Table of contents 1 - Section 1 nominal ledger Nominal Ledger Functions...................................................................................................................................... 1-7 Asset Register.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-14 SECTION 1 WORKBOOK.....................................................................................................................................15
2 - Section 2 ad-hoc enquires General Queries...................................................................................................................................................16-32 Global Queries......................................................................................................................................................33-35 User Queries........................................................................................................................................................ 36-37 SECTION 2 WORKBOOK.................................................................................................................................... 38
3 - Section 3 postings from modules VSB Stock postings.............................................................................................................................................. 39-47 Fix 9*9505 date error......................................................................................................................................... 48-49 VSB Other postings............................................................................................................................................. 50-53 Fix 9*9504 date error............................................................................................................................................... 54 VSB Estimated & Profit & loss.......................................................................................................................... 55-58 VSB Balance Sheet Accounts.............................................................................................................................59-61 Point of Sale Postings...........................................................................................................................................62-73 SECTION 3 WORKBOOK.....................................................................................................................................74
4 - Section 4 sales & purchase ledger Display Sales Ledger Accounts..........................................................................................................................75-91 Display Purchase Ledger Accounts................................................................................................................. 92-117 Batch Input of Documents............................................................................................................................. 118-123 SECTION 4 WORKBOOK...................................................................................................................................124
5 - Section 5 EOD reports Various EOD reports......................................................................................................................................125-129 SECTION 5 WORKBOOK.................................................................................................................................. 130
6 - Section 6 rolling period ends General Information/Checks..................................................................................................................................131 Closing Sales Ledger........................................................................................................................................ 132-133 Closing Vehicle Stockbooks.......................................................................................................................... 134-140 Closing Purchase Ledger................................................................................................................................. 141-142 Closing VAT........................................................................................................................................................143-146 Closing Nominal Ledger..................................................................................................................................147-148 SECTION 6 WORKBOOK...................................................................................................................................149
7 - Section 7 supplement Various help supplements.............................................................................................................................. 150-165
Section 1 Nominal ledger functions Displaying nominal ledger account If you know the Nominal account number you can type it in the account box and then press the Tab key to display the account
Main details tab shows b/fwd. balance current transactions, c/fwd. balance future postings
Section 1 Nominal ledger functions Displaying account code History tab
Clicking on the box will show the transactions for that period.
Right click the transaction and select. Drill into daybook item to show the double entry
Section 1 Nominal ledger functions Account enquiry
Brings back everything including zeros, not useful. Brings back any account with a balance in B/forward. Brings back any account that has a balance in current period. Brings back any account that has a balance in a future period. This is the most useful and will bring back the account only if it contains a non-zero balance.
Totals is useful for getting a total of a department or specific expense code across a number of departments. 3
Section 1 Chart of accounts Nominal account structure Nominal Codes Nominal ledger codes are created from two elements a) Cost centre – This represents a department b) Expense code – This represents the individual code within the ledger The account code is a VALID combination of the two.
Cost centres – 4 Digits Long 0000 Balance Sheet (or any code ending **00) 0010 New Cars Retail 0011 New Cars Fleet 0012 New CV 0015 Used Cars 0016 Used CV 0030 Parts 0035 Service 0036 Rapid Fit 0037 Bodyshop 0080 Overheads
Expense codes – 6 Digits Long 000998 – P/L Stats contra 000999 – B/S Stats Contra 1000 – 2999 Generic Vehicle codes (MBI Finance Etc.) 3000 – 3999 Parts Sales Codes 4000 – 4999 Service Sales Codes 7000 – 7999 Departmental Expenses 8000 – 8999 Overhead Codes 10000 – 199999 Vehicle codes New by Model & sale type Used by sale type 909000 – 999999 Balance Sheet codes 4
Section 1 Nominal ledger transactions Nominal transactions The nominal transaction is created when a record is saved, and can come from a number of sources.
Vehicle The record is saved either intentionally or automatically when a document is produced.
Parts/sublet When goods are received into stock and the record saved
WIP The record can be saved by selecting next wip or again when a document is produced.
Verification When the process is completed it is saved.
Asset Register An asset posts as soon as you save or take depreciation process
PL invoice register A document is posted when “post” is taken.
Cash posting, cheque and BACS run Upon taking “post”
Generate and Print SL document When the document is saved
Section 1 Nominal ledger transactions Transaction life cycle figure Invoice Buffer
Current Transaction Archive
Daybook Printed Either Immediate (accounts) or at EOD
Posted at status “ “ blank Status changed to “P”
Transaction posted
Day End routine to clear invoice buffer
Transaction Transaction removed remains
Transaction Life Action Transaction created as above
Month End – Archive criteria NOT met
Transaction remains
Month end – Archive criteria met
B/F Total created
Year End – All Profit and Loss accounts
Transaction Transaction posted removed
Year End – Balance sheet – archive criteria NOT met
Transaction remains
Year End – Balance sheet – archive criteria met
B/F Total created
Year End Plus 1 Month – Current Archive transactions
Previous Archive
Transaction posted
Transaction posted Transaction Transaction removed posted
Section 1 Nominal ledger transactions Archive criteria The archive criteria are based on the “Open item” flag set against each expense code and can be found by going into Display Account and selecting Expense code tab.
The options are: N– No open item – The transactions are added together by batch and posted as a single entry and are archived at month end. Y – Year – Transactions are posted individually and held on the transaction file until a year end is performed and then they are archived. M – Month – Transactions are posted individually and they are archived at Month end. R – Rolling – Transactions are posted individually and held on the transaction file for a specified number on Months and then they are archived. (This – if used – is usually set at 3 Months). S – Suffix open item – Transactions are posted individually with a suffix identifier, at a Month end the transactions with each suffix are added up and if the total is zero they are archived, if NOT they are left in the transaction file. B – Suffix Balance – Transactions are posted individually with a suffix identifier, at a Month end the transactions with each suffix are added up and if the total is zero they are archived, if NOT a total single entry is created for each suffix. C – Reconciled – Transactions are posted individually and remain in the transaction file, during the month they may reconciled using the “Bank reconciliation” process, reconciled items are archived and a brought forward total of reconciled items is created, if NOT reconciled they are left in the transaction file. c – Contra – As above transactions are posted individually and remain in the transaction file, during the month they may reconciled using the “Bank reconciliation” process (debits and credits reconciled must come to zero), reconciled items are archived, if NOT reconciled they are left in the transaction file. 7
Section 1 Asset register functions Asset register The asset register is fully integrated which means that all actions made here will affect the nominal.
Asset received and created under a classification on system – Asset NL and Reserve NL are held on the classification record
Asset NL 909002 100.00
Asset Purchase suspense 909017 100.00
Invoice received from supplier and registered on PL
Invoice register suspense 909332 100.00 VAT 20.00
Purchase Ledger 909500 120.00
Invoice Passed (Coded to Asset suspense)
Asset Purchase Suspense 909017 100.00
Invoice Register Suspense 909332 100.00
Supplier Paid
Purchase Ledger 909500 120.00
Bank Account 909430 120.00
Asset Depreciation run executed (depreciation over 10 periods = 100 / 10 * 1) – Depreciation NL and cost centre are decided at time of creation.
Depreciation Charge e.g. 0035 7835 10.00
Asset Reserve NL e.g. 909003 10.00
Asset Disposed of Sold for 95.00
Asset Reserve NL 909003 10.00 Disposal Profit/Loss 80 8440 90.00 Asset Sales Suspense 909018 95.00
Asset NL 909002 100.00
Sales Ledger 909300 114.00
Asset Sales Suspense 909018 95.00 VAT 19.00
Year End Plus 1 Month – Current Archive transactions
Disposal Profit/ Loss 80 8440 95.00
Section 1 Asset register Creating an asset Asset register
2 - Select the asset class
3 - Fill in asset details
Add/modify assets
1 - Press Create button before you start
4 - Change cost centre to appropriate department
Section 1 Asset register
Fill in asset purchase details
When finished, click Create
The system then makes a posting to 0000/909017. Code your purchase invoice to this nominal code.
Section 1 Asset register Editing an asset Amendments to assets can be made through Add/modify assets.
Click on the asset class to choose the category of asset, then click on asset item to choose the asset you wish to modify and click the ‘Amend’ button
When you have finished making changes click the Save button.
Section 1 Asset register Depreciation Asset register
Depreciation process
Double check that depreciation has not already been run for the month by looking at the Date of last depreciation.
Click Update and report button and enter the date that you wish the posting for depreciation to be made (normally the last day of the month).
Section 1 Asset register Disposal Asset register
Select the asset class and item number of the asset that you wish to dispose of. Then fill in the details:
When finished click Process. The system then makes a posting to 0000/909018. You should now produce a generate and print invoice in the Sales Ledger module for the Sale of the Asset and code the invoice to 909018.
Section 1 Asset register Asset reports Asset register
Reports & enquiries
Vertu Reports
Section 1 Workbook
Q1. How man digits make up the full nominal ledger account code? A1.
Q2. Calculate out the following Asset addition: A2. Tyre machine purchased for ÂŁ6000 including VAT from Tyres4u.
a. What is figure you would enter in the Initial cost field?
b. What would the monthly depreciation be?
c. What would the double entry be on creating the asset?
Q3. Your Nominal Ledger is currently in April, you are looking for a transaction going back to January what option should you take? A3. a. Current
b. Archive
c. Previous Year
Q4. Look at Account code 0000 909450, filter on transactions with a value of (10,000), how many transactions do you get back? A4. Q5. Looking at the transactions on this account, what is the double entry on the transaction with suffix 700003? A5.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries Each module in the Kerridge system has a simple report writing option which is available to all users. It is located under the Reports & Enquiries menu and called Enquiries Menu and is designed to provide a quick and easy way of interrogating the system. Most users can become proficient in its use with a minimum amount of training. In addition to producing hard copy reports it can be used to display information and to produce excel files. The aim of this section is to provide an overview of what you can do with the ad-hoc function.
If you select the ‘ad-hoc’ option form the menu you are then presented with a list of available files. See example below:
All these files hold key pieces of information which can be retrieved through the ad-hoc function. The file you select will depend on what information you want to see – as not all files hold the same information. 16
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries files sales ledger The Main files that contain just about everything that you are ever likely to need are as follows: Sales Ledger Account Header
Holds all the information about the account Such as credit limit, name, address, DOES NOT HOLD ANY TRANSACTION DETAILS
Key file - holds ALL information on all transactions that are not yet archived.
Archived Trans
Key file – holds ALL information on all transactions that have been archived.
Holds information on all payments processed through Sales Ledger – that aren’t in archive.
Archived Payments Holds information on all payments processed through Sales Ledger – that are in archive. ALL THESE FILES CAN BE FOUND ON THE SALES LEDGER MAIN AD-HOC MENU
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries files purchase ledger Purchase Ledger Account Header
Holds all the information about the account Such as credit limit, name, address, DOES NOT HOLD ANY TRANSACTION DETAILS
Key file - holds ALL information on all transactions that are not yet archived.
Archived Trans
Key file – holds ALL information on all transactions that have been archived.
