My Sanford Magazine BEFORE

Page 1

Dr. Connie E. Collins ( Seminole High School Principal)

Interview Inside

Positive Community


Bilingual Magazine | Sanford, FL | Seminole County

My Sanford Magazine

Editorial P erla B ello -C ros by Welcome to My Sanford Magazine a positive community magazine. It is our intent to bring to you only positive information about residents, events and our city of Sanford, Florida. Additionally we hope to further

Bienvenidos a My Sanford Magazine Revista Positiva Comunitaria. Es nuestra intención llevarles, exclusivamente, informaciones positivas sobre nuestros ciudadanos, eventos y nuestra ciudad de Sanford, FL. Adicionalmente esperamos intensificar el

intensify an interest in our area and history

interés en nuestras áreas, con históricos

through articles and reports highlighting

artículos, reportajes, y tal vez un poco de

our past, present and perhaps a peek into

nuestro futuro.

the future. My name is Perla Bello-Crosby

Mi nombre es Perla Bello-Crosby y yo soy la

and I am the editor. I am a native of the

Editora. Nací en la República Dominicana,

Dominican Republic where I obtained my


undergraduate degree in Marketing and my graduate degree in Business. I began

Turismo (1991) en Italia; luego fui nombrada

(1991) Rome, Italy. I was next appointed

Ministro Consejero Económico y Comercial,

Minister of Economic and Commercial

the editor of “Caraibi” a Tourist and Business Magazine and simultaneously served as President if the Institute of Trade and Culture and Italian/ Dominican organization. I served in this diplomatic post for 13 years followed by an appointment as the International Community Coordinator for the Dominican Parliament. I met and married Benny Crosby during this period and later relocated to the United States and became a U.S. Citizen. My husband is now retired from the U.S. Secret Service after 30 years of honorable service to our Country followed by several years as Director of Security for Halliburton. My husband is fiercely patriotic and this has influenced me to become totally committed to my country. My Sanford Magazine is an avenue through which I will make a concerted effort to humbly contribute my knowledge and experience in focusing on the positive aspects of our wonderful city and community. Perla Write to us:



designada como Directora General de

appointed as Director General of Tourism

my assignment in Italy that I also founded and served as


privada en Santo Domingo, y luego fui

Domingo, Dominican Republic and was

Republic Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission. It was during


Comencé mi vida profesional en la banca

my working life in private banking in Santo

interest and later elevated to the Dominican


Mercadeo y una Maestría en Negocios.

acreditada en la Embajada Dominicana como Jefa de Misión a.i. Durante mis funciones en Italia fundé y fui Editora de “Caraibi” (Caribe), una revista Turística y de Negocios.Simultáneamente fui Presidente del Instituto de Cultura y Comercio Italo Dominicano. Luego de servir a mi País como diplomática por 13 años, ejercí como Coordinadora Internacional de los Grupos Bicamerales en el Congreso Nacional Dominicano. Conocí y case con Benny Crosby durante ese periodo, y luego me trasladé a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Mi esposo está retirado del Servicio Secreto de los Estados Unidos, después de 30 años de honorable carrera para nuestro País, ejerció por algunos años como Director de Seguridad de la Multinacional - Petrolera Halliburton. El, como ferviente patriota, su influencia me ha hecho comprometer con mi Nación. My Sanford Magazine es un canal, con la cual haré grandes esfuerzos para contribuir, humildemente, con mis conocimientos y experiencias, focalizándome en los aspectos positivos de nuestra maravillosa comunidad. Perla Escríbenos a:

