When you invest in a New Zealand Made design from TRENZSEATER, you can be assured, that each piece is made by hand, for you, to your own unique, specific and bespoke requirements that include your choice in size, finish and material selection. It is essentially tailored specifically


Editors’ Notes

Fran Ninow
Welcome to Verve’s August issue, an ode to the ever-evolving beauty industry. Huge thanks to Dani for her devotion and hard work, and to our editorial and design team for their diligence and creativity. We are so proud of you. Recently, I had the privilege of luxuriating in a massage at the impeccably designed Sa-ni Spa. I cannot recommend Sa-ni highly enough. Their skilled therapists masterfully target those stress-filled areas, allowing tension to melt away, while their warm, attentive service ensures you are completely relaxed in no time. My indulgent session was a haven of tranquillity—no phone, no screens, no interruptions. During this serene escape, thoughts drifted to a dear friend with only a few days left to live. In that reflective moment, I realised that despite life’s problems and challenges, she would have cherished the opportunity to continue experiencing them, as they are intrinsic to the human experience and the beautiful, unpredictable journey we call life.
Don’t miss the heartwarming piece on Gingernut Angels, the interview with Alex Davids, or Wayne Maguire’s retelling of his month-long trip to the Himalayas – each in their own way reflecting how resilience can bear positive results.
Here’s to cherishing every moment, both the smooth and the rough, as they make us who we are.
Fran xx
Jude Mitchell
Though our inner selves often feel ageless, our faces may reveal a different narrative, displaying the lines of a rich tapestry woven by moments of laughter, tears, and countless experiences that define our existence. Our hair may silver, our steps may slow, but our commitment to maintaining our health should remain steadfast – including a daily skincare ritual! For me, it's a continuous routine of moisturising throughout the day.
In the upcoming pages, you'll discover myriad options to refine your own skincare ritual. Whether it's anti-wrinkle creams, nourishing moisturisers, or rejuvenating eye treatments, Verve's Best in Beauty 2024 offers an array of solutions for everyone.
I’m now back in Auckland after a journey that took in London, France, New York, and more, and I've certainly gained a few more laughter lines along the way!
Happy reading.
Jude xx
Danielle Feneridis
Beauty Editor
Welcome to this year’s August edition! It’s been a pleasure working on the annual Best in Beauty edit and I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this beautiful issue. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have loved curating it for you.
I’m writing this from New York and have been reflecting on how creative and innovative the beauty industry is around the world. We dive more into this in the beauty section and this year's Best in Beauty covers everything from serums, injectables, skincare tools, anti-ageing and plenty more!
I’m sure the team can also agree that we are very grateful for the opportunity to work with Fran and Jude and recognise the incredible work they’ve done to publish Verve for over 20 years.
Dani x
your passport to timeless beauty

At Asthetica, our core focus is to make overseas travel for medical and cosmetic procedures safe, reliable, and easy for our clients. We are here to save you time, money, and stress – taking away the guesswork and mitigating the risks and challenges of dealing with an unknown clinic overseas.
Tailored treatments to help you become the best version of you. From fat removal to breast augmentation and more.
Maximise your natural beauty with tailored treatments to enhance your features and reduce signs of ageing.
The latest hair, eyebrow and beard implant techniques to achieve natural-looking results.
What’s Inside

Never Lose Hope
Matakana Feature 112
Matakana Beauty
Finding Balance
Food & Wine
Taste & Drink
Art & About 146 Air NYC
Fran Ninow and Jude Mitchell
Sub-editor/Senior Writer
Jamie Christian Desplaces
Head Graphic Designer
Arna Martin
Graphic Designer
Yamin Cook
Social Media
Yamin Cook
Nikki Addison, Manish Kumar Arora, Lucy Kennedy, Vandita Kumar, Dennis Knill, Milly Nolan, Paul Leuschke, Aimée Ralfini, Helene Ravlich and Bella Sampson.
Subscriptions vervemagazine.co.nz/shop
Published by Verve Magazine Ltd 13 Westmoreland Street West, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021
GST 90 378 074
ISSN 2253-1300 (print) ISSN 2253-1319 (online)
Editorial Enquiries
(+64) 9 520 5939
Fran Ninow: fran@vervemagazine.co.nz
Jude Mitchell: jude@vervemagazine.co.nz
Advertising Enquiries danielle@vervemagazine.co.nz fran@vervemagazine.co.nz jude@vervemagazine.co.nz kate@vervemagazine.co.nz pambrown@xtra.co.nz
Cover Photography: Adobe Stock Photos.
Verve is published monthly (except in January) and has an estimated readership of 60,000. It is a free lifestyle magazine delivered to cafés and businesses in Devonport, Epsom, Ellerslie, Herne Bay, Kohimarama, Meadowbank, Mission Bay, Newmarket, Parnell, Remuera, St Mary’s Bay and Takapuna. Verve is placed in magazine stands for free collection from locations in Auckland City, Devonport, Epsom, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay, Mairangi Bay, Milford, Mission Bay, Newmarket, Parnell, Ponsonby, Remuera, St. Heliers, Stonefields, Takapuna and in domestic terminal Auckland Airport. Visit vervemagazine.co.nz for exact locations these magazine stands. Verve is also available from all popular cafés in its main distribution areas as well as in ebook format.
Visit vervemagazine.co.nz to sign up for your free monthly ebook. Verve is printed by Blue Star, 8 Collard Place, Henderson, Auckland. It is distributed by Verve, ERC Contracting and Mailchimp.

Luxury Meets Location
The Foundation is without doubt, one of the most sought-after retirement locations in Auckland. The Nathan Residences are now complete and work is underway on the second building, Abbott Residences. This new development features a conservatory rooftop garden terrace with views overlooking the museum and harbour.
We are delighted to announce that appointments are now available to view the show apartment and plans for the Abbott Residences. Please arrange an appointment with Bev Dyson.
In Short
Verve ’ s monthly round up of what’s new, interesting, and happening… in a paragraph!
Top of the World
Though technically not the hardest mountain to tackle, scaling the world’s highest peak remains one of the world’s deadliest climbs. No one knows for certain how many bodies rest, frozen, on Mount Everest, but the number is believed to be north of 200 – the vast majority in the ‘death zone’ above 8,000m. A far less hazardous – and less frostbiteinducing – method of similarly testing your endurance is by way of the Everest Challenge which doesn’t even require you to leave the country (and maybe not even your home or gym). The concept is simple: climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest (8,849m) using whatever method you choose – and preferably while raising money for charity. People have previously used everything from their home stairs to climbing machines while others have made multiple climbs up Mount Maunganui (38 climbs, to be precise) or made the most of Marlborough’s many walking trails. And don’t worry, you’re not expected to do the challenge in one go!
AI New Dawn
In an effort to slash waiting times, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has recently announced that its first AI-run physiotherapy clinic will open later this year, with patients referred to the Flok app by their GP or primary care provider. Finn Stevenson, co-founder of the app compares the experience to a “structured video call with a physiotherapist”. The technology will allow every patient “a constantly individualised experience” by way of a digital physio prescribing pain management techniques and exercises. In another UK artificial intelligence first, an AI candidate was on the ballot for the recent general election which saw Labour leader Keir Starmer elected prime minister. "We're launching a party, we're going to be recruiting more AI candidates across the country after this election, and we see this as the launch, building block for something big and something democratic," the businessman behind the stunt, Steve Endacott, told Reuters. But it hasn’t been all AI positive however, with OpenAI and Google DeepMind workers recently signing an open letter warning about the risks posed and lack of safety oversights within the industry.
Proper Grub
Typically found in decaying wood where they feed on the decomposing material, the huhu beetle is a native New Zealand bug that grows up to 7cm in length – and its larvae, known as huhu grubs, are being touted as a food source that could provide Aotearoa with better food security. Always one of the most popular items at the Hokitika Wildfoods Festival – where they are plucked from freshly chopped wood – the bugs pack a higher percentage of protein than beef and, when lightly toasted over a barbecue, are said to taste quite like peanut butter. Alternatively, they can be eaten raw. “In many parts of the world, other insects which are similar to huhu grubs are currently being farmed,” senior food science lecturer at the University of Otago Dominic Agyei, tells the Newsable podcast. “As long as food has a really good nutritional value, I say, why not?”
Treatment Breathes Hope
Though incidence of lung cancer has been declining – mainly due to reductions in smoking rates – it remains the most diagnosed cancer around the world, with more than two million new cases each year, and causing 1.8 million deaths. Survival rates are better for early-stage diagnoses but the overall five-year survival rate for the disease is 20%. However, a highly promising new drug called Lorlatinib has been described as “off the charts” by doctors, with 60% of the patients who took it still alive after five years. Though most patients experienced side effects such as swelling, high cholesterol, and raised lipid levels, after the five years, the cancer had also not progressed. Just over half of the participants were women, and in around a quarter of those the cancer had already spread to the brain when the study started. “To our knowledge, these results are unprecedented,” says lead study author Dr Benjamin Solomon of Melbourne’s Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
Flying Raw
Most of us have at some point tried to find ways of saving a few bucks when booking flights, but there’s a new trend that takes no frills flying to the extreme – and not for financial gain. It’s been termed ‘rawdogging’. Rawdoggers choose to test the limits of their mental powers by shunning anything that makes flying any less painful (think in-flight entertainment, food, and even water) with the only ‘pleasure’ allowed being to watch the flight map. While many are aghast at the torturous trend, others argue that an aeroplane is one of the few places in the modern world that can allow you to sit in (relative) peace and be lost in your thoughts while allowing your brain a digital detox. “Think about it like a candle wick meditation,” Will Schneider, host of the podcast Men Talking Mindfulness tells Condé Nast Traveler, “where you watch the flame burn and burn and that’s all you do.”
Sock It
Sticking with strange trend news, new generational battle lines have been firmly drawn, not in the sand, but around the mid-calf or ankle areas, depending on your age. Yes, the latest intergenerational war is not over politics or the price of houses or avocados, but how you should wear your socks. According to gen Z trendsetters, crew socks are the only types of coverings that should grace our lower legs – paired with everything from slides to formal shoes – while millennials are sticking with their ankle or no-show ‘invisible’ ones. Such is the severity of this fashion spat, that Jennifer Lawrence was declared ‘brave’ by Vogue for recently stepping out in ankle socks. While gen Z say that hiding your socks is a surefire way of giving away your age and the fact that you’re just not with it, millennials argue that crew socks are more associated with geeks and grandparents.

Indoor Living
3. Refined Living Andorra 2 Seater Sofa, Rave Natural
4. Design Warehouse Boston Side Table
5. SLOW Ware Table Lamp - Mole Grey Acrylic
6. SLOW Miira Brass Opal
7. Design Warehouse Hugo Indoor Wicker Chair
8. Refined Living Trent Extendable Dining Table, Antique Grey

1. Day & Age – Hinton Seat, Mustard
2. Refined Living Brioche Single Seater, Hand Tipped Graphite

Building Satisfaction
Architectural design is a Joy.
It must be wonderful to design a new house, so creative, they say.
No, it's not, its hard work, but I still love it.
I love the construction process, the digger, the concrete, the steel. I don't want to be a builder in the dirt and rain but love watching them at work, the skill they have. I suppose a little boy who never grew up.
But more than that I see the whole production of a building as a series of puzzles to be solved. I like the challenge.
The client with a brief and budget that doesn't match. The site, flat and boring or steep and dangerous, and working with the constraint of council rules.
I enjoy meeting new clients. Most clients tell me the answer, I then need to find the problem. While we all live in similar houses, we all live in them differently and have different priorities. Personally, I want continuous uninterrupted hot water in my shower due to being the fourth son and growing up with lukewarm bathwater. Villa owners want warmth and sun. We are all a reaction to our past experiences.
Those priorities can be quite different between couples, and I learned early on never to have meetings with one partner only, it leads to problems.
It's a collaboration with the clients and I really enjoy getting all their magazines rip-outs from them, with what they like.
Of course, the images are all conflicting, but it lifts the design burden off the clients and inspires me.
I am amazed at man's ability to produce new products. Halogen lights to LEDs, a ceiling full of downlights to magnetic track lighting with different fittings for task or ambient lighting. I marvel at the creatives who see the world differently and introduce these products. Keeping up with them is part of the joy.
021 894 895 leuschkekahn.co.nz

Where the Heart Is


Architect Anthony Orelowitz has designed a home for his family that reinvents what it means to make a haven in the city.

This page: The paving mimics the patterns of tyre tracks arriving and leaving, transforming an ephemeral pattern of movement into an artistic detail, and signalling the extent to which the architecture and design is about movement and connections.
Right page: From the entrance, a staircase ascends to the upper level. Another, smaller stair leads down to the kitchen and dining area. The skylight at the top of the double volume space opens to the sky. The floating lounge above is suspended form a slim hanger at its corner, which imparts a light, floating quality to the architecture.

Left page: On the lower level, the kitchen flows out seamlessly to a covered terrace with skylights. The stone floor, wall cladding and timber ceiling extend seamlessly from inside out, the tracks for the sliding door meticulously integrated into the finishes.
This page:
The wood on the kitchen island mimics the aluminium element on the facade. The wood panelling at the back of the kitchen not only conceals storage, but a back-of-house kitchen and pantry.

Get the look with Resene
Resene Colorwood Natural
Resene Black White
Resene Foundry

This page: Seen from the upstairs entertainment areas, the transparency and permeability of the pavilion-like structure of the house reveals itself. Lines of sight carry uninterrupted through the living space to the vertical garden behind, and diagonally through the courtyard to the terrace below.
Lines of sight carry uninterrupted through the living space to the vertical garden behind, and diagonally through the courtyard to the terrace below.

This page left : Floating stairs lead from the internal courtyard to an upstairs entertainment area. The balustrades, designed with standard square steel tubing, have been converted into planters with succulents, transforming something mundane into a delight.
This page bottom : The upstairs lounge floats dramatically against the background of a vertical garden, suspended by a slim steel hanger. It is open to the upstairs paved terrace which leads on the one hand, to the swimming pool, and on the other to the outdoor entertainment area on the opposite side of the courtyard.

Get the look with Resene
Resene Quarter Wheatfield
Resene Moroccan Spice

Resene Concrete

The house itself is essentially a series of pavilions, with vast sliding doors and screens that can be opened and closed to reconfigure a mosaic of spaces in countless ways.
This page: A smaller lounge area, also on the upper level against the backdrop of the vertical garden, creates a more intimate gathering space around the fireplace. This area relies on simplicity to create an innate sense of calmness. The house itself is essentially a series of pavilions, with vast sliding doors and screens that can be opened and closed to reconfigure a mosaic of spaces in countless ways.

Left page & right image: Three porthole windows on the underside of the swimming pool on the upper level cast a liquid light over a covered section of the courtyard below. The circular shape of the furniture echoes the shape of the windows, which contributes to the sense of calm created through the consistent and harmonious use of shape and form (not to mention colour).

Right : Plants cascade from the top level to the ground, creating a curtain of greenery and an almost tropical atmosphere while cleverly concealing the massive steel beams that enable the light, open, floating quality of the architecture.

This page right : The upstairs guest suite opens onto a beautifully planted bathroom, which can be completely opened to the sky with an appcontrolled automated skylight.
Left page & bottom right : The bedroom and bathroom open onto their own internal courtyard, which in turn can be opened up to the main courtyard, or, alternatively, screened off to transform the bedroom area into a private suite. In the main en suite bathroom the marble showers appear as if they have been ‘inserted’ into the volume. The dropped ceiling creates a cocoon-like setting. The details are seamless – there is concealed storage behind the mirrors for example – and no extraneous detailing has been included.

Indoor-Outdoor Harmony

Achieving stunning indoor-outdoor flow is crucial when designing the home of your dreams, as it enhances both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of those outdoor spaces.
Seamless integration allows for a harmonious connection between indoor living areas and outdoor landscapes, fostering a sense of continuity and expansiveness.
Architecturally, a well-executed indoor-outdoor flow utilises design elements like large windows, sliding doors, and openplan layouts to blur the boundaries between inside and outside. This not only maximises natural light and ventilation but also creates a feeling of spaciousness that transcends the physical confines of a home.
Practically, beautifully designed indoor-outdoor flow helps create effortless entertainment and relaxation opportunities, encouraging an outdoor lifestyle, that promotes wellness and connection with nature.
Moreover, effective indoor-outdoor flow adds significant value to a property, appealing to modern homeowners who prioritise versatility and aesthetic appeal. It exemplifies thoughtful design and attention to detail, transforming a house into a bespoke sanctuary that meets both functional needs and aspirational desires.

The Ultimate Outdoor Living Space
Imagine a perfect day in your backyard. The sun is shining, the breeze is gentle, and you have the power to control your outdoor environment at your fingertips.
At Ultimate Outdoor Spaces, we bring this vision to life with our innovative louvre roofs, which open a full 180 degrees, giving you unparalleled flexibility and control.
Our solution allows you to maximize or minimize the sun, creating the ultimate comfort in your outdoor living space. We believe in transforming your entire outdoor area into a haven of relaxation and enjoyment.
We also specialize in:
Outdoor Blinds Enhance privacy and control over the elements with our premium outdoor blinds, designed to suit any outdoor space.
Outdoor Fireplaces Extend your outdoor living into the cooler months with our beautifully designed outdoor fireplaces. Perfect for cozy evenings and entertaining guests, our fireplaces add warmth and ambiance to any backyard.
Custom Decking Create a stunning platform for your outdoor activities with our expertly crafted decks. Whether it’s for hosting parties, family gatherings, or simply a place to unwind, our decks are built to impress.

Design of August


Resene Asperia Wallpaper Collection A54903

Pivot portable table lamp

Derlook Petal sofa
The Design Library Artie coffee table
Arflex Marenco outdoor armchair
The Design Library Tito ottoman
Stacks Como cushion
Soren Liv Artie entertainment unit
Elegance Materialised

For over 40 years Lahood has been the name behind transformational window furnishing solutions. Lahood combines their expertise in design, colour and texture to transform rooms, create mood and enhance people’s lives with a touch of elegance.
Visit our showroom located at 104 Mount Eden Road, call us on 0800 524 663 or book an in-home consultation online.
Resene: Beauty
When we think about creating beauty, our minds often go to makeup palettes and skincare routines – but what about our living spaces?
Just as selecting the perfect shade of lipstick can transform your look, choosing Resene paints can turn your home into a vibrant canvas that reflects your unique style and personality.
Imagine starting with Resene Illuminate, a delightful light yellow that adds a sunny warmth to any room. Like how a radiant highlighter illuminates your complexion, this colour brings a cheerful vibe that instantly lifts spirits and welcomes guests with its bright charm.
For a space that exudes serenity, Resene Comfortably Numb offers a soothing light blue reminiscent of a calming face mask. Ideal for bedrooms where relaxation is paramount, it transforms your sleep space into a tranquil retreat, perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.
Injecting a touch of glamour into your home? Consider Resene Vantage Point, a sophisticated grey that adds depth and elegance to any room, much like a classic smoky eye enhances your evening look. This versatile shade creates a backdrop that complements both bold and subtle decor choices, allowing you to express your personal style effortlessly.
Resene’s dedication to eco-friendly paints ensures your home not only looks good but also feels good. Just as clean beauty products are gentle on your skin, Resene’s low VOC formulas promote a healthier indoor environment, ensuring your space is both beautiful and safe for your family.
Personalising your home is where the fun really begins! Whether you’re drawn to the soft sophistication of Resene Wayfarer, a versatile greyish-blue that harmonises with any decor scheme, or the vibrant personality of Resene Tarzan, a lively green-gold khaki that brings the freshness of nature indoors, Resene paints empower you to create a home that reflects your beauty and style.
Let Resene paints be your partner in creating a home that’s as vibrant and full of personality as your favourite makeup palette.


For an in home consultation call Janene 021 274 7447
Weathermaster’s search for the best solutions for New Zealand conditions brings you a range of innovative heavy-duty awnings that delivery unparallel functionality. With three styles to choose from, spanning up to seven metres and offering a massive fourmetre depth, they are perfect for decks, balconies, shops and restaurants and more.

The Weathermaster’ Alpha External Screen System represents the latest in design, styling and functionality. Offering a full suite of External Screen systems including: MagnaTrack, Side Tension Channel (STC), Cable Guide, Straight Drop, and Pivot Arm, the Weathermaster’ Alpha External Screen Range offers a common, aesthetically appealing look across all products with a solution to meet every customer’s need. Selected Alpha External Screen products can span 6.5 metres wide and can withstand wind speeds up to 185 km/h for a 3.5 metre wide screen.

Serenity™ Cantilever Umbrella’s patented technology gives you years of trouble-free use thanks to expert engineering and advanced umbrella deployment systems. Lift your world of shade with ease. We also have umbrellas to suit your individual needs.
Showroom 48E Lake Road, Northcote (By appointment only)
Comfortably Numb
Illuminate Tarzan
Vantage Point Wayfarer

and Coromandel areas 20+

Contact Lisa to have your property appraised before 20 September '24 and go in the draw to win a luxury escape to Tahiti.* Includes:
Return flights for two flying Air New Zealand, departing from Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch 2 nights twin share in Papeete at Te Moana Tahiti Resort, including breakfast 5 nights twin share at Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, including 2 course dinner each night and breakfast Transfers to and from Papeete airport, ports and both accommodation venues

That means we focus solely on fascia, spouting, downpipes and rainwater heads. We believe that installing a high-quality rainwater system requires specialist knowledge and experience ensuring the system fits perfectly with your build.
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for anything less. Choose from a range of painted coil or lifelong copper, using Continuous Spouting for your next respout or new build project will ensure a rainwater system that is not only functional but meets even the most complex of designs.

Innovative Elegance:
A masterpiece on Armadale Road.
Nestled in the heart of Remuera, Auckland, Armadale Road stands as a testament to modern luxury, boasting the seamless integration of tradition, technology and innovation.
Crafted by the team at C Power Homes, this modern masterpiece was built for warm welcomes and connection.
A vision inspired by architectural greatness
Drawing inspiration from the minimalist yet impactful philosophy of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the team intertwined pillars of modern art with the natural beauty of New Zealand’s landscapes, masterfully striking a balance between the inspiring and practical. Their dedication to the principle of "less is more" is evident in every facet of the home's design, where simplicity and elegance converge, creating an atmosphere of refined luxury.
"We aimed to create a modern, luxury home that blends practicality with contemporary aesthetics," shares C Power director Harry Cui. "Our goal was to ensure comfort without compromising on style, and I believe we've achieved that beautifully."
And comfortable it certainly is, its grand entrance inviting guests into a space which is lofty, airy and serene, every
corner leans into nature by texture and design. Furthermore, the indoor-outdoor flow of the property makes it perfect for entertaining throughout the year, capped with pristine views out onto central Auckland and Cornwall Park.
A harmonious blend of form and function
One of the standout features of the property is the harmonious integration of feng shui principles. Recognising the diverse cultural backgrounds of their clients, the design team has skilfully incorporated elements that reflect the owners’, as says clients above]specific expressions of feng shui beliefs. This inclusive approach ensures that the home resonates with a sense of balance and tranquillity, making it a sanctuary for its residents.
Tailored to perfection
The property boasts an impressive array of features including three master bedrooms, numerous luxurious bathrooms, two guest bedrooms, two state-of-the-art kitchens to accommodate various cross-cultural cuisine, a tearoom, private gym, games room, and a home theatre.


