Divine Purpose Magazine - July 2017

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purpose DIVINE


Minister Shaniqua Howell BARBADOS

Rashida Parasram

Pain to Purpose pg. 11


IN THIS EDITION: Testimonies of God's Great Transforming Power Around the World pg. 16



pg.5 JULY 2017


purpose MAGAZINE Promoting men and women around the world on purpose for God!


Highlights in This Feature


Apostle Mudassa Gaymes: A Man With A Heart Set on God


Rashida Parasram: Feeding the Passion in Barbados


Minister Shaniqua Howell: Pain to Purpose


I Testify


Author Feature: Dee Nolly


New Book Alert

contact us

available online





Apostle Mudassa Gaymes is the Founder and CEO of YHVH Revealed Network, a multifaceted apostolic-prophetic hub located in Canada. He is a Prophetic Apostle who flows with the anointing through profound revelatory teachings and preaching, deliverance, healing, miracles, insights and foresight. Apostle Gaymes is a trailblazer who is endued with Holy Ghost and Fire for such a time as this and is authorized to reveal, establish and advance the Kingdom of One - YHVH, Yeshua HaMashiyach and Ruach HaKodesh.

Rashida Parasram lives life on her home island Barbados as a freelance certified accountant with her own consultancy firm, MPR Consulting . She started the Feed the Passion blog to provide young female entrepreneurs with business tips and information tailored to Barbados’ unique business environment. Her passion for seeing small businesses thrive has led her to write her first book: Be Your Own Boss! The Essential Guide For Launching Your Business.

Minister Shaniqua Howell is a Barbadian Christian author and speaker. Through her ministry S.L.H Ministries, Shaniqua encourages single women and men as they go through the process of waiting on God.

Dee Nolly was born and raised in Texas and is now a single mother of one. Dee is an educator, daughter, sister, motivational speaker, author and cancer survivor. After earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication in 2010, she continued her educational journey by obtaining her Master’s Degree in Education in 2011, with both degrees from Texas Wesleyan University. She is currently working on a second Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership.

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Crystal Daye is a minister, international Christian empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, best-selling author of the book “Living A Royal Reality”, mother and an all-around Jesus girl. After experiencing the redeeming power of Christ in her life there is no way she could keep quiet about it; it is the core of who she is. It is this power and passion that drives her life and has caused her to have a strong desire to see other women live life on purpose and experience all God has for them. As the COO of DayeLight International, Crystal helps kingdom influencers and female entrepreneurs package their message in order to increase their impact and influence using their passions.




A Man With A Heart Set on God Though my childhood years were spent in church, I was aware that this was not a passport or plane ticket to Heaven. As good as going to church was/is, I needed to be born again. Having a relationship with The God of Israel is more valuable than sitting in a pew. Between the ages of 7-12, I made numerous decisions to follow the LORD. Finally, at thirteen, I settled my doubts, accepted Yeshua HaMashiyach - The Anointed One as Savior and Lord of my life forever, and followed Him in water Baptism. The covenant I made with Him was the turning point in my life.

As I pursue Him, the closer to Him I get; the closer I get, the more of who He really is I see. The Holy Ghost gives revelation; He makes it possible to get to know God; without Him one will only acquire information. Though there were childhood encounters, they never seemed to be enough to quench the growing hunger and thirst I had and still have today. There is always more to be discovered because God has never disclosed all of who He is at once.

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It catapulted me on a quest to personally get to know the LORD. Yet God and the process of getting to know Him was and still is a mystery. Apostle Paul affirms this in his letter to the Messianic Community at Rome. He revealed that "...the depth of the riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God...[are] inscrutable (impossible to understand, explored or interpret)..." (Romans 11:33 CJB personalized).

My journey of getting to know God was initiated by my desire to get to the root of The Bible. I thought then, getting to the root had to do with the words contained so I longed for Hebrew and Greek. Yet when I discovered it goes beyond the words contained, I desired the Word it proclaims. Getting to the bottom only becomes a reality by meeting and getting to know the Author - Ruach HaKodesh - Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit.

