2015 annual report

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United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

When KIDS succeed in school, when FAMILIES are financially stable, when INDIVIDUALS have fo o d , sh e l te r, a n d s a f e t y, a n d w h e n A L L R E S I D E N TS h a v e access to affordable healthcare,

WE ALL WIN! United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

1765 BROAD STREET • P.O. BOX 1724 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30903-1724 TEL. 706.724.5544 • FAX 706.724.5541 WWW.UWCSRA.ORG



Annual Report



United Way of the CSRA improves life in our community by maximizing the impact of charitable contributions.

United Way of the CSRA is the leader in identifying health and human service needs and securing resources to meet these needs.

United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

This publication has been made possible through the generosity of Phoenix Printing


United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

When KIDS succeed in school, when FAMILIES are financially stable, when INDIVIDUALS have fo o d , sh e l te r, a n d s a f e t y, a n d w h e n A L L R E S I D E N TS h a v e access to affordable healthcare,

WE ALL WIN! United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

1765 BROAD STREET • P.O. BOX 1724 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30903-1724 TEL. 706.724.5544 • FAX 706.724.5541 WWW.UWCSRA.ORG



Annual Report



United Way of the CSRA improves life in our community by maximizing the impact of charitable contributions.

United Way of the CSRA is the leader in identifying health and human service needs and securing resources to meet these needs.

United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

This publication has been made possible through the generosity of Phoenix Printing





to JOIN OUR UNITED WAY in working together to build a

STRONGER COMMUNITY w ith a higher quali ty o f li fe

for the residents of the CSRA.

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . .



table of contents

2 3 4

2015 A YEAR IN REVIEW Annual Meeting Project Serve Day of Caring Stuff the Bus School Supply Drives Burke County Campaign Kickoff CSRA Campaign Kickoff Workplace Campaigns



5 6 7

OUR 2015 VOLUNTEERS & PARTNERS Board of Directors Partners for Good Small Business Partners Caring Club® Participating Merchants Loaned Professionals Partner Agencies United Way Team


OUR SPONSORS Savannah River Nuclear Solutions American Family Insurance Georgia Power MAU Workforce Solutions Savannah River Remediation, LLC University Health Care System


This Annual Report is dedicated to the memory of three very dear and special United Way friends:

MR. HARRY H. MOORE July 1, 1954 - April 14, 2015

MR. JOSEPH J. ROGERS May 18, 1927 – October 3, 2015

MR. EDWARD B. SKINNER December 24, 1928 - September 29, 2015


United Way of the CSRA


A Year of Progress

DEAR COMMUNITY PARTNER: It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Board Chair for United Way of the CSRA during the past year. I’m very proud of all that has been accomplished by the leaders, businesses, volunteers, staff, and community as a whole. With your help, we are working together to build a higher quality of life for the Central Savannah River Area. I am delighted to announce that in 2015 our United Way began a strategic planning process that will strengthen our alignment with United Way Worldwide’s Community Impact Model. Our new model will focus on leading sustainable improvements in education, income and health to address our community’s most pressing needs. This drive to further align with UWW’s model will require using our community assessments and research to target a community-wide initiative with identifiable goals. You will be hearing more about this new direction in the coming year.

2015 Sharing Our Accomplishments

+ Received an outstanding

Certified Audit for the 2014 calendar year and successfully completed United Way Worldwide’s 2015 Membership Standards Certification for accountability and transparency.

+ Brought on board two new partner agencies, Family Promise of Augusta and GreenPath, Inc., for a total of 25 partner agencies and 47 funded programs. +

Increased the United Way 2014 Campaign by nearly $38,000 for a total of 3,478,944. The Combined Federal Campaign raised $624,281.

+ Established and launched a new Legacy Impact Forever Fund, which will allow United Way to focus more resources toward providing services for the community.

+ Secured a grant from Project Management Institute’s Education Foundation to provide Mindmapping software and training for partner agencies on strategic planning, event planning, and grant writing.

+ Coordinated a record-breaking Project Serve Day of Caring with 398 volunteers from 24 local businesses accomplishing 25 projects at 21 nonprofit organizations. + Conducted the largest ever Stuff the Bus School Supply Drives netting over $27,800 in school supplies (19,900+ items) which were distributed to children in Burke, Columbia, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Richmond Counties.

+ Conducted 2015 Community Needs Assessment through

surveys and focus groups to identify the community’s most pressing needs.

