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Post 605 Annual Banquet Strengthens Franco-American Veteran Community

1 April 2023 – Benjamin Franklin Post 605 Paris, France welcomed over 60 guests to its Annual Banquet held at the Palais du Luxembourg, Paris for a wonderful evening of Franco-American unity with participants from the Union Nationale des Combattants / section d‘Issy-les-Moulineaux, VFW Auxiliary, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts. Awards were presented to students, and scouts, and Dr. Amelia Lyons, Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, gave a presentation on her work to learn from and teach students about the lives and sacrifices of Florida’s soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of France. https://projects. cah.ucf.edu/fl-francesoldierstories/

In addition, VFW Medals of Commendation and Merit were presented to UNC, who then honoured Post 605 with the UNC Médaille du Djebel (a first for an international veterans organisation).


The evening concluded with VFW Department of Europe District 1 International Commander John J Casey installing Post 605’s newly elected officers - Congratulations Commander-elect Timothy Povich, who will assume command in June.

Usag Ansbach

Community Fishing Event

On 20 May 2023 the Ansbach Family and MWR, supported by VFW Post 10708, Illesheim, Germany, VFW Post 9342 Ansbach, Germany, and American Legion Post 1982 Ansbach, Germany sponsored the Annual Youth Fishing Event.

This event is held at the Soldiers Lake on Urlas. This event has been taking place for the last 15 years and is provided free of charge. The function is non-profit, and the goal is to provide a benefit to the children.

A free lunch to all participants consisting of hamburgers and hotdogs were grilled by American Legion Post 1982 and served with chips, dips, and salads. Sodas and water were provided by VFW Post 10708 and VFW Post 9342. Each child that showed up for the event was given a fishing medal in recognition of the day.

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