Objects - A Conceptual Home Goods Brand

Page 1

If it feels If it fls like too like much, t mu

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1/ Materialistic Culture

To promote a minimal life st yle,

inf luencing a re duction overc ons umption

To s up p or t c ustomer s in their

j o urney towards an e asier life st yle

To inf luenc e mindfulne s s thro ugh

a cle ar and p ure life st yle

Our Aims Our Aims

Cultural context

The past two years have been nothing far from a struggle; from a consumer point of view the way we shop has been in a constant state of change 1 since March 2020. We’ve gone from panic buying to being more thoughtful about our purchases 2 then ever; and being stuck inside has meant our houses have been the centre of our world for a big period of that time. 3

Our priorities have rightfully changed ; sustainability and space now seem to be at the top of many people’s priorities. Many of us have been concentrating on elevating the spaces and 2 items we already own rather than buying into materialistic culture we’re creating spaces that feel like sanctuaries away from the harsh reality of Covid. This severe shift in consumer behaviour from maximalist purchasing to minimalist living has created a positive impact in consumers’ approach to overconsumption; space and tranquillity now seem to be the most sought after luxury . 2

“We’re returning to a ‘less is more’ mindset.”


(Accenture, 2020)


(Segran, E, 2021)


(Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, 2021)


Covid created a new mindset in consumers, a panic in a time of uncertainty

Channels of

C ommunicatio

Unpredictab spending slo down an consumers fo ways to ease t stress of lockdo

The Progression of Simplicit Innovators

Early Adaptors


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New trends in shopping influenced the home interiors market and spending habits turned to investments Majorit y

So cial Systems

Minimal interiors became trendy, empty spaces created mindful homes and trend led decor Lagards Figure 1

Th Of

2/ he Essence Minimalism

Vision Mission Purpose

To hel



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To inf

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lp consumers achieve a positive and clear living space through

malist home décor

e a reliable brand and source of sustainable, durable home

ds, filling the gap in the market and offering simple one stop

ions for all home-base d ne e ds

fluence a sense of mindfulness in consumers as a reaction to

new ne e ds in re ducing overconsumption and improving

ding habits post C ovid

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of consumers agre e the positive

environmental impact of lo ckdown made (them more determine d to live in an eco friendly way”

Since March

2020 54%

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of consumers think they

more sustainable choices



of consumers value their home more b ecause of the pandemic

Figure 2, 3 and 4

Our brand was borne out of new consumer opportunities to be more peaceful at home and reducing excess. R “There’s opportunity to be mindful in any part of our day” 2 Objects is a brand meant to adhere to the needs of this new age consumer. The psycholog y behind brands serve to simplify consumer decision making 3 ; we promote a reduction in overconsumption and satisfy the aesthetics of the minimal trend by offering one product solutions for each need. Our home goods brand offers a singular style item for each aspect of the home. We have no alternate colours, shapes, or functions within our product catalogue; our products simply come as a mug, a plate, a kettle etc. This reduces the need for over production and waste of multiple styles and gives consumer the chic, minimal aesthetic that is admired in a post-Covid world.

65% of consumers have tried to purchase all their home improvement needs in one single shop as much as possible. 1


(Mintel, 2021)


(Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, 2021)


(Holt, D. 2006)

Brand Concept

S New exciting USP that has not been seen in the mainstream market before One of each product means steady and consistent pricing

W Consumers like to be individual; they might tire of having the same products as every other shopper, however the positive in our business model is the impact this will have on our environment

O Our brand brings a new type of product to the mainstream home retail market, this will help our brand propel and grow an entirely new and influential audience

T The urge to spend less but more efficiently is a consumer spending trend brought on by Covid-19, this trend may diminish as the hardships of the pandemic decrease

3/ Objects Identity

Brand Name Our name came from looking into materialistic trends and reversing their meaning and effect on consumer culture. Taking the word Objects and creating a contradictory meaning plays on the brand’s concept of wanting to create simple homebased solutions to reduce over consumption. Objects implies many but our brand means few; our slogan explains our concept in a quick memorable quote.

