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Healthy Choices magazine issue 04

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Healthy Choices magazine issue 04



Dear Reader Thank you for choosing to consume our little magazine. We love the positive feedback we receive from so many of you and your feedback does keep us coming back to this labour of love. We would love you to like our Facebook page so that we can grow our online community and potentially reach more readers. If you weren’t aware, we have an online version of the magazine at . So if you lose this one or miss an issue you can always go there and enjoy. I’ve had requests from readers to post them magazines, but unfortunately it just isn’t in our budget. As it is Lesley and I chip in from time to


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

time to make sure every issue makes it to you :) We lead with a very special story this month. Natalie is my partner’s daughter. So she really is a daughter to me as well :) She had a encounter with breast cancer a few years back now and this is her story. I hope it resonates with you and brings you strength if this is a battle you currently face. Her courage and strength humbles me. She is also a regular contributor of delicious vegetarian recipes in our magazines. Don’t forget to check our her foodblog; it’s full of delicious goodness. We hope you enjoy this issue. It’s been a while in the making. Between running a very busy sales and promotions company and studying time sometimes is very scarce. Till the next time. Paul 0823932888

Editorial team Design & Layout Ronel van Heerden Photography Nic Redelinghuys of The Pixel Revelation This booklet is printed on sustainably farmed paper using vegetable based inks that are not harmful to our environment in any way. The printing plates & water used during the process are also recycled for minimum wastage of our planet’s resources.


As we grow through each issue of our magazine, evolving through changes within & without, what has touched me deeply are some of the inspirational people who have shared their visions with us. Other mentions are the spirit of collaboration that has been a part of each issue, the consistency found in many who contribute & the commitment to education, growth & upliftment. Communication, be it through the vehicle of social media, print or the spoken word is another & then, finally compassion for all in our lives. This winter has been a time of contemplation, studying & dreaming a new & brighter vision for ourselves & those in our lives. What we focus on, in thought or feeling tends to manifest & what we love shines. We

08 10 12 22 24 30 34 40 44 46 52 54 58 60 62

Nunabean pram shoes Age is a funny old thing My triumph over cancer at 36 Superfood for Super Health Ayurveda: The Science of Life Mineral supplements are not created equally Keralan Sambar Recipe MANGOSTEEN: Making Money in Wellness The Magic of the Nia Technique Tai Chi practice & benefits Invest in your children’s health Winter is taking too long! Tired of eating meat & fish but don’t know where to from here? Things to look for when shopping for food Rate Card

Lesley-Ann Green

look forward to bringing you more articles that touch the heart. A big thank you to Paul, who through everything he does inspires & uplifts. To Ronel, for her creativity & ability to pull each issue together with grace & consumate skill & of course all our contributors. Many thanks & blessings Lesley

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


TREE HOUSE Somerset West

workshops library yoga wellness

A place to hold, connect, inform and inspire our community to reach new heights. A place to come to find the peace and stillness that leads us back home.

Weekly Classes

Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic Wisdom, TRE, Process Art Expression...

Workshops & Presentations

We offer a wide range of experiential workshops and presentations to facilitate an expansion of consciousness and personal growth: Family constellations, Breathwork, TRE, Spiritual Alchemy, Human Design Blueprint, Creativity, Drumming, etc.


We show inspiring movies and thought provoking documentaries on the 2nd and last Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm.


Our Library boasts a wide range of books which support the Tree House vision. More books are always welcome! Open after classes and by appointment.


Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be kept informed of events at Tree House. Faye 082 786 4242, ‘Facebook/TreeHouseSWest’

19b Jacaranda Ave, Parel Vallei, Somerset West




CONTACT: PAUL DE KOCK Cell: 082 3932888 Mail:

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 02 04


When you see

nunabean pram shoes,

smile and maybe wonder to yourself... “what will they grow up to be one day?”


unabean pram shoes are hand-stitched, pure leather baby shoes for boys and girls in the pre-walking stages (aged 0-9 months old). The fabric is handpicked, each pair is unique in colour and texture. Stitched with a high quality braided thread to prevent any unravelling in baby’s mouth and for ease of wear, the laces are elasticised so the shoe slips on like a booty, packaged in our beautiful cotton Schweschwe or linen shoe bags. Customise each pair with a dream badge… choose from our over 250 dream badges! Visit our website to also purchase our hand-knitted bamboo blankets and Nunabean jerseys... just like granny used to knit them! Most of our material is sourced within South Africa and all our artisans are local :) Nunabean team members are


Healthy Choices magazine issue 04

mostly unskilled and come from communities in and around Cape Town and Khayelitsha. After a couple of Nunabean sewing workshops and passing rigid quality checks on their sewing abilities, the Nunabean graduates are then supplied shoe sewingkits, enabling them to work and earn from home. The skills are passed onto each other by a skilled Nunabean team member, and sometimes by professionals in the industry. July this year, we celebrated with our first Nunabean Grad party to thank our team for their hard work and enthusiasm… with tea, homemade cakes, happy balloons and certificates of course! Much like our Nunabean pram shoes, little vessels carrying the hopes and dreams for your loved one, our team members too carry hopes and dreams. Come and share in our story...

When you see Nunabean pram shoes, smile and maybe wonder to yourself... “what will they grow up to be one day?” Buy now!

