p oint S of d ifference
more exclusiVe feel in shanghai, “we’re not trying to be classist, trying to be specialist, we market to the 1%”1 prefer a slimmer body type culturally sensitiVe
Driven by millennials - 85% of markets growth in 20181,2. North America holds the biggest share in the market at 40%3. (Figure.1) Middle to Upper Class, occasionally low class as a one off Purchase. Eyewear has always been more popular than Sunglasses purchasing, however from 2019 to 2027 the Luxury Sunglasses market is meant to more than double4 (Figure.2). Attitudes have vastly changed, new generations see luxury as casual2 and see social time as more valuable than money (Figure.3)
c hine S e audience can B e very patriotically S en S itive , S o political point S of view S S hould B e kept out of any M arketing . u niqlo i S a j apane S e B orn B rand that B eca M e very S ucce SS ful in c hina B y S taying away fro M anything political . i n 2019 ru M our S of forced la B our in c hina ’ S predo M inantly M u S lin x in j iang region , B y 2020 the u S, uk , c anada , and the e uropean u nion B anned product S fro M x in j iang entering their countrie S . j apane S e official S acknowledged the ru M our S B ut their involve M ent ended there . t hi S S aw B rand S S uch a S n ike and h &M loo S e B rand loyalty throughout c hina , in the M eanti M e j apane S e B rand u niqlo S tayed quiet and S tayed ri S ing in popularity 1 . ( f igure . 5)
y early , china di S card S around 26 M illion ton S of textile wa S te ; le SS than 1% of which goe S on to B e recycled or reu S ed 2 , thi S re S ult S fro M a law B anning profit fro M non - charita B le S ale S of S econd hand clothing , h owever , c hina i S now the B igge S t S upplier of clothing to k enya , M aking up 30% of all donation S . i n the fir S t quarter of 2017 c hina ’ S M ini S try of e nviron M ental p rotection (M ep ) reported a total of $38.3 M illion u S d (264 M illion yuan ) in fine S were handed out to M anufacturer S who contri B uted large level S of pollution 3 . t he i n S titute of p u B lic & e nviron M ental a ffair S created a tool called ‘ ipe g reen S upply c hain M ap ’, which pu B licly S how S how B rand ’ S S upplier S contri B ute to B oth water and air pollution in c hina . ipe ’ S outreach director , k ate l ogan co MM ented on the new tool “ i t create S an accounta B ility
M echani SM for B rand S and S upplier S to M aintain po S itive perfor M ance ” 4
c hina ha S the world ’ S large S t nu MB er of internet u S er S at 513 M illion people S ; o ver 300 M illion of tho S e people are c hine S e S ocial M edia u S er S . t o co M pete on the giant S ocial M edia con S u M er M arket , S o M e B rand S u S e ‘ a rtificial w riter S ’ to plant po S itive feed B ack and attack co M petitor B rand S 5 . v ideo M edia i S M a SS ive in c hina , v ideo S ocial platfor M w ei B o record M ore than 150 M illion view S per day . t o keep up with thi S u S age S hanghai ha S the country ’ S fa S te S t B road B and and with 92.4% of S hanghai hou S ehold S having a co M puter and 49.1% of it S population , M ajoritively tho S e in their twentie S , owning a SM artphone , it i S a good thing too 6 .
