1. General Presentation

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Katila Vilar Address: Av. General Roçadas nº 24-26, VILA CÂNDIDA, nº34 RC Esq 1 170-162 Lisboa Email: katila.vilar@gmail.com Mobile / WhatsApp: +351961957298 Telegram: ViAndare Skype: katila.vilar_1 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katilavilar/ Portfolio Costa Lopes Arquitetos, phD Thesis & my scientific papers: https://issuu.com/vilark1

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Katila Vilar, I am an Angolan | Portuguese citizen, and I have 44 years old, and I’m interested in your offer. Between 2013-2017, I undertook a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y Urbanismo from the University of Bío Bío in Chile and recognised by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona – Spain in 2019. This allowed me to deepen my knowledge in the area of Urban Sociology. The research consisted of analysing the Social Sustainability of Spontaneous Settlements, more specifically how the urban design in low-income communities developed with participatory processes can foster social capital, such as activating the levels of some cognitive and structural dimensions. This experience allowed me to improve my research and project design skills, like monitor and evaluating methodologies as well as data collection on the case study site, as well as research and report writing. I also had the opportunity to work as an assistant teacher for 5 months in the Urban Design chair at University of Bío Bío in Chile. Ref: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815061881 My previous Academic Studies are related with design and design thinking, which I also held a Master in Product and Space Design at IADE - Creative University (2007-2009). However, as I grew up in an African Country full of social disparities, I always had a strong interest on urban planning and social issues. Ref: https://www.iade.europeia.pt/cursos/mestrados/design-de-produto-e-do-espaco Before the Latin American experience (mainly between Chile and Colombia) and after the Master’s degree, I worked, between 2008 and the beginning of 2013, in an Architecture Office between Luanda-Angola and Lisbon-Portugal, allocated to the department of urban planning and social projects. The main responsibilities were: - Project management and clients in the elaboration of urban development and construction research - a social responsibility project. - Structuring of program content for urban and territorial development projects. - Development of program content for urban and territorial development projects; in urban and rural environments. - Coordination of field actions in the context of land use and socio-economic surveys, characterization of the state of buildings and identification of the state of the building's property between social and heritage interest. - Comprehensive monitoring of topographic surveys and infrastructures covering several districts - leading to the development of rehabilitation plans and territorial expansion. - Internal stimulation of multidisciplinary teams in the development of urban and regional planning. Ref: https://www.archdaily.com/806478/aldeia-solar-costa-lopes https://issuu.com/vilark1/docs/2011_-_portfolio

More recently, I have made some specialization online seminars, one in Embodied Territories: Processes, Design, Practice and Entrepreneurship (2018) held by ISCTE Lisbon University Institute and Architects without Borders, and a recent one, called Ecology, Democracy and Utopia: An Introduction to Social Ecology (2020), this one held by Institute for Social Ecology in the US. Currently, I am based in Lisbon | Portugal looking for a new challenge abroad related to human development. Without being in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning, while in Portugal, I also worked in some multinationals like Fujitsu or Solvay, mainly in the provision of Customer Services in different languages as French (bilingual Portuguese & French) and English, first in Information Technologies (IT), in Human Resources, and recently, in Cash Collections, therefore I’m also familiar with B2B “Business to Business” and B2C “Business to Client experience”. Ref: Sitel | Solvay Services Group | Fujitsu Services | Europcar This research offer interests me, as it may be a new challenge to investigate and acquire more knowledge and practice, and mainly, to make a difference for a more equitable world. I do believe that my knowledge of analyzing urban planning and strategies to foster social sustainability through social capital can add value to understanding the contemporary urban dynamics, and the implementation of policies and design strategies aiming to a more spatial justice and equity and may also be a valuable resource in your project. It is with a great dedication that I overcome the challenges that I propose to myself, always with an initiative spirit and creativity, as I consider myself a very committed person. I have proved to be an independent worker with a reputation as a resourceful problem-solver who uses her initiative and organizational skills to get the job done. Regarded as a competent team member, who is always prepared to go the extra mile, with the ability to remain focused and self-directed in a fast-paced work environment, while dealing with conflicting demands. Attached you may find my Resume detailing my academic background as well as practical experience gained throughout my professional life. Apart of the two letters of recommendation that I send you that I kindly asked for a post-doctoral fellowship that I have applied, do also recommend contacting: Archº Rita Sousa: arss3rita@gmail.com Prof. Dr. Archº Ivan Cartes: i.cartes.s@gmail.com I would appreciate it if you would spare a few minutes of your time to deepen the reasons for my candidacy. I am available to an online interview by skype or zoom to clarify any doubts. I hope that you will respond to my request and accept my compliments.

Katila Vilar M. Design & Visual Culture _ IADE - PT Ph.D. en Arquitectura y Urbanismo _ UBB – Chile


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