Knowing Him by name is definitely imperative for all who seek to know Him...

While on this sacred route, I came to realize that like us, God has a personal name by which He is identified. This personal name is also His desired choice of identification. Contrary to popular belief, that name is not God; that is a category used to identify as well as is associated with deity. It is for this reason that Scripture uses such things as the capitalized "G", "the Living God", "the God of Isra'el" and such to refer to Him and to distinguish Him from the others. According to Scripture, names do matter and have great significance. They reflect an aspect from the birth of the child, represents the purpose set aside for the child or reveal the essence of a person. So the personal and covenant name of God should particularly be noteworthy to us because it reveals who He is, His character, promise, authority, and power. Knowing Him by name is definitely imperative for all who seek to know Him as well as belong to Him. For according to Prophet Isaiah, God disclosed: "...I will reveal My name to My people, and they shall know the power of that name. Then, at last, they will recognize that it is I, yes, I, who speaks to them" (Isaiah 52:6 TLB). The personal name of God was divulged to Prophet Moshe (Moses) at the burning bush encounter as “…I AM THAT I AM…” (Exodus 3:14 KJV), which is represented by the Hebrew letters Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey. Technically known as the Tetragrammaton (the four letters), the Ancient English equivalent of this is submitted by scholars as YHWH. Yet with the absence of the letter “W” in Hebrew language, its Modern English equivalent is rendered according to Hebrew alphabet - Yod Hey Vav Hey - YHVH. Due to negligence, the original pronunciation of this name is uncertain. So as a means of assisting in the pronunciation of both the ancient and modern spelling of this name, scholars have added the vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ to the four letters. With the addition of these English vowels to the four letters, the Personal and Covenant Name of remains in its ancient English form. Now with such uncertainty, the safest thing to do will be to pronounce His name using all letters - Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey

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God is often spelt “Yahweh (pronounced Yah-way) or Yahveh (pronounced Yah-vay)”. Yet for the most, the pronunciation

YHVH is definitely a name and Person who is Incomparable! His personal name separates Him from the many who are trying to be classified in His category. YHVH is rendered in the King James Version of the Holy Bible as well as some other versions as “LORD”. It is the desire of His heart for personal connection with mankind; so He irrevocably revealed - “… [YHVH] is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations” (Exodus 3:15 KJV personalized).

In closing, while on this journey, I have discovered who He is and have kept pursuing Him. Like Apostle Peter, having received this revelation, He disclosed the purpose for which I was created. As an ordained Apostle of Yeshua HaMashiyach, my purpose in life is to Reveal, Establish and Advance the Kingdom of One - YHVH, Yeshua HaMashiyach and Ruach HaKodesh. There is absolutely no better purpose in life than to personally know YHVH and make Him known. So if you desire to know the purpose for which you were created, you should seek to get to know the Creator and He will disclose such to you. "May grace and shalom be yours in full measure, as you come to a full knowledge of God and Yeshua our Lord" (2 Peter 1:2 CJB).

Website: https://yhvhrevealedkim.com

Issue 27 | 234

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Facebook Page - YHVH Revealed Network Twitter - @MudassaGaymes Instagram - @sent2revealone Google+ - Mudassa Gaymes


God has created you for a special purpose. Now is the time for you to pursue that purpose.

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Interview with Rashida

feeding the passion in Barbados What does your ministry entail? My ministry is simply one of encouraging and advising, whether its a business issue or otherwise. What is your business involve? Currently I own and manage two business ventures which utilize my experience and training as a Certified Accountant and Business Advisor. The first company is Feed the Passion, a fresh lifestyle blog catering to Barbadian female entrepreneurs between the ages of 22 - 35. The blog provides resources and advice to assist entrepreneurs in areas of concern to them when starting, managing and growing a businesses. E.g. business planning, accounting, HR.

Above Rashida takes a look at the Make It Happen Magazine (Keepsake Edition 2016).