+ Began work on the 2018 United Way Strategic Plan which includes a goal of strengthening United Way’s impact on the community by: 1) aligning funded programs with United Way Worldwide’s impact areas of Education, Income, and Health, and 2) creating a process of developing targeted community initiatives and investing funds to address our community’s most pressing needs.

As you read through this report, we hope you will take pride in knowing that you – our donors, partners, volunteers, and friends – have made a difference for so many in our community. I am excited about our progress as an organization and thank you for investing in our United Way. Sincerely,

Thomas M. Blanchard III • Chairman of the Board • United Way of the CSRA

2015 Annual Report


2015 A Year in Review United Way Treats Guests to A Superhero Masked Ball!

Project Serve Breaks Record with 398 Volunteers Donating 3,184 Hours of Labor!


United Way of the CSRA

2015 A Year in Review

2015 Stuff the Bus Raises Over $27,800 in School Supplies for Local Students!

Burke County Kicks Off Campaign to Raise $303,000!

2015 Annual Report


2015 A Year in Review

2015 Campaign Roundup entertains almost 600 guests!

Local Businesses Run Fun United Way Campaigns to Benefit the Community!


United Way of the CSRA

Our Investment Strategy Investing in United Way of the CSRA means Investing in the Building Blocks for a Good Life United Way believes that Education, Income, and Health are essential for a good life. Strong, vibrant and healthy families are the cornerstone of every community. A quality education is essential to obtaining and keeping a job with health benefits. Income adequate to pay for necessities and to save for the future will allow families to become financially stable and secure. Access to quality healthcare keeps children on track in school and adults productive at work. These focus areas are structured to create positive change in the CSRA with lasting results.

STRONGER COMMUNITY Education Helping Children and Youth Succeed



Promoting Financial Stability and Independence


Promoting Community Wellbeing

The Poverty Rate of the CSRA in 2013 was 21% compared to the 15.4% rate of the U.S. That was 48,751 children and 80,735 adults. 40% of people 16 years old or older in the CSRA did not work at all in 2013. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau – 2013 – Five Year Estimates) United Way of the CSRA provides funding for Family Strengthening, Education, Health, and other basic needsrelated services to 47 programs in 25 local non-profits. Our Partner Agencies provide services that:


Develop opportunities to support early learning, college, and career readiness or other similar activities that support youth success;


Strengthen families through financial literacy, job readiness, employment training, and similar activities relating to family stability;


Expand access to health and wellness services and activities that promote healthy lifestyles; and/or


Provide community support and provisions to meet basic needs.

2015 Annual Report


Our Investment Strategy

EDUCATION United Way makes sure children and youth can start school ready to succeed, become proficient readers at a young age, stay on track in middle school, earn their high school diploma, and pursue a higher education.

United Way adopts a comprehensive approach to education that spans all the way from cradle to career. The path to success begins early, and we provide a strong foundation through our early education initiatives.

94% of the area’s participating Boy Scouts gained knowledge and demonstrated proficiency in Career

Exploration activities.

90% of students participating with Columbia County Community Connection’s afterschool program showed improved academic performance. Over 87% of girls participating in Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia reported increased self-esteem and positive values. 87% of students enrolled in Communities In Schools of Burke County’s tutoring program moved to the

next grade level.

Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA served 2,221 individuals demonstrating:


increase in MATH


increase in READING


increase in SCIENCE

Provided EDUCATION related individuals: services to


151 CHILDREN served in early intervention, social development programs. 607 YOUNG ADULTS Exploration.

were provided Career

7,148 CHILDREN AND TEENS were actively engaged in extra-curricular activities. 2,444 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS participated in after school programming that included tutoring and mentoring. 915 ADULT LEADERS were provided developmental training to work with youth.


life. It also benefits the whole community: high school graduates have higher earning potential, contribute more to their local economies, are more engaged in their communities, and are more likely to raise kids who also graduate on time.


United Way of the CSRA


greater knowledge of HEALTHY EATING HABITS


increased level of CARDIO FITNESS

EMBARKING ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS! Jahlil and Nygl both began attending Heritage Academy in kindergarten and attended throughout middle school. They both enrolled in the Violin program when they entered the first grade. Through United Way funding, Fireside Ministries was able to provide both students with their own violin, a teacher, and the best possible start in their academic career. This program helped them to develop critical thinking skills, confidence, self-esteem, selfdiscipline, concentration, and the determination to try difficult things. After middle school, Jahlil went on to attend Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School where he is now a senior and first chair violin. Nygl attended Westminster School of Augusta where he is now a senior and is doing well academically and athletically. Both young men attribute a large part of their success in school to the training they received at Heritage Academy and the Violin program. In May 2016, both young men will graduate from their respective high schools, and Heritage Academy staff couldn’t be prouder!