Nunabean pram shoes are hand-stitched, pure leather baby shoes for boys and girls in the pre-walking stages (aged 0-9 months old). The fabric is hand-picked, each pair is unique in colour and texture. Stitched with a high quality braided thread to prevent any unravelling in baby’s mouth and for ease of wear, the laces are elasticised so the shoe slips on like a booty, packaged in our beautiful cotton Schwe-schwe or linen shoe bags. Visit our website to purchase our hand-knitted bamboo blankets and Nunabean jerseys...just like granny use to knit them! Most of our material is sourced within South Africa and all our artisans are local :)

Nunabean team members are mostly unskilled and come from communities in and around Cape Town and Khayelitsha. After a couple of Nunabean sewing workshops and passing rigid quality checks on their sewing abilities, the Nunabean graduates are then supplied shoe sewing-kits, enabling them to work and earn from home. The skills are passed onto each other by a skilled Nunabean team member, and sometimes by professionals in the industry. Much like our Nunabean pram shoes, little vessels carrying the hopes and dreams for your loved one, our team members too carry hopes and dreams. Come and share in our story...

Nunabean Online Shop:




Age is a funny old thing.


hatting to my dad a little while ago, I remarked that a certain venue was “mostly for middle-aged people”. His reply: “You do realise you’re one of them...?” I nearly swallowed my tongue. I mean I know I’ve gotten older. I feel the passage of time, see it in my body and skin. My son just turned 18 for goodness sake. But Middle-Aged! How did this happen?? Middle-Aged is for old people who go to bed early or stay in for quiet nights with friends and complain about the weather and the increasing petrol price! Hello Pot, can I introduce you to Kettle...Aaargh! I don’t want to get old! Nobody does. Arthritis and flatulence and children that only visit when they need babysitters for their ill-behaved progeny. One-sided conversations with the TV screen. Some of these are already a reality - I refuse to say which. No, I’m going to grow younger. But without becoming one of those weird old birds who wear mini-skirts and have bicycle tyres where their lips should be.


I had a look at the ‘Tannies’ I know who make old age seem fun and realised, that’s what it is. Fun. Yes they do the nourishing food; get fresh air and exercise. But more than that, they enjoy their lives. They laugh, try new things, go new places and get up to mischief. When was the last time you did something naughty? Or silly? I recently got together with old friends and we did exactly that. I laughed til I couldn’t breathe and my belly hurt. And I realised how seldom I’ve done that in the last few years. So this is my resolution..I’m going to laugh. And I’m going to learn to Belly Dance. Maybe a new language. Eat funny things I’ve always avoided (but still nothing with a face) and do silly things my kids won’t approve of. I hope to grow old gracefully or at least have a damn good time doing it. I’ll still have quiet evenings with my friends and I’m sure we’ll still complain about the petrol price, but hey, I’ll do it with a smile. And maybe a French accent.

Lemar Chester - Kinesiologist 0832256515 | Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04



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Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


My triumph

over cancer at 36 A moving speech by Natalie Ward – an inspiration to us all! Marbella Women’s Week Speech Being diagnosed with breast cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had been running my own successful restaurant for 9 years. It took it’s toll on me as a person and my body as a whole. Something about the long, unsociable hours, not eating properly and the constant stress, wasn’t good for my health. I wasn’t looking after myself and it took being diagnosed with breast cancer aged 36 for me to realise the damage I was doing. A bit about my diagnosis... To cut a long story short, I found a lump in my breast and organised a mammogram which came back clear. I fully support regular screening of women by mammogram, but it is important to know that this is not always conclusive, especially if you have dense breasts. That is doctor


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

speak for big boobs, I think. My doctor then sent me for a biopsy on the lump where they also biopsied my lymph nodes. I then had a nail-biting week to wait for the results. When I returned, I was given a large envelope by a receptionist. No consultation, no explanation. We asked to see a doctor, she came out into reception, told me I had cancer, that it was very aggressive, it had spread to my lymph system and I needed to do something about it immediately. My feelings were of shock, disbelief and I was worried about the impact it would have on our business. My partner was amazing. I was in a denial/shock kind of coma, so he took over! I urge you all to make sure that you are properly registered and fully up to date with your social security or have private health insurance. I didn’t and it took

another 2 months to finally get an appointment to see an oncologist. When I did, the hospital was packed. The oncology waiting room had hundreds of people in it and all of them were talking. It was scary and loud! The young doctor I saw was just doing her job and trying to get through the mass of patients she had to see that day. I came to understand there wasn’t any time for pleasantries or compassion. I was on a treatment conveyor belt and there was no getting off. Questions of any kind were not welcomed and alternative medicines, diet or lifestyle were never discussed. Having said that, I was lucky to receive every treatment possible for my kind of breast cancer. In the UK it sometimes depends in which area you live in as to whether they will be able to afford to give you all the treatment you need. My treatment plan was as follows: ∙ 6 months of chemo - followed by surgery ∙ 6 weeks of radiotherapy

∙ a year of Herceptin ∙ Anti hormone injections ∙ Tamoxifen and a continuous cycle of x-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests and consultations. Two years of my life basically and a lot of waiting around. Initially, we thought that we could cope with my illness and the business. However, after the second chemo session my immune system was knocked out and I was hit with an infection. My temperature went up to 41 degrees. Allen was working in the kitchen at the time, we had a restaurant full of people and I was on my own, hallucinating in bed. It was then that we had one of those defining moments in our lives. We knew we had to prioritise and change our lives completely if we were to survive this. We decided to sell our restaurant. Fortunately some friends of ours wanted to buy it and we did a deal, a complicated one that still isn’t resolved but hey we’re out of there! It’s at times like these where you must remain focused on your goal and do everything to achieve

