What's On
WHAT'S ON IN MAY 1 MAY Bedford RSPB Local Group Dawn Chorus 5am Meet in the Priory Country Park, Barkers Lane, Bedford. Followed by breakfast in the Toby Carvery. Joint event with Beds Bird Club Tel: 07905 199769 Web: www.rspb.org.uk/groups/ bedford 1 MAY Sunday Stroll 10.30am Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Free - donations welcome Gentle Sunday walk around the park lasting approximately 2 hours. No need to book. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org 1 MAY Red Kite Concerts 2022 5-6pm St. John’s Church, Cockayne Hatley Tickets £15, under 18s free Christian Forshaw explores the ambient, absorbing sound world of music for saxophone, percussion, organ and bass clarinet, debuting his own new material alongside captivating works by Moondog. Tickets available online or on the door. Web: www.redkiteconcerts.com 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 MAY Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
4 MAY Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth Guests £5 ‘The Wooden Wonder – the Mosquito’ with Rod Dean. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £15 (valid for one month). Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27 & 30 MAY ‘Open Door’ 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Tea, coffee and chat. Mondays (not bank holidays), Wednesday and Fridays. 5 MAY Roxton & District Local History Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall Members free, visitors £4 Talk by Ken Lewis ‘The History of National Service. Did it make or break you’. Email: mariascreen1@gmail.com 5 & 16 MAY Sandy Astronomical Society 5 May 7pm Zoom general meeting followed by talk on Astrophotography by Dr Steve Barrett. 16 May 2.15am-5.15am TBC at Blunham Playing Field Lunar Eclipse. Email: info@sandyastro.co.uk Web: sandyastro.co.uk 6 MAY Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm and 7.30pm on Zoom Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford ‘Cholera in Bedford’ with Maurice Nicholson. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk
6 MAY Bedford Art Society 7.15 for 7.30pm Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford Members free, visitors £5 Keith Hornblower paints architecture in watercolour. His approach is dynamic, applying paint at speed creating a spontaneous effect. His subject this evening is Venice. Tel: Jean Paterson 01234 307210 Web: www.bedsartsociety.co.uk 6, 13, 20 & 27 MAY Sandy Ukulele Group 7-9pm. Baptist Chapel Hall, Bedford Road, Sandy Meets every Friday. Please email for more information on joining. Visitors welcome. Email: sandyukulelegroup1@gmail. com Web: www.sandyukulelegroup.com 7 MAY Craft & Food Fayre 10am-3pm Jordans Mill, Broom Support local, independent traders. A fantastic range of stalls including sweet treats, hand-made items, locally made foods and more. In the front car park and throughout the grounds of Jordans Mill. 7 MAY Craft Fair. 10am-3pm Biggleswade Social Club Free entry. Support local small businesses. Email: thestitchincraftcabin@ outlook.com Facebook: /crafteventsatbiggs 7 & 14 MAY Dawn Chorus and Bird Walk 7 May 4.30am, 14 May 7am Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine £4 per person. We’ll be looking and listening out for black caps, nightingales, song thrushes, terns, warblers and (hopefully) turtle doves on this guided walk. Book online. Parking charges apply. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org
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