Our Investment Strategy

INCOME United Way empowers people to get on stable financial ground with proven methods like job training, financial wellness classes, and more. The result is thriving communities where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.


When people are able to find decent jobs, provide for their families, and save for the future, they and their children are more likely to enjoy healthy lives and succeed in school. Everyone benefits, because financially stable individuals and families lead to a more competitive workforce and a stronger community.

employment rate for homeless and low-income individuals attending a three month Job Skills program provided by The Salvation Army to include: Workplace Skills (computer classes, keyboarding, interview skills, etc.) Life Skills Certification Course




with disabilities in the

Easter Seals Program:

Received job coaching to build work habits.

Received paid work experiences to build job skills.

Were given opportunities to sample various jobs to find work interests.

280 Individuals attended Job Readiness training: 50 completed employment assistance counseling. 25 of those gained full time employment. 122 were individuals with disabilities participating in long term job programs.

United Way’s volunteers, working with partners from all sectors of society, connect people to the resources they need to get on more solid financial ground. From financial wellness classes in the workplace and in community centers to career training, job-search assistance, and credit counseling and assistance, we’re helping people to earn more and save more.

Jonathan entered The Salvation Army’s Job Skills Training Program shortly after being released from prison. Although he had worked at many positions in the past, they always ended with him quitting or being terminated, primarily because of his overly assertive, aggressive disposition. Although at first impression the staff anticipated him being a “challenge student”, he surpassed all expectations by turning out to be the hardest working client of his group. As the program progressed, his entire disposition changed; he was dedicated, enthusiastic, and worked hard searching for a job. At graduation he had not yet secured a job, but he called recently to proudly report that he had relocated to Atlanta where he has secured positions as Chef at two restaurants. He also happily reported that he has rekindled a relationship with a longtime girlfriend and has leased an apartment. Through the support of a United Way funded program, Jonathan received the necessary skills to obtain a job that would allow him to overcome his past and support himself in the future.

2015 Annual Report


Our Investment Strategy


United Way is creating solutions that help everyone thrive and creating healthier communities that improve our collective quality of life. We’re focused on expanding access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity, and quality health care. To do this, we partner with local schools, governments, health agencies, and other community-based nonprofits.

Good health is both a community responsibility and a community benefit. It goes beyond personal diet, exercise, and the many other individual choices we make. The foundation for a healthy life is in the neighborhoods we build and environments we inhabit. When people have access to parks, bike paths, safe playgrounds, healthy foods, and good medical care, they are more likely to succeed in school, work, and life.



of military families reported that as a result of Red Cross services, the family was able to deal with crisis more effectively.


% of children served through Child Enrichment’s Child Advocacy Center experienced reduced emotional trauma.

of homebound seniors served through the Senior Citizens Council remained in their home because of the daily living assistance provided.


of families served through Family Counseling Center of the CSRA improved relationships and learned new coping skills.

Over 100 child victims of domestic

violence (with their parents) received emergency shelter and support at Safe Homes.

Over 1,000 homeless received emergency food and shelter through The Salvation Army.

Way United SRA, Inc. the C and community related of Health

services provided to 55,452:

+6,743 individuals in crisis

received prompt intervention services.

+3,756 were Veterans and their families.

+14,599 attended crisis

prevention and education programs.

+7,640 received Community Wellness services.

+340 individuals with disabilities served.

+985 seniors served. +202 were disabled or homebound. +1,605 received shelter services. +22,656 individuals received food. +884 individuals involved in disasters were provided immediate assistance.

+240 hearing aids provided. +3,879 individuals were provided with disaster preparedness +289 dental services provided. training. 21,896 medical visits provided. + 10

United Way of the CSRA

FROM BROKEN TO RESTORED! When Jennifer e n t e r e d treatment at Hope House, she did not have custody of her daughter, Alex. Through case management, she eventually was reunited with her daughter and they moved into residence at Hope House. Both mother and daughter immediately began participation in the Therapeutic Childcare program, where they learned healthy coping skills and increased selfconfidence. Jennifer began to learn effective parenting skills as well as budgeting and effective time management. Jennifer shared that prior to treatment her life had become a “bad place to live”. At Hope House, she learned tools to remain sober and maintain a healthy recovery lifestyle. United Way funding allowed Hope House to provide childcare assistance and parenting tools that helped to heal the mother-child bond that had been broken due to Jennifer’s addiction.