My Sanford Magazine

My Photographer J ohn P ierc e Hi my name is John and I am a photographer. I have always loved photography ever since inheriting an old Argus 35 mm camera, an enlarger, and a black and white film developing kit. I spent many happy hours in those “predigital” days in makeshift darkrooms (bathrooms) developing, enlarging, and burning text on photos. My first SLR camera was a Vivitar purchased in the middle 70’s. My first DSLR was a Sony A350 (may it rest in peace) and have since moved onward and upward to a Canon 7d. Through photography I have found an avenue of expressing my other loves (God, nature, and humor). I learned about God and my Savior Jesus Christ through my parents who served in Brazil as missionaries for over 40 years. I grew up hunting and fishing with my dad and my Brazilian national and tribal friends. Dad has always been quick with a joke and we both love stories written by outdoor humorist Patrick Mc-Manus. Some of my photo titles are the product of years of punning with my dad and sisters. I met the love of my life, Carol, at a school for the children of American missionaries in Brazil. We married in 1976 and in 1981 left the US with our three year old son to serve as tribal missionaries in Paraguay. During our 21.5 years of service in Paraguay God blessed us with many friends and two daughters. It was our joy to live among a tribal people group called the Chamacoco. Having concluded our work in Paraguay in 2002 we went to serve in Brazil at the very location where we met. In 2008 we left Brazil to serve at the New Tribes Mission home office in Sanford Florida. I have met a number of pro-photographers in Central FL who have encouraged me in my work and have been blessed to have done freelance photography for Sanford City Hall and the Sanford Historic Trust have taken interest in my photography hanging them on display and using them in printed or digital form to promote our historic river front community. If you have enjoyed them or if I could serve you as photographer please let me know using the contact form provided. Thanks. Visit my blog at John

“As a free-lance photographer I had the joy of connecting with Perla Bello- Crosby via Sanford 365 on Face Book. She shared with me her desire to produce a local magazine that would foster unity and promote good will in our culturally diverse community. Perla asked me if I would be willing to serve as her photographer; taking candid shots of the local business professionals she would interview. Going out on location with Perla has been delightful. Her enthusiasm about this project is contagious ... especially when communicated in Spanish. Through her I have been made the acquaintance of some wonderful people (like her husband Benny) and look forward to learning more about them through My Sanford Magazine.”


My Sanford Magazine





10 05. G etting to K now Daniel R. Monette 09. M y L ovell y Buddy



10. D r C onnie E. C ollins Seminole High School 14. C hildrean and divorce : T he rol e By Dr Miguel A. Gonzalez 16. G iselle M orales Paralegal 4

of parents

My Sanford Magazine

P.O.Box536, Sanford ,FL 32772 (407) 263-­4488

Dear Perla, Board Members Hank Dieckhaus President Don Schreiner Vice President Charlie Hull Treasurer Kristin Cole Padgett Secretary

Board Members At Large Jay MacPhee Rob Hawkins Brenda Boland Jim Fears Fran Cramer Ana Yebba Immediate Past President

On behalf of the Sanford Historic Trust I would like to wish you success with your new venture, My Sanford Magazine. I for one would like to read positive articles about our fair city with its quaint neighborhoods and their rich historic past, the vibrant nightlife with its many award winning restaurants, bars and shops, the breathless views from the Riverwalk on the banks of Lake Monroe situated on the lazy St. Johns River, and, most important, the friendly, quirky people of Sanford that will make you smile. Sanford will be a rich source for stories and articles for your new publication, My Sanford Magazine. It is my hope you will be able to find worthwhile contributors who will be able to provide interesting information about our town, and give to our citizens and nearby communities the chance to get some more in-depth knowledge about Sanford and its goings on. I know, with your deep experience editing a successful magazine in Italy for the Dominican Republic, your attention to detail and dedication, your new venture will be a great success for you and Sanford. I can’t wait to see your first edition. Sincerely, Hank B. Dieckhaus Jr President Sanford Historic Trust


My Sanford Magazine

Getting to Know D aniel R. M onette , M.D CAQSM North Seminole Family Practice and Sports Medicine 2209 French Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 By: Perla B Crosby • Since what age have you had knowledge of sports as an example of health, vigor and energy? Since high school. • Do you practice any sports? Yes, triathlons. (This includes swimming, running and biking). • What sports do you recommend for adolescents? Any sport is good. • What is a good nutritional meal and what is the importance of combining sports and exercise? Any balanced meal that includes proteins and carbohydrates.