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


it. For the first time we had our own home and our own space. We had lived at the restaurant and so we were always at work. Now we had the time to research, find out about alternative treatments and take control. I started having weekly reiki sessions. They helped me work through a lot of emotional baggage I was carrying so I could move forward. I think it was the Dalai Lama who said ‘Holding onto anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die’. My reiki master, Caroline taught me to see my diagnosis as a blessing rather than a curse. To see the positives in it, now that we had our own space, were out of the toxic environment of the restaurant and able to plan our future together. I went to see an alternative practitioner who was a retired oncologist. He told me to give up all sugars, including all fruit for the duration of my treatment. Sugar feeds cancer growth. What really made me angry was at the hospital in the treatment waiting room they gave you


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

sugary biscuits, sugary juice drinks and tea or coffee with milk. It couldn’t be any worse! I wanted to shout at them and tell everyone to lay off the sugar but the thinking is ‘eat what you want to eat that doesn’t make you feel sick’ when you are having chemo. The problem with that is that during chemo the cancer is being attacked and it craves the sugar that helps it grow. So everyone craves sugar. This was when I started to become interested in the relationship between food and health. Caroline recommended I read ‘The China Study’ by Colin Campbell, an in-depth study covering 20 years of research into the eating habits and diseases of the Chinese population. Until very recently the Chinese population had a very low incidence of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, the so called ‘western’ diseases. Their intake of dairy products was practically nothing. Most of the population consumed very little meat or processed foods

What makes a

good multivitamin?

Biolife Multivitamin + Antioxidants

has been developed to incorporate all important vitamin & mineral ingredients in quantities in excess of the minimum recommended daily requirements. The product is suitable for vegetarians.

The Immune System

The immune system plays an integral part in ones well-being. Immune simply means that you are protected from acquiring something. Essentially, when one is in good health one’s immune system is working optimally.


If one ate five portions of fresh vegetables daily in addition to following a good eating plan, exercised 3-4 times a week, was stress free, emotionally well-balanced, and lived in a pollution free environment, then supplementation would be unnecessary. It is however believed that the manner in which we ‘work, eat and play’ within a polluted environment, may necessitate supplementation with vitamins. A balanced approach to exercise, work and nutrition will certainly also play a part in remaining healthy.

It is available at leading Pharmacies and Health Stores. If you have difficulty in finding it please call: Western Cape: Ellis 0836586490

of any kind. Because of these findings, a series of experiments were commissioned to test the effects of animal protein on cancer growth. Cow’s milk protein (casein) was proven to increase cancer growth significantly. They also very importantly, found that the introduction of a diet containing no more than 10% animal protein stopped cancer growth altogether. I have been vegetarian since I was 13. What I realise now is that it is very easy to be vegetarian and eat badly. For years I lived on processed foods, store bought hummus, packet cheese slices and low fat yoghurts! I didn’t like cooking and was exhausted, like most people, after work. I am convinced that this diet high in animal protein, particularly cow’s milk contributed to my cancer. I now follow the findings of The China Study, try to keep to a whole foods, mainly plant-based diet and keep my consumption of animal protein (in my case eggs and cheese) to below 10% of my diet. I use oat or rice milk and buy goat’s or sheep’s cheeses


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

and yoghurts for cooking. I use honey instead of sugar and olive oil or coconut oil instead of butter. I try to avoid cow’s milk products altogether, because of the link between casein and cancer and because of all the hormones pumped into cows to keep them producing milk. The hormone Estrogen is another key element known to encourage breast cancer growth. I am very passionate about informing people of the dangers of cow’s milk products. It makes me so angry that they still encourage children and the elderly to drink milk by saying it is good for healthy bones etc. There are other excellent sources of calcium like spinach, other dark leafy greens, sesame seeds and nuts etc. that don’t cause heart disease and cancer. Flax seeds, or the ground version, flax meal and flax oil, are also great sources of calcium. They are rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, extremely high in fibre and help lower cholesterol. Flax seeds help to balance female hormones which can alleviate menopausal

symptoms and help prevent breast cancer. For me it is a question of having all the information to create a balance and make healthy life choices. When I was having my stitches out after the operation to remove the tumour the surgeon came in and gave me the brilliant news that when they opened me up they saw that the tumour had shrunk to almost nothing. When I was diagnosed it was a 3cm by 2cm tumour. That’s quite large. I really believe that it was the change in my diet that helped shrink the tumour. I am now more aware that everything you put in your body should be as pure as possible. I’m not saying I’m a saint (far from it) I go out for dinner, have a drink and eat chips or cake occasionally, but the majority of the time I like to keep my foods whole, organic, refined sugar and cow’s milk free. I stopped taking the Tamoxifen two years after the chemo rather than five because I didn’t want any more chemicals in my system.


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

After finishing radiotherapy I got back to a relatively normal life. We began taking our dog, Rufus, for a walk every morning in the countryside where we live. There are a lot of small farms and I was fascinated by what was growing and when. We saw the seasons change and different fruits and vegetables growing and being harvested. It made me feel more connected to the earth and it fueled my desire to cook with what I had seen that day. That’s when I started writing my blog, www.cookeatlivevegetarian. com. I wanted to share the seasonal recipes with everyone, show the ingredients growing and prove that healthy food doesn’t have to boring. I now go to the farmer’s market every Sunday morning where I buy organic fruit and vegetables. I gravitate towards whatever looks fresh and exciting and plan my meals for the week around that. This is my favourite part of the week. I love seeing what’s been growing in the fields on sale there, and it’s really inspiring. Writing my blog has led me