Holds information on all payments processed through Purchase Ledger – that aren’t in archive.
Archived Payments
Holds information on all payments processed through Purchase Ledger – that are in archive.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquires files nominal ledger Nominal Ledger Account Header
Holds all the information about the account code – contains all the same information as ‘Display account details’ DOES NOT HOLD ANY TRANSACTION DETAILS - ONLY THE HEADER RECORD.
Key file - holds ALL information on current transactions – also links back to cost centre & expense code for even more information.
Archived Transactions Key file – holds ALL information on all archived transactions - also links back to cost centre & expense code for even more information. Previous Transactions Key file – holds ALL information on all previous year transactions - also links back to cost centre & expense code for even more information. It will prompt for the year you want to search. Cost Centres
Holds information on the cost centre – not much use.
Expense Code
Holds information on the expense code – not much use.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries files vehicle stockbooks Vehicle Stockbooks Vehicle Specification
Holds all the information about any lines in the specification & nonrecoverable cost pages of the vehicle – DOES NOT HOLD ANY STATUS or MAIN VEHICLE DETAILS.
New vehicle Stock
Key file - holds ALL information on any New vehicle that has ever been in VSB – holds nearly every field you see when looking at a car in VSB
Used Vehicle Stock
Key file – holds ALL information on any Used vehicle that has ever been in VSB – holds nearly every field you see when looking at a car in VSB
All the other files hold information that really won’t be any good to you, these 3 files will hold any information that you might need
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen Understanding the main screen. On entering ad-hoc you may get a message that asks about ‘linking files’ always say OK!
Once in the main screen you can select the buttons to the right to help you compile your enquiry.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen The main button is the ‘fields’ key which allows you to make a selection of what data you want to see.
These ‘fields’ are just different pieces of data held in the system. Once toggled the system places these ‘fields’ on the top line of page. To select the field, you ‘toggle’ the line by selecting it.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen In the example below – the items highlighted are what have been toggled – this should now bring back
Account code Current postings Future postings This will of course bring back the above for ALL accounts.
Later on, we will move on to selections narrowing down what the enquiry displays.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen Output types As we seen in the previous example the system output the information as a ‘Display’. There are several options within ad-hoc other than Display. DISPLAY or LIST
Display results on screen
Print results to the selected printer
Display one line of totals only
Presents results in graphical form
Print on sticky labels
Send output to a Unix file (not very useful)
Send output directly to a spreadsheet
These options are placed at the beginning of the enquiry and can be shortened to the first letter. For Example If we wanted to TOTAL the selection we previously made we would put a ‘T’ at the beginning of the enquiry or you can select this from the menu. See below:
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen The output would look like this:
If we wanted to output to a spreadsheet we would open excel and put an ‘S’ at the beginning of the enquiry or select ‘SPREAD’ from the verbs on the menu.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen This would then output the information. A message would come up that says:
Select ‘OK’ Now go to you excel spreadsheet and you should see all the figures – see below.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen Selections As with our previous enquiry, this brought back every single account code the system has. Clearly this makes finding what you want very difficult, therefore Kerridge gives you the facility to narrow down your search by inserting some commands on the second line of the enquiry. These are called ‘if’ statements. These are as follows: EQ or =
Equal to
NE or <>
Not equal to
GT or >
Greater than
LT or <
Less than
GE or >=
Greater than or equal to
LE or <=
Less than or equal to
Contains And & Or
These can be selected by using the ‘if’ button. Say for example you wanted the same information we selected previously but only wanted to see a particular cost centre or account. We use an ‘IF’ statement. - see below:
Effectively we are saying – show me the Account, Current Posting, Future postings but only IF cost centre is 0035. 27
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen Result
It has only brought back accounts that have a cost centre of 0035. The ‘if’ can be used on any of the ‘fields’ within the file to narrow down your selection. 28
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen Other functions Ad-hoc enquiries also gives you a further facility on line 3 to specify in what order you would like it to output, or if you want breaks between lines etc. These are called Commands, these are as follows: FORWARDS
Present the output sorted by the first/specified* field
Scan the file backwards in order on a keypath Blast down the file regardless of order
Scan the file forwards in order on a keypath
Will present sub-totals on change of first field*
Used with labels to format the output* Used with export to suppress headings & totals.
Used with labels to suppress blank line.
Used with print/display to suppress all except sub-tots
Suppress the printing of consecutive duplicate records
These can be selecting from the button
on the right-hand side.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen As with our previous enquiry if we add SORT to line 3
Then it will go and sort the records by the first field â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in this case Account code see below:
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen If we change this and add ‘SORT BACKWARDS’
The result is somewhat different:
It has started with the highest code and brought this back first. 31
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries main screen The other functions also make it display the output in different forms.
BREAKON BREAKON is used to force a subtotal at each change in the first field of the enquiry. It is not possible to break within subtotals so the enquiry must be constructed in such a way as to have the field to be sub-totalled as the first field in the enquiry. In the example, there is a subtotal at each change of suffix. Below is an example of how it should be constructed.
SUPPRESS Using SUPPRESS outputs one total line for the enquiry. Below is an example of how to use suppress and the output this ad-hoc gives. Notice that it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show any stock numbers that come back to zero only the ones where there is a balance.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries global queries GLOBAL QUERIES Global queries are previously constructed queries that have been saved. To access these queries, you select
Then hit the
button on right hand side.
button and it will produce a list of queries available for selection.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries global queries The system will then populate all the fields for you from the saved query.
If I Now click on check query and then proceed it will bring me back the information based on whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it populated.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries global queries You can save your own Global queries BUT ONLY IN A BLANK SPACE NEVER OVERWRITE ANYONE ELSEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S QUERY. To save enter your query and select
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries user queries User Queries To save a query that you don’t want anyone else to access or perhaps just to access in a specific branch, then you are better saving your query as ‘User’ To do this firstly construct your query. Then click on the button “save”.
If you want other users at the branch to be able to retrieve the query then you should select ‘Shared’ or if you only want yourself to see the query then select ‘User’. The ‘filename’ box will populate when you name the query – when naming the query, you shouldn’t have any spaces.
Click on ‘USER’ if you only want YOU to be able to access it. Click on ‘SHARED’ if you want other people in the branch to access it.
Please note that if you save this query as user only you can retrieve this query in the company you created it.
Section 2 Ad-hoc Enquires General functions Ad-hoc Enquiries global queries For example: you create and save one in Chingford Vauxhall – this query will not be available at any other Lichfield Vauxhall or any other branch of Vertu Motors PLC To retrieve your query
Go into main ad-hoc screen
Select ‘User’ or ‘Global’
Select ‘Load’
If only 1 query saved it will populate the query on screen
If more than one query you will get a list of the available enquiries
Section 2 Workbook Q1. What command outputs the query to an excel spreadsheet? A1.
Q2. You are using DOCDATE POSTDATE BASEVAL, which sort would you use if you wanted to see the latest document date first? A2.
Q3. You are using DOCDATE POSTDATE BASEVAL what would you do if you wanted to see BASEVAL in order of lowest to highest. A3.
Q4. If you wanted an exact match which one of the “IF” functions would you use? A4.
Q5. What is the button to save a global query? A5.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Vehicle stockbooks To access a vehicle record, select Vehicle stockbooks
Vehicle Administration From here we can access New or Used Vehicles by selecting the appropriate option from the Vehicle icon.
To create a New vehicle- click on the New icon . To search for an existing record, click on the Open icon . From here there are various ways to search for a vehicle record by selecting the appropriate radio button. The most common are the Stockbook number, Registration number and Chassis number. 39
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Accounts status The Accounts Status is the main driver of the postings to the Nominal Ledger. The Accounts Status is found on the Identity tab.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Account status and progress codes Account Status - The table below shows the different Accounts Statuses available and what each one means.
It is the Account Status that drives vehicle postings in the Nominal Ledger therefore it is vitally important that the correct Account status is chosen at all times.
‘O’ - Ordered
Stock ordered from the manufacturer for which no consignment note has yet been received.
‘C’ - Consigned
A consignment note has been received, but the vehicle is not due to be paid for until a later date.
‘A’ - Adopted
Fully paid stock for which we have been invoiced from the supplier.
‘I’ - Invoiced
Sold stock that has been invoiced to a customer.
‘X’ - Record Closed
Once a vehicle is invoiced and all costs have been received the system will update the record to ‘X’ status.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Account status and progress codes Progress Code – The Progress Code does not have any impact on Nominal Ledger postings and is used purely for sales admin information purposes to allow them to identify the current status of a vehicle. In addition to the options mentioned above, there are two additional codes which can be used; ‘P’ - Sold not invoiced - Where a vehicle has been sold to a customer but not invoiced. ‘R’ - Reserved - Where a vehicle has been reserved for a customer.
These codes should be used in the following combinations only:
Status of vehicle
A/c Status
Progress Code
NL Postings
O or R
No postings made
C or R or P
No postings made
A or R or P
Account postings made
Account postings made
Account postings made
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Certain fields on a vehicle record will have a direct impact on the postings which are made to the Nominal Ledger. Extra care must be taken to ensure these fields are completed correctly. 1. Franchise
2. Model
3. Accounts Status
4. Buying Location
5. Physical Location
6. Adoption date (New vehicles)
7. Purchase Invoice Date (Used vehicles)
8. Sales Type
9. Selling Location
10. Sales Invoice Date
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Adoption dates When a New vehicle is purchased into stock, the date of the stock posting to the Nominal Ledger is driven by the Adoption Date in the Purchase Brief screen. This date must match the Date/Tax point from the Suppliers Invoice. The date must be entered before changing the accounts status to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to ensure the postings are made on the correct date.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Used vehicles stock The date of the stock postings to the Nominal Ledger in used cars is driven by the Invoice Date in the Purchase Brief screen. This must be the Date/Tax point on the invoice from the Supplier.
If the vehicle is a part exchange the Purchase Invoice date will be the same as the Invoice date from the Sales Brief screen of the main vehicle.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings VSB transactions report You are able to view or print a list of all the postings a vehicle has made in the VSB Transactions report. Nominal Ledger – Reports & Enquiries – Vertu Standard Reports – General Reports and Utilities – K25
Select Display or Print. Enter the full stock number (6 digits) prefixed by N or U.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings New vehicle postings When the Accounts status of a New vehicle is set to ‘A’, the system makes the following postings:
Debits 9*9020 – Fully Paid Vehicle Stock Credits 9*9505 – VSB Purchase Ledger Contra Account – New vehicles The Posting date will be the Adoption date in the Purchase Brief screen.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings How to fix an incorrect posting to 9*9505 If a posting has been made to 9*9505 on an incorrect date, simply changing the Adoption date on the Purchase Brief will not correct the posting.
The following process must be followed, there are two stages to follow: STAGE 1 1.
Check the vehicle log to see what date was originally in adoption date
2. 3. 4.
Ensure the incorrect posting date is entered in the Adoption Date field. Save the Record. Amend the record and drop the Accounts Status back a level to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
5. Save the Record. Now print your daybooks then run a VSB Transactions report through the Nominal Ledger you will see the incorrect posting will then be reversed.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings STAGE 2: You are now ready to make the correct posting. 1. 2.