“Our goal was to ensure comfort without compromising on style, and I believe we've achieved that beautifully.”
Meeting the clients’ needs was paramount throughout the construction process. The team designed the property with unique spatial layouts whilst utilising high-end materials to deliver a home that is both luxurious and functional. Advanced smart home systems have been seamlessly incorporated, offering its residents the ultimate in convenience and control.
"The most challenging aspect was coordinating the various personnel involved and managing the numerous details," says Harry. "Balancing the clients’ ideas with practical construction issues was demanding, but the end result speaks for itself."
A testament to excellence
The two-and-a-half-year journey to bring this vision to life was met with resounding success. The clients’ satisfaction with the finished project exceeded all expectations, a testament to
C Power Homes' unwavering dedication to quality and innovation. Describing the project in one word, the team unanimously agrees: "Innovative."
This home on Armadale Road is more than just a residence; it’s a masterpiece that showcases the possibilities of modern architecture when combined with a deep respect for nature and cultural heritage. For those with an eye for design and a passion for luxurious living, this property represents the pinnacle of sophisticated lifestyle and architectural brilliance.
Discover the difference
With a focus on innovative design, unparalleled craftsmanship, and a commitment to creating spaces that reflect the unique lifestyle and values of their clients, C Power Homes stands at the forefront of architectural excellence. Their work on Armadale Road is a shining example of what can be achieved
when passion, expertise, and vision come together in perfect harmony.
To find out more visit cpowernz.com or email info@cpowernz.com today.
C Power Team
Director - Harry Cui
Marketing Manager - Amy Li
Construction Manager - Zoe Jing
Administration - Ivy Chen

Early Planning for Elegant Results

Discover how Lahood can enhance your next building or renovation project.
When building or renovating, delaying decisions on window furnishings can significantly limit your options, potentially compromising both aesthetics and functionality. Lahood® Window Furnishings offers a comprehensive design service to prevent such issues. By collaborating with architects, builders, and property developers from the project's inception, Lahood ensures your design vision materialises exactly as intended.
Importance of Forethought
We sat down with two Lahood design experts: Clayton Sceats, commercial director, and interior designer Tricia Dunlop to discuss the critical importance of early planning and how Lahood can enhance your project.
“Considering window coverings early in the design phase opens up a world of possibilities," explains Clayton. "It allows for seamless integration of popular solutions like motorised curtains and blinds with flush or recessed finishes. These choices require specific wiring and cavity considerations that are best addressed in the initial planning stages."
Expertise in Architecturally Designed Homes
Lahood provides an end-to-end service, from design input during early planning stages to on-site collaboration with contractors, culminating in the final professional installation by their in-house team. Their expertise is showcased in numerous architecturally designed homes, where they have collaborated with some of New Zealand’s most renowned architects, such as Bossley Architects, who Clayton collaborated with for the window coverings in the beautiful Waiheke home shown here.
Preferred Supplier for Apartments
In addition to architects, Lahood also works closely with property developers and is a preferred supplier for prestigious apartment developments such as One St Stephens, Library 27, The Cab, Sonata, 45 Mt Eden, Horizon and Outlook. If you're moving into an apartment soon, Lahood’s design team will help you navigate the often-complex world of body corporate requirements while still achieving a personalised, stylish solution for your windows.
“We understand the unique considerations that come with apartment living,” says Tricia “Our goal is to ensure that each client enjoys a seamless experience and a finished product that complements their individual style while adhering to all necessary guidelines.”
To view more stunning homes and apartments featuring Lahood products, view the Commercial page at lahood.co.nz . To book a complimentary consultation, call 0800 LAHOOD or complete a website form.

an escape in luxury to Tahiti WIN

Have your property appraised before 20 September 2024 and go in the draw to win a luxury escape to beautiful Tahiti.* Prize package includes:
• Return flights for two flying Air New Zealand, departing from Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch
• 2 nights twin share in Papeete at Te Moana Tahiti Resort, including breakfast
• 5 nights twin share at Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, including 2 course dinner each night and breakfast
• Transfers to and from Papeete airport, ports and both accommodation venues

Elixir of Life
Age-defying nutrition for healthier, happy lives.
In her new book, The Food Fountain Of Youth, clinical nutritionist Lonneke Botello Hernandez explores the science behind beauty nutrition and provides recipes and advice for looking and feeling healthy from the inside-out.
For those that don’t know, what exactly is an anti-ageing and beauty nutritionist?
Beauty and anti-aging nutrition is about eating foods or key nutrients. Consuming more beauty nutrients aids your body to be healthier from the inside to create a healthier look on the outside while improving the quaility of your life and longevity.
What sparked your passion for this field?
As a child, I faced many health struggles, particularly skin issues, and discovered numerous food sensitivities. Through this, I learned which foods and nutrients could harm or help me, sparking my love for understanding how food can heal the body from the inside out.
My passion led me to study clinical nutrition at university, and soon after, I opened my practice. Helping others feel better and be happier is deeply fulfilling for me.
In my early twenties, I entered a local beauty pageant and was placed second runner-up. I went on to compete in Miss Universe, Miss Bikini, and Miss New Zealand Queen of the World, winning the title in 2013. Through these pageants, I aimed to promote a healthy body image through balanced diet and lifestyle. Although I resigned from the title, I was inspired by how many young women I’d influenced so continued my mission to promote inner health for outer beauty and confidence.
After completing a diploma in anti-ageing and beauty nutrition, I became a beauty nutrition practitioner, and realised that there was still so much information to be discovered in the evolving field that I decided to do my own research and write a book about the amazing nutrients that are readily available to slow the signs of ageing.
Tell us about your new book, The Food Fountain Of Youth? It’s all about educating and exciting the every-day person to include more beauty nutrients into their diet and making small

changes in their lifestyle to enable them to live a longer, quality, and beautiful life!
What are some of the science-backed anti-ageing nutrients?
Our bodies fight free radicals daily; more free radical damage accelerates ageing. Antioxidants neutralise this oxidation, so consuming them regularly can significantly slow ageing and improve health and wellbeing.
Another favourite is hydroxytyrosol, a polyphenol found only in olives, discovered by accident. It has the highest level of natural antioxidant activity, neutralising cell-damaging free radicals. Olives also contain essential fatty acids, and vitamins E and K.
There is lots of conflicting information about which is more important – food, or exercise. What’s your take?
While exercise is essential, survival depends on nutrients and food quality. As a former competitive runner, I learned that diet directly impacts energy and recovery.
Follow Lonneke on Instagram: @lonneke_bh or Facebook: @Lonneke BH – Author.
The Food Fountain of Youth: Nutrients with science-based benefits for antiaging & beauty by Lonneke B. H, illustrations by Floor van Lierop, thisisthem, published by Bateman Books, RRP $45


Get ready to glow! Bronzing drops are your secret weapon for achieving that perfect sun-kissed look, no matter the season. These magic drops deliver a punch of bronzed goodness, allowing you to customise your tan effortlessly. Whether you're mixing them into your moisturiser for a subtle glow or adding a few drops to your foundation for a beachy bronze, brands like Isle of Paradise, Tan-Luxe, and Drunk Elephant offer options that cater to your preferences. Packed with hydrating ingredients and antioxidants, these drops not only enhance your complexion but also nourish your skin, making them a must-have for your beauty routine.
The bob cut trend is a versatile and timeless hairstyle known for its modern appeal, characterised by straightcut hair at jaw-length or above, with variations in length, texture, and styling techniques. Popular styles include the blunt bob, textured lob (long bob), asymmetrical bob, and layered bob, each offering unique interpretations suited to different preferences and face shapes. Celebrities like Hailey Bieber and Ciara have propelled these looks into mainstream popularity, making the bob a favoured option for those seeking a chic, low-maintenance hairstyle that can be effortlessly styled for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events.
Hyaluronic acid is a versatile skincare ingredient known for its deep hydration and skin-plumping benefits. Popular brands like Neutrogena Hydro Boost, The Ordinary, Skinceuticals, and Drunk Elephant excel in hyaluronic acid serums and moisturisers. In hair care, brands such as Living Proof, Olaplex, Briogeo, and Redken incorporate hyaluronic acid to enhance hydration and improve hair texture, meeting the increasing demand for effective moisturising solutions in hair care routines.
Step up your skincare game because retinol isn't just for serums anymore – it's making waves in moisturisers, masks, and beyond! This trend is all about giving the powerhouse antiageing ingredient a broader appeal. By combining retinol with hydrating and soothing ingredients, brands are creating products that deliver the benefits of smoother, firmer skin without the risk of sensitivity. It's like upgrading your skincare routine with a superhero ingredient that fights wrinkles and enhances radiance, all while keeping your skin happy and healthy. Whether you're new to retinol or a seasoned enthusiast, these innovative formulas make it easy to incorporate into your daily regimen with confidence and excitement!
The Sleepy Girl Mocktail combines chamomile tea, tart cherry juice, and magnesium citrate to create a calming drink aimed at promoting relaxation and potentially aiding in better sleep. Magnesium citrate, known for its role in muscle relaxation and stress reduction, enhances the drink's sleep-supportive properties and may also help alleviate period cramps. This natural alternative to traditional sleep aids hydrates the body while supporting overall wellbeing, free from excessive sugars and artificial additives. Magnesium's popularity stems from its reputation for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, making it a sought-after addition to wellness routines.
Tubing mascara is the latest musthave for lash lovers – it's like a magic wand for your eyes! This innovative formula coats each lash in flexible, water-resistant tubes that lengthen and define without clumping. Brands like Blinc, L'Oréal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes, and Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara have perfected the tubing mascara game, offering options that promise smudgeproof, long-lasting wear. The best part? When it's time to remove, simply use warm water and gentle pressure to slide off the tubes – no more panda eyes! Whether you're heading to work or a night out, tubing mascara keeps your lashes looking flawless and fluttery all day long.


Miraculous Facial Oil
Say goodbye to over-dry, aged and stressed looking skin. Linden Leaves Miraculous Facial Oil is an exquisite blend of nourishing organic rosehip and evening primrose oils, infused with organic white tea to boost radiance. This omega-rich, multi-oil formula deeply moisturises and revitalises, offering luxuriously radiant, ‘glowing-with-health’ skin in an instant.

Restorative Skin Oil 50ml
The ManukaRx Restorative Skin Oil is your secret to radiant and youthful skin. With a powerful blend of East Cape mānuka and rosehip oils, this formula boosts collagen, evens skin tone, and minimises hyperpigmentation, nourishing all skin types. It strengthens the skin barrier, hydrates optimally, and promotes overall skin health.

Perfecting Oil
Created by NZ skin expert Rebecca Spencer, this clean cosmeceutical, lightweight oil is capable of treating a myriad of skin concerns in one luxurious step. Made here in NZ, Biome Perfecting Oil contains carefully chosen organic plant oils which nourish and fortify the skin while transformative granactive retinoid works to smooth, plump and brighten without irritation.

No.29 Phyto-Retinol Oil Elixir
A luxurious 6-in-1 oil elixir featuring a unique blend of 29 clinically-proven actives like bakuchiol, totarol, edelweiss and lupin alongside nourishing oils and extracts like sea buckthorn, plum, pomegranate, rosehip, white lily and hibiscus. It works to increase cellular renewal and collagen production, repairs the skin barrier, reduces pigmentation, evens skin tone, and minimises fine lines and wrinkles. Backed by omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9 fatty acids and phytosterols to lock in hydration to keep your skin supple and glowing.
August 2024

Give Me The Gloss Beauty Oil
An illuminating, lightweight and nourishing oil that’s proven to increase hydration, brightness, and elasticity. Your oneway ticket to rejuvenated skin that looks and feels better. A powerful blend of 5% evening primrose oil, bakuchiol and tocopherol (vitamin E) that reduces fine lines, wrinkles and inflammation, fades dark spots, balances excess oil production, refines skin texture, and promotes clear and supple skin. This nourishing formula, with omegas 3, 6 and 9, along with vitamins A and C, hydrates and brightens skin for a dewy, glossy finish. Your hands, cuticles and hair will love it too.

Glowing Facial Oil
This multi-tasking oil delivers a multi-faceted approach to achieving a healthy, radiant complexion and restoring a youthful glow. Rich in essential vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids, it actively supports skin cell health. This unique composition enhances the skin's natural moisture barrier, promoting a noticeably plumper, smoother appearance. theskinkitchen.co.nz

Artemis Moon Drops - advanced vitamin C THD serum
This multi-award-winning overnight serum delivers outstanding results. Lightweight and a pleasure to use, Artemis Moon Drops works to condition the skin, brighten skin tone, promote clarity and elasticity, and minimise breakouts and reactivity. Awarded Best Overnight Treatment for Acne at this year’s Global Beauty Shortlist Awards, among many more!

The bestselling ‘wake up glowing’ QueenB face oil is in a league of its own. Women aged from 30 to 80-plus have adopted this face oil as a ritual each night, loving the beautiful absorbency, uber-hydration and zero irritation that comes from organic jojoba and the native kanuka plant – infused together over 12 long weeks. With five-star reviews and a growing tribe, this is your skin’s pro-ageing weapon.


Restorative Hydration Cream
A luxurious, twice-daily cream that protects against premature ageing by firming and brightening, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and providing prolonged hydration. High performing actives include niacinamide, squalane, bakuchiol, kakadu plum, red seaweed and NZ hero botanical Bioactive Totarol. All working hard to leave you with glowing, smoother skin.

Night Cap
Introducing NIGHT CAP, “The Apex of Anti-Ageing Formulation". “Setting the Standard in Ageless Beauty", it’s formulated with HPR & NovoRetin™, a new skin ingredient technology yet to be seen in New Zealand. Works by inhibiting the enzyme that kills vitamin A in your skin. Discover the revolutionary anti-ageing marvel, engineered to defy the effects of time, and breathe new life into your skin.

“Over my 76 yrs I have spent a fortune on different types of cleansers and I have to say of them all your product would be the best I have ever used. It leaves your skin with such a refreshing feel. My sincere congratulations on a wonderful product.” - Vickie F

Firming Day Cream
Embracing firmer, more youthful skin becomes effortless with the ManukaRx Firming Day Cream. This formula combines mānuka oil with natural emollients like rosehip and avocado oil to enhance hydration and smooth fine lines while sphingolipids rejuvenate the skin’s texture, promoting a radiant and visibly tightened appearance.

Sunekos corrects and protects the dermis from signs of ageing as it stimulates the fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin, bio-regenerating your skin from within. Made up of hyaluronic acid and amino acids, Sunekos is the only proven and patent bio-regeneration treatment with the precise mixture that triggers collagen and elastin stimulation, improving the signs of ageing, quality, and appearance of your skin. To learn more about this superstar treatment, contact Luxe Appearance today.

Anti-oxidant Collection
Experience the epitome of premium skincare with this revolutionary Zelania line, designed to transform your skin using cutting-edge ingredients. At the heart of the range is the high-performance Zelven+® complex, a unique bio-active blend of seven superfruit extracts, alongside niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, lavender hydrosol, and squalane. This powerful antioxidant formula works tirelessly to combat the signs of ageing, delivering remarkable results. It penetrates deep within the skin to increase cellular turnover, boost collagen, and reverse skin ageing, resulting in a more resilient and refined complexion.

Cosmetic acupuncture reigns supreme in the anti-ageing realm, revving up collagen, smoothing wrinkles, and restoring that youthful glow – all with a blissful, holistic twist. Forget invasive procedures, this treatment boosts beauty and wellbeing in one go. It’s a must-try for radiant, age-defying skin! Check out this amazing anti-ageing treatment at GLOWbody on Ponsonby Road, today!


Transform your skin with this deeply hydrating blend of mamaku and red algae. This magic-in-a-jar uses sustainable New Zealand botanicals to visibly reduce signs of ageing, protect against UV damage, and deliver bio-actives for firmer, plumper, hydrated skin. Experience nature’s best for your most radiant skin ever.

Day Hydrate
Elevate your skin with ed&i body's DAY HYDRATE. Experience unparalleled hydration and rejuvenation with their marketleading moisturiser infused with the Korean beauty secret: snail mucin. This innovative formula harnesses the power of nature to deliver intense moisture, while its unique blend of nutrients promotes skin renewal, leaving you with a radiant, youthful complexion.

Daily Glow Brightening Cream
Awaken your skin to a radiant glow with the Daily Brightening Cream, enriched with Kakadu plum and East Cape mānuka oil. This lightweight cream minimises hyperpigmentation and enhances brightness, and it is made with 98% natural ingredients. It's free from harsh chemicals and suitable for all skin types.

Hydration Agent, Vanilla and Amaranth Moisturizer
Hydration Agent is an intensely hydrating, luxe bioactive moisturiser that helps minimise fine lines and revitalise the skin. Rich in antioxidants to help protect the skin barrier against environmental stressors, it's blessed with a relaxing vanilla aroma to help calm the mind, as well as the skin.
tips from food influencer

Could you walk us through your daily skincare routine? I start with cleansing my face, using the Emma Lewisham oil cleanser, and my latest obsession is the Emma Lewisham Vitale Face Elixer. I then apply the Supernatural Blemish Face Serum. I have recently started using Korean skincare brand Skin 1004’s Madagascar Centella SPF 50, and to finish off, I use a big pump of the Emma Lewisham Illuminating Brighten Your Day Face Crème. In the evening, I do the same, except I swap

the sunblock and illuminating crème for the Emma Lewisham Skinreset Even Skintone Serum, eye crème, and the Supernatural Face Crème Riche. I’m also obsessed with the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask Ex (I use this morning and
night). Plus, 3-4 times a week I also apply the Emma Lewisham Supernatural Triple Vitamin A+ oil, and once a week I do an overnight sleep mask.
What’s your ultimate go-to treatment for self-care? Without fail, I move my body every single day, either through weight training, pilates, or a HITT class, followed by a walk for at least 45 minutes. I love the mornings and how quiet it is before the rest of the world wakes up. I find walking helps clear my mind and sets me up for the day. I’m very active, and with that comes rather tight muscles, so my ultimate selfcare would be a Thai or Balinese massage. Slowly but surely I’m doing more contrast therapy – although during winter the emphasis is on slowly!
Any beauty advice for our readers? When it comes to makeup, I personally like to keep things on the simple side – I think if I was better skilled at applying makeup it would be a different story though. But, I would recommend finding a really good concealer, eyebrow gel, a little highlighter for your cheeks, and a nude lip gloss. Always wear sunscreen! If only I listened to my own advice 15 years ago! There are also really great face tanners in the market like the
Dermaviduals one. I use this a lot to give me a sun-kissed look without having to put my face in the sun.
How do you prioritise skincare with such a busy schedule? I like to keep my morning routine quick but effective (so that I stick to it), and take my time in the evenings, which has become part of my bedtime ritual – it helps me slow down and unwind before I go to sleep.

Some beauty
Polly Markus of Miss Polly’s Kitchen fame.


Skin Coat
Experience the transformative power of ed&i body’s awardwinning SKIN COAT. This all-in-one vegan full-body (face and body) collagen serum supports collagen protection and safeguards your skin against signs of ageing. It leaves your skin with decreased appearance in wrinkles, reduced inflammation, and enhanced suppleness.

MANUKARX Firming Serum
Elevate your skincare regimen with the ManukaRx Firming Serum. This innovative product, which uses advanced natural retinal technology and potent botanicals, enhances skin firmness and reduces fine lines. It's fast-acting, suitable for any-time use, and is less irritating than traditional vitamin A products.

Porcelain Brightening Serum
Brightening in a bottle, Linden Leaves Porcelain Brightening
Serum is a godsend for those struggling with dullness, sunspots and patches of discolouration. Designed to minimise the appearance of dark spots and uneven pigmentation this gentle serum brightens and balances your complexion using clinically proven natural wild daisy flower extract, mulberry and licorice. lindenleaves.com

Gaia Deep Nutrition - advanced vitamin C THD serum
Harnessing the transformative anti-inflammatory qualities of our native kawakawa and a unique powerhouse of antiageing, antioxidant and omega-rich botanical lipid complex for the ultimate in skin longevity. Gaia Deep Nutrition is the first choice for mature skin, especially where inflammation and redness may be present. Awarded Best Skincare Product with Vitamin C at this year’s Global Beauty Shortlist Awards, and honouree of the UK Vegan Beauty Award in 2023.

Pro-Collagen Banking Serum
Dermalogica’s Pro-Collagen Banking Serum is a revolutionary new serum that helps to futureproof your skin by preserving its existing collagen, protecting it against the signs of premature ageing. The powerful formula supports more resilient, visibly plumper, and more luminous skin, to help reduce the look of fine lines into the future. Available from authorised retailers and at dermalogica.co.nz

Bright & Tight is your overachiever of serums, combining the brightening power of skincare superstar, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, a stable, non-irritating, and gentle form of vitamin C, niacinamide, and Kakadu plum. This multitasking serum repairs, restores, plumps and brightens skin while slowing down signs of premature ageing. The aloe vera base is packed with potent, bioactive ingredients to breathe life into dull skin, stimulate collagen production, minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and dark spots, and prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria. With added hyaluronic acid to plump and deeply hydrate.

Experience the innovation of LuxeSticks high-active serum sticks: the ultimate solution for effortless skincare. Designed for sensitive skin, these sticks feature hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and retinol, ensuring a luxurious and mess-free application experience. All products are featherlight on the skin and have a balm-to-liquid formula that absorbs quickly. The twistand-roll packaging design lets users get every last bit of the product.


Firming Body Lotion
Treat your skin to the best with ManukaRx body lotion, the ultimate skincare solution designed for all skin types. Infused with mānuka oil, honey, caffeine, and hyaluronic acid, it firms, smoothes, and improves skin tone. This quick-absorbing, nongreasy formula tightens, rejuvenates, and reduces cellulite, enhancing elasticity.

Hydrating Body Lotion
Indulge your skin with this luxurious lotion, meticulously formulated with a blend of pure, hydrating ingredients and botanical extracts. Offering long-lasting moisture without a greasy feel, this lightweight formula absorbs quickly, leaving your skin feeling soft, supple, and beautifully hydrated.