in lots of different directions. I have been approached for and provide a private dining and catering service focusing on healthy organic delicious foods with a world flavour. I work with restaurants as a menu consultant advising them on healthy, but still commercially viable dishes. I host vegetarian healthy cookery workshops at a cookery school in Benalmadena. I get asked to review restaurants and contribute my recipes to books and websites worldwide. We are in the process of setting up an exciting new venture where we create healthy prepared food and ready meals for people who don’t have the time or skills to cook for themselves every night, but want to eat a healthy balanced diet. My advice to anyone being diagnosed with cancer is to take control of their life and their situation. We live in a world where we believe we ‘can take a pill and cure everything’. That isn’t how the body works. My body was telling me to stop and I listened. Of course you are going to fall apart to start with but it’s

how you deal with it that affects the outcome. I read all the books in the Louise Hay series ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ etc. They are positive and inspiring reading. I would recommend them to all of you even if you are not ill. The key thing for me was that I changed my diet and lifestyle completely. I stopped smoking, cut down on the cava, cleaned my diet of all processed foods, refined sugars, cow’s milk products and started to exercise daily. I started doing something that I loved and was passionate about - cooking and writing about food for my blog. I decided I was going to be happy and grateful for every day. You can chose to see cancer as a curse or you can see it as a gift. Cancer was the gift by which I would change my life for the better - forever. Don’t leave it until you are diagnosed with a life threatening disease to make these positive changes in your life, do it now! It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make!

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


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Biolife CO-ENZYME Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is part of the ATP fuel process that the body needs like a motor car to ‘run’, to allow the body to function optimally. It is a network antioxidant and taken in conjunction with the multivitamin acts synergistically to boost the immune system and we believe will provide all your energy needs for the day. Starting one’s day with a Biolife Multivitamin and Coenzyme Q10 will certainly boost your immune system and in so doing reduce the incidence of disease. It is available at leading Pharmacies and Health Stores. If you have difficulty in finding it please call: Western Cape: Ellis 0836586490

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04



for Super Health B

aoActive, the next dimension in traditional daily supplements, can replace most of the vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements you take. It contains the superfruit, baobab, which has one of the highest natural concentrations of key vitamins and nutrients; the olive polyphenol, hydroxytyrosol, proven to be the world’s most potent natural free radical scavenger and the essential fatty acid (EFA), omega 3 that helps our bodies to function normally. Baobab provides most of your vitamin and nutrient RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) per day. It contains more: calcium than milk, vitamin C than oranges, magnesium than spinach, potassium than bananas and iron than red meat. It also contains zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and D and acts as a prebiotic. Hydroxytyrosol promotes

cardio-health so effectively that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has endorsed it and stated that “olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids and LDL cholesterol from oxidative stress”. Hydroxytyrosol does this by binding with LDL to prevent oxidation, raising HDL levels and replacing damaged cells. It also aids in maintaining the arterial inner walls, thereby preventing plaque blockages, which cause strokes and heart attacks. Omega 3 is vital for overall health as it protects us from illnesses such as depression, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s and type-2 diabetes. It is also essential for healthy bone and brain development and mental vitality. Give your body the opportunity to achieve optimal health by mixing two scoops of BaoActive twice a day, with your favourite drink or yoghurt.

For more info visit 22

Healthy Choices magazine issue 04

Adding a new dimension to daily supplements

Ideal for: The whole family, convalescence, sport nutrition and during pregnancy and illness BaoActive is: Gluten-free & wheat-free, GMO free Rich in: Vitamin C, essential minerals – calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, antioxidants, omega 3, dietary fibre

Shop online at Available from selected health shops

Tel: +27 11 803 5445 • Fax: 011 803 4721 • Email:

Ayurveda The Science of Life By Paul De Kock


yurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. The word Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit root words: Ayus, or “life,” and Veda, meaning “knowledge” or “science.” Ayurveda is therefore usually translated as “the science of life.” However, a more precise translation would be “the knowledge of the lifespan.” “Veda” means knowledge, and it reveals the language of the gods in a person’s speech. The Vedas contain the original scriptures


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

of ancient Hindu teachings and spiritual wisdom encompassing all aspects of the life. Hinduism, Yoga and Ayurveda are integral parts of each other. So much so that it is said there can be no Yoga or Ayurveda without Hinduism and no Hinduism without Yoga and Ayurveda. Hinduism – also known as Hindu Dharma and Sanatana Dharma – as a religion, originated in India. Yoga and Ayurveda are both referred to as sister sciences in

terms of ‘self-healing and selfrealizations’. Both originated in ancient India, from a Vedic background and are based on the same philosophy; they even share a lot of practices. Ayurveda, (also called the yogic form of healing) aims at taking us back to harmony with our true Self (Atman). Hence Ayurveda is defined as the means of harmonizing the body, prana, mind and soul. Through some quirk of coincidence, the sage Patanjali defines Yoga as ‘cessation of all changes in the mind stuff in a bid to realize the Ultimate Truth. Yoga is considered the spiritual branch of Ayurveda and Ayurveda, the therapeutic aspect of Yoga. Tibetan medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their roots in Ayurveda. Early Greek medicine also embraced many concepts originally described in the classical ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda offers a

body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential. Providing guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda offers practical tools, insights, and information for living in balance and health, without interference from illness. Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that treats the whole person – the integration of body, mind, and spirit – rather than simply treating individual symptoms. For instance, we know that ongoing stress damages our immune system, and when the immune system is weakened, we are more vulnerable to disease and illness. We also know that when our mind experiences pleasure, our brain releases healing chemicals to our entire body, creating feelings of happiness and well-being as well as promoting health. The guiding principle of