Amend the record and update the Adoption date to the Date/Tax point on the invoice from your Supplier. Ensure the Cost prices on the Specification screen match the invoice. The Consignment total on the Purchase Brief screen must match the net of VAT Total on the Suppliers invoice.
3. Save the Record. 4. Amend the Accounts status on the Identity screen to ‘A’. 5. Save the Record. The correct postings should have now been made to the Nominal Ledger on the correct date.
Please log a call with it support if the fix doesn’t work, do not continue to try to resolve or you may make the problem worse.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings 9*9505 and the Purchase Ledger As there is no purchase invoice printed automatically on a New vehicle in VSB, the document has to be created on the system. After the vehicle has been created in vehicle stockbooks, the purchase invoice is passed to the accounts department where the Purchase Ledger clerk enters the details in the Batch Input of Documents Routine using the full stock number as a suffix. The following postings are then made: Debits 9*9505 - VSB Purchase Ledger Contra Account - New vehicles Debits 909640 - VAT Input Control Credits - Purchase Ledger Control Account i.e. 9*9510- this is dependent on the Supplier Account entered by the Purchase ledger clerk. This then leaves a balance in the Purchase Ledger supplier account in order to pay for the vehicle.
Estimated costs on new vehicles An estimated cost is added on the vehicle record for every line in which a cost is to be attached to the VSB record i.e. Workshop Line. This is for accrual purposes only and will post to the Nominal ledger when the vehicle is invoiced (A/c status is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;). However, if an Actual cost is received this will override the estimate if greater than or equal to it and the accrual is reversed. On a workshop line, when the job card is invoiced it creates a document on Sales Ledger account I0001;
The Actual cost sits as a debit on 9*9032 (New Vehicle Other Stock) while the vehicle is in stock. A credit to 9*9032 will post when the vehicle is invoiced. 50
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Estimated costs greater than actual costs - new If the estimated cost is higher than the actual cost the difference will sit as a credit on 9*9032 until the estimated cost is changed in the vehicle record. The system will assume that there are still costs to be invoiced to the job card. The branch accountant should be running a report each month to investigate any over-estimates before releasing to profit.
Sale postings The sale postings on a New vehicle are driven by: Make & Model, Sales Type, Selling Location and the Invoice Date. All recoverable and non-recoverable lines added on the vehicle record will post to the relevant Nominal ledger account as specified in the detailed posting tables. New vehicles have a specified Model Number for every current model for each manufacturer. Each model number then posts to a specific range of Nominal ledger
New posting tables
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings New vehicles For New vehicles, the cost centre will be specified by the Sales Type. 0010 - Retail 0011 - Fleet 0012 - Vans For example – When the Accounts status of a New vehicle goes to ‘I’ on a Retail Cash sale of a Fiat 500 in a Fiat franchise, the following postings are made for the selling price line on the vehicle record:
Credit - 909020 - New Vehicle Stock Debit - 10 011033 - Fiat COS Credit - 10 011030 - Fiat Sales Debit - 909335 - VSB Sales Ledger Contra Account
When the invoice is printed in VSB the following postings are made;
Credit - 909335 - VSB Sales Ledger Contra Account Debits - Sales Ledger Control i.e. 909304 creating a debt on the Sales ledger
All additional specification lines will post to the relevant sales/cos accounts as specified in the Detailed posting tables. When a bonus line is added to a vehicle record there will be no posting made to the Nominal ledger while the vehicle is at ‘A’ status. The reason for this is an accounting principle known as ‘Prudence’. This means that we should not account for profit on a vehicle until the vehicle is sold. Any manufacturer bonus monies added to a vehicle record will post to the relevant Nominal ledger account i.e. 909554 when the vehicle is invoiced and the Accounts status is ‘I’. 52
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Used vehicle postings When the Accounts Status of a Used vehicle is changed to ‘A’ but no purchase invoice has been printed, the system makes the following postings; Debits 909060 - Used Vehicle Stock Credits 909504 - Purchase Ledger Contra Account The Posting date will be the Invoice date in the Purchase Brief screen. However, if this field is blank, the system will make the posting on the current date.
When the Purchase Invoice is then printed, the following postings are made; Debits 909504 - Purchase Ledger Contra Account Credits - Purchase Ledger Control Account i.e. 909520. This is dependent on the Supplier Account on the Purchase Brief screen. This leaves a balance on the Supplier Account on the Purchase Ledger awaiting payment of the vehicle. 909504 is a zero-balance clearing account, the system posts through this account as a Used vehicle is purchased into stock. Any balances should be investigated and cleared. A credit balance in 909504 would indicate that the Accounts status of the vehicle is at ‘A’ but no purchase invoice has been printed. A debit balance in 909504 would indicate the purchase invoice has been printed but the Accounts status of the vehicle has been amended manually from ‘A’ to ‘M’ or ‘O’.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings How to fix an incorrect posting to 909504 If a posting has been made to 909504 on an incorrect date, the following process must be followed to reverse the posting. 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
If the vehicle is invoiced a Main Credit will need to be raised first. Amend the record and Print a Purchase credit - ensure the credit note date is the same as the Purchase invoice date. Amend the Purchase Invoice date in the Purchase Brief screen to the date of the incorrect posting in 909504.
Save the record. Amend the status from ‘A’ to ‘M’. Save the record.
If you print your daybooks, then run a VSB Transactions report through the Nominal Ledger you will see the incorrect posting in 909504 will then be reversed. You are now ready to make the correct posting. 1. Click Amend and ensure the Progress Code is ‘A’ and the A/c Status is ‘M’. 2. Amend the Purchase Invoice date to be the Date/Tax point on the Suppliers Invoice. 3. Print the Purchase Invoice. 4. The balance on 909504 should be fixed, run a K25 to check.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Estimated costs on used vehicles An estimated cost is added on the vehicle record for every line in which a cost is to be attached to the VSB record i.e. Workshop Line. This is for accrual purposes only and will post to the Nominal ledger when the vehicle is invoiced (A/c status is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;). However, if an Actual cost is received this will override the estimate if greater than or equal to it and the accrual is reversed. On a workshop line, when the job card is invoiced it creates a document on Sales Ledger account I0002.
The Actual cost sits as a debit on 909064 (Used Vehicle Other Stock) while the vehicle is in stock. A credit to 909064 will post when the vehicle is invoiced.
Estimates costs greater than actual costs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; used If the estimated cost is higher than the actual the difference will sit as a credit on 909064 as the system will assume there are still costs to be attached. It is therefore imperative when invoicing a vehicle as an ICT that the estimated costs on all lines are checked and amended to match the actuals to ensure no balances are left on 909064. Once the vehicle has been invoiced you will no longer have access to amend the record and correct this balance. The branch accountant should be running a report each month to investigate any over-estimates before releasing to profit.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Used vehicles sales postings (profit & loss) The sale postings on a Used vehicle are driven by the Make & Model, Sales Type, Selling Location and the Invoice Date. In addition, all recoverable and non-recoverable lines added on the vehicle record will post to the relevant Nominal ledger account as specified in the detailed posting tables below when the vehicle reaches ‘I’ status. If a Used vehicle from your franchise is sold it will post to the Nominal ledger accounts dedicated to franchise sales and cost of sales. Any other Used vehicles will post to the Nominal ledger accounts assigned to non-franchise sales and cost of sales.
When the Accounts status of a used vehicle goes to ‘I’ on a retail sale of a franchise vehicle, the following postings are made for the selling price line on the vehicle record: Credit - 909060 - Used Vehicle Stock Debit - 15 012003 - Used Franchise COS Credit - 15 012000 - Used Franchise Sales Debit - 909335 - VSB Sales Ledger Contra Account When the invoice is printed in VSB the following postings are made: Credit - 909335 - VSB Sales Ledger Contra Account Debits - Sales Ledger Control i.e. 909304 creating a debt on the sales ledger 56
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Transferring a vehicle to demo When transferring a vehicle to demonstrator, ‘v0040’ must be used as the Invoice Account and Sales Type ‘D’ must be selected.
Using sales type ‘D’ ensures that all sale and cost of sale postings are posted through: 909059 - Demonstrator clearing account.
