[Branding] Graphic Manual: Hotel Service / Summer 2020

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A Guideline on Proper Brand Usage, Reproduction, and Application

Graphic Standards Manual

To our beloved associates, When we first discovered this factory courtyard in the Neukölln neighborhood of Berlin, we knew it would become the place where everything can be. Our small boutique hotel began its birth true to the motto “Peace to the huts and war upon the palaces”. We want Hüttenpalast to become the special place where guests can have the most unique experience. As Maurice Sendak once said, “There has to be more to life than having everything.” Although everything would be enough for us, we did not want to settle for less than everything. That was the dream that inspired us to build this hotel in summer 2009. It is not just enabling guests to be able to sleep in refurbished and artist collaborated vintage caravans, the dream was to have a space where everyone can coexist, and everything can be experienced. We want the hotel to become a space where enthusiasm can be shared. It would become a place where people from the whole world meet and feel good. It would be where they can share skills, ideas, knowledge and creative thoughts, regardless of their background or culture. On our strolls through the streets, we had seen many places which seemed to be waiting to be awoken with a kiss. We soon noticed that not only many other young creative people had seen this, but also property speculators. So we were even happier when we found our dream castle and it became clearer that it could become what we want. Today, we continue to work hard and convey the ideas we believe to our beloved guests. This is an invitation to be a part of a world where thoughts can be shared, and to be a part of a world that can grow bigger spiritually. We encourage guests with diverse backgrounds interact. We believe even the great ideas can exist in the smallest forms, and encourage thoughts in any different forms. We truly hope this hotel would a green oasis of your joyful days. Best wishes,

SarVahollmer Silke Lorenzen Founder & Owner

Sarah Vollmer

Founder & Owner

Table of Contents

1.0 / Visual System 1.1



Clear Space


Logo Applications


Proper Colors


Improper Usage

2.0 / Graphic System 2.1



Secondary Graphics


Appropriate Photography

3.0 / Paper System

5.0 / Multimedia


3.1 Stationery System


5.1 Multimedia


3.2 Business Card


5.2 Mobile


3.3 Letterhead


5.3 Web


3.4 Envelope


3.5 Mailing Label

4.0 / Application & Extension 4.1

Promotional Applications


Interior Applications


Production Extensions

Visual System 1.1



Clear Space


Logo Applications


Proper Colors


Improper Usage


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.1 / Previous Edition In 2010, true to the motto “Peace to the huts and war upon the palaces” the founders discovered a factory courtyard and began building their small, family hotel in the Berlin neighborhood of Neukölln. Hüttenpalast strived to create a


space where everything can be experienced. They wanted guests from the whole world able to have a space to share enthusiasm, skills and create a space for creative exchange.

session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.1 / Preferred Edition Looking forward, HĂźttenpalast would become a brand that express its simple but enthusiastic messages. The objective is to reinforce the key qualities of the brand and express its strengths in a more contemporary and understandable

form. Through the new identity, we anticipate it to truly become the agency where every knowledge and craft can be share. The future HĂźttenpalast will become a universal, personal, and friendly brand that constantly spark of joy.


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.2 / Clear Space This establishes the boundary of reserved space between the logo and other adjacent elements. As reserved boundary around the logo, such space leaves breathing room and would ensure visibility clarity of the logo and


other paired contents. Adjacent contents must be place at least 2X measurement away from the identity area.

session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.2 / Proportion & Sizing This establishes the arrangement of measurements for the physical elements within the space of the logo. Improper treatment of the logos’ proportion can obstruct legibility in the presentations of the brand image, therefore, give special

attention to avoid treating contents out of their designated proportion and sizing. Avoid distortion of any kind.