Our Special Grants, Collaborations, & Initiatives Impact through grants is another way your United Way is reaching out at the local, state, and federal level to secure resources beyond our campaign funds. For many years, we have supported special initiatives through grants as part of our community-building strategy. In 2015, United Way secured grants totaling $879,591.

Handled 21,000 calls and 13,505 online database searches, with rent and utility assistance noted as the greatest needs.

With a focus on promoting collaborations and partnerships, enhancing volunteerism, increasing capacity building, fostering leadership and diversity, and supporting community development, we are improving the lives of local residents. Special initiative outcomes are tangible, impressive, and show a positive influence in our community.

Raised $16,920 at two local theaters for three local nonprofits.

Provided $105,505 in funding for utilities, rent, mortgage, shelter, and food assistance. 20 AmeriCorps VISTAs raised $613,099 in donations, recruited 1,855 volunteers, and generated over 14,700 hours of service at a value of $305,319. The VISTA program had a $918,418 impact on our community for the year.

Distributed discount cards to 3,500 donors offering discounts and special offers at 44 area merchants all year long.

Provided holiday assistance to 8,832 individuals representing 2,732 families.

City of Augusta provided $26,378 in emergency shelter, rental assistance, and utility assistance services for 22 homeless individuals and to stabilize families.

Saved the community $189,269 in prescription drug costs. Cards have been used 8,864 times throughout five local counties. Since 2009, FamilyWize has saved the community $1,573,117 in prescription costs.

398 volunteers from 24 companies provided “hands-on� labor to complete 25 projects at 23 nonprofit agencies.

Distributed 19,900 school supplies valued at over $27,800 to students in Richmond, Columbia, Burke, Jefferson, and Lincoln Counties.

Over $130,000 was raised by Club Car for the 2015 campaign.

Presented fleece blankets (made by the United Way Staff) to 40 men, women and children.

Distributed 2,730 personal hygiene packages to homeless individuals and families.

2015 Annual Report


Our Volunteers & Partners United Way of the CSRA is very proud and appreciative of the many volunteers who make our work in the community possible. Throughout the year, volunteers serve in a variety of capacities‌from the Board of Directors who provide governance and direction for this United Way to the many volunteers who help with our various initiatives and special events. Their work is

an excellent example of the spirit of volunteerism and of community that exists in the CSRA. The following pages highlight many who gave of their time, talent, and energy this past year to create opportunities for a better life for all. United Way thanks you! You truly made a difference, and we could not succeed without YOU!

2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board Thomas M. Blanchard III Blanchard & Calhoun

Chair of 2-1-1 Advisory Council Dr. Alice M. Frye Aiken Technical College

Chair of Marketing Dr. Anthony T. Robinson Augusta University

2015 Campaign Co-Chair Scott D. Johnson Columbia County Board of Commissioners

Chair of Building Chris Bird Augusta Entertainment Complex

Chair of Nominating 2014 Board Chair Zack Daffin Express Employment Professionals

2015 Campaign Co-Chair Major Scott Peebles Richmond County Sheriff’s Office Treasurer Rick Evans Serotta Maddocks Evans, CPAs


Chair of Community Investment Samuel E. Tyson, Jr. Tyson Walker Group Chair of Human Resources J. Edward Enoch J. Edward Enoch, PC

Chair of Strategic Planning David A. Belkoski University Health Care System

Dana T. Atkins* The Augusta Chronicle

Fran Forehand Georgia Power

Wilbert T. Roberts Retired

Susan L. Barcus Augusta University

Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. Tabernacle Baptist Church

Laurene E. Rowell Savannah River Remediation, LLC

William C. Bohling Retired

Mark Haddon Beasley Media Group, Inc.

Shelia Stuberfield State Bank & Trust Company

Clint L. Bryant Augusta University

Dick Jackson International Paper Company

Keith Taber Southern Nuclear Operating Company

Michael T. Cleary, Sr. Virginia College

Janice Allen Jackson City of Augusta

Mary Pat Tubb John Deere

William Cleveland The Cleveland Group

Patricia Padezanin Savannah River Nuclear Solutions

Bill Wolfe MAU Workforce Solutions

Marc Dufour Club Car

Kinesha N. Ponder Richmond County School System

Scott Elledge WJBF News Channel 6

Dave Quester* DSM Chemicals

Agency Representative Lynn Smith Easter Seals East Georgia, Inc.

