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FAQ - Vocational Education and Training
Welcome to the First Bray Park SHS Flip Book for Career Pathways
Principal’s Address
Bray Park State High School has an exemplary Vocational Education and Training (VET) program that provides students a broad range of real-life educational options. Led by an expert team of professionals, Bray Park’s VET team strives to provide each student and family a tailored experience where a student’s passions, career aspirations and wellbeing are paramount in finding the right fit for education and training both within the school and with our partner organisations.
Bray Park boasts a number of exclusive partnerships with Industry and Training organisations which we are able to offer our students. These range from courses preparing students for tertiary entrance, to professional training with on-the-job experience, traineeships, apprenticeships, work experience and taster courses.
Students electing to take on a VET opportunity take with them the highest of expectations of the school as Bray Park representatives. The vast number of partnerships Bray Park holds is in no small part due to our committed students who are wonderful ambassadors of the school in the community. Student dedication to their tailored pathway results in students going beyond the expectations of trainers, employers, and often leads to post-school opportunities confirmed prior to students graduating.
Whether students are unsure about their post-school aspirations or have a clear passion for a particular career, the Bray Park VET program is able to provide information to students and families in helping form an informed, individualised pathway throughout school and beyond. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and speak with one of our team to see what is right for you.