Final submission

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point load

WEEK 01 During the week, focus was mainly on the basic principles of construction and materials. Learning about tension and compression as well as being introduced to lightweight and mass construction techniques.

STRUCTURAL FORCES Compression - when two opposing forces push against an object

Load path diagrams - the force of an object on a structure will travel in the direction of gravity, and will take the shortest route down. So imagine water running through the structre towards the ground

Tension - when two opposing forces pull against an object

10N Forces are made up of three components - Magnitude of force (eg 10N) - Direction (axis of movement) - Sense of direction (Arrowhead)

Mass construction - A construction method that utilises gravitational weight in order to maintain structural integrity and form. Examples: Bricks, concrete blocks, etc.

Multitudes of bricks and concrete blocks use their weight in order to create a stable and sturdy struc-

Lightweight construction - A resourcefully efficent construction method that often uses frames to provide structural integrity and rigidity

A frame structure is used to keep a residental house standing Photo found online at: LIGHTWEIGHT_CONSTRUCTION_PROFILES.jpg

MASS TOWER This task required a group to build the tallest structure from a limited amount of resources. This structure was also required to fit a toy dog of about 100x200mm inside. A challenge was also made to create a structure that could withstand its form whilst blocks began to be pushed out.

The amount of material we were provided with

We used an arrangment with gaps in between the blocks as it would minimise the amount of blocks used to create the form of the structure allowing more of the resources to be focused on making the structure higher

Our group decided to construct with the larger surface areas of the blocks facing towards the ground to provide more structural stablity as the building gets higher

The upper part of our structure we orientated the blocks vertically in order to get higher. We did this closer to the top of the tower as arranged vertically, the blocks become quite unstable, so we did it later after we had a

We decided to create a triangular base as it would give three major beams of support running up the structure, providing stability whilst also using up less blocks than if it were a square or rectangluar structure.

Beams of support

Our final structure, I estimate that it stands somewhere between 90-100cm. The arches at the bottom of the tower allowed the toy dog to be placed within the structure as well as contributing to the challenge of removing as many blocks as possible before the tower falls.

Our structure was able to stand after removing a significant number of blocks. There was approximately the same size arch on all three sides in the left picture. In fact, our structure could still stand after having one whole side knocked down

The structure is still stands after those areas being knocked down as it still retains a support frame in which allows the load forces to still follow the same path to the ground, thus keeping the structure upright

WEEK 02 Week 2 consisted of exploring structural and construction systems as well as an overview of Environmentally Sustainable Design and sturctural joints

If a point load of large force is applied to a structure, it may lift up like so, as the force does not have a path capable of carrying the entirety of it to the ground

Environmentally Sustainable Design There are many aspects to consider when creating a environmentally friendly design. Things such as whether the building/ structure can effectively control the climate within it, which contributes to energy usage of the building as a whole. Before and during construction, the orientation of the building in relation to the sun should be taken into account as well what kind of materials and transport costs and greenhouse gas emissions should influence decision making. Finally, running costs of the house and it’s energy consumption should all be considered

Structural Joints Pin joint: anything with a bolt, etc.


Found online at: constructionblog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/ steel+beam-to-steel+column-connection.jpg

Roller joint

Fixed joint: anything welded or stuck together that does not deliberately Found online at: wp-content/uploads/20110923-kjans-Bridge-RollerSupport-Manistee-MI.jpg

FRAME STRUCTURE This activity was to build a frame out of very light and fragile strips of balsa. The frame should be designed to be able to handle the maximum amount of force as possible. We were given a limited amount of resources and had to assemble it with only

We used a triangular base shape once again, aiming to save our wood to reach higher.

Analysing the strips of balsa wood, we found them to be very flimsy, almost unable to retain it’s form even with a small amount of force applied at either/both ends. Given this, we experimented and found that if we stuck two strips perpendicularly, the rigidity and strength of the resulting product was immensely improved.

Horrible picture, but in the photo you can somewhat see the result of gluing two strips of balsa wood together (vertical parts of the frame)

Despite saving our wood to build the structure taller, due to lack of time, fast drying super glue and structural instability, this was our

Three trusses were used in order to brace and increase the rigidity and strength of the structure by creating alternate paths for load forces, thus, distributing the force more evenly through the structure, and as a result, there will be less force on the vertical columns, allowing a greater force to be applied before disfiguring

GLOSSARY Dead Load - A load fixed into a certain location Live Load - A moveable load Load Path - The path in which a the force of a load follows down to the ground Point Load - A force on an object at a particular point Compression - When two opposing forces push against an onject Tension - When two opposing forces pull against an object Mansory - A type of structure that involves multiple units glued or stuck together, ie. a brick wall Beam - horizontal (usually) reinforcments on a structure, usually used to improve rigidity and minimise movement Frame - a lightweight structure composed of columns and bracings Bracing - frame reinforcements, usually in the form of cross bracing or trusses. Allows for an alternative load paths, thus lowering the amount of force in a component Stability - an object’s ability to resist movement from external forces