• How did you decide on your vocation? When I was in fourth grade and I had a sports injury I went to the doctor and from that visit I was inspired to be a doctor. • What part of your life does God occupy? Let’s just say I am spiritual. • What does the word solidarity mean? To be solid, responsible and independent. • Do you have a childhood memory you would like to share with us? All my childhood memories are beautiful…


My Sanford Magazine

How to Be Healthy Just Doing Exercises

B y D r . D aniel R. M onette Have you been trying to lose weight? Are you restricting yourself from eating anything and trying to sustain just on liquids? A crash diet might look very simple and for many people it might be easy as they become obsessed with the idea of losing weight. Somehow, they forget that they should stay “healthy” instead of becoming “thin”. As many people try to mimic celebrities, it becomes very difficult to understand the true meaning of staying healthy. You really don’t have to quit eating and start off with crash dieting programs. As you take up these crash diets, you will not only lose your health, but you will also gain those calories as soon as you stop dieting. It is the worst thing you could do to your body as you will appear unhealthy and emaciated, instead of appearing fit and beautiful. Apart from that, many people try to use health supplements to lose weight, but most of those supplements could be dangerous and induce adverse effects. Why take such a huge gamble with your body by using supplements and diets when you can lose weight in a simple manner? Yes, the old traditional way. It’s called exercising. You can lose weight and look beautiful, sporting a firm body by doing exercises. Of course, you need to be determined to do it, but it is definitely simpler than sticking to crash diets. In addition, you should choose the type of exercises that help you lose excess fat. Some researchers also suggest that cardio activities make you increase your weight. Therefore, you don’t need to rush to the nearest gym to burn all that fat. One could achieve amazing results with just about 30 minutes of vigorous physical exercises. Physical exercises not only help you to lose weight, but there are various advantages you could enjoy.

Exercising burns your calories Quit worrying about calories while you eat. You can burn those calories as you focus on the exercises. As long as you do it briskly, simple household chores can help you lose weight. Make sure you go for a walk everyday as some fresh air will help revitalize your energy. The more you walk the more calories you burn. If you exercise regularly, particularly in the morning, it will help you rest well. If you exercise at night, you might face trouble falling asleep. Exercising in the morning keeps you fresh and ready to take on your work for the rest of the day. You can indulge in exercises that have a lot of impact like aerobics in the morning or simply go out for a brisk walk in the evenings. If you aren’t in the mood to do any of these, you can always turn on some music and dance in your room! You don’t have to a professional, but as long as you exercise your muscles, dancing is the best way to lose weight while having fun. Exercises improve metabolic rate Exercising regularly can improve the overall metabolic rate of your body, thus making you healthy. Once you start exercising, your metabolic rate increases and stays elevated even for a while even if you have stopped exercising. This helps you lose weight quickly even if you eat more. Exercises improve your mood Exercising releases chemicals called endorphins in the brain. These chemicals lift your mood, giving you an overall sense of happiness. Apart from that, exercising also helps you tone your body, making it firmer. People who indulge in regular psychical activity will notice that their skin starts glowing, making them appear beautiful. It’s not only about shedding weight; it makes you healthy and confident. Exercises reduces the risks of various diseases Regular exercises combat against various diseases including high blood pressure, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart diseases and diabetes. One can also fight depression by working out. Simple exercises like push-ups, lunges, side planks, squats, abdominal crunches can make a huge difference. If you have been avoiding working out, go ahead and start immediately. It only depends on your determination to look healthier and lead a better life-style. Go ahead and consume what you want, but make sure you put in a few extra hours of work-out every week. For starters, you could stop using the elevator and use the stairs. By following all these simple methods, you can look stunning with a firm body and flawless skin.


