Vision support

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You may have experienced the feeling of having been without sun protec4on for a long 4me. The sensa4on when your skin reddened and feels painful to the touch? This is because our bodies are under a/ack from intense radia4on!

The re4na of the eye, as well as the skin, also suffer from solar radia4on every day. Moreover, the re4na gets an addi4onal dose of radia4on from TVs and computer monitors,

and the only thing that STANDS UP to this harmful factor is

a thin and vulnerable

layer of pigment!

The con4nuous effects of radia4on, stress, hyponutri4on and smoking

result in the destruc4on of this protec4ve layer, and in 4me this may lead to irreversible vision damage!

This is why it is vital for the human organism to get all the necessary substances for restoring and strengthening the pigment layer.

These are the carotenoid group pigments, especially

Zeaxanthin and Lutein

Regular Zeaxanthin and Lutein consump4on has been proven to decrease macular degenera4on by nearly 10%. * *ACCORDING TO THE LONGSTANDING INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH on AREDS

With a significantly increased exposure to glare we need a huge amount of these pigments! But their quan4ty in the modern diet is

con4nually on the decrease

As a result the re4na and crystalline lens lose their reserve of

safe-­‐light filters

and our vision declines.

To solve this problem Siberian Health has developed a unique product – a chronobiological vision support complex.

SynchroVitals VII

ü  ü  ü

Contains 100% of the daily value of such carotenoids as: Lutein and Zeaxanthin (natural safe-­‐light filters), Beta-­‐carotene (a basic for vision) Three anthocyanins containing herbal extracts (the substances that improve the blood supply for our eye vessels) Addi4onally enriched with Vitamin C (the an4oxidant that protect the eyes against free radicals)

SynchroVitalsVII The product was developed respec4ng the visual organs’ biorhythms, and that means an ideal combina4on of ingredients!

The morning complex:

Hibiscus extract, Karelian blueberry extract, Altai Aronia extract

The evening complex:

Acerola extract, Rose hips extract, FloraGlo Natural Lutein, CaroCare Natural Beta-­‐ carotene, lipidic Vitamin С, Op4Sharp Natural Zeaxanthin

SynchroVitals VII


As we age, the consequent changes to our visual system make the need for carotenoids increase even further! Siberian Health has the answer to this challenge as well:


Lutein and Zeaxanthin Superconcentrate

Containing 200% of the daily value of pigments For quick and effec4ve support!

TRIMEGAVITALS. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

ü A high level of bioavailability ü Rich in ac4ve components ü Long-­‐las4ng effects ü An addi4onal quan4ty of Vitamin Е ü An ideal 5:1 propor4on of Lutein and Zeaxanthin

TRIMEGAVITALS. Lutein and Zeaxanthin



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