Pédiatrie Dentistry
Zinc oxide-eugenol pulpotomy and stainless steel crown restoration of a primary molar Theodore P, Croll* / Constance M. Killian* * The most dtirable and reliable method of retaining a primary molar in the motith after a pulpotomy procedure is complete-coverage restoration with a preformed stainless steel crown. This paper describes a method for performing pitlpotomy and stainless steel crown restoration of a primary molar. Neither formocresol, ghiteraldehyde, nor calcium hydroxide is tised during the pulpotomy phase of the treatment. (Quintessence Int 1992:23:383-388.)
Informal surveys of general dentists reveal that many who treat children seldom use stainless steel crowns for primary molars. Some dentists do not even have preformed stainless steel crown kits in their office supply inventory. When dentists are queried as to why they are reltictant to use stainless steel crowns, the usual response is that the dental school experience in pédiatrie dentistry casts a negative light on such "advanced" concepts as stainless steel crowns. Pédiatrie dentists, especially those in nonQuoridated areas or other regions with a high prevalence of caries, would be severely hampered in treating eotnplex carious le-
sions or malformed or severely traumatized primary canines and molars if preformed stainless steel crowns were not availahle. While the debate continues over the hest type of intrapulpal space medication for use during pulpotomy procedures for primary teeth, a surprisingly simple method of pulpotomy has received httle attention. However, the method has proved most valuable and reliable in clinical use over the past 20 years. This paper documents a step-hy-step procedure for restoration of a pulpally involved primary first molar using a thick paste of zinc oxide-eugenol alone as the pulpal space obturation material. The pulpotomy is followed hy immediate placement of a customadapted, preformed stainless steel crown. Technique
* Private Practice, Pédiatrie Dentistry, Doyiestown, Pennsylvania; Clinica) Associate Professor, Department of Pcdiatric Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medieine; Adjunct Professor, Department of Pédiatrie Dentistry, University of Texas, Healtb Science Center at Houston {Dental Branch), ** Private Practice, Pédiatrie Dentistry; Doyiestown, Pennsylvania; Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pédiatrie Dentistry, University ol Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Address all correspondence toDrT, P. Croll, Georgetown Commons. Suite 2, 708 Shady Retreat Road, Doylestowu, Pennsylvania 18W1,
Quinlessence International
Volume 23, Number 6/1992
The zinc oxide-eugcnol pulpotomy and stainless steel crown procedure is performed as shown in Figs 1 to 17. Discussion
Prospective success of a pulpotomy begins during the treatment-planning phase of the procedure. If careful criteria are used to evaluate the tooth for which pulpotomy is planned, the prognosis for long-term success is better. 383