Fauna de Mongolia

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Fauna de Mongolia

The richness of Mongolia’s landscape varies from its high, mountainous western region in Altai Sayan to the central Asian steppe in the east (Daurian Ecoregion). Taiga ecosystems dominant in the north shift gradually to the Gobi desert and sand dunes of the south.

protected areas of Monglolia

aves · rapaces e Aguila Imperial Oriental / Eastern imperial eagle ( Aquila heliaca )

Length: 92 cm Wingspan: 214 cm Adult imperial eagles are stocky in shape with black-brown feathers and a pale golden crown and nape. The shoulders have prominent white patches and the tail is greyish-brown. The head is large, the wings are long and straight and the strong feet have long, curved talons. Juveniles are paler with patterning on the rump, wings and tail. They have bold streaks on the underwings and the underside of the body.

Pigargo De Pallas / Pallas’s fish-eagle

(Haliaeetus leucoryphus) Length: 76 – 84 cm Wingspan: 180 – 205 cm

This large fishing eagle is mainly dark brown, with a light brown to white head and neck and a slightly darker area between the shoulders. The tail is nearly black and is crossed by a broad, white band. Juveniles are dark all over, except for white markings patterning the undersides of the wings, most easily visible in flight. Adults call with a loud ‘kha-kha-kha-kha’.


aves · rapaces e

aves · rapaces

Aguila Moteada / Greater spotted eagle

Pigargo Coliblanco / White-tailed Eagle

(Aquila clanga)

(Haliaeetus albicilla) Length: 90 cm (2) Wingspan: 2 - 2.4 m

Length: 62 – 74 cm Wingspan: 153 - 177 cm A medium-sized eagle, the greater spotted eagle only has white spots as a juvenile, when they extend in bands across the upperwing. By adulthood, the spots have faded leaving dark brown feathers across the head, body and wings, with slightly paler flight feathers on the upper side. In gliding flight, the greater spotted eagle holds the feathers at the tips of the wings downward. Although mainly a quiet bird, has a barking ‘kyak’ call during the breeding season.

Fase oscura Fase clara

This impressive bird is the largest European eagle, with huge club-ended wings which make the bright white tail seem small. The head and beak are large and protrude forward, giving the eagle a vulture-like appearance. The feathers are mottled shades of brown, with pale areas on both the upperwing and the underwing. Above the tail the feathers are reddish-brown, and pale stripes run down to the tip of the tail.

LC Juvenil moteada

Aguila Esteparia / Steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)

Length: 72 – 81 cm Wingspan: 165 - 190 cm The plumage is mostly dark brown, with well-defined bars on the flight and tail feathers. The main distinguishing features are the reddish-brown patch on the nape of the neck, the oval nostrils, and the long, wide gape. The juvenile steppe eagle resembles the adult but is paler brown, with a characteristic broad white band running along the underside of the wing.


Buitres: Buitre leonado, buitre negro, quebrantahuesos, alimoche Buitre de los Himalayas (Gyps himalayensis) Length: 110 cm Wingspan: 260 - 289 cm The Himalayan Griffon Vulture is a typical vulture, with a bald white head, very broad wings, and short tail feathers. It is even larger than the European Griffon Vulture. It has a white neck ruff and yellow bill. The whitish body and wing coverts contrast with the dark flight feathers. LC


aves · rapaces e

aves · rapaces

Busardos y Aguiluchos

Halcón sacre / Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) Length: 50 cm Wingspan: 120 cm

Agulicho pío / Pied Harrier (Circus melanoleucos)

Upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius)

Oriental honey-buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus)

Aguilucho lagunero oriental (Circus spilonotus)

Pallid harrier

(Circus macrourus)

Halcones Shikra

(Accipiter badius)

Length: 26-30cm Short broad wings and a long tail, both adaptations to fast manoeuvring. The normal flight of this species is a characteristic "flap –flap– glide". The adult Shikra has pale grey upperparts and is white, finely barred reddish below. Sexes are similar except that the female is larger than the male. The juvenile is brown above and white, spotted with brown below. It has a barred tail.

Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) Length: 23-30cm The male has dark barred underwings, lightly barred underparts, dark grey upperparts and red eyes. Female has yellow eyes and dark barred underparts. Juvenile has brown upperparts and streaks on breast.

Large, powerful bird of prey with an exceptionally broad wingspan for its size. Great variation in colour and pattern exist, ranging from a fairly uniform chocolate brown colour to a pale sandy colour with brown bars or streaks, to almost pure white individuals, which are particularly prized by Arab falconers. Female saker falcons are markedly larger than males.

Amur falcon

(Falco amurensis)

Length: 23-30cm Long, pointed wings. The male is a largely dark grey bird, with a chestnut lower belly and thighs, and a white underwing, visible in flight. The dark plumage contrasts with the bright orange-red legs and facial skin, and the orange base to the beak. The female has cream or orange underparts, with dark streaks and bars, grey upperparts with a slaty-coloured head and cream forehead, and bars and spots on the wings and tail, which have broad, dark tips. The cheeks and throat are plain white, and the face bears a dark eye patch and ‘moustache’. The juvenile resembles the female, but may be paler, with reddish-brown or buff edges to the feathers . Interestingly, the Amur falcon is one of only a few birds of prey to have white claws. The Amur falcon is noteworthy for undertaking one of the most arduous annual migrations of any bird of prey.




aves · rapaces Nocturnas Mochuelo chico / alpino / Eurasian Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum)

Length: 15 – 19 cm Llamada monótona en tonos muy altos

Mochuelo Boreal / Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) Length: 22 - 27 cm Wingspan: 50 - 62 cm Llamada: Serie de poops + descanso de 3 seg.

Autillo Oriental / Oriental Scops Owl (Otus sunia) Length: 16 – 20 cm Llamada: Series de Wug-chug-chug

Lechuza campestre / Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) Length: 37 – 38 cm Llamada: “ladrido” carraspeante, waowkwaowk-....

aves · rapaces Nocturnas Lechuza gavilana / Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)

Length: 36-43 cm Wingspan: 69 - 82 cm Bastante diurno Llamada: pupupu melodioso de ~14 seg con notas ascendentes. Falcon-like wing shape and long tail

Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) Length: 61 - 84 cm Wingspan: 142 cm Llamada: lento whooo-ooo-ooo-ooo de tono bajo de 7 seg, cada 15-30 seg.


Ural Owl (Strix uralensis ) Length: 50–59 cm Wingspan: 115 - 125 cm Llamada: Suave uhu, 4 seg, uh uhuu

Buho nival / Snowy owl (Bubo scandiaca) Length: 52 - 70 cm Wingspan: 126 - 145 cm Diurno


aves · acuaticas · Grullas

aves · acuaticas · grullas

Grullas Grulla Cuelliblanca / White-naped crane

Grulla damisela / Demoiselle crane

(Grus vipio)

(Anthropoides virgo)

Length: 125 cm

Lenght: 89 cm

This large crane is identifiable by the large circle of bare, red skin around each eye. It stands out from the slate-grey feathers that cover most of the body, and the white throat and white stripe running from the crown to the nape of the neck. The legs are long and pinkish in colour. Juveniles are smaller with a brown head and pale brown throat. The white-naped crane has a high-pitched call.


Demoiselle Cranes are the smallest and second most abundant crane species. Body plumage is pale bluish gray. A light gray-feathered area extends from the based of the bill to the nape. A long, pure white feather plume stretches from behind the eye to well beyond the head. Demoiselle Cranes are one of two species of cranes that do not have patches of bare, red skin on their heads. he breast.

Zona de cría

Grulla común / Common crane (Grus grus)

Hooded crane (Grus monacha)

Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus)

Length: c. 115 cm Wingspan: 180 - 200 cm The plumage is mainly slate grey, with black flight feathers, the innermost of which are greatly elongated, forming a drooping, bushy ‘cloak’ over the tail. The neck, chin and throat are dark grey to black, with a black forehead and a distinctive white stripe that runs from behind the eye, down the neck and to the upper back. The top of the head bears a red patch of bare skin, and the eye is also bright red or reddish-brown. Zona de cría

Japanese crane (Grus japonensis)


aves · acuaticas

aves · acuaticas

Garzas: Garza real, garceta, avetoro

Zarapito de siberia / Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) Lenght: 63 cm Mayor andarríos, cría en Mongolia.

Garcilla china / Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola bacchus)


Agujeta asiatica/ Asiatic Dowitcher (Limnodromus semipalmatus) Lenght: 37 - 41 cm

Lenght: 47 cm

Plumaje nupcial

Cigüeñas: Cigüeña negra Cigüeña oriental (Ciconia boyciana)

Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

Vuelvepiedras rojizo / Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)

Pallas’s gull (Larus ichthyaetus) Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)

Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

Length: 58 - 65 cm Wingspan: 140 - 160 cm Cría en Mongolia

Gaviota de Mongolia / Relict gull (Larus relictus) Length: 44 – 45 cm

Brown-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus)


aves · Varios

aves · acuaticas · Anátidas

Patos, gansos y cisnes Falcated Duck (Anas falcata)

Ánsar Indio / Bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)

Cerceta del Baikal / Baikal teal (Anas formosa)

Ánsar cisne / Swan goose (Anser cygnoides)

Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata)

Ampelis europeo / Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)

Oriental Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis)

Tordo siberiano/ Siberian Thrush (Zoothera sibirica)

Collalba del desierto? Desert Wheatear (Oenanthe deserti)

Azure Tit (Cyanistes cyanus)

Daurian Redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)

Baer’s pochard (Aythya baeri)

Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)

Reed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei)

Siberian Jay (Perisoreus infaustus)

El más pequeño de los cisnes paleárticos.