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


Ayurveda and the other Eastern healing arts is the interconnection of all things. We aren’t simply an isolated collection of atoms and molecules, but are an inseparable part of the infinite field of intelligence. From this holistic perspective, health isn’t merely the absence of illness or symptoms – it is a higher state of consciousness that allows vitality, well-being, creativity, and joy to flow into our experience. In contrast, illness is a disruption – a blockage in the flow of energy and information that creates a sense of separation or alienation from the field. Symptoms and sickness are the body’s signal that we need to restore balance, eliminate whatever is causing the blockages, and re-establish the healthy flow of energy and information. Ayurveda also takes holistic medicine a step further, treating people not as isolated individuals but as an inextricable part of the whole universe. In India’s ancient Vedic tradition, there is an underlying intelligence that flows through and connects


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

everyone and everything in the universe. Ayurveda sees life as the exchange of energy and information between individuals and their extended body – the environment. If our environment is nourishing, we thrive; if our environment is toxic; we may become sick. Therefore, learning how to eliminate toxicity and surround ourselves with a healing environment is the key to health. According to Ayurveda there are five master elements or mahabhutas that make up everything within our bodies and everything outside of our bodies: space, air, fire, water, and earth. Space carries all the aspects of pure potentiality – infinite possibilities; air has the qualities of movement and change; fire is hot, direct, and transformational; water is cohesive and protective; and earth is solid, grounded, and stable. Biological systems weave these five forces into three primary patterns known as doshas. They are most easily thought of as mind-body principles that govern our style of thinking and

BioLife Inositol Inositol is a naturally occurring nutrient and an important part of the B group of vitamins. It plays a major role in removing fats (cholesterol) from the liver. It is also believed to be important for hair growth, skin and eye health. It also helps in the process of energy production. It has been shown to aid in the transmission of messages within the central nervous system and it is thought that it could slow the advances of Alzheimer’s disease. It has also been used in large doses to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia and is also believed to help memory. Dosage for cholesterol reduction: 500mg once or twice daily depending on severity. It is available at leading Pharmacies and Health Stores. If you have difficulty in finding it please call: Western Cape: Ellis 0836586490 Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


behaving. Vata dosha, woven from the elements of Space and Air, regulates movement and change in our minds and bodies. Pitta dosha, comprised of Fire and Water, governs digestion and metabolism. Kapha dosha, made from Earth and Water, maintains and protects the integrity and structure of our mind and body. All three doshas are present in every cell, tissue, and organ – for movement, metabolism, and protection are essential components of life. What makes life interesting is that although everyone has all three doshas, each of us mixes them together in a unique way, which determines the distinctive qualities of our mind and body. Knowing what your dosha is provides invaluable information that will help you get in touch with your body’s inner intelligence. You can take a dosha quiz online at www.chopra. Compiled from various resources on the internet. 28

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

c o m / o u r- s e r v i c e s / a y u r v e d a please look to the bottom of the page. The Ayurvedic treatment plan can involve the following: ∙ Diet: Recommendations are individualized to a person’s dosha and the season. Foods can either balance or cause imbalance to each dosha. See a list of foods thought to balance each dosha. ∙ Cleansing & detoxification: This may be done through fasting, enemas, diets, and body treatments. ∙ Herbal medicine: Examples of Ayurvedic herbs are triphala, ashwaghanda, gotu kola, guggul, and boswellia. ∙ Yoga ∙ Meditation ∙ Exercise: Individualized to a person’s constitution ∙ Massage: Medicated herbal oils are often used.

Chinaherb The Chinaherb range is a selection of the most well known so called classic formulas in addition to a number of very effective modern formulas. The range includes nourish formula, warm interior, harmonize Qi and liver, calm shen, harmonize stomach, flush downwards, clear heat, expel wind cold, expel wind heat, expel damp, relieve cough, remove phlegm, remove blood stagnation, skin, and exterior formulas. The formulas are available in


containers of 120 tablets. This supply is intended for a 15 day treatment. The tablets are manufactured in according to international GMP standard for the production of food and dietary supplements. Only carefully selected herbs are used. These are pure natural plant and mineral products, free of any animal part or product.

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Healthy Choices magazine issue 04


Mineral supplements are not created equally.

– The secret of life in a dead inland sea –

There are four critical factors that play a vital role in the potency and purity of a good mineral supplement: Form Concentration Balance Content ConcenTrace encapsulates 72 minerals and trace elements in ionic form, as they should be, allowing for quick absorption and utilization within the body. This fundamental difference is one reason why people feel an immediate improvement after taking ConcenTrace.

ConcenTrace is harvested from the Great Salt Lake in Utah and subsequently solar evaporated over a 2-year period. This solar technology results in a lowsodium and highly concentrated mineral complex. ConcenTrace contains macro minerals (magnesium, potassium, chloride and sulphur) and micro minerals including chromium, iodine, manganese, selenium and zinc, making it a balanced, complete mineral supplement. ConcenTrace is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and passes the U.S. Food Chemicals Codex’s heavy metals safety test for minerals.

Follow us on for additional mineral wisdom, testimonials and give away products.


