Victoria BID Annual Report 2010/11

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Annual Report

This booklet is printed on carbon balanced paper


Contents 01. Foreword


02. Introduction


03. Safe & Secure


04. Clean & Green


05. Visitor Destination


06. Showcase Victoria


07. Prosperous Economy


08. Board of Directors


09. Financial Information


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Annual Report 10/11

01 | Foreword This is our first Annual Report and it marks a significant milestone for Victoria BID. Having completed our first year in operation as a BID and generating over £1.3 million of income from the levy raised, the Victoria BID has developed some unique and innovative projects helping to position us as one of the country’s more innovative BIDs. This is an exciting and challenging time, providing an opportunity for business to work collectively together as a united voice, investing and influencing the social, economic and policy agenda for Victoria. As a BID we are preparing to engage with the Government's agenda on The Big Society and localism which promises to benefit those who live, work and visit SW1. Guided by businesses and organisations based within the SW1 area, the Victoria BID team capitalise on the individuality and unique selling points of the area. In working to help shape Victoria’s future progress and development, a full programme of initiatives, services and events have

been delivered during the BID’s first year of operation. These will be further complemented by amazing new proposals for regeneration that will help reposition and strengthen Victoria as a central business district over the next decade. With such exciting plans for the area and innovative projects being rolled out by the BID, I can say on behalf of the Board of Directors that we are all committed to being a part of the transformation of Victoria as it becomes one of London’s chosen destinations. The role of the BID will be fundamental to the success of the development phase, working to mitigate the impact on the local area and to keep our members informed and updated about the development process as it unfolds. This Annual Report sets out what has been achieved during the last year and what will be delivered this year, the second of our first five-year term. Mike Noakes, Chairman – Victoria BID

Top: Mike Noakes, Chairman. Above: "Welcome to Victoria" is a guide produced for visitors and has proved very popular with the hospitality sector, especially hotels in the area who have placed it in hotel rooms for their guests.

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02 | Introduction The Victoria BID has worked hard to position itself as one of central London’s largest BIDs and to demonstrate to business the added value the BID levy will achieve. Our purpose is to provide a collective voice for business and drive forward positive change in and around Victoria. In order to achieve this our business plan sets out 5 strategic themes delivering a series of projects over the lifetime of the BID term.

Top: Ruth Duston, Chief Executive. Above: "London starts here" puts an emphasis on this being a great place for any business or visitor to base themselves. Opposite: Looking down from the bell tower of Westminster Cathedral to the Piazza below and Cardinal Place, across Victoria Street.

i. Safe and Secure ii. Clean and Green iii. Visitor Destination iv. Showcase Victoria v. Prosperous Economy Over the past 12 months we have appointed a BID board and a number of subcommittees to oversee implementation of individual projects. The BID is on track, delivering a range of activities as set out within the business plan. In 12 months we have rolled out over 40 projects, facilitated over 10,000 hours

of volunteer time, worked in partnership with Cancer Research UK in support of an event that raised over £200,000. We have embarked upon innovative areas of activity such as the Green Infrastructure Audit, that leads the way to building increased sustainability across the BID district. The BID has led this process creating a partnership of local businesses to work together for a sustainable outcome. We have been instrumental in bringing together both the Metropolitan Police and British Transport Police, working in partnership with business and other public service providers delivering a comprehensive agenda aimed at business policing across the district. As a result the BID was shortlisted for The Mayor of London’s BID award for partnership working, after only 8 months in operation. A key objective for us this year has been to maintain and demonstrate excellent communication with our members in delivering on our mandate. The groundwork has been established to tackle the challenges and opportunities that will be generated by

the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This report shows how the improvement process to reposition Victoria through a business collective has been started and how we can now begin to measure and evaluate the work done set against a number of Key Performance Indicators. In addition to the key activities and tangible achievements demonstrated over the last 12 months great inroads have been made to position Victoria through both online and print media. We have featured in a range of national, local and trade media outlets. Radio and TV broadcasts have added to our reach beyond 9 million. Going forward into our second year, a key point is to create, maintain and develop relations with all stakeholder groups and businesses in SW1, delivering initiatives that build the BID's commercial profile. Ruth Duston, Chief Executive – Victoria BID

