Student memory book 2020

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Student memories 2019-2020


This year the student senate has decided to create a yearbook in order to try to capture some of the many memories that we made here at ARCHIP. It is a collection of events, stories, and accomplishments embellished with our feelings about the year. It is filled with big events and small events that sum up our year and express the fun times and late nights that we shared together. This yearbook isn’t just a collection of memories that we have barely any ties to. It is a memorabilia of the relationships and community that we have formed through each of these events over this past year. The good, the bad, the stressful, the fun, all drawing us closer together. We hope that this yearbook has a piece of everyone in it because without all of each other, we wouldn’t have been able to fill this book with ARCHIP student memories.


Berlin trip

Welcome week

p. 8

Site visits

p. 6

p. 10


Christmas Golden

In and Out of the school

p. 18

p. 16



Corona time


Concept presentation p. 26


GAD studio p. 27

B p


2019-2020 15.10

AD progress



p. 12 p. 14



p. 22 p. 20

p. 23

p. 24

p. 25




p. 36

. 28

Bachelors’ Masters’ projects projects

. 30

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Masters mugshots mugshots mugshots mugshots

p. 34

Bachelors’ Masters’ memories memories p. 38

p. 40

Welcome week

Nothing like starting off the semester with a nice cold beer and a guest lectured workshop from Mandaworks.


Let the group work for Ortenovo Namesti begin!


Berlin trip

September 2019 Landscape Architecture and Design

Bist du ein Berliner?


Bachelor and Master students exploring Schöneberger Südgelände Nature Park through the rain.


Site visits

Thinking and working hats on! The first year students took a site visit to the Sakura apartments construction site to learn about the construction process.


Exploring Lety u Pisku and surrounding castles to get a feel for the site.


AD progress

A semester filled with a heavy but important topic of the Romani concentration camp in Lety.


The first years get their first taste of what it is like to study architecture.



We’d be lying if we said students weren’t looking forward to the next halloween party.


Undefeated, creepy creatures play beer pong against mere mortals.


In and out OF the school

Enjoying autumn walks on the crunchy leaves with beer to destress.


Losing our heads in the middle of the semester.



Will Santa bring my final model this semester?


A time to celebrate by doing what we do best, resting and eating food. Merry Christmas from our versatile student lounge with an international spread food and friends.


Golden Roubik

Cheers to a semester filled with teamwork and soulful projects!



1st year Sera Akyeli Erasmus

Andreas Amdahl

Sofia Arango Erasmus

Guram Beraia

Kenan Doghouz

Rahimulla Ehsanulla

Esin Erk Erasmus

Albert Furu

Hannah Holmen

Tomáš Kult

Lukas Lange

Kristiina Leppänen

Irkali Namoradze

Ola Jin Nymoen

Walkiria Oliveira

Shahnara Pashayeva

Ekaterina Sinelnikova

Knut Oscar Skipperud

Mylana Sydorenko

Regina Patricia Veraza

“If we don’t count the outbreak of the crazy pandemic, I personally had a good expereince learning and having fun in ARCHIP. The atmosphere is pretty diverse, yet friendly and rich in culture.” – Shahnara


2nd year Esra Akgun

Ravneek Baht

Lucia Bombová

Anthony Camarillo

Juan Valente Castillo

Philipp Charfreitag

Roman Filip

Victoria Gerasimova

Ketevan Gogodze

Milana Kasyanova

Nino Kurdevanidze

Marion Mayfield

Husayn Prasetya

Nicola Ziboni

“My second year at ARCHIP was an interesting and challenging one. As inconvenient as the covid19 situation was, it is nice knowing the school can adapt to the unpredicted challenges in a way that helped us make it through what ultimately ended up being a successful second semester. Lesson learned from the 1st semester: plan your model making well ahead of time and try to have it done at least a few days before submission. Or else you might end up at Prusa Lab sharing a reserved time-slot the day before, trying to beat the clock, making you so stressed out that afterwards you have to binge-eat at McDonalds with all the parts you cut that didn’t blow away in the machine. That was a good day, eh Lucy? Looking forward to the final year and applying my skills and knowledge to future projects. And of course, the Halloween Party!” – Marion


3rd year Andreas Bergem

Ani Bojadzjan

Guilherme Feitosa

Vid Fugina

Anastasia Gorbatykh - Grigorova

Chris Stian Høydahl

Kaltrine Kabashi

Luka Khundadze

Patricio Martínez

Maria Guadalupe Orozco Elizalde

Naida Osmandzikovic

Nadezhda Semashko

Isabella Shaw

Simon Sjursen

Josef Vasko

“Three years ago, starting school seemed like an impossible climb Two years ago, it seemed eternal One year ago, I could see the peak Now, I have no recollection of climbing” – Andreas Vanesa Vuniqi


Mitchel Znamenacek Visiting


1s6 year

Michel Khoury

Bohdan Yepur

Robert Youssef

“The first year of the master program in ARCHIP showed me how problems in architecture are solved not only in theory but also in practice. And the opportunity to work in a team with interested students, under the guidance of knowledgeable tutors, helped me to see other views and approaches in solving seemingly simple problems.” – Bohdan

2nd year

Iman Aljoaki

Caroline El Ayoubi

Mariam Makaradze

Dina Mjåland

Ivan Tamayo Ramos

“For love, laughter and new beginnings - and we managed to find these every single semester in ARCHIP” – Caroline

Yelyzaveta Shovikova

Alex Yeloyeva


Concept presntation Little did we know this would be the last in person presentation of the semester.