Firming Neck Cream
Designed specifically for the delicate neck area, the Firming Neck Cream from ManukaRx combines mānuka honey and oil with hyaluronic acid and glycerin. It intensively nourishes and stimulates collagen production, smoothing skin texture and offering a visibly firmer and more youthful décolletage.

Magnesium Body Rub
A luxurious cream to deeply soothe and hydrate skin, plus provide the ultimate moment of relaxation. Expertly formulated with magnesium and Syricalm™ (a natural anti-inflammatory), and designed for self-massage to promote relaxation, provide muscle relief, and support sleep.
A quick catchup with artist Hannah Valentine about all things beauty –including her work!


Walk us through your daily skincare routine? My skincare routine is fairly minimal. I cleanse and moisturise morning and night, and face scrub a few times a week. In summer, I sunblock every morning. I often wear a mask when creating work, so try to make sure I look after my skin afterwards!
How do you prioritize your wellbeing with a young family and your work? I find it a lot easier to fit in exercise in summer when days are longer,
it’s always a push in winter but I find making time for a couple of runs a week and getting an early night whenever possible works wonders. Days can be hectic, but everything feels a lot easier on a good night’s sleep!
Do you have a favourite skincare treatment? I’m more likely to treat myself to a massage than to go for a skincare treatment. I had a great deeptissue massage at the spa at Park Hyatt recently, you come out feeling so good.

Where do you source inspiration when creating your art? Recently, home and our two young boys have been a source of inspiration. I’m interested in physicality and tactile experiences, and seeing their delight in sensory discoveries has played a part in my upcoming exhibition at Page Galleries, Closeness is a diffuse border, which runs from the 15 August – 7 September.

ColorStay Brow Pencil
Get natural-looking brows that last with the Revlon ColorStay Brow Pencil - brow colour that fills, defines and tames. Find your shade and set your look with an angled tip to colour and sculpt, and a brush to blend colour and tame the brow. Waterproof formular that lasts up to 24 hours.

OFF & ON have been leaders in the industry for over 15 years, the home of essential beauty maintenance specialising in all things brows. Their services include brow shaping and brow and lash lifts, and they're home to the ON Colour Bar –meaning with over 152 combinations, you’ll never just be dark brown!

Ombre Mist Brows
Experience revolutionary Ombre Mist Brows at Lash Noir in Auckland. This advanced technique offers a soft, gradient effect for naturally fuller, beautifully defined brows. Tailored to suit your unique facial features, Lash Noir’s experts ensure stunning, long-lasting results. Transform your look with effortless, flawless brows that go the distance.

Discover the ultimate in hydration with Becca Projects, luxurious body oils, packed with moisturising and nourishing natural ingredients and essential oils. These lightweight yet deeply hydrating oils leave your skin feeling soft and smooth, while the botanical extracts and essential oils offer a sensory experience that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation.

Peace Nurturing Body Oil
This exquisite blend of the finest botanical oils, consciously infused with intentional fragrance, deeply nourishes your skin, awakens your senses, and transforms the way you feel. With peaceful heart notes of lavender, bergamot, and vanilla, this powerful body oil is crafted to soothe your senses, enhancing balance and calm. Perfect for relaxation, harmony and times when peace is needed.

Memories Body Oil
Smoothing, non-sticky and fast absorbing, Linden Leaves
Memories Body Oil leaves skin supple and glowing all day. Nourish and protect your skin from dryness for up to 48 hours per application thanks to this blend of rose, rosehip, avocado, sweet almond, and apricot kernel oils. Infused with vitamin E and the luxurious scent of rose, geranium, and ylang ylang for a velvety, luxuriously long-lasting experience.

Hydrating Body Oil
Designed for dry skin, this luxurious body oil delivers deep hydration and visibly enhances skin's radiance. Formulated with a rich complex of vitamins and essential fatty acids, alongside minerals like zinc, it nourishes and revitalises the skin at a cellular level. Its non-greasy, fast-absorbing formula promotes a healthy, radiant complexion. theskinkitchen.co.nz

Belly Oil
Experience a new level of skin softness and hydration with this non-greasy, all-natural, luxurious Belly and Body oil. Praised as liquid gold, this bestselling oil harnesses powerful, high-performance botanicals to elevate your bodycare regime. With a unique blend that prioritises potent, natural ingredients commonly found in facial skincare, the PURE MAMA Belly Oil helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks, existing scarring, and ease skin tightness and itching.

Yumi Lash Lift
Maximise your look with a Yumi Lash Lift at Lash Noir. This innovative treatment enhances your natural lashes by lifting and curling them to perfection. Achieve beautifully defined, longer-looking lashes without the need for extensions. Lash Noir’s expertise guarantees stunning, long-lasting results, making your eyes pop effortlessly with results lasting 8-12 weeks.

ColorStay Xtensionnaire Mascara in Blackest Black
Revlon's ColorStay Xtensionnaire™ Mascara will extend your lashes to the limit! The weightless flexi-polymer fibres extend and define lashes for a stretched-out, professional lashextension look. The innovative formula uses strengthening and conditioning provitamin B5 to keep natural lashes full, long and strong over time. The tapered tip brush reaches the smallest lashes while the reservoir wraps around, delivering the perfect deposit of formula to each lash. The flake-proof and smudgeresistant formula wears beautifully for up to 24 hours.

For 10 years, The Lash Room has empowered all with beauty transformations, enhancing outer beauty while fostering inner confidence through personalised lash and brow services. Experience the power of personal beauty: "The outside is what we do, the inside is why we do it."

Eyelash Extensions
Experience the luxury of eyelash extensions at Sydney Beauty, known for the softest, most natural-looking results in Auckland. Nominated for Best Beauty Salon 2024 at the World Spa Awards, they’ve been perfecting lash extensions for over 10 years. Enjoy a complimentary hand or foot massage while getting your lashes done. Discover elegance today.

Anti-oxidant Advanced Night Crème
A premium formula that provides intense hydration and delivers optimal nutrients for collagen production, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while promoting smoother, more youthful skin overnight. The rich, luxurious texture deeply nourishes and hydrates, absorbs easily, and leaves a satin-like finish. Powered by the Zelven+® superfruit blend, lavender hydrosol, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and wakame extract, this powerful combination effectively reverses skin ageing. The result? Noticeably firmer, smoother skin with a youthful glow.

Regenerating Night Cream
Proven, gentle and seriously effective, Linden Leaves
Regenerating Night Cream is a hardworking blend of nature’s best: organic white tea, marshmallow, licorice root extract, goji fruit extract, white mulberry root extract, and vitamin E. Nourishe and revitalise your skin while you sleep, for a radiant and refreshed complexion every morning!


The Organic Skin Co The Only Glow
Celifix Youthful Glow Revitalizing Serum
Celifix Youthful Glow Radiance Eye Cream 4. ManukaRX Skin Rescue Ointment 5. The Organic Skin Co The Dream Cream 6. ManukaRX Firming Day Cream 7. Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE® Multi-Restorative Soft Cream 8. Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE® 3-in-1 Reset Serum
Becca Project Body Oil - Zahara
Everblue Intense Hydration Hair Mask
Prochaine Collagen Beauty Blend

Part Time Tan
The secret is out! ed&i body has developed a nontransferable, buildable tan. Discover the holy grail PART TIME TAN, a beauty essential that deserves a permanent spot in every girl’s bathroom drawer, especially on a Thursday night. Achieve the flawless tan you desire with the subtle aroma of whiskey cacao for a naturally radiant golden glow.

Lux Spray Tans
The Studio Beauty Salon in Northcote Point offers luxury, toprated spray tans tailored for every occasion, from lifestyle needs to weddings and special events. With a no-orange tan guarantee, they ensure the perfect glow. Specialising in bridal and editorial tans, they also host spray tan parties with wine and hors d'oeuvres, making it an ideal spot for bridal celebrations.

Your local boutique tanning salon, where tanning is not an add-on service … it’s a specialty. Visit Epsom Spray Tan at 93A Great South Road, Epsom. By appointment only and client parking is available. 0800 009776

Tan in the City is your place for fabulous and flawless spray tans and with over a decade in specialist tanning, they know how to create the perfect tan for every occasion. Using Black Magic Tan solutions that are made of natural and organic ingredients, all vegan and cruelty-free, they have a tan for every BODY. Visit one of their salons today and say hello to a glowing confidence that will have you ready to take on anything with your Tan in the City glow.

At Luxe Appearance, the team’s combined experience in appearance medicine, beauty and skin provides a wellrounded approach to the individual care of every client. Luxe Appearance aims to deliver a high level of customer service, aftercare and customised programmes for each client. They believe in using appearance medicine to provide a natural enhancement and in combining specialised skin treatments to gain flawless skin. Each product that is brought into the clinic is personally tested for its results, and hence the results of their clients.

Triderma is a superstar treatment. Venus Versa™ multitreatment platform combines three effective facial rejuvenation therapies into one: IPL, radio frequency skin tightening, and nano-frac skin resurfacing. The treatment repairs signs of damage seen on the skin’s surface and remodels collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin. This is a high-intensity, non-invasive treatment that effectively promotes skin renewal and reduces pigmentation while enhancing skin tone, tightness and texture. It’s a powerful therapy that results in a younger, smoother-looking appearance making it a Clinic 42 patient favourite.

Voted one of NZ’s best beauty destinations
Offering the latest BBL (Broadband light) and Moxi Laser by Sciton. The newest innovation for the treatment of sun damage, melasma, acne, vascular lesions and more. Outperforming traditional IPL and resurfacing lasers, BBL and Moxi are known as the Rolls Royce of skin rejuvenation treatments, providing rapid results with minimal to no downtime. It’s never been safer to treat all skin tones!

This extraordinary treatment is revolutionising the way people treat their skin! EmFace is the first and ONLY noninvasive, hands-free procedure that uses radio frequency and muscle stimulation to result in a reduction in facial lines and improved muscle tone of the face. Described as ‘pilates for your face’, there has never been an easier way to achieve that youthful ‘lift’.

Revolutionise your skin rejuvenation with Lumixa at The Cosmetic Clinic! Lumixa is an advanced phototherapy treatment that utilises fluorescent light energy (FLE) to rejuvenate and repair skin, effectively addressing signs of ageing, inflammation, and pigmentation, while promoting collagen production and enhancing skin texture. Their commitment to providing exceptional treatments ensures that you experience the best in skincare innovation and achieve a radiant, youthful complexion. Discover the transformative power of Lumixa at The Cosmetic Clinic.

Blemish Set
The 3K+ Blemish Collection features four incredible cosmeceuticals, all powered by the miracle ingredient ECMT154™. Including the Derm Balancing Cleanser, Pore Minimising Toner, Pro-Exfoliating Solution, and Advanced Barrier Repair Cream, this set cleans, clears, and nourishes skin, reducing inflammation, minimising pores, and optimising skin health.

Skin Prep
The 3k+ Skin Prep is an antimicrobial formula that cleanses and protects the skin. This transformative foam pre-cleanses to effectively remove excess sebum, waterproof makeup, and pollutants. With East Cape mānuka oil and lactic acid, it protects against bacteria, reduces inflammation, and exfoliates dead skin cells, preparing the skin with care for treatments while leaving it soft and nourished.

Step into the future of beauty with cosmetic acupuncture – the revolutionary non-invasive cosmetic treatment that rejuvenates naturally. By boosting collagen, smoothing wrinkles, and enhancing skin tone, it offers a gentle yet effective alternative to invasive procedures. Discover the joy of age-defying beauty with this innovative approach – it’s the new standard in skincare! Try now at GLOWbody Ponsonby.

Profhilo® Combined with Venus Nano Frac
Profhilo® is an injectable bio-remodeling product that slowly releases hyaluronic acid to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the facial tissues, for a more lifted appearance. With expert skill, our Clinic 42 nurses combine Profhilo® with Venus Nano Fractional Resurfacing treatments, which can dramatically enhance patient results due to the repair response stimulated in the skin. This powerful duo of treatments helps to hydrate, tighten and lift the face for a more youthful appearance with fewer lines and wrinkles, and improved skin texture.

NZ-Made natural soap and cream for hyperpigmentation. Finally, a solution for hyperpigmentation that’s both safe and effective. Proudly made in New Zealand, Beauty Fields Soap and Cream offers a gentle, yet effective alternative to harsh, expensive treatments. Treat pigmentation safely, all year round, in the comfort of your home, and achieve radiant skin.

RF Needling
The Secret is out at Luxe Appearance! Discover the ultimate skin rejuvenation treatment with the Secret RF. This collagen remodelling powerhouse tackles fine lines, wrinkles, acne scaring, and stretchmarks like never before. Outperforming traditional microneedling treatments, the Secret RF unveils a radiant complexion by the stimulation of collagen production to rejuvenate the skin. Experience the transformative power of the Secret – contact them today at contact@ luxeappearance.co.nz

Illuminance Skin-Caring Foundation
Illuminate your skin with Revlon’s NEW Illuminance SkinCaring Foundation, an innovative foundation combining the power of makeup and skincare in one. Leaning into the growing ‘skinification’ of makeup trend, Illuminance is more than just a foundation. This deeply nourishing foundation offers medium, buildable coverage in 16 shades, leaving you with a radiant finish for all-day wear. Infused with 5% powerful plant-derived squalane to lock in moisture, hyaluronic acid to boost hydration, and botanical antioxidants to protect skin from the signs of ageing.

Aquus - Hydrating & Firming Serum
A pharmacist-formulated, multifunctional, plant-based serum engineered to hydrate, firm, and brighten the skin. Enriched with 14 active botanical extracts, including New Zealand red seaweed, wakame, mamaku, fermented extracts, liquorice and blueberry oil, AQUUS effectively replaces three products in one. Its lightweight, silky formulation delivers deep hydration, stimulates collagen production and evens skin tone while being free of fragrance to support a balanced microbiome and a stronger, more resilient skin barrier.

Hydration Booster
There’s a reason why this is a best seller with those wanting remarkably dewy, hydrated skin! This is your skin-plumping hyaluronic acid with calming cucumber and kawakawa extracts that leave your skin feeling firm, renewed and silky smooth. 100% natural, NZ-made goodness.

“I wish I bought this bundle sooner... This stuff is AMAZING. I have been dealing with redness and bumps on my cheeks and nose attributed to dermatitis or rosacea and I couldn't find anything to help. I'm only on my second week... Will be buying the full sized bottles.” - Elisabeth B

Experience the pinnacle of holistic skincare with GLOWbody's 90-minute facial sculpting ceremony. Dubbed 'the natural face lift', the procedure of face sculpting integrates advanced techniques like lymphatic drainage, vibrations and facial sculpting techniques to rejuvenate, tighten and lift the face naturally. By promoting circulation andstimulating facial muscles they enhance skin tone and radiance, offering a transformative and deeply relaxing skincare experience. Book in now at GLOWbody Ponsonby.

From solving her hormonal acne to becoming an awardwinning beauty therapist, Chelsea's expertise is unparalleled. Celebrated for redefining skincare beyond a routine, she champions holistic education as the essence of SKINCARE FOR YOUR SELFCARE. Whether seeking an hour of relaxation or accelerated results, Chelsea is the go-to therapist for achieving your skin goals.

Skin Within
A synergistic combination of vitamins and minerals formulated to help hydrate and repair your skin from within. SKIN WITHIN contains a range of carefully curated ingredients, such as tremella mushroom and hydrolysed marine collagen, to help aid skin conditions and support skin hydration, elasticity, and structure.

Collagen Beauty Blend
Sustainably sourced marine collagen peptides and superior antioxidant powder blend. Formulated to support collagen production and skin health with the addition of Holimel®, vitamin C, and zinc. Evidence based formulas, proudly NZ made. An essential part of your daily health and beauty routine. Available in unflavoured, vanilla or yuzu.

SUPERGENES™ Healthy Hair & Nails
The Beauty Chef’s SUPERGENES™ Healthy Hair & Nails is an intensive herbal probiotic with a supercharged formula designed to support hair growth, hair thickness and stronger, healthier nails. Containing biotin (which is used to produce keratin, the protein found in hair and nails) this formula is a source of vitamin D and iron to support healthy thyroid hormones. Available from authorised stockists, skin centres and thebeautychef.co.nz

It's always their aim to deliver natural-looking results that enhance clients' beauty, rather than altering it beyond recognition. With no generic packages or one-size-fits-all approach, E&J pride themselves on their collaborative, tailored approach that larger chains simply cannot match. Know that you're in safe and experienced hands when you book with their award-winning injectors.

O-Shot® & P- Shot®
Taking your sexual wellness to a whole new level! The O-Shot ® & P- Shot ® are part of the new world of cosmetic injectables to help improve your sexual wellness and rejuvenation.
These treatments have transformed sex lives in an incredible way through restoring lost sensations, increasing sensitivity, and improving sex and intimacy for both men and women!

Lips Plus
For those curious about cosmetic injectables while wanting to maintain a beautiful, natural look, Lips Plus is the perfect introductory treatment. For the Lips Plus treatment, Clinic 42’s highly skilled nurses administer up to 1ml of dermal filler to enhance your natural lip shape, leaving you with beautifully hydrated, kissable lips… PLUS botulinum toxin for an additional area of the face to soften fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.

Luxe Appearance owner and director Sarah brings a wealth of experience from her background in reconstructive surgery and intensive care, while Kellie has vast experience in emergency nursing. Both women are highly trained in leading cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, ensuring that each treatment is performed with the utmost precision and safety. Their expertise and commitment to ongoing education in the latest techniques and advancements in the field ensure that Luxe Appearance remains a leading clinic in skin and injectables.
Beauty tips from Shortland Street beauty, Holly Shervey. PHOTOGRAPHY � DEAN O’GORMAN & MEGAN GOLDSMAN

Could you walk us through your daily skincare routine? In the morning, I keep my skincare routine super simple, first cleansing my skin with a gentle, creamy cleanser. Next, I use a hydrating moisturiser, and then I apply sunscreen before makeup. My evening routine is a whole lot more detailed: it’s my little daily pampering session! I start with cleansing the skin, then use a vitamin A serum, followed by an activating mist to enhance the serum. I finish with moisturising and applying an undereye serum to reduce dark circles and puffiness.

What products are your current absolute must-haves? To survive, the post-pill breakouts, I started using Osmosis Skincare! Here are my rideor-die essentials from their range that I use daily:
1. Gentle Cleanser It’s like a gentle hug for my face, leaving it clean without stripping away natural oils.
2. Quench Moisturiser My skin’s personal oasis, keeping it plump and happy!
3. Correct Vitamin A Serum The secret sauce for maintaining that youthful glow and minimising fine lines.
4. Infuse Activating Mist Think of it as a superhero sidekick for my serums, boosting their absorption.
5. Refresh Eye Serum Because who needs under-eye baggage? This little miracle worker reduces puffiness, dark circles, and any signs of a sleepless night!
When it comes to staying up to date with the latest products, which platforms or resources do you rely on? I rely on my trusted beauty therapist and the team at The Skin Department in Takapuna to keep me in the loop. They know my skin inside out and always suggest the best products and treatments tailored just for me. Osmosis products have been a lifesaver for my sensitive, acne-prone skin.
So, I make sure to catch up with the Osmosis team to see if there are any fresh products worth giving a shot!

How do you prioritise your wellbeing? Prioritising my wellbeing can feel like navigating a maze of products, tips, and tricks, but I like to keep things simple. For me, it’s all about finding joy in the basics. I make sure to move my body every day, whether it’s yoga or jumping on the cross trainer. I’m vegan and stick to plant-based meals that keep me energised and feeling great. My daily skincare routine keeps my skin happy, and by skipping sugar and alcohol (for the most part!), I avoid those hormonal breakouts. Keeping it simple helps me stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.

The Miller Road Fragrance range has the most alluring eau de parfums. A necessary addition to a luxurious beauty routine. Their new sleek bottle is adorned with a slow-release mist, magnetic lid and packaged in a box that is authentically "Miller Road". Surround yourself with any of their captivating 30ml range to elevate every experience. Our pick: New York for a classic sandalwood fragrance that is incredibly captivating.

“This sampler tin is a wonderful introduction... There's really something for everyone, so you are bound to find something you like. I also love how these perfumes don't irritate my very sensitive skin! I will absolutely buy more now I know which ones I like!” - Sandy L

Externa 1.3 - Souk eau de parfum
Sultry, spicy and unapologetically mysterious, Souk brings the ultimate balance of floral, spice and exotic woods for a perfectly wearable, memorable perfume. A dark blend of Moroccan rose absolute, sandalwood, labdanum, absinthe and spice. Try this scent if you like: Portrait of a Lady by Frederick Malle. Element Aroma Lab: unconventional modern scents free from phthalates, parabens and denaturing chemicals.

AviClear™, available exclusively at Clinic 1 in Auckland, is the world’s first FDAand TGA-cleared laser treatment for acne. This innovative treatment targets and reduces sebum production using a 1726nm wavelength laser, offering a safe, drug-free solution for mild to severe acne.
Why choose AviClear™? Because it’s:
92% of patients see visible improvement within six months
suitable for all ages and skin types
• CONVENIENT only three 30-minute sessions required with minimal downtime
• SIDE-EFFECT-FREE there are no drugs or chemicals involved

Acne is a common skin condition that affects both teenagers and adults, causing significant physical and emotional distress. For teenagers, it can impact self-esteem during a critical developmental period. Adults may feel frustrated and embarrassed, especially if they thought acne was only a teenage issue. The persistent nature and potential for scarring can lead to long-term psychological effects, making acne a deeply personal struggle for many.
Here at Clinic 1, skin is our specialty. We treat a variety of skin conditions using an array of advanced devices and products. However AviClear™ is a true game changer for acne patients. It offers long-term acne clearance without the serious side effects associated with traditional acne medications, providing a more comfortable and effective solution.
AviClear™ offers a lasting investment in clear skin. Individual sessions are priced at $1,150, with a threesession package available for $3,150.
Exclusive offer for Verve readers, use code VERVE for $100 off your first session if you book in August.
Book your transformative AviClear™ experience today at Clinic 1. For more information and to book an appointment, visit clinic1.co.nz/aviclear


Fire and Ice Facial
Wanting a Hollywood film star glow for your next event? Fire and Ice uses iS Clinical’s powerful, growth factors, peptides, and exfoliating fruit acids, all pharmaceuticalgrade ingredients with the highest potency and purity for instant results. The treatment includes a warming Intensive Resurfacing Masque and a cooling Rejuvenating Masque to boost hydration, plump the skin, and instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles to ensure you are red carpet ready.