Neceities of Livg

es of Living

Actually, life i beautiful and I have time

is d

Pe ac e

Minimum spacing should be at least half the depth of the logo

Equal tracking between each letter

Variations Necessities



The Font Miracle is used as the foundation for our logo and brand symbol, with our signature serif added to each Capitalised O. Keeping to our primary colour palette the main brand logo is used for all consumer facing interactions, where as our symbol is used as a foot note and representation for the brand through social media profiles.

Objects Objects Creative, sustainable home goods solutions www.Objectshome.co.uk








Instagram @Objects

The 5 Senses of Objects

Smell Being a consumer of Objects means scents of Lavender, Sage and Basil follow you wherever you go. Basil reduces feelings of stress and anxiety and the mix of natural antidepressants in sage and the calming scents of lavender combine to improve cognitive clarity.

The soothing sound of the ocean crashing in on itself is the backdrop to Objects’ personality; our brand and products bring a wave of simplicity to ones’ life and project this balance through all the senses.


Visual Objects primary colour way is a soft navy blue partnered with a smooth beige; the colour blue brings feelings of calm and tranquillity 1 to its viewers and within our brand is seen as a sign of stability. Beige is a colour of natural feelings and brings a purity to the brands identity.


(Karen, D. 2020)

The textures of wood and concrete play a big part in our personality. These are the surfaces our customers experience when using our products. They are the type of texture that make you want to pick them up and feel the different surfaces in your hands.


Taste An indulgent sip of Coffee on a slow Sunday morning is the perfect reminder of how the little things in life are much more important than materialistic belongings.

Brand Story

How do we Characterise Objects? Objects was made for the successful women who urns for a simple, distraction free life. Living a single life s he has the energy to be conscious of her space, Objects gives her the freedom to have a peaceful home, clearing her mind and giving her the mental capacity to put more energy into other aspects of her life.

4/ A Community of Simplicity

Consumer Segmentation

Demographic Gender Heavily female based conscious shoppers.

Age Younger Generations; Millennials and Gen Z. First time buyers and the renters with an interest in contemporary trends.

Income Middle Class income shoppers is Objects’ target; Enough disposable income for decorative home goods while still being practical.

Consumer Materialism Our consumers are the opposite of materialistic, they do not care for belongings they care for style and peace, in the home and in the mind.

Fixated Consumer Behaviour Objects’ consumers show a clear behavoiur towards minimalist trends. This fixation was created through living through the Covid-19 pandemic and experiencing the uncertainty of the time; to be minimal means no complication.

% Of consumers who think giving a brand their trust depends on



29 %




their personal “increasing desire to express (their) values through the brands (they) buy or don’t buy from”




35-54 Age


Figure 5

% Of consumers who take the brands values into consideration alongside their own when purchasing


70 %





Female Male Gender

Figure 6


Consumer Decision Process

A Case Study on the sustainable consumer Stage 1 Recognition


Conscious shoppers see the need for more reliability and simplicity in their homes in a time of uncertainty

Stage 2 - Information Search The consumer looks into buying new or elevating the space they already have

Stage 3 Solutions



The sustainable consumer chooses to evaluate their space and make informed buying choices

Stage 4 - Purchase Phase The customer finds Objects and chooses to uplift their space with our simple, elegant pieces

Stage 5 - Post Purchase Phase The consumer no longer has the need for excess in their life, each product comes with qarunteed longevity and simplicity in its use

Community Values and Beliefs Tranquil Dependable Easy Lifestyle Sustainability led Innovative solutions Reduce Overconsumption

Aspire not to have more but to be more

5/ Pr



Objects brings a new concept to home ware goods, one not seen on the market before. In a similar way to Ikea’s business model 1 of DIY interiors, Objects brings easy solutions and trend led interiors in a new way. Our model is a legitimate solution to overconsumption that meets consumer preferences. Post-Covid this is a market that needs addressing and our brand believes if the consumer doesn’t like it “they’re not right for the brand.” 2 , we have a clear purpose and beliefs. The world and consumer behaviours are different after the pandemic, the way we live should reflect this, we are elevating how consumer patterns are shifting, leaning into their needs.