h ong k ong co M pany ‘ c hain of d e M and ’ u S e S ai to track and predict S ale S and de M and for B ig fa S hion B rand S ; it S ’ purpo S e i S to M ini M i S e inventory wa S te and increa S e overall profit in the long ter M . f ounder aj M ak S ay S the intelligence prioriti S e S S u S taina B ility along S ide profita B ility 7 . i n the recent S hanghai f a S hion w eek , c hine S e life S tyle platfor M , x iaohong S hu and a c hine S e S ocial S pace curator xintiandi , colla B orated with nine independent c hine S e de S igner S to create a digital fa S hion S howca S e , e ntitled ‘ d e S ign v er S e ’. t he S howca S e ran for two week S and S howca S ed 3,000 virtual fa S hion ite MS 8
c hina i S the B igge S t con S u M er M arket in the world and i S predicted to grow 6% annually over the next decade 9 S ince a pril 2022 S hanghai ha S
B een under a further lockdown due to the c ovid -19 variant , o M icron . c hine S e econo M i S t S have conducted re S earch that S ugge S t S in that ti M e S hanghai ha S re S ulted in a 4% lo SS of national inco M e . t he people of S hanghai are falling B ack into poverty , M any have S tarted ‘ g roup B uying ’, e S pecially the elderly population , to S ave M oney and pre S erve food wa S te . t he city i S on a downward hill financially , thi S could have detri M ental effect for the fa S hion M arket 10
t he c hina f a S hion i ndu S try i ntellectual p roperty S urvey S howed 60% of de S igner B rand S S aid they had B een plagiari S ed and 25% were aware of the counterfeit ver S ion S of their product . i t can take B etween S ix and eight M onth S to apply for a patent with the product only B eing protected after the application i S granted . c ounterfeit producer S getting away S elling during thi S ti M e i S known in c hina a S ‘ t rade M ark S quatting ’ 11 - w hen developing a phy S ical S tore in c hina , e M ployee S are an integral part of it S S ucce SS . c hine S e l a B our law S are notoriou S ly S trict in favour of the e M ployee . r etailer S S hould create appropriate e M ployee hand B ook S and working hour S to co M ply to the S e rule S , any S pecial reque S t S on work hour S or rule S M u S t B e S pecially approved 9 .
t he new S tore i S located in the ifc M all , th e S econd B u S ie S t M all in the world 1 c hina i S a very B ig econo M y , B ut , very M iddle cla SS , when you ’ re a luxury B rand you want to focu S on the 1%, “ we ’ re not tr ying to B e cla SS i S t , we ’ re trying to B e S pe ciali S t ” 1 a S c hine S e econo M y continue S t o grow , S et to B e the world ’ S large S t B y 2030 2 , high value - added production , M ean ing l inda f arrow ’ S S peciali SM ha S a growing M arket to M ove into .
t he c hine S e govern M ent hold S a large role the n ational econo M y of we S tern culture . M any c hine S e B u S ine SS e S have S tate financ ial S upport , and M any do M e S tic fir MS are partially owned B y national or provincial govern M ent S ; c o M ing into the M arket without the S e B enefit S put any co M pany at a d i S advantage co M pared to their c hine S e counterpart S 2 .
i nfluencer S are “ i M portant everywhere ”, in c hina they are known a S kol S . k orean influencer S and k p op arti S t S are ve ry influential in c hina , they are S aid to B e the M o S t B eautiful of all a S ian cultur e S . y ou can B uy kol S in B atche S fro M kol c o M panie S , whole S ale for influen cer S ; each activity can B e planned ; purpo S e , S trategy , and S ale S . u tili S ing influen cer M arketing M ean S a S tronger e S ta B li S hed pre S ence in the con S u M er retail M ar ket 1 .
e ach S ocial M edia platfor M ha S differ ent S trength S and focu SS e S , S o M eti M e S B eing M ore popular in different geographic regi on S of the country . t hi S i S a particularly hard eco S y S te M to M ap a S a M arketer , it increa S e S the co M plexity and require S S ignificant re S ource S and M ultiple point S of contact . t he l arge land S cape on which to M arket create S difficulty developing and tracking M arketing M etric S M aking it hard to gage and entice the correct con S u M er 3 .