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

Highly concentrated mix with water, juice or food

ConcenTrace South Africa’s Favourite Mineral Supplement – since 1997 –

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Over 72 Minerals & Trace Elements Ionic (Directly Absorbable) 100% Natural & Low Sodium Gluten Free Kosher/Halal Certified GRAS-Affirmed Harvested from the Great Salt Lake, USA


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


Keralan Sambar


erala is right at the top of my list of places I want to visit. It is located on the Malabar coast of south-west India & is known for having some of the best & most delicious vegetarian food in the whole of India. That & its beautiful beaches, backwaters, tropical forests & luxury Ayurvedic retreats & you can see why I am so keen to get there. Until that day arrives I am happy to continue on my culinary journey around my kitchen & be transported by the flavours & smells unique to that area. Sambar is a typical southern


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Indian vegetable stew made with lots of vegetables & pigeon peas (or lentils) in a tamarind broth. The sambar is the spice mix or paste which has variations from state to state in the south. Coconuts grow along the coast in Kerala & most of their signature dishes feature it in some form. This Keralan Sambar powder is made by toasting coconut along with the spices & grinding it to create a paste that is used to flavour the stew. The sambar is finished or tempered with a garnish of mustard seeds, chilli

& spices cooked in coconut oil that is poured over just before serving. In the original recipe the pigeon peas or lentils are cooked separately with some turmeric & chilli powder until soft & mushy. They are then added to the vegetables cooked in the tamarind & stock to thicken the stew towards the end. I used dried quick cooking yellow lentils that cook in the same amount of time as the vegetables so I cooked it all together. Less washing up too. The vegetables I used are just what I had in the fridge. You could use pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, aubergine, courgettes, okra‌.. Keralan Vegetable & Coconut Sambar Recipe Serves 4 with rice. Vegan, glutenfree. Adapted from The Mistress of Spices & Sankeerthanam 75-100 g dried yellow lentils 300 g sweet potato, scrubbed & cut into 2 cm chunks 300 g cauliflower florets 300 g (1 very large) tomato, chopped

200 g green beans, trimmed & halved 1 litre veg stock 1 or 2 tbsp tamarind paste 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp chilli flakes salt about 1 tsp jaggery/brown sugar or honey For the tempering: 2 tsp coconut oil 1/2 tsp mustard seeds 1 dried red chilli whole (I used fresh) 1/2 tsp cumin seeds curry leaves (if you can get them) Put the veg stock & tamarind in large pot with the turmeric, chilli flakes, lentils, sweet potato & cauliflower. Bring to the boil, season with salt then lower the heat, cover & simmer for about 15 minutes until the potatoes & lentils are cooked. Meanwhile make the sambar paste. For the sambar paste 4 Tbsp grated coconut 1 cardamom pod 1 tsp ground cori&er seeds 1 dry red chilli (I used fresh) 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1/4 tsp black peppercorns

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


1/2 cinnamon stick 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 small onion, roughly chopped salt Toast everything in a dry frying pan until fragrant & toasty. The onions wont be cooked. Blend to a paste adding some salt & water as necessary. Stir the sambar paste into the vegetable pot then add the softer vegetables, the beans & tomatoes. Bring to the boil again, lower the heat, cover & simmer for


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another 10 minutes or longer, until the lentils have broken down & you have a thicker stew consistency. Add the jaggery/sugar or honey & taste for seasoning. Does it need more salt or sugar? When ready to serve, heat the coconut oil in pan over a medium high heat & add the tempering spices, chilli & curry leaves (if using). When the seeds start to splutter tip the contents of the pan over the stew & serve with rice or flatbreads.

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making money in wellness The Mangosteen has been around for thousands of years. But, until Joe Morton and the other XanGo founders took the necessary steps to bring this fruit & it’s benefits to the world, others had not seen it’s potential.


ealth is our most significant asset. With the extreme stresses of life, it is hard to ensure complete soundness of our bodies & minds by ensuring we obtain all the nutrients necessary to sustain vitality. A special fruit has demonstrated tremendous medicinal & health supporting properties - grown in South Asia, the Mangosteen is also known as ‘The Queen of Fruits’. XanGo, the first company to notice the advantages of the exotic Garcinia Mangostana, not only leads the mangosteenbased beverage market - it created it. Along with this new market, both new opportunities & possibilities were created.


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

XanGo & H2O International afford aspiring entrepreneurs an incredible business opportunity. H2O International SA is one of the leading independent distributors of XanGo. H2O International SA, together with it’s team of trained independent distributors helps new distributors use the power, speed & omnipresence of web blending with established direct selling methods to create a successful home-based business based on Mangosteen products. With Mangosteen’s sustaining benefits, its overall preventative effect & ability to support & strengthen immunity, it is a sure sell. XanGo charges distributors a

once off sign up fee of R 245.00 for a Distributor Kit. This allows one to purchase XanGo Juice at wholesale prices & earn commissions on any product sales within your distributor organisation. On becoming a distributor, you & Xango begin a joint venture. With the kit, access is gained to corporate meetings, sponsor support, sales tools & materials to help you get started. Aside from the initial & annual membership fee, there is no further required investment. The beauty of XanGo’s form of network marketing is that the entrepreneur determines

precisely how much money is made. This is purely action based & depends on your efforts & the volume of your hand built organisation. This network marketing business brings an exciting product directly to the people who need it - faster than any other marketing method. It is the action of the simplest form: person to person selling that benefits all involved. To join XanGo, sign up as a XanGo distributor. At the end of your signup process you will be able, with H2O International’s support and guidance, to immediately run your own home business.

For more information contact: Tony Marchesini on 082 566 1849 or e-mail: Alternately you can visit for more information.

