The Villager Prize Crossword
Across 1. Bewitched (7) 5. Trimmed (5) 8. Loosens (5) 9. Evil (7) 10. Vertical (13) 11. Without trouble (6) 12. Teeth (6) 15. Display (13) 18. Detonate (7) 19. Business transactions (5) 20. Stairs (5) 21. Destroys hearing (7)
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16th March 2020 Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP
Down 1. Crawl (5) 2. Soaks up (7) 3. Sundry items (13) 4. Split (6) 5. Book of facts (13) 6. Guttural noise (5) 7. Arid regions (7) 11. Perpetual (7) 13. Shake briskly (7) 14. To be present at (6) 16. Type of syrup (5) 17. Facial features (5)
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