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SolidWorkS Video TuTorialS
The BegiNNerS’ courSe 5+hrS
This course teaches you the basic skills of sketching, part modeling and assembly design, and offers many practice projects. If you are new to Solidworks and want to get productive quickly, this is where you start.
SolidWorkS TuTorialS TraiNiNg PackageS
provides different types Solidworks tutorials training packages. These are :1. “Gold” Training Package:This comprehensive Solidworks tutorials training package takes you through beginner to advanced materials. 2. Silver” Solidworks Training Bundle:It is a comprehensive course that gets you proficient in Solidworks. 3. Platinum” Bundle:This bundle is essential for the Solidworks engineers and students.
adVaNced ParTS modeliNg of SolidWorkS These parts are Covered Instant 3D, configurations & design tables, wrapping, freeform modeling, multibody parts, combining and sweeping, fillets, the Flex tool and more. Then practice with us on models for a gear housing, bracket, mounting base, and Geneva wheel.
feaTure WorkS aNd ToolBox of SolidWorkS To use the Solidworks “Toolbox� utility, which is a library of standard parts and features. Covers creating structural steel, beam calculation, creating grooves, cams, configurations, and parts; using the toolbox browser and the Smart Fastener utility and more.
Net course on Solidworks Feature Works, you learn to import models, run feature recognition to add intelligence to static translated files, and more.
SolidWorkS 2007 liBrary •
Solidworks is the world’s leading software for 3D parametric modeling. It is used by small to large companies in a variety of industries; expertise in Solidworks is a must-have for most 3D engineers today.
SheeT meTal of SolidWorkS In the VTN Solidworks Sheet Metal Course, you learn how to use tools necessary for bending and deforming flat sheets of metal in complex sheet metal parts. Provides real-world examples focusing on industry experience. Applies to earlier and later versions of Solidworks.
SimulaTioN of SolidWorkS
1.Solidworks Simulation course teaches you basic stress analysis using the Solidworks utilities Simulation and Simulation Xpress. 2.Applicable to later and earlier versions of Solidworks . Learn to use Simulation Xpress and practice stress analysis with an exercise. Learn to create meshes, manipulate mesh controls and correct mesh errors.
iNTermediaTe SkeTchiNg In this Video-Tutorials.Net course on Solidworks Sketching, you learn how to develop efficient sketches for your ideas. It is applicable to later versions of Solidworks. Covers creating polygons, selecting & converting entities, using construction geometry, moving/copying, rotating, and scaling entities, linear & circular sketch patterns, derived sketches, sketch text & blocks, splines, positioning and dimensioning sketches, and more.
model The iPhoNe 5 In this video tutorial, we show you how to model the iPhone 5. It includes part files so you can practice on your own. This course was written by an Solidworks engineer, and each video is concise, giving you helpful tips for learning how to use the tools and functions presented. There is no wasted time. The video controls let you pause and play to learn exactly at your own pace.
mold deSigN The Video-Tutorials.Net Solidworks Mold Design course teaches you to create molds for parts using various mold automation tools as well as mold assembly. Practice with real parts. Applicable to later and earlier versions of Solidworks. Covers moving faces, scaling, parting lines, straddling faces, analyses, tooling splits, assembly and more.
WeldmeNTS VTN can help you achieve mastery of SolidWorks with our SolidWorks Weldments course, where you learn to create, manage, and document weldments. Learn to create and manipulate structural members, end caps, gussets, filled beads; learn to trim/extend your weldments as well as inserting parts, creating subweldments, extruded cuts, configurations, a cut list and more. Practice what you’ve learned with an included exercise. Applies to earlier and later versions of Solidworks.
coNTacT uS Video-Tutorials .NET 132-250 Shawville Blvd #136 Calgary, Alberta , Canada T2X1C9 Tel:- 403.254.9622 Email:- info@video-tutorials.net Website:- http://www.video-tutorials.net/vtnet/
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