United Way of the CSRA

*Resigned during 2015.

Our Volunteers & Partners



American Family Insurance The Augusta Chronicle Club Car, Inc. Comcast EDTS Kicks 99 Savannah River Nuclear Solutions WJBF News Channel 6



Mass Media Marketing Phoenix Printing Southern Nuclear Operating Company



Georgia Power MAU Workforce Solutions University Health Care System



American Audio Visual Services Amerigroup Community Care Blanchard & Calhoun Savannah River Remediation, LLC



BIG DIFFERENCE FOR LOCAL KIDS! A big “THANK YOU” to Kicks 99 for its ongoing support of United Way and the community through the annual Million Pennies for Kids Guitar Pull! Funds from this fun concert helped meet the needs of over 89 families throughout the CSRA in 2015.

THANKS TO OUR 2015 SMALL BUSINESS PARTNERS During the spring of 2015, United Way held its 3rd Annual Small Business Blitz challenging small businesses in the area to contribute $100 or more to the United Way fundraising campaign. United Way would like to thank the following companies for their generous support: Allegra Print and Imaging

Goody Two Shoes

Auben Realty

The Mobley-Gentry Firm

Augusta Office Solutions

Steinberg & Associates

Bradford Health Services

Still Waters Professional Counseling, Inc.

Countersync Cartridge World

PLANNED GIVING AND ENDOWMENT With a planned gift to United Way of the CSRA, you can combine your desire to give charitably with your overall financial, tax, and estate planning ife. Plant te L a goals. Your generosity will leave a ra lasting legacy that helps those in need for years to come. For more information on Planned Giving, Im p . re act t please call 706-724-5544. he F u t u

ed. Se

Atlanta Gas Light Chick-Fil-A Electrolux Georgia Bank & Trust Company Kellogg’s Mr. Chris Meadows, PSI Pepsi Bottling Group Windsor Jewelers


Cele b


2015 Annual Report


Our Volunteers & Partners

THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS! United Way would like to say “THANK YOU” to the 1,979 volunteers who generously devoted their time, talent, and energy in over 25,601 hours of service to produce results and help advance our mission in 2015. Your time and dedication make what we do possible!

2015 CARING CLUB® PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS The Caring Club® program was introduced as a way to say “Thank You” to donors who so generously support United Way of the CSRA, and it has continued to expand and grow over the past 10 years. Individuals who give a minimum gift of $150 or more undesignated a year automatically become members of the Caring Club®. With the Caring Club® card, donors receive discounts and special offers at 44 area merchants all year long. Many “Thanks” to the following businesses for their support of United Way’s Caring Club® in 2015: 1 Hour Optical, PC Adventure Crossing Amelia’s Buds & Blooms Anderson Photography, Inc. Anew Salon Augusta Canal Augusta Training Shop, Inc. Café 209 Music Lounge & Restaurant California Dreaming Coleman Lake Restaurant DJ Productions evoke Eye Care One Laser Vision Center The Family Y Fehrman Investment Group

Fireside Outdoor Kitchens & Grills Fosters Restaurant French Market Grille Georgia Aquarium Good Day Café Honeybaked Ham Co. & Café J. Edward Enoch, PC Jiffy Lube Kyoto La Dolce Vita Salon Maryland Fried Chicken M.R.T. Muscle Restore Therapy MTL Automotive Murphy & Robinson Opticians Papa John’s Pizza

Pipeline Work Clothes Poblano’s Mexican Grill Putt Putt Fun Center Riverbanks Zoo & Garden Roly Poly Sandwiches Salon West Shaffer Computer Services Shane’s Rib Shack Sonic Thrifty Car Rental Waynesboro Emporium Webb’s Action Medical Wedges & Woods William Mizell Ford, Inc.

