It's funny when I think about my journey into
For those of you who feel led to be a
entrepreneurship, I had no clue that it was
Kingdom Entrepreneur (Kingdompreneur), here
possible to merge your faith with business.
are 5 steps to success:
After getting a degree in Business, then attending Bible School, I didn’t think
1. Be Devoted To Prayer
“Christian” and “entrepreneurship” could coexist; it's almost like “Christian” and “Politics”;
Philippians 4:6 - "Do not be anxious about
these terms were like oil and water (at least to
anything, but in everything, by
me). So, surrendering my life to the Lord and
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
being in ministry for a few years, when I felt the
your requests to God."
tug on my heart to become an entrepreneur, there was an internal struggle. Honestly, even now sometimes, there is still a struggle but in the virtual world, there is an increased number of believers who have been bolder with their faith as they build successful businesses (For example, Chic-fil A, Hobby Lobby, Tyson Foods). Starting a business is hard but I personally believe that as believers, choosing to partner with God to build a business doesn’t make it easier but it does make it simpler. Think about it, the God we serve knows all things, He’s allwise plus He knows the end from the beginning so answering the call to build the kingdom through our entrepreneurial pursuit is an honor. Who is a Kingdom Entrepreneur? This is someone who has fully submitted and committed both their natural and supernatural gifts for the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the marketplace..-
Carla Cannon I believe there is a difference between a Christian Entrepreneur and an Entrepreneur who is a Christian. None is more inferior than the other, it’s simply how they choose to
As a Kingdompreneur, prayer is essential to success. It is through diligent prayer you’ll be able to hear what’s God desire for your business, share your concerns with Him and get the direction you need to implement strategies to make the business profitable. Understand that prayer is two-way. As you speak to the Lord and present your requests, be open to listen to what He is also saying. Always have a journal so you can keep a record of the vision that He will give to you as you communicate with Him. 2. Learn To Take Faith Steps
2 Corinthians 5:7 - “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Far too often, believers use prayer as a tool to procrastinate. Know that a major part of success is taking faith steps on what God has shared (that unction you get to do something). Remember, faith pleases God and clarity comes through action. It is through taking faith steps that you’ll be able to see God’s plans coming to fruition as you show forth your faith by your works.
operate in the marketplace or how God has
3. Make plans but commit them to the
called them to position themselves.
Proverbs 16:3- “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”