Saint Beauty salon in St Heliers is celebrated for its awardwinning services, specialising in facials and skincare. Combining luxury with expertise, it offers a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. Renowned for meticulous attention to detail and personalised treatments, Saint Beauty exceeds expectations, making it a standout destination in St Heliers.

Bump Balm
Introducing ed&i body’s BUMP BALM, the ultimate hydrating moisturiser for nurturing your belly during pregnancy and beyond. But here is the best part: BUMP BALM isn’t just for your belly - it’s a versatile skincare essential that you can use wherever your skin needs extra love and hydration.

Nipple Butter
A nipple saviour for breastfeeding mamas. The PURE MAMA Nipple Butter instantly soothes, nourishes, and restores skin when you need it most. This nutrient-rich and expertly formulated, lanolin-free blend uses the highest calibre, 100% natural and organic ingredients including calendula, New Zealand native kawakawa, shea butter, and marshmallow root extract to help ease discomforts, help restore skin, and support skin resilience.

Say hello to clean and nourished skin with Lumini's Face Cleanser, specially formulated for pre-teen skin. Their gentle yet effective cream cleanser removes all impurities without stripping the skin, leaving it fresh and radiant. Crafted with clean, natural and vegan ingredients, it allows pre-teens to explore skincare safely. For all your pre-teen skincare needs, check out their website.

Gentle Oil Cleanser
The ManukaRx Gentle Oil Cleanser blends mānuka, rosehip, squalane, avocado, and jojoba oils to deeply cleanse, hydrate, and rejuvenate skin. It reduces blemishes, boosts elasticity, and preserves the skin barrier, making it a powerful addition to your skincare routine with its rich antioxidants like vitamins E, A, and C.

Daily Prevention
The sun causes 90% of skin ageing – but only a small percentage of people use sunscreen daily. Introducing Image Skincare’s DAILY PREVENTION, a lineup of ultra-wearable suncare that goes beyond prevention, preparing skin to face the day – and future – with hydration, repair and protection in one product.
Available from aboutface.co.nz and Image Skincare stockists nationwide.

Nano Lip Blush
Enhance your natural beauty with a Nano Lip Blush from Lash Noir in Auckland. Their expert technicians use precision techniques to create perfectly defined, long-lasting lip colour. Achieve a fuller, more vibrant pout without daily maintenance. Their master artists create beautiful, seamless results tailored to your unique style.

Lady Pink Nails in Auckland is led by Lisa, a nail technician and beauty therapy expert known for her perfectionism. Lisa infuses her vibrant personality into her work, producing beautiful nails with 20 years experience. With an active lifestyle and a passion for making clients smile, she ensures every visit ends with a happy client at her salon in Takapuna.

Auckland’s premier destination for luxury nail care, Satomi Nails, continues to set the standard with bespoke services and exclusive in-house designs. Renowned for meticulous cuticle work and flawless structured extensions, every visit promises perfection. Explore their Instagram to glimpse their vibrant, richly textured creations. Book today to experience unparalleled nail artistry.

This quick-dry 100% vegan formula is made with more than 78% natural ingredients to provide a smooth, glossy coverage in one coat. Infused with a caring and strengthening complex of hexanal, shea butter, and green botanicals, the formula comes without many controversial ingredients found in other nail polishes. The flat, 320-bristle brush polishes on smooth, streak-free colour and the ergonomic cap makes for comfortable and controlled application, even with your nondominant hand.

Indulge in the calming and moisturising benefits of Holistic Hair's Scalp Treatment Oil. Crafted with a soothing blend of calendula, lavender, chamomile, and patchouli essential oils, this nutrient-rich oil relieves itching, irritation, and redness while deeply moisturising with sweet almond and jojoba oils. Ideal as a pre-shampoo or leave-in treatment, it nourishes the scalp and hair, promoting a healthy, balanced microbiome.

Experience the revitalising power of Holistic Hair's Essential Scalp Spray. Enriched with rosemary, bergamot, neroli, and lavender essential oils, this vegan certified spray promotes scalp circulation, supports hair health, and reduces excess hair fall. Its antioxidant-rich formula soothes and refreshes the scalp, leaving it invigorated. Holistic Hair is a Certified B Corporation dedicated to crafting sustainable hair care solutions.

This deliciously smelling Heali Kiwi shampoo bar is just the thing for those with scalp problems, such as itching and flakiness. This bar is packed full of kiwifruit oil, coconut oil, neem oil, oatmeal and karanja oil. Simply smooth the bar over wet hair from root, rub into a foamy lather and rinse. The result: a soothed scalp and silky soft hair.

Everblue Naturals Intense Hydration Hair Mask 285g Boost vibrancy, shine and strength with the NEW Everblue Naturals Intense Hydration Hair Mask for all hair types, enriched with natural peppermint, jojoba and kawakawa. A thirst-quenching mask with a rich blend of beneficial natural extracts working in perfect harmony to bring your hair back to life.

Tucked away in Ponsonby's Vinegar Lane lies Aube Hair, a refuge of Japanese beauty and relaxation hidden in the concrete jungle. Expert colourists through to specialised head spa therapists offer transformative and inclusive experiences fuelled by sustainability and clean, premium hair care.

Illuminance Skin-Caring Foundation
Illuminate your skin with Revlon’s NEW Illuminance SkinCaring Foundation, an innovative foundation combining the power of makeup and skincare in one. Leaning into the growing ‘skinification’ of makeup trend, Illuminance is more than just a foundation. This deeply nourishing foundation offers medium, buildable coverage in 16 shades, leaving you with a radiant finish for all-day wear. Infused with 5% powerful plant-derived squalane to lock in moisture, hyaluronic acid to boost hydration, and botanical antioxidants to protect skin from the signs of ageing.

Davines Haircare
Davines commitment to sustainability is reflected in every bottle, with all products made with naturally-derived ingredients and formulated in Davines Village, Italy, a carbonneutral hub powered by renewable energy. A B Corp-certified brand, Davines products deliver luxury salon results at home and are designed to treat a range of hair types and concerns. Plus, new customers receive 15% off their first order.
Shop at Servilles Cityworks or at shop.servilles.com

At Milou Beauty, sustainability is a core value that guides everything they do, accomplished, in part, through beautiful glass packaging, recycled cardboard boxes, and compostable mailer bags. Now, they’ve teamed up with Clean Hub to become plastic neutral, and have committed to collecting 1,800kg of plastic waste over 12 months. Milou Beauty is also the country’s first beauty brand to financially incentivise customers to participate in their circular beauty system, further helping to reduce their environmental impact, and is proud to lead with sustainability in an industry that has typically anything but.

The Heali Kiwi shampoo bar prevents three plastic bottles from being made and disposed of and saves 2.7 litres of water. Each shampoo bar is equivalent to three bottles of liquid shampoo. Created by Kiwi brand Ethique, who are on a mission to rid the world of plastic waste, with plastic- and palm oil-free and vegan products.
Wow, what is this popular product you may be thinking, and how do I go on a waiting list for it?
The answer is that you probably don’t want to. Hyaluronidase or Hyalase, as its more often referred to, is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid dermal fillers when something has gone awry.
So why have we been turning patients away? Because there is a limited supply of Hyalase in New Zealand at present. This means that we can only use it for emergency purposes and not for elective procedures.
Each time you visit your cosmetic practitioner they discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers (HA or not), and remind you of the potential side effects, including occlusion (blockage of a vessel or artery). If this happens, Hyalase is used to break apart the blockage to hopefully prevent serious tissue damage, and, worst-case scenario, blindness.
Yes, blindness can occur if an occlusion or blockage starves the eye of blood. These outcomes are exactly what are being reported overseas, where nonhealthcare professionals are being allowed to inject.
Here in New Zealand, it’s more often a case of having to clean up after inexperienced practitioners who don’t understand the nuances of the products they are working with or have overfilled (and overcharged) their patients.
Lumpy, bumpy faces, where the wrong techniques or the wrong choice of product have been used, can result in the product being visible under the skin and giving the patient a distorted result.
And still the most common issue… overfill jelly roll lips that have begun to creep upwards turning the peri-oral region into something resembling a muzzle!
While small experimentation between you and your practitioner, e.g. lip shape/ techniques, can be Hyalased out, in general this is something you want to avoid as the Hyalase procedure stings and can be quite uncomfortable. Not to mention how embarrassing it can be when your goal was just to enhance your natural beauty and you end up with something blatantly artificial looking.
The team at Clinic 42 take calls from patients every week who are looking to resolve their dermal filler issues.
Firstly, they are encouraged to return to the original clinic that treated them. If they are not comfortable with doing this (or the work was carried out overseas which is often the case), our experienced doctors will conduct a consultation to assess the situation and advise the best course of action.
If Hyalase is recommended, follow up appointments using dermal filler to reinstate the beautiful, natural results the patient was originally looking for may also be arranged.
Hyalase is not a targeted treatment and typically removes surrounding HA filler as well as the body’s own natural HA. It is therefore important to work closely with your practitioner and to be patient when it comes to the recommended timeline. For best results, it’s essential to let the face settle back to normal, so you have a baseline to work from after each cosmetic treatment.
Corrective Hyalase is an effective treatment if you are unhappy with the outcome of your dermal filler. We are expecting supply to be back to normal from late August, so please contact the team at Clinic 42 to discuss this, or if you have any questions regarding other treatments. clinic42.co.nz , 09 6384242 or reception@clinic42.co.nz
Restylane®, Medical Device Class III to smooth facial wrinkles and enhance lips by restoring volume and fullness. Restylane® has risk and benefits Ask your doctor if Restylane is right for you. For product information check with your doctor or from product details with the supplier. Click for further details. Stabilised Hyaluronic Acid 20mg/Ml. Galderma, Australia, Sydney or distributor Healthcare Logistics, Auckland.

The latest in ACNE innovation
Discover clear skin with AviClear™ at Clinic 1, New Zealand's exclusive provider of the world’s first laser for the long-term treatment of all acne severities. FDA-cleared AviClear™ uses advanced laser technology to clear acne without drugs or chemicals. Experience minimal downtime and visible results in just three sessions. Achieve lasting acne relief safely and effectively. Book now! Learn more at clinic1.co.nz/aviclear

Take every client on their personalised #journeybeneaththeskin with the amazing OBSERV skin diagnostic machine. It allows skin therapists to instantly see skin conditions, pigmentation, inflammation, texture, and ageing from all angles, and can prove the efficacy of in-clinic treatments and homecare advised with exact before and after pictures. An interactive new way to communicate with your clients in 2024.

SYDNEY BEAUTY Dermapen4 Microneedling
Turn back the clock instantly with Dermapen4 Microneedling at Sydney Beauty, an authorised Gold salon. Overseen by registered nurses, expert beauty therapists deliver unmatched results, reducing fine lines, erasing pigmentation, and boosting collagen. Discover timeless beauty. Book now at sydneybeauty.co.nz .

Look forward to the dentist! Enjoy a relaxing, personalized experience at the Re-Dental Clinic. Committed to slow dentistry for your oral wellness, the compassionate team ensures comfort and top-quality care, making every visit stress-free. Best of all, they set the stage for lifelong, healthier, brighter smiles. Book your appointment to start your journey to lifelong oral wellness today.

Teeth Whitening by a Hygienist
Polish and White in Orakei Bay Village offers, one-on-one teeth whitening in a serene, spa-like setting. As a registered hygienist, I use high-strength professional dental products to create effective, personalised whitening plans. Experience a small treatment with a big impact, boosting both your dental health and confidence. My clients can’t help but smile more.

Men's skincare for optimal skin health
Reveal a smooth, radiant complexion, naturally, with Scenturie Men's Natural Skincare Range. Scenturie's multiaward-winning skincare products are expertly formulated with premium plant-derived ingredients to deeply cleanse, hydrate, nourish, and restore optimal skin health. Deliver essential vitamins and nutrients to your skin without harmful chemicals. 100% vegan, cruelty-free, ethically sourced ingredients, sustainable packaging. Made in New Zealand.

Apollo Sun God - advanced vitamin C THD serum
Awarded Best Serum for Men at this year’s Global Beauty Shortlist Awards, Apollo Sun God is the ultimate multi-tasking serum for men. Equally effective as an anti-ageing facial serum, a hair and beard oil, and an after-shave treatment, Apollo brings healing herbal extracts, anti-ageing botanicals including an exclusive whole-resin extract of Boswellia sacra frankincense, bioavailable vitamin C, and a refreshing citruswoody scent to bear so you can glow like a Greek god.

Nothing ages a man faster than a receding hairline. Asthetica offers clients that chance to recapture their youth with a trip to Turkey, the world hub of advanced hair transplants. David Allen, Asthetica CEO (pictured), is offering a Verve special deal of $7,000 excluding flights; bring a friend and receive $500 spending money each.

Dorling Kindersley: Sun Lee
Will eating dairy give you acne? Do you need to wear sunscreen every day? How often should you wash your hair? And is "clean beauty" really healthy? Find out the answer to all these questions, and more, in The Science of Beauty by Instagram's cosmetic science expert Dr Michelle Wong.
WIN a copy of the fascinating book, The Science of Beauty ; published by DK.

Transform your skin with an exclusive Advanced Skin Results Package, featuring cutting-edge cosmeceutical treatments designed to firm, smooth, and rejuvenate. Experience the power of three MesoInfus™. Needling sessions, tackling concerns like pigmentation, acne, and scarring by stimulating your skin’s natural healing process. Complement these with three high-performance microdermabrasion treatments, including deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration, to reveal a radiant, youthful complexion. Don’t miss your chance to win the ultimate skin rejuvenation experience!
WIN an Advanced Skin Results Package Worth $1,614!
Entering is simple. Visit VERVEMAGAZINE.CO.NZ and click WIN then follow the directions.

Asthetica is the market leader in medical tourism, specialising in package deals to Turkey, allowing their clients access to high quality cosmetic surgery whilst saving between 30-70%. Available procedures include: mummy makeovers, facelifts, hair transplants, and dental work.
WIN a $750 voucher to spend at Asthetica, or one of two $500 runners-up vouchers.
A to Z
Blokes ‘n’ Beauty

Market research company Statista estimates that the worldwide male grooming market to be worth $193 billion by 2028 – an increase of around $60 billion in just four years. But blokes’ interest in beauty might be older than you realise…
Antiquity. Men have been shaving for around 100,000 years, with our Stone Age ancestors using clam shells – as tweezers rather than blades – to keep themselves neatly trimmed, until they learned to sharpen flint. Being clean shaven was a sign of high social status in Ancient Egypt, and some Roman teenagers offered the hairs from their first shave to the gods.
Barbers . Around since antiquity, for centuries, barbers were among the most respected members of society. And by the Middle Ages, barbers weren’t just trimming hair and shaping beards but serving as chemists concocting and dishing out potions, lotions and tonics, as well as being surgeons, too. B
Cologne . Scented substances have been used by humans – both for personal grooming and as gifts to their gods – for at least 6,000 years, likely originating in the Middle East, but cologne, specifically, is more recent. Though it originates from the German city of the same name (obviously), it was created by a 17th-century Italian apothecary called Giovanni Paolo Femmis and first sold as a medicinal drink.
Dandy. The original boundary-pushing rebel influencers, dandies were kicking back against social ‘norms’ more than two centuries ago. The term ‘dandy’ first came into prominence in Britain in the 1700s in reference to fashionable A C D
and well-groomed men, pioneered by George ‘Beau’ Brummel, a socialite and friend of George, Prince of Wales (later King George IV).
E-boy haircut . A modern riff on the classic curtains haircut, the e-boy’s medium-to-long strands are parted in the middle and usually tousled. Some shave the sides to create a mushroomlike shape. A youthful-looking cut that works best with blokes with thicker locks, it works with straight or curly hair that some to choose to jazz up with some highlights or bright, block colours.
Foundation . The male makeup industry is booming, with Ipsos reporting that 15% of heterosexual US men aged 18–65 currently using male cosmetics and makeup, with an additional 17% considering using it in the future. But men across civilisations have been wearing makeup for millennia – including cavemen. In 2010, archaeologists discovered ground-up minerals believed to be the earliest cosmetics dating from 50,000 BCE.
Growing greatness . To the Ancient Greeks, facial hair symbolised wisdom, authority, and intellect, hence they were sported by the likes of Socrates. But it was the Victorian Brits that really perfected facial fashion by cultivating magnificent, imaginative moustaches, sideburns, and beards. They even created the first beard competitions!
Hair products . Natural – and preferably organic – reigns supreme when it comes to skin- and haircare, but the Ancient Egyptians took it to quite literal levels by using hair gel made from animal fat.
Ice baths . Now aged 39, soccer icon Christiano Ronaldo might no longer be at the peak of his powers but he’s still going strong, with ice baths playing a prominent role in his recovery regime. Others that swear by them include basketballer LeBron James, former quarterback Tom Brady, and of course the Iceman himself, Wim Hof.
Jojoba oil . Some Native Americans traditionally used oil from the seeds of the jojoba plant to treat wounds, and such is its versatility that it has also been used to lubricate everything from vehicle engines to machine guns. However, it’s now among the most common bases for beard oil said to not only hydrate, moisturise and protect, but possibly even stimulate hair growth.
Kohl . A traditional eye makeup that has been worn for thousands of years across North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The black eyeliner, perhaps most associated with the Ancient Egyptians, is made from finely ground minerals and is said to protect the wearer from harm.
Leonardo. Da Vinci’s iconic drawing, the Vitruvian Man, was sketched towards the end of the 15th century and is said to represent the ideal male form. The figure is standing in two superimposed positions giving the initial impression of having two arms and two legs. The part-art, part-mathematical diagram explores the human body’s symmetry and mechanics, aiming to show that “everything connects to everything else”.
Metrosexual . Long before Harry Styles graced magazine covers while wearing dresses, David Beckham was described as “the ultimate metrosexual”, making headlines by wearing sarongs and matching leather outfits with his wife, Victoria. The Times described metrosexuals as “straight urban men willing to embrace their feminine sides”.
Nail art . From David Bowie through to Steven Tyler to Kurt Cobain and Johny Depp, men have experimented with nail art, but now it’s becoming more mainstream thanks to brands like Pleasing (founded by Harry Styles) selling gender-neutral beauty products. “I feel like men should be able to do nail art without feeling feminine,” rapper A$AP Rocky tells Vogue
Old Spice . Perhaps the most iconic name in old-school men’s grooming, Old Spice started life as a women’s perfume created by William Schultz to mimic potpourri. Following some tinkering, it was rebranded in its classic white bottle and sold as an aftershave that became popular among the US soldiers of the second world war, cementing its reputation as the ultimate man’s fragrance.
Pretty Boys . Or to give it its full title, Pretty Boys: Legendary Icons Who Redefined Beauty (and How to Glow Up, Too), is a tome by journalist David Yi (who also founded the Very Good Light website for beauty- and fashionconscious young men) that celebrates beauty as a form as selfcare. Yi tells GQ that he wanted to explore the idea that “men and masc-identifying folks have always tried to amplify their power through cosmetics and skincare and beauty”.
Qi Ao. A poem from the ancient Chinese text The Book of Poetries which compares a beautiful man to green bamboo, “tall, straight and robust”.
Razors . Though shells served as the original ‘razors’, blades as we would recognise them today were first crafted from copper in India and Egypt around 5,000 years ago.
Smooth . Manscaping is the term used to describe the tidying up of one’s body hair. A study by Men’s Health found that 62% pf guys trim ‘downstairs’, while research by Chicago’s Advanced Dermatology found 72% of men trim or shave their chest, rising to 78% for the back. Probably the most important piece of advice for those attempting to do this at home is to never use the same razor on your body and face!
TikTok . This has been a huge driver in popularising male beauty products, with plenty of ‘how to’ clips and around half-a-billion hits for #menskincare two billion views of #mensgrooming.
Undercut . Popularised in part by the show Peaky Blinders in recent times, the undercut is another modern take on an old-school look, that sees the back and sides of the head shaved or cut extremely short to contrast against longer, often slicked back locks on top.
Vikings . Big, hairy and brutish they might well have been, but the Norse seafaring warriors were also big on self-care, regularly visiting natural hot springs to bathe their whole bodies at a time when Anglo Saxons believed nakedness was sinful.
Wigs . Wigs were worn throughout most ancient civilisations but fell out of favour until their widespread use in Europe from the 17th century onwards when they were adopted by the likes of Louis XIV – the leading style icon of his day – and became associated with high status. Another significant driver of wigs’ popularity was the spread of syphilis which was back then treated with mercury which led to hair loss.
Xotics . Founded by legendary Jamaican-born US barber Curtis Smith, Xotics uses high-quality, all-natural ingredients “derived from the Earth's gifts” to produce luxury health and beauty products. Curtis, a Gillette Man of Style, winner has served as a personal groomer to the likes of Usher and rapper Pras Michel of The Fugees.
YSL . In 1971, fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent caused a scandal by posing for a black and white nude shot to promote the launch of his first fragrance for men, called Pour Homme.
Zedders . The digital natives are behind much of the shift in attitudes towards male beaty standards and how they are achieved, whether it be the promotion of plus-size models or embrace of gender-neutral products. “Stereotypical male aesthetics and behaviours are changing," professor of anthropology, Alexander Edmonds, tells BBC Culture. “They're no longer the ideal for younger people, Generation Z champion androgyny.” O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Understanding Fibroids
Fibroids are almost always benign (non-cancerous) growths in the muscle layer of the uterus (womb).

They occur in a lot of women and by the age of around 30, one in three women will have them of varying size. By the age of 50, around one in two women will have them. Quite rarely they can turn into a type of cancer called leiomyosarcoma.
Fibroids cause symptoms and problems by causing heavy periods, pressure symptoms (e.g. on the bladder with frequency to pass urine), pelvic pain and heaviness and increasing tummy size and soreness. They can also cause difficulty conceiving in some cases. There are several treatments available, including simply observing them with regular ultrasound scans and removing them. Removal can be by keyhole surgery inside the uterus without any external cuts, or keyhole surgery via the tummy to remove them from the outside of the uterus whilst retaining the uterus.
Another option is to remove them with the uterus (hysterectomy). Mostly these operations can be done with small incisions by breaking the fibroids up inside contained bags and taking them out in smaller pieces. Investigations leading up to surgery and management include ultrasound scanning and sometimes MRI.
Because they can cause very heavy periods, blood tests and possible treatment for anaemia are often necessary.
Most fibroids, including very large ones can be safely and effectively removed using laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery and possibly robotic surgery. Sometimes open surgery is necessary. If you have fibroids, it’s good to get an opinion early as if you do need surgery, it’s best done before they get too big. There are also other treatments for them, which your doctor can discuss with you.
Based at Ascot Central in Greenlane/ Remuera, Dr Sharma also holds visiting clinics in Hobsonville, Takapuna and Ponsonby. He operates out of Ascot and Brightside hospitals, providing accessible, top-tier care to his patients.



