Mustafa nazary bio

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Mustafa Nazary Bio Mustafa Nazary has been CEO of ULTIMATE RESULTS for more than a decade. The Washington DC-based personal training and coaching Company specializes in helping clients improve their physical and emotional wellbeing via both interpersonal and online educational strategies. Commencing his career as a personal trainer in the late 1980s, CEO and Founder Mustafa has spent the last 25+ years of his life dedicated to optimizing his client’s quality of life and their pursuit of rich meaningful lives. In service to the later, the NASM and Check-certified coach spent 30,000 hours developing the ZEABA PROCESS, a brain-science inspired behavior change tool designed to 'rewire' the human brain to overcome a wide variety of human pathologies such as depression, eating disorders, violent tendencies, PTST and other social ills more expeditiously, more sustainable, and less expensively that current solutions. The ZEABA process is now being considered for both initial clinical studies and possible migration to mobile-delivered personal evaluation tools and has attracted significant interest with investors and the US Military, the LA School System, and other institutions and professionals interested in new solutions addressing behavior-centric social challenges. Mustafa was born in Afghanistan, experienced the many challenges related to extreme lifestyle changes and has been a political refugee at a very young age, and developed Zeaba not only to help his fellow humans across a wide range of social ill but also to address the prejudice he has periodically experienced from total strangers. 2. Who is the target audience for this research/product? * Short term (domestic and international): Practitioners (Mental health professionals, educators, coaches [affirmative action, performance, etc.], public servants [police, prisons, military (PTSD, sexual abuse), government, etc. * Mid-term: mass market consumers seeking to overcome adverse behaviors, via mobile app/VR games, etc.  • Long-term: We believe the Zeaba Model can be used to help stop wars from happening by creating bridges between tentative enemies; we also believe it could be logically deployed to large-scale economic development - including the evolution of entrepreneurial populations and national self-esteem. 3. How will the subject benefit? Eliminate pathological/anti-social/anti-self/inhibiting behaviors by rewiring the associated neural pathways associated with these behaviors, their triggers, and rewards. Like an X-ray machine, the model works to identify the foundation/source of any

aberrant behavior. It also delivers various concrete steps to neurologically change the undesired behavior (s) 4. What niche does this research/ product fit in? Behavioral Sciences, Child Development etc. • It is: a) A method for psychological assessment, based on several variables or ‘constructs’ as they are called in clinical psychology b) A therapeutic approach based on our assessment that will enable a person to move back toward a more desirable psychological state * As such, Behavioral Science; Behavioral Neurobiology; Educational Research. And potentially Sociology - with a touch of Chaos and Quantum Theories 5. What other fields of study/research deal with these same issues or serve the same audience? * Any field related to the study/address to anti-social behavior, structures of coping, selfimprovement and/or associated behavior change mythologies is fair game 6. What is your vision this effort in the next 6 months? * We are seeking funding and probably clinical partners (e.g. a hospital, clinic, or physician in private practice who sees patients) in order to carry out a clinical trial to demonstrate the efficacy of your approach. * A second option we've been pondering is a controlled study on high school eating disorders against current conventional/leading therapies * Parallel efforts are related to corporate development; legal (IP protection), human capital (head of research, CFO. CMO); publishing, etc. 7. How large of an effort is this and how much would this cost? * We intend to begin modestly with our first clinical study, and then expand both related research, acquisition of 3rd party research partners (e.g., universities) and initiate development of our first app. An intermediary to ultra-high net worth, health-centric investor suggested an ask of $1m cover multiple initial clinical studies, IP protection, the development of our 3rd party (university) partner outreach, business plan and financials, and initial C-Team hiring. 8. Who do you know that can help you in this field?

* We have 30,000 hours of research behind this platform - and an expanding number of clients that have measurably benefit from the evolving process on a sustainable basis and will attest to same. 9. Have you had any feedback from any of your peers? * We are currently negotiated with a Stanford Ph.D.'/MD/Computer Scientist and Behavioral Neurobiologist who recently left Harvard Medical School to potentially desire and manage the studies as we conclude our shared due diligence (which could include bio- information capture-his specialty). •

Our conversations relate primarily to study design:

(i) *Specifically*, what variables are to be measured and how are they measured. (ii) *Specifically*, what will someone do with the information that we have measured (iii) Who will collect our data: a doctor, nurse, or psychologist in a clinical setting? Or is it for every consumer to use? (iv) Who decides what to do with the data we collect? Doctor, nurse, the consumer? (v) What *specific* disorders are we going ton be targeting initially, how your approach will be better than current approaches, and how our method will be compared to standard approaches so that someone else can set up and do the experiment, 10. How does the Zeaba Model compare to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming( NLP) model? * there are similarities in that both processes claim to be based on 'rewiring' neural structures related to targeted behaviors. The comparison mostly ends there. Unlike Zeaba's assessment embracing a wide variety of underlying and explicit neurological, biological, environmental, attitudinal factors and other factors, NLP focuses exclusively on impacting the neurological process of behavior storage. * Further, the practice of NLP does not comprehensively educate the client in either the process or it's various underlying neurological, environmental and attitudinal thesis. The Zeaba Model (formula) has 5 specific variables that can explain complex and pathological behaviors ( i.e. terrorism, divorce, police shooting, emotional eating, PTSD, depression, racism, etc.) It goes deep into the neurobiology of how memories are formed (e.g.-mRNA-Protein Synthesis and its transformation of- electrochemical formationsynaptic transmissions into physiological response/all behaviors, no matter how complex and aberrant. The Zeaba Model emphases how one’s mindset, social environment, awareness can override their normal behavior. * Zeaba model use neuroscience, neurobiology, neurophysiology, quantum physics, chaos theory, and philosophy to explain any complex behavior.

* Finally NLP has been largely discredited by factual inaccuracies and lack of consistently positive and sustainable results whereas Zeaba is exhaustively based on an innovative synthesis of the current state of the art of brain science and behavioral science. From wiki about NLP. Stephen Briers writes, "NLP is not really a cohesive therapy but a ragbag of different techniques without a particularly clear theoretical basis...[and its] evidence base is virtually non-existent."[82] Eisner writes, "NLP appears to be a superficial and gimmicky approach to dealing with mental health problems. Unfortunately, NLP appears to be the first in a long line of mass marketing seminars that purport to virtual cure any mental appears that NLP has no empirical or scientific support as to the underlying tenets of its theory or clinical effectiveness. What remains is a mass-marketed serving of psycho pablum."[83] André Muller Weitzenhoffer—a friend and peer of Milton Erickson—wrote, "Has NLP really abstracted and explicated the essence of successful therapy and provided everyone with the means to be another Whittaker, Virginia Satir, or Erickson?...[NLP's] failure to do this is evident because today there is no multitude of their equals, not even another Whittaker, Virginia Satir, or Erickson. Ten years should have been sufficient time for this to happen. In this light, I cannot take NLP seriously...[NLP's] contributions to our understanding and use of Ericksonian techniques are equally dubious. Patterns I and II are poorly written works that were an overambitious, pretentious effort to reduce hypnotism to a magic of words

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