(Strateg yzer, n.d)


(Rogers, C, 2017)


Objects’ future involves growing our concept into new markets, much like Fashion brands H&M and Zara have launched small home ware catalogues, Objects will move forward and launch a capsule wardrobe collection, including staple items under the same concept as our home ware collection; one style for each item of clothing growing the market for singular item solutions. Objects will be a multifaceted, mindfully conscious brand.

Calue Sort


The Vase £30

The Kettle £55

The Glass £10

Neceities of Livg

Sustainable home solutions


Store Concept

References Accenture, 2020. Covid- 19: How consumer behaviour will be changed. [online] p.Graph 1. Available at: <https://www.accenture.com/gb-en/insights/consumer-goods-services/ coronavirus-consumer-behavior-research> Edelman, 2022. In Brands we Trust?. Trust Barometer Special Report. Edelman. Gualandris, D, 2021. Finding Emotion In Minimalism: Russian Designer Maria Osminina On Her Predilection For Simplicity - IGNANT. [online] IGNANT. Available at: <https://www. ignant.com/2021/04/22/finding-emotion-in-minimalism-russian-designer-mariaosminina-on-her-predilection-for-simplicity/> Holt, D. 2006. Jack Daniels America. Journal of Consumer Culture,. Holt, D. 2010. Cultural Brand Model. Karen, D, 2020. Dress your best life. 1st ed. Penguin Mckinsey Global Insitute, 2021. The consumer demand recovery and lasting effects of COVID-19. [online] p.Consumer Behaviour Graph. Available at: <https://www.mckinsey. com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/the-consumer-demandrecovery-and-lasting-effects-of-covid-19> Mintel, 2021. Consumer Trends, Attitudes and Spending on the home. [online] Mintel. Available at: https://data-mintel-com.mmu.idm.oclc.org/databook/1042379/#Q1a

References Mintel, 2021. DIY Retail. [online] Mintel. Available at: <https://reports-mintel-com.mmu. idm.oclc.org/display/1082055/?fromSearch=%3Ffreetext%3Dcovids%2520impact%2520on Rogers, C, 2017. the secrets of Achieving cult status. [online] Marketing Week. Available at: <https://www.marketing week.com/brands-achieve-cult-status/> Rogers, E, 1962. Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Ohio State University. Segran, E, 2021. COVID-19 killed maximalism. [online] Fast Company. Available at: <https:// www.fastcompany.com/90563903/covid-19-killed-maximalism> Strateg yzer, n.d. Ikea: Business Model. [online] Strateg yzer. Available at: <https://www. strateg yzer.com/business-model-examples/ikea-business-model> Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, 2021. Future 100. Wunderman Thompson Intelligence.

Appendices Figure 1 Holt, D. 2010. Cultural Brand Model Rogers, E, 1962. Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Ohio State University.

Appendices Figure 2 Robson, J. 2020. Lockdown Unlocked: Sustainability. [online] Sparkler. Available at: <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lockdown-unlocked-sustainability-john-robson/>

Figure 3 Accenture, 2020. Covid- 19: How consumer behaviour will be changed. [online] p.Graph 1. Available at: <https://www.accenture.com/ gb-en/insights/consumer-goods-services/ coronavirus-consumer-behavior-research>

Appendices Figure 4 Mintel, 2021. DIY Retail. [online] Mintel. Available at: <https://reports-mintel-com.mmu. idm.oclc.org/display/1082055/?fromSearch=%3Ffreetext%3Dcovids%2520impact%2520on ““74% of consumers agreed that doing DIY projects was a good way to fill up these extended periods of time over the past year (see COVID-19 and DIY Attitudes). In fact, 77% of consumers value their home more as a result of the pandemic. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this sentiment was higher among homeowners (80%); but also, families with children aged under 18 (82%) and women (80%), as discussed below.””

Figure 5 Edelman, 2022. In Brands we Trust? Trust Barometer Special Report. Edelman.

Appendices Figure 6 Edelman, 2022. In Brands we Trust? Trust Barometer Special Report. Edelman.