My Sanford Magazine


My Sanford Magazine

A book: Da vinci Code

Respond in a few words to each:

A Place: Italy A Hobby: Triathlons A color: Black A meal: Big Mac (Mcdonalds) A song: Bob Marley Songs An animal: Dog


My Sanford Magazine

My Lovely Pet!

Buddy Pets have been an integral part of our families and everyday lives for generations. Our family can be counted among those who love animals as my husband has had dogs all of his life. His last, Buddy, was a fiercely loyal, spunky, playful, protective Yorkie who taught us much about unconditional love. Benny’s little companion passed away in August 2012 and has been sorely missed since. It is in his memory that we dedicate this section.

We are always interested in hearing about your special Pet. Send an email to:


My Sanford Magazine

Dr. Connie E. Collins S e minole H igh S chool By: Perla B Crosby

• Can you share an opinion regarding “family”in today

everyone with respect and dignity. She taught us to


work hard, to give an honest day’s work for a day’s pay,

Family is the most important institution in our society

and to honor God in all that we do.

today. It is the venue whereby our values and traditions, principles and beliefs are shared with our young people. I cherish the times I can spend with my family. We are scattered all over the United States, but still manage to maintain strong communication, and it is always a fun time when we get together. • Do you have a pet and if so what kind? Have you had pet for most of your life? I have a “granddog” named CoCo. She is a Shitzu, very

• What where your goals and aspirations during your childhood? As a child I would always say that I wanted to be a psychiatrist. I am not convinced that I really did, but it sounded impressive to me. I wanted to be happy, to have children, to have a good life. My goals were not so much materialistic and position oriented as they were to be happy.

pretty and very spoiled. I have not had pets all my life, though when I was growing up we also had a dog whose name was Sargent. He was a real member of the family. • What significant positive childhood/Teenage memories are you willing to share? I look back and recognize that my childhood was full of positive memories. My mother was extraordinary… loving, kind, very intelligent. She was a science and mathematics

teacher, but her greatest lessons were about treating


My Sanford Magazine

• Do you have hobby/hobbies and if so what? I love to read, and travel. I especially like spending time with friends and family. I like comedy, and i have special love of documentaries. • What influenced you to persue your specific career in education? I am a fourth generation educator. My parents were teachers, my twin sister is a teacher, my grandfather was a teacher, and his mother, my Great Grandmother, Nellie Marshall was also a teacher. Nellie was actually a slave, freed during the Civil War, and industrious and intelligent enough to recognize the value of education that she worked diligently and sent four children to college. My grandfather was one of the children she was able to educate. I have always believed in the power of education, and especially feel so today. • Do you consider SHS a top rated school in central florida? You bet it is! Seminole has a grade of “A”, but even more important than a grade, it has fabulous teachers, students, parents, and community members who are committed to the continued growth and excellence of this amazing high school. Seminole has a world class

• Have most of your dreams become reality?

International Baccalaureate

Most of them. My children are healthy and happy and

Program, an acclaimed Health Careers Academy,

self-sufficient. I am a grandmother of three

numerous Advanced Placement courses, career prep

wonderful grandchildren, I have confidence that our

coursework, one of the best fine and performing arts

world is being entrusted to capable, caring young

programs anywhere, and an amazing athletics program.

people who have compassion and a strong sense of responsibility for others. I have traveled and seen more of

• What principal challenge(s) do you envision as the shs

the world than I ever dreamed possible.

principal? My challenge is to ensure that all children reach their potential, and that they are prepared to contribute to a globally competitive society.

“Seminole has a grade of “A”, but even more important than a grade, it has fabulous

teachers, students, parents, and community members who are committed to the continued growth and excellence of this amazing high school.


My Sanford Magazine

• Do you believe that the playning field is level and all who

• What is your goal or goals for shs either this school year or

want an eduaction have the same opportunity?

long term?

