Semester 4_ Urban Transformation Studio_MUD

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Urban Transformation Studio Danapith, Ahmedabad

Vidhi Shah | PUD20394 CEPT University


Studio Brief



Site Introduction

Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct

Site Location About The Site Background & Site Analysis Surrounding Context Project Intend Scope & Limitations Stakeholder Interviews

Project Delineation About Gandhi Road Precinct Vision and Objectives Implementation Strategies Approach Existing plan Proposed plan Proposed Public Assets Proposed Section Jami Masjid Node Gandhi Road Heritage Block Around the Heritage Neighborhood Block Internal Pol Street Conclusion

This studio focused on the design aspects of urban transformations within the existing urban areas as Indian cities are growing rapidly in terms of population and therefore expanding physically. Increasing urban population and the growing urban incomes will fuel demand for more and more built floor space in cities accompanied by a demand for infrastructure. Urban areas within these cities are dealing with sustainable levels of stress on infrastructure, resources and public services and are becoming unlivable. The project had a strong decision focus on the physical setting, however issues of private ownership and social equity, land economics, planning models, project finance, and implementation strategies were also addressed. Learning Outcomes : •Prepare a strategic framework plan of delineated areas with identified design projects •Detail design of the Identified Urban design projects •Prepare building regulations for the intended urban form outcome for the project areas •Prepare a planning model for executing the proposed framework plan and carrying out various public place design projects

Site Location

About the Site

Group Work | Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Group Work | Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Understanding the Characteristics of the Site

The site selected to demonstrate the transformation is located in Danapith, in the heart of heritage walled city of Ahemdabad. Ahmedabad is India’s first living heritage city listed by UNESCO. Being the core of the city, it has numerous heritage structures such as Jami Masjid, Rani No Hajiro, Ahmed Shah Tomb and Teen Darwaza among many others. With bustling markets around, Danapith precinct is a thriving commercial spine. The old city of Ahmedabad located on the Eastern banks of the Sabarmati river is made up of around 360 pols within a fortified compound. Pol houses settlements are considered to be 300-400 years old. The area has been densified over the years. A pol is a housing cluster which comprises many families of a particular group, linked by caste, profession, or religion. This area is a growing nucleus with numerous commercial and residential activities.


The proposed precinct has city-level historic and cultural significance due to the presence of several heritage structures. Even today, the city core has retained its CBD character through its vibrant city-level markets, institutions and other ancillary activities. It has a mix of culture which brings out a distinct character. The walled city experienced an exponential growth in its population, leading to degradation of quality of life in the precinct. As a result, the elite started migrating towards the west. This led to a gradual decrease in population since 1970, predominantly leaving behind the lower and middle-income groups. Key Transformation triggers: •Heritage value •TDR opportunities •Old building stock under gentrification •Transit corridors •Markets under pressure

Urban Transformation Studio


In 2017, Ahmedabad was announced as India’s first heritage city with 28 historic monuments, 2696 heritage structures and more than 600 Pols dating back to four different regimes of power. This declaration was celebrated throughout India. However today, even after five years of this announcement, we see encroachments in and around the monuments, dilapidated structures and several other threats like lack of facade control and shift from residential to commercial usage.

The heritage character of the walled city is further deteriorating as its vulnerability is increasing due to lack of maintenance, the strain on existing infrastructure and frequent demolition of the heritage assets. Hence, there is a dire need to transform and rejuvenate it.


Urban Transformation Studio


Background & Site Analysis

Landmarks - City Level Importance

Markets - Commercial Egde

Group Work | Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Understanding the growth pattern and history of the site area. Further, demonstrating site analysis with maps.