More Sources; Segran, E, 2021. COVID-19 killed maximalism. [online] Fast Company. Available at: <https:// www.fastcompany.com/90563903/covid-19-killed-maximalism> ““Over the summer, furniture sales exceeded $10 billion per month, which was higher than the same period in 2019.”” ““A similar dynamic played out with the 1918 pandemic. In the late 1800s, the Victorian aesthetic was defined by ornate, embellished interiors covered in fabrics, wallpaper, art, and chandeliers as far as the eye could see. Then the influenza outbreak hit, which coincided with the scientific discovery of viruses, and suddenly it became clear that simple, streamlined spaces were far easier to keep clean. Paul Overy, an architectural historian, points out that decorative features in 19th-century homes harbored dust, which was believed to cause illness.””

Appendices Gualandris, D, 2021. Finding Emotion In Minimalism: Russian Designer Maria Osminina On Her Predilection For Simplicity - IGNANT. [online] IGNANT. Available at: <https://www. ignant.com/2021/04/22/finding-emotion-in-minimalism-russian-designer-mariaosminina-on-her-predilection-for-simplicity/> ““I wanted to create something minimal and sublime; a space where you can feel, with no distractions or fuss,””

Rogers, C, 2017. the secrets of Achieving cult status. [online] Marketing Week. Available at: <https://www.marketing week.com/brands-achieve-cult-status/> ““Be original, accessible and invite people on the journey with you – just some of the advice from brands that have achieved cult status Cult status is not something that can be manufactured. It grows organically, often taking years to achieve. “We talk about our heritage, but we also talk about modern design and how important that is to us and they follow us. And if they don’t they’re not right for the brand,” says Little. owner and creative director Tim Little British footwear brand Grenson””

List of Images

2016. Mental health quote. [image] Available at: <https://loubis-and-champagne.tumblr.com/post/658002104974213120/x> 2022. Coffee. [image] Available at: <https://www.cntraveller.com/gallery/london-neighbourhood-cafes#RK J1goVdQ25> 2022. https://www.ignant.com/2021/04/22/finding-emotion-in-minimalism-russian-designer-maria-osminina-on-herpredilection-for-simplicity/. [image] Available at: <http://Kitchen> 2022. Frosted plant. [image] Available at: <https://www.archilovers.com/projects/261140/gallery?2555325=> 2022. Gingko pattern. [image] Available at: <https://thepatterncollective.com/products/ginko-largescale?variant=29432667242530&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social> 2022. Ocean illustration. [image] Available at: <http://about:blank> 2022. Plant illustration. [image] Available at: <http://about:blank> 2022. Shop example. [image] Available at: <https://www.archdaily.com/910839/haight-mnmastudio/5c598252284dd1b9c50000e9-haight-mnma-studio-photo?next_project=no> 2022. Wave. [image] Available at: <https://boostsurfing.com/> n.d. Cactus close up. [image] Available at: <http://about:blank> n.d. Crystal. [image] Available at: <http://about:blank> 2022]. n.d. Living room. [image] Available at: <https://leibal.com/interiors/barcelona-apartment/?utm_source=pinterest&utm_ medium=social> n.d. Minimal kitchen. [image] Available at: <https://leibal.com/interiors/fortytwelve-hq/?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social> n.d. Minimal Kitchen. [image] Available at: <http://about:blank> n.d. Plates and bowls. [image] Available at: <http://casatreschic.blogspot.com/2019/08/mesa-moderna.html n.d. Stone flooring. [image] Available at: <https://www.mystonefloor.com/product/onyx-powder-pink-stone-effect-porcelain-ti les/?epik=dj0yJnU9Ul9ZSm9YZHNRLXBWQzBibU9zSFBqQ2dpTkJxTlh2R0kmcD0wJm49eXRORlpnREFJZ2lvLUV2RXRPN2FwdyZ0PUFBQUFBR0h4b1l3> n.d. White quartz. [image] Available at: <https://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/beginners-guide-to-crystals> n.d. White Quartz 2. [image] Available at: <https://elementsofaura.com/products/clear-quartz-tower?variant=32955215708260& epik=dj0yJnU9cUVVSmMxSWQ2NWhCSlc4MEVlemdpRndpVE5qamdGOFImcD0wJm49ZGtNRXdud1BpUlNQemtPTHZqZTJZUSZ0PUFB QUFBR0h4b25J> n.d. Wooden Kitchen. [image] Available at: <https://www.elle.se/bloggar/>

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Neceities of Livg

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