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City Venue Management / CVM Academy
Why do City Beach offer School-Based Traineeships?
As a youth retailer, City Beach is invested in providing careeropportunitiesto young Australians.
Overview of the School-Based Trainee program requirements:
As a nationally recognised program, school-based traineeship (SBT)arrangementsareoverseenbyfederal andstategovernments. As such,thereare several requirements that must beadheredto andthese vary slightlyin eachstate.BelowisasummaryoftheserequirementsforQueensland:
12-month traineeship. Students must be in year 10 or 11 - no restrictions on times of year that student can commence. Studentsmustcomplete375hours(50days)ofpaidworkovera 12 -month period. StudentsareprovidedwithaTrainingRecordBook,whichmustalwaysbekeptinthestore. Supervisors, SBTs andthe RTO Trainer are required to sign off the Training Record
Book at the completionofeachunitofcompetency.
City Beach SBTs work one full school day each week for the duration of their traineeship, includingSchoolHolidays,the hoursworkedare typically9:00am –6:00 pm.Itis expected that City Beach SBTs complete on-thejob and theory training towards achieving a nationally recognised qualification. City Beach SBTs will receivesupportfromtheirstoreleadershipteamincompleting this training and be givenreasonable time throughout their shifts to do so. This qualification also contributes to the SBT’s senior secondary studies andoverall Queensland Certificate of Education.
Ifyouhaveanyfurther questions regarding City Beach SBT opportunities, please feel free to email traineeships@citybeach.com.au forfurther information.
If youare interestedinunderstandingmoreaboutcareer opportunities available at City Beach, please checkout ourcareerspage: https://www.citybeach.com/au/careers-home.html
Get In Touch With Us. Phone: +61 7 3006 5800 Email: careers@citybeach.com.au
Level 23, 239 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000