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings ICT postings An ICT is an Inter-Company Transfer where the vehicle record is created at the receiving branch automatically. Used vehicles are transferred intergroup between branches using the ICT routine. The selling branch invoice the vehicle as normal – picking up the ICT invoice account (starting with u0***) for the receiving branch and selecting Sales Type ‘I’. The system then creates a vehicle record in the stock of the receiving branch and notifies the ICT administrator of the receiving branch. At this point the Progress Code is set to ‘I’ and the Accounts Status is ‘A’ in the sending branch. The system credits VSB SL contra account 909335 and debits SL Control Account i.e. 909284. When the receiving administrator clicks the Amend icon they will have the option of Accepting or Rejecting the Transfer. If the Transfer of a Used vehicle is Accepted the administrator will be prompted to print the Purchase Invoice. The transfer is then complete. The following postings are made: Postings on accepting an ICT Sending Branch-
Credits 909060 - Used Vehicle Stock Debits 15 122003 - Inter Group Cost of Sales (with cost) Credits 15 122000 - Inter Group Sales (with selling price) Debits 909335 - VSB Sales Ledger Contra account
Receiving Branch –
Credits 909504 - VSB Purchase Ledger Contra Account Debits 909060 - Used Vehicle Stock
Postings on printing the Purchase Invoice Receiving Branch
Debits 909504 - VSB Purchase Ledger Contra Account Credits 909484 - PL Control Account (Used Vehicle Creditors Inter Company)
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings Common vehicle balance sheet accounts 909020 Fully Paid Stock Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the value of all the vehicles at ‘A’ Status on the VSB system. A Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be agreed to the Fully Paid Stock report from the VSB system. 909032 New Vehicle Other Stock Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the balance of Miscellaneous Stock on New vehicles - Debit balances are for work done to a vehicle which is still in stock i.e. status less than ‘I’. Credit balances are for estimated costs not yet received or for estimates which are greater than actuals where the vehicle status is less than ‘X’. A Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be checked and the credits for over estimates released via VSB. 909055 Demonstrator Stock Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the balance of all the Vehicles at Accounts Status ‘A’ which have a Model Code of Demo/Courtesy/Hire. 909058 Demonstrator Depn. Reserve Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the depreciation for vehicles using the write down facility in VSB, by amending the Adjusted Stock Field from the Used Vehicle Purchase Brief Page. 909059 Demonstrator Clearing Account Control Account – No Journal Allowed Nil Account - Imbalance usually caused by selling New Vehicles to Used for self-supply demonstrators at a different Sales/Cost value. This account is the wash through account and any balance must be resolved through Vehicle Stockbooks. Running the Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock numbers that make up the balance. 59
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings 909060 Used Vehicle Stock Control Account – No Journal Allowed Balance represented by all the Used vehicles with an Account status of ‘A’. A Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be agreed to the Stock list in VSB and reconciled to Physical Stock. 909061 Used Vehicle Depn. Reserve Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the depreciation for Vehicles using the write down facility in VSB. This is done by amending the Adjusted Stock field in the Used Vehicle Purchase Brief page. 909062 Over Allowance Clearing Account Control Account – No Journal Allowed Nil Account - Imbalance is either Used Vehicle direct purchases where on creation of the Vehicle Stock record there is a difference between the Purchase Price and the Stock Value, or where a Used vehicle linked to a Prime vehicle sale as a Part Exchange has an Account status not consistent e.g. Prime vehicle should have Account status of ‘I’ and the Part Ex should have an Account status of ‘A’. A Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the balance - these should then be addressed via VSB. 909064 Used Vehicle Other Stock Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the balance of Miscellaneous Stock on Used vehicles - Debit balances are for work done to a vehicle which is still in stock i.e. status less than ‘I’. Credit balances are for estimated costs not yet received or for estimates which are greater than actuals where the vehicle status is less then ‘X’. A Transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be checked and the credits for over estimates released via VSB. The debits should be checked to ensure that the vehicles are still in stock. 909335 VSB Sales Ledger Contra Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the value of Vehicles where the invoice has been produced but the Account Status is less than ‘I’. A Transaction Analysis by suffix will identify the VSB number and the Vehicle must be corrected via VSB. 60
Section 3 Postings from modules Vehicle stockbook postings 909337 VSB Used Car VAT Margin Susp Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the VAT margin element on Part Exchange Vehicles where the Prime Vehicle has been invoiced but the Account Status is less than ‘I’. A Transaction Analysis by Suffix will identify the VSB number and the Vehicle must be corrected via VSB. Note: - by resolving account 909335, 909337 usually clears. 909422 VSB Default Bank Account Nil Account - This is a system bank account and any balance must be investigated immediately. 909504 VSB PL Contra - Used Control Account – No Journal Allowed Nil Account - This represents any Used Vehicles where the Account Status of the vehicle is ‘A’ but the Purchase document has not been printed. A Transaction by Suffix will identify the VSB number and the Purchase document should be printed from VSB. Alternatively, the Document has been printed but the Account Status has been manually amended to below ‘A’. 909505 VSB PL Contra - New This represents the value of the Vehicles that have an Account Status of ‘A’ but the purchase invoice has not been coded. Any differences on the individual stock numbers either Debit or Credits should be adjusted via the VSB system which will adjust COS. Any debits balances for whole vehicles should be investigated immediately and the Account Status of the vehicle moved to ‘A’. A Transaction by Suffix will identify the VSB numbers. 909506 VSB Journal Account - System Nil Account - This must be investigated immediately as this is system use only. 909530 Vehicle Deposits Control Account – No Journal Allowed This represents the value of deposits received where the vehicle has not been invoiced off via VSB. View SL deposit account for individual transactions. 909640/909641/909642/909643 Vat Accounts These accounts are used by the system to post VAT entries they should be reconciled to the VAT Summary Report and are supported by the VAT Log Report. Any differences reported on EOD must be investigated immediately. At the quarter end the balances should be transferred to the 909644 VAT Clearing Account which will be cleared by the Payment or Receipt. 61
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings How to login to POS The Point of Sale menu is accessed from the main menu.
Select Point of sale and click on OK. You will then be prompted to select either Parts or Service.
Every time you access the Point of sale module you will be presented with the Log in box. 62
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings
Select your user name from the drop-down menu and enter your Password. If you do not have a login in the drop-down box, then please log a call with IT Helpdesk.
Creating wips for vehicle preparation lines If there are any lines which have been pushed from Vehicle Stockbooks awaiting prep work being done by the service department, there will be a message displayed on the main screen of POS when you log in. This will inform you of any work which is due or overdue.
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings To access the list of vehicles awaiting prep select Vehicle Preparation from the Links menu at the top of the screen.
A list of all the vehicles awaiting prep will be displayed. Any line which is displayed in Red is overdue.
To view the work required on the vehicle, select the line on the left-hand side of the screen. The Description which was entered in VSB will then be displayed to the right-hand side of the screen.
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale prep line postings After printing the Job card for a VSB prep line, no postings are made to the Nominal Ledger as there no parts booked out on the job and no labour costed against the job at this point. To verify this, you can view any postings in the Posting Buffer in the Nominal Ledger. Ensure the Self button is unticked and enter the WIP Number as the Suffix. Click the Execute button.
There will be no transactions found.
Nominal Ledger postings only happen once Parts/Labour are added to the WIP.
Section 3 Postings from modules Work in progress report The Work in Progress report will show any open WIPs which haven’t been costed yet. The report can be found in Point of Sale – Reports & Enquiries – Vertu Reports – Service Reports
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings To view any VSB preparation lines for which the WIPs have been printed but not costed yet, ensure the Include zero WIPs checkbox is selected and click OK. A list of all the open WIPs is then displayed. Any WIPS that have a PARTS value will have a balance in account 909090.
Any WIPS that have a LABOUR value will have no balance in 909200, it only posts an entry here when the WIP is invoiced. The wages are then coded to here to clear out the credit balances that are credited by invoicing WIPS.
Section 3 Postings from modules Postings on a part attached to an open wip Any postings made after attaching a Part to a WIP can be viewed in the Posting Buffer in the Nominal Ledger. Ensure the Self button is unticked and enter the WIP Number as the Suffix. Click the Execute button.
Double entry of postings when at PART is attached to an Open WIP Debit 909090 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Parts Work In progress Credit 909080 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Parts Stock
Section 3 Postings from modules Posting on an invoiced wip To view the postings on WIP invoiced today, select the Posting Buffer in the Nominal Ledger.
Ensure the Self button is unticked and enter the Invoice Number as the Document No. Click the Execute button.
Section 3 Postings from modules Postings on a part attached to an open wip The posting on the top line and the 4th line are debits for the Labour Cost of Sale. This is Technicians rate x Time taken on lines on the WIP.
The 2nd and 5th lines are a credit back to Labour Work in Progress.
The 3rd and 6th lines are credits for the Labour Sales element of the invoice.
The 7th line is a debit for Cost of Sale for the Part.
The 8th line is a credit to Parts Work in Progress.
The 9th line is a credit for the Parts sale.
The 10th line is a debit for the Parts discount. The 11th and 12th lines are debit for the posting to the VAT payable to HMRC.
The total at the bottom is the amount the system will post to the Sales ledger account as a debt.
Section 3 Postings from modules Actual cost on a VSB prep line When the service department invoice the WIP in POS the Actual cost will be displayed in the Preparation mechanical line in the vehicle record and will post to 9*9032 (New) or 9*9064 (Used).
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings Postings for a costed sublet invoice To view the postings on the costed Sublet invoice, select the Posting Buffer in the Nominal Ledger. Ensure the Self button is unticked and enter the WIP number as the Suffix. Click the Execute button.
Double entry of receiving a sublet cost: Debits - 909204 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Subcontract stock Credits -909576 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Subcontract goods in Suspense Awaiting verification on receipt of invoice from the supplier.
Section 3 Postings from modules Point of sale postings Parts awaiting invoice report As part of the End of Day process, all the Parts receipted into stock that day are processed to accounts and the adjustments are made to the Nominal Ledger.
The report can be found in Purchase Control– Reports & Enquiries – Purchases Awaiting Invoice.
Double entry of Part receipted into stock; Dr - Stock - (9*9070, 9*9080, 9*9082, 9*9085, 9*9087) Cr – Parts Goods in Suspense – (9*9575)
Section 3 Workbook
Q1. Which field drives the posting date on New cars when a car is brought into stock? A1.
Q2. What is the double entry when a Sales invoice is produced in Used cars? A2.
Q3. What progress code in vehicles makes postings? A3.
Q4. Name 3 fields in vehicle stockbooks that drive postings? A4.
Q5. What is the double entry on a part that is booked out from stock onto an OPEN wip? A5.
Q6. We produce an invoice for a Customer in Service, what would the double entry be for the following: Labour Sale £45.00 Parts Sale £23.30 less 10% discount Sublet repair £30.00 A6.
Section 4 Sales ledger and purchase ledger Display accounts - sales ledger Display Accounts gives access to all aspects of a customer’s account details. Standard customer information is detailed on the first two tabs giving name and address, contact details, account type and credit limit etc. The financial position and age analysis is summarised as well as the individual transactions. Additional information is available including the nominal analysis of each document and the ability to drill down to the document image for display or printing purposes. Copy invoices and statements can also be faxed or e-mailed. The display is presented using the following tabs: •
Main details
Other details
• Financial • Transactions • Payments • History • Text • BACS
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Main Details The account details confirmed at set up stage are displayed for information purposes on the Main Details tab. You cannot amend details in this routine – it is view only. Account Type
Determines the type of account (i.e. Credit account/cash account)
Default VAT Code
Rate of VAT as per the customer i.e. ‘S’ Standard Rate for external accounts unless VAT Exempt, ‘O’ – Outside the Scope for intercompany accounts. “I” for Internal Accounts
Credit Terms
Determines the credit facility that the customer has i.e. 7 days/14 days/monthly. Is then used to calculate any debts that are “overdue”.
This is the email address that statements will be sent to if the statements have been activated and the statement distribution is set to email, this can be seen on the other details screen.
Invoice Account
If invoices were to be sent to a customer’s Head Office the Head office account would be detailed here.
Statement Account
This will consolidate all transactions posting to the same statement account
NL Control Account
Is the Nominal Ledger control account where any transactions that are posted on the account will sit in the balance sheet. Below is a list of Sales Ledger Control Accounts:
9*9280 9*9284 9*9300 9*9304 9*9305 9*9308 9*9334 9*9540 9*9580
Inter Co. Debtors Inter Co. Vehicle Debtors General Sales Ledger Control (external) including Cash accounts. Vehicle Sales Ledger Control (Cash) Vehicle Finance Debtors Warranty Debtor Bonus Debtors POS Deposits VSB Deposits
Credit Limit
Displays the account credit limit (controlled at branch level)
Stop Flag
A tick would indicate that the account had been put on stop through the ADD/MODIFY routine.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Other Details tab This tab holds some account history like the date the account was opened, amended and closed. The user who last amended the record and the number of periods the account has been unused is also detailed.
It also details discount codes set up for Point of Sale on the left-hand side of the screen. Statements If this box is ticked a statement will be produced every time a statement run is carried out. Statement Distribution This may be set to print, email or fax and determines the output method of the statement. The statement would be emailed to the email address held in main details. It is important to ensure that the email address and fax numbers are accurate. This can be changed at any point. CRM Customer Type and Record Number If the account is linked to Customer Relations Management system the CRM record number will be detailed and the type will display C for company and T for target (retail customer). Last Letter Type and Last Letter Date If the branch is using the credit chase menu then this will display the code of the last letter sent and the date the letter was sent. 77
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Financial tab
This screen is a source of valuable information and functions. The age analysis of the outstanding debt is displayed by document date and may be displayed by due date if required. By double clicking on either the months on the grid or on the graph you can then see the transactions relating to that particular month. The turnover is also calculated, in Year to date, Last Year to date and month to date. Buffered Documents â&#x20AC;&#x201C; totals the value of transactions currently held in the buffer waiting for the daybooks to be printed in order to update the account. 78
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Financial tab The analysis can be viewed by BRANCH (cost centre). Click on the ellipsis to list the branches available.