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04



Healthy Choices magazine issue 04

Healthy Choices magazine issue 04


The Magic

of the Nia Technique


lmost 30 years ago, Nia took the intuitive risk of creating a system of movement that accesses and heals the soul. The genius of this profound intention was that, in utilizing playful, sensation-based cueing, Nia was tapping into the science of the body, creating distinct organic physiological changes that promote homeostasis and balance in the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Nia instinctively understood that Joy is a feeling of a body in homeostasis, a body that is sensing and following the impulses of an internal, natural rhythm. “ “Homeostasis is built on a simple foundation of a healthy nervous system that’s in constant rhythm between contraction and expansion. Much like the heart must contract and expand, the alternation of your nervous system between sympathetic activation (fight or flight) and


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

parasympathetic relaxation (rest and digest) is crucial to maintaining your body’s balance.” Unconsciously, you experience this nervous system balance throughout your Nia class. Which happens after a few sessions once you ‘relax’ into the movement form and find the familiarity. “The movements used, offer our body consistent compressions and expansions that serve to awaken the body and modulate the alternation of your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems (your autonomic nervous system). With this modulation, your body and nervous system become like a gentle rhythmic wave, with the tide going in and going out. Because of this pulsating wave, you and your body become more fluid, more resilient, more balanced. Joy is the experience of being fluid and being present.

Feeling stuck is a signal that the nervous system has lost its fluid balance. In this stagnation of trapped energy, the brain sends a cascade of stress hormones and chemicals, resulting in pain, illness, or just not feeling fully connected to or in charge of your life. Nia’s distinct movements of shaking and shimmying, and of sounding, create vibrations in the body that restore autonomic nervous system function and relax the brainstem, the survival part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord. In restoring

balance, you massage muscles, fluids, nerves, vital organs and bones to dissolve blocks that are stuck, and you reestablish the feeling that all body parts are connected and working harmoniously.” (Excerpts from the Nia HG, US Nia newsletter that Jeanne from i.move studio would like to share with you) Jeanne van der Merwe Contact: 021 851 7037 072 290 51 60 E-mail:

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aijiquan or Tai Chi is an internal martial art of ancient Chinese origin. It is known amongst martial arts as the ‘supreme ultimate.’ Today Tai Chi is taught predominantly for it’s numerous health benefits. This art differs from the majority of movement forms as it works


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

from the inside out. The focus is on postural alignment, relaxation and internal cultivation. This cultivation teaches practitioners to function on a physical level with the body moving as an integrated whole. Tai Chi is often likened to a ‘moving meditation’ and when observing a group of students

Photography: Martin van Niekerk

practicing together, this can be seen and felt. When mind and body are relaxed, students move with seeming effortlessness and grace. The movements are practiced slowly, with intention, focus and concentration. Each movement flows continuously into the next. Through the alignment of the posture, the stress on the body is minimized. The joints are strengthened and health professionals recommend Tai Chi as a good weight bearing regime. Strain on the internal organs is lessened. One doesn’t sweat in Tai Chi, it’s a low impact, supportive system. We learn how to utilize our energy efficiently. Through the movements, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. The breathing deepens and more oxygen is available. Circulation is enhanced, as is cellular function. The mind and emotions become calm, which in turn helps us to cope with the challenges of daily life. For women in their 50’s Tai Chi helps to regulate hormonal fluctuations. Regular practice enhances vitality

and a sense of wellbeing. Balance and flexibility improve. Blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and digestion settle. This, in turn is beneficial for weight gain or loss. Insomnia sufferers find their sleep improves. Headaches go away. Depression and anxiety ease. With continued practice memory improves. Tai Chi maintains health, working preventatively by improving the function of the immune system. It assists in healing after injury or illness. I teach ladies in their 50’s and right into their 80’s. The younger ladies (50’s) report greater endurance and core strength. Those who do other disciplines or sports find it gives them that little bit extra to draw on. General health improves. Concentration is better, I’m told. With the alignment, several students with backache have remarked on their pain shifting. They are an absolute inspiration. With the older ladies...I have been privileged to observe them being able to hold postures, stand on one leg with balance and poise and as they relax into their practice report an

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04


easing of aches and pains related to arthritis, fybromyalgia and injuries to the spine, knees, hips and other joints. Traditionally, it is taught, one becomes older, wiser and stronger through the study and practice of Tai Chi. Philosophically, the whole concept of Tai Chi is cyclical, round and natural. It is ideally suited to women, as we understand this roundness. The cycles of nature. The shape of the earth. Birth and death. Yin and Yang. Tai Chi is about the subtle balance between opposites. Understanding ourselves. Qi (pronunciation chee) is the body’s intrinsic energy or life force, which

permeates all. Tai Chi students learn about this in themselves. Tai Chi is one of the fastest growing and most popular arts worldwide. From the east it has spread to Europe and America. There are 5 styles, the 3 most popular being Chen, Yang and Wu. South Africa is privileged to have masters from several lineages resident and teaching here. If you are looking into learning Tai Chi, be sure that the teacher has proficient knowledge and certification. Most importantly, meet them, talk to them and feel comfortable with them. Advise them of any injuries or medical conditions. What one invests in learning, one gains and Tai Chi does take discipline, patience and persistence. Good health and a sense of wellbeing are true wealth. The meditative, internal aspect brings greater awareness and mental clarity. Tai Chi functions across many levels, from the physical, to the mental, emotional and ultimately spiritual. It all depends on individual focus.