A high volume of international tourists and business travellers pass through our doors every day. We have been working closely with the BID to ensure that when our guests step outside our hotel, that their experience of Victoria is as safe and enjoyable as possible. We have been impressed with the work delivered to date. Malcolm Hendry, General Manager of Rubens and 41 Hotel

I’m giving my full backing to this scheme to help the homeless in Victoria. Diverted Giving is an excellent way to encourage people who live or work in the area to make a positive contribution to help the most vulnerable people in society. Rt Hon. Grant Shapps MP, Minister of State for Communities and Local Government

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Annual Report 10/11

03 | Safe & Secure As the Victoria Partnership we established a dedicated Safer Neighbourhood Business Police Team. With Victoria highlighted as a high profile area in terms of security the police team is complemented with a very comprehensive CCTV system. The Victoria BID has invested in the police teams and associated facilities to ensure all crime including low level crime and anti-social behaviour is addressed.

Top, right: Metropolitan Police Officer on patrol, Buckingham Palace Road. Right: Diverted Giving donation boxes have been distributed across the BID area. Opposite page (Clockwise from top left): Victoria Street, alongside Cardinal Place; The British Transport Police and Metropolitan Police Services are working more closely under a new initiative funded by the BID; Victoria Station with the award winning Peak building on Wilton Road; a member of the public being assisted by one of the Safer Neighbourhood Police Team.

Year 1 Actual Delivery • 2 year secondment of a Police Sergeant from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). • A range of events have been held throughout the year from ARGUS through to Fraud Seminars and staff safety awareness days. • A homelessness sub-group has been established bringing together all stakeholders across the area. • Business Policing has been rolled out to deliver on the following projects: −− Purple Flag −− Diverted Giving −− Community Safety Accreditation Scheme −− Table Top business continuity −− Radio Link −− Facewatch −− Pubwatch/Safer Socialising −− Community Safety material distributed across the BID −− Crime and Design Audit

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03 | Safe & Secure

Outputs • A Police Sergeant has been working with colleagues to develop a more joined up approach between the British Transport Police (BTP) and Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) providing a unique and holistic approach to policing in Victoria. • 10 Safe & Secure events have been held with over 1,700 people attending. • Additional Patrols and a coordinated approach through partnership working was undertaken to address the concerns of the business community around Howick Place. Hot washes and additional patrols were undertaken. This complemented the pilot scheme being implemented by Westminster City Council (WCC) and UK Border Agency (UKBA) to tackle homelessness amongst the migrant population. We are currently exploring support of the bye-laws which are out for consultation.

• Purple Flag – promotion of the evening economy/kite marking a destination. Our submission was made in early 2011 followed by an assessment that took place on Saturday 5 March 2011. The final outcome is yet to be announced. • Diverted Giving – 3 floor standing boxes and 25 counter top boxes are in place across the area. Administered and managed by the passage this scheme was launched by Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps – Minister for Housing in January 2011. All donations go to The Passage for their work in finding long-term, sustainable solutions for the homeless. • Community Safety Accreditation Scheme – 15 security guards have been awarded seven accredited powers to deal with antisocial behaviour. The scheme went live on Monday 21 March 2011. • Radio Link – the system went live at the beginning of January 2011 with 136 radios issued to key individuals among Victoria's business community, linking them directly with the local police team.

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• Facewatch – reported crime system primarily used to prevent/deter theft from licensed premises. 31 premises have joined the pilot scheme for Facewatch which went live in November 2010. • Pubwatch – 25 licensed premises have been invited to join the pub watch scheme. First meeting took place in mid-March 2011 with 16 in attendance and consensus to work together. • A range of safety materials have been produced from bar runners through to bag holders and matrix signs reminding people to look after their mobile phones, bags, wallets etc…

Opposite, top: A British Transport Police officer on patrol at Victoria Station, May 2011. Opposite: An officer of the Victoria Safer Neighbourhood Business Police team. Right: Commuters at Victoria Station.