Elements Must Align to the Same line

Element Height = 5/8 X Space Between= 1/8 X

Element Height= 1/8 X Elements Must Align to the Same Line

Minimum Width for Logo= 3/4 Inches

The minimum sizing of the logo must follow the described guideline to ensure maximum optimal legibility during logo reproductions


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.3 / Primary Color Palette The presented logo mark must be used whenever possible to ensure the cohesiveness and effectiveness of the presentation of the brand image. To ensure the proper and consistent representations of the brand, refer to the


visual standards in the book to ensure the appropriate color and format treatments would be apply to the brand identity.

session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.3 / Secondary Color Palette Secondary color options of the logo are available for design opportunities when the primary logo does not produce desired contrast for legibility. These variations fall under the same requirements listed under Improper Usage, and it

is important to use them appropriately at all times.





01 | Black & White 02 | [Reversed] Black & White

03 | With Secondary Color Background 04 | [Reversed] With Secondary Color Background


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.4 / Primary Brand Colors Primary colors are intend for the main construction of the logo contents. They should be the only colors that can be use for the production of all logo forms across any and all platforms, including web and print.

The Primary colors are mainly selected due to their joyful and personable energy. They will serve as the visual representation of the brand’s past and upcoming messages.

Pantone: Orange 021 U CMYK: C=0, M=70, Y=90, K=0 RGB: R=240, G=110, B=60 HEX# F36D38

Pantone: 7499 U CMYK: C=0, M=5, Y=30, K=0 RGB: R=250, G=235, B=190 HEX# FBEBBA

Pantone: Black 6 2X CMYK: C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=100 RGB: R=35, G=30, B=30 HEX# 000000

Pantone: White CMYK: C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=0 RGB: R=255, G=255, B=255 HEX# FFFFFF


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.4 / Secondary Brand Colors Secondary colors are intend to use as accent colors to all brand contents including but not limited to web and printed information. They can be use to highlight and design elements on brand contents, but should not be use

in the construction of brand logo. They are select due to their compatibility to complement the primary colors.

Pantone: 403 U CMYK: C=45, M=40, Y=40, K=0 RGB: R=150, G=145, B=145 HEX# 959191

Pantone: 7549 U CMYK: C=0, M=30, Y=85, K=0 RGB: R=250, G=180, B=60 HEX# FCB53C

Pantone: 1605 U CMYK: C=60, M=60, Y=75, K=10 RGB: R=170, G=110, B=75 HEX# A96D48

CMYK: (L) C=0, M=50, Y=30, K=0 (R) C=0, M=70, Y=90, K=0 RGB: (L) R=245, G=150, B=150 (R) R=240, G=110, B=60 HEX# F69794 → F36D38


session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual

1.5 / Improper Usage The logo is an essential asset that serve as the reflection of the brand. To provide consistency, accuracy and effectiveness in the portrayal of the brand image, it is important to avoid the following adjustments.







01 | Do Not: Apply Unappropriated Colors 02 | Do Not: Apply Drop Shadow to the Logo 03 | Do Not: Color Elements Separately


04 | Do Not: Replace Typeface Within Logo 05 | Do Not: Apply Gradients to the Logo 06 | Do Not: Overlap Logos on top of One Anther

session 1 // visual system


Graphic Standards Manual







07 | Do Not: Apply Any Patterns to Logo 08 | Do Not: Distort Or Stretch Logo in Any Way 09 | Do Not: Overlap Logo with Any Graphics

10 | Do Not: Adjust Spacing of Elements 11 | Do Not: Turn Logo Into Outlined Forms 12 | Do Not: Adjust Placements of Elements


Graphic System 2.1



Secondary Graphics


Appropriate Photography


session 2 // graphic system


Graphic Standards Manual

2.1 / Primary Typeface: Din To develop an best essential asset that can represent the brand, the logos are pair with a sans serif typeface and a serif typeface. Those two typeface will ensure the best representation of the brand under all applications.

Din is a timeless and universal typeface that provides industrial strength. The clean and dynamic typeface works well with many applications, from large-format materials such as signage or poster to long running body texts.