Mongolian Ground-jay (Podoces hendersoni)


b Mamíferos · carnívoros Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) Head-body length: 100 - 130 cm Tail length: 80 - 100 cm Male weight: 45 - 55 kg Female weight: 35 - 40 kg Snow leopards are generally found at elevations between 3,000 to 4,500 meters in steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges, gullies and rocky outcrops.

Lince Boreal Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) Head-body length: 80 - 130 cm (2) Tail length: 11 - 24.5 cm (2) Weight 8 - 38 kg (2) Found from western Europe through Russia and down into Central Asia. This range is occupied by around nine separate subspecies but there is yet to be a final agreement on their classification (Lynx l. kozlovi in Mongolia?). Primarily associated with forested areas, but in Central Asia occurs in more open, thinly wooded areas.

Asian Steppe- Wildcat / Gato ornado (Felis sylvestris ornata) It is a bit larger than a Domestic Cat, has pale yellow pper body marked with black spots on its back and black stripes on its legs with a pale whitish coloured stomach. The Asian Steppe-Wildcat now lives in isolated pockets in areas of uncultivated scrub forests with rocky areas.

Pallas’s cat (Otocolobus manul) Head-body length: 50 – 65 cm Tail length: 21 – 31 cm Weight 2.5 – 5 kg Pallas’s cat is adapted to cold, arid habitats in upland hilly areas, such as stony alpine desert and steppe grassland with rocky outcrops, but is generally absent from lowland sandy desert basins.

Mamíferos · carnívoros


Lobo gris /Grey wolf (Canis lupus) Length: 1.65 m - 1.59 m Height: 66 – 81 cm Weight: 20 – 80 kg 16 – 55 kg



The world’s largest wild canid, the iconic grey wolf has been a source of both fear and respect, inspiring a rich cultural history. The grey wolf held the title of the world’s most widely distributed mammal.

Dhole (Cuon alpinus) Length: 90 cm Shoulder height: 50 cm Weight: 15 - 20 kg 10 - 13 kg



Dholes or Asian wild dogs are pack-living canids. The bushy coat is usually a rusty red colour with white on the belly, chest and paws (5). Different subspecies exist and those in the northern parts of the dhole's range have lighter and longer hair than their southern relatives.

Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) Length: 50 - 60 cm Weight: 2.7 kg Slightly smaller than the red fox with larger legs and ears. The coloration is predominantly grey or reddish grey on the upper parts with silver undertones, while the under parts are white with yellow undertones. The chin is white and the fur is thick and soft all over. Its large, pointy ears are broad at the base.

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Brown bear (Ursus arctos)

Mamíferos · Ungulados d

b Mamíferos · carnívoros Siberian Weasel (Mustela sibirica)

Turón jaspeado / Marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna)

Glotón / Wolverine (Gulo gulo)

Hog badger (Arctonyx collaris)

Persian gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)

Length: 90 - 126 cm Shoulder height: 56 - 80 cm Weight: 12– 40 kg 18 - 33 kg

m f Mongolian Gazelle (Procapra gutturosa)

Raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)

Asno salvaje asiático / Onagro / Onager (Equus hemionus)

Altai weasel (Mustela altaica) Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica)

Sable (Martes zibellina)


The population is currently estimated to consist of fewer than 50 mature individuals free-living in the wild for the past five years.

Length: 250 - 390 mm

Steppe Polecat (Mustela eversmanii)

Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus przewalskii)

Ciervo almizclero siberiano/ Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) Length: 86 – 100 cm Height: 56 – 67 cm Instead of antles it has two prominent, tusk-like canine teeth, which protrude below the lower jaw.

d Mam铆feros 路 Ungulados Siberian Ibex (Capra sibirica)

Mam铆feros 路 Roedores

Argali Sheep (Ovis ammon)

Siberian Jerboa (Allactaga sibirica) Lenght: 23 to 31 cm

Long-eared jerboa (Euchoreutes naso)

Alce / Eurasian Elk (Alces alces)


Hairy-footed Jerboa (Dipus sagitta) Lenght: 11.5 to 14.5 cm

Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)

Midday Gerbil (Meriones meridianus)

Moose (Alces americanus)

There is much debate over whether the moose and the Eurasian elk constitute separate species. The two differ in features of the skull and antlers, in colouration and in chromosome number.There is a broad zone of hybridization between the two forms in central Siberia and northern Outer Mongolia Length: 240 - 310 cm Shoulder height: 140 - 235 cm Weight: 200 - 825 kg

Reno / Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus)

Siberian Marmot (Marmota sibirica) Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus)

Roborowski's Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii)

Tolai Hare (Lepus tolai)

Long-eared Hedgehog / Erizo orejudo (Hemiechinus auritus)

Wild Bactrian camel (Camelus ferus)

Mongolian Pika (Ochotona pallasi) Length: 25 cm

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