Development in the area was first triggered when Bhadra fort was built. This led to the formation and expansion of residential neighborhoods in this area. The next trigger was the construction of Jama Masjid. The raised plinth of the mosque provided a perfect opportunity to set up informal marketscalled Sarais. These markets formalized as they grew along the King’s Road, shaping the commercial character of the precinct. Later during the British Era, as mills began to flourish, Kalupur railway station was built to ease the transport of goods. After the wall was pulled down in 1940, the old city saw an influx of population. This created a strain on Gandhi road, to release the Relief road was carved out of the dense urban fabric. The declaration of Ahmedabad as the capital of Gujarat in 1960, incentivised the formation of several prominent institutes towards the north of Jama Masjid. This was the first transformation done in the precinct. From this period up to 1970, the old city experienced an exponential growth in its population, leading to degradation of quality of life in the precinct. As a result, the elite started migrating towards the west. This led to a gradual decrease in population since 1970, predominantly leaving behind the lower and middle-income groups. 8

Urban Transformation Studio


Public Transport Network

Built Use

Land Ownership The Site analysis demonstrates City level historic landmarks, markets highlighting the commercial Edge, various public transport network, Built use and Land Ownership. The public transport network comprises of exiting AMTS and BRTS Routes. It also shows the proposed metro line. Building use along the major roads is commercial while the internal dense urban fabric is residential comprising of Pols. The heritage structures are marked in dark brown majorly situated along the Gandhi road. The proposed site has variety of urban grains, from denser grains to bigger grains where institutional buildings are coming on the north of the site. Land Ownership is majorly private, while there are some upcoming public institutions and some AMC & AUDA buildings. This private land consists of small shops and dense residential pol clusters. There are only a few public spaces like Bhadra plaza, Manek chowk and market areas along the major roads. The site offers a variety of ingredients that brings up the mix of heritage, culture, and community.


Urban Transformation Studio


Surrounding Context

Project Intend

Group Work | Adobe Photoshop

Group Work | Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Overall character of the Danapith Site

Need for the project and its scope & Limitations

There is a need to revitalize the historic urban core by integrating the fragmented commercial, residential and heritage assets, along with guiding the transformation of neighborhoods to provide for basic infrastructure through heterogeneous mix of uses to curb the drift of residential population.

There are Institution buildings that have come up during these years.

The idea is to : • • • Gandhi road precinct comprises of heritage structures, markets and commercial shops

Scope •

UNESCO World Heritage city

Unique urban fabric and social structure

Diversity and proximity to basic amenities

Presence of urban markers that help enhance the imageability

Well connected transport connectivity

Availability of higher FAR and TDR opportunities

Revitalize the heritage structures, Guiding the heritage development, Preserving and enhancing community, Improving quality of life by providing adequate infrastructure, Integrating the transit network with the urban fabric Rejuvenating the markets and other neighborhood level public spaces.



Heritage Restricted Zone

Lack of green open spaces

Decreasing population due to lack of basic infrastructure

While the south of the site is more residential in nature

Multiple Stakeholders

with old pol houses and narrow streets

Encroachment around heritage structures

Spillover of multiple activities on the streets

Urban Transformation Studio


Stakeholder Interview Softwares Used : Adobe Photoshop

Stats showing What stakeholders of the precinct think should change?

The most frequently discussed concern was Vehicular traffic and congestion is a significant concern and should be managed in some fashion. The roads are overparked and reduce the street efficiency The idea of “life mast hai” stated by the stakeholders comes from different backgrounds as some people genuinely think everything in their surroundings is okay while some have given up hope that there will be any transformation in the area and have made peace with it While the visitors are mostly looking forward to the beautification of the area, it is the residents, shopkeepers and the vendors that make a livelihood out of the area wants actual upgradation. need for public washrooms -play areas for kids upgradation of services such as drainage and sewage -infill projects such as educational institutions


Urban Transformation Studio


Project Delineation There are four main roads cutting through the site, one of which is Gandhi road. It is a significant road that connects Bhadra plaza, Teen Darwaza stretching up to Kalupur railway station. The area around Gandhi road consists of several layer of commercial activities, heritage monuments and residential pol areas. The commercial character continues from Gandhi road towards Manek Chowk distributing into some internal pol areas. The selected area holds historic importance and several commercial and residential activities.