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Winter Wellbeing
Sarisa Nasinprom , co-founder
of Sa-Ni Massage and Spa .
Winter can be wonderful when you’re wrapped snugly in layers of warm clothing or relaxing in a well-heated home eating comfort food and enjoying good company. But it also takes its toll on our bodies, slowing circulation, taxing the immune system, draining energy and drying skin. Thai massage with an experienced therapist helps address these:
Circulation . Cold constricts blood vessels, making circulation sluggish and causing discomfort, aches and pains. Massage promotes better blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients to cells, reducing congestion and helping your body feel warm.
Muscles . Winter inactivity causes muscles to lose tone and mass, making you stiff and sore. Massage activates muscles, helping keep you fit and flexible.
Immune system . Massage pressure increases the flow of lymphatic fluid through the body, bringing white blood
cells to the areas where they are most needed to fight off infections.
Skin . Dry, chilly air drains moisture from skin, leaving it feeling dry, flaky and irritated. Massage therapy stimulates collagen production, improving skin elasticity, and the massage oils nourish and hydrate your skin.
Mood . Winter can be stressful, demotivating and depressing. Massage therapy diminishes the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and promotes the production of endorphins and serotonins, helping you feel energised and invigorated.
These treatments from Sa-Ni’s experienced therapists will help you through the winter:
Signature Healing . This 2.5-hour treatment includes a customised wholebody massage, a hot lava stone massage and yoga stretching. It improves immune
Your Premium Denture Clinic in Franklin

function, reduces chronic pain, enhances flexibility and benefits your digestive system.
Ancient Traditional Thai Massage Enhances blood flow and improves overall health and wellbeing.
Hot Lava Stones Massage . Calms the nervous system, enhances blood circulation and melts stress and tension in your body. Great for insomnia and depression.
For continuing benefit, I recommend a 90-minute session once or twice a month.
Sa-Ni Massage and Spa, 8 Upper Queen Street, 09 320 1742 sa-ni.co.nz

The Retreat NZ
Helping families help loved ones in recovery.
Father, Garry Mooney spent years trying to support his son in his nearfatal lifelong battle with alcoholism.
“He is a very nice person, but I saw something ugly. He was angry,” says Garry.
In 2015 Garry’s son had a major meltdown and Garry decided that he needed professional help, but it wasn’t until 2017 that he first went to rehab.
Garry thought a month in rehab could cure his son. Instead, he was back to square one within a few weeks and a range of treatment centres followed, for the next seven years.
“It’s heartbreaking, because you love your kids,” says Garry, whose physical and mental health, as well as his personal relationship, were put under immense pressure.
By chance he found himself listening to The Retreat NZ’s CEO, Janet Thompson, on the radio, and reached out as a last resort.
“My son’s recovery has so much to do with her belief in him. She’s very real and she knows it doesn’t happen overnight,” he says. “I can’t thank her enough.”
His son still struggled with relapse at The Retreat NZ but in 2022 went back voluntarily. Over the next six months, he succeeded in changing his lifestyle until
his plans for a sober 2022 Christmas and New Year turned into 12 days of drinking.
This marked a turning point where both Garry and Janet were the recipients of his son’s abusive messages and suicide threats.
But in January 2023, his son finally decided enough was enough. With the support of The Retreat NZ, he has stayed sober ever since.
“He’s involved in 12-step recovery but has also embraced a lot of education around improving your life through your thinking,” Garry says.
His son now works at The Retreat NZ in a personal training and peer support capacity. He’s also pursuing addiction counselling, furthering his studies with a globally recognised qualification via an American university.
“He wants to be a wingman for people in recovery by getting them to focus their minds differently,” says Garry.
Garry believes there is a great need for advice and support for people with alcoholics in the family – and support for the alcoholics, particularly around mental health challenges many face after treatment when they need to rethink how they live their lives.
Garry’s son has learned that it’s important to be proactive in addressing
the problem and work a strong recovery plan. In additional to his career in recovery, he also has a keen interest in podcasting and reading, golf and producing music, all of which aid his healthy mindset.
The Retreat NZ offers a monthly Family Group to support people like Garry in helping their loved ones help themselves.
“It’s fabulous having my son back,” says Garry. “He has an amazing sense of humour, and he loves helping people, so he’s perfect for what he’s doing now.”
Be sure to visit our website for videos and other helpful information.
theretreatnz.org.nz 0800 276 237 info@theretreatnz.org.nz
“It’s fabulous having my son back.”

Comfort & Confidence
With an impressive career that includes a PhD in skin cancer and extensive training alongside world leaders in plastic, breast, and hand surgery, Dr Katarzyna Mackenzie has made a name for herself as one of New Zealand’s top industry experts.
Verve sat down with the owner of Visage Plastic Surgery to discover more.
What inspired you to become a plastic surgeon and what do you love about the job?
From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a doctor and had a deep love for art. This passion guided me as I entered medical school in Warsaw, with a clear goal of becoming a surgeon. Being Polish means embodying passion, pride, and hard work. I came to understand that plastic surgery is the perfect blend of art and science, where the human body becomes a canvas, merging my two greatest interests.
Can you describe your philosophy and approach to plastic surgery?
As a female plastic surgeon, I understand the pressure that society places on women to look a certain way. I believe that the idea is not to have surgery but to have the right surgery with the right surgeon, hence patients shouldn’t be afraid to shop around in order to find that right surgeon. I do not offer false promises. Male patients often prefer a female plastic surgeon for the same reasons as female patients. Men often expect to receive more empathy and sensitivity from a female surgeon.
You trained in Poland and locally in New Zealand. When did you develop a special interest in breast surgery?
I developed a specialist interest in breast surgery during my fellowships in London, inspired by great minds such as Patrick Maulucci, renowned for his innovative research into ‘The Perfect Breast’, and Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, recognised globally for her revolutionary Hall-Findlay technique.
I’m interested in a breast reduction procedure. How do I know if it is right for me?
There are many reasons for having the procedure, some of the most common include:

· they’re self-conscious wearing a swimsuit or low-cut tops they feel that their breast size is not proportional to their figure the breast size limits physical activity
· they experience back, neck and shoulder pain they have shoulder indentations from bra straps they have skin irritation beneath the breast crease they have poor posture or numbness in parts of the breasts and upper chest from excessive weight there may also be a marked difference in the size of the breasts, known as asymmetry
What does the procedure involve and how long is the recovery?
Breast reduction surgery removes fat, glandular tissue and skin to create smaller, better shaped and lifted breasts. It can also reduce the size of the areola. Scars are usually placed around the nipple-areola and extend downwards to meet a scar in the inframammary crease.
It is carried out under general anaesthesia, and usually requires a one-night stay in hospital after surgery. I recommend a minimum of two weeks, and ideally three weeks off work, depending on the type of work the patient does.
What other surgical procedures do you offer?
I developed specialist interests in breast surgery (breast reduction, breast lift, breast implant removal, revision breast surgery, breast asymmetry, breast augmentation) and body surgery (abdominoplasty, labiaplasty, body contouring after weight loss and pregnancy), as well as upper eyelid surgery, hand surgery and skin cancer management.
View Katarzyna’s other services at visageplasticsurgery.co.nz
Verve talks to Michele Martin about her experience.
What was the motivation for undergoing the surgery?
It had always been in the back of my mind that I would get breast reduction surgery. After breastfeeding, and then menopause, my breasts seemed bigger and heavier, and their weight and size made exercise uncomfortable. Plus, the heat would cause skin irritations. It was also quite frustrating when I lost quite a bit of weight, yet still looked quite large because of my breast size.
How did you decide on a provider?
I talked to a colleague who’d had the same problem and knew exactly where she was going: St Marks Breast Centre in Newmarket.
Tell us about the preparation and the surgery?
The surgeon showed me some before and after images, pointing out ones that were most like mine. He assured me that I really needed the surgery for my quality of life, and explained the surgical process. On the day, he marked out the surgery lines and answered some questions with the anaesthetist. I then waited on a lazy-boy chair with a lovely heated blanket before being shown into the surgery room. There was an upbeat,
positive atmosphere with the staff who had good humour.
What were the immediate results like?
I was pleased with how small they seemed. Even under the bandages it was such a contrast to what I had before. I was also pleasantly surprised at how tidy the stitches looked and I could easily see how awesome it was going to be. The surgeon had removed 2kg of flesh – what a load off! The flesh of my breasts was very firm and obviously affected, and they were also very high up. They dropped down a little bit later, but still look natural and nice. I couldn’t believe how small and cute my nipples were. There was some pain, but I took my meds regularly and I had arranged everything with my work and family ahead of time so I could truly rest.
How did you find the recovery?
The recovery period is quite long. The general anaesthetic has quite an effect for about a week, then you realise that you need to manage the pain and be careful with how you move. You can’t sleep on your side or front for what seems like ages – my mum bought me a long body pillow for which I was very thankful!
Getting any kind of surgery is a big decision. When it comes to breast reductions, there are many factors to consider.
How do you feel about the results now?
I’m very happy. It has definitely improved my confidence and ability to enjoy life, exercise, and wear anything. We recently returned from a holiday in Thailand and I had none of the discomfort and skin problems I used to have in heat and humidity. I feel like it has added years and vitality to my life.
What would your advice be for women considering this procedure?
If you can afford it, do it! I look at the burden some women are carrying around and feel so sorry for them. I wish that they could have the same relief that I have been afforded.

Never Lose Hope

Beauty entrepreneur Jaimee Lupton on a journey to parenthood – and the birth of Gingernut’s Angels.
Jaimee Lupton knows all too well the complexities and emotions involved when having a child doesn’t come easily, experiencing firsthand the immense joys and depths of heartbreak throughout her own fertility journey over several years.
Then in 2021, Jaimee and her partner, Nick Mowbray, conceived a much-tried-for pregnancy after multiple rounds of IVF both here and in the US. Sadly, their first daughter – named Gingernut in a nod to her father’s flaming red tresses and her mother’s pregnancy craving – would be born perfect, but still, in March 2022. Jaimee describes the grief of losing a child as uniquely devastating, “like a club no one wants to be part of”. In the wake of Gingernut’s passing, Jaimee connected with countless people across New Zealand and beyond who were on their own, often incredibly difficult, fertility journeys. The common sentiment was one of struggle: not just with the emotional and physical effects of treatments, but also the financial stress as the costs of medical interventions piled up.
“It breaks my heart to think that finances would be the reason someone doesn’t get to be a parent,” says Lupton, so she and Nick, co-founder of ZURU, created Gingernut’s Angels, an organisation providing financial support for those in New Zealand whose fertility journey is less than straightforward. With one in four people experiencing infertility and one in eight requiring some form of medical assistance to achieve a pregnancy, with Gingernut’s Angels, Jaimee hopes to help alleviate some of this burden for people – with financial grants toward their own unique fertility journey. “My wish for Gingernut’s Angels is there to be little angels born all over New Zealand, and that will be my daughter’s legacy.”
Despite her success as the founder of the hugely successful MONDAY Haircare and with several new brands recently hitting the shelves, being a parent was something Jaimee
wanted, “more than anything”. With her second daughter, Noa, being born in April 2024, Jaimee knows how crucial it is to keep the hope up for those who are still on their journey.
This year alone, Gingernut’s Angels raised $180,000 from the community, which will go directly to fertility grants which will be announced later in the year. “New Zealanders especially are such kind, empathetic and generous people,” says Jaimee, “total strangers' receptiveness to Gingernut’s Angels is a testament to the power of that collective support.”
She says that the birth of her second daughter “has really doubled down on the importance of Gingernut’s Angels to me. My daughter, Noa, is the sweetest gift. My hope is that as many people as possible get their wish for a family”. The beauty industry powerhouse is relishing her role as mum to Noa, saying: “With all of the launches our team has had lately (Châlon Paris and Osāna Naturals are just two on the roster) I’ve had to go back to work and take calls and meetings from home, but I always make time to ensure I’m there to wake her up from her naps. It’s such a sweet moment.”
Finally, what would she tell a couple wanting to apply for assistance through the work of Gingernut’s Angels, who are experiencing the heartbreaking journey of infertility?
“Hope is not lost. That was something that guided me through my own very difficult fertility journey, which included the loss of our first daughter, Gingernut. Hope is the thing you hold onto more than anything, and with Gingernut’s Angels, I want to help keep that hope for people.”
Protecting Your Future Family Plans

Egg freezing is a decision that requires careful consideration and realistic expectations.
Dr Devashana Gupta, medical director of Remuera fertility clinic, Repromed, kindly answers our questions about the process.
Why might you consider egg freezing?
Age really does impact your chances of getting pregnant. You’re born with your lifetime supply of eggs and the quality declines over time. Fertility usually peaks in your 20s and by your mid-30’s the number of eggs suitable for conception has reduced by half. By freezing your eggs before this reduction occurs, you may have a better chance of starting a family later in life.
How does egg freezing work?
It’s actually a similar process to the beginning stages of IVF treatment. It starts with daily injections throughout the first 10 days of your cycle to encourage multiple eggs to mature. Once the follicles have grown to the size we’re after, you’ll be given a ‘trigger’ injection to help start the egg maturation process. The eggs are then collected from the ovaries about 36 hours later and frozen using a process called vitrification.
How long can I store my eggs?
As the eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen (at a temperature of -197°C!), they’re technically able to be stored indefinitely, but currently the legal storage limit in Aotearoa is 10 years.
You may be able to extend this period by applying to an ethics committee.
How many eggs do I need to freeze?
This is the big question! The amount of eggs you need to freeze will depend on your age at the time of egg freezing, your ovarian reserve level (also known as your AMH level), and the size of family you want. As an example, a 34-year-old would need to freeze at least 12 eggs for a 75% chance of having a baby, whereas a 37-year-old would need to freeze 20 eggs. It’s important to note that more than one cycle of treatment might be needed, depending on how many eggs are successfully collected.
How do I know if egg freezing is right for me?
For the best chance of having children, if you want a family and are in a position to start trying to conceive, a fertility doctor will likely advise you not to delay. If you’re interested in learning more about whether egg freezing is right for you, you can book a free 15-minute phone consultation with one of our Repromed fertility doctors to help you make a decision. You can book online at repromed.co.nz or call 0800 483 105.

Specialist Obstetricians.
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Breastfeeding takes practice, and getting the right latch doesn’t always come easily, so having the right style nursing pillow can help more than you know. Handmade right here in New Zealand, from cottons, linens and luxurious velvets, the BABYBABY range of nursing pillows, truly strikes the perfect balance between form and function, supporting both your baby and your body.
BABYBABY | babybaby.co.nz
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Swim Magic clmnz.co.nz/clm-the-bays/swim-school
Are you a proud parent of a little one ready to dive into the wonderful world of swimming? Jump into swimming lessons at SwimMagic CLM the Bays and get swim smart in time for summer!
Swim magic are offering 10-week half-price swimming lessons for kids under 5. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
Scan the QR code to grab this deal now!

Luxe Baby nappy bags have revolutionized the way parents carry their essentials, blending style with practicality in a seamless fashion. Gone are the days when nappy bags were bulky, unattractive, and solely functional. In addition to their aesthetic and functional benefits, Luxe Baby nappy bags are also an investment in durability.

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By offering a blend of style, practicality, and durability, Luxe Baby nappy bags cater to the modern parent’s need for convenience without compromising on fashion. Whether you’re a new parent or looking for the perfect gift for someone special, these nappy bags are a testament to the fact that parenting can be both stylish and practical. babycity | babycity.co.nz
At babycity®, they provide peace of mind on your parenting journey with a curated range of quality products at the best prices. From nursery setups to toddler feeding, the knowledgeable team is here to advise on the products best suited to your parenting needs. Experience babycity® and book a FREE in-store consultation today.
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Luxe Baby luxebaby.co.nz
Matakana Beauty

As you drive over the rolling green hills towards the quaint village of Matakana, a sense of calm washes over you.

Though only a 45-minute drive north of downtown Auckland, it feels worlds apart from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Nestled between idyllic countryside and white sandy beaches, Matakana offers the perfect blend of culinary delights, culture and natural beauty, making it a coveted destination.
For food enthusiasts, the Matakana Farmers' Market, held every Saturday, is a vibrant hub of fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and gourmet delicacies. Art lovers will find plenty to explore, with sculpture trails and numerous galleries. The many boutique fashion and homeware stores throughout the area ensure you won’t leave empty-handed.
Tawharanui Regional Park, known for its white sand beaches and clear waters is a must-visit, while Omaha Beach, a local favourite, offers both surf and calm estuary waters. Visit Goat Island Marine Reserve for snorkelling, diving, and glass-bottom boat tours, hire electric bikes to explore the scenic Matakana Cycle Trail, or enjoy a guided Oyster Farm Tour by boat. Plan your visit to Matakana today and discover why it is one of New Zealand’s hidden gems.
Finding Balance
A sanctuary offering balance and wellness.
Tucked away amidst serene surroundings, BodyRe in Matakana is a sanctuary for those seeking a pathway to balanced, vibrant health.
Founded by the dedicated and multifaceted Michelle Tree - a lymphatic drainage therapist and personal trainer - BodyRe stands out not just for its diverse array of treatments, but also for its collective of highly skilled practitioners, each bringing unique expertise to the table.
"Our point of difference is our focus on clinical health and functional movement,” Michelle explains. “We are integrated health practitioners dealing with structural and functional balance in bodies, with the desired outcome of improving overall physical well-being, enhancing mobility, and reducing pain. Clients can expect a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of their issues, leading to long-term health benefits and an enhanced quality of life."
This integration is evident in the variety of treatments offered at BodyRe, including lymphatic drainage, osteopathy, fascial therapy, naturopathy, herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, Qi Gong, restorative yoga, Pilates, and private fitness training.
The calibre of BodyRe’s team is impressive. Michelle herself is a lymphatic drainage therapist and an ACE personal trainer, with a rich background as a master trainer for Les Mills and a muscle balance analysis accredited therapist. The team also includes Ross Payn, a London trained osteopath with 20 years of experience in structural and cranial osteopathy; Vicky McMath, a remedial massage therapist and lymphatic drainage therapist; Ali Wilford, a registered naturopath and medical herbalist; Wilhemeena Monroe, of Soul Centre, and Kimberly Wood, a

structural integrator trained in the UK with a bachelor's degree in exercise science and extensive reformer Pilates training. This diverse expertise ensures that BodyRe can cater to a wide range of health needs and conditions.
At BodyRe, each client’s journey begins with a comprehensive consultation. This personalised approach ensures that treatments are tailored to meet individual goals and provide the best possible outcomes. Providing care for lymphatic issues, lypodema, lypmphodema, post-operative cancer patient management, sports injuries, post-surgery recovery, or trauma injuries, BodyRe’s team is equipped to offer targeted, effective, compassionate care.
One of BodyRe's standout specialities, which they are emphasising heavily with the addition of two new therapists, is clinical lymphatic drainage - a vital service for many clients. With four Vodder-trained lymphatic drainage experts, BodyRe has earned referrals from orthopaedic surgeons, ACC, and major trauma cases, solidifying its reputation as a trusted provider of advanced therapeutic care.
Offering a pathway to true well-being, BodyRe is dedicated to helping clients achieve a balanced, pain-free life. For more information or to book an appointment, contact them at info@bodyre.co.nz or visit their website at bodyre.co.nz

Global Thinking, Local Brokers
Matakana is more than just a hub for tourism and hospitality; it’s also a growing centre for professional services. At the heart of Matakana Village, you’ll find InsuredNZ, your trusted local insurance brokers.
Managing Director and Head Broker, Andrew Pook, has strategically positioned InsuredNZ to leverage the many benefits of Matakana and its surrounding areas.
in Auckland and Matakana, ensuring superior service and asset protection.”
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Contact the InsuredNZ team on 09 394 2015 or info@insurednz.co.nz to discuss your insurance needs. insurednz.co.nz
Pook shares,“Matakana, just 40 minutes from downtown Auckland, is a growing hub for innovative companies in the Rodney region, serving clients both nationally and internationally.
Through global insurer networks such as Steadfast, we provide comprehensive support and services to our corporate and commercial clients across New Zealand.

What sets InsuredNZ apart is our hands-on approach and dual presence

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Escape in luxury to Tahiti! Have your property appraised before 20 September 2024 to enter the draw for a stunning Tahiti getaway Prize includes return flights for two, accommodation at Te Moana Tahiti Resort and Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, plus transfers Contact Sandy McKenzie or Yana Bell for details *Travel valid before 31 March 2025 Terms and conditions apply

Join Matakana wellness locals, Wendy Douglas and Amanda Jane, for three days of luxury at the stunning cliff top location of Kula in Muriwai.
The Local Lowdown

Twig & Bloom twigandbloom.co.nz
Twig & Bloom is a boutique florist offering fresh and dried flowers, house plants, and gifts. Sourced locally, they deliver with zero emissions from Puhoi to Mangawhai. Open Monday to Saturday with same-day delivery for orders by 2pm. Perfect for special occasions.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 423 0091

Elle & Riley elleandriley.com
Elle & Riley in Matakana Village offers luxurious cashmere pieces made from sustainable, ethically sourced materials. Designed with quality and craftsmanship, their range – from cozy jumpers to sophisticated shawls – adds something special to every wardrobe.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana matakana@elleandriley.com
Your go-to guide for all Matakana endeavors. Explore the event professionals, charming shops, and unique attractions that make this town vibrant and thriving.