HHH Din Regular | 140 pt

Din Demi | 140 pt

Din Bold | 140 pt

Din Regular | 15 pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 012 3 4 5 67 8 9/+ ’ ! ”

Din Bold | 35 pt

Share thoughts, create ideas, and begin to rebuild those communal values we missed. Din Regular | 60 pt

The best experience 10

session 2 // graphic system


Graphic Standards Manual

2.1 / Secondary Typeface: Archer Born as an attractive and personable typeface, Archer was designed by Tobias Frere-Jones. While designed with legibility, its subtle strokes inspired by typewriter typefaces made it a perfect work that combine the ordinariness of

Antiques with the modern practicality of Geometrics. The typeface is suitable for headings, captions and brief body texts. These characteristics would be ideal for representing the unaffected nature of Hüttenpalast brand.

Archer Bold | 18 pt

Din Regular | 15 pt

Willkommen — to the space where we can exchange our skills, crafts, and ideas. This will be the place where enthusiasm can be share.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/+’ ! ”

Archer Bold | 35 pt

“There has to be more to life than having everything.”— Maurice Sendak

Everthing Will Be Archer Bold | 60 pt


session 2 // graphic system


Graphic Standards Manual

2.2 / Secondary Graphics Secondary graphics are visual elements that act as an extension of the logo and creates a more complete brand identity. Unique graphics, illustrations, and type treatments are permitted for circumstances where the primary logo will

not be required to be displayed. Secondary graphics were created with the resemblance to the brand’s key traits, and should always be treated with appropriate brand colors.

Suggested Use: Large-format Signage, Posters, or Apparels

Suggested Use: Interior Design or Decor, Byproduct Packaging


session 2 // graphic system


Graphic Standards Manual

Suggested Use: Food & Beverage Packaging

Suggested For Products wth More Unique Shapes Such As Plates


session 2 // graphic system


Graphic Standards Manual

2.3 / Appropriate Photography Object Photography: As a future universal brand, we work hard to share our values with our guests. We want to display a simple, unaffected and universal nature in our imagery. Onject photography should focus on single or similar


objects of theme, both literally as the sharpest point in the photograph and in a more figurative sense. Avoid using shots that display of any brands directly. Photos should have ample lighting to be able to feel light, airy or relaxed.

session 2 // graphic system


Lifestyle Photography: Such photography should show a sense of living, objects should be display naturally. They should not feel posed or set up. Portraited people should feel as if they are interacting with the environment

Graphic Standards Manual

naturally. Objects should be portraited as their most natural structure and movement. Avoid using photos that display any brand or famous locations directly or clearly.


Paper System 3.1

Stationery System


Business Card






Mailing Label


3.1 / Stationery System



session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.2 / Business Card Only one universal size of 3.5x2 inches must be use for the business cards. Information such as personnel name, position, and contact information are mandatory. The front of the card will be reserved for the identity and slogan of the

brand. Other information must be listed at the back side. It is large enough to accommodate all necessary information, as shown. Layout and Spacing must follow provided guidelines, and should not be altered.

Business Card Front

Width = 3.5�

Business Card Back

Height = 2�


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.2 / Business Card Spacing Width = W Height = H

Business Card Front

H = 0.35”

H = 0.7”

H = 0.2” H = 0.25”

W = 0.3”

W = 0.3” H = 0.3” W = 1.5”

H = 0.65”

H = 0.85”

Business Card Back The backside must be printed with a full bleed color of Pantone Orange 021 U, please do not place any content or information on the backside. Refer detailed color codes in the section of Proper Colors.


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.3 / Letterhead Letterheads are not require to be pre-printed. The follow template can accomodate large amounts of information, and can be printed locally through laser or inkjet printing devices. Letter contents aside from company information

and contact will be print with black ink only. Make sure all information do not excess given guidelines, especially margins of the sides. Layout and Spacing must follow provided guidelines, and should not be altered.

Letterhead Front

Letterhead Back

Width = 8.5�


Height = 11�

session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.3 / Letterhead Spacing Width = W Height = H

Letterhead Front W = 1.5”

H = 0.75”

H = 0.65”

H = 0.2” W = 1”

H = 1”

W = 0.3”

H = 0.45”

W = 1.6”

W = 0.5”

Letterhead Back The backside must be printed with a full bleed color of Pantone Orange 021 U, please do not place any content or information on the backside. Refer detailed color codes in the section of Proper Colors.