About Gandhi Road Precinct

Vision & Objectives

Softwares used : Adobe Photoshop

Softwares used : Adobe Photoshop

The Positives and the Negatives

The broader vision and objectives for the Proposal

The site benefits with layers of commercial activities, Heritage importance, and Old Residential pols. However, the area being such a great importance has few drawbacks 1. No segregation of pedestrian and vehicular movements. 2. No dedicated parking space 3. No proper vending space 4. Encroachment around heritage structure 5. Lack of visibility and no defined entrances 6. Lack of social spaces for residents The informal vendors have a mix of variety that they sell and there are spill over of activities which keeps the area alive and active. Although some modifications would help the precinct as well the surrounding areas to function better.




“Enhancing the Commercial spine by Rejuvenating the market areas and Identifying Public Assets which will act as Sociocultural spaces for residents as well as visitors.”






And there is an urgent need to address the pol community issues to provide them adequate infrastructure and better livelihood. The issues or drawbacks faced by the stakeholders were analyzed and further the vision and objectives were formulated to give back the requirements to the people of this precinct a better place to live, work,play. 18

Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Implementation Strategies Softwares used : Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to build design strategies for the proposal

1. Rejuvenating Market Areas - Right sizing the Roads (ROW) - Re-imagining the built edge - Segregating vehicular, pedestrian and vending activities

2. Establishing Potential Connections - Organizing the existing streets - Pedestrianizing certain Streets - Connections between pols and open spaces


These implementation strategies help to construct a framework plan for the proposal. It caters to road network, accessibility and connectivity, the intersections and neighborhood level private community spaces. They act as a threshold between distributing series of public and private activities. The main road distribute more public activities along the built edge and nodes while internal areas remain private in nature.

3. Creating Public Assets - Programmatic Urban Inserts underutilized spaces - Cultural Node - Plazas - Multipurpose Public Spaces


3. Creating Public Assets - Programmatic Urban Inserts for underutilized spaces (Neighborhood Level) - Chai Addas , Neighborhood Plazas - Play area for kids - Community spaces for residents Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct



Existing Plan of Gandhi Road Precinct

Narrow Streets for Vehicular Movement

Varying ROW of streets

No segregation of Vehicular traffic and Pedestrian Movement

Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Existing Plan of the Gandhi Road Precinct

Crunched spaces around the Heritage monuments

Danapith Road

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Biscuit Gali

The existing road has varying widths, no segregation of vehicular, vending and pedestrian movement. There are issues like lack of open spaces, no dedicated vending zone, no defined heritage entrances and encroachments around heritage structures. Approach

3. Plot Amalgamation 4. Carving out Open Courtyards/Open spaces Social, recreational and Kid’s Play

Gandhi Road

Jami Masjid Ahmed Shah Tomb


Teen Darwaza

h Ro

2. Pedestrianizing certain streets (Permanent & Temporary)

Bhadra Plaza

Dan apit

1. Right sizing the main road and internal streets leftover Pocket spaces on streets for pedestrians, vending, parking, cycle sharing & drop-offs

Rani No Hajiro

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk Ro


Further, each approach is explained in detail to built up the proposed plan layout.


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct



Proposed Plan of Gandhi Road Precinct

Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Proposed Plan of the Gandhi Road Precinct

While the internal narrow streets are proposed as wider streets where 1-2m setback is acquired from private and public land. The streets have vertical connections which are completely pedestrian connecting the Gandhir road and internal areas of Pol area in the precinct.


Teen Darwaza

Gandhi Road

Jami Masjid Ahmed Shah Tomb


2. Pedestrianizing certain streets

Bhadra Plaza

h Ro

Along the Gandhi Road the carriageway is 6meters proposed for two and three wheelers one way road. Footpaths are made wider for vending and pedestrian movement, giving priority to the people.