The Oyster Farm Tour oysterfarmtours.co.nz
Dive into a delightful adventure in Mahurangi Harbour. Catering to all needs, hop aboard for guided boat tours – or, it’s a perfect outing for private and corporate events and Christmas parties. You’ll learn the secrets of oyster farming, all while sampling fresh oysters. Enjoy a splash of maritime charm.
022 525 9597

Summer Sessions summersessions.co.nz
Enjoy the cool vibes, retro styling, and surf supplies at Matakana’s favourite surf store. Run by Matt, Tash, and the team, Summer Sessions offers top surf and skate clothing brands. Passionate about the ocean, they also specialise in beginner surf lessons.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 7337

Matakana Home matakanahome.com
Matakana Home is a boutique furniture and homeware destination featuring high-quality local and European designs. New owner Linda and and community favourite Karen aim to build lasting client relationships. Visit in-store and share your thoughts on their new offerings.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 9722

Sculptureum sculptureum.nz
Sculptureum, a unique tourism attraction, is ranked New Zealand’s fourth best by Trip Advisor. Described as a “startlingly original experience” by the Sydney Morning Herald, it earns five stars from over 88% of reviewers. Visit and discover why it’s a must-see destination.
40 Omaha Flats Road, Matakana
The Local Lowdown

The Superette @thesuperette_
Locally owned, the Superette offers everyday essentials, gourmet delights, and fresh produce from local farmers. Customers enjoy their friendly team and extensive selection of wines, beers, and beach supplies. The fully stocked bait freezer caters to fishermen. Visit the Superette at Omaha Beach.
4/1 Matariki Street, Omaha Beach

Tea & Tonic teaandtonic.co.nz
Tea & Tonic offers items to nurture you and your loved ones. Enjoy delicious medicinal teas, health supplements, natural skin care, MONNI clothing, and locally made homewares. The Earth Room offers massage, facials, flower essences and hairbrushing rituals.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 9083

MICHAELJOHN Jewellery michaeljohnjewellery.com
Based at the Matakana Country Park, MICHAELJOHN Jewellery is a highend custom-made jeweller specialising in engagement, wedding rings and remodelling.
Matakana Country Park, RD 5 / 1151 Leigh Road, Matakana

Two Boutique twoboutique.co.nz
Located in the heart of Matakana Village, Two Boutique offers a carefully curated collection of New Zealand and international clothing brands for both men and women. Stocking over 20 stunning brands, there is something for everyone at Two.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana

DeLovely delovely.co.nz
A staple of Matakana Village for over 10 years, DeLovely regularly features new season fashion, making it a must-visit for the latest collections. Catering to all ages, DeLovely offers casual wear to wedding attire from labels such as Verge, Trelise Cooper, Loobies Story, and Vassalli.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 423 0428

Artform Gallery artformgallery.co.nz
ARTFORM Gallery specialises in stunning wall art, paintings, ceramics, glass, jewellery, and sculpture. Every artwork reflects local artists’ interpretation of our country, making each piece more than just art—it’s New Zealand crafted by hand.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 9125

The Local Lowdown

Matakana Smokehouse matakanasmokehousenz.com
Whether you’re a seafood connoisseur or a culinary explorer, Matakana Smokehouse is the ultimate destination for quality and taste. Delight in a delectable array of fresh and smoked fish, curated pantry items, artisanal cheeses, vibrant greens, and sauces.
Cnr Matakana Road & Sharps Road 0204 0107 815

Unity Collection unitycollection.co.nz
An authentic Māori contemporary gallery curating high quality design (Whakaahua), fashion (Kākahu) and art (Mahi Toi) from leading Māori creatives. A collection and storytelling that aligns with Unity’s ethos, inspiring connectivity through creativity and community.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 021 333 377

Studio Matakana studiomatakana.co.nz
Studio Matakana offers an array of beautiful gifts and lifestyle luxuries. Discover items from New Zealand and around the world including jewellery, handbags and accessories, bath and body products, gifts for babies and toddlers, and homewares in a wide range of prices.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 9959

Matakana Estate matakanaestate.co.nz
Matakana Estate is renowned for its exceptional Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Syrah, and Bordeaux-style blends. Visitors can enjoy tastings at the cellar door, try the Wine Blending Experience, and stay at The Lodge for luxury accommodation amidst the serene beauty of the Estate.
0800 568 686

Marion Stewart marryon-celebrant.com
Marion is a New Zealand registered Wedding Celebrant who crafts heartfelt ceremonies that capture each couple’s unique love story. With a blend of humor, emotion, and love, she creates memorable weddings filled with genuine moments and joy.
021 432 463 marryonstewart@gmail.com

Matakana Village Bookshop matakanavillagebooks.co.nz
Matakana Village Bookshop features an eclectic range of books, cards, glasses, and wrapping paper. Enjoy personalised recommendations from knowledgeable staff and explore titles in fiction, NZ literature, art, science, and a fantastic children’s range.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 423 0315

Summer is coming

Omaha Ti Point
Matakana Coast - Brand New Ti Point Paradise
Own a brand new, low-maintenance home with breathtaking ocean views at Ti Point, just an hour from the CBD. This stunning property offers tranquility and accessibility, featuring a concrete driveway leading to a double-glazed vertical weatherboard home. The heart of the home is a new kitchen with stone countertops, central to the open-plan family room. Enjoy unparalleled views from the dining area, window seat, or deck. The 227m² floor plan includes four spacious bedrooms, a master retreat with an ensuite, and two large decks for indooroutdoor flow. Additional amenities include a guest powder room, laundry, and double garage. With 2502m² of land and easy waterfront access, this coastal luxury is ready to be yours. Contact us now to secure your slice of paradise.
Omahas Best Value Double Glazed Golf House
This approx 205m² bespoke beach home with double glazing has been cherished by its original owners and is now ready for your family. Enter to polished concrete floors on the ground floor, where a central kitchen divides two cosy living spaces. One end features a wood-burning fireplace and an outdoor wood fire setup, perfect for gatherings. The private grounds lead to the men's No. 4 Tee, ideal for golf enthusiasts. Upstairs, the huge master suite with a walk-in robe and ensuite opens to a covered deck with views of Omaha Bay. Three additional bedrooms share a generous Jack and Jill bathroom. A double carport and ample off-street parking complete this wellmaintained home, recently painted and ready for new owners. Act fast to secure this double glazed golf side paradise!
The Local Lowdown

The Green Tent thegreentent.co.nz
Seeking unique, luxurious, and unforgettable accommodation? Discover The Green Tent, a luxury glamping haven nestled in rural Matakana. Cocoon yourself in lavish comfort with bespoke, private, and self-contained amenities. Unwind, recharge, and reconnect in style. Book your unforgettable retreat today. stay@thegreentent.co.nz

Matakana Boutique matakanaboutique.co.nz
Memorable accommodations are more than just a place to sleep. Matakana Boutique has curated a collection of unique properties for your stay.
Amy: 021 1211 602

Italian in the Village italianinthevillage.co.nz
Italian in the Village brings Amalfi Coast flavors to Matakana with Bernardo’s renowned pizzas. Every Saturday at the Matakana Village Farmer’s Market, he offers authentic pizza and Italian delicacies from a wood-fired oven. Bernardo also caters private events with his tuk-tuks and sells pizza bases online.
021 042 4709

Nomad + Home nomadandhome.co.nz
Embracing Matakana’s relaxed and wholesome lifestyle, Nomad + Home, owned by Marnie Perkinson, offers a curated array of resort/ leisure wear, gifts, and natural beauty products. Featured brands include The Upside Sport, Devotion Twins, and Aleph Beauty.
Shop 2/1 Matariki Street, Omaha Beach 09 422 7090

Matakana Pharmacy matakanapharmacy.com
For over 10 years, Matakana Pharmacy has offered exceptional service, including prescription dispensing, UTI antibiotics, morning-after pill dispensing, and health advice. Their holistic pharmacists are here to help. Services are confidential, often free, and no appointment needed.
2 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana 09 422 9785

Bali Garden Matakana baligarden.nz
This tranquil Balinese-inspired oasis offers daily yoga, Pilates, wellness therapies, and luxury accommodation. Just 45 minutes north of Auckland, it’s an ideal venue for weddings, retreats and events. Bespoke wedding packages are available from December to April.
292 Point Wells Road, Matakana
the luxury of serenity
Just an hour from Auckland, enjoy luxury stays, superb cuisine, and fine wines from Runner Duck Estate. Plume Villas offer 12 new units with a shared pool, perfect for any season. Ideal for weddings, conferences, and private events, this coastal country oasis awaits you.

09 283 3630
09 422 7915
422 7915
Sustainable High Performance
Alex Davids , co-founder of Next Evolution Performance, is transforming the lives of executives through her dynamic approach to coaching.

With 20 years of industry experience, Alex and her team combine deep expertise with cutting-edge neuroscience – an approach that focuses on sustainable high performance.
Through her own background in psychology and neuroscience, Alex and her team address the critical issue of burnout – hot on everyone’s lips today, but not a new phenomenon. Innovative techniques, centred on energy management and cognitive insights, ensure executives are getting their desired outcomes as well as feeling energised in all aspects of their lives.
How do psychology and neuroscience enhance your approach to coaching?
Psychology provides a foundational understanding of behaviour and motivations. Our focus on neuroscience explains the 'why' behind actions and changes, reducing ambiguity and helping clients implement new behaviours. This blend allows for truly effective and impactful coaching.
What services do you offer to help business owners improve their performance?
Our services comprise:
· high performance coaching – both 1:1 programmes and with teams workshops
· programmes that wrap up individual, team and company coaching to create a culture of high performance licencing companies in our Sustainable People Program, bringing content in-house for fuller integration
What common challenges do you see among business owners?
Largely, helping executives motivate their teams, maintain energy, and manage overwhelm. We build tailored
programmes to address these highperformance needs and align with each company's unique operations.
What are the key signs that an executive is on the path to burnout? This can vary for each individual but may include withdrawal, frustration, numbness, and lack of motivation. Early intervention is crucial to prevent further decline. We help clients recognise these signs and provide immediate tools (like diaphragmatic breathing to relax the nervous system), along with a tailored Neural-Mental-Physical approach for long-term solutions.
What role does energy management play?
It is crucial for sustainable high performance. Without regular refuelling, burnout is inevitable. Like athletes, business professionals need daily recovery. We coach clients on seamlessly integrating recovery practices into their lives to maintain continuous energy flow, not the typical ‘give everything you can until you collapse’ model.
What advice would you give business owners looking to enhance productivity and performance?
Stay curious about your behaviour and life, examining what is currently beneficial and what may not be. Seek support! Gaining perspective is difficult when you're immersed in your own experience. External support provides new opportunities for growth, strategies and insight. Slow down. Identify what is important and then build your approach around that. It’s personal. The more you understand about yourself, the easier it is to reach the heights of performance (and fulfilment).
What are some key habits or routines you recommend for maintaining peak performance?
We advise: taking full responsibility for yourself, and letting others do the same treating yourself as a project: assessing your behaviours without judgement, identifying what supports or drains your energy, and make changes accordingly
· embracing neuroplasticity; our brains can change, so we can always improve things
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work that contribute to your overall wellbeing?
I'm lucky enough to live in the beautiful area of Matakana (with my husband and kids) so getting into nature for a cold sea swim, hike or beach run are my favourite ways to do that. Daily meditation is a cornerstone of my energy. I teach a beginners meditation course, which is very rewarding. For 15 years, I've taught yoga and recently refocused on my own practice. I always seek external support, such as a coach or a course for introspection. My three kids keep me on my toes, and learning all the time. The very special community I live in provides a huge amount of energy to me.
Next Evolution Performance has free monthly webinars, an online course, and a huge suite of blogs to engage with if you're curious to learn more. Or, reach out to Alex and the team through their website. nextevolutionperformance.com

Get Bespectacled!
Eyewear as artwork, is the concept behind Bespectacled Ltd , an optical dispensary in Ti Point that specialises in bespoke frames, high-quality lenses, and stunning sunglasses.
Eyewear as artwork, is the concept behind Bespectacled Ltd , an Optical Dispensary in Ti Point that specialises in bespoke frames, high-quality lenses, and stunning sunglasses.
Owner Pene Fox, a highly qualified, Registered Dispensing Optician is passionate about helping people find the perfect frames or sunglasses for their face shape, prescription needs, and lifestyle. It is her Superpower. “If you’re wearing glasses all day, every day, then they should be something that excites you and that you love” she says.
Glasses are her passion, and she thinks of them as “art for the face”. Choosing glasses deserves thought, care and patience, because it’s not something you do every day and is “an investment in you”. Pene understands the emotion that goes into choosing and buying eyewear.
“So often people are told they need glasses and then thrown in the deep end as they try to find the right frame among hundreds of options,” she says. “It’s stressful and overwhelming!”
Pene wants a calm but fun and enjoyable bespoke experience for clients: “Wearing a fabulous pair of glasses can be transformational, they are an extension of your personality.”
Pene’s range of frames, for both women and men, have the wow factor. Bespectacled frames are sourced from France, Spain, Italy, and Pene also stocks Good Gryf, the only NZ designed frames. All stock is hand-picked, and she has an eye for detail that makes the collection pop! Thus, the collection is bespoke and well curated, so there is no doubt the perfect pair can be found here. “When you get the perfect pair, you will feel fabulous every day, and who doesn’t want that,” she says. “Life is too short, not to wear fantastic eyewear!”
FUNFACT: Your spectacle prescription belongs to you; you can choose wherever you want to go to get your glasses.
Call Pene for an appointment 021 335 383 bespectacled.co.nz

Accommodation designed for life.

Whether you're visiting for a wedding, a relaxing break, or sightseeing, these boutique accommodations are your home away from home.
Each space is designed for simple living and relaxation, each with its own unique character. With four properties in Matakana, they offer a range of options, from individual suites and larger properties to booking multiple properties for weddings or corporate groups. Enjoy the convenience of inhouse catering and experience an exclusive, personalised stay.

Braised Snapper
Domijjim 도미찜
I’ve taken a traditional Korean fish dumpling and made it my own, tied up with a chive stem to make an elegant package of stuffed fish, preferably snapper, which is beautiful in spring. It’s light, balanced, looks very elegant and always gets a great response when we serve it at CHAE.
400–500g skin-on snapper fillet
½ tablespoon coarse sea salt
1 tablespoon makgeolli (cloudy rice wine)
100g mung bean sprouts, trimmed
4 chives
100g scotch fillet (ribeye), thinly sliced
1 shiitake mushroom, sliced
125ml (½ cup) all-purpose soy sauce
125ml (½ cup) traditional persimmon vinegar, or apple-cider vinegar
Dried red chilli seeds, to taste
Cut the snapper fillet into four equal pieces.
Dip the snapper fillets in a mixture of makgeolli and salt, ensuring they are well coated. Cover and refrigerate to cure for about 3 hours.
Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil over a high heat and blanch the bean sprouts and chives for 30 seconds, then drain and rinse under cold running water. Squeeze out any excess water with your hands.
Score the thickest part of the snapper pieces and open up the slits. Cut through the snapper pieces then open them out like a book to butterfly. Stuff the cavity with the bean sprouts, sliced beef and shiitake, and sprinkle in some salt. Fold the snapper back over the stuffing, then tie each parcel up with a chive.
Part-fill a large saucepan with water and place a colander or bamboo steamer basket on top, making sure the water doesn’t touch the base of the colander. Place the pan over a medium heat and, once the water is simmering, steam the fish for about 10 minutes or until it is just cooked.
Meanwhile, make the sauce by mixing the soy sauce with the vinegar in a bowl.
Place the fish on a plate and sprinkle the sauce over the fish. Finish with some dried red chilli seeds if you like a little added spice.

Recipe extracted from Chae: Korean Slow Food for a Better Life by Jung Eun Chae, published by Hardie Grant Books, RRP $70.

Spicy Beef Soup
Yugaejang 육개장
Koreans serve this chilli-rich red soup at funerals because the colour is believed to ward off evil spirits and bad luck. Also, beef is a luxury ingredient so it’s a prestigious soup to serve to guests. Of course, these origins are mere folk tales that have lost their relevance in today’s modern context. Nowadays, this dish has transformed into a go-to option for when you’re craving satisfying, hearty and spicy comfort food. Serve with radish kimchi and rice for a perfect meal.
500g piece of beef brisket
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
½ tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons gochugaru (Korean red chilli powder)
1½ tablespoons cheongju (clear rice wine) or soju
3 litres (12 cups) anchovy & kelp broth*
300g mung bean sprouts, washed and trimmed
50g gosari (dried bracken; see Tip), boiled for 15 minutes until soft, then cut into bite-sized pieces
30g spring onions (scallions), trimmed and cut into 5cm lengths
100g shiitake mushrooms, sliced
Yukgae Jang Seasoning
½ tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons gochugaru (Korean red chilli powder)
1 tablespoon minced garlic
50ml traditional Korean soup soy sauce
½ tablespoon fine sea salt, or to taste
½ teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste
*refer to vervemagazine.co.nz

Recipe extracted from Chae: Korean Slow Food for a Better Life by Jung Eun Chae, published by Hardie Grant Books, RRP $70.
Soak the beef in cold water for 2 hours to remove the blood.
Grease a pressure cooker with the sesame oil and vegetable oil and heat on medium.
Drain the beef, then sear on all sides for about 3 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the gochugaru and cheongju and sear for another 2 minutes.
Add the anchovy and kelp broth, seal the pressure cooker and cook on high until the pressure cooker whistles.
Once the cooker whistles, leave it on high for another 2 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 20 minutes. Turn off the cooker and leave the meat to simmer in the residual heat for about 10 minutes. Remove the beef and set aside to cool. Once cool enough to handle, shred the beef with your hands. Skim any fat from the surface off the broth and set aside.
For the yukgaejang seasoning, heat the sesame oil in a saucepan over a high heat and stir-fry the mung beans, gosari, spring onion and shiitake mushrooms with the gochugaru and garlic. When the vegetables soften, after about 5 minutes, add the shredded beef and broth and bring to the boil over a high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the soup soy sauce, salt and pepper to the soup.
Place the meat in a stone pot and add the hot soup and vegetables. Serve with kimchi and rice.
Called gosari in Korean, and sometimes known as fernbrake in English, these fern branches are dried and sold in packets. These are very stiff so make sure to soak in water for 6 hours to soften.

Seasonal Seasoned Greens & Vegetables
Jaechul namul
Serves 2 as a side
The following three side dishes are made with seasonal vegetables and herbs, prepared with condiments that highlight their lovely spring flavours and freshness. The vegetables and herbs in Korea are different from those found in Australia but the ideas are adaptable. I would say the condiments are traditional but the hero ingredients are Australian in style.
Kale namul 케일 나물
100g green kale, washed, hard stems trimmed
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon fermented fruit extract*
2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 teaspoon sesame oil
30g (¼ cup) finely chopped spring onion (scallion)
1 teaspoon ground sesame seeds, plus extra to serve (optional)
Cut the kale into bite-sized pieces.
Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil and blanch the kale for 30 seconds. Drain and immediately plunge the kale into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process. Leave to cool.
Prepare the seasoning by combing all the ingredients in a bowl.
Drain the kale and squeeze out as much water as possible with your hands. Place in a serving bowl, add the seasoning and mix well. Place the kale on a plate and sprinkle over some more ground sesame before serving, if desired.
*refer to vervemagazine.co.nz

Recipe extracted from Chae: Korean Slow Food for a Better Life by Jung Eun Chae, published by Hardie Grant Books, RRP $70.
Bok choy doenjang muchim 청경채 된장무침
1 head bok choy
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon Traditional Korean soybean paste
1 tablespoon Fermented fruit extract*
1 red bullet chilli, destemmed and minced
½ onion, minced
1 teaspoon sesame oil
30g (¼ cup) chopped spring onion (scallion)
1 teaspoon ground sesame seeds, plus extra to serve
Cut the bok choy into bite-sized pieces.
Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and blanch the bok choy for 1 minute, then drain and immediately plunge the bok choy into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process. Leave to cool.
Prepare the seasoning by combining all the ingredients in a bowl.
Drain the boy choy, then squeeze out as much water as possible with your hands. Place in a serving bowl, add the prepared seasoning and mix well. Sprinkle with some extra ground sesame seed to serve.
Aehobak namul 애호박 나물
1 zucchini
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon gochugaru (Korean red chilli powder)
1 tablespoon traditional Korean soup soy sauce
30g (¼ cup) chopped spring onion (scallion)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon ground sesame seeds
Cut the zucchini in half lengthways and slice into halfmoon shapes.
Place the slices in a bowl and scatter with the salt. Leave to sit for 10 minutes.
Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and stir-fry the minced garlic for about 30 seconds.
Add the salted zucchini, gochugaru and soup soy sauce and stir-fry over a medium–high heat for 3 minutes.
Once the zucchini is cooked, add the spring onion and sesame oil and cook for a further 1 minute until the spring onion is lightly cooked. Sprinkle over the sesame seeds to finish.
If the zucchini is not thoroughly cooked, cover it with a lid and cook for another 1–2 minutes.
If the zucchini releases too much juice, stir-fry it over a high heat to evaporate the liquid.
Bean Sprout Steamed Rice with Soy Sauce Dressing
Kongnamul bab 콩나물 밥
Serves 4
This is a fantastic method to enhance a simple bowl of rice. By incorporating vegetables of your choice into the steamed rice, you infuse extra flavour, making your meal not only more delicious but also more nutritious. Bean sprouts and julienned radish are common choices for enhancing steamed rice, but feel free to get creative and test with your favourite vegetables to elevate your dining experience.
500g medium-grain white rice
200g (2 cups) soybean spouts
Soy Sauce Dressing
100ml all-purpose soy sauce
½ tablespoon minced garlic
100g chopped spring onion (scallion)
¼ onion, minced
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Place the rice in a pressure cooker and cover with cold water. Gently wash the rice, discarding the cloudy water. Repeat this process until the water runs clear.
Rinse the soybean sprouts under cold water. If desired, trim about 1 cm from the ends of the sprouts for a more appealing presentation, and add them to the pressure cooker with the rice. Add 500ml (2 cups) water, cover with the lid and bring to the boil.
Once the cooker starts whistling, reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
After the rice and bean sprouts have finished cooking, turn off the heat and allow the pressure to release for about 10–15 minutes.
Carefully open the lid of the pressure cooker and use a spoon to fluff up the rice, separating the grains and bean sprouts.
Mix the dressing ingredients together in a bowl.
Serve a bowl of bean sprout steamed rice with the soy sauce dressing on the side, allowing diners to season their dish according to their preference.
Cod in Mussel Broth
Daegu Jiri Tang 대구지리탕
Korean fish soup is usually spicy and red in colour thanks to all the chilli. This is my mild, pale version – ‘jiri’ means white and refers to both the fish and the broth. Given the delicacy of the flavours, you need a really good stock, made here with the sea-salty flavour of mussels. This soup is designed to be served from a pot in the centre of the table for everyone to share.
4 × 200g skin-on cod fillets
1/2 tablespoon coarse sea salt, plus 1 tablespoon for seasoning
500g mussels
¼ onion, sliced
1 tablespoon sliced garlic
2 whole dried chillies
90g chrysanthemum greens, washed and sliced into 3cm lengths
2 tablespoons All-purpose soy sauce wasabi paste, to taste

Recipe extracted from Chae: Korean Slow Food for a Better Life by Jung Eun Chae, published by Hardie Grant Books, RRP $70. Serves 4
Coat the cod fillets in the salt and leave to cure for 3–4 hours.
Prepare the mussels by scrubbing the shells with steel wool under cold running water and remove the beards.
Place the mussels in a pot and cover with water. Add the onion, garlic and dried chillies, cover and bring to the boil over a high heat. Once the soup boils, remove the lid and season with salt (be aware that mussel soup can overflow easily). Discard any mussels that haven’t opened.
Place the salted cod pieces in the mussel soup and boil for 5–7 minutes.
While the cod is cooking, prepare the sauce by mixing the soy sauce and wasabi to taste in a bowl.
Once the cod is cooked, add the chrysanthemum greens and cook for another 1 minute. Remove from the heat and scoop into serving bowls with the sauce alongside for dipping.