Key in the required branch code
This button provides access to archived statements for display or reprint purposes.
Click the Statement button and the statement archive list is displayed which shows statements for all Rev8 branches (not just the branch in use), in date order. The date format is shown DD/MM/YY. Once a statement has been selected from the list the document retrieval screen will be displayed. Document retrieval gives access to print, fax or email copy statements. This is covered later in the section entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Document Retrievalâ&#x20AC;?. 79
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab
The Selection options on the transactions screen provide a range of formats in which to view transactions.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Sort by Date
Click on the drop-down menu. Transactions can be sorted by Document Date, Due Date, Posting Date or Document Date and Customer Ref. The default is Document Date.
Display File
Click on the drop- down menu. This allows you to view either the Transaction or Archive file. The default is Transaction File. Transactions are archived on being paid in full based on the payment date and a number of days Current Settings: 30 days from payment date.
Transaction File
Shows outstanding transactions and Documents paid in full. Paid documents are cleared 30 days from payment date and moved to the Archive File.
Archive File
Paid documents are cleared from this file 365 days later.
Sort Direction
Documents may be displayed forwards or backwards. The default is forwards. Forwards - displays oldest transactions at the top. Backwards - displays most recent transactions at the top.
Show paid items the default is to show paid items. Remove this tick to display outstanding items only. Once the user has made their selection based on the above criteria then a table of transactions matching that criteria will be displayed.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Document Date Document Type (I=Invoice, C=Credit, P=Post On Account/Unallocated)
Rev 8 company/branch code Module that the transaction was generated in: SL = Sales Ledger PL = Purchase Ledger SO = Point of Sale (i.e. Parts/Service) System generated document number Additional reference used on generation of document i.e. customer name vehicle registration number/order number etc. Further reference used on generation of the document. Often the job/WIP number for point of sale documents. Original value of the document The current outstanding value of the document Status of document Blank = Unpaid P = Paid S = Document on stop Details any problem codes associated with each document
The running total of all outstanding documents on the account 82
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Filter Button The filter button allows transactions to be filtered on a range of criteria. This is particularly useful on large accounts to find particular items quickly. Below is a list of the most commonly used search criteria to help find sales ledger transactions.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Filter Button
This fields allows users to display transactions matching the following criteria:
Specific date
Date range
Start date Will only show transactions from the date entered going forward to the most recent transaction.
End date
The same logic can be applied to the following fields in the filter screen: Due date, Posting Date, Last Payment date and Document number Allows the user to search on one particular document type. I = Invoice C = Credit P = Payment on Account 84
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Filter Button Customer Reference The information held in this field is dependent on the source of the data and the information keyed by the user at the point of document generation
Misc. Reference
This is dependent on information entered and source but is often a WIP number and therefore this can be used to find a particular document.
Allows user to display documents relating to one particular department
(see section on Financial tab for a list of department codes)
UKL amount
Allows user to find document(s) of an exact value, however this will only bring back results matching the Original value field (see above) in the transaction screen.
UKL amount O/s
as above but this will only bring back results matching the Outstanding field (see above) in the transaction screen
Allows the initial search criteria to be cleared to allow the user to search by another means.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab The same principle applies from the main transaction screen. On this example, a filter has been entered to bring back document number 7184.
If the user then clickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the RESET button, all transactions for the account would be displayed again.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Transaction filter by document date
The example above shows a document date filter date being applied in order to search on transaction matching a specific date. After any filter is applied then click and all transactions matching the search criteria are displayed.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab By clicking on the transaction line, it highlights it in blue. There are four buttons at the bottom of the screen and depending on the status of the transaction all or some of the buttons become available. Each of these buttons provides further information relating to the transaction. The functionality of these buttons is detailed below.
- This button displays information relating to the selected document which is split over two different tabs, Details 1 and Details 2. Most of the information provided here can be seen from the main transactions screen however further information can also be obtained. 88
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Details 1 tab shows the following:
Document Type
I=Invoice, C=Credit, P=Posted On Account
Document Number -
System generated number when document is created from the source
Document Date
Shows the date the document was created
Posting Date
The date that the system has made the accounting entries on
Due Date
Shows the payment due date of the particular document
Daybook Number - A system generated number that relates to the particular daybook that the document was processed on Miscellaneous ref:
This field will hold a further reference relating to the document i.e. WIP number
The box at the bottom of the screen shows the NET and Gross totals of any document along with the amount of VAT posted to the Nominal Ledger as well as any payments that have been allocated against the document. 89
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display sales ledger accounts Transaction tab Details 2 tab shows the following:
Last Payment Date -
Shows the date the last payment was received on
Last Payment ref: -
Shows the last payment reference entered on receipt of payment for example, cash book and line number
Source Module
This shows the module where the transactions originated from
SL = Sales Ledger PL = Purchase Ledger SO = Service Department VS = Vehicle Stockbooks Source Branch -
This holds the cost centre or branch code of which department the transactions relates to
0030 = Parts 0035 = Service 0010 = New Vehicles 0015 = Used Vehicles 0080 = Admin Expenses 90
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Display Accounts gives access to all aspects of a supplier’s account details. Standard supplier information is detailed on the first two tabs giving name and address, contact details, account type and credit terms etc. The financial position and age analysis is summarised as well as the individual transactions. Additional information is available including the nominal analysis of each document and the ability to drill down to the document image for display or printing purposes. Copy documents can also be faxed or e-mailed using the K Print facility The display is presented using the following tabs: •
Main details
Other details
• Financial • Transactions • Payments • History • Text
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Main details Fields Account Type
Determines the type of account (i.e. Credit Purchases account)
Default VAT Code
Rate of VAT as per the Supplier i.e. ‘S’ Standard Rate for external accounts unless VAT Exempt, ‘O’ – Outside the Scope,’I’ on internal accounts.
Credit Terms
Determines the credit facility that the customer has i.e. 7 days/14 days/monthly.
This is the email address that remittances will be sent to if remittance option has been activated and the remittance is set to E-mail
NL Control Account Is the Nominal Ledger control account where any transactions that are posted on the account will sit in the balance sheet. Below is a list of Purchase Ledger Control Accounts:
General External Creditors
General Inter Co. Creditors
New Vehicle Creditors
Used Vehicle External Creditors
Vehicle Inter Co. Creditors
HP Settlements Control
Petty Cash Control
Credit Limit
Displays the account credit limit (controlled at branch level)
Stop Flag
A tick would indicate that the account had been put on stop through the ADD/MODIFY routine
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Main details The EFT button holds all the Supplier details for BACS
Payment by EFT
This indicates that the Supplier is paid by BACS.
EFT Account Name
This should contain the supplier name, must be alpha/numerical only no dots, dashes, slashes or ampersands.
BSB Code
This is the sort code for the supplier’s bank, this should be 6 digits and should contain numbers only
EFT Account number
This is the Supplier’s bank account number, this should be 8 digits long and should only contain numbers.
EFT Account Type
Should be the same as ‘Account Type’ on main details page or if unsure enter ‘0’.
Fax or Email
E = E-mail and must have an e-mail address in the main field
F = Fax and must have a fax number in the main details
Blank = Remittance will be printed.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Other details
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Other details Fields Account Opened
Date Account was opened
Account Amended
Date account was last amended
Account closed
If account is closed then the date it was set to close would appear in here
Last Payment Date
Date we last made a payment to this supplier
Last Payment Account Payment amount of the last payment we made to this supplier Discount/Analysis
Not used
BACS Fields
Contains all information held in EFT tab
Not used
Amended by
User who last amended this supplier account
Period Unused
Number of periods since this account was last used
System number
Suppliers SL Code
Not used
Payment by BACS
Must be ticked to enable payments to be made by BACS for this supplier, automatically ticks as soon as tick appears in EFT details
Remittance Analysis
Used for Payment runs, must be set to BACS for anyone paid by BACS and DD if anyone paid by direct debit
Reciprocal trading
Only used on ICT accounts
R/T account code
Only Used on ICT accounts
ISO fields
Not used
CRM Customer Type If Account is linked to CRM what type of record itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s linked to CRM Record Number If Account is linked to CRM then this is the CRM record number itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s linked to
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Financial
The age analysis of the outstanding spend is displayed by document date and may be displayed by due date if required. By double clicking on either the months on the grid or on the graph you can then see the transactions relating to that particular month. The turnover is also calculated as follows. Period to Date
Spend on current period to date.
Year to Date
Spend on current year to date â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from start of current financial year till now.
Last Year to Date
Spend on Previous Financial year to date.
Buffered Documents â&#x20AC;&#x201C; totals the value of transactions currently held in the buffer waiting for the daybooks to be printed in order to update the account. 96
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Financial This button provides access to archived remittances for display or reprint purposes. You can also use KMail to fax or e-mail a copy remittance from here.
The remittance archive list is displayed in date order; note the date is shown YY/MM/DD. Once a remittance has been selected from the list the document retrieval screen will be displayed and you can use the Email function to send the copy.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transactions
The Selection options on the transactions screen provide a range of formats in which to view transactions.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transactions Transactions tab Sort by Date
Click on the drop-down menu. Transactions can be sorted by Document Date, Due Date, Posting Date or Document Date and Customer Ref. The default is Document Date.
Display File
Click on the drop-down menu. This allows you to view either the Transaction or Archive file. The default is Transaction File. Transactions are archived on being paid in full based on the payment date and a number of days
Current Settings: Transaction File â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Shows outstanding transactions and Documents paid in full. Paid documents are cleared 30 days from payment date and moved to the Archive File. Archive File â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Paid documents are cleared from this file 9999 days later. Sort Direction
Documents may be displayed forwards or backwards. The default is forwards.
Forwards - displays oldest transactions at the top.
Backwards - displays most recent transactions at the top.
Show Paid Items
the default is to show paid items. Remove this tick to display outstanding items only.