I believe that we are all working toward that end, but no,

Our goal is to maintain our grade of “A” by encouraging

the field is not level. Poverty is still a significant hurdle for so

reading and writing across disciplines, and students taking on

many Americans. Students come with disabilities and non-

the most rigorous coursework appropriate to them. We have

proficiency in English language. We are farther along than

an expanded tutorial program this year and are doing all

we have been, and moving in a positive direction, but there

that we can to ensure the success of every child.

is still a ways to go. • Are they any iniciatives being taken, under your • Is school still considered to be an integral part of the

administration, to reach out to parents and the community to

community and if not what need to be done to reinforce this

encourage greater support and participation in the learning



I believe that it is, more so in some communities than in

We are asking that every parent find a place that they can

others. School leaders such as me must take every chance

participate and contribute to their child’s school, be it as a

to welcome parents and community members, seek

volunteer, spectator, or assistant. Research has consistently

their participation, and ensure that there are authentic

shown that children perform better academically when their

opportunities for genuine involvement.

parents are involved at school.


My Sanford Magazine

Sobre Jeunesse Jeunesse no es la misma historia de siempre de productos para el cuidado de la piel y suplementos. No somos el mismo modelo de mercadeo de siempre. Jeunesse es un negocio global que ayuda a las personas a desarrollar todo su potencial luciendo más jóvenes, viviendo una vida más saludable y abrazando la vida. Jeunesse combina las ciencias de vanguardia en un sistema de productos que intensifica la juventud trabajando a nivel celular. Enfocándonos en la salud, la longevidad y la renovación celular, ayudamos a las personas a disfrutar de vibrantes y juveniles resultados que duran. Jeunesse entrega las recompensas de la juventud de cuatro maneras innovadoras: Productos. El Sistema para Intensificar la Juventud (Y.E.S. por sus siglas en inglés) de Jeunesse no sólo se trata de verse más joven. Se trata de sentirse más joven para el largo plazo. Incluso las ciencias que utilizamos son nuevas y de vanguardia. Las mejores de nuestras fórmulas son innovadoras y los resultados juveniles son reales. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra línea de productos para el Cuidado Personal y la Nutrición Personas. Jeunesse comparte una recompensa emocional que ninguna compañía de redes puede igualar. La cultura de Jeunesse surge de la integridad y valores fundamentales de nuestros Fundadores. Como resultado, nuestra familia global de distribuidores viven relaciones gratificantes basadas en el respeto mutuo, la confianza y el amor. > Plan. Con uno de los planes de compensación más lucrativos y verdaderamente balanceados que hay, el Plan de Recompensas Financieras de Jeunesse es capaz recompensar a más personas con más dinero. Y con los abundantes incentivos y promociones de viaje que son nuestra forma de hacer negocios, la cultura Jeunesse es, en sí misma, un estilo de vida gratificante. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra Oportunidad. Plataforma. Jeunesse no se conforma con las estrategias tradicionales del mercadeo de redes. Abrazamos la generación de la tecnología con una plataforma de vanguardia que le encanta a nuestros distribuidores. Para mas informacion: Distribuidor Independiente Unase a nuestro grupo de distribuidores hoy mismo!


My Sanford Magazine

Dr. Miguel A. Gonzalez C hildrean

and divorc e :

The role of the Parents


he American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry states that one out of every two marriages today end in divorce and in many cases those

families have children. Frequently, the parents that divorce are worried by the effects that the divorce has on the children. During this difficult period, the parents may be struggling with their own problems, but they continue and should be the most important people in the lives of their children. More than the emotional result of the divorce for the parents, the divorce for the children could be devastating. Frequently, the children are constantly scared and confused about the stability and safety. The world that they know and the stability they had are no longer the same. Sometimes the parents feel hurt and unsure about the divorce that they sometimes look to their children to be their confidant, because it makes them feel safe. This is somewhat concerning when the child is an adolescent. Parents should tell their children what is going on, in an appropriate way. On the contrary, there would be bad interpretations on behalf of the child of what is going on with the separation and the divorce and how this is going to affect them. A counselor or physiologist can help the parents with this. Sometimes, Younger children may react to

children feel responsible for their parents problems, since the already

with the task and the stress of these

the divorce in form of aggression,

think that they are the reason there


being uncooperative, or preferring

parents are in conflict and frequently think that the responsability to fix the

• Do not keep it a secret and wait

marital relationship of their parents

till the last minute.