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.4 / #10 Envelope Envelopes must be created in the common size of #10 formats. The only logo that would be indicated on them would be Hüttenpalast, no branding or tagline of any other subbrand, business or subsidiary. Envelopes can be order

through onsite or online vendors. Informations other than the logo must be print in black. Measurements must be exact to allow postal processing. Layout and Spacing must follow provided guidelines, and should not be altered.

Envelope Exterior

Height = 4.125”

Width = 9.5”


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.4 / #10 Envelope Spacing Width = W Height = H

Envelope Exterior W = 1.5”

H = 0.5” H = 0.45”

H = 0.65”

H = 0.2”

H = 0.6” W= 0.5”

W= 0.3”

W= 0.5” H = 1.75”


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.5 / Mailing Label Mailing label size must follow provided size of 6x4 inches, and should not be produce in any other shapes or sizes. Company logo and information would be print in brand colors, with recipient information printed in black. Make sure

contents do not exceed margin to protect postal process. Layout and Spacing must follow provided guidelines, and should not be altered.

Height = 4�

Width = 7.25�


session 3 // paper system


Graphic Standards Manual

3.5 / Mailing Label Spacing Width = W Height = H

W = 1.5”

H = 0.45”

H = 0.65”

H = 0.2”

H = 1.8”

W = 0.5”

H = 0.6”

H = 1.6”

W = 0.3”

W = 0.5”


Application & Extension 4.1

Promotional Applications


Interior Applications


Production Extensions


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.1 / Promotional Application: Van The hotel is upgrading to a free pick-up/drop-off service with your stay. Simply pre-arrange your time with the front desk, and contact the hotel once you are prepared. This service will be available with train stations, airports and


non-airport locations within business hours. The new vans will feature the new logo and brand colors.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.1 / Promotional Application: Street Signage HĂźttenpalast will be feature in public displayed signs. Not only we are expanding to multimedia platforms, traditional signage like these can attract passing travelers and add interest to our service. This signage is designed to be placed


at places in proximity of the hotel, such as streets near main traffic, and provide direction to the hotel with confusion.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.1 / Promotional Application: Bus Stop Signage Not only we should alert passing travelers of our service, bus stop signage should be utilize to bring interest from the surrounding community. Words of mouth can allow guest to share their satisfaction with the hotel, bringing in positive

attentions. Many consumers find more trust in recommendations from friends and family over any other type of advertising. Conversions are the most effective tool.


session 4 // application & extension


4.2 / Interior Application: Window Decal Window decals are a great tool for making sure the promotions reaches a wide audience. They are the dependable way to make sure fixed window information stays exactly in place, and add professional touch to any storefront.


Graphic Standards Manual

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.2 / Interior Application: Reception Desk A clean and comfortable workspace will contribute much to the productivity of a person. It has the power to unleash creativity, imagination and helps you work with passion while enjoying the clean environment. Any owners should

always ensure that the workspace of your business has a seamless, convenient ambiance, adding consumer trusts.


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.2 / Interior Application: Wall Art Gone are the days when people use to cover their walls with white or off-white paint. Advanced technology has reformed our lifestyles and now the trends have changed to a great extent. Replacing the boring white walls, HĂźttenpalast hotel


will feature secondary graphics on the wall art, display the brand essences in a playful and creative way.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.2 / Interior Application: Staff Uniform Displaying the brand essence does not stop with interior decors, our staffs are the most essential component of our brand. Therefore, their uniform will also be upgrading. The new playful brand colors will be utilized, and display-

ing the newly designed brand logo with the information of the staff personel.


session 4 // application & extension


4.2 / Interior Application: Door Hanger Resting is important for any trip. To allow our staff serve our guests better, the newly designed door hangers can show the needs of our guest better. The upgrade can ensure the best quality of our service.


Graphic Standards Manual

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.2 / Interior Application: Cushion Offering exceptional comfort and support, the cushion would be ideal for our guests to rest or take a simple nap on top. The plush density is ideal for any users. Aside from its superior softness, the cushions will be created in a neatly

tailored appearance with unique secondary graphics, adding a joyful touch to the design.