Let’s Eat Out Taste & Drink
Wine columnist and connoisseur DENNIS KNILL gives his views on two new wines from St Hugo.
South Australia has a wealth of wine riches with the quality of their reds becoming more evident. Although the wine regions are spread right across the state, the Barossa and Coonawarra will always be worthy of a place in the King's Court. One of its 700plus wineries is St Hugo, a household name producing awardwinning wines that capture all that is great about Aussie reds.
Over many decades, St Hugo has built a legacy crafting fine wines from two of Australia’s most famous wine regions. Although Barossa is the acclaimed wine destination, not to be outdone is Coonawarra with its dense concentrated red terra rossa soil producing some of the best and richest reds in South Australia.
Here are two lovingly crafted wines from grapes harvested from both regions.
’20 St Hugo Barossa shiraz; RRP $40. Gold medals says it all. Fermented in French oak, this clean and powerful wine, with its fresh fruity flavours, will saturate the palate. The perfect midwinter red. Pair with beef, lamb and game.

’19 St Hugo Coonawarra cabernet sauvignon; RRP $40. Ripe, aromatic and rich in concentrated flavours, this compelling wine has lots of intensity and character that will thrill big red fans. Team up with casseroles, veal and pasta.
In Sofitel hotel, La Marée restaurant boasts masterly chefs who produce inspired gastronomy for serious diners.
The kitchen philosophy is simple: source the best available produce and make it shine. There’s plenty for the traditionists here, though modern twists keep things interesting with visionary food that lingers long after the credit card bill has faded.
For starters, consider freshly shucked or tempura oysters ($38 to $84); pan seared scallops ($30) served with cauliflower, spinach, lime, miso beurre blanc; kingfish crudo ($30) yuzu, sea grapes, smoked crème fraiche, pear and furikake; chargrilled octopus ($29) served with ratatouille, chorizo, macadamia puree; or tartare de boeuf eye fillet ($32) multigrain crisps, egg yolk, cornichons, capers, kasundi and charcoal emulsion.
Mains that stand out include braised short rib ($54) celeriac puree, baby carrot, leek, black truffle jus; market fish ($51) white bean mousseline, lemon, green pea beurre blanc; mushroom ravioli ($49) white truffle velouté, oyster mushroom , pinenuts, crispy sage; duck breast ($52) with beetroot and orange puree, braised witloof, kale, red wine jus; charred cauliflower ($41) hummus, lemon, pickled mushroom yoghurt, toasted hazelnut; and spring lamb loin ($57) served with eggplant puree, date, edamame bean, mustard and thyme sauce.
Desserts ($21.50) are another high point, notably spiced persimmon panna cotta, hazelnut and almond chocolate brownie and vegan rhubarb tiramisu. If you’re not tempted by dessert, check out the platter of local and French fromage ($49).
And they’re serious about wine offerings with a long list that showcases local and imported heavy-hitting temptations by the bottle or by the glass. And the verdict? Whatever you chose you can be sure it’s been crafted with care by engaging, free-thinking chefs. Sharp service and a hospitable attitude from the floor make for a satisfying package.
Menu: 8; cuisine: 9; wine list 8.5; service: 9; decor: 8.5; value for money: 8.5
21 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, City; phone 354 7478. Open lunch and dinner 7 days . sofitel.com

The Corner
Where everybody knows your name.
Verve was invited to try the all-new menu at The Corner in Remuera and discovered that there are few cosier places to spend a cold winter’s night, taking in some feel-good vibes and some seriously scrumptious fare – just don’t ask how we fared in the pub quiz!
Though the surroundings riff on the homeliness of the iconic British pub, The Corner’s menu casts its net far and wide with international temptations such as Korean spiced cauliflower, chicken satay skewers, Kingfish ceviche and various taco dishes all available alongside comforting classics like pulled pork burgers, fish and chips, and slow-cooked lamb shoulder. Those looking for something lighter can choose from the likes of salmon or Thai steak salads.
Alas, there weren’t enough mouths to sample every offering. After sharing a round of the most moreish, gooey, aromatic cheese rolls (made with honey, brown butter and onion salt – the recipe of owner Patrick’s mum) it was on to mains. The chicken and prawn dumplings arrived with black bean chilli oil and soy sauce, a fusion of balanced flavours with a spicy kick that was satisfyingly tempered with a cooling Little Creatures pale ale. The panfried snapper was deliciously succulent, teamed with a fresh salad and bowl of shoestring fries and paired with a glass (or two) of Côtes du Rhône – what can go wrong? While the tender scotch fillet, glistening beneath a garlic butter and

truffle oil, was washed down with what might be the city’s best Guinness!
Deserts came by way of churros with chocolate and caramel sauce; a sticky date pudding; and triple chocolate mousse. All portions of all plates are as generous as the hospitality provided by the staff.
In keeping with the spirit of the dishes, the drinks menu brims with local and international wines and beers –including boutique brews – as well as classic cocktails (think mojitos and
margaritas) and some with more than a regular twist (pornstar martini, anyone?!).
All in all, The Corner strikes a perfect balance between quality pub fare and gourmet cuisine, transforming simple ingredients into culinary delights worthy of applause. The crackle of flames of the open fire adding further adding to its warmth. “Purveyors of good times” so goes the tagline on their website – and we sure can vouch for that!

We believe fast food shouldn’t slow you down. That’s why our burritos, bowls, tacos and nachos are made with only the freshest, most delicious ingredients. It’s also why we slow cook our fillings for up to 18 mouth-watering hours to seal in all that goodness.
What's more, for every burrito or bowl purchased we donate a meal to someone in need to help end world hunger through our Plate 4 Plate initiative. So far, we've donated over 80 million meals.
So know when you choose to eat Zambrero, you’re choosing food that doesn’t just taste good, it leaves you feeling good.


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Dore & Rose Deep Sleep Mask

Doing Denim

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6. Déhanche Hollyhock Leather Belt
7. Saint Laurent Tie-Detailed Duchesse Silk-Satin Blouse 8. Saint Laurent Lee Patent-Leather Slingback Pumps
Saint Laurent High-Rise Jeans
Balenciaga Hourglass Wool Blazer

1 . One Stop Crop - Curate by Trelise Cooper
2 . Slip Up - Curate by Trelise Cooper
3 . Kitty Chambray Top in Dark Wash - Adrift
4 . Dominique Swiss Cross Top - Meg By Design 5 . Auto Top - La Vaca Loca

Though there are no official statistics on how many Kiwis are living in New York , the consulate estimates the figure to be around 2,000.
For the past couple of years, they’ve been serviced by direct flights from Auckland courtesy of Air New Zealand.
Verve sat down with 787 First Officer James Murdoch, and Inflight Service Manager Mary-Jo van Hoppe to learn about what they most love about the Big Apple.
What were you first impressions of NYC and how has that evolved?
James : I visited twice before working at Air New Zealand and about seven times since. Like all people, I think my first impressions of the city were an overwhelming sense of its size and how busy it is. Getting anywhere seemed like it took a lot of planning and time, but as you get used to the city, you learn to get around and find efficiencies in the system. It’s still a massive, amazing city, but I have grown in confidence in how to navigate it.
It takes some time, experience, and a number of mistakes to learn the difference between local and express trains, which ones stop where, and how to best utilise their public transport infrastructure.
There is also the ‘secret’ of knowing about 6½ Avenue, which we are lucky enough to have our hotel located close to. This little gem keeps you efficiently moving up and down the mid-city streets without the chaos of the big hustle-andbustle avenues.
Mary-Jo : I cannot recall how many times I’ve now visited NYC, but however many it is, it will never be enough! I’ll never forget my first impression of driving in on our crew bus at Christmas. There was an unusual silence from the crew as we gazed out at the scene unfolding, in awe. We were in New York. It wasn’t a soft, gradual welcome but a BOOM we are here, and in that moment, fully

immersed. You could literally feel the pulse. The city was lit up like a Christmas tree, like a movie set. It was bright. It was noisy. It hummed. At first, I felt quite overwhelmed, but after a few more visits, I began to discover a closer connection to this vibrancy, to this city that is always alive.
Do you find that New Yorkers are curious about Kiwis?
James : To find ‘New Yorkers,’ I have found you need to venture away from the midtown and downtown areas. When you get towards the Upper East/ West Side established residential areas, you find more locals. Most seem really kind and welcoming and love the way New Zealanders converse in a polite manner.
Mary-Jo: Although New Yorkers are somewhat curious about Kiwis, it’s easy to get overshadowed by their unapologetic expression of who they are. I love the way they speak with their whole body. New York is an animated expression, and so are the people. It’s easy to get caught up in that and absorb the magic. It’s unavoidable. From
ordering a coffee to watching a show, to walking down Fifth Avenue and strolling through Central Park, the place is alive and is people-watching heaven.
What are some of your most memorable moments, and favourite lesser-known spots?
James : My Most memorable NYC experience so far would have to be waking up in NY with my family on Christmas day and going ice skating in Central Park, a bucket list item to do with your kids.
Otherwise, I’d recommend visiting the Upper East Side, Second and Third Avenue, between 75th-85th streets. The restaurants and bars are amazing. They still have that vibrant NYC feel but are more welcoming and have a local vibe about them.
New York also does big events well. I have been lucky enough to be in New York for New Year's Eve, St. Patrick's Day, the US Open, and went to a Billy Joel concert at Madison Square Garden. The Billy Joel concert was definitely one of the most memorable! The music combined with
the venue gives you one of those feelings you can only experience in NYC.
Mary-Jo: One of my most memorable experiences was taking a walk into Central Park on a crisp autumn day, and stumbling across an incredible fivepiece jazz band. These musicians were amazing. Feeling pretty stoked about my life and my job, I sat with eyes closed on a park bench, fully absorbing it, loving this discovery. However, walking further into the park, I was drawn in by beautiful singing voices – there were four men singing a cappella. At the same time, a photo shoot of traditional Chinese costumes was taking place, further along, someone was playing the violin, a film crew, a hip-hop dance troupe, a ballerina dancing solo in full costume, a model shoot. Is this even real?! It most certainly was. Just another day in NYC, but for this Kiwi, it was as though I’d stepped onto a Spielberg film set. New York magic at your fingertips.
How does flying to New York differ from other international destinations?
James : The obvious big difference is how far away it is: an 18-hour flight over a
significant number of time zones. Your local ocean is the Atlantic and not the Pacific. In New Zealand, we identify so much with the Pacific and its people that you really feel like you are in a different part of the world.
Mary-Jo: I notice there is a certain buzz upon the aircraft which differs from our other flights when we are bound for New York. It’s as if everyone knows they are going somewhere extra special, including the crew. It’s our longest flight with some trepidation at the beginning that soon disappears. The time goes surprisingly quickly, overshadowed by the excitement of arrival.
What’s the most ‘New York’ thing you’ve done?
James: I’ve been lucky enough to be in New York during the ‘Manhattanhenge’. This is an amazing phenomenon where the setting sun aligns perfectly on the east and west oriented streets. It only happens twice a year for 2-3 days and brings everyone, even the locals, to a standstill to take photos in the middle of the roads right at sunset. It is super unique to New York and quite a novelty to experience.
Mary-Jo: The most New York thing I have done... a martini at the Plaza. Solo.
How would you compare the coffee culture in New York to that in New Zealand?
James : I think like most of America, the coffee culture is still developing. Bottomless mugs of filter coffee at every diner have always been a staple of the typical American morning. However,
with a Starbucks now on every corner the American culture has certainly moved away from the ‘diner experience’ into wanting overly large, sweet, sugary treats Starbucks has to offer. But with a little bit of research and a bit of a dedicated walk, you can find the hidden cafe gems, like Little Collins, that are educating the locals and providing for the Antipodeans to get our real morning fix.
Mary-Jo: That cup of Joe is no comparison to our discerning coffee culture. Hands down we ace it!
If you could bring one thing from New Zealand to New York, what would it be? And vice versa?
James : The Northland beaches, and the Southern Alps. As for bringing something from NYC to New Zealand, the obvious answer would be its infrastructure and transport system. But more idealistically, it would be amazing to have the diversity of events. In New York, you can go to your local bar or restaurant and have world-class entertainment playing on the piano and singing you songs while you drink or eat, or you can go along to any major event – music, sports, or culture.
Mary-Jo: I always travel with my NZdesigned Go pillow by Hyoumankind. It gives me the best sleep ever, wherever – a good hack for jet lag! If I could bring something home from New York, it would be a bit of the ‘pizazz’… the sophistication, the music, the theatre, the speakeasy bars, the gilded glamour of gone. Plant a little of that zing into our city culture. New York, I’ll be back.
Some more tourist tips from pilot James!
From Staten Island, return to Midtown via the SG Line Ferry from St George Ferry Pier to Midtown. For just US$4 you get some of the best open-air views of the Statue of Liberty on the way past, and amazing views of the Downtown and Midtown Skyline as you head up the Hudson River.
For the best views of both the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, go up the SUMMIT One Vanderbilt above Grand Central Station. This is one of the highest buildings in Manhattan and has some really fun experiences once you’re up at the top. Personally, I would do this over any other skyscraper experience.
There is an amazing Mexican restaurant called Rosa Mexicano at Union Square.
Bar 9 Midtown or Brandy’s Piano Bar Upper East Side on 84th Street offer some of the best live piano you can get anywhere in the world.
Bathtub Gin W19th in Chelsea is a fun speakeasy with great cocktails. You’ll need to book ahead, though.
The latest must-see blockbuster musical is Hamilton - The Musical. It tells the story of the foundations of America in hip-hop format.
Wayne’s World

Wayne Maguire , CEO and team leader at Ray White Mission Bay, Stonefields, St Heliers, Kohimarama, and Greenlane negotiates and closes around $20 million in weekly sales, but the multi-award-winning realtor has gained fresh perspective following a month-long trip to the Himalayas.
“Every hour and every minute of the day, it’s just so different to what we usually experience,” Wayne tells Verve . “There are ancient landscapes and villages that have remained unchanged for centuries. The fresh air, the wind, the squawking ravens, the rivers, standing among the clouds with prayer flags everywhere, it just sort of cleanses your soul.”
Wayne had headed to the world’s greatest mountain range –via New Delhi and Agra in India, and Kathmandu, Nepal – for the Everest Base Camp trek. Unfortunately, all of his intensive training couldn’t prevent him from suffering altitude sickness with a less than a day’s trekking to go (it’s a debilitating affliction that can, at random, affect even the most seasoned of high-altitude mountaineers), but Wayne is philosophical about it.
“We were at 16,000 feet and my head blew up,” he reveals as he pulls up a photo of a heavily swollen face and bloodshot, watery eyes. “It was about 500 vertical metres below base camp – about seven or eight hours of walking – but we made the decision to turn around.
“Looking back now, I realise that it taught me an important lesson about appreciating the journey rather than focussing on the destination. I enjoyed every moment going up and every moment coming down, too.”
Wayne is no stranger to adventure or tough climbs. Upon leaving school, he joined the army and spent a decade travelling the world and jumping out of planes in an airborne unit before studying business at the universities of Waikato, Massey, and Auckland. Over the past 13 years, he has also made annual lung-busting runs up the Sky Tower to raise money for cancer research.
“When you run up in sports gear, it’s pretty straight forward, but still a tough slog,” he says. “But the past three times I’ve done it in fireman’s gear – that gear doesn’t just keep the heat out, it keeps the heat in! And then you’ve got the helmet, and the tank on your back. The last time I did it, I was also wearing gumboots instead of trainers.”
Carrying an extra 25kg in gear, Wayne ran from the underground level to the observation deck in less than 14 minutes (9 minutes, 30 seconds was his time without the kit). “I came through the gate and my peripheral vision was
starting to shut down, it was going black. That’s when you pass out. A friend made me promise that I wouldn’t attempt the challenge again.”
So instead, Wayne aimed his sights at that base camp in the sky of the Himalayas!
“I just need to have a challenge on the horizon – plus, it means that you stay fit.”
Wayne flew into Nepal’s notorious Lukla airport, who’s near3,000m high runway is deemed the world’s most dangerous owing to it terminating at the edge of a cliff face. The time of the year meant that it would have been too hazardous to take a regular flight in, so Wayne had to arrive by helicopter, and the thin air meant that “you could hear the blades struggling”. “From Lukla, there are no roads, nothing much except people and animals walking in, and helicopters overhead.”
Lines of yaks and donkeys are a common sight along the trail.
“They’re everywhere, in these long caravans,” recalls Wayne. “The first time you see them, they seem to go as far back as you can see. But you soon learn to take your walking stick and just tap the first one on the nose to move it over a little bit and then you just squeeze past.”
His Himalayan hike was the first time he’d worn boots since the army. “Maybe that was part of the attraction,” Wayne continues. “Putting boots on, being outside all day, having a pack on, it was like, ‘Oh man, I miss this.’”
Next on his adventure bucket list is either walking the Grand Canyon or scaling Mont Blanc in Europe’s Alps.
“I have so many amazing memories from Nepal,” he continues, “like getting blessed by a Buddhist monk in a temple at 4,000 metres and exploring Namche Bazar – this high-altitude village where the kids are in school uniform and march to assembly to the beat of a drum.
“And since getting back, I feel different. It was a good lesson for the ego, I thought I was bulletproof, so it was humbling. I’m certainly less worried about things, less attached, and realise that the only thing that’s really important are my daughters.”
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Bank Street Publishing, RRP $37.99

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A toxic friendship turns to tragedy in this compelling thriller. Finn and Daphine have been best friends since schooldays, but when Finn falls in love with newcomer Magdu, Daphine manipulates the situation in unexpected ways. The three of them go rock climbing in the Blue Mountains, the past impacts on the present, and one of them falls to their death. Was this an accident, suicide or murder?
Pan Macmillan, RRP $37.99

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The true value of independent retirement living in Remuera
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Investing in what really matters
We think that moving into the Avenue Apartments in Remuera is making a priority out of your own happiness and well-being. You’ll be able to live independently in your beautiful new home, knowing that neighbours and friends are close by and help is always available if you need it.
Spacious, modern retirement living
Forget scaling down worries - you can have all the space you need in The Avenue Apartments in Remuera. With up to 163m2 of floor area, our private and exclusive apartments offer the very best in modern retirement living.
As well as your apartment, the pavilion provides a social hub for the community to gather. The bowling green links the outdoor living spaces and there are secure basement carparks and electric charging facilities.
It can be a great lifestyle upgrade
We offer a retirement ORA or Occupational Right Agreement, which isn’t really about property investment. Instead it’s a focus on your lifestyle - where the benefits are a cheaper purchase price and amenities like a heated indoor pool, spa, fitness centre and social spaces - all included in the package to significantly enhance your quality of life.
Security and peace of mind
One of the greatest benefits of apartment living in a retirement community is the enhanced security you’ll
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We believe the real value here lies in the lifestyle you’re choosing for your retirement years. Why not come and see for yourself. You can book an appointment, relax with a coffee and check over the floorplans with us.
Contact Claire on 0800 736 427 or email her at sales@theavenueapartments.co.nz
Sales Office: 367 Remuera Rd, Remuera Website: theavenueapartments.co.nz
What's On in August

1 – 11 August
Aotea Square
8 – 11 August
Spark Arena
The annual CBD winter delight returns! This year, the Aotea Square ice rink has themed date nights and groovy Friday night events. As always expect stunning light displays. You can also try out curling (shuffleboard meets bowling on ice) with the new curling lanes.
20 – 24 August
Basement Theatre
Exciting twists and turns are in store for Mickey Mouse and his friends, as they set out on a road trip adventure. Journey to Motunui to see Moana, or get swept away with Aladdin’s parade. This show will take your imagination to infinity and beyond.
31 August
Bruce Mason Theatre
Sleepovers hold a near-hallowed space in the landscape of growing up. Discover, or relive, the captivating charm that happens once parents go to bed. Midnight Confessions explores love, loss and the power of female friendships in a powerful and transformative way.
Experience the soundtrack of the hit Regency-era show, just as the characters would, by candlelight. A string quartet will perform fan favourites from the series, like Taylor Swift’s ‘Wildest Dreams’ and Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’. A memorable night for any Bridgerton fan.
2 – 24 August
Q Theatre
Playwright David Finnigan, the son of a climate scientist, explores our impending future in this awe-inspiring piece. The 50 scenes of this critically acclaimed show, cover the myriad of complexities, from our perspective, of what we lose and how we may adapt.
16 August
Auckland Town Hall
The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra perform some of Mozart's most memorable pieces, conducted by André de Ridder. From Symphony No 40 to his 21st Piano Concerto, this collection is perfect for both classical music fans and casual listeners.
1 – 31 August
25 August
Quay Gallery
This month, treat yourself to culinary delights across Auckland CBD, with the Chefs Table Series. As a part of Restaurant Month, this series specifically focuses on one-off multicourse menus from some of Auckland's best chefs. Each night promises a unique menu.
Solo Exhibition by Dalene Meiring.
Opens Sunday 25 August at 2.30pm with artist talk.
Lucy's Corner
This month Verve’s star teen reviewer LUCY KENNEDY discovers 'perfection' comes at a cost in Don't Worry Darling.
Don't Worry Darling Netflix
Alice Chambers lives a perfect life with a flawless home, and a caring husband, Jack. Her days are spent sipping martinis by the pool, attending dance classes, and shopping with the girls… Alice and Jack are living the American dream. But perfection is pricey, and something dark lurks beneath the shimmering surface of Victory, California.
The film is an exploration of confining traditional gender roles, the falsity of perfection, and the trap of domesticity. It’s a psychological thriller with an absolutely mind-bending twist that’s equal parts horror and shock – reminiscent of George Cukor’s 1944 film Gaslight, with manipulation and toxic relationships in abundance. Alice has to fight against those around her to uncover the truth of Victory, and much like Gaslight’s Paula Alquist, it comes at a terrible cost.