Green Infrastructure (GI) lies at the heart of this Government’s Climate Change and Sustainability agenda. We have plans to retrofit a range of GI – from green roofs to tree planting – making Victoria more attractive to visitors, workers and residents. Martin Kelly, Capita Symonds and Chairman of Victoria BID’s Clean & Green Steering Group

The Victoria BID is a fantastic opportunity for business to be a voice within their communities and delivering on the Government’s agenda through local a collective approach, demonstrating the BIDs contribution to The Big Society Mike Noakes, Optimum and Chairman of Victoria BID

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04 | Clean & Green Victoria is a key gateway to the capital, delivering numerous functions and services that meet a number of social and environmental agendas. The Victoria BID is keen to enhance the area’s appearance and environment. We are championing a sustainable green agenda for SW1, looking to deliver in line with the government's agenda on climate change. Victoria BID will be seen as a leader in sustainable business environments. Initiatives range from monitoring and reducing the area’s carbon emissions, to decreasing signage clutter and promoting a cleaner, more efficient and accessible street layout. The BID has developed and implemented a number of projects in line with our business plan objectives. This includes the Green Infrastructure Audit – the first comprehensive study of its kind undertaken in Europe across a business district.

Year 1 Actual Delivery • To implement Legible London, a new way finding system, across the SW1 area by late summer 2011. • A Green Infrastructure Audit of SW1 and the surrounding area was undertaken in the Autumn of 2010, identifying a number of greening opportunities. • A feasibility study has been undertaken to ascertain the benefits of a Resource Efficiency Club – the aim is to increase joint procurement opportunities and demonstrate cost savings to business. This includes a service for recycling. Continued on page 12

Right: Christchurch Gardens, Victoria Street. Opposite (clockwise from top left): Lower Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria; One of the many garden squares to be found in SW1, this one is Chester Square; the Barclays Cycle Scheme has many docking points across the Victoria area; Victoria BID has arranged a series of walking tours to garden squares in the run up to Chelsea Flower Show, 2011.

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04| Clean & Green

Year 1 Actual Delivery (continued) • Freight Movement and Consolidation – to explore the feasibility of more consolidation surrounding freight distribution and services that can realistically be joined together for a more coordinated approach to deliveries. The study will also assess the impact of the 2012 Games on deliveries and what freight passes through Victoria en route to their final destination.

Top: An example of the type of rain garden being considered in the retrofit of green infrastructure into Victoria. Above, left: a sample of the Legible London signage system being installed into Victoria. Opposite, top: A habitat, green roof which lies on top of the TfL building, 55 Broadway, Victoria. This is the type of roof garden the BID is looking to retrofit across the BID area. Opposite: St James's Park.

Outputs • Traffic Management – to complement the current public realm strategy being devised by Land Securities; The traffic management study which Grosvenor are exploring and the BIDs strategy surrounding movement and wayfinding, discussions are underway to look at traffic management in Victoria. • Legible London – to install approx. 30 new signs split into 6 monolith; 0 midi; 20 mini and 4 finger posts across the BID. 21 old style finger posts will be removed to de clutter and showcase the new signage system. • Green Infrastructure Audit – identified considerable opportunities to enhance green infrastructure to include: −− Creating over 25 hectares of green roofs −− Creating over 1 hectare of new green infrastructure −− Enhancing over 1.5 hectares of existing green infrastructure • Fundraising – We have been successful in accessing £20,000 of funding from Drain London and £5,000 from Natural England

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to assist with project implementation. 15 roofs are currently being identified for structural surveys across the BID area. This will be completed by June, 2011. • Ground terrain – new or enhanced greening schemes are being identified which includes greening of public areas at Buckingham Palace which will be designed and linked to the Diamond Jubilee in 2012. • Resource Efficiency Club – the club is now being implemented with the first phase assessing the feasibility of a recycling service for businesses. This work is scheduled to be completed before year end, 2011. • Movement – It has been agreed that the BID should explore the opportunity for freight consolidation where possible and to assess the impact of people movement around Victoria Station, focusing on the Olympics. A brief will invite companies to tender for this area of work and will look to complement the wider activity currently being undertaken such as the Land Securities Public Realm Strategy.