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Cup Made of high quality and durable grade ceramic, the new HĂźttenpalast cups would be the perfect size holds 13.5 ounces to ensure drinks will not become too hot or cold. It would be perfect for guests to enjoy a relaxing drink in


any occasions. It will feature a simple handled design with the brand logo and colors.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Plate An vertsatile addition to the hotel kitchen, these rounded plates would be ideal for any type of meals. The plates will be rendered by unqiue secondary graphics that represented the joyfulness of the brand, making amazing

presentation on the tables. The colorful appearance can addd a stylistic touch that will brighten up the interior.


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Slipper The slippers are made of healthy dyeing substance and washable raw material, suitable for any seasons to come. Thinly packed insoles will make guests feel relaxed after a long day, allowing them to wear these leisurely at


the hotel locations. The brand logo and appropriate brand colors will be use to provide brand recognition.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Candy Candy brightens anyone’s day, including our own. And so we present these branded candies in the hopes of bringing a smile to every guest. Nothing beats those sweet cravings after a long and tiring day, these will remind guests of their

relaxing and joyful adventures they can have at the hotel. The candies will be design with slightly muted brand colors for a softer look, and with black brand identifiers to provide a stronger brand recognition.


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Towel To ensure guest will have the best experience during their stay, our towels will be upgrading to finest cotton fibers. Softer, more durable and more absorbent than standard cotton towels, the thoughtfully created towels will show our


care in the living quality of our guests. Its defined borders in the brand colors will give a playful look to the bathrooms and linen closets. The designed “Willkommen” tagline will add the most joyful brand essence.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Cosmetic The new packaging of our cosmetic selections will be provide in our utilities. They are design with thoughtful packaging. The simple and playful designs can bring more enjoyment to

their chores as they wash away their exhaustion and stress.


session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Snack Pouch Concentrating the taste of Hüttenpalast in a small package, guests can now bring home the joyfulness they once had experienced at the hotel. The snacks will be carefully


sealed, they will be able to survive the busiest trips, and arrive in your loved one’s hands safely. They will be the perfect gift to represent your adventures.

session 4 // application & extension


Graphic Standards Manual

4.3 / Product Extensions: Beverage Bottle Disregarding the traditional water bottle, every beverage from HĂźttenpalast will now come package in swing-top bottles. With embossed designs, we want guests to feel as

if they are unwrapping the best presents. The playful designs will provide amusement to the simplest tasks, promoting hydration in a positive way.


MultiMedia 5.1

5.1 Multimedia


5.2 Mobile


5.3 Web


5.1 / Multimedia



session 5 // multimedia


5.2 / Web The official web site of HĂźttenpalast is upgrading to a clean and modern look. The pages will feature bold imagery and colors. The interactions will become more understandable, allowing guest to navigate more easily.


Graphic Standards Manual

session 5 // multimedia


Graphic Standards Manual

5.3 / Mobile Showcasing the more understandable UI, HĂźttenpalast will be coming to the mobile platform. It will allow guests to obtain information quicker and easier, and building a better communication system between staffs and guests.

Mobile Service App Icon


Graphic Designer Victoria Conn

About This Project This is a student project only. No part of this book or any other part of the project was produced for commercial use.

Printing & Binding Blurb

Paper Premium Matte #100

Software Adobe Creative Cloud: Indesign, Illustrator, & Photoshop Typeface All texts within this book were set with Archer by Tobias FrereJones and Jonathan Hoefler, and Din by Vasily Biryukov.

Photography Allie Smith, Brina Blum, Charlota Blunarova, Chris Lee, Dmitry Zvolskiy, Edgar Castrejon, Ellieelien, Freddie Marriage, Jen P, Krisztina Papp, Kal Visuals, Marc Olivier, Margarita Terekhova, Megan Savoie, Nathan Dumlao, Patrick Perkins, Simon Maage, Silas Kohler, Priscilla du Preez, Vera Cho

HĂźttenpalast HobrechtstraĂ&#x;e 66 12047 Berlin, Germany huettenpalast.de/

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