- t o offend c hine S e con S u M er S and B e alienated fro M the M arket - t o choo S e the wrong S ocial platfor MS and M i SS the reach of the target audience
are more felt that consumers respond emotionally rather
seen in that rather than logically1
t o B e offended B y their favourite B rand S - t o have to S earch for S ocial interaction with B rand S
t h e f ir S t ti M e luxury co n S u M er S M arket in c hina i S growing 1 , th ey are looking for B rand S to tru S t , that repre S ent their S ocial , cultural and S tyle B eleif S
l inda f arrow ’ S M ove to S hanghai , need S to B e neutral and effective , while S tanding out . guanxi 2 i S very i M portant in c hina , it refere S to truthful and S trong relation S hip . B uiliding thi S relation S hip en S ure S we , a S a B rand , are tru S ted
u tili S e S ocial platfor MS and ai influencer S , apealing to a wide variety of conu SM r S to pro M ote the l aunch , and intergrate SM oothly with c hine S e u S er S
T he ‘M oon F es T ival ’ or ‘Z hōngqiū jié ’ 3 will B e u S ed a S a B a S e of in S piration , to tie pro M otion into the p hy S ical world ; th i S will B e with appreciation of culture in M ind
a i i nfluencer interaction S with con S u M er S will B e our M ain action leading to the S tore l aunch paired with phy S ical B ill B oard pro M otion featuring the influencer S
w e will u S e w ei B o 4 a S our S ocial platfor M , giving u S the tool S to control engage M ent and analy S e our growth in S ight S , a S well a S traffic and S ale S through the app . w ei B o ’ S S trength S lie in B eing a B le to continuely reac t and grow our pu B lic i M age
v i S ual S very S u B tly in S pired B y the M oon fe S tival - S triking , contra S ting illu S tration S while B eing re S pectful and S u B tle e ach piece will B e a S hort , few S econd S digital video l oop of the ai influencer S S howing their per S onality with the help of l inda f arrow ’ S e yewear e ach influencer will create a S erie S of pro M otional video S . e xa M ple S of how the S erie S M ight look can B e S een on the co M ing page S , created with the help of phy S ical M odel S ( due to lack of influencer i M age S with S ungla SS e S )
i n the two week S leading to the launch , t he a i influencer S will e w ei B o ’ S wide reach , and increa S e B rand engage M ent B y holding a co M petition and giveaway via each of their individual platfor MS . M er S will need to take part in engaging with B oth l inda f arrow ’ S and the i nfluencer S account S in order to enter . t heir incentive for doing S o , 3 winner S of a l inda f arrow di S count for the fir S t week of S tore opening
t he final pro M otional S trategy ha S variou S S trength S - o ur S trategy S hould cover a wide range of con S ue M er per S onalitie S within our de S ired age range of g en Z who hold 40% of the l uxury M arket iin c hina 1. - 80% of l uxury purcha S e S co M e fro M digital influence , targeting thi S M arket S pecifically M ean S we have a higher chance of profitting fro M the venture .
w e focu S very heavily on the online platfor MS , thi S M ay S ingle out the older generation S and detach the M fro M our con S u M er B a S eM oving forward M ore e M pha S i S S hould B e put on phy S ical M arketing and pro M otion to B uild the B rand S phy S ical reach .
i n the future we have the opportunity to grow our relation S hip with the ai i nfluencer S ; B uilding thi S relation S hip could S ee the B rand popularity in c hina continue to grow and M ove toward S our de S ired identity and place M ent within the M arket (S ee new B rand po S ition M ap )
t he choice of in S piration for the pro M otional M arketing , could S ee the potential of facing B ackla S h due to it S cultural root S (S ee a ppendix , re a ppreciation v S appropriation ). t he S trategy however S u B tle and re S pectful doe S co M e fro M a place of c hine S e cultural hi S tory which can B e the M ake or B reak of a B rand S S ucce SS in c hina .
Figure 1
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Figure 5
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“the retailers strategy must include more than the basics of price, product and customer serVice: ‘customer experience’ is the new battleground. shopping must not be bland and uneVentful but rather an efficient, exciting and emotionally engaging episode”
“in china, where guanxi is so important, the sales assistant is the most personal and impactful way for the brands to connect with the customers,” sham said. “for brands, it’s critical for them to think about how much autonomy they want to giVe this sales associate Versus [controlling their brand image].” guanxi refers to haVing personal trust and a strong relationship with someone, and can inVolVe moral obligations and exchanging faVours.
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