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05 | Visitor Destination Victoria is a major gateway for visitors to experience some of the country’s most iconic tourist attractions. Home to an abundant mix of hotels, restaurants, bars, leisure and entertainment venues throughout the SW1 area, the BID has developed a strategy that builds upon this strong offer. The BID events have been designed to engage audiences from the business community, to encourage increased footfall and visitors into the area.

Top right: Seasonal Market in Cardinal Place, Victoria Street. Right: Mozart resided in a house, near Orange Square whilst composing his first symphony. Opposite (clockwise from top left): Street Ambassadors assisting visitors at Buckingham Palace; The BID installed festive lights from House of Fraser down to the Piazza in celebration of Christmas 2010; Westminster Cathedral; Billy Elliot the musical, continues to play to packed houses at the Victoria Palace Theatre.

Year 1 Actual Delivery • A team of Street Ambassadors were introduced at the end of June 2010. • 3 seasonal markets were held during the Summer, Autumn and Christmas periods. • A number of events were held over the course of the Summer and Winter including gospel choir concerts, as well as a celebrity Christmas lights switch on in Westminster Cathedral Piazza in November 2010. • Focus on Fitness. • Diamond Hunt. • Victoria Station exhibition and competition. • Walking Tours.

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04| Visitor Destination


Top: Lemar was the guest of honour at the launch of Christmas in Harmony, November 2011. Above: Focus on Fitness, March 2011. Opposite (clockwise from top left): The BID installed festive lights on Victoria Street, Christmas 2010; Street Ambassadors assisting visitors at Buckingham Palace; Westminster Cathedral; Billy Elliot – the musical continues to play to packed houses at the Victoria Palace Theatre.

• The Street Ambassador Programme went live in the 2nd quarter of the financial year with 4 out of 5 Ambassadors recruited. Interserve were contracted to manage and deliver the Ambassador programme. An evaluation of the scheme has been completed demonstrating the value placed on providing a street concierge service in Victoria and benefits of having a dedicated Pod or focal point to provide information to a range of different audiences. The Pod was installed on 6 June, 2011 and located outside of the main entrance to Victoria Station. • Food and Gift Markets – Over 600 people have attended the markets which have been held at both Cardinal Place and Lower Grosvenor Gardens in partnership with the Royal Warrant Holders Association. • A Focus on Fitness campaign was run in March 2011 with the aim of engaging local employees. The scheme was very successful with over 271 individuals booking classes. We are due to repeat this in Summer 2011.

• The Victoria BID Diamond Hunt went live in April linked to the Royal Wedding with £6,000 worth of prizes donated by local business – including Fitness First, Philip Treacy, Wicked the Musical, Billy Elliot and the Rubens Hotel. Participants explored and learned more about Victoria whilst racing against the clock. The top prize of a diamond worth £3,000 was donated by the Diamond Store. Local press coverage gave us a reach of over 160,000 households in the Westminster area. Over 50 local businesses took part in this innovative hunt using mobile phones, run by Hidden City. • A Concourse Exhibition ran over several days in Victoria Station and engaged with over 17,000 people. We ran a competition with prizes donated from Wicked and Billy Elliot as well as The Rubens Hotel. We received over 600 entries and we were able to add 350 to our mailing list as a result. • Ticket Gateways were branded over a 4 week period, with a reach of almost 1.5 million according to monitored figures. • Walks Programme – More than 240 people participated in the BID's scheduled walks.

We are quite new to the area and it’s important for us to join forces with other organisations, we have just been introduced to the Victoria BID which is doing an unbelievable job for the area. We are looking forward to actively participating. Alex De Blonay, Co founder & Director of 1508 London

The BID is commended for its seamless transition from partnership to BID, delivering over 40 projects, demonstrating innovation and best practice in its first year of operation. I am delighted to be involved in shaping and establishing what will be one of the countries more prominent business improvement districts. Ruth Duston, Chief Executive of Victoria BID

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06 | Showcase Victoria Victoria has a rich cultural offer and some of London’s best kept secrets. We have been promoting Victoria as a destination of choice, providing a sense of place and ownership by those who work, live and visit the area. Embarking on a comprehensive marketing and promotional campaign we are encouraging employees to take advantage of the area they work in. The BID has delivered high quality marketing materials, including a state of the art website, regular e-newsletters, a range of promotional brochures, leaflets and our quarterly magazine inSW1. These are delivered to stakeholders on a regular basis. Our Visitor Guides and street maps are aimed at people visiting the Victoria area, whether for business or pleasure and encourage a shift in the way people perceive the area. Our strategy adopted a multichannel approach from the outset imparting news and information about the BID through print and online media.

Year 1 Actual Delivery • To agree the 5 year marketing and communications campaign. • To assess website hits and information being downloaded, making adjustments and improved delivery of key messaging. • To produce a range of marketing materials and tools for distribution in showcasing Victoria and the SW1 area as a vibrant business district within central London. • To implement a press campaign both in local, national and trade publications to raise the profile of the BID and draw in attention to its initiatives.

Opposite (clockwise from top left): Our quarterly Magazine inSW1; The home page of our website; Branding crest used for marketing the run by the BID.

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04| Showcase Victoria


Top: An employee from the Queen Mother Sports Centre Above: Westminster Abbey Opposite (clockwise from top left): The Victoria BID e-newsletters; Seed packets were branded and used as a Spring promotion marking the opening of Chelsea Flower Show; Viral video marketing is presented throughout the website and on our branded YouTube channel, inSW1; Front cover of the Victoria BID Business Directory and Diary, covering the London 2012 Games period.

• A marketing plan has been devised, reviewed annually, actioned and agreed by the steering committee. • The website went live at the official launch of the BID in June 2010 and in a 9 month period we have received over 13,000 visits with more than 51,000 views across the website. • We have issued 10 e-Newsletters to a regular and steadily growing subscriber list of almost 1,700 recipients throughout the business community. • Distributed 12,900 magazines over 3 quarters • Distributed −− 9,800 visitor guides −− 1,000 map pad packs −− 27,000 travel wallets −− 18,600 promotional leaflets −− 500 Employment Charter brochures −− 2,000 leaflets have been distributed relating to the safer neighbourhood business police team −− 5,000 Business directories

• The BID has been successful in attracting a range of media coverage throughout year. Media interest has been generated across diverse projects carried out by the BID. Articles and features have been placed online, in print and broadcast media. There have been numerous articles in trade press, including the property, retail, security and hospitality sectors. Broadcasts have been secured with Sky News and affiliated radio stations, ITN London Tonight and BBC Radio London during the year. These have covered key initiatives, particularly within the safe and secure agenda. National coverage has been achieved in print, including the Sun, Daily Star and The Voice. Stories taken up by local press have appeared in London Metro, Westminster Chronicle, Kensington & Chelsea News and Belgravia.

Victoria BID responds effectively to changes in the business environment making Victoria a prime location for businesses to relocate, invest and prosper. Working with the BID is a positive step of ensuring we embrace the opportunities ahead – especially the London 2012 Games next year. Debbie Akehurst, Chair of Prosperous Economy Steering Group

Victoria is often underrated as a destination within London, but that is set to change as the area fast becomes a rival to the capital’s other top business districts. Grosvenor sees that through the BID’s activities, Victoria will undoubtedly continue to prosper. Nigel Hughes, Grosvenor

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07 | Prosperous Economy The Victoria BID is working hard to boost the local economy and shape SW1 as a thriving commercial hub for business by bolstering footfall for retailers, developing business networks and securing inward investment. Victoria BID is on track to seize opportunities that will cement the area's commercial prosperity for the long haul, safeguarding viable opportunities arising from global events like the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. One priority is to support and strengthen local employment opportunities generated in the business district. In November 2010 we launched our Employment Charter working in partnership with a range of local businesses to advertise local vacancies within the local area to help provide employment opportunities for local people.

With the planned redevelopments and investment in the SW1 area, the BID, working in partnership with public service providers will ensure that we help create a positive “first” impression. From inward investment, to increased footfall and customer spend, as well as the work we do on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – including volunteering, the BID is working hard to develop a strong mix of assets to maximise Victoria’s potential.

Top, right: T M Lewin have several shops in the Victoria area. Right: The Luna Simone Hotel on Belgrave Road, Pimlico is one of a number of boutique and family run hotels that sit alongside some of the larger establishments. Opposite (clockwise from top left): Interior design and specialist shops make up a significant portion of local business. Nicky Haslam's shop in Belgravia; Gastronomica cafe and delicatessen in Pimlico; We have supported Whizz-Kidz and BBC Blue Peter's Go-Cardz Appeal 2010; Hotels, like the Lime Tree, continue to be an important part of the local economy.

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06| Prosperous Economy

Year 1 Actual Delivery • To investigate a joint procurement programme through the Resource Efficiency Club (REC) • Development of the Employment Charter • A number of CSR projects were implemented throughout the year. • A Christmas campaign was implemented to assist local charities • Installation of footfall counters in Victoria

Top: Gift Drop boxes were placed in receptions of commercial buildings and St Peter's Church Eaton Square. Employees and visitors were encouraged to drop off extra gifts as part of the BID's Christmas 2010 activities in support of local charities. Hesperia hotel bar, Bridge Place, Victoria Opposite (clockwise from top left): The launch of Victoria Employment Charter, November 2010; a break from business in a local coffee shop; Victoria Street; Pret a Manger, Victoria

Outputs • The Employment Charter was launched in November, 2010 working with Land Securities and the London Employer Accord. To date we have worked with Marks & Spencer and Buckingham Palace who are currently interviewing 6 candidates. • Volunteering – Land Securities, provided a large space in one of its buildings for the Whizz Kids/BBC Blue Peter Go Cardz Appeal activity, involving over 700 volunteers who

handled the packaging of 150,000 cards designed and sent by children which were then sent on for sale in Tesco supermarkets around the UK. A total of 10,000 hours of volunteer working hours was recorded. • CSR – brokerage of a 2 day event to assist The Passage involving over 60 volunteers from a local business, at a calculated inkind cost of £3,000. • Secret Santa – sponsoring 3 local charities with over 200 donated gifts with an estimated in-kind value of over £2,000. • Cancer Research UK – The BID cosponsored this flagship event with 18 BID Board and Steering Group members attending a spectacular carol concert. Over £200,000 was raised for the charity. • Footfall Cameras – 5 cameras have been installed, recording footfall. Combined with ongoing sales figures will give a measure of economic performance for the area. • Resource Efficiency Club (REC) as reported on page 13, looks at joint procurement options such as courier services; stationery. We have 50 businesses signed up to the REC. Year 2 will see this service rolled out.

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08 | The BID Board

The board comprises BID levy payers from the local business community. Representatives from different sectors of businesses have joined the board with a number of partners from our public service providers taking observer status around the table. The following members are all directors of the BID Company: Mike Noakes, Optimum and Chairman Nigel Hughes, Grosvenor Estate and Vice-Chair Martin Kelly, Capita Symonds and Vice-Chair Calum Forbes, Microsoft George Lynne, Angel trains Claudia Binkert, EDF Trading Jamie Simons, Experian (seconded to the USA) Michael O’Brien, Hesperia London Hotel Anthony Smith, House of Fraser Gary Merrick, John Lewis Andrew Halford, Marks & Spencer (resigned) Murray Rae, Starbucks (resigned) Paul Green, Sainsbury’s David Morgan –Hewitt, The Goring Hotel Andrew Mills, Victoria Palace Theatre Ramesh Costa, Victoria Park Plaza

Colette O’Shea, Land Securities Nic Harper, Wetherspoons In addition to the board there are four steering committees that oversee and manage how the BID levy is spent. The committees meet on a quarterly basis and monitor progress and delivery of initiatives by the BID team. All projects have specific KPI’s set and success is measured against these. All committees are represented by a cross section of businesses but also invite wider representation to the table where common areas of interest lay, such as public service providers; resident or amenity societies and local charities.

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The Victoria BID Team


Ruth Duston, Chief Executive Zoe Collins, Economic Development Officer Scott Nixon, BID Manager Nicki Palmer, Office Manager Nina Provencal, Events & Marketing Officer Sergeant Karl Rogers, Business Crime Reduction Officer Rozanne Shipman, Business Engagement Anjana Shrestha, Accounts Paul Vater, Marketing & Communications

• BID company established • Production of quarterly financial reports • A BID Board and 4 steering groups have been established. All have met 4 times in the financial year. 40 businesses engage with the BID through representation on the Board and Steering Groups (23% of BID community). Over 248 hours of business time has been allocated to attend steering group meetings with an estimated in kind contribution of £7,500 • All BID Levy paying companies have had regular communication with the BID throughout the course of the year through a range of communication tools. Actual 1:1 meetings have taken place with 140 out of 179 businesses. The levy payments made by business are in respect of 246 premises. • Grosvenor provides an in-kind contribution of £24,800 through the provision of office premises in Belgravia.

Year 1 Actual Delivery • BID Company established and change of name recorded at Companies House • Steering groups established that include residents associations as observers • Finance agreed via the steering groups • BID meetings undertaken


09 | Financial Information Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31 March 2011 BID Levy (£) Turnover BID Levy Voluntary Levy and Other Contributions Cost of Sales Safe and Secure Clean and Green Showcase Victoria Destination Victoria Prosperous Economy Gross Profit Administration Expenses Core Salaries Rates Water and Electricity Printing Postage and Carriage Telephone Office Stationery Repairs and Maintenance Legal and Professional Fees Audit Fees Office Consumables Cleaning Bank Charges Insurance Subscriptions IT Running Costs Public Realm Development Costs BID Development Costs Office Remodelling Costs BID Levy Collection Fee Depreciation Taxation Surplus carried forward to 2011/12

Voluntary (£)

Total (£)


49,499 49,499

1,287,484 49,499 1,336,983

172,088 145,723 180,743 192,141 79,977 770,671 516,813

3,889 3,889 45,610

172,088 145,723 184,632 192,141 79,977 774,560 562,423

106,435 4,299 3,067 2,040 2,878 4,636 3,195 84 152 4,800 1,632 2,527 213 1,122 1,893 7,776 23,000 10,403 7,410 30,276 2,895 (1,691) 219,042 297,771

45,197 413 45,610 -

151,632 4,299 3,067 2,040 2,878 4,636 3,195 84 152 4,800 1,632 2,527 213 1,122 1,893 7,776 23,000 10,816 7,410 30,276 2,895 (1,691) 264,652 297,771


Victoria Business Improvement District (Victoria BID) 8a Lower Belgrave Street, London, SW1W 0LJ T (44) 020 3004 0786 F (44) 020 7730 0311 E

DESIGN  © Sugarfree / / Tel 020 7619 7430 TEXT 2011  © Victoria Business Improvement District (Victoria BID) IMAGES  © 2010 & 2011  Copyright remains with the photographers: Dominick Tyler, Richard Lewisohn, Paul Vater and Paul Barratt © Published June 2011

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