Biscuit Gali

The existing road width is 2-2.5m And around 1-2m setback is acquired from public as well as private land to achieve minimum 4.5 m ROW. There are some streets which are permanently and temporarily Pedestrianized.

Danapith Road

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Dan apit

1. Right sizing Roads

Rani No Hajiro

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk Ro


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct



Proposed Plan of Gandhi Road Precinct

Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Proposed Plan of the Gandhi Road Precinct

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Plot Amalgamation helps to free up the ground area. The proposal states guidelines to build vertical up to two floors while clubbing the smaller residential units.

Biscuit Gali

Plot amalgamation involves 2-3 commercial units combined to achieve a better size of shop frontage. Whereas, in residential units minimum 100 sqm is provided.

Bhadra Plaza

Teen Darwaza

Gandhi Road

4. Carving out Open Courtyards/Open spaces

Jami Masjid

h Ro


Ahmed Shah Tomb

Dan apit

The open spaces are the social pockets that are carved out after right sizing the road ROW. There are wider footpaths, neighborhood level open spaces, community spaces and several plazas at Nodes of the street.

Danapith Road

3. Plot Amalgamation

Rani No Hajiro

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk Ro



Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Proposed Plan

Segregated ROW for Vehicular, pedestrian and vending activities

Proposed Plan of Gandhi Road Precinct

Redefined and Formalized built edge proposed at Gandhi road

Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Vertical through and through pedestrian connections Neighborhood level pocket spaces

Proposed Plan of the Gandhi Road Precinct explaining the detail spaces Proposed as parking space

Right sizing the ROW is the first step followed for the design of proposal. Here, the existing road width is 2-2.5m And around 1-2m setback is acquired from public as well as private land to achieve minimum 4.5 m ROW.

Pause points proposed in form of Plazas at Nodes

Multi-purpose Open space Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Seating spaces carved out from footpaths

Plot amalgamation involves 2-3 commercial units combined to achieve a better size of shop frontage. Whereas, in residential units minimum 100 sqm is provided. After right sizing and plot amalgamation Social open pockets are carved out proposing wider footpaths, internal open courts and an increase in number of open spaces. There are certain streets which are temporary or permanently pedestrianized. This is how the proposed framework plan is brought into place with several recreational, vending zones, rightsized roads and footpaths.

Proposed as Node Plaza can also act as a drop-off point Retained existing Parking space

Space created for small Parklets

Internal open courtyards for socio-cultural activities


Space cleared from encroachments and proposed as appreciation space for the heritage structure

Vertical Pedestrian connections to internal areas

Proposed as Jami Masjid Plaza

Defined Heritage Entrances

Heritage Plaza

Extended public place proposed as “The new Manek Chowk” Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Proposed Public Assets Proposed Public Assets Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Types of Seatings and Location of seatings on site

In order to create value and guide adequate utilization of pocket spaces Public assets like seating areas are proposed.

Value Creation Adequate Utilization of Pocket Spaces Seating Spaces

Seating around tree

Seatings proposed on site are broadly of three types: • Seating around tree • Seating along the road edge • Seating in an open spaces Seatings proposed on site are located on footpaths, plazas along the road, and internal open courtyards. They are distributed in and around the site.

Seating at the road edge(Drop-offs)

Seating in a social space/ park


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Proposed Public Assets Proposed Public Assets Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Types of Vending zones and Location of Vending zones

In order to create value and guide adequate utilization of pocket spaces Public assets like vending zones are proposed.

Value Creation Adequate Utilization of Pocket Spaces Vending Spaces

Vending Stalls

Vending zones proposed on site are broadly of three types: • Vending Stalls • Shaded/Closed Vending stalls • Food cart Zones Vending zones like shops and vending stalls are proposed at Gandhi road while food cart zone is proposed at Manek Chowk during night. Other shaded vending stalls are proposed at the node plazas or even at few road edges.

