3 minute read

Today Is Your Prison Break


Today Is Your Prison Break


Sometimes we have to experience some hard things in life in order to become the example of what it means to overcome.

Jesus, the ultimate overcomer, became the source of the gift of eternal life, but in order for us to receive that gift, He had to experience the pain and sorrow of death on the cross.

In order to conquer something, you must first experience it. Sometimes you have to go through the fire to conquer the fire. You must have the behind-bars experience in order to become the fire that melts the iron bars.

What God designed from the foundations of this earth for your life, was for you to shift atmospheres, loose regions and set continents free with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your story of how you were able to burst through the iron bars of your prison.

The prison bars in many areas of our lives may include: depression and demonic oppression, fear, alcoholism, abusive relationships, lies, anger, rejection homosexuality, abortions, HIV AIDS, cancer, unforgiveness, and so much more!

But TODAY is a different day. Today is your prison break!

Your mind will be renewed today and you will understand that even though you went through pain and hard situations, God’s plan is not for you to be bound by it, but for you to be His portal of deliverance and freedom in these end times.

It's time to tell the prison situation thank you for the inheritance. It’s time to be promoted from that place of bondage because purpose cannot die and furthermore, divine purpose cannot stay bound.

Speak to your prison bars!

Arise in the power of Jesus Christ and go forward, because...TODAY IS YOUR PRISON BREAK!

Someone is waiting on your overcomer story.


Father, in the name ofJesus, today I break out ofthe prison bars which have held me bound in various areas ofmy life (name those areas). I thank You for the blood ofYour son Jesus Christ through which I have been given the power over every prison situation. I ask You to forgive me ifI have not learned the lessons that You wanted to teach me through the pain. Forgive me for the times I have complained and have not been as strong as I should. Strengthen me Father and grant me the grace and power to push in prayer, reading Your Word and increasing in faith so that You can use me for Your glory and use the hard places to bring others to You. Today I declare and decree that I am more than a conqueror through You who gives me the strength. I am an overcomer! Today is my prison break so that Your purpose can be worked out in my life. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, AMEN!

W H O I S S T A C E Y - A N N G A R V E Y ?

Minister Stacy-Ann Garvey is a 38 year old author, speaker, coach, conference host and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is from the beautiful island of Jamaica and she gave her life to the Lord in 2011 while behind the walls of The Fort Augusta Adult Correctional Centre where she was serving a prison sentence.

Her story is one of a mess that God turned into a miracle through her surrender and total dedication to the Holy Spirit for his Glory.

Stacy-Ann has been chosen and qualified by God to tell others of Jesus Christ; the hope of His salvation that brought true transformation to her life. Her story is one that brings hope to those who have been afflicted and cast aside by society.

Website: www.resurrectedgminist.wixsite.com/website Facebook: Resurrected Garvey Instagram: @Resurrectedgarvey

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