PROPERTIES - Hardness: Medium - High, can be scratched with a metallic object - Fraglility - Medium - Ductility - very low - Flexibility/Plasticability - Very low - Porosity/Permeability - Medium - low, only soaked if in prolonged contact with water - Density - Medium - Conducitvity - Poor heat and electric conductor - Durability/Life span - Typically very durable - Reuseability/Recyclability High - Sustainability + Carbon Footprint - Locally produced, though firing process adds to carbon footprint - Cost - Cost effective, but labour cost should be taken into consideration - Permable - Advantages - can be joined with water based mortar - moisture can escape if the brick is adequately ventilated - Disadvantages - they absorb moisture and expand over time - expansion joints required - salts and limes from soil can be drawn up causing aesthetic and pathological issues (such as efflorescence)

PROPERTIES - Similar to brick with the exception of: Reuseability: Medium

PROPERTIES - Similar to brick with the exceptions of: Permability: Large range Reuseability: Very high

Campus tour In this studio, we visited various places around campus to observe their stuctural components

Load path

Structurally, this beam does not contribute to the building as it is perpendiular to the load path, thus it has no force going through it

However, within the structure, this beam would act as bracing on the two opposing walls, preventing them from moving

Load path through the building is shown above. The horizontal slabs take the live and dead loads and distribute them to the vertical columns, which take these loads to the ground

Silicon expansion joint

Ironed brick joint (also called a rolled joint).Where the bricklayer gets an iron rod and shapes the grout while it is wet. This curved shape allows water to run out of the joint, increasing its longevity as water cannot damage it as readily

This is an example of a strip footing part of the foundations of the pavilion opposite the Sidney Myer lawns

Lightweight timber structure and beams to hold up the deck of the pavilion. Additionally, the part of the pavilion shown in the photo is also considered to be a cantilever as it is only supported on one side, and is thus overhanging.

More support columns, most likely also steel reinforced

Lift shaft, major support column, usually, most likely reinforced with steel to improve strength in tension

This section of the building is a cantilever as it is only supported on one side and is left over hanging on the other

Raked brick joint

This cracking is most likely due to movement of the footings that hold up this area of the building - footing may be in soft soil.

Membrane structure - North Court, University of Melbourne

Cable ties to support live and deads on/of the stairs

GLOSSARY Substructure - anything built under ground Superstruture - anything built above the ground Foundation - a substructure built to support a superstructure Footings - a component of a foundation system that distributes the load of a building into the ground Masonry - a type of mass construction composed of many small units


Timber floors need space between the floor and the ground for ventilation (prevents termites and rotting

- Formwork can be permanent or sacrificial (temporary)

PROPERTIES - Hardness: High - Fragility: Low - DuctilityL Very low - Flexibility: Low - Porosity: Medium - low - Density: High - Electric/heat transfer: low - Durability: Very high - Reusability/recylcability: medium - low - Sustainability + Carbon footprint - high embodied energy. Non-renewable. Long lasting - Cost: Cost effective, should also consider labour

Post tension are steel cables that increase the strength of concrete in tension - “reinforcing� it. However, these are prone to rust which significantly impact the structural integrity of the concrete

Oval pavilion drawing set This week, we examined the architectural and engineering drawings of the oval pavailion.

Whilst examining these drawings, I discovered many new but familiar aspects. PLANS The title block contains far more information than what I wrote in high school, but still contains the same essence in the information it is supposed to portray. The drawing itself, whilst far more complicated than I have previously seen, made more sense the closer I looked at it. It is quite similar to floor plans and elevations I have drawn in the past, but with added material and information. I found the grid system quite interesting, allowing all involved in a project to reference a particular area with ease. Also, I found that the method of indicating revisions to be interesting. ELEVATIONS Elevations seemed to be more simple and easier to understand than the plans as forms and shapes are more easily. Dimensioning is almost identical to the plans. The grid system is very similar as well.

GLOSSARY Span - the length between two supports Spacing - the repeating distance between similar objects Precast concrete - concrete casted in a controlled environment and transported to site In situ concrete - concrete casted on site Joists - horizontal repeating members that usually support ceilings or floors. They carry loads to beams/bearers that will transfer the loads to columns Cantilever - a structural element that is supported on only one end


Building the oval pavilion This week we built a section of the Oval Pavilion building to scale from balsa wood

Using the cut balsa wood to create structural members, trusses and beams

Holding our created sections together


Properties Hardness: Varied Fragility: Low Ductility: High Flexibility/Plasticity: Medium - High Porosity/Permeability: Generally impermeable Density: High Conductivity: High for heat and electricity Durability/Lifespan - Can be very durable (dependant on treatment) Reusability/Recyclability: High Sustainability & Carbon Footprint: Very high embodied energy. Recyclable and renewable Cost: Generally cost effective


Properties of plastic Hardness - low to medium Fragility - low to medium. However, can be fragile in a degraded state Ductility - high when heated, varied in cold state Flexibility/plasticity - high Porosity/permeability - waterproof Density - low (0.65x to 1.5x of water) Conductivity - very low Durability - can be very durable Reusability/recyclability - high for thermoplastics and elastomers. Limited for thermosetting Sustainability & carbon footprint - varied. Non renewable Cost - cost effective