Lesley-Ann Green teaches traditional Yang style Tai Chi at Mayfair Wellness in Somerset West , Cape Town, where she practices as an acupuncturist. 021 8517037 / 082 4310640 | 48

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

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Invest in your children’s health! Opt for high quality nutritional supplements! When it comes to children’s vitamin and mineral supplements, parents should do their research before reaching out for the lowest priced item on the shelf. When buying kids supplements be aware of: · Artificial colourants, flavourants and preservatives · Sugar or harmful artificial sweeteners · Source and quality of raw materials used · Synthetic vs. Natural ingredients used · Standards of manufacturing, storage and distribution – protecting raw materials from light, moisture, heat and oxidation · Label claim integrity Animal Parade by Nature’s Plus is the American, multiple-award winning range of kid’s nutritional supplements with wholefoods and other high quality natural ingredients, containing no artificial additives or sugar. Every aspect of manufacturing is guaranteed through independent laboratory

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Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

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Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04



is taking too long! W

hen the sun doesn’t come out and it’s grey outside. When you feel the cold in your bones and you can’t tell what time it is because the morning doesn’t start with a sunrise. When you find yourself wondering why winter is always longer than summer and will it ever end? That is when you might have a slight case of the winter blues. What to do? You can wait it out, while longing for summer, pretending you can already feel the warm sand between your toes on the beach and checking the state of your summer wardrobe. This will only make the


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

winter seem more eternal. Or you can ignore winter, go out in your shorts, have your dinner on the outside terrace of the restaurant (alone!) and make light summer salads, but you will most likely not be able to keep this up for a whole winter. So how to get through to summer then? Embrace it, accept that it is here and immerse yourself in the good things that winter has to offer. When it’s dark and gloomy outside, light some candles, put on some music and make it really cosy inside. Go really over the top, pretend it’s Christmas, make


with the world’s most complete and highest quality supplements by Nature’s Plus, directly from the U.S.


• Winners of 7 Prestigious US Awards • Sugar Free (sweetened with • With Whole Food Concentrates Fructose or Xylitol) • All Vegan (except Omega and DHA) • All Natural and Free from Artificial • Gluten Free Additives

Get your FREE SAMPLE in store!!! Available at Wellness Warehouse and other leading Health Stores in the Western Cape and Gauteng. Exclusively imported & distributed by Earth Links (Pty) Ltd. | 072 469 6699

Glühwein and hot chocolate, bake puddings and tell each other stories by candle light. Adjust your rhythm to the light. It gets dark earlier, so you might as well go to bed earlier. And if you can, sleep a little later. During the day though, make sure you get outside. Go for a walk after work to see what nature does in winter, how the animals hibernate and the trees protect their branches against the cold. Or even better, go for a run. This will make your blood flow and it gets the warmth back into your body. Find warmth and light in companionship. Reconnect with friends and family that you haven’t seen for a while. While you’re stuck in the house looking out at the stormy weather, why

not write someone a letter? Catch up on your reading. A winter evening sets the perfect background for a long epic novel. Think ‘War and Peace’ or ‘Lord of the Rings’. When summer does arrive, you’ll be busy having outdoors fun, so get whatever you need to do indoors done in winter. Clean out your cupboards, reorganise your kitchen, mend your clothes and sort out your finances. And then of course, there’s endless fun to be had indoors; jigsaw puzzles, board games, making your own artworks, catching up on all the movies and documentaries you have had on your to watch list for so long. Maybe winter isn’t so bad after all?

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Recharge your life - Step up to the GOLD! Source of Life GOLD, by top American manufacturer Nature’s Plus, represents the next quantum leap in whole food multivitamin supplementation. Backed by OptiMicron™ Technology, each Source of Life Chewable is packed with 10 times the nutrient concentration, while dissolving rapidly for optimal absorption.

For peak nutrition, boundless energy and life-enhancing benefits found nowhere else, try Source of Life GOLD Multivitamin Chewables today!

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Tired of eating meat & fish but don’t know where to from here? I

recently decided that I am done eating meat or fish. I realised that I could have all the protein my body needs from vegetables, beans, grains and nuts. Not only will I get in all the protein I need, but at the same time I am consuming nutrient dense food rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Rule of thumb when following this path is to make sure you eat food from all the groups mentioned to ensure you consume all the essential amino acids. So if you eat 100grams of animal protein a day you’re consuming between 12.8g protein (100g eggs) and 30g protein (for 113.33g of beef). Vegan alternatives per 100g: Oats 14.2 g protein Kidney beans 23.1 g protein Peas 24.5g protein Peanuts 26.9g protein Lentils 25g protein


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

Chickpeas 20.8g protein Corn 10g protein (obviously buy organic and non-GM0) Brown rice 7.5 g protein Rye 12.2 g protein And the list goes on... Absolute Organix sells a Raw Vegan Protein that contains 12g of protein per 15g serving! Check out their product offering at For great vegetarian recipes have a look at www.foodblogandthedog. I would also recommend you get your hands on Naturally Nutritious by Heidi du Preez and Karen Werge Tilney. It’s not exclusively a vegan cookbook; there are fish and meat recipes, but these tend to be the exception rather than the norm. On top of that they have glutenfree, wheat-free, sugar-free and dairy-free options. Mouthwateringly good!

Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04





FOOD 1. Choose food that is grown organically or biodynamically and without any pesticides or chemical fertilisers (have a look at www.bloublommetjieskloof. ). 2. Avoid any “food” that’s been genetically modified. 3. Make sure your meat is freerange or organically grown. Avoid any meat with added growth hormones, antibiotics, or any other drugs. You definitely want to avoid any meat from a factory farm (please do the world a favour and watch Food Inc.). 4. Avoid any food with artificial ingredients or preservatives. 5. Always buy your vegetables


Healthy Choices Magazine Issue 04

and fruit fresh. And buy colourful produce. The more colours you consume the higher your intake of health promoting phytonutrients will be. 6. Ask yourself. Is your food grown sustainably? Does the farm favour quality over quantity? 7. Buy local where possible. Not only will you eat more of what is in season, but you will reduce your carbon footprint. And you will support the local economy at the same time. And please have respect for your food and where it comes from.


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Healthy Choices ratE Card Advertising Rates Full page ad: R750.00 or R650.00 when booking for 3 issues Contact: Paul de Kock: 0823932888 Lesley-Ann Green: 0824310640

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All things summer! 62

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