Website: www.feedthepassion.net. My other business venture is MPR Consulting which is a boutique accounting advisory firm providing a range of services to clients in various industries. We provide the typical accounting services like recoding business transactions and compiling financial statements as well as specialised services such as business valuations and preparation of company projections. Website: www.mprconsulting.soultions. Tel no.: 246-824-1575 Email: enquiries@mprconsulting.solutions

How did you discovered/are you discovering God divine purpose for our life? I don't believe that discovering God's divine purpose for your life is a static process where all aspects are revealed at once and you then go on to live that purpose. I think that everything you are exposed to, experience, like, dislike, etc. all helps to

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Our resources include: Books Magazines Checklists Videos Workshops Blog posts discussion areas of concern in detail. A newsletter

Feed the Passion also provides reasonably priced website advertising space so that smaller business can access a wider audience for their products.

" everything you are exposed to, experience, like, dislike, etc. all helps to shape your purpose. Therefore, I don't think I have been exposed to all of God's purpose for my life, I am still discovering and will continue to discover His purpose for me as I continue to live and have various experiences. What words of encouragement can you give to persons seeking to identify and walk in God purpose?

Be Your Own Boss! The Essential Guide For Launching Your Business - This E-book is the ideal guide for anyone ready to make the jump into the world of entrepreneurship. Outlined in easy-to-follow steps is the way for you to launch your business in Barbados. Make It Happen Magazine - Our Make it Happen Keepsake Edition is dedicated to Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016 hosted by Barbados Youth Business Trust and features the events as well as the people behind this week of activities. Advertise with Feed the Passion If you are a small businesses owner looking for a great avenue to promote your product and/or services visit www.feedthepassion.net/advertisewith-us/ for more information.

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Many people place this incredible amount of pressure on themselves to discover what their God given purpose is and understandably get frustrated when it's not revealed in a way that they are expecting. My advice would be to stop pressuring yourself, as long as you continue to commit to being in a relationship with God, He will direct and order your steps and even if you mess up or something didn't work out, view that as part of the journey and not a failure in walking in your purpose.


Minister Shaniqua talks on

pain to purpose A Queen turns her Pain into Power and Purpose, and that's exactly what I did. My childhood was not the worst, but I was left with multiple scars. Due to my parents not being there the way I wanted when I was growing up, I struggled tremendously with rejection and insecurity. Many times I felt as If I was never good enough for anything or anyone. For years I walked around with a mask in order to cover up the hurt and the pain I was experiencing. But we can only pretend for so long. At the age of 17, I started to self-harm. I was searching for a way to escape the emotional and mental pain and it seemed like the easiest thing to do. But little did I know that it was just a means of a temporary release. I was a broken little girl who needed rescuing; not knowing that the only person who could save me was God. Looking back I can attest to the fact that God had His hands on me even when I wanted nothing to do with Him. He really does love us even while we were still sinners as Romans 5:8 says. I was able to stop cutting myself about two years later, but the pain never left.

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Throughout my adult years, as I suffered in silence, my issues progressed to newer heights. But then I met a Man in 2009, a Man who loved me with an unconditional love and wanted to release me from my burdens. That Man is Christ. In the beginning, I had one foot inside the church and the other in the world. I loved God, but I wasn't able to let go of the things of the world. When I made the decision to fully surrender my life to Christ, I saw His restorative power manifest in my life.

If you are unsure of what your purpose is at this moment in your life, I encourage you to seek the face of the Lord and let Him be your guide. MINISTER SHANIQUA HOWELL CONTACT: MINISTER SHANIQUA HOWELL Facebook: SLH Ministries Instagram: S.L.H Ministries Facebook: Shelev Publishing Company Instagram: shelevpublishing

If you are unsure of what your purpose is at this moment in your life, I encourage you to seek the face of the Lord and let Him be your guide. As the late Myles Munroe rightfully said, "The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” My goal is to leave a godly legacy on this earth when I die, that my children and their children will know the wondrous works of the Lord. I am a firm believer that we should never allow our pain to be wasted. All the mess of my past is being used as a marvelous message today. The bricks that were thrown at me by life and the enemy were used to build a mansion. The fire was never sent to destroy me, but only to make me pure as gold. I always had the power all along; I just had to learn it for myself. I have come to realize that everything I need to fulfill my mission can be found in God and within me. I have uncovered my power and I have no problem using it. My potential is limitless, I have only just begun. I was never the one who had a sense of purpose in life. Everyone knew who they wanted to be or what they wanted to do when they were younger, but I was always clueless. God started to reveal His purpose for my life and in 2013 SLH Ministries was birthed. My mission is to challenge Christians to live a life of purity and righteousness, honoring God with their life and body, and to also encourage and empower single men and women to wait on God for their purpose mate and to live a full life despite their marital status.