Starring the stunning Florence Pugh as Alice and pop sensation Harry Styles as Jack, the film boasts fantastic acting, particularly from Pugh. I would recommend this film to feminists, lovers of foreshadowing, fans of Stepford Wives, and anyone who’s in the mood to direct some good old anger at the patriarchy. Directed by Olivia Wilde, Don’t Worry Darling is a 1950s utopia-turnednightmare that will leave you with questions and re-examining the minor details long after the credits roll.
Available to view on Netflix. 3 stars.
Instagram: @lucykennedyreviews

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The Art of August

Intimate, self-reflective themes of cultural legacy, nature, and our understanding of place weaves through this month's selection. Creating an interesting tapestry of personal and collective identity.
Wrinkled Speech
On until – 24 August
In this new body of work in her first solo exhibition with the gallery, RudnevaMackay delves into themes of women’s bodies, motherhood, home, and care. Reflecting on her need to express complex ideas and emotions beyond language. Rudneva-Mackay, an MFA graduate from Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland, in 2006, has been exhibiting across Aotearoa in public and private galleries, as well as artist-run spaces, since 1998. Her work is included in significant public and private collections throughout Australasia.
444 Karangahape Rd, Newton melanierogergallery.com
Belonging: Stories of Contemporary New Zealand Asian Artists
1 – 31 August
Luise Fong, Rozana Lee, Bev Moon, Tanja McMillan (Misery), Wei Lun Ha, Rhea Maheshwari, Louie Bretaña, Llenyd Price, Gavin Chai and Andrea Bolima
An exhibition comprised of 10 established and emerging artists from Auckland and Waikato, with whakapapa from India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Belonging: Stories of Contemporary New Zealand Asian Artists is a celebration of colour, diversity, and love. It is about embracing combined culture and acknowledging heritage, community, home, and belonging.
2 Newton Road, Grey Lynn bergmangallery.com
Botanical Pursuits
Julia Holderness
13th August – 15th September
Christchurch based Julia Holderness collaborates with her longtime art historical partner, Florence Weir. Using fragments of Weir’s designs for botanical fabric, outdoor tiles, and garden posters, Holderness weaves a narrative around Weir's horticultural interests. Holderness's paintings, textiles, and ceramics explore the role of gardens and cultivated landscapes in women's personal, creative, and social lives. By positioning herself as artistic fabricator and collaborator, Holderness blurs the lines between her work and Weir’s, creating potential connections and exchanges, as well as reflecting Holderness's own botanical interests.
Osborne Lane / 2 Kent Street Newmarket sanderson.co.nz
The Art of Making
27 July – 24 August
Group exhibition, with artists: Alice Alva, Emma Camden, Wendy Fairclough, Tui Emma Gillies, Stevei Houkāmau, Luke Jacomb, David Murray, John Parker, John Roy, Aaron Scythe, and Layla Walter.
A group show celebrating the mahi of some of the most skilled contemporary artisans working in Aotearoa. The artworks in this exhibition range from various ceramics, glass and textile forms, exploring an incredible range of technique within these makers' practices and showcasing the depth of dedication and passion towards contemporary artmaking.
71 Upper Queen Street, Eden Terrace masterworksgallery.co.nz
Pouring Light
Sandra Bushby
14 August – 14 September
An exhibition of recent paintings by Tamaki-based painter Sandra Bushby, which draw inspiration from the late Joanna Margaret Paul: her poetry collection Like Love Poems and painted series Stations of the Cross (c. 1971), for St Mary, Star of the Sea Church in Port Chalmers.
27 Beach Rd, Auckland Central sumer.nz
Contemporary Creations of Colour
Sam Leitch, Frankie Meaden, & Agate Rubene
23 August – 4 September
An exploration of vibrant hues and innovative artistry Contemporary Creations of Colour celebrates the dynamic use of colour where creativity meets curiosity. Showcasing an array of florals, textiles, screen prints, and acrylic paintings, this exhibition presents the interplay of tones and textures, to engage and inspire.
10A Turua Street, St Heliers turuagallery.co.nz

presents 'Shared Horizons' a selection of works By Dalene Meiring
Opening Sunday 25 August 2:30pm with artist talk Exhibition on until Sunday 8 September
7A Whitford Wharf Road, Whitford Village quaygallery.co.nz

23AUG SEP 4 A refined
interplay of tone & texture
Sam Leitch, Agate Rubene & Frankie Meaden

Opening Friday 23rd August 5pm @turuagallery www.turuagallery.co.nz
10a Turua Street, St Heliers
Life in the Arts
Described by The Theatre Times as “one of New Zealand’s most daring, intelligent, and political directors”, Eleanor Bishop is now focused on her latest venture, Auckland Theatre Company’s rendition of the international hit play Girls & Boys. Verve chats with Eleanor to learn more.

A raw and unflinching drama, Girls & Boys tells the story of a love that goes terribly wrong and will have you on the edge of your seat from the very beginning. The ending will leave you questioning whether it’s ever possible to truly know the people we love. As her story unfolds, from being madly in love, through frazzled interactions with her two squabbling kids, to confessional moments of heart breaking intimacy, what went wrong with their relationship is slowly revealed.
When did you become interested in theatre?
Putting on ramshackle outdoor shows as children on family holidays. Also, my mum used to take me to the ballet. All so magical and freeing and delicious.
How do your processes differ between writing and directing, and do you have a preference out of theatre, opera and film?
Writing is a lot about quiet and space and dreaming into possibilities. Preparing to direct is also quiet – I like listening to music, drawing storyboards, feeling into the material. But there’s nothing quite like shooting or a theatre production
week – fast-paced processes where everything comes together. As for a preferred medium, making theatre feels like home.
What skills do you apply when directing?
Listening, paying attention with your whole body, being supportive, curious, receptive. Being determined and dogged, being open to what’s really there. Storytelling skills, people management skills and pragmatism are also essential.
What’s the most rewarding element?
Seeing exist the images carried around in your head and heart, sometimes for many years. A cinematic screen or a big stage are grand places, so to see your ideas up there is a very special thing.
What does leadership mean to you?
Having a strong and clear vision that leaves space for collaborating artists to get involved. And continually trying to push boundaries.
Tell us about your upcoming show, Girls & Boys
It’s rare to feel like you intimately know and love a character just from the page.
She’s so funny and dry and wise and flawed and human. I also love shows that don’t necessarily feel like ‘theatre’, where an actor just really talks to you. That, combined with some big themes about relationships, gender and power, well I’m hooked!
Without giving away the play’s conclusion, what can audiences expect?
Comedy, drama and indeed a rollercoaster of emotions! It’s very relatable. So many of us have experiences with falling in love and building lives with a partner and navigating relationship issues and kids and all that comes with it. But the play has a very shocking twist that you shouldn’t google so you can truly gasp when it happens. When the amazing actress Beatriz Romily first read the play out loud, I laughed so hard but by the end was in tears.
Girls & Boys runs 10-22 September. Visit atc.co.nz/auckland-theatrecompany/2024/girls-boys to learn more; and eleanorbishop.org to discover more about Eleanor.


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The St Johns Standard
Retirement residences designed with luxury in mind.

Settled back into a luxurious armchair perfectly positioned with uninterrupted views out to Rangitoto Island is one of the many pleasures that awaits at Summerset’s most state-of-the-art village yet, Summerset St Johns.
Set to be the envy of other retirement communities, Summerset St Johns boasts sweeping sights of Waitematā Harbour from the penthouses to the bowling green. It also hosts an elegant village centre and sophisticated retirement residences designed to impress.
“The facilities at Summerset St Johns will be incredible, along with extra services we will have on offer, like a chauffeur booking service, and a bistro with a fabulous menu.” says head of sales, Riet Bersma-Rees. “It’s the premium touches that set this village apart.”
Location, location, location
Set in the heart of the eastern suburbs with spectacular views towards the sea, city and neighbouring bush, Summerset St Johns’ location also offers easy access to an array of beaches, eateries, transport networks, shopping malls, walk and cycle ways, and the Remuera Golf Club.
Apartment living for retirees has never been so perfectly positioned, with everything you need right on your doorstep. This is a location you can be proud to call home, ensuring you get the most enjoyment out of your retirement.
Architecturally designed with you in mind
Summerset St Johns apartments offer everything you’d expect from inner city living, with services and facilities that make life easier in the long run.
The range of stunning homes are architecturally designed to maximise the apartment living lifestyle. These spacious homes feature contemporary open plan living, beautifully designed bathrooms with plenty of storage and subtle safety features, along with generous bedrooms with captivating views and a Juliette balcony, and a master bedroom with a walk-in wardrobe and ensuite. Everything you need for relaxing or entertaining with friends and family.
While not every apartment looks out to Rangitoto, each apartment location has been considered to maximise sunlight and views. For every resident who wants to live in the main apartment block with the hustle and bustle of village centre life, there’s another who’d prefer a quieter location to rest when they’re home. Regardless of where residents choose to live in this brand-new village, everyone will enjoy the stunning sea views out to Rangitoto from the village centre.
With a wide range of homes and floor plans to choose from including one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, plus premium and penthouse options with enhanced interior design and views, there’s something to suit everyone. And for those who love to spend their retirement travelling, the lock and leave freedom of village living is just the cherry on top, meaning that you can travel knowing everything back home is safe and secure.
Village centre views
After a long day golfing, travelling, or visiting friends, it’s nice to come home and not need to think about cooking. With an onsite bistro and bar, they take care of the cooking and the cleanup, while you relax and enjoy your evening.

The elegant village centre exudes charm, with all the classic touches you’d expect in a retirement village. Residents will enjoy an indoor pool and spa, recreational bowling green, movie theatre, library, communal lounges with spectacular views, and much more. Their dedicated activities coordinator will also ensure there’s always a range of activities on offer, including local outings.
And for days when things need to be a little more organised, a chauffeur booking service is available. So, you can sit back, relax, and let their driver get to you to where you need to be.
Show suite open to view
While the village is being built, a fully fitted out show suite enables you to see firsthand what the kitchen, dining and bathrooms look like, giving you the assurance that if you choose to buy off a plan, you have a good understanding of the home you are getting.
Summerset St Johns is set to open later this year, along with the village centre and their continuum of care. If you’d like to make a private appointment to view plans and pricing, and view the show suite, contact the sales team today on 09 950 7982. Or pop into the show suite at a time that suits you. They’re open Monday to Saturday, 9am - 5pm, at 400 Remuera Road, Remuera.
Love the life you choose.

Box Office

1 August
If three’s a crowd, four’s a party! The Fabulous Four is an uproarious comedy about a group of life-long friends (Susan Sarandon, Megan Mullally, and Sheryl Lee Ralph) who travel to Key West, Florida, to be bridesmaids in the surprise wedding of their best college girlfriend Marilyn (Bette Midler). Over the course of one outrageous trip, sisterhoods are rekindled, the past resurfaces, and there are enough sparks, raunch, and romance to change all their lives in unexpected ways.
22 August
22 August
A powerful story of female friendship, from director Josephine Stewart-Te Whiu. Starring Erana James, Nathalie Morris, Manaia Hall and Rima Te Wiata. It’s 1954 New Zealand, and Nellie and Daisy attempt to escape an institution for delinquent girls. Their capture triggers a relocation to a facility on a remote island where the duo become a trio as well-to-do Lou joins them, and life on the island takes shape under the command of devout Matron.
29 August
La Syndicaliste (The Sitting Duck) is a riveting French political thriller directed by Jean-Paul Salomé. The film stars Isabelle Huppert as Maureen Kearney, a determined whistleblower at a French multinational corporation, who exposes major corruption and faces severe repercussions. Based on real-life events, it explores themes of power, courage, and the perilous journey of taking a stand against corporate wrongdoing. With Huppert's compelling performance, the movie promises to deliver an intense and thoughtprovoking cinematic experience.
When Brian Epstein set foot in the Cavern Club in November 1961 to watch The Beatles perform, he saw something no one else could – a glimmer of gold. Sharply dressed and well-spoken Brian was hardly the most obvious radical –but being Jewish, closeted and having grown up as an outsider who had failed at pretty much everything meant that the 26-year old had something to prove and wanted to tear up the rulebook. Midas Man is the emotional, heartfelt, and often funny story of how Epstein polished four scruffy lads who going nowhere in a matter of months and turned them into a global phenomenon, fundamentally change popular culture forever.

You focus on what must be done, and can get a lot of smaller projects and tasks completed, and break down bigger ones into smaller chunks. You use your mind to create opportunity, have new experiences, and make your life better. You’re more optimistic, and willing to think bigger. Make sure you act on your ideas and thoughts, or you’ll end up being all talk and no walk.
You have greater drive and energy for the things you love most, your love life, and your hobbies. The more you do that, the better you’ll be. During the second half of the month, your mood will lighten as you focus on having fun and not dealing with serious stuff. You may do well with creative projects and ventures, but aren’t so great with the details and work.
Your emotions and your mind come together, and you say what you mean and mean what you say. Good decisions and hard work brings you to where you want to be, and bad decisions and laziness puts more blocks in your path. You feel more connected to your physical body and to the Earth. You may come across as more sensual, practical, or stable.
This is a great time to work on creating a solid support system to sustain you for months to come. You feel like you’re a part of something bigger, and try to reach out and contribute to the world in some meaningful way. It’s a good month for doing good causes. You can meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends, and are more sociable and open to all.
You turn your focus toward your goals, ambitions, and the direction you life is taking. You want to create long-term plans for achieving your goals, and you can have a more practical attitude. You can feel more connected to your community and get along better with your neighbours. You can also get along better with siblings, young people, and can impart your wisdom.
22 December –19 January
You benefit when you pay attention to the details, and you find the details easier to spot. You also benefit from being organised, maintaining a clean space, having a routine, and creating some structure in your life. Your alternate self comes out when you have good opportunity. You emerge having a stronger mind and better focus, and know how to be heard.
20 January –
18 February
You want to express yourself creatively, and when you do, you might unlock new opportunities. You can also embrace your inner child, remembering what it’s like to have fun like that again, and if you have children, your relationship with them will improve, and they can have new opportunities presented to them. You lead by inspiring people and showing them what you are capable of if they open their hearts and souls.
19 February –20 March
You can be more emotional when it comes to your future, and worry about what will happen, but need to have more confidence in your choices. You’re more open to love, and want to experience the nice side of it. If single, you can have more opportunities, meet lots of new people, and enjoy the attention that you get, but you probably won’t rush to commit to anyone.
20 April –20 May
21 March –
19 April
You come up with new dreams for your future, and work on achieving the future dreams you’ve had. You can focus on financial matters, create budgets and get financial advice, and try to better understand your finances. You can hardly contain yourself, and you want to share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information you’ve learned. You may come across as friendlier, more energetic, and enthusiastic.
You may come across as more focused, detailed, or hard-working. You want to work on having better bonds with your family or the people you think of as family, have a better support structure, and have a solid home for you to retreat to. You emerge with a better sense of what friendship means to you, what you can realistically attain in your future, and how to merge your practical side with your dreamy side.
21 May –20 June
You plan how you can strengthen your foundation for your future, and how you can become more focused and clear about what you want. You want to streamline everything, and you can clear out the clutter. You benefit from being more practical, stable, calm, and dedicated to whatever you want to do. This behaviour can lead to more doors opening for you. You believe more in yourself and have better self-esteem.
21 June –
22 July
You emerge more willing to explore, expand, and might be on the verge of a high point in your life. You’re a little bit rebellious but find new opportunities waiting for you because of it. You take a casual friendship to the next level or eliminate a friendship, become more involved in a group you belong to or walk away, or get closer to achieving a dream. Or give up on one.

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A tragic tale of love, power, revenge… and that song.
NZ Baritone James Harrison performs in New Zealand Opera’s season of Rigoletto by Verdi. Presented by arrangement with Opera Australia and set in stylish la dolce vita 1950s Italy, this cornerstone of the operatic canon blends drama, compelling characters, and Verdi’s unforgettable music, including infamous tenor aria 'La donna è mobile', to be performed by Amitai Pati.
James studied in the UK at the Royal College of Music and the National Opera Studio. He has performed at the Royal Albert Hall, The Barbican, The Wigmore Hall, English National Opera and The Royal Opera House, and throughout Europe and New Zealand. James sings regularly with orchestras, universities and choirs throughout Aotearoa and is in demand as a teacher and choral educator.
What drew you to opera?
I was always singing and performing as a child. I got more involved with choirs and shows as a teenager and the voice I have seemed to fit opera the best. Actually, the first opera I experienced from start to finish was singing in the chorus for the company that’s grown into NZ Opera.
Can you tell us about this upcoming production of Rigoletto?
It’s going to look amazing, as Elijah Moshinsky’s productions always do! Rigoletto is full of great tunes, drama, and larger than life emotions. Imagine a Fellini film full of huge characters, love, revenge, bitterness, and lust and the top it with some of Verdi’s best music. Even if opera isn’t your usual outing this will leave an audience feeling very satisfied.
How do you feel contemporary audiences will respond to this opera?
I think we all like a bit of drama, especially when it’s happening on stage rather than in our own lives, and while the characters in this opera are complex and layered, there’s also a lot that’s easy to get hold of and enjoy whether this is your first opera or the fifth time you’ve seen Rigoletto
You’re playing the character Count Monterone, how do you feel about this character and what do you love about it?
Monterone is a fairly contained role and he appears in the midst of a fabulously dramatic scene. There are so many voices, singing with so much drama and power which is exciting but that takes stamina and skill as an individual, and a lot of coordination and trust as an ensemble. Fortunately, those are both things I love working on.
What preparation do you do for a role like this?
I spend time thinking about what my character is saying and hearing, working on doing that in a language which isn’t my own, and then doing it at a pace and in a rhythm that is Verdi’s. Then there’s making sure that the voice is working the way it needs to which, as someone who spends a lot of his time teaching everything from classical and choral repertoire to belting out show tunes and K-pop with the students I work with, means some focus and finessing.
Is this an opera that someone could bring a friend to?
A friend who has never been to the opera before?
I firmly believe that some criticisms of opera – it’s over the top and flamboyant, there’s so much happening, there are so many sounds at once – are actually its strengths. This show will be a lot but in the best possible way! The music soars because our emotions soar, and there are moments of exquisite delicacy and subtlety as well. Also, some of the challenges with opera, most of which grew up around the art form rather than within it have been overcome. These days no one minds what you wear to see an opera, and you can do some listening or learning before you come but only if that’s what you want to do. The English surtitles make it easy to understand what’s being said, as do the performers, and everyone should feel really welcome because opera is for everyone.
New Zealand Opera’s presents Rigoletto by Verdi 19, 21, 25 September at Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Tickets and info nzopera.com

Spectre of Silence
‘The Mount Everest of’ something is among the most well-known idioms in the English language, used in reference to a near-insurmountable challenge, while the equally well-known ‘the Rolls-Royce of’ something implies the very best in class.
But when that something in question is an actual Rolls-Royce – namely Spectre, the manufacturer’s first fully electric vehicle – then the pressure to deliver really is, well, Everest-like.
Irene Nikkein, the Asia-Pacific regional director for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, calls the ultra-luxury electric two-door coupe the “most anticipated model in the history of our marque”. “Spectre,” she adds, “has captured the imagination of many, representing as it does the start of our brand’s bold electric future.”

It was a future prophesised way back in 1900 by company co-founder-to-be Charles Stewart Rolls – four years before he teamed up with Henry Royce – when he wrote in a magazine article: “The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
Not only has that prediction come to fruition through Spectre, but Rolls-Royce has gone several steps further by vowing that they will “never again produce a new model with an internal combustion engine”: their promise being that the entire product portfolio will be fully electric by the end of 2030. Though, in the meantime, the luxury carmaker is
keen to stress that Spectre is “a RollsRoyce first and an electric car second”.
It’s being billed as the “spiritual successor to the fabled Phantom Coupé”, and Spectre’s form is just as magnificent with lines you almost want to reach out to stroke as if tentatively reaching for a horse’s mane. Yet, paradoxically, this elegant beast’s aerodynamic shape looks every bit as hefty as its three-tonne weight would suggest (for comparison, a large SUV weighs ‘just’ two tonnes), its nautical-inspired silhouette a massive, muscular low arch that could have been hand carved from a single block of granite (for the record, it’s actually built around an all-aluminium spaceframe). And just like the greatest heavyweight of them all, like a butterfly, Spectre floats.
Spectre’s sheer size – and agility – means it feels as though you’re steering a high-performance hovercraft as you seemingly glide just above the tarmac’s surface (Rolls-Royce promotes the driving experience as a “magic carpet ride”); a hovercraft that reaches 100km/ hr in a thrilling four seconds.
Such thrust comes courtesy of a dualmotor electric powertrain with 584 horsepower, while the battery, which offers a range of up to 530km, has a
Reclining into Spectre’s plush cabin feels like settling in for a first-class flight – the seats even offer a massage!
10% to 80% charge on a 195kW DC fast charger in just 34 minutes (and will produce sufficient charge for 100km in around nine minutes; a complete 0% to 100% percent on a 22kW home wallbox takes 5.5 hours.). The braking recuperation function is activated by the push of a button, otherwise low recuperation is the default setting, mimicking the driving style of an internal combustion engine Rolls-Royce.
A lack of an engine hasn't stopped Rolls-Royce from affixing their widest ever grille to the front-end, its vertical stainless-steel blades gently illuminated by LED lights. Above, the iconic Spirit of Ecstasy – or ‘Flying Lady’ – rises elegantly from the bonnet and, such is the attention to detail that the lower-stance profile was perfected over 830 hours of design modelling and wind-tunnel testing. Not only is the figurine the company’s most aerodynamic ever, so too is Spectre. It’s also the first production Rolls-Royce twodoor coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in nearly a century.
Spectre’s body stretches for almost 5.4m, and almost 1.5m of that length is dedicated to its massive, laser-welded pillarless coach doors – also the largest the company has ever fitted – opened and closed via the Effortless Doors power-
assisted system (the driver’s door will also close automatically when the brake pedal is pressed).
Reclining into Spectre’s plush cabin feels like settling in for a first-class flight – the seats even offer a massage! Everything about it feels modern and classic all at once (though, if your preference is for more modern or more classic, the entire cabin – as well as the exterior paintwork –can be tailored to suit your specific taste). The dreamy, ethereal space is illuminated by thousands upon thousands of twinkling stars which dot the roof, and, if desired, the doors, too (or opt for some Canadel panelling, “handcrafted from a range of exquisite woods”, if you prefer).
Touchscreen infotainment systems are standard, complemented by a digital gauge display and safety and driverassist features such as adaptive cruise control and automated emergency braking. Not content with being the most aerodynamic Rolls-Royce ever produced, Spectre is the most connected to boot, able to send and receive 141,200 variables concerning the likes of climate, surface type, driving style, and ground speed to allow the car to respond more efficiently to both driver and road conditions.

Smoothness aside, the driving experience is so silent that it’s easy to forget that you’re sat behind the wheel of such a head-turning vehicle, so don’t expect to not get looked at.
It’s the least you can expect from what truly is the Rolls-Royce of electric cars.
Pricing in New Zealand starts from $750,000 + on the road costs.