The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large greenfield developments in peri-urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer-driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership.
The design of the project will involve preparing a three-dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of the street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy.
Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with an emphasis on creating liveable neighborhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategies for the design project.
Softwares Used : ArcGIS, Mapbox, Photoshop
The base idea of the proposed township design
The city of Ahmedabad is growing from the center spreading across the outskirts because the city center is now getting congested.
These public open places are like the only relief spaces of Ahmedabad city that provides people spaces to walk, meet, connect as well as they also provides an unique identity to the neighborhood.
There is a need to establish public open places which can spread beyond in the outskirts.
Also, the city offers limited number of open public places which are clustered only around the center of the city.
The Township brings an idea of weaving one such public place within itself. The public place will not only provide a place for residents but also tie the city and the outskirts.
Softwares Used : Photoshop
Softwares Used ArcGIS, Mapbox, Photoshop
To create a city-level public place which marks the identity of the neighborhoods as well as connect the people of the township.
The site is located in Lapkaman, Ahmedabad, outside the AMC boundary abutting the Dholka Branch Canal at a potential junction in close proximity to SG Highway and SP Ring Road which connects Gandhinagar on one side and Ahmedabad on the other.
18.0 kms ( 50 mins ) from Railway Station
21.0 kms ( 34 mins ) from Sardar ValhabhBhai Patel Airport
The Site Character plays an important factor. Being on the canal edge, it is identified as a potential feature. It is a greenfield site with several farmlands around.
Despite being located outside the AMC boundary and in the fringes of the city the site is well accessible through major roads and future DP roads will provide more potential connections from the site to the rest of the city.
Softwares Used : MapBox, Photoshop
Analyzing the site surroundings and opportunities
Hand - Drawn sketches
The conceptual idea is to develop the road connections, align the public place in the center with several smaller open green spaces at neighborhood level. And linking the neighborhood with the central public place along with the green connectors i.e. the pedestrian pathways, making it an active and walkable neighborhood.
Weaving the site around the central public place
The smaller green spaces around in the neighborhood, will have integrated activities for users
Linking the neighborhood with the central public place and recreational areas which are accessible from all ends of the site
Softwares Used : AutoCAD, Photoshop
Connecting the DP Roads
Central Public Place
Linking the Two half’s
To make the site connections robust. The idea is to establish a main spine which connects the 45m DP road and a secondary spine which connects the canal road.
These road connection creates a city level public place located centrally in the township. Cutting the site into two half’s
A central connection is established which connects these two halfs.
Street Network & Nodes Building Uses
Further with secondary and tertiary roads the internal network is built along with nodes.
Open Green Spaces
Apart from the central public place, there are neighborhood greens and the green connectors. These green connectors act as view corridors and strengthens the visual connection to the open green spaces
The commercial cluster is located along the canal edge and in few pockets of the site. Mixed use is at the nodes and institutional is spreading across the site, remaining is residential.
Percentage of street network : 17%
Percentage of open spaces : 20%
Percentage of residential building use : 60%
The Global FSI considered is 2.0
Softwares Used : AutoCAD, Photoshop
The master plan combines to form the structure of the integrated township around a central public place which marks the identity of the neighborhood and also keeps the township active and connected with people. Further, the design of central public place is looked at, along with one of the urban blocks to understand the proposal at a zoomed in scale.
High-Rise Premium Residential Buildings
Neighborhood park
Central Public Place Node Plaza Lake front
Mid-Rise Residential Buildings
Zone 1
Softwares Used : AutoCAD, Photoshop
Programming of Central Public Place
Zone 4
Sports Amenities along the canal front
Workshop & Learning Zone
Along the main entrance is the Skill development and workshop centre, with art galleries and various activities for different user groups.
Zone 2
The Celebration Plaza and Lake front
The celebration plaza constitutes of spaces for entertainment, garba, fun and fairs, exhibitions, concerts and various city level events. On the remaining days of the year it could be used as a pedestrian plaza, and stepped seating area besides the lake front.
Zone 3
Shopping and Eateries
The mixed use buildings constitute shopping malls, cafe, restaurants, theaters, informal shopping and food markets.
Zone 4
Sports Amenities along the canal front
Along the canal front, the central public space constitutes sport amenities, spaces for picnic and recreational around the dense vegetation and canal front for the township.
Zone 3
Shopping and Eateries
Zone 2
The Celebration Plaza and Lakefront
Zone 1
Workshop & Learning Zone
This view is overlooking the celebration plaza, the stepped seating area besides the lake front. The celebration plaza constitutes of spaces for entertainment, garba, fun and fairs, exhibitions, concerts and various city level events. On the remaining days of the year it could be used as a pedestrian plaza, and stepped seating area besides the lake front.
There are several activity zones, one of which is shopping zone with spill over plazas. There are set up for informal shopping spaces with buffer and seating spaces around the corners.
There is a transition of built and open spaces in the central public place with various indoor and outdoor activities. The public place would remain active and vibrant throughout the day. The internal streets are completely pedestrianized for people.
The mixed use building edge are chamfered at nodes to accommodate the node plaza, these would act like pause points for people. With an active shop front edge where people can enjoy shopping, walking and connect with people.
The Node Plaza has shops at the ground floor. The shop fronts are of 6m in height. These would not only keep the street edge active but also initiate interaction at ground level.
This block lies on the 36m wide main road overlooking the central public place. The block is a form of a perimeter block with 4 access points. There are variations in heights with chamfered edges at nodes and it is a mixed use block with an active built edge. The commercial buildings are low in height with terraces which overlook the central public place.
The gradual variation in the building heights helps to maintain the visual connect with the central public place.
The neighborhood open spaces are private in nature with calm green spaces where people can enjoy jogging, cycling, playing and meeting etc.
To achieve the nature of the urban block the goal is to Support active street life and interaction with the public place, there are urban design guidelines that could be followed:
Circulation Network
Vehicular access to the plot should be from primary/ secondary/tertiary roads.
4.5m setback for people used as footpaths and 2.2m for cycle track
Green Network
Green connectors should be kept open without any obstructions. No construction of any permanent or temporary structures. They should be physically and visually connected with the central public place.
The building height lowers down when it comes towards the public place.
The maximum height of residential buildings should be 48m.
Maintaining building heights for good sunlight and better views to central public place.
Built Form
Commercial building along the 36m and 24m wide main roads should have stepped overlooking built form. Only accessible from the main roads.
The commercial and mixed use building along the main road should have active edge with shopfronts 6 m in height built. This will support the interaction at street and ground level as well.
At the nodes the buildings need to have chamfered edges to accommodate the public plaza.
There is a distinct public place which will be active and inviting for all. Where as the private open spaces will remain calm and intimate to residents.
The public place tangles the township with nature, activities and life that is for people. There is a distinct public place which will be active and inviting for all. Where as the private open spaces will remain calm and intimate to residents.
The Township not only provides a place to reside but also a place for to meet/collaborate/learn, play, explore, relax and connect with the nature. This is what makes the township “A Place for the people”.
“A Place for the People”