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After graduating from Bible school in 2014 I wrote my first book #Diary of a Girl, which was released the following year; and in 2016 I released my second book The Waiting Room. This year I started my own publishing company. 'Shelev Publishing '. If anyone would have told me ten years ago that I would not only be a Christian but a minister of the gospel and an author, I would have laughed profusely.

SLH MINISTRIES IN BARBADOS PRESENTS LADIES IN WAITING To Register Visit: https://www.facebook.com/HowellShaniqua/

I Testify

Testimonies of God's Great Transforming Power Around the World

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11).

BECOMING A ROYAL REALITY Written by Crystal Daye

Born in one of the toughest communities in Kingston, Jamaica, I am the eldest children of both of my parents. Growing up had its very rough moments as my parents had 4 children and struggled financially to take care of us sometimes. Even though we didn’t have much, we never looked like the worst, but we were used to going to bed hungry, having no lunch money, not being able to go to school trips, wearing one uniform all year long, sleeping on the ground etc. But I wouldn’t trade those years because my siblings and I have developed wonderful relationships over the years, and it has truly taught me how to be contented with little. By the time I got to age 14 years, I began partying. I didn’t drink but I could dance up a storm, I loved skimpy clothes and even wanted to enter a dancehall queen competition. So many will know the party girl plus I had many boyfriends (a bit shame to admit that now because my dad thought I was a saint), but I easily dated 2 or 3 guys at the same time because I did not want to settle down. I was very independent and needed to climb the corporate ladder so relationships and marriage would slow me down.

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"...the plans I had for my life are so minute compared to His" My father was very strict and he made sure we understood that “education was the key to success” and the only way out of the inner-city. As a result, I was an achiever all through school and after high school, I started working and going to university on a part-time basis. My plan was to strive for academic and professional excellence. I was very focused, determined and passionate about people. I wanted to become a Politician because I really believed that was the only way I could help people. I hated the inner-city life. I hated the fact that girls got pregnant at an early age and that men would abuse them and people just didn’t have dreams, so they settled for anything. I wanted to help. In 2009, I started to host an annual workshop for the girls in the community to improve their self-esteem and confidence; little did I know that this would set the foundation for my purpose in God’s kingdom. In December that year, I got baptized. Honestly, I didn’t understand what it meant to be saved but I was a wreck with boyfriend dramas, women harassing me about their men, then a good friend of mine died unexpectantly and this shocked me so I wanted to know who God really is. I was saved for a whole three months and I couldn’t keep up with the Christian life. So I was living a double lifeattending church and partying and having sex. After I got pregnant in church, I still tried to hold on to God and from there I started to grow deeper in Him. In 2013, I felt like I wanted more. I felt like I needed to be a better person for my daughter and I just wasn’t happy even though I had the house, car, good job and pursuing higher studies. I decided to take God at His word that He had great plans for my life so I decided to stop having sex and be celibate until God sends me a husband. I stopped partying and truly started to pursue God like never before; that was when my purpose was birthed. In 2014, at a women’s retreat, my dream of helping young women came alive and the She’s Royal Movement was born. This is a faith-based organization that inspires women of all ages to become true purpose-driven ladies who are confident and knows their worth. This movement is a testament to His faithfulness as what began as a summer workshop for young ladies in Kencot (Kingston, Jamaica), blossomed into a two-day conference with international attendees and speakers. Go God☺ Since then my life has changed drastically. The plans I had for my life are so minute compared to His. I started a blog, released my best selling book “Living A Royal Reality” in 2016 and a few E-books, started 2 businesses RoyalTees Boutique and DayeLight International. I started traveling to speak, coaching international clients and really just daily trying to be a woman after God’s own heart.

