Divine Purpose Magazine - April 2020

Page 47


I used to think that if I didn't study medicine and

I've found peace and satisfaction in following God's

surgery I would lead an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

leading into Spoken word poetry.If you're at a point in

When things didn't fall through for me to become a

your life where you're confused, or plans aren't falling

doctor, I became confused.

through stay in God by studying His word, know that your first assignment is to be with Him and in that

"What would I do with my life?"

place of resting in Him, your eyes will be open to ways you can bless your world and you'll be amazed.

The year of this question-asking and deep confusion was 2016. I couldn't see myself doing anything other

In whatever assignment God has called us to, we need

than treating the sick, then God began to open my

to keep our focus on blessing people. Keeping my

eyes and mind to creative writing and speaking. I

focus on dishing out God's Word and will through

discovered I could write Bible stories from a personal

spoken word poetry and creative writing has been the

perspective and be a radio host, speaking

right strategy that has kept me on the path of destiny.

spontaneously for long hours. With the hashtag #Journalofajesusgirl you'll easily I love reading, most times when I read new books I

find my pieces on social media, particularly on

find myself wondering how best to share the concepts

Facebook. God has been awesome, God is awesome:

and wisdom I gleaned from these books. I started out

He's a purpose revealer, ask Him today to show you

writing on Facebook, and on one particular occasion I

and to lead you.

wrote a piece that didn't look like just another Facebook post, it was too long and knitted on a way that would need my readers to see the emotions


behind the words. One day I saw a spoken word piece (it was my first exposure too the art); it spoke to me in more ways than I could fully describe and then it dawned on me! "This is it!" The answer to my heart search. It dawned on me that the Facebook post I had written was a spoken word piece. I practiced it and offered to speak at an event which went great, by God's Grace. And since then, I've been invited to several gatherings and I've had the opportunity of meeting many influencial and amazing people who have blessed me tremendously. I bless

Mercy-Hephzibah is a writer and Spoken Word Artist. Using the hashtagtag #JournalofaJesusGirl, she shares her spiritual journey and Bible lessons creatively and publishes the year's collection as a magazine. Sharing God's Word such that it is relatable to everyday life is the goal of her writing/poetry. Website: www.journalofajesusgirl.com Instagram: @merhephzibah

God that everyone who hears me longs to hear me again. DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE Â |45

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