Once the user has made their selection based on the above criteria then a table of transactions matching that criteria will be displayed.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transactions Document Date Document Type (I=Invoice, C=Credit, P=Post On Account/Unallocated) Rev 8 company/branch code Module that the transaction was generated in: SL = Sales Ledger PL = Purchase Ledger VS = Vehicle stockbooks SO = Point of Sale (i.e. Parts/Service) System generated document number Suppliers invoice number used on generation of document Further reference used on generation of the document. Often the job/WIP number for point of sale documents. Original value of the document The current outstanding value of the document Status of document: Blank = Unpaid but passed P = Paid R = Registered 5 = On a payment run S = Document on stop
Details any problem codes associated with each document
The running total of all outstanding documents on the account 100
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts The purchase ledger cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PL Document received and registered on to system by PL Clerk At point of registration PL invoice is scanned in and assigned to relevant departmental manager. If expense then relevant departmental manager will digitally “AUTHORISE” invoice If an asset (i.e. a part, tyre or sublet job) then manager will VERIFY the invoice against this stock item/job If VERIFIED document automatically released for payment in next PL payment run If AUTHORISED – document should then be PASSED to relevant NL account by PL Clerk as advised/instructed by relevant departmental manager Once all documents for the period are authorised/verified and then passed for payment then the payment run can proceed Automatically generated BACS upload and remittances produced after supplier statements reconciled
This means at any given point a PL document can be: Registered - Document received and logged on system but the relevant manager has not yet authorised or verified. Status of document will be “R” on PL transactions screen in Status column Authorised (not passed) – Relevant Manager has digitally authorised the document but as yet the PL clerk has not yet coded it to the NL and hence it is not yet available to be paid. Status of document will be “R” on PL transactions screen Passed – Document has been coded to the relevant NL ledger code or verified by departmental manager and is now available to be paid. Status of document is “blank” on PL transactions screen Stopped – Document has been placed on stop so as to exclude from payment run. Status of document will be “S” on PL transactions screen A full list of all the potential PL document statuses is provided below: • Blank – Transaction available for payment • R – Registered • 5 – On a current pending payment run • V – Verification not complete • P – Paid • S – transaction has been put on Stop 101
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts The purchase ledger cycle Authorisation status report This report allows you to see the current status of any document on the PL that has not yet been coded to the NL or verified by the departmental manager. This would therefore either provide a list of documents that need to be followed up and the managers pushed to authorise/verify the documents. Alternatively, they can also be used to provide a list of documents that the managers have authorised that are now available for the PL clerk to code to the NL. It can be of particular use to accountants at month end also as it identifies potential invoices and or credit notes that have not yet been coded to the P&L and therefore either need to be timeously, or if that is not a viable option can then be accrued as necessary for month-end purposes. The Report Can be found in: Purchases Ledger - Reports & Enquiries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Vertu Reports
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab On the transaction tab, you have the following tools to narrow down your search for specific transactions. The filter button
allows transactions to be filtered on a range of criteria
This screen functions in exactly the same way as it does on the Sales Ledger.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Transaction Filter By Document Date
To find all documents with a specific document date range the search criteria of Document date from 01/04/2009 to 01/04/2009 was keyed in. Click
and all transactions matching the search criteria are displayed
Transaction Filter By Document Number
To find an individual document using the document number fields the search criteria of Document number from 71620 to 71620 was keyed in. Click displayed.
and all transactions with document number 71620 are
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Transaction Filter By Amount
To find an individual document using the the invoice amount the search criteria of ÂŁ155.79 was keyed into the UKL amount field.. Click and all transactions with an invoice amount of ÂŁ155.79 are displayed.
To obtain further details of any individual document, click on the appropriate row (highlights transaction in blue) and the buttons at the bottom of the screen become available. The functions for each of these buttons are explained below.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab
This button displays details relating to the selected document.
Once selected there are 3 tabs that appear on any single document under the Detail button. An Explanation of these tabs is outlined on the next page.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Details 1
• The VAT breakdown of the PL document appears on this screen • The daybook number that the transaction was processed on is also available •
As well as the Document Date, the Posting date is also shown here along with the Due Date.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Details 2
â&#x20AC;˘ The last payment date, last payment reference and last payment daybook can be found on this screen.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Invoice registration tab
This shows where in the balance sheet (always 909332) the value of assets on the registered document is sitting and the value of these will display in the amount field.
This shows where in the balance sheet (always 909332) the value of Expenses on the registered document are sitting and the value of these will display in the amount field.
Authorised Signatories
Every purchase ledger invoice is assigned to an authorized signatory as part of the invoice registration process. The employee I.D of the departmental manger will show here. If the invoice has been authorized a tick will show in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Authorisedâ&#x20AC;? box along with the date this has been done.
This gives an indication of the date that the invoice should have been authorized by (typically 7 days after it was registered)
Reason text
This will show any notes that the departmental manager felt relevant to the invoice when authorizing, stopping or referring.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Invoice registration tab The can be used to obtain the double entry posting to the nominal ledger accounts when the document was passed for payment. One side of the transaction will either Debit or Credit 0000/909332 (depending on if it is an invoice or credit note) with the other side being posted to the relevant NL code(s) that the document relates to, click the button to see the entries:
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Document Button From the main transaction screen the document button is available to view. The Document button links directly to the Document Retrieval facility. As all PL documents should be scanned, it is possible to view, re-print or fax them. Choose the option from the Transactions screen as mentioned before.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Allocations Button
Use of the Allocations button will display all payments matched against any selected transaction on the main Transactions screen. Below is an explanation of the window the user sees after pressing the Allocations button
The reference field will display the cheque number if the payment was processed as part of the cheque run/sundry cheque. Or if paid by direct debit it will show the bank statement/direct debit reference number used when the payment was processed. The date field shows the date that the payment to the supplier was made and the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Allocatedâ&#x20AC;? field shows the value of the payment that was made against that particular document. Right click with the mouse on the Payments line to view the Payment daybook showing the accounting double entry that was made when the document was paid.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab Payment Daybook
If you see an ‘R’ in the “Payment from Bank” line it means that the cheque has been cashed. The ‘reconciled reference’ field should give the unique reference used when reconciling that the bank statement for the particular item. Double clicking on any line will provide the actual date the reconciliation was done, the time it was done at as well as the user who performed the reconciliation.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Transaction tab The NL Trans Button
The NL Transactions button shows the accounting double entry on the document when it was registered. Please see the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;pass daybookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; button for where the invoice is coded to.
If you hover your cursor over the Cost Centre or Expense code boxes this will display the account name
If you click on the Sub Total button you will see a summary of the totals for each nominal account affected by the document.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Payment tab All payments made to the account will be listed on this tab. It is possible to filter by payment reference or to show the allocations made. The user highlights the payment they want to enquire on.
The Detail, NL Trans and Filter buttons all work in the same way as described on previous tabs.
â&#x20AC;˘ This will show the individual documents that were allocated when the payment was made â&#x20AC;&#x201C; i.e. if a cheque run has been done then all the documents that were paid on that particular cheque number that was highlighted above.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts Payment tab
will allow the user to search on the payment reference field. Ensure you type in the FULL payment reference including any zeros (i.e. cheque number, bank statement number)
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Display purchase ledger accounts History tab
The account history is displayed in graphical form and can be selected to show the Outstanding, Items and Average age details.
The text tab
You can input general information in this tab which can then be viewed by other users. You have to click on Edit in order to add or amend any notes.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Dependant on your Franchise New Vehicle Invoices sometimes do not get registered using the invoice register routine. When processing New Vehicle invoices that don’t get registered the following procedure should be followed. Vehicle Admin bring the vehicle into stock. Purchase Ledger must process the New Vehicle Purchase Invoice through the batch input of documents routine. This creates the following Nominal Ledger double entry postings. Cr 0000 909510 – Vehicle Creditor – New Franchise Cr 0000 909640 – VAT Input Control Dr 0000 909505 - VSB PL Contra – New The Vehicle Invoice MUST be scanned and attached to the transaction in purchase ledger and to the VSB record in Vehicle Administration.
If your Franchise do register New vehicle invoices then you should use the Invoice register – Enter Registered documents. If you are unsure please consult with your Accountant before processing any documents.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Batch input Purchase Ledger Batch input documents
Batch input of purchase documents screen
• Documents key in the total number of documents • Batch Total - total amount of all documents (inclusive of VAT) • Journal Type leave as default 119
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Click
Create new document screen
Input document as Gross when this box is ticked the VAT value field is no longer enabled and VAT is calculated automatically based on the VAT group of the account and the Total value of the invoice. Account - Search for the Supplier Account using the ellipsis Document Type - Use the drop-down arrow to select I-Invoice or C-Credit. Document Number - Key in the supplier document number. Supplier Reference - Key in the full stock number i.e. N000123 or reference used when payment taken out of bank by supplier. Miscellaneous Reference - Key in the short chassis number (last 6 digits). Settlement Terms - Accept default. Source Branch - Use the drop-down arrow to select the cost centre 0010 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Vehicles. Document Date - The date and tax point on the invoice/credit note. Posting Date - Accept default.
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Due Date - Accept default. VAT Value - Key in the VAT value on the invoice/credit note. Total Value - Key in the total value Inc. VAT of the document. Scanned - Attach the scanned image using the ellipsis button. Click
Create New Transaction screen
• Account key in the nominal account 0000 909505 VSB PL Contra-New • Suffix the full vehicle stock number must be keyed in i.e. N###### • Narrative key in details of the invoice – stock number and/or reg. number • VAT code the vat code will default dependant on the account set up i.e.
I – Internal for Intercompany Suppliers
S – Standard for External Suppliers
• Amount key in the total amount net of VAT 121
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Transaction screen
Continue above process for each document in the batch. 122
Section 4 Sales and purchase ledger Purchase ledger functions Batch input of documents - New vehicle invoices Batch Input of Documents screen
Click on Post to post the batch
Select Print â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Daybook Click ok
Section 4 Workbook
Q1. In sales ledger what field drives the VAT posting? A1.
Q2. In Sales Ledger Accounts, if the account has an e-mail address what documents are you able to send from Sales ledger? A2.
Q3. In Sales and Purchase Ledger, what does the ‘periods unused’ field indicate? A3.
Q4. In Purchase Ledger a transaction that is at status ‘5’ indicates what? A4.
Q5. The facility to reprint a remittance advice can be found on which tab in Purchase ledger? A5.
Q6. In purchase ledger, the EFT tab contains Bank details for the supplier but what format should the following fields be in? 1.EFT Account Name 2. EFT account number 3.BSB Code A6.
Section 5 End of day reports Vehicle reconciliation report REVEH Vehicle Reconciliation Report REVEH is the reconcile vehicle stock to nominal ledger report. The report checks each stock vehicle and established the NL entries which should exist and checks the NL to see what does exist. It will show any stock numbers do not agree. Please log a call with IT helpdesk if you see any stock numbers on this report.
Section 5 End of day reports Daybook register report REGIS Daybook Register Report Daily daybook register report will show if there are any errors against a daybook. If there is a message in the status message column please log with IT helpdesk the daybook number and the message. This could be “SERIOUS FAILURE CALL KCC NOW” or “Some items withheld”
Section 5 End of day reports Verify purchase ledger / verify sales ledger reports VPLACCOU Verify PL Accounts Verify PL accounts will show any PL control accounts which do not balance with the transactions any differences shown will need to be logged with IT helpdesk.
VSLACCOU Verify SL accounts Verify SL accounts will show any SL control accounts which do not balance with the transactions any differences shown will need to be logged with IT helpdesk.
Section 5 End of day reports Normal financial / asset report
Normal financial nominal report The NL financial report 2 will show the accounts which should have a 0.00 balance. Any with a balance against them will need looking at to see why there is a balance against them. If you are unable to see why the balance is not at 0.00 please log a call with IT helpdesk.
Verify asset report The asset/ nominal verification report will show any nominal accounts with a non-matching balance to the physical assets. Any differences should be logged with IT.
Section 5 End of day reports Verify nominal / chart of accounts reports Verify nominal ledger The verify nominal ledger will check that the balance on the nominal in each period is 0.00. Any balance showing on the report needs to be logged with IT.
VCHAR - Verify chart of accounts The verify chart of accounts checks that all parameter settings and controls have legitimate accounts. Any discrepancies should be reported to IT.
Section 5 Workbook Q1. The vehicle recon report does a check between which two modules? A1.
Q2. What report contains a list of all the daybooks printed from the previous day? A2.
Q3. How often is the verify Purchase Ledger report go to spooler? A3.
Q4. Why is it important to log a call if your vehicle recon is out on EOD? A4.
Q5. What does an error on the verify Nominal Ledger indicate? A5.
Section 6 Rolling period ends General information Rolling periods Orders: When rolling your periods, the order in which you will have to roll the period for each module is as follows; 1. Sales Ledger 2. Vehicle Stock Books 3. Purchase Ledger 4. VAT Period (ONLY on a VAT Period END) 5. Nominal Ledger The order of rolling the first three ledgers is not vital so if you close VSB before the Sales ledger then donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t panic. You should ensure that the following accounts have a zero balance in Carry Forward before rolling your Nominal Ledger
If you experience ANY problems rolling periods then you should log an URGENT call with support Self Service explaining which module you are rolling and the problem you are experiencing. Please ensure that have the correct Spooler selected (**Y spooler), before rolling any periods, this will send output to a non-printing spooler. This saves paper and reports can be retrieved at any time, as it archives prints.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Sales ledger Once the normal checks have been done and everyone is logged out of the sales ledger; 1. The user should go to the Main Sales Ledger menu and select Miscellaneous Options.
2. On the next menu, the user should select End Current Period
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Sales ledger 3. The user is then presented with the following screen showing the current period and year for each of the main accounting modules but with the Advance button under the module which the user is currently selecting to close. Clicking on this and following the on-screen instructions will close the Sales Ledger period and roll it into the next accounting period (only takes a few seconds).
You should then check â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Display Current Periodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to ensure that the Sales Ledger is now in the next month.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks Before setting the VSB period to roll, the user should check the zero balance accounts (9*9059, 9*9062, 9*9335, 9*9337 and 9*9504) all have a zero balance and also check the NL posting buffer to ensure there are no un-posted VSB transactions from the current period that may affect the balance on these accounts., you should then check the buffer and zero balance accounts once Vehicle Admin have finished for the night to ensure they havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t amended anything after you set the period to roll. This is done by selecting the View Posting Buffer option from the main Nominal Ledger menu.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks To check the posting buffer for un-posted VSB transactions: 1. Uncheck the Self box to show postings that have been generated by all users 2. Enter Start of Month you are rolling in the Posting date and End of Month you are rolling in the TO in the Posting Date fields to show only postings that will affect the period in question - for example rolling April 2017 would be 01/04/2017 to 30/04/2017. 3. Enter VS in the Source module field 4. Remove the * from the Status field to show only unprocessed daybooks (i.e. transactions that have not yet affected the Nominal Ledger). 5. The screen should then look similar to the one below
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks Click the button to display any unprocessed VSB transactions. If there are no unprocessed transactions the system will display the following message and the user can then proceed to setting the VSB period to roll.
If there are unprocessed VSB transactions in the posting buffer these must be processed before proceeding with the VSB period roll.
To do this, select each unprocessed transaction and click the Detail button
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks Then select the Page 2 tab and note the terminal number.
Daybooks should then be printed for the terminal number. This is done by going into each module (the SL, PL & NL) in turn and selecting Miscellaneous options then Print daybooks for partition.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks The terminal number should then be entered into the Partition field and the Print button selected to print daybooks.
Once all daybooks have been printed the posting buffer should be checked again to ensure there are no remaining unprocessed transactions for the current period. The VSB zero balance accounts below should then be checked to ensure there are no balances for the current period in any of these accounts.
If there are current period balances in any of these accounts these must be investigated and fixed before the VSB period is rolled.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks After the checks and procedures have been completed, the user should then advance the VSB period. 1. From the main VSB menu select reports & enquiries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Vertu standard reports -
2. Select Set VSB to close in EOD 3. Enter in the current company 2-digit location code and Y in the sure? 4. Select OK
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Vehicle stockbooks The system has now allocated a slot on the End of Day process to close the VSB period overnight.
You should then check the buffer and zero balance accounts once Vehicle Admin have finished for the night to ensure they havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t amended anything after you set the period to roll.
The user should check first thing the next morning that the period has rolled as expected. In addition, the VSB End of Period report that is generated automatically during the process will be available for retrieving and reprinting if necessary on the VSB EOP Spooler.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Purchase ledger After the normal checks are done and everyone is logged out of the purchase ledger: 1. 1. The user should go to the Main Purchase Ledger menu and select Miscellaneous Options.
2. On the next menu, the user should select End Current Period
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Purchase ledger 3. The user is then presented with the following screen showing the current period and year for each of the main accounting modules but with the Advance button under the module which the user is currently selecting to close. Clicking on this and following the onscreen instructions will close the Purchase Ledger period and roll it into the next accounting period (only takes a few seconds).
4. You should then check â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Display Current Periodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to ensure that the Purchase Ledger is now in the next month.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module VAT WARNING - ONLY ROLL ON A VAT PERIOD END!
Before you do anything, you must make sure all users are logged out of the Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger and Nominal Ledger. You must only advance a VAT Period on a VAT period end: VAT Periods end on: 28/02/2017, 31/05/2017, 31/08/2017 and 30/11/2017. a. Go to Nominal Ledger > VAT Options > Advance VAT Period;
b. Click on OK
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module VAT c. Now double check the dates and make sure that you want to roll your VAT period from one quarter to another, once rolled there is no putting it back! 2. Once you are happy click â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;OKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
The system now takes you through a series of screens which you click on OK, Close or Done
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module VAT
Now click ‘Done’
Now click ‘OK’
Now click ‘Close’
Now click ‘Done’
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module VAT 8. Now click ‘Advance VAT Period
9. Once finished it will take you back to the a. main menu, you should ‘Display Current Period’ b. and ensure that you are in a New Vat period.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Nominal ledger To roll the nominal ledger you should set it to roll over on EOD.
To set NL to close on eod go to:
Reports & Enquiries – Vertu Reports – General Reports and Utilities – SET current NL to close in EOD
Enter in the current company location 2 digit for the correct location and enter Y in the file? Field.
Section 6 Rolling period ends How to roll each module Nominal ledger 4.
The next morning, you must select ‘Display current period’ in the Nominal Ledger to ensure the period has rolled into the new month.
Check the NL current period and dates; if they haven’t rolled you must log a call with support Self Service stating that you set the NL to roll but it’s still showing the previous period.
Section 6 Workbook
Q1. What should you always check before hitting the advance button to roll the Sales Ledger? A1.
Q2. Name 3 things you should always check before putting VSB to roll on EOD? A2.
Q3. What are our VAT period end dates? A3.
Q4. If you have put VSB or Nominal Ledger to roll on EOD, what is the first thing you should do the next morning? A4.
Q5. What modules do you need users out of before rolling Purchase Ledger? A5.
Section 7 Supplement Checklists Kerridge daily, weekly, monthly checklists Daily checklist 1. Check EOD Spooler for any error reports. a) Vehicle Stock Book Reconciliation to the Nominal Ledger. Any variances should be investigated and resolved. b) Parts Reconciliation to the Nominal Ledger. Any variances should be investigated and resolved. c) Parts audit variances should be checked and differences investigated. d) Review “Trial Balance” of Zero Balance accounts 2. Post all cash received and transfer balance from Sales Ledger Cash Suspense to the Bank Account. Agree balance on Sales Ledger Cash Suspense is zero. 909420 should ALWAYS be zero once all banking processed and posted. 3. Post all direct debits/ direct credits from Bank Statement 4. Vehicle Aged Debtors report should be run, checked & chased. This can be agreed with a report from the Sales Ledger looking at “V” type Accounts only. 5. Reconcile Bank Account 909430 on Kerridge to Bank Statement 6. Register and Scan Purchase Ledger Invoices. 7. Review all Service & Parts outstanding debts. Chase any outstanding cash sales greater than 3 days old. 8. Ensure vehicle status are correct and all status have been amended for invoices received that day.
Section 7 Supplement Checklists Kerridge daily, weekly, monthly checklists Weekly checklist 1. Ensure all Daily tasks are being carried out 2. Produce follow up list from purchase Ledger and chase any outstanding items. 3. Produce credit chase lists for each department and distribute to Department Managers. Chase ALL outstanding items. 4. Check Work in Progress Report and chase Service department for old WIPS still open. 5. Review Trial Balance and investigate unusual items or balances in suspense accounts.
Section 7 Supplement Checklists Kerridge daily, weekly, monthly checklists Monthly checklist 1. All daily and weekly tasks MUST be carried out. 2.
Sales Ledger Checks a) Ensure manually generated Invoices are posted to the Sales Ledger. b) Produce Statements. c) Produce Aged Debtors Report and reconcile to the Nominal Ledger. d) Run Turnover Analysis if required. e) Close Sales Ledger Period when ALL of the above are completed.
3. Purchase Ledger Checks a) Ensure ALL relevant Purchase Ledger Invoices have been released for payment. b) Check and rectify if necessary and invoices left on “STOP” from previous month. c) Put on “STOP” any Invoices that are in dispute. d) Produce Aged Creditors Report and reconcile to the Nominal Ledger. e) Reconcile Suppliers statements. f) Run Remittances and Post Cheques. g) Post Direct Debits. h) Close Purchase Ledger Period when ALL of the above are completed. 4.
