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Post 10506 initiates Post School Project
VFW Post 10506 Berlin joined with a German Trade School class to make a design for our new post pin. The class had as part of this year’s program to make a new design for a grade this year. Post 10506 Adjutant Gish approached the class teacher with an idea to design our new post pin. The teacher thought that was a good project for the class. Adjutant Gish gave the class some information about what we would like to have on the pin and then they were free to make a design for us. The post picked one design for the post pin and one for our post patch. At the end of the design project, we handed out VFW Certificates to each student and the two top winners received a cash prize. In 2023 most young Germans have no recollection of the Cold War or the fact that Berlin Veterans served here during that time. We presented them with openness and answered their questions. Also, the post gave a grill party for the class, and everyone had a great time.