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Commemoration of the Victory of May 8, 1945
Proud to represent VFW Department of Europe and Benjamin Franklin Post 605 at this moving May 8 ceremony. Thank you Maire André Santini for the invitation and for your generous support of our U.S. veterans. Thanks also to Union Nationale des Combattants / section d‘Issy-les-Moulineaux for your friendship and close cooperation.


78 years ago, freedom triumphed over oppression. Today we honored the Franco-American alliance that fought to defend our common values. May our remembrance together strengthen these bonds for the generations to come.

This year May 6 was the start of the second annual VFW Day of Service, marking the start of veteran-led community service projects to take place throughout the month.

Members of VFW Post 27 and members of the Wiesbaden community joined together to clean up the Franfurter American Children’s Cemetery.

Serving Project
LUNCHEON ON THE LAWN: #Still Serving Project of informing individuals of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxic Act (PACT Act) at the ‘Lunch on the Lawn’ sponsored by Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), United States Army Garrison-Italy (USAG-Italy) was severely impacted because of inclement weather and was relocated to an indoor facility. Because of these conditions (weather, parking, and time limitations) turnout was much lower than expected.
The space allotted to VFW Mediterranean Post 8862 in the indoor facility was in a room away from the main participants of the event, resulting in additional confusion and impacted on our ability to obtain much needed exposure.
Because of these restrictions fewer personnel than expected visited our table, however those that did were explained the PACT Act and given information and literature in the form of brochures, pamphlets and fact sheets pertaining to the PACT Act, in addition to the VFW PACT Act Representatives name and e-mail address for further information An estimated eighteen personnel attended these sessions.
Because of the importance of the PACT Act and its impact on so many active duty and retired military personnel, a table will be established at the annual ‘Buddy’ Poppy drives on 26-27 May 2023 in front of the Post Exchange, Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy as an addendum to this important new medical legislation. Brochures, pamphlets, and fact sheets pertaining to the PACT Act were made available to all applicable personnel during the ‘Buddy’ Poppy Drive on 25-26 May 2023, Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy. This was a four-day weekend for military personnel, so the number of personnel available dwindled significantly, however several personnel were provided information data on the PACT Act and seven veterans asked numerous questions and stated they were excited to know that the VFW and VA were looking out for veterans.
It was an incredible experience at the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in France. For the first time in 35 years, the remains of an unknown U.S. Soldier from World War I were buried. The ceremony included full military honors, funeral procession, and burial with remarks by U.S. and French officials, a World War I-era 75 mm artillery salute, and historic World War I biplane flyover. As the ABMC speaker said today, “We do not know the story of the Soldier we honor today. But we know this.. he answered when his nation called. He crossed an ocean to a land he likely did not know. To fight for a cause, he may not have fully understood, yet this devotion to duty ultimately brought him to this day. This afternoon we bury him with his comrades in arms. While the headstone will read: Here rests in honored glory a Soldier known but to God…. He is no longer alone.”

Gemma McGowan (VFW Post 27 June 7, 2023)