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VIDEO 1.The present call is destined to national and international videodance. 2. Each producer can present a maximum of 3 works, having to fill an inscription for each work. 3. The work does not have to exceed the seven (7) minutes duration, including credits. 4. The subject and treatment of the work are free, understanding “works of videodance� without derivatives and where as much the visual and sonorous components especially have been created for this format. They are excluded documentary works, registries of urban interventions and those videos that have been created originally for scenic works (the video as stage scene or complement of the scenic work). 5. Works will not be accepted that have been exhibited previously in Chile in similar events. The not fulfillment of this point will be causal of immediate elimination of the selection process. 6. Special attention with works realised as of April of the 2009 will be put. This does not exempt the work participation that has been realised previously. 7. In the case that the postulated work is of a different author to it registers whom it, will be due to enclose a legal document where it is expressed to have the permissions of diffusion from him or the proprietors of the intellectual rights of the postulated work. 8.Musical videos with sound track of musicians or groups with proven recognition would not be accepted to national or international level within the rights of the author. They will only be accepted, in the case that encloses a

letter - type to by hand be able with signature and national number of identity, where the author of the musical subject yields the rights of diffusion and derivatives of his sonorous work.

RIGHTS 1.The organization of Festival and ARTV, as well as any institution implied in the second edition of the FIVC will pay right of author by the diffusion of works, thus the person in charge through the postulation card will have to yield the rights of exhibition of the same. 2. Channel ARTV does not exempt to generate propaganda commercial before, during or subsequent to the emission of the program. 3.The organization of the FIVC does not become responsibility by damages that the works presented in the this call can have with respect to the rights of intellectual property of the same, since this will be of exclusive responsibility of the petitioners. 4.The selection of works that comprises of the program of the second version of the FIVC, also includes future projects of national and international diffusion that the direction of the Festival can realised, as a giving to major diffusion to selected works, as it has been in his previous version. Respect to the implied television channel, this one will not realise other emissions of the program outside the implied one in the present call. On the contrary, it will be coordinated with the direction of the Festival, the one that will be put in due course in contact with the artists.

SELECTION PROCESS The selection of the international works of videodance that apply to the present call will enter a process of selection in charge of the national producer Carlos Dittborn and of the Director of the FIVC Brisa MP. Once realised the selection, it will be notified via e-mail and will publish in the web site including photography and information of the work.

FORMAT AND SHIPMENT 1.The videos must be sent in video tape Mini DV or format. AVI or MOV. VIDEO IN FORMAT DVD WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 2.The following documents are due to include in the shipment: Printed inscription original signature 1 CD that contains: 2 frames in 350 dpi, by each postulated work. digital inscription in Word (without signature)


Documents via Internet will not be accepted.-

3.The works that enclose the incomplete form of postulation will automatically be excluded from the selection process. 4.The organization does not become responsability of damage or loss of the sent material and will not be realised return of the received material. 5.The Shipment must be realised by mail certificate to: Brisa Mu単oz, adress: Seminario 343, Providencia, Santiago of Chile. 6.The present call 2010 is opening: May 10. Deadline: July 5. Applications outside term will not be accepted. The participation in the present call supposes the acceptance of each and every one of the points set out in the bases. From already we are thankful for your participation!


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