Properties of rubber Hardness - harder ones resist abrasion, softer provide better seals Fragility - low Ductility - high Flexibility/Plasticity - high Porosity/Permeability - waterproof Density - 1.5x water Conductivity - poor Durability - very durable Reuseability/recyclability - high Sustainability & carbon footprint - natural has very low embodied energy where as synthetic has medium Cost - generally cost effective

Properties Colour constancy - the colour of the paint should resist fading, especially in ultra violet light (sunlight). Reds tend to be less stable and fade quicker in sunlight Durability - needs to resist chipping, etc. in weather (for exterior) Gloss - varies Flexibility/plasticity - water based latex is more flexible than oil based paint


Properties Porosity/permeability: Water Density: Medium - high (2.7x more dense than water)(more dense than concrete) Conductivity: Transmits head and light but not electricity Hardness: High Fragility: High. Differs though - tempered glass is less brittle Ductility: Very low Flexibility/plasticity: Very high when molten - low to very low when cooled Durability/life span: Very durable chemical, rust and rot resistant Reusability/recyclability - Very high Sustainability & carbon footprint - Typically high embodied energy and carbon footprint, however, it is a popular sustainability product as due to its ease of recycling and reusability Cost: Generally expensive to produce and transport

Oval pavilion 1:1 drawing

1:10 section of detail in which i will be drawing

Oval pavilion 1:1 site visit

Area of my 1:1 building detail drawing

A closer look of the detail from the interior of the building

Interior side of horizontal steel member, steel column and doble glazed glass windows

Exterior of horiztonal steel member, steel column double glazed glass windows

Oval pavilion 1:1 drawing

The final 1:1 drawing, i have identified various materials in the section and I have also highlighted aspects of the section that may be prone to negative impacts (ie. water)

week 09

Hospital Construction site Visit This week we visited a hospital being built on the corner of Grattan Street and Royal Parade

Steel stud walls

The holes in the steel stud wall above allows for services to be run through the wall behind its cladding

In the picture below, services under construction will be hidden by a hanging ceiling to allow for a more asethic appeal as well as allowing the surface of the ceiling to easily maintained. Notice, the bottom right of the photo shows the thickness of the concrete wall, one metre thick, to prevent radiation leakage from the room which will be treating cancer patients with radioactive methods

Steel formwork for the pouring of concrete of the level above

Insulation being placed in the steel stud walls

Air conditioning and heating services dominate the ceiling

Solid iron sheet to be placed in the sealing to also prevent radiation leakage from the room to other areas of the hospital

The steel girder placed on the ceiling is allow parts of a MRI scanner to be assembled in the room

The room

The foundation walls. Since the building extends six stories into the ground, no machine could drill down that deep, so two levels of sub-terrain ground was done at a time in a stepped manner to prevent the ground outside falling in. Concrete columns are poured with more concrete being sprayed onto steel reinforcement in between the columns

A large prop for the floor above, adds an alternative load path for the forces to move to the ground

In situ concrete columns

Casing for steel post-tension cables to reinforce concrete. These will eventually be filled with grout via a rubber hose once they set within a concrete slab

Lift shaft, acts as one of the major strcutural supports of the building. There are a few of these, as the building is a high rise hospital, vertical movement is extremely important, thus the multiple lift shafts

week 10

Glossary Axial force - a force acting on an object’s central axis Buckling - failing through tension Crushing - failing through compression Patina - when a glossy object becomes dull Ferrous metal - a metal containing iron Ponding - water unable to be run off on a surface Tanking - waterproof membrane wrapped around construction Sarking - wrapping a building in polystyrene or reflective material Double glazing - two pieces of glass with an air gap in between to act as insulation Coved skirting - a floor finish where the floor is curved up the wall Cornice - a ceiling finish where the ceiling is curved down the wall

Construction Workshop The intended design

Our materials: - 2x New Zealand Pinewood - 2x Plywood sheets

Our final, but unfinished design, not all pine blocks were nailed onto plywood - significantly changed its reaction to forces

Due to only a small number of pinewood columns nailed to the plywood sheets, when a force was applied to the centre of the structure, the plywood sheets would try to deflect along its horizontal axis, thus causing a twisting motion as it is attempted to deflect horizontally but is held vertically. The amount of twisting increased dramatically, when more force was applied (the photos above). The plywood’s strength in tension became very apparent as the structure did not crack until it touched the horizontal steel member under it


As more force was applied to this structure, its snapped where the knot in the pine wood was (where a branch used to be). Where the cells are in the same directions - structural weakness of the wood

While the pine wood was very strong in this structure, the plywood was the first to crack as it did not work well in compression and did not have the ability to twist

This design also displayed the strength of pinewood under compression. And eventually snapped when too much force was applied to the pinewood in tension at the bottom. Also, because the plywood was not properly fixed to the pinewood, it began to show it flexing nature

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