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My mission in life is to reach as many women as I can to inspire them to be the best that God has called them to be. My desire is to share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ because He truly transformed my life. Life is more than education, status, money, relationships, and a career. We all have a purpose and if we miss this, then your life here on earth is totally meaningless.

A WALKING MIRACLE BY THE GRACE OF GOD Written by Dee Nolly I was sitting in church, tears running down my face when all of a sudden it hit me. Everything I had gone through was not for me to keep bottled up inside. It wasn't in vain. Every tear shed, every blow to my heart and spirit was of a purpose far greater than my human mind could ever comprehend. I was getting private tutoring sessions from God. What I went through was not something to be taught in a class with 28 seats and a smart board. This was a full on crash course in life on earth the spiritual realm between and what will bring me closer to God. I don’t have one testimony, I have several testimonies. Sitting and thinking about the several times God insist I remain here on earth. We all have something that we struggle with rather it be diabetes, lupus etc… for me I always had stomach problems. Certain things I knew to never allow to come close to my mouth for fear of having an awful stomachache. Stress is but one of the many things thattakes peoples life. When I was married we were unequally yoked in several ways. I was Christian he was not. He believed in God to a certain point he just chose to not acknowledge his presence. That within itself was a major sin on my part. Thinking I can save someone who doesn't want or believe they need saving. My marriage was not blessed by God and little did I know the marriage was my beginning to my own spiritual awareness of things I didn't know existed like spiritual warfare including transfer of spirits and solutes.

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Fighting to keep my marriage intact took its toll on me emotionally as well as spiritually and physically. It is during that struggle I began to have stomach pains. Stomach pains that were not of this earth. My stomach would bloat up and I would look four months pregnant. I thought nothing of it originally because it would stop hurting and return to normal within a few days. So I basically chopped it up to stress. Once I realized my marriage was doomed and their was absolutely nothing further on my part that could be done, I filed for divorce. By this time, the emotional and spiritual struggle manifested and began to show more sign physically. I didn't sleep at night. I became unpleasant to be around. I no longer saw the world as mine for the taking but a place of negativity. I no longer saw the beauty in anything. I became a very negative person. I stopped attending church and quietly retreated to my comfortable box called my home without communicating with anyone but my daughter. One particular night my stomach seemed different. Different meaning I wasn't in any pain just a little uncomfortable. I decided to take myself to the ER to ask for medicine to help calm my stomach. The Doctors decided they wanted to do an X-ray before they gave me a prescription. After the X-ray was done the ER Doctor came racing to me saying that I need emergency surgery and I was gong to have this done within 30 to 45 minutes. At this point, I was thoroughly confused. I stood up trying to leave the ER but they would not allow me to leave. Next thing I knew I woke up to my parents standing over me crying. According to doctors my stomach had completely twisted. At that time I could not comprehend what was being told to me. Apparently, due to the constant stress including the anger that had built up in me over the demise of my marriage finally manifested in a horrific way. If I had waited just 40 more minutes to go to the ER I would not be here; my blood supply would have been completely cut off and I would not have been here today. My stomach was literally taken out untwisted then put back inside of me. I stayed two weeks in the hospital in the IC. Exactly one year to the date, I went for my check up to make sure all was well and functioning accordingly in my stomach. I had what was called an endoscopy where a small camera attached to the end of a cord is put down your throat to examine your stomach and other internal organs. It is during this examination when the cancer was found. So not only did I almost die a year to the date before; now it was possible I was facing the same fate again. Because of the location of the cancer and given the fact my body was still healing from my previous surgery I was told nothing could be done. I was in a board room when Doctors came in. I would say it was at least six of them. I was informed that if they performed the surgery on me I was sure to die on the operating table. They made a unanimous decision not to operate. They decided my chance for survival would be greater if I were to just leave the cancer where it was. They further explained it was a slow growing cancer and that I may never have symptoms for 10 to 15 years. As you can imagine, learning my fate in that office did not sit well with me. That is when I really started searching for the reason God was picking on me. In my mind, that’s what I thought he was doing. I mean let's face it. What are the odds of things like this happening to one person all within a 12 month period? Obviously, I am being picked on right? I began to plan my will to ensure the love of my life would be left with the only people who loved her just as much as me my parents. I knew with them she would be their very first priority, they would make sure she got the help she needed both spiritually and psychologically after losing her mother at such an early age. She would be engulfed in nothing but love and constant attention.

