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POW/MIA Rememberance Day
Until They are All Accounted For
The VFW commemorates National POW/MIA Recognition Day urging America to ‘keep the candle lit’
September 16, 2022
WASHINGTON – On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) reminds every American to never forget to honor those who were held captive and returned and those who remain missing in action. Established through proclamation signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1979, N ational POW/MIA Recognition Day is commemorated across the nation on third Friday in September. The day is a poignant reminder of those whose sacrifice helped pave the way to freedom and protection of the American way of life. The plight of the more than 140,000 former America prisoners of war is a burden that stays with each of them, and we would be remiss if we do not acknowledge and honor those who endured such hardships on our behalf. It is also the duty of every American to remember that some 83,000 service members are still listed as missing in action. Their families still hold out hope that one day they will receive the call that their loved one has been found. We owe them our support and vigilance until that day comes. Whether it’s by attending a POW/ MIA ceremony, setting a special POW/MIA table at an event, or holding a candlelight vigil, the more than 1.5 million members of the VFW and its Auxiliary ask everyone to remember the service and sacrifice of America’s former POWs, and to keep the candle of hope lit until all our nation’s missing service men and women are accounted for.

VFW Post 8862, Vicenza, hosts annual POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremony

POW/MIA cake donated by a vendor of the Commissary Members of the Vicenza High School JROTC Cougar Battalion

VFW Post 8862,
Vicenza, hosted their annual POW/ MIA Recognition Day Ceremony at the Post Theater, Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy on 16 September 2022. Post 8862 Commander, Johnny Borden, led things off with introductions and greetings and introduced the Vicenza High School JROTC Cougar Battalion as they posted the Co-
Guest Speaker, Retired Sergelors and recited the ant Major Rex A. Shuey, Jr. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Commander Borden then introduced the VFW Post 8862 Chaplain, (CPT) Lelys Miller, who conducted the invocation. Commander Borden then introduced the Guest Speaker, Retired Sergeant Major Rex A. Shuey, Jr. Comrade Shuey presented an inspiring and thought-provoking speech by first sharing the history of the POW/ MIA Recognition Day. He then cited six separate heart wrenching stories of next of kin still waiting for their loved ones to return home. The six Service Members were from six different U.S. states and from all services of the U.S. military. Upon the completion of Comrade Shuey’s speech, Commander Borden thanked everyone for their attendance and invited the audience to the theater lobby to observe a cake cutting ceremony and to enjoy a piece of beautifully decorated POW/MIA cake donated by a vendor of the Commissary. Noteworthy was the presence of personnel from the United Services Organization (USO) who greeted guests with refreshments, brioche, pastries, cookies, cup cakes and coffee. Additionally, Cub Scout Pack 295 was present throughout the ceremony handing out miniature American flags.

POW/MIA Day was honored at the Urals
Post Exchange on 16 September 2022. The display was provided by the PX, as was the coffee and cake, and set up under the guidance of Cary Zottolo, who also gave the Opening Remarks. The Invocation and Prayer was given by LTC Bullock. Two quilts were donated by Kenneth Aungst, a Comfort Quilt, and a Quilt of Valor, were raffled off to men who had served in Vietnam. The quilts were solemnly presented to the winners by a color guard provided by the 9th JROTC
Battalion from Ansbach, Germany. Guest speaker was Eddie Guvera and closing remarks were given by Kenneth Aungst. Cake and coffee plus administrative details were handled by Brigette Meske. National POW/MIA Recognition Day was established in 1979 through a proclamation signed by President Jimmy Carter. Since then, each subsequent president has issued an annual proclamation commemorating the third Friday in September as National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Photos by VFW Member Patrick Murphy