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TV Channel 110 Starlife. Open View
Series •Forever Yours •Chasing My Heart •The Crossroads
Well we must admit Bollywood Serieses has a way of making people get glued to their televisions and never wanting to miss an episode.
Bollywood Series on Starlife like Forever Yours,Chasing My Heart & The Crossroads has won many households viewership and mostly women.
I personally learn a lot from the women in these Series for example Paakhi in Forever Yours. Paakhi is kind, patient, caring,honest and she fights for her marriage, she has a way to win her husband’s heart over any situation, I personally admire her.
My favourite series is Forever Yours I personally admire Paakhi she is strong and has taught me a lot of lessons including how to win a stepchild heart.
I learnt that if you really show a stepchild love she or he will eventually love you and call you Mom from the bottom of his or her heart not on forced basis.
My favourite series is Forever yours and my favourite actress is Paakhi, I admire the way she handles situations. She doesn’t rush into anger no matter how disturbing the situation is.She thinks before she responds and she always response amazingly to situations , that even surprises her enemies, she can leave an enemy dumpfolded and end up loving her instead. Kkkkkk I really admire Paakhi and I have learnt a lot from her .
My favourite series is Chasing my heart and my favourite actress is Naina.
Naina has so much love for her mother and in any situation her mother comes first, I admire her a lot and Iam learning a lot from her.
“I love the 3 serieses, Forever Yours The Crossroads and Chasing my heart.
I personally learnt a lot of life lessons from them, I love the acting costumes,setup and somehow loves the “pausemood” where a couple can just pause for seconds just looking at each other without saying anything,the actors are really good at that I applause them for that. Sometimes just these pauses makes the film interesting.