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It is also during this time the anger that once subsided in me came back. Here I was again hating the world and everything in it. Through constant prayer. Not just praying when I sleep at night but prayer throughout the day including morning, midday, evening and night. Prayers that I made sure God could hear because I was speaking them aloud with my mouth, not my thoughts. Prayers that would not stop until tears were rolling down my face and I was crying uncontrollably trying to understand what exactly God wanted from me and why me.

"A WALKING MIRACLE BY THE GRACE OF GOD" CONT'D It is during one of those prayer sessions a calmness crept over me. A calm I had never felt before. God told me to stop writing my will and stop making preparations for my departure from this earth because I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I was given the name of another Doctor about two hours away from me and told to make an appointment with him. It is during that visit he took one look at me and my charts, he put his hand on my hand and said you will be fine. I can take this out. You will live and you will be fine. According to the previous Doctors there was no way on earth I would even make it through the surgery yet alone be here four years later telling my story. Nothing is coincidental or by accident. Just as God has plans for you the devil has plans too. It is up to you whom you choose to believe and how you handle the outcome of what is going on in your life. The only person that has the last say about any and everything is God. I learned that fear is not something God gave us. Fear is the enemy keeping us in an emotional, and spiritual state of doubt.

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As stated in my book Broken Wing, though my recovery was painful and very long. It is during my recovery and moments of isolation I began to have conversations with God. Those conversations led me to understand why I went through everything I went through. Those conversations led me to further understand God and my purpose. It is during those conversations I went from knowing about God to actually knowing God.


Dee Nolly was born and raised in Texas and is now a single mother of one. Dee is an educator, daughter, sister, motivational speaker, author and cancer survivor. After earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication in 2010, she continued her educational journey by obtaining her Master’s Degree in Education in 2011, with both degrees from Texas Wesleyan University. She is currently working on a second Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership. | PAGE 22


WWW.THEBROKENWING.ORG The personal journey of a daughter, mother, teacher, author, motivational speaker and a child of God, this story shares how the author overcame many obstacles including stomach cancer and an emotionally abusive relationship. These heartaches fueled the strength, resilience, and spirituality that helped make her the woman that she is still becoming today. This book will take you into a world of courage and audaciousness that will inspire you. No matter what your circumstances, you are sure to find that a very mirroring comparison of some of your life struggles go hand in hand with those of my strength-filled journey. This book proves that no one is really ever alone. Everyone has a higher calling, but in order to get to that higher calling, there are fires we must walk through, mountains we must climb and millions of tears that must be shed.


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BROKEN WING'S PLANNER & JOURNAL The journals designed by Dee Nolly come with 100 pages and are perfect for taking notes, sketching and jotting down important information. This fabulous 17-month get it together life planner designed by Dee Nolly makes for the perfect time management tool to help those busy keep it together! Popular planner format displays a week-at-a-view to help keep you organized 7 days at a time. Calendar/life planner covers 17 months (August 2017 -December 2018). Helpful for anyone busy and always on the go. Pages throughout this life planner provide space for recording contact information for family and friends and writing notes.

Keep in mind the 17-month planner is available for preorder and will be in stock early July 2017.

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30-minute increments are listed to help keep track of any important appointments that lay ahead.

All planners can be purchased at www.thebrokenwing.org under the shop tab.




BIRTHING THE PURPOSE GOD PLACED IN YOU Way before you were born, God has planted a spiritual baby inside of you called PURPOSE. Birthing The Purpose God Has Placed in You is your 30week devotional that brings your spiritual baby into focus. This devotional is for the woman or man who is ready to pursue God's divine calling upon their life.

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