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Remembering September 11


Post 27, Wiesbaden, Left and
Middle Left: Members of Post 27 took part in a joint ceremony on September 11 commemorating the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949, and the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. This took place at the Berlin Airlift Memorial at the Frankfurt International Airport. Post 605, Paris, Top Middle and Top Right: Mark Primmer, Commander Post 605, Paris, was honored to represent Benjamin Franklin Post 605 as well as VFW Department of Europe at today’s ceremony commemorating the „Tribute to the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks“, which took place in front of the Tree of Liberty, in Paris. Post 10692, Grafenwoehr, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Middle Right: Patriot Day, September 11 will always be a day of remembrance of the Tower Post 10692. This year, along with USAG Bavaria & 7ATC, a special memorial was held on the parade field, with the fire department ringing our brass bell and Commander “Navy Bill” Strosnider and Comrade Kurt Spohr laying a wreath.