Covered Vending Zones

Food Cart Zone


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Proposed Public Assets Proposed Public Assets Softwares used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

Location of Parking and types of Recreational spaces

In order to create value and guide adequate utilization of pocket spaces Public assets like parking and recreational areas are proposed.

Value Creation Adequate Utilization of Pocket Spaces Parking and Recreational Spaces for all groups

Drop-off / Parking bays

Some existing parking spaces are retained while some new parking zones are proposed on site as per the parking requirement. Parking requirement include two wheeler and three wheeler parking most. Recreational area proposed on site are broadly of two types catering to user groups: • Kid’s Play Area • Community spaces

Kid’s Play Area

The kid’s play area are mainly located in the internal pol courtyards. While recreational spaces for adults are located at the nodes and plazas.

Recreational spaces for all


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Proposed Section Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

3D section Cutting through the Gandhi Road

The section cuts through Gandhi Road showing the distribution of Right of way. The colonnades run along the built edge giving a new character to Gandhi Road. Height restrictions area limited up to 9meters. Facade control guidelines are formulated for the same. Shop boardings are placed in certain manner drawing restrictions to control the facade. On street parking is proposed by declaring precinct as pay and park to reduce number of parking requirement. Also, there are drop-off points proposed. There are wider footpaths with clear distribution and difference in pavement pattern to define the vending and walking zones. The carriageway is 6meters, a one way road carrying two and three wheelers only.



1.8 Arcade

7.0 m Footpath

6.0 m Carriage way

2.5 m Drop off bay

4.5 m Footpath

1.8 Arcade


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Jami Masjid Node Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to show proposed intersection at Jami Masjid

The commercial character is retained with enhanced value to the Jami Masjid node.

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Gandhi road is proposed as a two and three wheeler road with node plazas, footpaths, vending zones, drop offs, parking, and cycle sharing. The footpaths in the illustration are marked in red whereas the vending zones are marked in orange. There are some vertical connections proposed through and through connecting the Gandhi Road and internal areas of pol on either sides marked in yellow. Node acts as pausing points and initiates interaction also offering vending and gathering space for people acting as a gathering landmark.

Paint Markings for Vending zones 38

Parking Lot

Seating Zones

Vertical Connections to the internal areas

Jami Masjid Plaza

Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Gandhi Road

Formalized built edge on Gandhi road

Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to show proposed commercial edge and defined heritage entrance

A formalized built edge experience is proposed at the Gandhi Road with defined heritage entrances. Building edge is made more porous and interactive with colonnades for people to move. The monotonous nature of columns along the edge breaks at the heritage entrances.

Defined Heritage Entrance

Difference in flooring pattern to guide the space for pedestrian movement and Vending Activities

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

The commercial doesn’t only keep the ground edge active but the spaces flow on the first floor also. Safety Access, marked vending, drop offs and adequate footpaths are proposed. The formalized nature of Gandhi road will help in bringing the historic importance back and boost tourism. After understanding the Gandhi road, we more forward to understand a Heritage block and a Neighborhood block in detail of the selected site precinct.


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Heritage Block Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to show proposed Heritage block

A heritage block is proposed as a New Public place for residents as well as tourists. The area around heritage structures are cleared of encroachments and defined with trees and seatings around them. There is a through and through connection opened up connecting Jami Masjid and Ahmed Shah Tomb. These are interactive and recreational spaces acting like a transitional space between the heritage. The pedestrian Vertical connectors proposed illustrated in yellow here open up numerous entry/exit points for pedestrians. There are differences in pavement pattern to guide the pedestrian to the heritage or prominent landmarks of the precinct.

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Vertical Pedestrian Connectors

Many plazas are proposed where people can take a pause, sit and interact. An effort has been made to bring people, heritage and bind them together.

