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CV + Portfolio

Victoria Dafos Aller

Curriculum Vitae


College of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)

Bachelor in Architecture, exchange program



Málaga SPAIN

Málaga SPAIN

School of Architecture (ETSAM), Polytechnic University of Madrid

Bachelor in Architecture, on course

Santa Barbara City Collage (SBCC) California, United States Major in Media and Visual Arts

Colegio San Estanislao de Kostka, Málaga, Spain Bachelor degree

Lycée Français International Málaga, Spain Secundary student


Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN


Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Victoria Dafos Aller

Architectural Student

Born in Granada, Spain, in 2000

(+34) 634742943 Spain

010-6463-2943 South Korea



Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN


Madrid SPAIN


With Honors Spring 2024

School of Architecture (ETSAM), Polytechnic University of Madrid

Distinction 10 MH in Design Studio 8 - UD.Ecopolíticas

With Honors Fall 2023

School of Architecture (ETSAM), Polytechnic University of Madrid

Distinction 10 MH in Design Studio 6- UD.RIBOT

With Honors Spring 2023

College of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)

Distinction A+ MH in Design Studio 5

With Honors Fall 2019

School of Architecture (ETSAM), Polytechnic University of Madrid

Distinction 9,5/10 DAI- Graphic idea

elii oficina de arquitectura

Intership at the elii Arichitecture office Uriel Fogué, Eva Gil and Carlos Palacios.

Architecture student assistance

FIL 2024. Spanish pavilion at the Guadalajara International Book Fair.

Architect Assistant- Ángel Borrego Cubero

Design and production of diagrams, renderings, and graphic materials to effectively communicate design ideas.

Design and communication in the Architectural Projects Department, ETSAM

Intership at the Architectural Projects Department

Design and communication of the Department+

Web and Social media managment

MPAA15-MIPPA Design and communication, ETSAM

Intership at the Architectural Projects Department

Design and communication of the Máster Department

Web and Social media managment

Suzuko Yamada Architects Summer intership

Competition and design stage drafting and drawing in selected projects

Editorial layout and design in the Architectural Projects Department

Intership at the Espegel + Cánovas Project Unit

School of Architecture (ETSAM), Polytechnic University of Madrid. Ud. Espegel + Cánovas

Editorial layout and design of 4 books: “La casa adjetivada”, “Solxs”, “Recargar”, “Usos fugaces”

3D Scanning and photogrammetric analysis

House reformation using photogrammetric analysis for the installation of photovoltaic panels, staris and elevator in Romero Girón 12, Madrid.

Urban analysis of the infrastuctures and services in Villaverde, Madrid

Painting and furniture

Repairing any electrical or mechanical equipment as well as furniture assemble and other house elements.

Also, repairing and painting any kind of surface in several buildings

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Granada SPAIN


“La casa adjetivada” Bachelor in Architecture, exchange program

“Solxs” Bachelor in Architecture, on course

“Recargar” Major in Media and Visual Arts

“Usos fugaces” Bachelor degree

Centre for Contemporary Creation, Matadero, Madrid Exhibition of Studio Design project

Research Center, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid Exhibition “Viajes del Agua”

“GOG” Magazine Drawings



Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN

Madrid SPAIN


Leopold Banchini Atelier, Porto Academy Memories of the club

Offmiau Academy

PVB/Basic visual programming applied to Projects with Grasshopper 3D

Offmiau Academy

PVI/Intermediate visual programming applied to simulation for projects: structuralbioclimatic simulations

Offmiau Academy

PIA/Architecture Scenes Infographic, Vray for RHINO / 3dsMax / Sketchup. Adobe Post Production

LG Art Center, Tadao Ando Architecture Tam Tam - Architecture of the World’s Performance Halls


Advance Good

Rhinoceros+Vray, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat DC,Enscape

Adobe Premier, Grasshopper, Adobe Premier, Aftereffects, Meshroom, Zbrush, Lightroom, ArcMap,QGis, ArcGis, Cinema 4D


French Native Advance B2 Good B1


Academic Projects


Criss Cross Tower_Design Studio 6

Zurzidos Florales_Ud.Espegel

Editando Villaverde_Ud.Espegel+Cánovas

Abrigos Heterotópicos

Architectural composition

Photogrametry analysis


Memories of the Club

Academic project in ESTEC, Netherlands Ud.Ribot

Criss Cross Tower

Academic project in Seoul, South Korea

Studio Design 6


Zurzidos Florales

Academic project in Palermo, Italy


Editando Villaverde

Academic project in Villaverde, Madrid Ud.Espegel+Cánovas

Abrigos heterotópicos

Academic project in Manzanares, Madrid Ud.Coll-Barreu

Architectural composition

Prof.Íñigo Cobeta

A: Caja de sonido enterrada de 3x3m con 9 casillas.

B: Caja enterrada libre con lucernarios abiertos que propoagan el sonido al ecterior.

C: Salientes que através del sonido crean el espacio sin restrincions del exterior.

Durante el o plantea una sonido a tra vimiento h otras person casillados d porde saber lo que ad, aunque hastalaúlti

Durante el rocorrido por estas cajas sonoras se plantea una experimentación y percepción del sonido a través del grado de libertad de movimiento y la luz. Partiendo de un espacio en el que no hay contacto ni visual ni sico con otras personas, los usuarios permanecerán encasillados durante la duración du una canción hasta porder salir a la siguiente estancia sin saber lo que se encontrarán, moviiento y libertad, aunque no la alcanzarán en su plenitud hasta la última etapa, en la que el sonido que nace de la tierra podrá ser experimentado sin ninguna limitación

Victoria Dafos_e5

Architectural composition

Prof.Íñigo Cobeta

Architectural composition

Prof.Íñigo Cobeta

qElaccesodesdeelexterioresunparaguasal elueleatraviesaunpilartraslúcidoquerecoge nalaguadelalluvia,lacualdesciendehastael delacámarasinmojarelinterior.Creando teasíunadicotomíaenlaqueestandototalmenherméticalacámaraelaguaestápresenteentodomomento.

El cubo de 6x6m se encuentra enterrado en el interior de una acantilado con galerías de agua subterráneas, gracias a las 3 aperturas de la cámara se captarán los re ejos de estas agua en su interior.

Victoria Dafos_e5

3D Scanning and

Editing and Design, cover and content

Leopold Banchini Atelier

Workshop in Porto Academy Study “Memories of the club”

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