Vehicle Stock Book System a) Produce ALL relevant Vehicle Stock reports. b) Reconcile Manufacturers statement with consignment stock report if appropriate. c) Write down demo and used vehicle stock as necessary. d) Check all vehicle related Balance Sheet accounts and investigate any differences, these should be minimal as they are done daily. e) Run vehicle profit reports and agree to Profit and Loss Accounts. f) Close VSB Period when ALL of the above are completed. Care must be taken when this is done as it will prevent any postings into period concerned, and consideration must be given to the time required for production of Management Accounts and closing the Nominal Ledger. 152
Section 7 Supplement Checklists Kerridge daily, weekly, monthly checklists Monthly checklist 5. Nominal Ledger Checks a) Check for any Non-Factual future postings and correct as necessary. b) Check Invoice buffer for any withheld postings or transactions which are relevant to the current accounting period before closing any of the ledgers. c) Post Accruals. Either by journal or from the accruals module. d) Post Depreciation. Either by journal or from the Fixed Asset Module. e) Produce VAT summary report and reconcile to the nominal ledger control accounts. f) Ensure Wages journal is posted h) Submit Management Accounts within the deadline to Central services. I) Submit dealer Composite j) Close nominal ledger once ALL above are completed including sales ledger, purchase ledger and vehicle stockbook checks above have been completed
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909017 Purchase Suspense Nil Account - The account should be Debited by Purchase Ledger from the Purchase of the assets and Credited by the Fixed Asset Register when the Asset has been set-up in the Fixed asset register and the Daybooks have been printed. 909018 Asset Sale Suspense Nil Account - The account is Debited by the Fixed Asset Register when the asset is sold and Credited by the Sales Ledger for the proceeds of the Sale. 909020 Full Paid Stock This represents the value of all the vehicles a ‘A’ Status on the VSB system. A transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be agreed to the Fully Paid Stock report from the VSB system. 909032 New Vehicle Other Stock This represents the balance of Miscellaneous Stock on vehicles - Dr. balances are for work done to a vehicle which is still in stock. i.e. status less than ‘I’. Cr. balances are for estimated costs not yet received or for estimates which are greater than actuals where the vehicle status is less than ‘X’. A transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be checked and the credits for over estimates released via VSB. 909054 New Stock Transfer Control Used as a clearing account for the transfer of factory fitted options from vehicle to vehicle. 909055 Demonstrator Stock This represents the balance of all the Vehicles at Accounts Status ‘A’ which has a Model Code of Demo/Courtesy/Hire. 909058 Demonstrator Depn. Reserve This represents the depreciation for Vehicles using the write down facility in VSB. By amending the Adjusted Stock Field from the used vehicle Purchase Brief Page. 154
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909059 Demonstrator Clearing Account Nil Account - Imbalance usually caused by selling New Vehicles to Used for self-supply demonstrators at a different Sales/Cost value. This account is the wash through account and any balance must be resolved through the VSB system. Running the transaction by suffix will identify the Stock numbers that make up the balance. 909060 Used Vehicle Stock Balance represented by all the Used vehicles with an Account status of ‘A’. A transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be agreed to the Stock list in VSB and reconciled to Physical Stock 909062 Over Allowance Clearing Account Nil Account - Imbalance is either Used Vehicle direct purchases where on creation of the Vehicle Stock record there is a difference between Purchase Price and Stock Value, or where Used vehicle linked to a prime sale via Part Exchange have Account status not consistent. e.g. Prime vehicle should have Account status of ‘I’ and the Part Ex should have an Account status of ‘A’. A transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the balance - these should then be addressed via VSB. 909064 Used Vehicle Other Stock This represents the balance of Miscellaneous Stock on vehicles - Dr. balances are for work done to a vehicle which is still in stock. i.e. status less than ‘I’. Cr. balances are for estimated costs not yet received or for estimates which are greater than actuals where the vehicle status is less then ‘X’. A transaction by suffix will identify the Stock Numbers making up the Nominal Ledger Balance this should be checked and the credits for over estimates released via VSB. The debits should be checked to ensure that the vehicles are still in stock. 909054 New Stock Transfer Control Used as a clearing account for the transfer of factory fitted options from vehicle to vehicle. 909080 Parts Stock Franchise The balance represents the Nominal balance of the Parts Stock - the system checks each EOD that the Physical value of Stock held in the Parts file agrees with the Nominal Balance.
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909082 Parts Surcharge - Franchise The balance represents the Nominal balance of Surcharge Stock - the system checks each EOD that the Physical value of Stock held in the Parts file agrees with the Nominal Balance. 909085 Parts Stock - Non-Franchise The balance represents the Nominal Balance of Parts Stock non Franchise - the system checks each EOD that the Physical value of Stock held in the Parts file agrees with the Nominal Balance. 909087 Parts Surcharge - Non-Franchise The balance represents the Nominal balance of Surcharge Stock non Franchise - the system checks each EOD that the Physical value of Stock held in the Parts file agrees with the Nominal Balance. 909083 Parts Obsolescence Reserve Fran Manually posted reserve - usually based on the month end stock report. 909088 Parts Obsolescence Reserve N/Fran Manually posted reserve - usually based on the month end stock report. 909086/909089 Parts Rounding Differences Balance of usually pence to compensate for the difference between average cost held on the stock record card and the calculated average cost from the Cost of Sale Posting. It is recommended that this account is cleared to the Profit and Loss monthly. 909090 Parts Work in Progress Value of Parts Decarded from stock on to WIPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s which have not been invoiced. 909095/909099 Errors Account Nil Account - These accounts should be checked daily and corrected. Entries on them usually result from unexpected posting conditions from the posting tables. Not only should the posting be amended but the cause should be investigated and rectified.
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909204 Subcontract Stock This represents the balance of Subcontract Stock which has been received into Purchase control onto a WIP number but has not been invoiced out. 909208 VAT Excess Clearing Account Nil Account - This represents the value of VAT and Excess which has been held in POS but has not yet been invoiced to the customer. This is effectively a debtor and should be cleared via POS. 909300 Sales Ledger Control Account This represents the balance of all the Sales Ledger Account which have a NL Control of 9300. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Sales Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance, reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately. 909304 Vehicle Sales Ledger Control Account This represents the balance of all the Sales Ledger Account which have a NL Control of 9304. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Sales Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance, reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately. 909305 Vehicle Sales Ledger Finance Control Account This represents the balance of all the Sales Ledger Account which have a NL control of 9305. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Sales Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance, reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately. 909308 Warranty Sales Ledger Control Account This represents the balance of all the Sales Ledger Account which have a NL control of 9308. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Sales Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance, reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately. 909332 Unallocated Purchase Invoices This is the value of all the invoices registered in Purchase Ledger which have not been Passed via Purchase Ledger or Verified via Purchase Control. The balance is supported by the List of Registered Invoices in the Purchase Ledger. The transaction is flagged with a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Râ&#x20AC;&#x2122; until the invoice is processed.
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909335 VSB Sales Ledger Contra This represents the value of Vehicles where the invoice has been produced but the Account Status is less than ‘I’. A Transaction Analysis by suffix will identify the VSB number and the Vehicle must be corrected via VSB. 909337 VSB Used Car VAT Margin Susp This represents the VAT margin element on Part Exchange Vehicles where the Prime Vehicle has been invoiced but the Account Status is less than ‘I’. A Transaction Analysis by Suffix will identify the VSB number and the Vehicle must be corrected via VSB. Note: - by resolving account 909335 - 909337 usually also clears 909338 Unallocated vehicle invoices This is the value of all the invoices registered in Purchase Ledger for Vehicles which have not been Passed via Purchase Ledger. The balance is supported by the List of Registered Invoices in the Purchase Ledger. The transaction is flagged with a ‘R’ until the invoice is processed. 909420 Sales Ledger Cash Suspense Nil Account - The balance represents the value of the cash posted via the Sales Ledger module, the money posted from tills and the money posted via ‘b’ type accounts for the days banking. This should be transferred daily to the Bank Account - split into Cheques/Cash agreed to the Paying In Slip, credit cards and debit cards (these should be reconciled to the print out or summary sheets for the credit/debit entries). 909422 VSB Default Bank Account Nil Account - This is a system bank account and any balance must be investigated immediately. 909500 Purchase Ledger Control This represents the balance of all the Purchase Ledger Account which have a NL Control of 9500. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Purchase Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately.
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909510 New Vehicle Purchase Ledger Control This represents the balance of all the Purchase Ledger Account which have a NL Control 9510. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Purchase Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately.
909520 Used Vehicle Purchase Ledger Control This represents the balance of all the Purchase Ledger Account which have a NL Control of 9520. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Purchase Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately.
909504 VSB PL Contra - Used Nil Account - This represents any Used Vehicles where in Account Status of the vehicle is ‘A’ but the Purchase document has not been printed. A Transaction by Suffix will identify the VSB number and the Purchase document should be printed from VSB. Alternatively, the Document has been printed but the Account Status is below ‘A’.
909505 VSB PL Contra - New This represents the value of the Vehicles that have an Account Status of ‘A’ but the purchase invoice has not been coded. Any differences on the individual stock numbers either Debit or Credits should be adjusted via the VSB system which will adjust COS. Any debits balances for whole vehicles should be investigated immediately and the Account Status of the vehicle moved to ‘A’. A Transaction by Suffix will identify the VSB numbers.
909506 VSB Journal Account - System Nil Account - This must be investigated immediately as this is system use only.
909530 Vehicle Deposits This represents the value of deposits received where the vehicle has not been invoiced off via VSB. View SL deposit account for individual transactions.
909535 Finance Settlement Control This represents the balance of all the Purchase Ledger Account which have a NL Control of 9535. The system checks in EOD that the total of the Purchase Ledger Accounts agrees with the NL balance reporting any variance - this must be corrected immediately. VSB posts any HP Settlements on Part Exchange direct to this account.
Section 7 Supplement Balance sheet accounts 909540 POS Deposits This represents the value of Deposits keyed via POS which have not been invoiced off.
909575 Part Goods in Suspense This represents the value of Parts receipts into stock, but the invoice is not verified via Purchase Control. This is effectively the accrual for the Invoice.
909576 Sub Contract Goods in Suspense This represents the value of Subcontract receipted into stock, but the invoice is not verified via Purchase Control. This is effectively the accrual for the Invoice.
909577 Vehicle Stock Book Goods in Suspense This represents the value of Vehicle outside purchases, receipted into stock, but the invoice has not been verified via Purchase Control. This is effectively the accrual for the invoice.
909578 Goods in Suspense Errors Nil Account - This account is used by the system to trap any unexpected postings and should be investigated and cleared immediately.
909640/909641/909642/909643 Vat Accounts These accounts are used by the system to post VAT entries they should be reconciled to the VAT Summary Report and are supported by the VAT Log Report. Any differences reported on EOD must be investigated immediately. At the quarter end the balances should be transferred to the 9644 VAT Clearing Account which will be cleared by the Payment or Receipt.
Section 7 Supplement Shortcut keys Some of the keys on the keyboard have a particular significance when used within the Kerridge Autoline System. These are known as the SHORTCUT keys. Note: The type of terminal emulation and the release number of KCML will change the use of the TAB, <RETURN>, and SHIFT and TAB keys. Please read on to see how the keys will relate to you. Some of the most useful SHORTCUT keys are as follows:
Working in Windows:
Working in a Kerridge form:
Section 7 Supplement Shortcut keys Working in a text box/field:
Other useful shortcuts
Section 7 Supplement Shortcut keys Export to excel Anywhere you see the grey bar means you can output this data to excel by using the following command. CTRL and right click on the mouse
Examples of grey bars:
Now in Excel select the ‘paste’ option.
Section 7 Supplement Shortcut keys Export to excel Downloading Reports – Any and all reports can be downloaded by ensuring that your terminal is set up as follows. Click on the icon on the top left of the screen. And take preferences
Ensure that the output device is set to “File”
Under “Print File” – Take “Change” and decide where you want the resulting file to be written and give the file a name (the one above is called “CHRIS” and is written to the desktop). 164
Section 7 Supplement Kerridge help Vertu central -
By going into Vertu Central and clicking on IT down the left-hand side, You will find a section called Accounts/VSB Reports & Procedures this is constantly being updated with help files and documents.
Log a support call If all else fails you can log a call online using the icon on your desktop.
Please give as much information as possible including – your Company – the Module – the option – you ip address – your Kerridge login – if necessary – the stock number or account number – the report id and which menu it is on, if in doubt about whether to include the information DO!