by Dana Hayes-Burke Vision Strategist, Life Coach & Motivational Speaker
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and I called you to be….” (Jeremiah 1:5) I remember when God spoke to me from this scripture. I remember the pause at the words “to be” because it was a defining pause. It was a pause that would accelerate my journey to alignment – the alignment of what I was built for with what I was built with. This was the start of my walking more boldly into my purpose and business in one. I understand that for many Christians the idea of business and purpose coming together may seem contradictory at the least and even blasphemous at the most. It is because of this mindset that many of us feel that we must choose one or the otherwhen in fact, you might be one of the persons that God designed to execute your purpose through business. The constant separation of the spiritual and secular in our mindset results in us living very dichotomous lifestyles- we have secular
days and spiritual days, we have secular activities and spiritual activities, we have secular lives and spiritual lives; but for the Christian, God’s intention is that we live one life and to live that one life abundantly. Abundant and purposeful living is found in tapping into the things that God internally wired us to do. For some, that purpose is found as a teacher, for some a pastor, for another a singer or volunteer and for some of us, purposeful and abundant living is found as a business owner. In that business, you experience alignment of business and purpose because the goal of both is the same- to solve a problem and to make the world better. This brings me back to the scripture that set me on the journey to alignment – “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and I called you to be….”. How do you now if you are one of those persons for whom business and purpose aligns?
To answer this, let me first explain what I believe purpose is. It’s important to explain this because it’s such a buzz word that seems to be floating around at high intensity, right?!
“Abundant and purposeful living is found in tapping into the things that God internally wired us to do..” DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE |21