Victoria BID Brand Guidelines

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Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Basic Identity Guidelines Version 1.0 July 2012


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines



Introduction 03

These guidelines will familiarise you with the Victoria Business Improvement District brand, and show you how to use it.

Background 04 Our Logo


– Logo Verisons


– Clearzones and Minimum Sizes


– Incorrect Usage


Our Themes


Brand Elements


– Colour Palette


– Typography


– Photography


– Photography Usage


– Using Captions


Earth Creative Strategies South Wing, Somerset House, Strand, London, WC2R 1LA +44 (0)20 7845 5840

If you have any further questions after reading, please contact the brand guardians, Earth Creative Strategies. The Victoria Business Improvement District logo and brand assets may only be used by those authorised to do so and users must comply with the guidelines that follow.

Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Background Victoria is different from any other London district – and we revel in that difference. Historically it has been the epicentre of political and symbolic power in London, from the political village of Westminster to the home of royalty at Buckingham Palace. The arrival of the railway station transformed Victoria into one of the capital’s busiest transport hubs. In the modern day, Victoria has become a powerful centre for business, retail and culture. In contemporary life, the story of Victoria is gaining even more pace as the district continues to welcome further significant developments. In Victoria old meets new and culture meets business in a delightful blend of variety with the exhilaration of city life. London starts here...


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Our Logo Our new brand mark reflects the heritage of Victoria whilst also demonstrating it has a flourishing future. All our communications must, therefore, demonstrate this. We want to appear open and accessible, transparent and accountable. As an elected body, above all else, The Victoria BID must communicate the difference we are making throughout all of our collateral.



Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines


Logo versions The Victoria BID logo is available in a series of versions, both stacked and horizontal, and in a series of colours. The logo colour should be selected based on the palette of the communication it appears on. It should always conform to the usage guidelines on the following pages.

Stacked versions Gradients


Black and white


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Logo versions


The Victoria BID logo is available in a series of versions, both stacked and horizontal, and in a series of colours. The logo colour should be selected based on the palette of the communication it appears on. It should always conform to the usage guidelines on the following pages.

Horizontal versions Gradients


Black and white


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Logo versions


There is also a monogram version of the logo available in a series of colours. This is for use as a mark of endoresement when the whole logo is not necessary.

Monograms Gradients


Black and white


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Clearzones and minimum sizes

Horizontal logo clearzone

The Victoria BID logo should always appear within its own space. A clear zone has been designed for each logo version to ensure no other graphic elements intrude too much upon the brand mark. To ensure legibility of the strapline the logos should never appear any smaller than the minimum sizes shown here.

Stacked logo



5mm 18mm


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Incorrect logo usage To ensure consistency please avoid the following when applying our logo, in print and on-line.


DON’T alter the colours of the logo

DON’T a ttempt to recreate or change the typeface on the logo

DON’T c rop the logo

DON’T alter the strapline or attempt to create alternatives

DON’T create tints of the logo

DON’T s quash or stretch the logo

DON’T rotate the logo

DON’T s how the wordmark without the accompanying monogram


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Our Themes We work across a number of themes. When referring to each of these themes, the icons shown below must be used to reference the theme.

Clean & Green

Safe & Secure

Prosperous Economy

Destination Victoria

The BID is championing a sustainable green agenda for Victoria and is looking to become the leader in the development of sustainable business environments.

Guided by local businesses and organisations with a view to ensuring the Victoria BID team reposition and strengthen the area as a safe and secure district for business to flourish.

The BID has continued to champion the revitalisation of Victoria’s economy, encouraging a rich and vibrant mix of businesses that enhance Victoria as an attractive place to live work and visit.

Victoria is a major gateway for visitors and tourists passing through to visit some of the country’s most iconic sites. Victoria is also home to an abundant mix of hotels located around the SW1 area. The BID will develop a strategy that builds upon the strong cultural offer in the area, but looks to address issues raised within the perception analysis to encourage increased footfall and visitors into the area.

Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Brand elements



Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Colour palette We have a broad colour palette which includes neutral shades and a set of accent colours. The accent colours should be used to complement imagery or supporting graphics. The accent pairs should not be combined, but used individually alongside the neutral palette.

Neutral palette

Primary colour



C: 00 M: 00 Y: 05 K: 05

PANTONE 7658 C: 66 M: 88 Y: 44 K: 44

SCREEN R:251 G:249 B:248 #FBF9F8

SCREEN R:74 G:36 B:68 #4A2444

Accent colours

PRINT Pantone 158 PANTONE 0 50 100 0 CMYK: 158 C:RGB: 00 M: Y: 100 00 50247 148K:29




PANTONE 381 C: 60 M: 00 Y: 100 K: 00

PANTONE 301 C: 100 M: 30 Y: 02 K: 24

PANTONE 1945 C: 05 M: 92 Y: 43 K: 17

SCREEN HTML: f7941d R:247 G:148 B:29 #F7941D




R:114 G:191 B:68 #B2D234

R:40 G:98 B:142 #28628E

R:194 G:47 B:88 #B05468

PRINT C: 12 M: 05 Y: 08 K: 28 SCREEN R:179 G:181 B:181 #B3B5B5

Pantone 421

PRINT C: 00 M: 00 Y: 00 K: 94 SCREEN R:104 G:104 B:105 #686869






179 181 181

PANTONE 2593 C: 57 M: 99 Y: 08 K: 00

PANTONE 7549 C: 00 M: 27 Y: 100 K: 00

PANTONE 380 C: 30 M: 00 Y: 100 K: 00

PANTONE 2995 C: 89 M: 00 Y: 01 K: 00

PANTONE 199 C: 00 M: 96 Y: 80 K: 00







R:134 G:41 B:133 #872B87

R:254 G:190 B:16 #FEBE10

R:191 G:215 B:48 #CFDD27

R:13 G:157 B:219 #0D9DDB

R:238 G:44 B:60 #DD5061


0 0 0 40


Pantone 426 CMYK:

0 0 0 90


104 104 105



Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines


Typography Our primary brand type family is Clarendon and is employed in two weights which should be used for headlines over all communications. Our secondary brand type family is FS Albert and is used in a series of weights to define hierarchy over all other written information.

Primary typeface: Clarendon This popular slab-serif was created in 1845 by Robert Besley. Clarendon is a warm slab serif, steeped in British heritage.

Secondary typeface: FS Albert Designed by Fontsmith in 2002, FS Albert is a warm, sensitive face with a big personality. It’s a friendly sans serif font; shapely, flexible and modern.


FS Albert


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines


Alternative fonts

Headlines are set in Clarendon Regular

Where Clarendon is unavailable please use the system font Georgia

Clarendon Roman

Georgia Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

All other text is set in FS Albert Light and Regular

Where FS Albert is unavailable please use the system font Calibri

FS Albert Light

Calibri Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

FS Albert Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Typographic hierarchy Example styles to demonstrate the type hierarchy. Folios FS Albert 9/12pt

Section 3: Destination Victoria


There’s so much more to see in Victoria than meets the eye, the walking tours programme is a fantastic way to learn about the rich history and really get a feel for the area’s hidden gems.

Pullquote FS Albert Regular 15/18pt

Destination Victoria

Headline Clarendon Roman 25/34pt

Luke Shires – BID Board member

Victoria BID’s programme of activity has developed into a robust and vibrant menu of events ranging from historical walking tours, seasonal food markets with local traders, pop up and one off promotional activity with specific call to actions and events targeted to the larger corporates going into their offices delivering activities; all showcasing the area’s culture, open spaces, retail and leisure offer and more.

Standfirst FS Albert Light 15/18pt


These events were very successful in strenghthening the BID brand, increasing footfall and generating national PR for Victoria and the BID project.

In Pictures 2.


Captions FS Albert Light 8/10pt



Victoria BID achieves a Guiness World Record


Victoria Street, the heart of SW1


Spring market in Cardinal Place


Christmas lights outside House of Fraser

As well as encouraging the wider community and visitors to engage with the programme through our marketing and PR we have seen a number of key events take place, which will gain momentum year on year within the BID community. We have sought ways to be creative with the space available to hold events as well as creating a programme which is relevant and interesting to our target audience whist achieving the BID’s core objectives for the Destination strategic theme. In response to the Visioning and Work programme

Development Workshop held at the beginning of the financial year, members were keen to see more BID branding throughout the events programme with more high profile content and impact.

Body text FS Albert Light 9/12pt

This year we’ve already delivered two key events of this nature to showcase Victoria in the run up to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. These events were successful in strengthening the BID brand, increasing footfall and generating national PR for Victoria and the BID project.

Pull-out text FS Albert Light 8/10pt


Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Photography Where possible, photographs should be taken within the Victoria BID boundary, to ensure authenticity.

It is better to include real people to help show day-to-day life in Victoria.

Juxtaposition between the old and new buildings can be helpful, as well as showing dynamic shots of buildings.

Photographs of people in their place of work help them become more believable.

Interesting viewpoints and shallow depth of field can help set a scene more effectively.

Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Photographic treatment When photography is required for a front cover or section title, the images can be treated to portray the idea of the brand living within the Victoria BID area. One way to achieve this is to integrate the graphic elements into the photography. This should always be executed by a qualified photo retoucher.



Victoria BID – Basic Identity Guidelines

Photography – captions When you are using a number of images, and you need to explain what they are, we have a caption system which involves taking of the corner of the image to form the shape of a “V”.

Creating the “V”

Example of caption system in use





In Pictures

Caption number placed at bottom left of image, inside the “V”


ost to the work of our H most creative designers


igh quality bars and H restaurants for relaxing and catching up


I deal for purchasing gifts and those little luxuries

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