GAD “The emergency lockdown caught the GAD studio off guard right after the concept presentations. The precisely planned structure of the emerging semester established a clear framework for the course as the students were working in teams since the very first week and had several accomplished assignments behind them. Contrasting the overall situation in ARCHIP and in the world, Shota’s and Ondrej’s students almost immediately received clear guidance for the rest of the reformatted semester together with inclusive opportunities for private online consultations and distanced feedback without any loss in quality. Furthermore, 8 CIEE students were sent back to the United States, which made it even harder for the tutors to prevent the educational narrative from falling apart, but they managed to tackle the time difference and provide flexible solutions for project reviews and presentations. The studio remained holistic and adaptive till the very end due to immense efforts of the studio leaders, everyone passed the course, the majority of the students stepped forward in the academic practice while having a perfect example of inclusivity and adaptability in disturbed environments.” – Robert


Corona time

Masks, coffee, and pajamas.


Sprucing up the semester by going online and testing the limits of what it means to be ‘in class’.


Bachelors' projects Virtual Memorial Prague and Opre Roma by Andreas Bergem Both project pictures are derived from the only two times I worked in a group. We usually want complete control over our AD projects, yet somehow my best experiences came while working with others.

Active Libeznice by Ani Bojadzjan A series of buildings supporting the idea of Libeznice as a recreational area and family and community friendly village. It includes Market hall with a green house; Bike shop, etc.

Zig Zag Project by Vid Fugina ...


Revolution Residence by Anastasia Grigorova A mixed-use building located at Hradcany by Keplerovo gymnázium. The building acts as both a gateway to the historic square, defines a new public space, and reinforces the historic streetscape as well.

Uzel Community Center by Chris Høydahl Thank you to everyone who made Archip an enjoyable experience. Looking forward, let’s be ourselves and pursue what is meaningful. And let’s not forget, above all, the incredible tales of Baran.

Rurban by Kaltrine Kabashi Opposite volumetric forms intertwine to create a structure that flows between inside and outside. The courtyards cut through the form with a dramatic staircases that lead to the main piazza.


The Scent of a Railway by Luka Khundadze If you imagine, therefore it exists.

Náměstí Jenišov and Memory Lane by Patricio Martínez The students always had each other’s back. We never needed anyone but ourselves. And we never had anyone, but ourselves. In architecture, you’re never alone.

Libeznice Community Center by Naida Osmandzikovic A project where I tried to think about the future, while also using the knowledge I have gained throughout my years at Archip.


Libeznice Library by Nadezhda Semashko ARCHIP has given me the knowledge and understanding of what architecture truly is. I have met people with a passion for architecture and the design process!



A Guide to Jeniťov: Redesigning the town’s pathways by Isabella Shaw My project is about how a small implementation can make a big difference.

Libeznice Office Center by Simon Sjursen I look at this project as the culmination of all the knowledge, skill, and hard work throughout my years as an Archip student.


Masters' projects PHU by Iman Aljoaki Synthesizing the Identity of an Entrequadra in Brasilia, an Integrative Health Center and activated public space.

The New Philharmonic in Prague by Caroline El Ayoubi The project produces a ‘cultural quarter’ as a dialogue between two museums with a public space weaving them together starting from Wenceslas Square to Vinohradská street.

The National Dance Academy of Batumi by Mariam Makaradze Current thesis explores the connection between dance, architecture, interior design, and choreography within the framework of Georgian national dance culture.


Shared homes at Lambertseter by Dina Mjaland A nursing home for the 3 stages of dementia in Norway, valuing openness and closedness.

Natura 2035 by Ivan Tamayo Ramos Urbanization of 1 km2 for 20,000 inhabitants. From farmland - next to the airport- at the edge of the city - in Culiacan, Mexico. A place to live, work, and play.

In beetwen panelákhouses of Sídliště Bohnice by Yelyzaveta Shovikova Work on a selected area as a model for the larger Sídliště environment. The project created long-term strategy for the development of the neighbourhood.

Knowledge incubator by Alex Yeloyeva An alternative model of a 21st century high-school for the Bubny-Zatorý district. Combining Project-Based Learning school, Research facilities and communal space.



It felt like ages, it felt like a day.


Hoorah to a successful academic year!


Bachelors' Memories

There were good times, there were bad times, but overall we got through it together.


A walk down memory lane.


Masters' Memories


“We were coming for knowledge, but we found much more: friends, family, love...” – Alex

Near or far, our memories will tie us together.


Students’ memory book 2020 Editors:

Isabella Shaw Caroline El Ayoubi Vanesa Vuniqi


Alex Yeloeva Caroline El Ayoubi Victoria Gerasimova

Contributors: Vanesa Vuniqi Hannah Holmen

Printing atelier: Repro Fetterle


Architectural Institute in Prague

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