2015 LOANED PROFESSIONALS In 2015, five Loaned Professionals donated their time, talent, and expertise to a 13-week fall campaign, making over 255 presentations, boosting the campaign, and enabling United Way to more effectively leverage community dollars. At the end of the program, these professionals returned to their companies with enhanced business skills and a greater awareness of local needs. We would like to thank the following individuals and companies who participated in the 2015 Loaned Professional program and the Sponsors who contributed to this important program: CLASS OF 2015 Doris Davis, U.S. Department of Energy Richard Hillman, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Larry Laughlin, Sponsored Rita Stubblefield, Sponsored Armanda Watson, U.S. Department of Energy


United Way of the CSRA

SPONSORS: Blanchard & Calhoun Georgia Bank & Trust Company Georgia Power MAU Workforce Solutions

Our Volunteers & Partners

OUR PARTNER AGENCIES + American Red Cross of Augusta + Augusta Training Shop, Inc. + Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA + Boy Scouts of America, Georgia-Carolina Council, Inc. + Child Enrichment, Inc. + Christ Community Health Services + Columbia County Community Connections + Communities In Schools of Burke County, Inc. + Easter Seals East Georgia, Inc. + Family Counseling Center of the CSRA, Inc. + Family Promise of Augusta + The Family Y + Fireside Ministries

+ Friendship Community Center + Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia + GreenPath, Inc. + Hope House, Inc. + Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Services + Ronald McDonald House Charities of Augusta + SafeHomes, Inc. + The Salvation Army + Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc. + Shiloh Comprehensive Community Center + The Speech & Hearing Center + St. Stephen’s Ministry of Augusta, Inc.

YOUR UNITED WAY TEAM EXECUTIVE La Verne H. Gold – President/CEO Lucinda Grace – Executive Assistant to President COMMUNITY IMPACT Angela Collins – Director of Community Impact Cynthia Martin – 2-1-1 I & R Specialist Juanita McDaniel – 2-1-1 Coordinator Cheryl Odom – Administrative Assistant Ashley Powell - 2-1-1 Resource Specialist Maria Cephas - VISTA Lead FINANCE Debbie Brown – Director of Finance Kenya E. Jones – Senior Finance Manager MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Vicki Fricks – Manager of Marketing and Communications RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Rina S. Powell – Senior Director Resource Development Toney Cross – Combined Federal Campaign Coordinator Kim Grimes – Senior Resource Development Manager April King – Resource Development Manager Lauren Mical – Resource Development Coordinator Martina Wilson - Resource Development Assistant

2015 Annual Report


2015 Balance Sheet AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2015 (UNAUDITED)

ASSETS Cash and Temporary Cash Investments

$ 2,705,697

(including interest-bearing deposits) Campaign Pledges and Other Receivables $ 1,481,093 (less allowance for uncollectible) Fixed Assets (Net)



Other Assets

$ 144,288

$ 4,390,789




Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $


Allocations Payable to Agencies

$ 1,000,050

Designations Payable

$ 251,903


$ 1,443,695


$ 1 ,420,412

Temporarily Restricted

$ 1 ,526,682




United Way of the CSRA


$ 2,947,094

We Thank Our Sponsors


2015 Annual Report


Our Sponsors


United Way of the CSRA

Our Sponsors

EMPOWERING HOPE At Georgia Power, we are a citizen wherever we serve. That’s why we actively support organizations that improve the quality of life for people in our communities – organizations such as United Way and its ongoing mission towards strengthening communities. We salute them and the dedication to give hope, empower and inspire people around the world to advance the common good.

2015 Annual Report


Our Sponsors

Proud Supporter of the United Way of the CSRA www.mau.com


proud supporter of

United Way of the CSRA and their mission to improve life in our community.


United Way of the CSRA

Our Sponsors


HOSPITAL of CHOICE Based on an independent survey conducted by the National Research Corporation, area residents have selected University as the Hospital of Choice for Overall Quality and Image for the 17th consecutive year. We are honored and humbled. After all, we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for continuing to Insist on University.



Make a difference in YOUR We can do MORE than alone.

United Way of the CSRA, Inc.



United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

When KIDS succeed in school, when FAMILIES are financially stable, when INDIVIDUALS have fo o d , sh e l te r, a n d s a f e t y, a n d w h e n A L L R E S I D E N TS h a v e access to affordable healthcare,

WE ALL WIN! United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

1765 BROAD STREET • P.O. BOX 1724 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30903-1724 TEL. 706.724.5544 • FAX 706.724.5541 WWW.UWCSRA.ORG



Annual Report



United Way of the CSRA improves life in our community by maximizing the impact of charitable contributions.

United Way of the CSRA is the leader in identifying health and human service needs and securing resources to meet these needs.

United Way of the CSRA, Inc.

This publication has been made possible through the generosity of Phoenix Printing


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