Node Plaza Terrace cafe 42

Boundary of trees and seating around the Heritage Structure

Space created for small Parklets Heritage Plaza Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Around the Heritage Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Public spaces carved around Heritage Structure as

Illustration to show proposed area around the Heritage Structure

The heritage surroundings are more designed as appreciative and interactive public spaces. These are cleared off encroachments and the spaces are proposed as recreational and seating spaces.

Appreciation space.

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

The heritage entrance is defined with change in pavement pattern or through level differences. The heritage boundary is defined by trees and seatings around it. People in pols have tendency to meet, sit and chat for long hours and that is one of the reasons to provide many types of seatings. There are shaded seating spaces and rooftop cafes proposed around, these spaces will provide visibility to the heritage structure without any encroachments. These interactive public spaces will also help in the heritage walks that happen in this historic area. It will not only make public places but also boost tourism and economy creating awareness of the lost heritage.


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Neighborhood Block Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to show a typical Neighborhood Block of the precinct

The neighborhood block comprises of mixed use building at the edge and rest are residential

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

The adjacent ground to school is proposed as a sports ground with kids play area on daily basis While during festival it has a flexibility to transform into community ground. There are seating spaces around the corner and chai addas as gathering spaces, Anganwadis for kids and many gathering spaces at chowks. Every module of proposed neighborhood block has carved out open spaces for community interaction and enhancement of culture. This interactive block with adequate facilities will avoid the shift to west. The open spaces will hold this entire community of pols together.

Parking for community Aganwadis for kids 46

Chai Addas and seating spaces

Pedestrianized Street

Sports Ground on daily basis and multipurpose ground occasionally Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct


Internal Pol Street Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration to show a typical pedestrianized street

There are some streets, that are proposed as pedestrian during festival after the development of alternate route. Some are permanently pedestrianized and some are on temporary basis. These streets have flexible nature and can have market set up or can just be a walking street.

Situating the Site in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

There is a difference in pavement pattern which defines the walkway and the seating/vending zones and even pedestrianized streets. The incidental pocket spaces around people can be used periodically during festival and society celebration. The vision for the proposed site is to create value and utilize the pocket level spaces well at public and neighborhood level.


Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct



This can work as a prototype to every street on the site • Strengthening connections and refining market edges • No. Of open social spaces would increase with node plazas and neighborhood courtyards • Improved connections with internal pol areas and open spaces for all • Appreciation spaces and added value to the heritage assets

Softwares used : SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop

Quantification & Conclusion

The existing scenario shows how chaotic and unorganized the Gandhi road and activities around are. And the proposal would not only segregate the movement but also formalize the commercial units with shops ground floor as well as first floor, increasing the no. of retail units. While pols have lack of social spaces and the proposal would allow social spaces for people Redirecting the vehicular movement only in the wider ROW.

Phasing of the Proposal

Existing Condition of Gandhi Road and Entry to Jami Masjid

Existing Condition Residential Pol area

No. Of existing Commercial units 205 No. Of Proposed Commercial Units 220 The plot amalgamation has allowed increased in no. Of residential units and few dilapidated structures are completely re-imagined along with the plot amalgamation.

Phase 2 - Adding value to the new carved out open spaces of public and private spaces This phase focuses on creating peoplefriendly open spaces, be it small or big, or at community level or city level.

No. Of existing Residential units 294 No. Of Proposed Residential Units 311 No. Of Existing trees 89 No. Of Proposed trees 211 Proposed Gandhi Road and Defined Heritage Entrance 50

Phase 1 - Transformation of Gandhi road Phase 1(a) Re-development of Built EdgeShops, facade as per the new guidelines. Phase 1(b) Restoring the Heritage Entrances and conserving the heritage structures This will help in restoring the influx of tourist and support the economy of the city further on.

Proposed Residential Pol area

Phase 3 - Re-Development of Pol Areas This will help in providing adequate facility to the residents and avoid migration to the suburbs.

Re-Imagining Gandhi Road Precinct

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