oxholm ‘82


Sandy Preston ‘65

Dia Parker-McWhorter Riegler ‘02


Cam Scully-Ramirez ‘10

Dick Shanaman ‘53

Jesse Thompson ‘90

Ian Tovell ‘08

Chase Vaughan ‘11

Russ Vogel ‘63

Andrew Ward ‘93

George Welles ‘53

Diane Wilder ‘79

Vermont Academy Parents’ Association Leadership

Lisa Bianconi P ‘08, ‘08, ‘11, ‘11, ‘24

Mike Darcy P ‘25

Keefe Harrison P ‘24

Amber Hawkins P’23

Vaughan Hennum P ‘20, ‘22


Krystal Hernandez P ‘25, ‘26

Jaime Higgins P ‘22

Nina Marchese P ‘21, P ‘22

Seth Pajcic P ‘24

Jennifer Palmiotto P ‘21, ‘24


Francis Willett ‘86, P ‘21, ‘25

Class Representatives

Frank Jackson ‘45

Les Smith ‘49

Bob Anderson ‘51

Darrel Clowes ‘52

George Welles ‘53

Don Megathlin ‘54

Gene Hays ‘55

Don Scholl ‘55, P ‘81, ‘85

Fred Nichols ‘56

Bill Morton ‘57

David Morse ‘58

Don McInnes ‘59

Dan Brown ‘60

Penn Lardner ‘60

George Yeomans ‘60

Reg Blauvelt ‘61, GP ‘25

Keith Nightingale ‘61

Dick Weeks ‘62

Russ Vogel ‘63

Toby Hoopes ‘64

Craig Baab ‘65

Augustus Clement ‘65

Rick Janis ‘66

Whitney Gay ‘67

Rick Moulton ‘67

Rick Sacknoff ‘68

John Hoder ‘69

Mark Russell ‘69

Bernard Hoyes ‘70

Rich Patterson ‘70

Bud Wilkinson ‘71

Tom Inglehart ‘72, P ‘03

Charlie Gunn ‘73

Sean Bersell ‘77

Class Representative Chair

Peter Sawyer ‘78

Alison Hussey Cummings ‘79

Jane Ogden ‘79

Larry Echanis ‘80

Al Simon ‘81

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Keith Canning ‘83

Dan Dougherty ‘83

Adam Tschorn ‘83

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 22 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

Mark Culkin ‘84

Andy Bigelow ‘85

Chris Stevens ‘85

Francis Willett ‘86, P ‘21, ‘25

Sarah Frederick Lehrich ‘87

Diana Gleeson ‘88

Henry Ammons ‘89

Taryn McCarthy ‘89

Ann Afragola Jones ‘90

Amy Howard ‘91

Betsy Adams ‘92

Noel Chipman ‘93

Erika Gustafson ‘95

Kirk Vaughan ‘96

Sarah Weilbrenner Viteri ‘97

Alex Law ‘98

Kate Abernethy Turner ‘98

Katherine Farkas Dawes ‘99

Sarah Ramian Murrow ‘99

Andy Tyson ‘99

Annual Giving Chair

Matt Howarth ‘00

Jeannlis Sanchez ‘00

Kristin Dubak ‘01

Alex Walsh Guard ‘01

Andrew Guard ‘01

Corey Esau Jaworski ‘01

Amber Smith DiPasquale ‘02

John Penney ‘02

Christina Flood Downing ‘03

Kyle Nelligan ‘03

Andrew Robinson ‘03

Ed Duess ‘04

Erik Frost ‘05

Austin DeLonge ‘06

Zach Jandl ‘06

Kait Schiro-Ferreira ‘07

Paulina Borrego ‘08

Cam Scully-Ramirez ‘10

Kelly Johnson ‘11

Chase Vaughan ‘11

Shelby Johnson ‘12

Thomas Savoca ‘12

Ari Beauregard ‘13

Sam Gillingham ‘13

Leyte McNealus ‘14

Erik Nielsen ‘14

George Atkins ‘15

Eddie Miller ‘15

Tanner Dalton ‘16

Jay Little ‘16

Cara Linder ‘17

Guy Piccolo ‘17

Ava Hill ‘18

Jamie Kuesel ‘18

Zoee Blossom ‘19

Patrick Ogden ‘19

John Peloso ‘19

Lauren Eppinger ‘20

Gigi Wood ‘20

Maggie Hodgson ‘21

Matt Sorensen ‘21

Amalia Allen ‘22

Mia Hennum ‘22

Alumni Speakers

Miguel Allport ‘07

Corina Belle-Isle ‘80, P ‘11

Ari Beauregard ‘13

Tim Brennwald ‘82

Scott Buckley ‘02

Bill Chapman ‘67

Ted Chivers ‘68, P ‘03

Casey Cota ‘89, P ‘14, ’18

Katherine Farkas Dawes ‘99

Andrew Guard ‘01

James Harris ‘06

Chris Kenefick ‘06

Alana Lopez ‘15

Bill Morton ‘57

Matt Neuman ‘03

Noah Shanok ‘93

Hillary Talbot ‘04

Athletic Hall of Fame Selection Committee

Ted Chivers ‘68, P ‘03

Jim Frey ‘66, P ‘89, ‘92, ‘94, ‘08

Brian Gilloran

Dave Hodgson ‘89, P ‘21, ‘25

Nicole Losavio

Brooke Mooney ‘14

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Jennifer Zaccara

Florence R. Sabin Class of 1889 Distinguished Alumni Award Selection Committee

Chris Cota ‘66

Joe Dodi ‘84

Nicole Losavio

Kate Marshuetz Double ‘91, P ‘23

Rick Moulton ‘67

Fred Nichols ‘56

Tom Oxholm ‘82

One Day for VA Video

Brian Allen ‘14

Amber Smith DiPasquale ‘02

Mario Hernandez-Kenyon ‘00, P ‘25, ‘26

Ana Hernandez-Merkle ‘25

Reunion Outreach Committee

George Atkins ‘15

Ali Hussey Cummings ‘79

Robin Vanderputten Del Giorno ‘97

Amber Smith DiPasquale ‘02

Keenan Fisher ‘13

Jeff Gibson ‘98

Christian Lee ‘02

Eddie Miller ‘15

Rick Moulton ‘67

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Jeannlis Sanchez ‘00

Andrew Tonna ‘78

Ian Tovell ‘08

Andy Tyson ‘99

Chase Vaughan ‘11

The simple act of observing our campus is really powerful and photography offers a deeper way to build your relationship with your surroundings, simply by going out and taking pictures. One reason I love black and white photography is because you see this form of art in an entirely different way. I am so happy that Mr. Velsor introduced it to us. With this 35mm camera, we are looking at tones and shapes; it reduces and simplifies it, yet makes it more complex and more beautiful. I can’t wait to have an elective class for black and white photography.”

Kirk Vaughan ‘96

Russ Vogel ‘63

Sarah Weilbrenner Viteri ‘97

George Welles ‘53

Diane Wilder ‘79

Francis Willett ‘86

Mark Zayac ‘82

Reunion Gathering Volunteer

George Atkins ‘15

Corina Belle-Isle ‘80

Sarah Campbell ‘80

Nicole Goguen ‘82

Tom Oxholm ‘82

Eddie Miller ‘15

David Morse ‘58

Rick Moulton ‘67

George Welles ‘53

VERMONT ACADEMY 20 21-20 22 ANNUAL REPORT 23 *Designates 5 or more consecutive years of giving | † Designates a donor who has passed away | This report is for FY 2022, spanning July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, if there is an error or ommission please contact the Advancement Office.

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