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Post 8862 - Taco Tuesday
Post 8862 Vicenza
Taco Tuesday
23 July 2022: Members of VFW Post 8862 volunteered to assist in serving Tacos to military personnel on Taco Tuesday at the USO, Caserma Ederle. In addition to members of the USO, standing on the right side of above photo are three members of Post 8862, Commander Johnny Borden, Senior Vice Commander, Antwan Robinson, and Comrade Alejandra Robinson. Post Commander Coin: Pictured below is the present Commander, VFW (The Mediterranean) Post, Johnny Borden, presenting the 30th VFW Post Commander’s Coin to the previous Commander, Antwan Robinson. This tradition has been in effect for many years. Old Commander Antwan Robinson (L) accepts 30th Post Commander’s Coin from new Commander Johnny Borden (R).

14 August 2022: VFW Post 8862 attended the 45th annual Alpine Memorial Celebration in association with the Italian National Alpini Association (ANA) at Paspardo, Italy. This is an annual

ceremony celebrating the great history and camaraderie of the Alpini troops. Veteran units from all over Italy were in attendance. An estimated six hundred troops participated in the celebration. Post 8862 has a long history of attending this ceremony and received a warm welcome. There were numerous requests for pictures to be taken.