is their responsibility and this causes them to sacrifice themselves in the process.




vulnerable to mental and physical illnesses since the event is traumatic

• Tell your children with your spouse. • Maintain everything simple.

may feel profound sadness and loss. Their school work may suffer and it’s common that they have behavioral issues. Like adolescents and adults, the children of divorced parents can have problems in their own relationships due to their

and changes the lives of the children

forever. With the help and attention

hard on all of you.

of the parents, however, the strong

to be along. The older children

Admit that this will be sad and

self-esteem. Children due better knowing that their Mother and Father will continue to be their

points of a family can be used during

Reassure your children that you

parents and will remain involved in

the divorce and the children can

both love them and will always be

their lives even though the parents

receive help to resolve constructively

there parents.


the conflicts with the parents. Talking









to the children about the divorce is

Do not speak to them about

making the children “choose” one


the fallout or problems with the

of the parents over the other can


be particularly prejudicial for the


The parents should be aware of

child and can add to the damage

can help the children and the

signs of anguish and sadness of

of the divorce. The investigations


their children.

show that children develop better




My Sanford Magazine






cordial and respectful relationship and can work together for the sake of their children. The continuous compromise for the best interest of the children is vital. If a child shows a sign of suffering, the family doctor or pediatric can refer the parents to a psychiatrist or family counselor of




and and

adolescents treatment.

Additionally, the counselor can meet with the parents to help than understand and learn how to manage the consequences of the divorce and help make the situation better for all of the family.

*Dr. Gonzalez is a family counselor for couples and individuals and maintains his private office in Lake Mary. Questions about mental health or family related questions can be sent to the magazine and Dr. Gonzalez will answer then as they are received. For more information or consult please call 386-259-0647 or visit the webpage at

Tenemos las mejores provisiones frescas; frutas, verduras, carnes, pescados. Cervezas









Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Perú, Nicaragua, Honduras, Argentina, México y la República Dominicana. • Desayunos y Almuerzos desde la apertura hasta el cierre.

• Hacemos envíos de dinero a Europa, Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

• Disfrute de nuestra variada selección de comida caribeña.

• Servicios de larga distancia, recargas telefónicas y tarjetas de llamadas.

• Ofrecemos Servicio de Catering para Bodas, Cumpleaños, Bautizos, Quinceañeras, BabyShower. • Celebre la navidad todas las semanas con nuestro especial “Pernil”.

222 N. US Highway 17-92, Longwood FL 32750 (esquina de S.R. 434) Abiertos de lunes a sábados en horario de 8:00 a.m. hasta las 8:00 p.m. Los domingos desde las 8:00 a.m hasta las 6:00 p.m.


• Productos naturales que necesita usted y su familia para la salud.

Tel: 407.830.8599 Fax: 407.830.8540

My Sanford Magazine

Giselle Morales P a r a l egal

Associates from Abraham Baldwin College Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Strayer University * Auto Accidents/ Accidentes de Autos * Inmigrations/Inmigracion * Citizenship/Ciudadania * Family –Work Petitions/Peticion de Familia y Trabajo * Residency-Employment Renewal/Renovacion de Empleo y Residencia * Traslations of Documents English-Spanish/Traducciones en Ingles y Espanol * Divorces-Marital Agreements/Divorcios y Acuerdos Matrimoniales * Power of Attorney-Wills/Poderes-Testamentos * Custody-Paternity/Custodia –Paternidad * Contracts-Loan Modifications/Tax ID/Contratos * Child Support-Pension Alimenticia * Notary/Notaria Publica

407 494-2595


My Sanford Magazine

Historic Sanford, Fl

P hoto g ra pher : J ohn P ie rce J r


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